Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 23, 1897, p. 4

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fifty years ago thin in lite cradle la which there grew that thought of a philanthropic brain a remedy that would make life new vqt the multitudes that were racket willi palu twos sarauparilla qb made you know jjy aycr ttouic 50 years mgot ayers sarsaparilla was in its infancy half a den- tax ago today it doth l stride the narrow woiiid life colossus whatis the eeoret eftevoyor l mirhn i thq numbiar of them i the wonder of theml imitators have f6l- lowed it from the beginning of its success they ar4till bp- hind it rearing the only medal granted to sarsaprilla in the worlds fair of 1893 it points proudly to its reoord others imitate the remedy they cant imitate the record j 5o years of cures t gu ri8 thursday september 23 1897 telkgounjj joiitb tiw spe jbssow the teacher satin berbigbbackodcbalr bor chair ao straight and tall hor cyee went flaahlng to and fro among too oblldren email at last abo epoko and billy boy 1 now anawor uhly bolee and tell mo quickly what does o- 0w ipoll quoth bho tbon up went pattys hand up wont mattys hand up went froddya hand too but poor littlo billy hewaa aoallly ndldntlidowfflhat toqp tbo teacher binilod hor pleasant smile and abook tier email wise hood boqulot alll for i amaiiro that billy knows lbbo said put on your thinkingcap my child and tlo itvory tight tbon cow will not trouble you and you will bay it right but up wont pattys baud up worn mattys band up wont froddya hand too and poor uttlo billy ho was bo silly ho didnt know what to do bnt when tbo children flftri to laugh and fob at him gan poko poor billy thought it might not bo fio muob worse if he epoko bo lilting up bis fearful oyoa all sad and timorously sure crow must spoil sobbloyoul thus spoko billy boloo tbon out laughed matty and out laughed patty and out laugiodfrodortbky too but poor littlo billy ho fcltboiilly he didnt know what to doii i laura e hiciiaiwh rem arkbble incident two americans who were oroasing the atlanlio met in the cabin on bandiy night to sing hymns as they isng the iasrayamrmjesusy lover of my sonlj one of them hoard an exceedingly rloh and beautiful voice behind him he looked around and although he did nob know the face he thought that he knew the voice bo wh th m c ed the man if he had not been in the civil war the man replied that he bad been a confederate soldier vwero 500 at bach a place on each a night asked tbo firit yes he replied iand a ourlons thlug happened that night which this hymn hast recalled to roy mind i was posted on sentry doty near the end of a wood it wa a dark night and very cold and i was a little frightened biecaaao the enemy were apposed to very near about midnight when everything was very still and i was feeling bomeaiok and miserable and weary 1 thought that i wonld comfort ray sol by praying and hinging a hymn i remember singing thia hymn all my trust on tbeo is ytayod ah my help on thee i bring cover my defenseless head with the shadow of thy wing after singing that a strange peace came down upon me and through the long night 1 felt no more fear now said the other listen to my story i was a union soldier and was in the wood that night with a party of sooats i saw yon standing although 1 did not lee your face my men had their rifles fooiiw- ed npon yon waiting the word to are bat nansenthe arctic explor ers carrier pioeon ono day a carrier pigeon lapped at the window of mre nanpohvliome at chriot inna instantly tho window wub opuuecl mid tho wife of tho famoiib urctio explorer in nriotbor moment covored tho little mosacngor with kieaeb and carcshoo tho oarrior pigeon had been away from tho cqttngo thirty lout montha but had not forgotten tho way homo it brought a note from nunton btatiug that all was going woll with his expedition in tho polar regions naueen had fastened a mesaago to iho bird and turned it inobt tbo frail courier darlod outinto ihebliis- zardly air flew like an arrow over perhaps a thou band railed of frozen waste and then over another thousand miles of ocean and plains and foreatb to enter the window of its waiting mistrebb and deliver thomobbngo which bhehad been awaiting so anxiously wo boast of human pljok aagaoily und endurance birt this jqving oarrier ptgeon after an absence of thirty mouihp a 000m- puabed a foat ho wonderful ihat wooitn only give oursetveb tip to aniazameih and admiration concise a teacher id aaaburban eohoblnq long ago gave her pupils twelve minuter in which to write an abbtractv a shoo waa therubjebi selected by hor and tho boys were to write in the first person no limit as to the number of linos or words was given them moat of tho boys wrote and erased dur ing the whole time allowed bat tho teacher noticed one fellow who sat idle until the time was within two rain u tea of expiring as the scholars filed out ehe 1 aid to hira brown did you flnbh your abstract yes maam ho answered gurioustoeeawhatbooouldjiavawrit ten in bo short atimo she looked over tho papers and found this i am a wornout shoo my coffin is tho abh barrel my grave the dump sho bays that almost as firmly impressed on her memory as this remarkable compo sition is the expression of amazement on the boys face the next morning when ho saw the 100 mark on his piper his fault i understand said mr johnbon of the orthodox cliaroh to mr jackson ot the methodist chqroh that you need to know the new minister thtn coming to our ohurah when you lived in now york state i did said mr jaokson iaho a good man i think ho ia a very good man well what are his faults- he must have some faulta since you preaa me i know of but grave fault what is that please he doesnt kriow bow to bing hum i not a very grave faultv no bnt you see ho sings just the same as it be did know i the locality are you in pain my little man asked the kind old gentleman no anawered the boy tho paind iu the grim reaper foiled the marvellous virtueb of palnes celery compound conquer and banish a ladys troubles five doctors were unable to help the sufferer twelve years of misery and agony from female kidney and atomaoh troubles i physicians were utterlyperplexed and un able to oure the lady 1 in a time of gloom and despondenpy jhp niagio virtues of faines celery compound bring joy anil new life i these aro the leading facts in the following statement made by mrn g stone of eganville out forimqrejhaptwelvo yearflrtvttb afbiotsd with kidnor stomach and lemaio troubles and had been attended by five doctors and tried modiolno after medicine without any good results my sufferings a year ago from tho kid neys and stomach wore dreadful i was in such a state that i thought 1 could not live and concluded there was no use trying other medicines i was advised however to try paiaoa celery compoand and finally decided to give ic a trial before i had finished the first bottle i had improved very much and after the use of a few raoro bottles i had not been so well for long years and am now altogether a different person the use of paines celery compound also banished my nervousness i can therefore recommend fainos celery compound to any one suffer ing from kidney stomach and female troubles when yon sang oat dover my defenseless head with the shadow of thy wing i said boys lower your rifles we will go home kino appreciative words i wonder why we are bo chary of kind appreciative words i it costs so littlo to give encouragement and joy to our fellows a multltade of appreciative thooghts eoa- eernlng our friend may be bidden in our hearts bat how seldom do they find ex pression we may laud m excellence to hertrbntoeverawordol many a desponduiit soul woald be cheered and helped brer a daiperalely lmrd paco if only some ono would wuinpisrf a hearteniiijjword it is wobderful lioir partioularly gloomy outlook may bo bright ened by n timely appreciation of our slrnggles and triumph i do no mean flattery or fultomo praise but genuine appreciation give expression to yor appreciation of the virtues and acliiuve- ments of your dear ones in the home olrolo as well as of those outside um some queer facts no queerer oombination of queer name has lately been rf period than ihl at h dedication on a ohuroh recently the iub- sorlbers inoloded mr sensetuau mr toct mr sour beer mrlinoake and s lady of 1 he saiijo church said that sho v one onneoted willi a sunday school which ootunined at the same tints three scholars named rpotivel porter ma and fliiiriwer one- in maryland a uay diirlnu w relliitiouii gathoilii etajtloml three iiihtfj iilranghrii to her nnd 0 oti- 01 her narneil mr sprlnhle mrs fihowsr arid mrsstofm loving klndneas is greater than laws and tho charities of life are more than all ceremonies mr alexander sanderson ohoudrant la says having used ayers fills at least twentyflve years i would say that for all fliaaubbfl n bowelii btomach and liver which can he remedied by pills thca are always effective they keep the system ia perfect order it is always fair to suspect a man not becauso he is wicked hot because he is a man loned ojawated puwhlch tear you all to pismw wh in h with hoods to take npfedatejaereryrci bafe eertaln and sure atli flruraisui c o i hood h 07 tho onlrpius to talcs wldi hoods g may i write you a poem on the bpantiful snow ashed the poet timidly yesthond- ered the editor go oaf iqaat in the enow and write in the monnlimo ill sit here and pray lhatai fast as you write tho son will thaw it cat the ward rhould be trimmol sod not allowed to grow sbragglly and if grfiealy or of nnoveit color uso bqokihghamu dye which colors a ixmiilifiil brown or llaok 1rnctlso kcinumy i11 buying mediuine as in other mattcrb it is c con qui y to get hooiis guraspitrilla bodutiao thcro is more inoihoinul vuluo limn in any olhur kvorybatllo or ifobdh sar- aapurilla coutitina 100 doua nud will aver- ukf uktiti according todirictiouu to lust a month whilo otlmru luut but 11 fortnight hoodd pills aro tho only pillu to tulto with lloudu biusupurillii uaby und yet cflloiont lut ti pjg in lhu parlor and it would iminodiutelybsgin to look for mud v spuakh iniin kxtileiiru mr j toiuliiibou anniurhtburg ont speaks from exporiouoo whet ho buy a i urn well batistlud with douub kidney fills they are undoubtedly thn boot pill on tho market for uuy ono ullliulud with kidney or urinary troubled nucli ua paid in the buck tirod flltihg uiatiipd numbnojdoto they oiired 1110 anl rtjnovud all puinu und aohod when ibd dovil cant go iu ulinrch liim- nelf ho ttlwiiyaboiido a hypoorito v handinhand health and happlnoae go handtin hand with storriaoh and ner ves ait out or- y9rt8hcnitltand happiness are unknown kmivka oadbpls cornwall out i was for uovoral ycarw a groat auflwrot f rqtn iudigcbtion dyspepsia and uervoosneeb i took many remediea without any rtiliuf i saw south amorioan- i or vino advertised i prooured abottlp und i can truthfully say it is the beat medicine i over used and i strongly tccommond it to any ono suffer ing as i did a tow doaea wppdorfully holpod mo and two bottled have uiude a new mau of me it cures by direot aotion on tbo norvo coutroa sold by a- t brown 7 say as little aa- possible about that of whfohyou know nothing dr lowa flqaeant worm syrup re moves wortca of all kinda from ohildren or adults colic cholfira choleha- morbus diahrhoea dysenterr and nil summer complaint of children op adults price 3sc beware ot imitations some are active beoaubo they fear to be thoughtiidlo ilcasiiut sure iintl quick geotloraan i am pleased to recommend your laia liver fills for constipation dybpepaia and siok headaoho 1 havo used them for those troubles and find them a pleasant sure and quick cure free from tho annoying griping of other pills i- havo heretofore ueed signod ii jamo6 st nicholas hotel hamilton ont the more you lovo yourself tho loss you will bo lovod by others a dinuer fill muny poraons suffer oxoruciatinr agony after partaking of a hearty dinner tho food partaken of is like a ball ct lead upon tho btomach and instead of being a healthy nutriment it beoines a poison to the system dr parmolceb vegotabloi pills aro wonderful correotives ot auch troubloa tboy correct acaidity open eecretions and convert- tbe food partaken of into healthy nutriment they aro jnst tbe modiolne to tako if troubled with indigestion or dyspepsia every noble activity makes room for itself avcbc tabic preparation tor as i simllatlng uictood atulreguia- tiig ihestomr as ondboweis of nnditrn that the pacs1mile signature or protnotcsdigesltoncheerrul- itcssandbcstcontains neither opiummorpwne nor mineral not narcotic xavdarouldrsmvafnvnen apcrfccthetnedy forconstlpa- lion sour stomachdiarrhoea worms cbrivulsionslfeverishi ness i st tacsinule signature pi wc is oit the fe h4t wwi outoilii is pot up in meiiio tottlci only it ll lot told in bulk iint llow nyono to toll ron anything elao on tho ylon or promlao that it i jnit n bood nndlll oniwor ovory pcr- dni 3r bto tht jou got 0abtobia rheumatism can be cured 1 nearly thirteen years sgo i was taken very bevorely with rheumatiam and al though i have been treated for it by several doctors hero and elsewhere besideb using any amount of patent medicines and vaunt ed rhenmatio cures i never found only temporary relief until bix months ago when dr halsteds rheumatic care nrcd me so that i havo not felt anything ofit since rout l bikoham acton march 15th j897 that hacking cough can bo quiokly cured by ilagyarda feotoral blaaln price 25c the inheritance of a distinguished and noble namo is a proud inheritance to him who livebworlhy of it skepticism tbia ia unhappily an ago of skeptiolem but there is one point upon whiohpersons aqcqcaiutod with tho subject agree namely that dr thomab eoloatrio oil is a medicine wh i oh can bo relied upon to cure a oougb remove pain heal soree of various kinds and benefit any inflamed pprliun of tho body to which it is applied scotts emulsion makes the bipod richer and im proves the circulation it increases the digestion and nourishes the body it cor rects diseased action and strengthens the nervous sys tem in a word it plaqes the body in the best possible condition for preventing the germs of consumption from beginning orcqntinuing their work in that one sentence is the whole secret book covering the subject very thoroughly sent free for the asking bfwyfr4b d an advertisement this is an aclvertisenicnt which tells the truth about milburns heart and nerve pills people who suffer from tducplcssncss dlzzlricss shortness ofbrcatli sniothcring feclinj lion tf the hearty enlns through till rcns last antl heart isrjihxiotts morbid con diiion of the mindj tl groundless fears of coming ansemta or impoverished blood after effects of la grippe general debility etc should try these pills as they cure these complaints every box is guaranteed to give satisfaction or funded through the party from money reft whom the pills were purchased and wc authorize them to do so on tho strength of tho above statement this offer is umited to the first box used by any one person t miluuhn co jtorontk a deaf roan nearly always hears what you dont want hiinto a rallway un ungcr snys in reply to youf question do my oliild- drenobjoob to taking bootts emnlsion i siyno t on the contrary they aro fond of it and it keeps them pictures of health a liver coin ii usually in currenoy for 27 y durdook filln nmall safe und sure rrguluto the liver nud cure constipation tfs only tlm mirhe invito of purity that la cold cniirrr cnn ho cm oil- lyfycu want to make a dollar go a long way pat it in m emelopo addressed to somebody in tho sandwich islancsand rnalllt mother graven wonn etiermlhiiorimi old iloti folk for ajx years i suffered from onucer and govnn relttf until i nsrd burdock blood bitters 1 used fovcii bottlea faithfully when the oancer gradually dried np and anally disappeared i am now entirely well and rejoice that by using b i b i mveeeoippd death either by tlo surgeons knife or by the cancer itself euied mrn iilii j tufford r furls ont those who sohool othors oft should school themselves tortured and helpless rheumatism has hordes of vic tims and is no respeotor of personssouth american rheu matic cure resists his cruel grasp and heals the wounds ho inflicts relief in six hours geo w piatt manager worlds newspaper agenoy toronto says i am at a loss for words to express my feel ings of stnoere gratitude and thankf aloesb for what south american rheumatic care has done for me aa a result of exposure i was taken with a aovere attack of rhou- matlo foyer whiohoiffflo fed both my knees i suffered pain almost beyond human en- daranoe having beard of marvellous oures by sooth amerioan rheumatic care 1 gave it a trial after taking three dobca the pain entirely left me and in three days i left my bed now every trace of myrheumatism has disappeared bold by a t brown umlouutculy two ilrst gonttemen 1 wibh to say that dr fowlers extraot of wild strawberry has proved a wonderful roraedy in my family we would not bo without for tn ice its price i say it is the best not merely one of tho bebt but the bcbt medicine ever brought before tho public for bummor complaint or diarrhoea either io ohildren or adults john underbill license commissioner btrathclair man sister tlioro youjhavo candy all over your now suit what will mamma say little brother 7 well mamma wont jet mo havo any fun in these alothos till i get em spoiled norway pino syrup cures coughs norway fine syrup cares bronchitis norway fine syrup heals the lungs im not muob on atauiatioj slid eph- riam jeffaraon but ill betlhutty coats dat 85701 321- paihb of elfppahadot been made by young women to young men dat wont nevuh weah dora wrong heat action wrong aollon of tho boart causcb ner- vousnoes nervous dyripopsis shortuoss of breath and other distressing symptoms mr samuel yellnnd of london out was curdd of theao troubles by taking milburns hoaat and kerve pills mr yollaod says they are a remarkable medicine and j have not been troubled iu tho leabt since taking them whatt want said tho lawyer is to prove that my olient is mentally deficient cer tainly replied tho expert there wont be tlie loabt tronblo in showing that aa long sb long as ho employed you- as his lawyer mrflcelcato coon syracuae n v writes for years 1 could not eat many kinds of food without producing a burning excruciating pain in my stomach i took farmeleos fills according to directions under tho head ufindtgoston ordvapepsia and ono box cured me i can now eat nn- flhpqco without diatrcbsing mo in the leanit t t uu nut caus pain or griping and should bo aaed when a catharlio is required there ia a maxim of unfailing truth that nobody pverprioa into another mane concern but with a dosign to do or to bo abloto do him a mischief jvs knows the age of tho heart we have nohesltation in sayiug that dr j d selloggs dysentery cordial la with out doubt the best medicine over introduced for dysentery diarrhoea cholera and all summer complaints sea sickness eto it promtly gives relief and never fails to effect scare mothers should never be without a bottle when their children ate teething be charitable before wealth makos thee covetous a sum 111 er specific cures cholera cholera morbus diarolioea dysentery crampc colic aommer 00m- plaint nankor of the month and all bowel complaints cf children or adults it is a soothing rfftctuul and never failing medi cine which gives immediate rr lief and tpcodity effeats a pure in spring tim 6 gt pure blood by using bbb no other remedy possesses such per fect cleansing heajihe and purifying properties aa durdock bipod- bitleis it not only cleanses internally but it heals when applied- -externally- all sores ulcers abscesses scrofulous sores blotches eruptions etc leaving the skin clean and pure as a babes taken internally it removes all morbid effete or waste matter from the system and thoroughly regulates all ihc organs of the body restoring the stomach liver bowels and blood to healthy are you jhort and fat arfi you tall and thin if ao the only readymnde clothing you can get to fit you perfectly is shoreys make if your denier doennot carry shoreys off sizes get him to order for you 44x444 there cam be no better than the best ceylon iri leacj packets only black or mixedhalf n oye pqund packets rietail2e 30 40 boanooo csnts xpouno e best davidson hav ltd wholesale agents tcp wto merchants newspaper advertising brightly started rightly stuck to so ltd lttbackedtrpr ensures business sucoess advertis in the acton free press shops and wareroorns j foot oi willow t toftofr calls attendeld to dayor night j a speight co i undertakers and embalm ers actdni ont latest styles experienced attention firstrdass hearse moderate charges furnjtyrg a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co orders loft with j n stin90n rockwood will receive immediate attention are you 99 wyndham street looking for a nice new uptodate fall suit and overcoat if you are and want the best for the least money this is the place to come new suitings nobby uptadito jusl in our 81600 suit to order is wonderful value newfallhats kbw overcoatings the latest we have we havo ft black and blue beaver at 1800 made the best why wear outofdate style when we can give you the latest from ioo up co fltfthtfl at less than cost see them and be convinced of the value we are giving ieckisrear puffs strings bows fourinhand and all styles new goods from 25c up our unlaundried white shirt at 50 cents is a leader goods marked in plain figures cash and one ptice renelson tailor and furnisher guelph mull vthuni i hxpicna d 35 a in icxnroih 2 luipm lhxnrcfib kh7aru ill 7 toioijtmull 0 llnm mixed 10 oil pw ltimi or clomsu siams ioliiy wont- 0 t 11 in mid gmupm uolugkuhl 10 is am and s 45 pm thla tinio tublo wunt into offect 011 moiidaj nov 30lh 1hw brhntf0rd galvanized steel wind m ills jahdf- r tamp infynthla- teraaicoyered pear patent rqiiornnh bnuoerlbfr roller bearings rooldj rtmuraj makers of the light est running and est constructed galvah- ijed steel wind mills and towers made also tbe celebrated maple leaf grain grinder- write for brantforucah illustrated circulars johnw act6n aobntpoe above also pob and wood binders and mowers frost a fall line of all kinds of farm implements and repairs the wilkinson plough company limited tqrqntq ftlldnson plongha l lasj longest work easiest and draw lightest voinis apd sojes last twjck as long aj1 cast parts have our name and address in full on them see that you get them it will pay you pqtatoe diggers 1350 35 75 ah thoroughly tested and guaranteed or no sale responsible agent wanted the wilkinson plough company limited toronto j h hamilton atacbtez g hamlltona block ouelph hftvlng ou band a largvquftuuty of scotch norway swedish and rubsiaq grrnite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i will sell at a rodjiction of 20 per cent and will allow air expenses to customers to and from our works john h hamilton action ohriits rest la best enjoyed by thoso who are trying to give repi to aornehodyelfie tiu for innts and ohildreu run piles cured in 3 to e nlahtsltoh ine burning skin olaodoes re lieved in one day dr anoowa ointment will cora all eaiei 61 iiohlng piles in rain three j sii nights ono spplioation brings oomfpr i orbilpd and i lsedn pl isprlm aso cores teitot sail rlinmoozeraa i r bsvsllh and all oruplluhs ot the lltln iilleiej inn day b5 cf nti- sold i y a t brown cor of king and hnghson ste many ranfa hie t ceo me a lover of of tho bible by hearing somu infidel talk aginot u v there never wis tad never will he a universal panacea in ono remedy for all ilia to which flesh ia heir the yory nature of many ctnativch toinj ench that were nr fnw nf wid prawherry i thq c of nthrr and differently seated diseabca rooted in tlio bygtem of the pationt what would relieve oqq ill in tarn would aggravate the othor wo have however in quinlno wioe when obtained in abound unadulterated stito a remedy for many and grievous illn bylta tradaaljudioioua use tho frailoat bybtoms aro loo into con- valeaconoe and btrentli by tho iuiluonoo whioh quinine rxerta on natnroa own rchtordtives it relieves tho drooping spirits of tlioae with whom a chroulo state of morbid despondent and lack of interest iu hfo ia a aiaoaeo and by tramjaillzing the nervep dtpobea to boand and refreab itik bleeplnpartb vljbr to the aotion of the blood which boin ijtimnlalcd ooqrtoa throughout tho veins strenfitheniug tho hamojy mrtmal lunotlons of iho system thereby nwlilnslbtivliy a ncoeisaryresulfc tredrlbenlnr uat frame and giving life to the dlgesuy crgwis which wunrahy demand increaaej sobstsuoq rebolt im proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto have riven to tho publio their quinine wlno at tho uuat rate and ghaged by iho opinion ot scientists this wino apprcunhea ties perfection ot any oi the market all druggists se it no time tike the present undeniable bargains are the order of the day ttacton tlvery bu tho undoralnnod rfiipeotfully sollolta thopatron ase of tbe imbue and informs them tfiat well equipped and stylish bigs oan al way s be secured alldbbtaiqao alna botwoen 0am and 8u8 n il careful attention given to every order tbe wants of commercial travel lers fully met jofln williams dre33 qoods h luou colored lnttro rogular el33 now aoll- lng at aoo thoio aro in sood ahadoa and at tbe quick wool twood rcrular coo roodi ard toatfin regular fllo drosaos nclios wide iwc oubes ladua diouio wthiti wlilto hundarofl collar and oufta aajustbio llnonooioti rogular nrloe 8183 now roduood to75o theao aro yoke hack tad full front ijadloa lilouio walata white laundered collar and cultii adjuatahle plitic o am brio ohook and atrlmj regular lusfiooda now solliofl for 7so thoflo imvo full front with point in yoko lad i ot ulouae walstn white laundorad oollar andouttaadjuitabro printed lawn in pink and blue eiaa ror tuo ladlea mauvo canibrio duuea walata oollar and dufls adjuatablo c1s5 for 7re ladloh diouio walatb in navy and wlilto acrol pattojd american mualln adjuatablo ool- lara a115 now 75o ohambray illouao walata in pky pink and oadot adjnitablo oollara tlg0now 100 american muilin wrapper fnlt skirt and blahop iloevea flu now l3 nf r print wrapper fqll aklrt and yoke baok 1 go for 8105 now huflk luitro prosa qklrm7 icoiod 370 and 400 muljnjry lcflborn hata 1b and wo these are in hlaok and white tbe former proea wore bs and luo buaw hats nn trim mod too now 9floib6e now ate aioo now 60o 800 now ioo itadlos bailor ilata juut in tbo vory latoat shapes oolora and wuim all trimmed millinery ffreatly redircod ladles toulat oyollng and outing hata and tama childrens hualln and embroidery hata and uonneu a larse aaaortment prices right 7bqi given away to parsons wlio mtkn tb grestsst htnnbar o word out or tho plinuo fatont attornar woddsrburn for psrtioulsrss4tlrosstbs nstlosl jrooorilar wssbtbftond o fob ttohsjbbnraattb linens and 8heet1nqs sodrod lluok towels sllllnmj 10x90 106 osoli hurk towel snoolal vloo 1039 1110 husk towals joim too and soo sl plsln lllmobsd sbmunf luo snd 90o 8 4 twill ulssohsd bbestlng 160 snd 9sao 40 inoh plsln f lllow cotton loa 49 lnob plsln pillow ootton lfto 44 inou plsln pillow cotton lso bxtrs vslqo in tsble linen 00 inob noblosoh- oil s9o 850 450 mo so 60 inob lllesobod tsble ilnen ooov s7o 45o mo 79 inob biesobsd tsble linen st 75o bsth towels iao iso 90o ko bstb trowels dm 40o 4to tofiio wash goods cotton cnipons redgosd iroai 90s sue o t one nrloe uo cotton oremnsrodqoed front 110 isa soo to opo nrloe 100 ilngbtms redqosd from 100 snd 19o to 70 colored stnsllu rodqood from ijs to lo from mo to joo- just tohuosiinr lot ot figured musllus fo 10o worlb double j lijslaiigij msll orders lisnour prompt stunuon purobiuo of00 sod oror propsld to your nesreit railway sutlon in pqrlo y ijta liviasifc v i the ri iwspsim iis sxv3i amilton rvgsatibae8sfcbmb doi rdwh- vriik tfm wa

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