Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 23, 1897, p. 3

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j j tj1e bank of hamilton head office hamilton capital all paid up 1 26000000 reserve fund 9 72500000 total assets 984ae7a45 nearly tou millions or dollars board op dirbotofts a o iiamsay vtoofresldsnt jko itoxonv joirx pnooton- a t wood a d lbb toronto war qidsoh ml ohn stuakt president tuiindull caablor ii 8 btevbni amt caihlor 1 h m watbon ioanootor georgetown agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection of sale notes and commercial paper generally draft issued payable at all principal points in canada and united states drafts on great britain bought and sold sayings department derspsltsof t and npwardsfecelved interest- allowed at current rates and added to principal every yearwbether passbook is brought in or hot special deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bll agent georgetown ont the place to buy school books envelopes note papers purses bibles jols toys wedding and birthday presents geohynds jewelery and stationery store acton r ont m3 iiook stttae data on tbe label on your paper andyouwulaeehowjyourauuacrlp- uonatanss bonow promptly u win conform jt tfffifit nss thursday september 38 1897 little lo which caunhtthe eyes or bars of free press report thl week frosts are frequent now tbe equinox brought exceedingly cool weather canadas boor has struck rood limes srohere wbaat is being marketed more freely this week enjnwing fair at georgetown today and lumuiiow tbe gardens give evidenoe of the past weeks frosts the fell assises will be held in milton on monday uth oot yp oan have the fruti paras sent to spy address till he end of- the yoar fqr s quarter corn harvesting and cutting into the lloaocouples tbe farmers attention largely at present balllnsfada oivlo holiday was held yesterday a programme of sports was carried out messrs j x and j m warren have just finished a fine new silo at their cedar creek farm the farmers would appreciate a good rain jt would help the foil grain and fe pastures vtbe rain yesterday morning doterrcd a good many from taking in the county fair milton mr harooel lairds dwelling on ohurob btreothss been ronoh improved by a coat the news at home monty of a looa charaoter an j everv item interesting- a missionary vlbltor friends in town enjoyod a very pleasant visit on saturday from dr mary brown who returned reoontly on furlough from china dr brown is a daughter of hngh brown esq of esqueslng it may bo interesting to know that about fifteen years ago ebewasa resident of aotod and was employed at tho canada glove works bhe baa apont sbven years id china as a medical missionary in connection with the neighborhood news rockwood the churoh of england wuavory beaut fully decorated with fruits flowora and grain for their harvest home festival laat friday evoning bervicce were oouduotod by rev mr watt of boetou a large number fromacton attended the festival rov mr martin preaohod in the pros bytetlan churoh last sunday miss e gillespie returned homo after a vinlb athegeravllle mr e tyndall and family set out for now york oity tbla week thoy intond settling there preabytorisn church and leaves bhortlyfor another term of eight years among- the oelestials suddenly called home a sad event on tuesday morning brought sorrow to the home of our esteemed towns man james clark est of the itoller milla for bomolime missnoilie the second daughter has suffered from lung trouble and during monday nlgbt was attacked w4th sovere hemorrhage from wbioh aho never rallied mr clark and family are rjornparatiyestigeri baying been resident bereonly a few months tint klndfriends are with them daring their heavy bereavement the funeral wirtake plaos today at one oolovs to tho cemetery ateden mills r r muatelpal connoiis xiiswlilie there are some people who appear to think municipal connoiis have absolute rights respecting thoje portions of tbe streeta adjacent to private property suoh is not the cubo in all improvements private property must be protoqted against damage to existing convenlonos as well as to its appearance and value generally a newlybuilt roadway ditoh or other general improvement mustbo oonatmotod ia suoh a manner that individual property is not injured disteelrdeolbionlnbrobvoof this natnre was given agalnel the town of gait the town authorities caused damage to property belonging to the havill estate or which a claim of 250 was mads by tbe authorities of the estate tbla amount was awarded by judge onisnolrc the corpor ation slab has to pay the coals ihtbtweliht bread in georgetown the authorities in georgetown are cam paigning against lightweight bread con stable wilson last week conflicateda qaan- tlty made by a local baker wbioh waa four ounces short in weight the prlrjolpal clarise in ths bylaw says that til bread sold otfferedtfor sale in the village of georgetown of wbatbver abaneor form shall be in loaves of 4 pounds and 3 pounds respectively and all bread sold or offered for sale of any loss welghtsliilt be seized and forfeited and disposed of by direction of the reeve a following icofion aji rred bahed morp ttb tweiyfpr honra shall not be liable to seisure if 11 is not more than one ounoe light fprevery twenty font hoars after the first twenty- foorhonrs for every4ponndloaf id pfopqr tion there lias been conajderawe flarry among the bakers as a resqli of the action taken orarjjfo blosaoma at cftevennev wy theoheyonne wy ao2jruum of tbe olb inat contains tbs paltioahra of an event wbioh will oall forth tbe congratula tions of many fuee pbsss readers we quotoasfolltfws at 7 oolock his even ing at the first freabyterian oh mob mr d 0 laweon and mrs l e lovtll both qf ths ajty were united in marriige the ooremony being performed by bev j a johnson assisted by rev dr brown only a few intimate friends wltaeised the wedding whioh was a qdjet affair tbe groom is a wall known roaldent of obey- enne and holds a responsible position with the electrib light company of this oity the bride is aleo well and favorably known here and oommande the reap en high esteem of a largo oirole of friends- mr and mrs lawson will bo at their home to their friendsafter september istb at 10 ijaat fcjinoteoblh street aqtorjns will weleomo our pan and hs brjdo when they comeea9t to renew friendshini in tbe old home friend alter prenrl depsrta there was mourniog in the hearts of many frjenda and sinoereit regret felt by bondrada of citliens as they sttenilprl the nassapaweya mies daniels of cornwall england hn arrived in canada on a visit to her brother mr hy dadicla of nasaagaweya she left tho old land about tho fleet of the mpntb and arrived at her brothers on tuesday iith sept nassagsiwoyafall exhibition will be held at oampbellyilleon ootoijctlwilkj for prise- hat and information apply tomi- doattle campbellvillel nastagaweya was fairly well represented at the guolpb central exhibition last wednesday and thursday and a fairsbare of thebonora came to our township mr and mrs foater of lowvllle npent sunday with friends ihjsabbagaweya mibs suslebaw of baysvllle muskok returned borne on jryodpeqday last after a four weeks visit to friends lb nassagaweya quite a number from this viuinlty at- tebdedthereopenlngofthe methodiat- churoh in aoton on sunday last and enjoy- edthe aervioes very- mobbr the prayermeeting last wednesday evening at the homo of mr john- brown waawll attended prayermeeting tbja week will beheld at mr ab ramahaws op wednesday eveniog a large number from hefe atteuded the unveiling of tbe late mr j w pampbeus monnment in fairvlew cemetery acton on sunday afternoon mr r nlokell omliie plaoe is exhibit ing dairy and farm produce at milton fair this week meagre g t and chas ramsbaw of lowvllle and miss sada dtley of wood- stook visited mr and mrs jai ramshaw oh sunday mr and mrs geo cnon spent several ofays this week with friends in east ti e magu te ulllnrlijahor- a f after a two monthb visit at bib homo here last veek a number from rookwood atteuded the epworth leagne oouvonlion at guelph on tuesday coming and going visitors to and prom aoton ant varlousotherpsrsbna notsa tbo fnsa pbkbb invites all its readers to eon trlbuto to this nolumn u you or your irlonds aro going away ou a holldaytrlp or if youuaye frlonds visiting yon drop a card to thefnaa paksa miss riboo of brampton visited aoton friends this weok mrs g hayward spent a few days last week with friends in guelph mibs emma graham of ulonwilllams yisited friendb herstbfs week miss bella tibbett of belwood vialtod cr ons corners milton the shoe faotory will he running again in a couple of weeks the county far the past two dayb lias rendered business pretty lfvply in town hon g c mokindaoy baa been in town the past week his health fasi been poor of lste wm moore esq of the scotoh block sold over a dozen sbropeblre shoep fast week to an indiana buyer h f naisbitt of lowvillo was at ottawa laat week and took a number of large ordera for hay which he will purohabe and ship from this neighborhood qwing to the death of mrs osborne rev pr uaborno baa foqnd it necessary to ohango his planb far the fnture dp will resign bis inoumbenoy of the parish of alilton and omagb at the end nf this month and leave milton obsoou as bis suo- cesbor has been appointed on monday the wardens and lay delegates of grace church went to hamilton to meet the blbhop of niagara to ducusa the appoint ment of dr oebbrnes successor they submitted the nemo of rev mr8mitb of montreac the fixepmivo o tbp ualtou county sunday school aosqoiatlon met in the methodist ohqrob yesterday to arrange for the annual convention at oukville next febrnar qeo xioenae inspector reynolds was here on friday in oobheollon wllll a chargo against moqibbon bros of belling liquor to minora the evidence of several youthful witnesses was heard by tbe reeve apd q h kennedy j p bqt the oharge was not sustained on a seoond charge of illegal selliug the court reserved its deoislon herald a quiet wedding took plaoo in tho proa- byterian churoh on wedneaday afternoon loth sept when miaa- mary josephins jliugbter of david little eeq of eaques- lng and mr james mooro whitefleld of new york oity were united in marriage in the presence of a email oirole of friends afcertfae ceremony which was performed by the rev louis perrin pastor rjf the phflroh the wedding party drovo to the home pf the brides parents where a- bountiful repast was partaken of the newlywedded pouple left by train for hamilton amid showers of rice and good wishes they will visit niagara falls buffalo and other points before arriving at their new home at 120 carroll it- brook lyn n y the annual harvest festival in st georges oburoh last friday evening was very interesting rev o a forneret of ttmlltnn prnhnil tlia inrmni eokr mr david swltzor uf meadowvale visited relatlvos here tbia week dr lowry of guelph waa a welcome caller at the fnsa pnass ou friday mr chae h moore of tprontowas home for a couple of days during the week mr aea kestleand the misses kestle of rookwood visited frlehdshere this week- mlaa bonar of westmaunt montreal is aguest at the homo of arch monabb esq mrs n p brown and miss mabel of toronto were guestb of frlonds here this- week- mr alfred king of toronto bbnojr w 0 king paid a flying visit bare last week mrs wm peacock of peru visited her nephew mr w 0 king during the past week mrs s garland of pinkerton spent a fow days last week with her alster mrs mcbeath mies mcphall of new york has been visiting her mother and sister here tbe past weekor so miss pasamore of rookwood was the guest of miss nellie brown for a few daya duridgtboweekv mr r d warren of the herald georgotown7oailed at the fakspnkss sanctum labt saturday- rev h a macpberson attended the rpeeting of guelph presbytery in chalmers cbqrob goelpb on tusbdsy mr will fortune of buffalo was in town tbia week ronewing friendships he has developod into a fine young man dr artbnr molaoblan of barlingtgn visited his brother rey j molaoblan at the methodialparsonags this week the mauy friends of mr john russell wbp spent the bummerat mentreal and in prince edward islsnd were pleased to see him in tewn again last saturday revs jas a mdlaohldn m ai aqd william bryers ard ifc ft mooro hepded tbppistslok meetingand epworth league conventibn gualpb on tuesday a private letter received from mr j v kannawin this week reports that both he and mrs lannawin aa in esoellent nealtb mr rannawin- has abcepted a situation as manager of the aanba valley fharmaoy at aausa qallfprnia ourtownship voters judge hamilton allows sovonty- four chanaes in the lists at the conrtof rovulon presided over by judgo hamilton at stewarttowp in oonneolion- with ebr lists rnoqh interesjwasmanlfesuidby iuierested iterawrtrtnelr polltloal friends the following names were added to the ilet thaa allen daniel barbaree james bailey h t htannage boyle philip brli- low edwin board ell board d w campbell cornelius cunniughaiu joseph gblubolm william oheyuerwllllam col lier william dennis william h eversop harry fryer william gould burton harris jumes hewitt rlohard ijolbrow john boyoo robert w- logan charles morey tbemas mlno hugh mills georgs mathewroan william martin rlohard marohrrient henry marphrpeht james mcgrory robert momenemy william momaster thomaa momaater jas norton jr lester rice john t rogers thomas robb herbert ruffle malcolm sinclair james stork william filacer arthur slaocr joseph soolt frederick switzer moses smith john a tracey dennis traeey wltltarn seolt james 8mw george walter john waldon rlohard wilson john a wheeler the names of tbe following porsons were atrnok from the list alex b chisholm joseph crow george canex thnmas fleming charles hayter jaraoa joype john kippen john momas- ter james e mcmillan charles h nixon edward peer stephen bosssll john switzer william slnbbs william j sharpo arthur transom daniel towns- end w h thompson georgs wright holt warren peter mann jr thomas taylor game zair notes ths fnnruesb recently referred to the bpeoial legislation reeently paased to pro- tset game in one ppintan- error waa made ss to dates and the extenc of the oloseseason thlsmr 0 raooy game warden for tbe county corrects a follows you are entirely out in the time to shoot partridge snipe and woodcock the law does not prohibit shooting but only tbe sale ox bartering of tbem nntll 1000 shooting time for above opens 15 sept and olocea kith deo quail opeub 15th oot closes 15tb deo a wise policy the council is to bo oommended for lotting down permanen thby aro needed to oarry off trio water from wide areas tile drains will laat a life time and save furthar trouble and atten tion gradually this policy of permanence isgrowing popular a few yeara ago it was found thatatono flagging for aroaaings was superior in everyway to pine or plahk and it wrt iutrcduded the noxf atep forward will nodonbt beuielntroduo 4ionf permanent walks in tbrb bhape of granolitbio or asphalt in fact there is oohaiderable agitation in town at present looking to a few trial blooks being laid nsxfi season is essential to health every noolc and corner of ths-l- system is reached by the blood snd on its quality the condition of every organ do ponds good blood means strong- serves good digestion robust health impurs blood means sorofula dyspepsia rheuma tism catarrh or other diseases the lureat wsy to have good blood fa to take hoods sarsaparlilx this medicine purines vi talises and enriches the blood and tends tbeelmnents of health and strength to every nerve organ and tissue it creates a good appetite gives refreshing iloep nd cures that tired feeling remember coods tho sonsoiiis now well underway goods about all in ordera for makingfrolling in wo bavo spoken of our largo stock of materials in a general way today wo wont specially to speak of black dress materials what nu aasortraeut what a variety what elegance what cbeapncaa from tbo strongest cheapest fablle to the rigbpriced brocatolles the many hundreds of pieces proclaim tbo duponor merit of this department bo sura to seoour black dr033 qopds higbestlofaet the one true hloodnirlner hnriris pilic p t tluuus klils take easy to ppenttssso sleans ifidiari wtok cures rheumatiam neurlalgin erysipelas eczema and all blood and skin diseases ura jamos stewart no 160 hwghoa bt st tbonim writes 8omo four or flvo yean ago i wni troubled with a oomiictioti of djieaaes mod was treated by aeveral of our b9at oity dootorj and tried all klnda of patent medlolne but reoelvad no benefit nntll i tried sloans indian ton 10 jnd i at onco began to im prove my left alrjo at one time wai paralysed and i was acarcejy ablo to move and bad to ba asfllited jn dressing before x bad used oqo bottle my healtb improved and tbo modloino effected a complete euro i can highly reoommend sloans indian tonic for all norvoua disorders it is an ideal blood imiriflorftna will do all that la claimed oritriwilhieploimed to hlvo ny i ean to any one slmlllrly affootedc hinco utlng tbomcdlcluolhavo bad no return of the dltv oasoijiavolncrfiasedaroatly in weight and- now onjoy perfect hoaltb price 1 6 for 5 all dealers or address the sloah medicine company of hamilton limited n b1a gooids at c f gbddeve sc gos drv goods groceries rogkbrv lakts pend chps come and see thjim irigs tentsvetc pike roberts 147 brunswick ave toronto are expert makers of awnlnors tents v tarpaulins jsp xsjdtfioiial balcony curtains storm sash etc read the martian by du maurier postpaid 75c read the christian by hall caine postpaid 75c read r 1 equality by bellamy postpaid 75c buy vour wall paper from c l nelles guelph buy your window shades from c l kelles guelph always ask the prices of books l nelle millinery our millinery pnrcbasos aro about double thoso of any forinet eonsou we expect a- big increaae of trade we bavp had it from season lo seoson and pur atock of this season excels nnything we have eliow n before ladies uudmiaaes fedora and derby hats wo have in all the novolties- and cboap of cburao mantles and scrapa bofar wehave 6peiied six cases of fall jockojts capes 3lnday nnoltier lot will rift onnnnrt nnd thfl rnnny hundreds i 1 tr r 5 j- ji u otqnrnjents arehefe for your inbpootion come and see them e r bpllert co 25 and 27 wyndham street guelph neisr fall goods our stock of now fall ooods ia now complete in all departments dress goods our stock of dress goods is now more complete than ever before we have imported direct fromthomakers in europe and are cottseqtrjirtlyina better position to offer cheap and reliable goods than ever before everything new aoduptodate black goods are our specialty we have very largo rango of fancy and plain cloths of all kinds mantles are prettier andoheaper than over a full runge oi the kowest goods fit and style guarautoed millinery our iormalmillinory opening will take place on wemf8dar septeuber 29th a cordial invitation is extended to all the ladies to call and see our display miaa stone ia showing tho latebt novelties in hats and bonnets and wo can assure you a genuine treat clothina afliir range of mens and boys suits odd punts and veste all newgoods and uptodate a firstclasa pair mens tweed panta for only 95c see them hosiery we have made tiro very best eftbrts to securo very special values in woollen hosieryjot all kinds and wq think we have succeeded wo assure tbo public that it will pay them to inspect our range af these goods before purchaa- ing they will be found made of the best yarua correct shape full sines and the best wearing quality obtainable see these goods no trouble to aho w them general dry goocls our stock of general atuff ia most complete ana wo are satistied we can quote prices auflcibiit tu acuuro yorr- tm of paint tbe past week according to the gloves interview witbarnpid bros that arm will eroot a larger faotory immediately messrs w- h storey bon have been ronnldg overtime for severel weeks apo are atul bpulorl with birders the weukaown palmer co and bis brownies will appear in the rpyal opera house guelph on friday evening wto no good times the jfaes pmas subsorlntion list is rapidly lnoreasing hew subscribers are being added in num bers daily stories of the depredations pf tramps corns from all over the oonntry just now tho pountry la fairly alive with those opwelcornoitlperanlb if yon oontemplate having an auotlon sale this fall remember the fan pans excellent claeap sals posters they are always neat oorreot and attraotlve the annual convention of the womans mlaalopitty fidolety of the methodist ohnroh hamilton donfetenoe will be held in gnelphybothbfjth 6tb and 7th ooteber rln rbtniiyng fpr a job of printing a i s a e writest vai nsoai we are well pleasea with yonr work in fapt we can always rely opon lbs fnxsi pasaa to do the oorreot thing the grand trohks new steel aroh bridge at stsgara falls will be opened on thursday friday and batqrday 2srdmtb and mill- ininnsotlon with tbooeremon- le there will be a great carnival of musio sports to tbe item referring to the snnual har vest festival of bl albana churoh was mis funeral of the late mibb maggie kennedy last saturday at noob on all sides were heard expreeaiens of lpve and esteem for the mempry pt pne whpss natnre otsb of the mest unselfish character and whege life was spent n loving minlstntionb to others miss kennedy was the daughter uf tho late malcolm kennedy ho was for many years pnp of onr best and moat respeoted oitiaens she was born in tbe old homestead on main street opposite tbe old presbyterian cbureb and lived there np to the time of her death to her home was home sweet homeindeedand tbe tender memoriesclustering abbua the home life of the family under the roof wbero father and rnntber said their last farewell and from whence oce by ope fee varloql members of the large family went orat into the world were meinprles saored so her she was a friend to everybody and like ber mobp who passed away aboat four years ago it was frequently remarked that she hadnt an enemy in the world miss kennedys death makes the first breit q the ranks pf the poplls of the late bobert little elnoe the interesting reoniop held hare on july lsth lboi and marjyaillent tear will be abed by her old schoolmates their work speaks their merit examine the awnings jilst put up a moorecroft acton orders promptly filled prices reasonable tenia to rent for all purposes b cuolplt shop filled with main street planinc mills acton ont stxhs l j we tb ss w nf m ed interest and well stlended ths harvest decorations of grain fruit hewers etc wsitrljsuiaeiye millinery qpsnlngj wed spd thnr 8pttl4ia0vorand display of fmhlpniblsmllhnery at mobeaths under i jliri1ov of hiis jcrdsn late of ormsvllw atstltheb ertfobt to 8winple a nsw awlbdls ahsti aiieiif so sna i giiotmiiimlur lo spms seoilonfc rarwetwbo snts to sell bis nlabe is oslsdpnbya smooth talking of ihsrtoitb at rats ju iw a as the news resohes them for twenty- eight years miss kennedy was a faithful employee pf the canada olpve works and and dnrlng the past flf teen yeara was fore woman of iho glove rnaaera department here the kindliest feeling always prevailed and the emplpyeea who worked narler ber will badly miss her presenps and obuossl three or four monnths ago the vu sslasd with an affection of the alomtab of a can cerous type skilful treatment proved unavailing and she gradually failed unitll last wednesday lslh inat when she passed w pa ippk iness her slaters wvm and other friends gave her moil loving ears and attention and dorlng all her suf fering they never heard a murninr thl funeral was very largely attended and was conducted by bev h a maopherson and rev j k goddenm a veryopm- forllng words were bpoken by mr mao- pherion in his address measrl w a storey x stark dr j lawson c jen- ner jnor kennedy and w pollard were the bearers floral tributes of very ap propriate design word pltood on the oasket by the employees of the bftssra w h storey a son mr dean onloe mr and mrs j e mcgarvin and otbir friends among these present from a dlitanoe to attend ibo funeral were mri tlioe ken nedy beglstraf parry sound j mr and mrs tnps bmylb penetangoialijnei mr and mrs it jrpildi mi bn j3ros and miu mabel toronto imswrsv aknmo misstena mccnllnm eloculioniat will give a public recital in the town hall to- morrow evening tbs effioers pf the epworth ltagne for the ensbing six mpnths have been elooted aa follows hon president bev o a mitchell b a i president h w ken nedy b a viooprea of gbristlan en deavor department miaa lindsay b a viceproa of missionary department miss hutt vioopres of socisl department miss b holmes vloepres of literary department j m prentiss trea miss tyndall it booty 0 w opr beoty o hbennett tho farmers in tills locality hayoflnished sowing their fair weeat a number in the southern past of the county found it im possible to finish beoause tbo ground was too hard to work the immense yield of hops has given employment tds large number of people this season tbe frost of monday night did some damage where the crop bad pot all been gathered every one seems busy making ready for the fair this week mr bailey and daughter of keewatln are visiting friends here this week mrs wn jaekes and daughter nf toronto are guest at the methodist par sonage ths rev g- a mltshsll b a attended the milton putrid meetingend epworth lsague dohtanllon whlob srss held s wyifstfittlijl in- the ltc3isvdbuiextibbalk evening iw sroilvlngbud svery one talks w0 if you want flrstolass guelpb sash and doors at gnelph prioes t earuox oan bli your orderat hlsilanlngmlll john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of baebipoora pramea- m onidlng inallatylea hundreds and hundreds off pairs of shoes all on tables wwrv ejlssijslevb dunasftjyipeptls indigestion and too hearty eating a per- feet remedy for duilncss nausea drowsu ness bad tasteinthe mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid ijver the hegulatethe bow pu v 8mall phi small do mall price substitution tbo fraud of tho day sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand garters xittle liver pills zuacssnra matcbwq and moulding to order on abort notice well assorted stock on band at prices to sol tbs times john cameron proprietor e b colli batcher dsslmtotbanklils nomsmm ctlttow tbelr llbral pvtronso slao b oomwonoed baslasm lsst january and hopos tbat li enxvfai and oonrtsonii attantloo to metit a couttimauc pftlialtctistoiti asmmiplata msoriuent of flratclaas btf mutton iamb fork fresh and sftlt hanii stina3e poultry tird t6 inseixion prloos always as low aa oontistant wilh tbe best quality prompt dsllvery fa stook wanted e b col tlivft profi pnr uuj us n lu t knife plaiting we have purchased tbo very best machine obtaiuablo for this work and in addition to our own work we can do a limited amount for any ono desiring work done for dress making or millinery the plaiter will make plaits from 116 of on inch to 2j inchofl charges reasonable best roll or crock butter only 14c alb iiswfc30 e jsptgjit imouse ckr of king and huglison sts bbttbh thkh tmor georgetown electric worlis tj speight proprietor manufacturers of qynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams rip ana bteam pitilni sn1 oeneral kepair- inselngeaulpredwltria mbraslnint4ehlne i am nrsnuwa to do braalnu n blevels frame ii snvsudiron dlrsoj tptangsn rpokes handl brmbenl iu any dejlred an ale arnirilnsolbpokes kept in loek bausfasaon gnaraateed llieielraenani had in apyoolor tj bpktohtisprls town leave your orders now for your winters supply none but the very best scranton coal delivered i can supply egg stove and nut sizes the liberal patronage accorded mo last season by mr browns cus tomers whose business i bought was much appreciated ltan give evenbetter service this year and solicit a continuance of their orders coal delivery to commence in september john mcqueen carpet and bouaefarnlthing dept our new carpets have arrived and are ow on sale they comprise all that is xnost desirable from the worlds best makers including the product of the famous john crossley son limited brussels and cook sons liversldge makers of wool jptwhlchwe are sole agents new brussels new tapestries new wiltons new axmlnsters new ingrains new floor cloths nairns scotch manu facture new rugs and art squares dreka oooda til cuvu snl 35 4 yara 4lnch all wool vigreaiix twills at 50c latest shades 44inch fancy french dress goods in red greens browns blue and purple mixtures at 50c yard 4ainchtweeds speclnl at 35 nnd 80c per yard fancy mchalr eflecla in black 44lnch 40 50 65 and 75c per yard coaling serge suitings all wool 44inch 3j 50 and 75c new double warp- cashmere 46 inches wide 50 65 75c and 1 per yard millinery felt walking hats lor early fall wear felt shapes of all the newest styles trim mings of all kinds in ribbons jets flowers feathers and velvets first class milliners to trim hats in v ry newest style and on short notice j shirtings flannelettes sheetings new shirtings canadian best dyo fist colors assorted patterns prices 5 7j 8j 10 andj2jc onr njc is tho best grade in canadian shirting made new cotlonades prices 12j 15 17 ao 22 and 25c cottons grey nnd white at mill prices flannelettes in all grades patterns and qualities 33 inch 5 0 7 8 10 jsj nnd 15c per yard extraheayyshictinglinse 8 t 13 jc per yard printed- flannelettes very new patteim soft shades fast colors for waists wrappeis etc price ro 12 j 15 17 and ioc per yard flannelette sheeting plain and twill two yards wide ii and 35c per yard sheetings bleached and unbleached 72 iuch plain 15 20 and 25c twill 18 22 nnd 25c 80 inch plain 22 25 and 30c twlil 23 30 and 37c special lino unbleached 12jc table linen inbleached wide with 30 etc to 75c per yard bleached extra quality and width prices 35c 45c to i per yard grey flannel this season eslrn rauj full 28 inch allwool best grade 25c per yard try our mall order department sampes sent to any address on application freih or express prepaid to your nearest railway station in ontario olfall purchases of is nnd upwards satisfaction guaranteed ilamiltoi i ifej ililsili

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