Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 9, 1897, p. 4

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j the same old sarsaparilla thats aycrl the name old sursaparilln ns it was ninile nml sold bydrjc ayer bo yearn ago iu tue laboratory it is different there modern nppli- nuees lend speed to skill and experience hut-tllc-inrsapa- rilla is the aanie olusarsnnarilla that made tlie record bo vears of cures why dont vc better h well were much in the condition of the bishop and the raspberry doubtless he said god might have made a better berry but doubtless also he never did vhy dontwe bettertbe sarsnparjllar we cant we nrc using the same om nt tlnrf cured the indians iiid the spaniards jias not been bettered and since tea uiake sarsaparilla cqm- poundoutpf sarsaparilla plant we bee no way of improvement of course if we were making some secret chemical compound ve might but were not were making the same old sar saparilla to cure the same old diseases you can tell its the tamo old aarsapa rillci be cause it works the amine old atres its the soyereigu blood purifier and wnlvera tkt 2vttan rm thursday september 9 1897 fflbe 0ung jolks in the orchard libittn bvelth iaqueb a lengthening vista or yellow and greon wltbsbafts of doop shadows and sunlight between the branches windtossed dapplo treetrunk and ground with ripploa ot lirbfc on tbo soft waves of sound tbo appletroes old with arms enarled and rray like sentinels flrlra stand in mrtlat array tbolr armor of green disclosing 6erhead blob treasuroa of rait shining yellow and rod tbo vanishing point ia a orooked rail fonoo whero scampers a squirrel with malloo pro- ponsa- a ohattoiing robin dotb hotly pursue tbo little redthlof and cbasos blm through gobd suoqestion it would be well for many of tbo people who are given to worrying to pay heed to a story o crora walls time said to be abso lutely true tbe protector was aeadinii a speoial envoy to sweden in the person of bushrod whiteloak a moat devout man bat ode ot aa extremely nervous anxious temper a in on t as the ambassador was about to embark on his journey he was detained at harwlck by a storm ho was so troubled with the affairs ot the nation that he toat- ed turned and groaned in bis bed unable to get to sleep at lafltjila confidential servant who had won whi clocks respect and confidence through bis faithfulness and flood sense on many a trying oooasion ventured to say pray sir will you give me leave to ask you a question certainly was the answer do yon not think that god governed tbe world very well before you oame into it undoubtedly 1 dbv said whitelock- ana oobtinned te servant do- yon not think he will govern it quite as well whon you are gone out of it 1 to be sure he will responded the master promptly thwn nty wnnn mfl hnt may vou not bill was at howe it was about fl ootook in tlio afternoon that tho sheriff ot bucks oouuty rodo up to bill hoopers cabin ntlho foot of tbo mountuin to arrobt the iijati on a warrant qbarqinghim with btciung corn bills wife aat in tho open door with a pipo in her mmith and as tho otllcor asmo alonu np flbo inquirod vsajm davin you ro just tho inun i wantod to rco ive heard you talk a heasabont tbo bible aud i want to ax youlf you really boliovo tlmt story about joner and the wbulo of course i do w the reply of course isbill around homo today how big a man waa jouor persisted the woman bout ao bij as i am 1 reckon did you say bill was off hunlin and did thawhalp bwaller mm hoad- fust or feet fuat continued tha woman ab bbb crowded some fresh tobacco into tho pipe r headfue i reoon thou i aint- diapu- tin bout it and a row elder diakman says it wasfectf tisf butho wabnthur no moren ine if bill ia around home id like to see liitri a min ute- r v how dldijomor liyojqqwn thar in that whale tiil he waa out out donno but ho wetat right on livin i- oant aay why theairthluruarouad but i know that she do m ebb o bill is in bed asleep mra hooper what gita me continued tho woman calmly ignoring all questions about her hubband is that why that whale didnt pang outer joner when he had hltn what didlje oabt him up fur cant say replied the sheriff but i reckon the lord wanted things the way tliey waa an so they turned out as thoy did- 1 was bpeak- in to you about bill whar ta ho bill fobrbm ie lo humtodty kiu i see bira ftbaab when- voo rid op ha was oleanin bis gun back o tbe boase but i reckon hes ready fur you by thie time jest btep aroundihe poner the bheriff stepped and tan againat the muzzle of a shotgun held in bills bands as he recoiled a atop or two bill asked was you lookin fur mo sarn i was replied the officer yea i jest stopped a mloit to say howdy and to remark that your ole woman aint no fule and hevin sed it ill be goin back to town nice day bill good evenln to you mra hooper trade sfictfets rheumatism can be cured in juno 1805 i waa- attaoked with in- lummitory rhoumaubiu with which i gufttred unilur tontinudd medtoul treat- tuont tlve montltti tho lust 11 vo wooka 1 wa not ablo to gut out of bed i then aent for dr iluulod ilia treatment gave mo ituinecliate rolief nnd in a faw day a i wan tit my norkaud i havo hiidno rhouiu- utisra hinoe v iiiiiam soitnmnuikii molntyre deo ugth ldl5 dr halatodls kheumbtio cure may be hud tit tho muai cul hall iiain stroot acton one roaaon why ao many couples viow raatriiuony in a different liht after thoy aro married ia beoauo thoy turu the kaa up a little higher the votoriea ol hpoda sarsaparilla over uil formh of duouso conctui3ivelyprov that it id an uiieijuiilm blood puritijr jt qoimjuora thodoiuon scrofula reliovea tbo ilcliinj and bunfing of salt rlieuni curbs runimig aorea uoeri boile plmplea ovury othor form of humor or dibqubo originufiti m impure blodd 3inka eayebo likes to eoo the now moon becauno its the only quarter bo looks upon that his wifodoegnt griib that hacking cough can bo quickly cured by uagyardn pectoral balaam prioo 25c traat him to govern it the little while you are to live in it whitelock made no reply totbis per tin- ent quoation but he turned over and was soon asleep and on his return he repeated the story of thia bit of advice with much appreciation the emper a new yonit aagl 29 a getman family in this city hat received a letter from the fatherland purporting to give the true story of tbe socalled accident to kaiser wilhelmby whioh one of his eyee was blackened recently on board a german manofwai the incident wtl mid at the time to have beenoansed by the breaking of a piece ojtrope according to the letter referred to a swedish steamer was sailing ahead of the german warship and the emperor commanded an officer iu com mand of the warship to order tbe steamer out of the oourse of the warship we cannot do that on the high seas your majesty replied tho officer inter national law gives them the right to be wberttlhey are 1 am the emperor cried the kaiser smiting bis breast in anger abd i com mand yon to make that steamer get off tbe course and 1 am in command of this ship and refuse to do so replied the officer also be- coming exoited the next instant the emperor says the letter writer slapped the officers faoe tbe lattoratruok tbo emperor with bis fiat in tho ojo then realizing what he bad done and that his life waa rained tha offloor jumped overboard and was drowned she didnt feel comfortable quite irrespective of the i no mo nee num ber of workrhon who hold trad secrets of their reapeotivo qmpioyors few people ever realize what a nhmbor of workmen tboro are who hold braall seoreta aonio of thorn may coneiat merely of a knack of doing some particular thing in a particular way of their own and most rigidly guard these remarked a well known trades union official i could cito many romarkable cabea where workmen on account of their method of doing some one apparently simple thing have always beeivftt a preminnn with var iousmastera and obly the other day i was talking to tbe head of a great deooratiug firm about euoh a man this firm has often in docornting groat mansions anixpfiblio tjaildinfij to carry out a certain bohemeof oolor and that one color has to be uniform throughout a great area of covered space this firm had one man who if 100 rooms had to bo painted could infallibly mix fresh supplies of color to the exact shade bat daring its 40 years of existence the firm never baa another workman who could dothis i could name for you 100 trades where eome onu man effects his object with a few strokes where dthors labor lodg andpatlentf ly bat what 1 want to impress on tbo pub- lid ta that workmen possess and guard far more minor trade seorots of their own than tbe masters ever did or do it is better to have sold at coat than not to have sold at all wiae men know it la a folly to build upon o poor founda tion either in arohiteoture or in health a fonndatlou of sand is iusooura and to de n or nerv c poands is equally deceptive and dangerous the true way to build np healtli is to make your blood pure rich and nourishing by taking hoods sarsaparijfn hooda pills aot easily and promptly on the liver and bowels ours biok headache moat women think that blootncra are the proper thing somo pay tlie tkirt and eomobput tho diflorence thoy do good work th fqupi letter tells what people think about l liver pills dear sirs iladiytosufyto tho virtues of l9iaxivor pille i used to bo troublod with severe headaches aud constipation for a long time and took these pills hoping for a cure and my hopea wore rapidly fulfilled i have found them a never failing remedy and heartily recmraeud them signed miaa s lawaon moncton n b is your he strong or have you palpitation throbbing or irregular bcutmp dizziness short breath sinothcrihg or clioking- sensation painin the breast or heart if so your heart is affected and will in turn affect your nerves causing nervousness sleepless ness morbid anxioup feeling debility hearts nerve cure nil these complaints by regulating the hearts action and building- up the nervous and muscular aystem to pcjrfect health antj strength price 6oc per box r 6 boxes for 250 at all druggists xt is not always a plain faco that keeps a girl from marrying sometimes it is wisdom 1 the wonder of the age dear sirs i must honestly pay that i have tired your valuable medicine b b b for tho diseaee called prairio itch and have found this remedy to bo tho wonder of the age i took only three bottles and to my great bttiafaation wascomplotly cured i oon highly recommend it to all who auffer from any akin disease or imparity of the blood harold dix rat portage qnt the diamond has boon found on all con tinents and in almost every conn try in tho world a grndtrnte of toronto university says my ohildreu have been treated with see thatthe facsimile signature promotesdigeslionckeeiful- ticss and rest contains neither opniamorpwhe nbrmneral mdtnakcotrc jlmfeiioutllrsmviipnvlt apcxteit remedy lor constipa tion sour stomach diarrhoea worms c6nvulsidnsfeverish- ness and loss of sleep tac simile signature of m ewicrcopirorwrawb is on the oastorlala put up la onseiio bottles only it is not sold ia balk dont allow aayono to sail yon anything also on tho pea or promiao that it isjiiit as good and will answer every par- aoia bco that you get cjabtobia q fw- uea hating others la like pinching ourselyea and cxpooting thera to feel hurt wonderful piles cured in 3 to 6 nights itch- inff burning skin diseases re lieved in one day dr agnews ointment will pureall cases ot itohing pileb in from three to eix nights one applioatfon brings comfort for blind and bleeding piles it ia peerless alao oures tetter salt rhoum eczema barbers itch and all oraptionb of the ekin relievos in a day 85 cents sold by a t brown a tramn does not oonbider a warm bite a dobirablo snap whim a dog gtves it to him burdook pills small safe and euro regulate the liver and euro constipation no wonder we hate to pay the hotel bill when wo pay good dollars for poor quarters the best pills mrs wm vanderwoort sydney crossing oat writes we havo been using farmoleea pills and find them by far the best pills we have ever used for delicate and debilitated constitutions these pills act like a charm taken in email doses they aot aa a tonio and p stim ulant mildly exalting tho aepretions of the body giving tono and vigor pretty is as pretty does is a very couaol- ing motto for homely people the brlghteat flowers muat fade but young lives endangered by sevore coughs and col da may bo prqbotvcd by dr thomas eclebtrio oil cronp whooping congh bronchitis in ahort all affections qf the throat and lungs are relieved by thia ster ling preparation- which also remedies rheuraatio pain sores brnlaob piles kidney difficulty apd la moat economic dr lowa xleabantworm syrtjp re moves worms of all kinda from children or adults it ia easy to ba a soldior on drosa parade but scars and medals aro won only on tho battlefield strong poslfts about b b b 1 its purity its thousands of cures 3 its economy lc a dose a33 lis regulates the stomach liver and bowels unlocks the secretions purifies the blood and removes all the impurities from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore and ottxxi dyspepsia biliousness constipation headache- salt rheum scrofula heartburn sour stomach dizziness dropsy rheumatism skin diseases sootta emulsion from their earliest years 1 oar phyaioian first recommended it and now wbenovor a obild takes cold my wife immediately resorts to this remedy whioh always effects a cure the record breaker tries to brt his way through life the cause which produces si ok headache is more promptly removed by ayera pills than by any other medicine txbey easily and speedily correct alt disorders of tbo stomach liver and bowels and roatore to these organs regular and healthy action tho iceman enjoys his cold snap daring the hottest weather ajpheachers story like other mortals he fell victim to dlaeaee dr ajrnews catarrhal powder was the aarent which re stored hjm to health and he oladly allows his name to be used in telllnir it that others may be benefitted too itov ohas ewbitcombe beotor of st matthews episcopal gharoh school hamilton was a great auvflorer dr agnews catarrhal powder oaod him and he now proclaims to the world that as a safe simple and oertain oara u has no eqaal it never fails to relieve catarrh in ten minutes and cures perrnanonlly sold by a t brown a high motivo buooib clean over a low nature bvcrybodyhaa a cilling acquaintance with the telephone girl a glafpow- lady in a hurry to goto oho rob took from a dark closet what she thought to be her dolman she hang the garment over her arm nod did not diaooverunulabo had put them in the pew in front in ohuroh that she had bronght by mistake a pair of her husbands troasera she and herlady companion laughed to lond that they attf acted the attention o the entire ooogregatlon and no one except ihemwuet understood the cauio of the fresh burst of enthusiasm when the choir led off with aa pant a the heart not competent to judge constipation coittllrtumiojilw in lli world it r ttin rtf tnhrt tnn tnnc ifi ttm hmyp iveff lodi y yoiir iiooor thai woman ilandred me air bha aaid i waa uo batter than i ihonld be but lha aaeiua a rcry mild expreeaton idonmhlok i would uy into paaaloo or 1cnnrk of jhat hatur h yonr lionoc but yonta not a wuman r np- v- 1 ajilyril haapi aiiy qliarmter to pro- wmu j lt0rpeu9aa- v- ysirfiv tongue omnia ate hoodi eure conlttpatlod aud all ti reaiiltaeaau7nd uumrabh prcpnrcd bjrtl i homl tha only tula to take with hooda snaiarula the mf0 who borrowa troublo paya it baok to everyone lie meets frooftroin tho leoplo mr geo unakip miaatonary for the lnternallonal hlaaion in alftonoa and the northwee he wrltae i wiah to aay thai dr fowlarf eitraot of wild straw berry baa beetf to me wondetlal eoothin apeedyaua6reoiaal remedy it has been roy obmparilpnlpraayaral yeara dortoj the laborafoajpoetirea myrtlmlonary work in alroifla welllt la for old no yoiiog to baye liilp ptore nuiliirt ihe time of neii whtotr ap ortencorom without wrplg 1az k oeoibnjwn lieiiii your anxiety is for your delicate child the child that in spite of all your care ful over- watching keeps thin and pale exercise seems to weaken her and food fiiils to nourish that child needs scotts emulsion with the hypophosphites riot as a medicine but as a food containing all the elements of growth it means rich blood strong bones healthy nerves sound digestion no child refuses scotts emulsion it is pleasant and palatable scott lownii bellevilu oilc for infants and children it is not true that a man may bo so cov ered with the 1 righteousness of christ as to make that righteousness avail in hia behalf while he himself remains in pobitive anrigbteousneba if your children are troubled with worms give them mother graves worm extermi nator safe euro and effectual try it and mark the improvement in your child a mans character can bo more accurate ly dotermiood by what he does and by tho company ho bcops than by what he profes ses to believe and to be ifnffyards yellow oil the great paia oure used externally ourea rheumatism bwellinga spraina brniaeq stiffness palu and boreness of every description luternally used it cares crnnp col dp aorethroathoarscno8sahthma bron chii quinsy elo price 25o all drupgiats however hard your lot may be it is unmanly and unchristian to whine about it fover and ague and bilioua dorange- meutb aro poaitivoly cured by the uso ot parmeleed pills they not only oleanso tbo stomach and bowels from all bilious matter but they open tho exorotory vessels causing them to pour copious effusions from tho blood into tho bowels after which tho corrupted mass is thrown out by tbo natural passage of the body thoy are ued aa a genoral family mdioioo with tho boat results t the kiglit upixse cor of king and hugjison sts no tjme like the present undeniable bargains are the order of the day dress goods 52 hich colortid luatro rogular 813j now soli- inn at wo thoso aro in good shades aud at ttio prfco will soil quick winch all wool twood rofiular 60q fioodfl rodufiod to ao per vard french coetuniodreanufl regular 10 drobsob bolhiip your choico for 1180 all vool navy sorgo ii inches wldo 25o blouses 7 ijiullrs illousowalbtflj whuoutradotud collar and aulfu aijutdbio3itian colort rugular nrlrjo 14i3 now reduced to7bo- tiiobo avo yajo hack and full front ladlob ulourpwalatb white immdoreti collar and cutts adjubtnbto link oamrlb olieck and atripo regular 1 25 koodfl now- aqtlldb for 70c those have full from with hoi ntin yoke lad lea uloueajvaista jwltojauddored collar and cuffs najubtfctfio iifrjtid lawn in nltik and blue sla5for70o v- ladlos mauve cambric blouio walata collar and duflaadjuatable 61 s3 for7rio ladlew hloubo avaiau jn iavy antj whito boroll pattojn amorloau mustlu adjuitable col lars ei15 now 760 chatuliray itlouso waists iu sky pink and cadet adjustable collars l50 now 810o american mualln wrappor full skirt and blabop aloovo 223 now 125 navy print wrappers full skirt and yok back 180 for 8123 now black lustre drosa skirts 7 fiotod 8375 and 400 millinery leghorn nuts 12 and 20c those aro in black and whito tbo former prices wore 25 and 35o straw hatu unlrlmmod 60c now xc 8c nowasc 100 now 60o 8200 now 81o0 ladleb bailor tlats juat in tha vory latest shapes colors and wblto all trimmed millinery sroatly reduced ladles toulst cyollug and outing hata and tanji childrens uuillo aud embroidery hats and donoota a laxeo assortmont prices right linbns and sheetings now apron linen ll3 inches ttldo colorod bor der lbo new apron llnon ombroldorod border lrybluo oudrodh5q huok towels all lloon 16x30 oacb huek towels aneclal value 10id mo huok towols aa 2o0 and 25tj 8hi plain bloaoliedbbeeting 15o and 20a i 8 4 twill uloaolitkl eiiootlpglsc and 2c tq ftob plain 1hlowoottonaod is lnchpuin pillow cotton 12c ii inoh plain pillow cotton 124c extravaluo in table lmen 60 inobunbluaoh- ed s3050 4sesso 65e colnohhleaohedtablo linen 35c 37o 45c 05o72inoh dlotchod tabrnllpon at75o hath towels i2jo15o 200 3c bath towels 33o 400i so to 75c wash goods- cotton cropona roducad from 20c 25c 27c t one price l5o cotton oropons roduced from lajc 15c 20c toona price 10c oinghnms reduced from loo aud 121c to 74c colored muslins reduced from 17c to 124c from 25c to 16o just to band a new lot of figured muslins fo 10o worth double mail orders havo our prompt attention purchases ol 300 and ovor prepaid to your nearest railway station in ontario thomas c watkins the right house hamilton bad watches arc made worse by incompetent workmen because it takes a betterworkman to make a bad watch good than it does to mke a good watch bad if you have a watch which has done good service give it achance to do more a saving of twentyfive cents in the price of repairing will not make up for a more than likely double that amount of spoiling i have a reputation to keep up my lifes study has beon repairing watches and how to do it well and i have been successtul at it i have every facility for doing the best possible work and i do positively dosireyou to come and ask for the return of the amount paid if any timepiece of any kind repaired by me does notruh welt after my reputation is worth more tome than all the dollars i may hove to return please dont doabt my sincerity in this pringle thejcweiler guelph acioi4tacoot shops and warerooms foot of willow st calls attehdeid- to day or night j a speight go when tho burden of your own woe firowa heavy try to help eorriebody elte urlghta disease thoy havo done mo any amount of good woro tbe wordsof mr kelson green gait ont in apeaking of hia resoue from kidney and qrinary difficulty by the qse of doans kidnoy pills mr orcen bays that ho only tried them out of curiosity bfit it was a lucky experiments fordoana kidney pill made a complete euro in bis oabe ho is now a cured man feeling etrong well and iagood spirits in japanese aawa the teeth point toward the point norway pine syrup puree coughs norway pido syrup onrcs brooohitis norway pino syrup heals the lungs even though you wrlto on both bides of a question you should novejr wrlto on both bidoa of the paper good womanbad heart when could the life of a loved one be mbre uncertain than when attaoked by heart dieeaso lf ypvr hftva ft hint vt havg pr ajgrnewa cure for the heart always at hand it is the only remedy whioh can relieve you in 30 minutes and cure you per- manently thii is to certify tlmt fny wife has been a sufferer from heart disease for over twenty yearal afior having tried doctors and remodios innumerablo without btnefit i prodared two bottlos of dr agnews oure for the heart and sho his received mora benefit from it than from all the doctors and alt the ourea used heretofore i am pi coned to certify to the excellence of this wonderfal remedy sold by a t brown aakon niohom peterboro smith tp only men ot great oourago have such mastery over themselves aa to suffer aud be silent coder the attacks of a malioipas lyingtongae i 100 better milburiie heart and nerve pills are our iog heart and nerve troubles in every town and city aud village in canada mrs v abbey toronto says milburus heart apd perve pills cured my husband who had for fifteen years buffered with weak nerveb caused by heart trouble he was spbjeot to pains in bis bead dianioess fainting flrpeh8raleeplesanetrtor to liwfthho aurfaoa of thirgi is to for- get theiftruo meaning from theses troubles andfeelb 100 better than when ho began owing the pill ile who injures annthyr does irruparubio harm to himbelf whioh is worae imprisonment for tlfoor alifelongdiboaso like sprofula fur exam ple the former oertatnly would be preferable were it not that ayera sarsapa rllla can always come to the rescue and give the poor buflerer health strength and happiness colic cholefta cholera- morbus diarrhoea drsentery and all 8uwheik00mplaimts of children or adulla rlcef 35c beware of imitations t undertakers and embalmers acton ont latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furniture of all kints a wellassorted stock at- reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speifjht co i orders left wilh j n 8tin8on rocrtwood hi receive immediate attention merchant3i businessmen newspaper advertis ing brightly started rightly stuck to squqly qaqkeq lfp railway time table grand trunk railway rioino whht tlolno kahtl mall 0 lfla111 i kxnrusa 0 31am jlxiirmb j sptn kxnrujs 10 47 am mail 7 00 pm mull 0 11 piu i bilxoj 10 0jpui viak of cxohinu ma1in ooliig wuftu iwum and 010 pm qointf uuflt 10 15iiui undo 15 im tiiih tluii table wont into oitoct aa moudai kov iiqtli lhjo brhntpord galvanized steel maid siiidr towprs sad jujip- inei with ln tornslcdyersd ooom patent rotlorand bubosrinss bllbeajftmas rollllr bearin33 makers of the light sst running and ibest constructed galvan ized steel wind mills and powers mode also the celebrated mapld leaf grain grinder write for brkntfordcan illustrated circulars john wqueeihi acton v aoent irob also foe frost and wood binders and mowers a full line of ail kinda of farrn implerrients and repairs the campaign prepare for winds we would oitll your- attontioh to the fact that we are prepared to supply yon with lumber of suitable ilength for your barn doors viz 10 12 13 or 14 feet albo sash- doors frames v mouldinos eto for bnlldirjg btorm dobra pnt np at as low arato aa pbsaible repair yonrpnmps or put in new onee before it ia top opld wacahporr shop at foot of river street acton tho8 ebbace manager main street planing mills acton ont john caitieron architect and contractor manotactnrer of 8aab doora frame kfoutqlu in allatyloa dressing matching and itouldino to ordor od short notice woll asbortod atoclc on band at prices tonl the timea john cameron iprolnrietor acton saw mills and wood yards ensure business success advertise in the acton free press when tbo aermon ia lone and dry jnau wantb but littlo hear below thoro never waa- and novor will bo a untvorsal panacea in ouo remedy for all ills to whloli fleah is heir tho very naturo of many eniatlveh boin auoh that were he la n free the g of other and diftcrently-aeated- the oarcfully oonferred certificate of firat class secondary aohool ie more to be dosircd limn tho diploma of n oouutorfeit- oollego r dr j d kellogga dyaenlery cordial ia a apeody onrefor duuery durrhoeaoholera aniurner complaint o biokneaiand com plaints ihoijental to bhlldron teething it fiyea immediate relief to thoim anfferlog- from the effebts of indlaoretlon in eatfug unripe fruit onourabera elo it toll with jwordaifal rapidity add never fija ip con- juervljediseaa no on need fear cholera ifjftrjlw route of thiijrnediolpi ssmmkssgpkwmsmb wawnwakr imwpi ww diseaues footed in tho bjatohi ofthopationt what would relieve one ill in torn would aggravate the btbor wo have however in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated stato a remedy for many and qrioyous ills by its gradual judiofons use the frailest nyatoms nre jptj into con- valescenoe and blreuklh by the inquenco whioh quinine exerts on natures own restoratives it relievos tho drooping spirits of those with whom a chronio state of morbid despoudentp and lack of interest in life is a disease and by tranquilizing the nerves deposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood whioh being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening the henlthy animal functions of tho system thereby making activity a necepflsry result etrengthenlbg the frame and givicg life to tha dig6tive brgaus which naturally denond noreased eubatanoe resoh iiri- proved appetite northrop a lyman bj toronto havo given to llio pulilici tlieh qulolnia win at thb iiuil ratj onrl gqijedr ijft bpirtion of iolentlsts- tiijt winejapprpaonos nearest perfection of any on thvmaiket all drulstsse ik m you shgrf and fat are you tall amd thin ifso the only rcadyhlnda clothing y6u can get to fityoii perfectly is shoreys make if your dealer does not carry shoreya off sizes get uira to order for you jhmes broinn uahdfaotunbr anodbalabln jqunjbor znta sfijes tyoqff7q ah kinds of wood in stook and promptly dollvored to anjrpbttrof tbo town at riasonnbo prlaos hani wood and slabs but etovo louctb always on band toirpuono aotnmuulcatlop e b colli desires to tbuk hla numorouenavbmiaaior tliolr liberal patronage alnoe be eoonnenoed buhlnoas last january and hopostbat br careful and conrtooua attention to merit eonituuanoe or thotr oustom ii a oomploto aasorttnent of flratktlaaa beef mutton lamb fork freab and salt hama sausages poultry lard ac in aeaaon trloes always as low as eonilatent with the bobtquallty prompt dollvory fa took wanted s a coiiins mcmuliens choice stool wlnj nettings jfor trellis ppultry yards lawn fencings koto are aold much lower thla year than ee before they are the bet ask your hardware merchant for their mim4rpm vtmliajb loflmerk o pitskm eedtrnvil murw6kw sci brasiwii ivrwi s9s

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