Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 9, 1897, p. 2

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v f v btewtnt in acton on saturday- 4th bentoni- bor to mr andln adorn stewart a aoti siahriiiy oamkiion vinnrniiuiu at wolland at tho rusidouoo of tlio brldoa fiareut on wednea- day oltb auauat by rot d h hftuok of tio- ton norman oenuroti larrtatar of liortoii boh ofkov dr cameron df provltlonae 11 i to carrie daughter oimarcub vandorburgb eb wullaud the orr murder did kvalladii iu oraiirovlhcou monday bittpm bor utlt irouo mi wallace editor dull 1 ry dnukutgr of william lleriu advortlbor agpj21 tt ttm xiz ms thursday sep 8 1807 7notes and comments a royal visit to canada wlllprobably be mads next year it is slated that ibe duke and dotohoasof york hayo aooepted sir wilfrid lnuriora invitation to visit canada next iprlng tbore are morolbaoutui6ainiliien at work oil the so viral soqllons ol the crows nest laesruilway and there is no doubt the whole lino will be completed well within the unit first eatlmated by the canadian paoiflorauway management mr jobn tovranoe boad of the llrm of torrance and co dominion line hab re turned to monlrea1 from london he says that messrs pptwson tail and co have been unable p float the fast atlantlo line company in londoo and that the scheme isfor the present dead i predict that at the close ibis century we are to have throe yaars of such prosper ity as the oldest of time here present has not before viltoeeted mr edward gnrney expresident of the toronto board of trade at tie directors lunobeon at the industrial exhibition on monday neighbo news news items suppled by corres pondents and exohanueo crewsomstoorners tlio fine wealherof the pastr week line enabled the furmors in thle- vloinlty to about oomplotu their fall seeding quito a number from hero iipont labor day in toronto mr geo warno of aborfoylo opont sunday at mr h dampers mrr oii w i tl i several wcoki with friends in michigan returned homo on thursday miss moqroror of cedarville mich arrived hero on thursday and will epend some time yiaiting friends of churchill tho annual thanksgiving and festival of the congregational ohnroh wiilbe bold noi sunday spcoal service will be hold at a prn at 780 iev h a mopherion will address tho afternoon serylds aud tliajpastor in tboevening hymns and anthenis suit able to the occasion wjllbo snug on onday evening a harvest festival tea will be aorvod in tbe church grounds from 0 to 8 oclock mnslosl and ilter ary evening will follow rev thos ii rbgersv of georgetown rsv hj a mopherbon aoton and others will deliver addreseos inatrum and vooal music willbe rendered acton cornet band has kindly consented to be present admission 15 cents the preliminary investigation the charge against allison galt sept u at ono oolook thin after noon tbe police magistrate begad tlio preliminary investigation of the ohargo -of- tbo murder of mcj on against jamoe alhaoa the liirod boy on the orr farm mr bowlby the grown attornoy and deteotive murray looked after the crowns case and mr j h blake dofonded tho prisoner milton owing to the soiiocs are at the shoe faotory last week a heavy loss is sustained by messrs winn son through jthe oan- oellatioqot jhe b of tbe flrme orders f idustrialxl iaily orotic to daily orojsicon saturday morning published a tablo comparing the available and prospective kngllth wheat supply at the present time with that of september 1890 showing a deficiency ot nearly 2000- 000 quarters it is inevitable the cirapkk says that the rlae in the price of- bread will be maintained mr t q shaorknessy vtepresident of the canadian paciflo railway who b returned to modtreallrom a tour ot inspec tion gives a glowing doeoriptidn of business in the north west ths wheat crop of manitoba he says will exoeed tbe srst estimates and ho thinks there will be be tween twentytwo and twentythree miilionjjuahelbfqr export this year the marquis of salisburys latest propda al for tbe settlement o the termb of peace between turkey and greece has been accented by tbe powers tho only remain ing question isthadttoe for the payment of tbe indemnity the powers desire to insert these dateb in the treaty ot peace but tho british ambaseador sir philip cnrrie suggest that they leave the dates to be determined upon by he international oommlsslpn at tho laet meetlns of nassagaweya council the following resolution was pass- ed on motion of mr bosttls 4he clerk was instructed to notify fielding mo- lared and john simpsbn both of tbe oily of gaelpbthat before they sell any more tea or other msrchatidise in the township bf nassagaweya they most procure a lioenee hewssalao iastrncted to notify jb a framr blgh constable of the county ofhaltoo to aee that tbe law in said matter be enforoed eaoh snoceedlng week brings fresh in dications of casadai retorning proiperity tbe trado returns of the dominion for the month of july furnish not merely signs but solid proofs to tie rapid improvement at trade and commeroo the first month ot the fiscal year of 189708 ahowa a good beginning canadas foreign trade for july being over five and a half millions of dol lars greater than tbtl bf tbe same mbnth last year the oxpotl trade shows an in- crease of m il than turly ti per cent as compared with last year the fall trade and the closing down ot the business daring the ooming six weeks or two months for it is estimated that it will take about that time to get tbe faotory ready to resume operations tbe garden party in aid of the u p church held at w n scotts last week was ajtreat rfnecess the reoeipls amount ed to over i200 labor day was very quietly observed here on monday the orop of plums hereabouts ib tho largest ever grown here it ia estimated that the yield in milton and immediate vicinity will beover 5000 busbels ashqrove harvest is over seeding ia fastapproaob- ing the same condition soon will follow the fall fairs the season of ripe water- melonsv and whole acres of gingerbread the industries ot our village have been langnlabing of late the attractions of the indnstrial exhibition at toronto have proveu too mnobfor many of tbe employ ees what are the superior attractions ot campbells cross answer requested mr and mrs proctor of belgrave are the guests of mr john brownridge this week miss ida wrlgglssworth is visiting ham ilton friends mr a abhebbarst retarnsd to toronto on monday at last weeks meeting of the county council w n h hood of asbgrove was nominated as oounty student at the ontario agricultural college guelpb kit ot tbe uailaad emjilrti in a re cent lettsr to that journal writes from london england reineollng canadas part in the jubilee oelebntiods yond have been proud ot mr lunrier he looked so handsome and oonrtly and is such a kind man interested in the most humble canadian over hero i daresay i shouldnt be writing all sorts o lovely things about him in a conservative paper but its only a womans gabble and women are not sup- poaedto know anytwog about polltios or have party fcellnfii i tell yon these same party feelings have been largely drldged over our dominion is growing too big for violent splits dlajnlaed i- partyisro i all right bat weve done i hope with the pettypeevlab dirty little parly polltios that only keep a country down we are broadening to greater issues thank god to see yonr own beloved canada maple leaf so preeminent hero heading all the oolonles most honored of tbem all would hava joyed ypne heart it was all great letted qfbionbolbnob x wood- from acton camp no 62 x mn of th world una k to pa kltx ciktimii actok blun m apamr ana lnatrooted by aoton gamp tfoavvpodoieeof tbe world to convoy to yon our aynipatby and condolence in tbe loan of your beloved huaband joacpb- wesley oainubell 1 assure youtbecantp are daflpliralnoerelntbelr expressions ofbope for year f utare welfare and tbe welfaro of yonr ablidrsn vbo sad elrenm atlinoe wbleb basdeprlred foa ofa1ovlngbiis- bahd andonr oamp of an eateamed brother alia bnrbeartawithaorrowotwhlob wolds are but faint expresalonvtberepiste sln yon will eontlnnato tegard na af your friends and be assnred of our lieartralt eyropatbr i eqeloaii ohecue foiaiatoj being ainonnt of erin tbe most successful oi vie holiday oelobra- tion that erin baa had was held last fri day in stanley park the crowd which gathered resembled in numbers erins well- known fall fair it is estimated that about 2000 were present the programme had a variety ot attrac tions and theexoitementin these was con tinuous three bands were in attendances cheltenham hillsbarg and our local band the rhuslo rendered was oreditable abd of coarse enjoyable a lacrosse match between orangeyille and erin wit won bythe latter while the the baseball matoh between alton and erin was captared bythe borne team tbe foot- hall match between belfountain and gale- donwaswonby tb6 former a series uf interesting bloyole races took place ramsden won the mile race and mogill the three heat mile and also the throe mile race the quarter mile and mile toot races were captured by foster 1st and collier sad- mr w- hall editor of the advocate was master of ceremonies and he performed the duties of the day with universal satlsfac- tlob the event ot tbe evening was tbe opening of the tine new sheds at the presbyterian church a programme of mnsloal and literary numbers was given in addition to local talent mr john strachan of rookwood and the hillsbarg band assisted all the ipoal ministers were present to exhibit the spirit of goodwill which pre vails beyond what tvas given at tho coroners enquiry but much tbat wapresentod tbore being irrelevant willnot bo offerod the crowns theory appears to bo tbat allison first assaulted mrs orr and being repulsed- killed her and baried tho body in tho oprn patch galt sept 4- the evidencoin the pro limlnary kesrlpg waa comploted today when the crown attorney announced all evldenco in thopriaoners counsel address ed the magistrate oloiming that tbocrown had not produbod fiuflloieiit evidenoetd commit tbe prisoner for trial to jwbloh his worship replied that bis power in tho cbbs was limited that bad the charge been for a brlcqe of lesser rosgnltade be would incline to dlsabitrge the priaonorj rowing to tbo weakness ot the crown evidence but as it waa a very serloub charge he had to find that there was buffioient ovidohce to commit the prisoner for trial at a oourt of competent jurisdiction he accordingly committed allison to stand his trial at tbe fall assizes which opens at berlin on nov 29 the prisoner was apparently anmoved bythe magistrates decision and was taken badk to the lookup whonoe he will be esoorted to berlin goal this afternoon death of i e bowman exmp deoeased eulogized at the funeral on tuesday wateitcob sept 8 tbe funeral of mr isaao e bowmaoi exm p late president of tbe ontario lifo asanranoe company who died an friday took place yesterday afternoon a short service was held at the resldenoe after whlob the tbaeral cortege formed and proceeded to the church all the business places wore dosed and flags were flying at haltmist out of respect for the honored dead nearly every promin ent oitixen ot berlin and watorlop was present the ohurob was orowded to the doors arulmaxty oould not get inside the rev j e howell m a pastor 61 the ohurab in his remarks in reference to the deooasedaaid that not only the relatives and family of the deceased were bereaved by the end death but the whole community and he asked who oonld fill his place he said mr bowman was one bf the sterl ing men of tbo community- a man of integrity and obaraoter and a man whose plaoe will not eoon be filled the rev j amplaohlan m a ot aotpn a former pastor alluded feelingly to tho deceased gentlemen mr bowman he- said has left a wholesome example to tbe yonng men of tbo opmmauity a forty years ser vice of god tho rev dr henderson pnhtor of trinity ohnroh borlin albotoolc part in tho borvice current literature interesting numbers of our maga- zlnes and periodicals nas8aoaweya yoor late buabands policy in our aoolotr signed w on tiebalfbf aoton camp aofou 8pt hrd 1607 woodmen ol the world to w h bmiiisr kei p o o aoton gamp no os wpodmea of tbe world pxxnsin allow mo to axpress througb yon mygriatefnlaeknowiswbetiiebt of a obsqao for one tbonsand dollars tkilns the sum insured nndstifiolley 807sby my lata bnsbabd joseph wesley campbell in aoton camp no el wood- inenof the world wliloli pollay was taken by dim the plovontli dav of fsbrtary ups the kindandgsnerbns traatxaadt aeeorlod mebr aotpnidamp anil ib prompt- payment of my claim wltbla ops week aftor the death of my hmbanawltbootcnilngine any oroublo or inbontanlsnoe i apprsolats as wall as tbe no- i form aympauiy and klndaeas extended terns by tbe- members ol year order in the hours of myaffuetlon wishing your order vrospsrltysndsueoeas lours gratefully vniv- kats oampssll aojpyjwjibw the epworlb league of the ebenezer churoh held their monthly oonseoratlon meeting last sunday evening a sunday sohool review by mrs t b conlson of edn mills was a part of the programme it was qolto a treat to those who made it a point to attend mr robt coxo who baa been with mr john anderson threshing has given up threshing on account ot ill health and mr wesley borrows of eden mills has been engaged for the rest of tbe season the harvest b6m ihsnkrglving aervloe of the ebenezer obnroh will be held next sunday morning the rev dr bosnian will preach the sermon there wlllbe an illustrated lecture and entertainment lb theebenezer ohurob on mondayevening sept 18lh given by lho rev dr scaqlanand tbeepwortb league of that obnreb a good programme is provmea ipr mo oooaslpui mr and mrs thompson- watson of nelson spent sunday with friends in naaaagaweya miss mary a haw of aotou is borne for few days the result of the threshing whlob is at present in operation thronghoul the lownabip show tbat fall wheat is excellent and yields in many instances over 40 bushel to the acre i oats are oot thrashed yet bat op the whole are believed to be a good orop peas from poor to middling j corn forfodder rpenrola and turulpa excellent potatoes oonsldarablssign of rot apples are scarce especially apropos of- the alaskan gold exbitement is tbe paper on the gold seeker in tho west contributed to tbe september chatavquan by tbe faoile poo of tbeweliknowh journalist sam davis it also contains some interesting facts con cerning the origin of the repablloan party by ghas m harvey with a por trait of maj alvan e bovraytbe acknow ledged founder ot the party and piotares of the obnroh and aohoolhouse in whloh tha first and seconntrepublioan meetings were held the september number of this canadian home journal beyond hi oharucteristlo name bears very little resemblanoe to tbe canadian home journal of tbe past two years it is under an entirely new raanage- menl and nothing will be spared i mak- ing it indispensible to every canadian woman in every canadian home and of which every canadian jonrnaliat may jast- ly bo proud addrsss tbe canadian ho me journal moeinnon building toronto manitoba memories by rev george young d d the founder of metbodist missions in the red river settlement is one of the latest and best volumes flknsd from the presses of the methodist book and publishing homo toronto it is a highly interesting synopaia of dr youngs life and experiences lri the prairie province from 1803 till 1881 and gives valuable informa tion respecting the developoment of tbe north west along the linej of tho countrys settlement and civilization as well as tbe spread ofthe gospel as a result ot the faithful preaching in the wigwams of the indians and the primitive homes of the early settlers in its pages are related particu lars ot some of the most stirring scenes in tbe founding of the western empire mncli of which ooming historians of both ohnroh and state will find to bo veritable mines of materials of tbo highest value tbls voluble will be read with growing interest by all who oan rise above denominational barriers in studying the movements of other divisions of lho oboroli than their own in its pages the members of the cburoh whloh sent dr yuuiiginto ibis new field will find ample proofthat be planned wisely built solidly as abundant results testify beautifully bound in silk ololb with gold stamp 801 pages price tl00 peepts anltwarn- a threshers life one of exposure to inclem ent and changeable weather ho easily falls a prey to disease- rheumatism one ofthe natural results ono who suffered for upwards of nine years dives his experience still tstey poine iictn ourrttntmtnta agents iamjuat flurtlun luo tioitt tlilur for money raitkldg you liftvo soon for many n day your uatuo and adilrobs will bring tho roldau luformatlou r- it p giabgo w toronto out house for sale from tlio iutolhgoncor uellbville out it is doubtful if there is any other oocu- ittjttoritbbn that of tho threahtr exposed to tho ruin a an j b tor mo of tbe mitumii boaeou and at tho earao tirpfl oho id with tlio dust con- ajuoiit upon thre ing ho easily falls a proy to tliaenpc j job h dviia robl- dontof tbo totvnt1 of wioklook haatlnra oouuty follows thu threshiur mac mae for bomo taontbs every fall for tight or nine years ho waa subject to ftttacka of inflam- rilatorv rhenmatlem tho disoaeo uaoally made us appoarabooidthn fall- and con tinoed thronghout the winter oaaeiog not only mach suffofidr but groat iuconvoa- lenco hr moat serloa attaak oooarred daiintf ibe winlter ol 893 it fl rat made itself manifest by the bwellldg qtjthe tlrhx hand and bofbro twentyfonr hoiirb had passed- the diseabq appeared to have gone through tho whole system and the legs were ewblltn to ah abnormal alze ao mnoh bo tbat the jolnta wore not visible througb the swellings for ten months the trouble continued and during that period mr davia was unable to put pn his own clothes and the pain he endured almobt passed ao reprehension one doctor after another was tried jbnt wittrtiiy bone- flolal results then advertised raeioiriea were tried but with no better suijoebb i can hardly say uid mr davis how muob moneyi bpsht onotobtors and medi oine bnt it amounted to p considerable sum and yet i would roost willingly have given my farm to be rid ot the terrible pain i wbb forced to endure bat all my expen- dttares seemed of no avail and 1 began to despair of a cure at this janoture acting on tbe advice of a friend i began using dr williams fink pills the first six boxes i used seemed v outward i appearances to have had no effect and i feualmost like giving ap in despair i thought however that possibly tbat wai not a fair trial for one in my condition and i procured a further supply by the time i bad need three boxes more there was a considerable improvement noticeable and from tbat oat eaoh day found me growing belter 1 continued neiog dr williams fink fills until 1 1 had taken eighteen boxes by whlob timeevery vestige of the pain had left me and i was feeling in every respect a new man i believe too that the rjura la per manent for i have not known what it iato suffer with rheumatism since it will thua be seen that dr williams fink fills released mr davis from the painful thraldom of rheainatism at a com paratlvely small expense after duo tors and other medicines had utterly failed to give him even a fair measure of relief it is obvious therefore that if dr willlaros fink fills are given a fair trial they are sure to bring relief and a care every box of the genuine fink fills has the trade mark on the wrapper around the box and the purchaser can protect himself from im position by refusing all others bold by all dealers at 60 cents a box or six boxes for 260 beauty is you duty abundantt glossy hair is beautys crowning glory to wear this crown use ayers hair vigor r superior pickling spices the spioei tto offer for sale ave wfthoat adaltaratlon and poss ets afullriob flavor aud aroma isnt tills what you want in tbe bpioeune corks and jar rings corks tbat aro corkers thoy will neither let tbs contents of the bottlo into the air nor the contents of the air into the bottle yon may count on tbe bubber blcga we soil lutltig mqre than one season turmeric and garlic v bdaa bntler daughter o frank h bailer of loodon was drowned at pari bladley ont idonday jpolay ibesteamsr jlerrlmao will take iromm6etreal for the london market a lstthy faith be flsed in the wonderful transtorniing powers of diamond vyn the results tlicy qlvo will pheer thine heart never allow any interested or wily dealer to recommend for iby oae some inferior or imitation maks of dye if thoo will heark en to his words ho will rejoice at tby almpliolty ot character and will delirlit himaelf over thy wrath and bitter dis appointment it tboa wonldst avoid handling polsonons ingredients nse only ths diamond dyes for tby home dvelns work i they are tbe only harmless arid prfre dyes when imes ate hard and money soaroe thneheart often craves for new and stylish oolors and gsrments by tbo nse of ths msglo biamond dyes thy wishes oan ba fpjly reailaad beoaosa biamond dyes ro- did dreassi and mak them to look ikns if thop wojildal have smlllug facie a ftmtrindad oay mind do thy oivifwdsdfthyearwjth tb our tunnerlo is turmarlo that lstunqerlo and tho garlic is not an ordlnury onion bee samples lnonr window hlllohsfamous ertiit yinegar weire always bri tbo lookout foragoodtblnffand this vina- sarls one we have it- both or table anil pickling use wa belleveu to be thetbest and most wholesome arflole on tha market tbe prise is 0 oonta a gallon alex stewart importer of pore drags nd bplees cuelph ont kanes hair wa8u tbs worlds best hair rxstorkr restores gray hair slpjis hair tilling cures dandruff and ltchldgof the scalp promoles a new growth harmless to use no nasty odor not sticky or greasy only tl 00 per battle b bottlea 500 plettcv co druggists canadlanagenta s02 quean strost west opp por tland st toronto we pjiy express on 6 bottles cm this out and call on us when it town gaeos of mantles and millinery from oormany gaqes of dreaa goods xiannels blankota gloves and hosiery caroa of tvveeds worsteds and overooatlnfb k oases of 01othlnguuder and upper overaoata and ulstera and gonta furnishings caaos on tbo way to make our btook qneof tho moat complete and uptodate in the olty wo are groatly pleased with tho valuea we can allow you in dress goods all tbo newest makea al 10 12115 18 up to tlso rrh13 houo aud lot oil yougo lit aotou uio x uto roaldonoo ot mrs mm morton will be bold at a baruain for nartlbulara apply to v h benny wanted 20 25a and we are more than pleaaod with tho fioorango of mantles an capes jnbt arrived newost aiad what- is ot great import ance veyy low ixi price spsofhl pjieohkwse jrom a manufaotnifersakent retiring from bnsiness of velveteens bilk velvets cashmere gloves hosiery ac enables us to sell von niop 50o qnallty colored velveteens 24inches wide for 85q biljt velvets blook and colored worths125 for75oandm i iittaies blaokoashmeroglovos newest styles 40o qnality for 30o 85o qaallty for 5o j5o quality for 20o atfoqaality for ifio miibos and ohilarencaslimere gloves worth 25oforl5o v iiaalev while and blaok itingwood gloves worth 25o for 10c do 850 for 25o v laalev fine black cashmere hose regular ooo for 10c p special vslaeat 85 and 25o and all wool oashmerehose worth 25a for 15o iiadles black and colored kid giovob all sizjs worth 8io for 50a r wo are selling heavy pure indigo german prints worth 17 and 18i for 12jo we aro selling heavy duok printsworth 120 for so zepbyr ginnhama worth 20 and 25o for oo indigo and bluet color prints worth loo for 7o all wool navy bine flsnnals 27 inches wide worth 85o for 25o f splendid drey flannels at 12j 15 18 20 and 256 worth more money yodr beet intereata will be served by seeing what we offer you before baying elsewhere goods shown cheerfully without making yon feel yoa ought to bay if you dont want to7 the zieglerhinch co cuelph why not grasp this great opportunity to get the balance of our spring and sammer goods at less than the manilsactiirers prices we intend to clearout our spring and summer goods regardless of cost dress goods at cost ah summer wash goods at cost prints at cost and less parasols a large variety to choose from prices cut in two ladies shirt waists ladies collars and cuffs qjoves hosiery small- wares etc in great variety we still hold the lead in this and why we give the best fit best workmanship best trimmings and the largest and best assorted stock to select from we have a large range of scotch and english suitings to be cleared out before the fall trade at very close prices j agents ettrnishings we always keep in stock the latest novelties in gents neckwear collars cuffs etc- in our hat department we have just received a large assortment of straw hats the latest styles in the rharketj also hard and soft felts s readytowear clothing boys suits youths suits mens suits bicycle suits in this department we will give 10 discount for the next 30 days dont fail to grasp this great opportunity to get goods cheaper than you can buy them any other place this is getting rioted throughout the whole country as georgetowns livest and cheapest store gibson 7vullar st co oebrcexo w m robblock twtrlls st produce taken in exchange every day bargain day here neini sfal gbbodis ilinery coodev made special value in these lines a lull assortment of fresh groceries always on hand try our teas the best in the market terms cash or produce georgetown electric works j t j 8pbiobx proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams riuo and bteam fitting and aensral- iupalr- log belnaeqalppsdwltnagaabraslngmaehlns 1 am prepared to do braalnc on blerele frames 4c wheals eonvarted from dlrectto tangent llpokes handle bars bant to anr desired anile foil una 61 spokes keptln a look sausfwuim gnaranteed blorolss enamelled loaiiy color -acton- livery jxjsjyne y agie fc go jearellers men and womoii wbo can work bard ulklnfl idd writlnrblx hours dailv for it dys woolcand will bo content with ton dollars wook- lr addrobb new ideas co uodioftl uulldlng torontoont wanted fajtmebs sobs or other industrious iwnons at tairodacfttlod towbom 460 a month would bo an induaemeut 1 oould alio odrdso few ladlea at their owubon6 thtlnbqptt orotitvo qnt 7800 topertoriiwboraaia words ont of ths phraw vpitedt attorney weddwliuni pr pirtlqujars addroat tbhvtd national beoordflt wasbln9todiy1o wanted souoliobs for canada ap encyclopedia of tbo odantry in five boyal quarto vol- rime no delivering coinmiuton pld week ly a canvibiar ropotta nla flnt wjwk making over vonty dollan profit thb idn8cottdohpanytorontoont your spaee time of dreairaelved from loeal adv men women to coodudt tiaalneai at home p syt j oopjuw llat be forwaidrf to uidallv no oanraaalda i proiloua wpflriooeo required batplatn write prefrrea3ijerrninent wnrtttatooaejafltonfe earn m or more weekly in sparetime apply wabbbkpvboomliondoiiont f aem to fuent the east half of lot thirty and the north- weat balf of the east hall of hot twenty- nine oouoomlon ouch townablp of baqnealnff 1 oontalulob on hundred and fifty acre th 1b tho farm labely owned by henry towniid for farther particular apply- to h o qrahain barrliter qrampton or to hj mcnabb acton wantedagent8 bqth men anb womeni iv yon arewllluiir to workwe esnglve yooem ploymant wltb good par yon oanwork au or dart tinw ana as pouie or traveling tbe worlds light and easy writs atonos for terms eto to r thbhawks htmsbbt coiotpahtt eoohestsrny business college horthand inetltute bookkeeping penmanship shorthand typetvrltlng and aoliial office work a specialty writti for circulars y 8barp prtbolpnl guelpa wanted 1anvab8bbi8- viotorujher ufe land bolbui baa captured the britlan bdjptrfl estraordioary tortlmonlau from the gveil men aend for oopy free- marquis ot 9 lorne ayi tho bmt popular luo of the queen fil x bi win lit ualeaty aenda a kind leuor ol fcppreeuuon belling toy tbonaaadaj glvea m eotlinitaauo batufaeuon ganvaaaen making a sutoeto weekly proipeotm freo torgotosont the bbadltovgarketson co toronto ont froipeotui freo to aseptt llmltedi rjssii wanted agents lent to dlitrlot on tbe eontlnent to take orblgtagrade oanadlanrrown kara- erytoiucudsudf larseatandinoetoompleta aefottmeutln the tvado faat aelllns ipedal- um iuperb eainpiei fnrntbe4 free oorree pondanoe in any labgaaad these pmitlona are money makers and territory should be teoore4 at once for tbe aeaaon bvall huitlere ioowdb for j a good thing our aalary or eommiialon offera will lutereit anyono uot earning aiqoooo per year get in coiumunioatfop jub ourneareat anoipottnuytoproenteweheatbllahod bowe ability more important than exprlenoe lukk brothers company snurnatlonal nuneriea cbloigo iii montreal qne ifoobeater k y county judob8 i cburt ofreyision notice is barsl bald pursuant oonrt will bo voters liataot by hiibonortbajnaiboitbscountrcoartof tbe county ot balten aj tbo town hall acton on tho 27th day of september 1897 atojk oclock a m to bear and detormlne tbe several complaints of errors and omissions in tba voters euvf of t0 fipnlolpauty ol aoton for 1807 all persons baring bnsiness at tba cnart ars vftflqlrod to attend at tbe said time and place dstod tbe btb day of soptsmbor 1607 t t atoohb clotk of tbe said afnnlalpallty a new firm tailors of ttlbt jfcrrrsredl actowontario a icadlnc featuro of tho toronto industrial exhibition will bo thomagniriccntexhlbltofbell pianos in the music pavilion hear their ivondorftil tone see their exquisite casing made and guaranteed by the largest makers of pianos in canada the bell organ and hano co llmilod boneless fish tea setts salmon dinner setts sardines chamber setts corned beef 5 oclock setts white and colored cups and saucers white plates c all at low prices come and see them at c tjmmsh binder twine leading brands and sb cut prices is now in slock at cooper akins hava purchased the merchant tailoring business of e h schllmme next door to j mm adams and will continue the business willi energy just opened a nice assortment of staok worsteds tweeds overcoatings c call and examine our fine assortment a pcrlect fit gunranteed cooper aklns i m 1 lamp time afjcaln 1 lengthening evenings suggest them our lamp window tiesou th-ohe- we sell crocks cheap now is the lime to secure your pddidishes for threshing ajidiiida jbjnegjrmeri in stppkj shows the latest arrivals of the nicest v goods we could find with new yorkmakers in stand hanging hall and library lamps dont forget to look in on us fust time youre up j mi

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