Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 30, 1897, p. 2

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willuott in trafalgar ntiar milton on tuob- day hiiitmubor vint lbl7 to mr and mm f o vvliliuutr ajmn utajruiisv huaiirdiy at laconbo alburtn ou wuilnus- luy 15th sept by tlio kov mr cliugwlu j anion tiharp of druniroaalu hunch to jonnlc younceut dauflliter of tboinah day kvorlon day 8 ml dun ly at st iuul mlnuoaotn ou ropt uttb 1hj7 aluxaudur it a day m d ulduat bod of t j day kbq guolpb cooieii in georgetown on tuobrtay september htb karl eon of mr and mrs mltaholl cooper iigod 0 yoari 3 months 17 day a mckechmie ingoorgotown ou raturduy oven ing boiit ilsth ltuoda sophia watson ivlfo of d mckoobnlo bhtkl 4q yours 0 mouthu ij tttih vzz tyvtz thursday septlsmbett 30 1897 notes and comments sir adolphe caron who arrived mon day in montreal saya the greatest interest la being taken iu england iu the mining ian ddot canada and thatall ths capital needed is readily availablo for sound spoa- goustdorable speculation hati been incited about the- conservative leadership otoing to tho visit of sir cjharlea tapper to win nipeg if la as id tbatbegoos thereto offer the leadership of the conservatives to mr hugh johormaoionald sir louis daviea minister of marino and fisheries has jbbaod a circular to the lumbermen on the ottawa river notifying them that there will bo no further post ponement of the lawforbidding the dump ing of eawdnat into tho rivor mr qeorgo hagne general manager of the merchants bank of canada has just retnrniidtqmontrfialfrdmthflkorthweett he says while the crop is not ae heavy as last year its extra quality and higher prices will make it twice as valuable neighborhood news news itoms supplied by corres pondents apd exchanges eden mills a valuable liorao belonging to mr copeland ofc kramoba while stuudiug in ijcuabande blaokamlth shop last friday beoatne infuriated and in tta pranks wan bo ve rely ruh it broke looso- and turned almost everytbiog in the ehop uptrida down mr hasbnd bail a narrow escape from being kicked to loath on tburaday ifcbt a horao belougiug to mr tosopli wbilo ran away mr white was holding the animal by the bead at tho time and it knocked hirri down the buggy ran ovor hirnbut be was not hurt badly the borao jumped- over he gate and badly bnmshed tbo buggy tlio aootdent ocourred at the farm of mr wm moore of bramoea milton the normal college formerly the school of pedagogy nowremoved to hamilton baa aooammodatlon for eighty tjtudebtb the number of applicants for admission so far eioeeds this number however that the minister has decided to reject those under 21 years of ago this iffcfuimod to be a stop in the- direotion of more mature teaohere replying to the accusation of inconsis tency made against him for condemning the concert the socalled concert of tho powers mr gladstone writes we tried to make the concert aot andve failed and went on without it we thus procured enlarged territory for montenegro and tbepbaly for greece this is exabtly what i have desired aa a mode of action in the east in these two disgraceful years compare the results the politique colonihu publishes a dia- patch from bt petersburg saying that as a result of an exchange of views between the chancellors of st petersburg paris berlin vienna homo and constantinople the saltan of turkey will shortly address the powers on tbesnbjeot of great britains evaouatfon of egypt and russias support ing tho saltan will invite a conference at constantinople or st petersburg with the object of settling the question on the basis of the autonomy of egypt under the suzer ainty of tho saltan tho growth of christian endeavor work in the province of ontario must be very gratifying to all who have the interest of the movement at heart tho first society in ontario was organized in 1884 by the rev a f mooregor b a woodstock then pastor of the western congregational church toronto the total membership in ontario today in round numbers is 85- ooor themethodists lead with a member ship of about 40000 the presbyterians 27000 uuiori societies 6500 baptist 5000 congregational 2300 epuoopal 12o0 duoiplea 1100 ontario christian church friends evangelical asrbclation united bret horn evangelical lutheran make up the remainder corporation accounts paosociotastmoeti nflrof t hom u n lolpal council council met lost week in regular session all membora present except councillor brown reeve nlcklinoccupied the chair the session was devoted to the consider ation of accumulated accounts the committee- on finance presented thoir fourteenth report and recommended payinentoflhe following alex boll for 1 amber 6137 18 hamilton and toronto bower pipo co for drain tile 8110 john harvey frolebtandv cartage 18 10 james brown sawing timbers for bridge 17 00 david uliis teaming 6 35 w l wordenwork 8 63 kobert bingham work- tt 13 358 39 f moved by we smith eeoondod by w h benny that the 14th report of the committee bit finance just read bo adopted carried the council then adjourned harvest bonaoberylces will be held noxt sunday and monday in tlio methodibt ohurah thotpwo has rot back agajn to its usual qutet biooo tho uxt lthbrji willeirjsrlor concert under the auspioes bthe ladies aid sooioty of the method at ohatob at the residence of mr geo s bowee on friday oyeaing at 8 oolookl at the acnual meeting of tho ep worth leaguers of the milton district held last week at burlington the following ofiioers were elected fred wataon munns cor ners preaidjnt chas hunt ourlialo miss janet llule milton miee olive gunby lowvillo mish mary inglehart nouoq and mifa hager burlington vice- presidents lucy m jimitb oakville secretary and dr a h speers barling- ton treasurer n will bo heidatmutoor v georgetown eequesiog fair hold here last week was a gratifying aboceaa the weather was fine the exhibits were fully np to former years and tho- attendance was batibfaotory president warren and his at off of direotors are to do congratulated npon the results of their efforts andrew adams was flued 9500 and coats last week n tlrtrltrht weight bread case in the recent case against mogibbon bros for selling liquor during prohibited hours a flue of 20 ard costs was imposed the illegal selling took place between 7 and son a saturday evening two wheelmen called and at bapper asked for a bottle of ale whioli waaftiuenthera jennie traoey formerly servant in be family of mr charles meeoh butcher toronto was arrested in the village of glenwlllisms on monday charged with the theft of a number of articles from her former miatresa nassaqaweva mr john ritohiog of corwbin has pur chased tho mokenzie farm in nassaga weya opposite hie own farm 100 acres the prjoe was 82250 whloh is considered a fair flgore annlverssry services will beheid at st davids charoh on sunday oat 10th and a teameeting on the evening of the lltb the date for jaojduig the voters list court for nasssgaweya has been changed to saturday oot olb potato diggidffie the order of the day some of the foam era are complaining very much aboat rotten potatoes this year mr geo eaaterbrook is laid up with an attaok of inflammatory rheumatism we hope bo may eoona be around again there were a goodly number of pooplu from naasagawoya at tbo milton and georgetown fall exhibition a last week parties owning dogs should see that they are either tied np rjr fastened in bo aa to make suro thnt they- will never kill any bbeep several of the farmers in this vicinity have hid bbeep worried by dogs lately tbos r taylor has thecontraot for the stonework of mr geo gordons new barn which wilt replace the one destroyed by lightning aomo time ago mr nm lolnhman of b has tho contraor fl our new oovernoroeneral lord ashbourne to be appointed at preaent lord chnnoellor of ireland lonikn flept 27 adnblin despatch bays it is reported pnlho highest authority that baron edward gbon ashbourne lord chancellor of ireland will succeed tha earrbf aberdeen ai governorgeneral of canada lord ashbourne who hasbeen lord chancellor of ireland pinoe 1895 wus born dflosmbera 1837 he- was eduoated at trinity college dublin and admitted to the irish bar in 1800 he was appointed q 0 la 1872 ho represented dublin university in the house of commons from 1875 to 1885 from 1677 to 1880 he was actu f i aud lo iforhefrrmeworfcr operationshave -com- menoed h m taylor of eden mills has rented part of mlea l colquhouns bouse on gaelph road nasbagaweya and intends moving shortly tho eden mills methodist charoh has been dosed for porno time and this painters have been painting and fixing it np gener ally it will be reoponod next sunday the rov mr oouob of aberfoyle will preach in the morning and the rev dr bosnian of kaaaagaweya in the evening the ebenezer methodist ohoroh choir will lead the iloginrio the evoning colloo- tionsln aid of tha trust fund will be taken up raorniug and evening limehou3e cliaocollor 188580 188692 and again 1605 he was oreated a baron in 1885 8ir oliver lieut governor hon david mills will succeed him in his portfolio at ottawa ottawa sept 27 it has been for some time pretty well understood that sir oliver mowat hact consented to lake the ltea ten ant governorship of ontario upon the approaching retirement of 81r george i eirkpatrlek it may now be stated defro- i itely that sir oliver will snooeed sir george kirkpatrlok and the change will onr durlngthicoarso of the ntx few weeks with regard to sir olivers sue oeisbr asmloister of justice it is under too j that the portfolio has besn offered to the hon david mill whose dooislbn may be shortly expected vmohai odea a laboring roan who had been go a prolonged spree in montreal hauday threw bimelf oui of r third motyimnyr add fandod on the sidewalk rev b j molntyre and his brother of toronto spent friday night with friends here thoy woro wheeling to st marys bev thomas meredith wife and child ren of verona oot were here last week fnewlnkfriendbipsattheodbome an effort is about to be made by tha authorities to have ltraehouse attached to the nerval circuit ifsuoh is effected it will be well served as bey mr mc- arthur who reoautly returned f row japau is a good preacher mr john newton of srpia viaited friends in the old liomo during the week mr jonathan lane had his left foot badly lacerated in a corn cutter while work- log at ninian lindsay a laotbaturdaj efo was bhoviag down some cornatalbe when the foot was oaught in the maobiue bev wm bryera bad a congregation of five persons laat sunday morning tlrfu is abamefal for a congregation which shonld nomber76or 100 the people say they rwp b m b bu tbey dont like ihe arrangement by the oonferenbe xhey ate pursuing a very shortsighted polioy the oharpli suthor- ities are doing their best for the appoint ment and are eren nbw negotiating for more satlsfaotory plans the proper spirit at the praenfc juuoture would be to make the best ofezistldg eiroumstanoofl and bops for something better disrespect to an aged and honored minister will not pay tiis lord helps thoae who help themselvea to onuiders and as well no donbt to the obildran of the members wboareabsentlpg tbomaslveb their con duct appears anything but manly and ohrliwiko mr g 0 bailey ashgrovo is erecting a barn for brown bros near llmehouae this will be tbo third one for him this district lpague convention interestingsessions in dublin street churbh quolph last week in connection with the uuanoial meotlng of the guelph district an epworth league oonvenliop was beldpn tuesday afternoon and evening of last vvcok to which all the lcagucb iu tho district sent delegates mr j b royuoldu b a o a college was tho presiding oftioer the programrao was practical and vory iutorosting at the afternoon sossionaftor dovotioual exoroioob bev r w soanlon ma phd of nubsagaweya doalt with chribt in personal experience and booial life in a very helpful address interesting reports were then given by rielegatoa from tho various leagues on tbel ivork done by thoir loaguea and their methods of doing it mr wrinah of trinity medical college toronto representing the forward move ment for missions spoke on the oauses and working of tbo campaign the following hfollon prppohod by rovi s selleryiand dr millt vviib then carried besolved- that tail members of the guelph dtbtriot epworth league convention do heartily endorse tho plana of tho tdung peoples forward movement for mjablona as they have been presented to-lt- wo recamepend that ouch league of tho dibtriot that iiaanot already had the plana of the movement preevrited to it be visited aa boon ub pbaaible by some member of lhe executive cdmmitteo of the dutriot or by one of our pastors or by some one who will explain tbo movement and urge each league to adopt it we rcoommond further that eaph league having beeu thoroughly canvassed by the members of kb mibutonary corarnittce report to thedietrict secretary the amount they expect te raise within the year and further that having ascertained approximatelywhat the loaguo will be able to rateo the district presidont secre tary and second vicepresident together with tho chairman of the district bo a cornmitteo to confer with tho general board of missions and select a missionary to be supported by tho leagues of the dis trict the rev j a molaohlan m a of acton then gavo an outline of the epworth league rtjudiug coureo for 189798 with a synopsis of the prlnoipal books this paper bbowed very careful preparation and a thorough knowledge of the four volumes of the present years course there was a good attendance at the even ing aesbion rev- j exancely of brampton apoke bis own unique atyle on individuality in orgauiam his waa a masterly address and impressed the necossity of intelligent selfabnegation on the part of ohriatian workers tha addreb of rev james awde b a of eloraoa tho relation between the in tellect and spiritual life was logical aud able and commanded rapt attention daring its delivery the officer a for the coming year were eleoted aa follows proflldentrmr f njaoonibo li a oaolpb vicijproaldont of obristtau endeavor dopart- inont ucv j a molaohlan m a acton vico presidont of missionary dopartmont miss b snyder slloam- vlccproaldent of literary department uibb joslo dowlor guolph vicoprealdentof social dopartmont miss n waddoll forgnfl vlcoprealdent of junior work mibb lottie bnolght acton bootrom itovdr boanlon kassagawoya eoproeontatlvo to conferonoo loaguo conven tion rov judaon truax after the benediction by rev ti w jackson the meeting waa dismissed the choir of the church moat acceptably led the siuging mrs brydon rendering a boio very nicoly after many years sufferer 18 restored health and strength crewsons corners pew farmers in this vicinity bavo com menced fill ploughing yet they bay it is almost impossible to plough tho ground being bo dry mr alex oripps has now one of the finest looking boaees in this vicinity it is veruored with cement and has the appear- anoo of brown freo stone mrs b klokell was sncoesefal in taking rat prize fpr fio pounds of butter at milton abow lastwstc m the first prize on butter at milton show the past three years bbb also seonred prises on butter at toronto and guelph exhibi tion a thin year this speaks very highly for her as a butter maker mrs wm mills of huntavllle is visit ing friouda here mr and mrs j- ramahaw and miss lottie cann spent- sunday at mr b picketts nassagawoya erin suffered from weak heart and could not safely walk any dis- tance how the pulse of life was adjusted 7vanted vrpm tlio cornwall fruoholdor tho romauooof unwritten facta of real life far exceoda the rlob elaborations of liotlou a peep behiud the ecenos would furnish ub with adequate proof that there is more of care trial and severe anxioty in human life than floats on the surface wo find many whose experience has almost in- cnbsantlyfluctuatrd between beafth and eloknebb j little if iv y of this la obtruded upon the notice of lie worlds or breathed into human ear vju may secure thebon- fide nee of some ofi ioso snfferers who will renearae to you dark catalogue of pains and aches that are otten ill understood by jhe friend anil inadequately treated by the pbybioian thodksbe to tbo mighty genius that discovered she now famous panacea for the ills to wbiohliumanlty is subjeotod when suffering frqin impoverished blood or a shattered nerve system thousands have and thousands are aulubing to tbp greatest advantage dr williams pink pillathey have passed the ordeal of ex periment again anil again with ever in creasing honor tue following statement is from one who was resoued from seetping permanent eufeehlement and distressing heart action mary fisher of lancaster township glengarry county is a maiden lady about eight years ago miss fisher was beized with weakness and n distressing aeneation in tbo region of the heart lit was attributed to aeveral causes all jjj nioreor ees true they were overtlfl ex- ppaareeto she was aertalnly wefvnd the aotion of the heart was abnorvally rapid the dootor in attendance pronsono- ed the ailment nervous palpitation of the heart and she received treatment accord ingly for two years at this stage she took to her bod she was so low for twelve months she lay receiving only domestlo attention she improved apmewbat how ever and was able to be taken to a friend of hers near lancaster village mrs j hanoy where she was under medical attendance and took medicine for about three years at the end of thia time she conld not safely venture to walk out even a short distance all thlb time she com plained of her heart about two years ago she began taking dr williams pink pills from this date she began what proved a steady restoration of nervous energy dur ing the summer of 1800 the improvarnent was marked she waa able by the middle of tho summer to do as much work and walking aa moat ordinary women and so satisfactory and apparently permanent is the cure that miss fisher baa gone to her former home such are the unvarnished facts of a remarkable case the malady was persistent tenacious and hard to fight but the constant use of dr williams fink piuswrought a marvehoav change whioh- mis flbhers friend eaid might be profit ably known to many others dr williams pink pills cure by going to the root of the disease they renew and build up the blood and strengthen the nerves thus driving disease from the sys tem avoid imitations by insisting that every box yon purchase is enclosed in a wrapper bearing the full trade mark dr wuharob pink pills for pale peopje 77 upper wyndhslm st- some oblldren named thompson sot fire to their dwelling at priugle village and the baby was burned to dflath on monday at wolseley a boy named jordan was killed and another badly jn jo red by the barsting of a gun with which they were playing free in acton oct 5th if yon are a sufferer from catarrh or catarrhal deafness oall at browns drug store adton tuesday oot 6th and you will bo given free of all cbarfie three trial packages of the best remedy on earth- for catarrh and catarrhal deafness wo are making this liberal offer in order to intro duce this celebrated english remedy in every section of canada remember the date on and cfier t i can pay- ten tlolinn wcoklv to a lady of maturo ayo retlnomcut and tnct to ipencl iter tlmo in a ood oauao t h likbpott toronto out waited old oatabllnhod wbotoaalo houio wants otio or two honest aud industrious representa tives can pay a bustler about 12 a wook to start with advertise modlcal building toronto agents rphe ijoat popular ijifo of hor ualesty i bavo l ovor noon wrtuja lord lorno about quobu viotorla haloa unprooedontcd kuv to mtko fluedollars dlly bis commtulon outfit fro to linvuun tho dradlevoaklietbon coi llmltod toronto ont our new building still incomplete will prevent our making as full a display in other depvtments as we could wish but we promise you another interesting spread as soon as building is finished and stock moved from our other store meantime we are giving pur noted good values in dress goods mantles flannels flannelettes cottonades under clothing and furs we quote lower prices in these for- good qualities than you see most anywhere else the zieglerhinch co guelph the enlarging our premises is almost camplete and there is a lot of seasonable goods yet to be slaughtered we have just opened out all the latest novelties in dress goods and dress trimmings imported direct from the leading markets of the world a complete assortment of ladies smallware for fall and winter inclusive of gloves hosiery underr wear etc fine highlass tailoring we do and have done one of the lkrgest and best clothing trades west of toronto and why vyeare notexperimerifersbut thoroughly uptodate rneninthis businessr you get the best fit best style best workmanship and a large assortment of fine imported suitings overcoatings trodserings etc to choose from by placing your order with us you are sure of satisfaction every time fur department we are making a specialty of all kindspf fine furs for ladies and gentlemen our gents furnishings you will find complete in all the latest styles of neckwear collars cuffs gloves hosiery underwear etc staple department you will find a full range of fine allwool blankets union blankets flannel sheetings arid a full and complete stock of yarns in all qualities and colors at close prices hats hats the latest styles in english and american hard and soft felt hats our readytowear clothing you will find complete in mens youths and boys suits overcoats jddd pants overalls etc at the lowest prices we would like ybu to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere we buy cheap and sell cheap arid you will save money by buying your new fall outfit from us a cordial invitation extended all gibson imiwrz rob block 3bjhinst produce taken it exchange every day bargain pay hoto this village has begun to assume itsevon tenor again tbo excitement aud exulta tion of having a visit from tbo provincial premier and tbo minister of education is gradually waning harvest home services were held in the methodist church last sunday mr jack son ar of guelph preached in tho even- special evangohstio bervioes wern com menced in the baptist church on monday evening rev mr tapecott of niagara jll is aaaited inthe aarvices by the pastor of tho church rov r w kelly of hillsborg tho coming exhibition of- tbo erin agricultural society to bo held in krin oh the 11 aud 15 of ootoher prdmibes to be a great- suocces this year the direotors gain increased thelrpriolistaiid a good program mo of attractions la being provided cominccominqcomino at aoton october 5th the proipeotui of the sylvan ou comv pauy of ontario has been reoelyed here 5- its pnttldopt la mr isaac new top woollen manufaotarenofbarnla formerly ofthii plw wii wk 86oo iuj lilproi nothing could bo fairer or more philan thropic and carry more joy than an offer ing to tie citizens of aoton and surround ing country confident that wo have the best and njottt scientific remedy in lhe world for catarrh and catarrhal deafness we are givi a fr i u lu int doco it three trial packages of this wonder ful remedy ifa action in long standing ohronlo oases upmost remarkable from j the very first day a gradual ohango for the better is noted end in a few weeks the diseased membrane is restored to a healthy condition and the disease becomes a thing of the past no matter whether you have bad catarrh for one month or twenty years apply for this great remedy and and give it a trial for core you can try h without money and without price for remedy on above liberal terms call at browns drug store aoton tuesday oot 6th itomem- ber the date as thin offer is good on that day only the john eaton fire investigation finally closed monday night for lack of evidence no vardlot being rendered one minute cure for tooth ache sloans indian tonic curespiles constipation sour stomach and sick headaches mr r c kennedy builder and contractor no 304 perth ave toronto says it is the beat medicine i ever used i was troubled with plies for many years and al ways in misery i suffered so much during this time that i olteii wished death would como and end niy sufferings i spent a great deal of money trying all kinds of medi cine but received no benefit until i tried sloans indian tonic it relieved me nl- niost instantly and effected a permanerir cure- i will never be without the medicine as long as i can procure it it is a model blood purifier and will stimulate the whole body you are at liberty to use my name in declaring the great healing qualities of sloans indian tonicand all who purchase one bottle will soon perceive its good effects shop fiilhd with ams hundreds and hundreds of pairs of 8hoes all on tables i table i tjl price 1 6 for 5 ah dealers or address the sloan medicine company of hamilton limited 99 wyndham street looking for a nice new uptodate fall suit and overcoat if you are and want thebestfor the least money this is the place to ccime new suitings nobby uptodate just in our fi6oo suit to order is wonderful valuo new pall hats new overcoatings the luteal we have we have a black and blue beaver at fti8oo made the beat colored shirts do you fttck butter we sell crocks cheap now is the time to secure your odd dishes for threshing arid every day fine groceries always in stock t c moore o son south conimiii and main streets wanted 1 souoilohb for canada an bnoyclopaala of tho country in five iloyal gdarto vol muss no dollverlns commiulon paid weak ly a canvaesor roporta his ilrst week roakiog ovor boventy dollars profit 1mb rinscpttcompanytoroirfocrot crd of jsanks joly thank the plrer urlbad4 and boeltlsani who snuted in mtlniiulablhg the flrtwbtcbdottrtjyjv ed my house anaurrharrtavrraonilpropflriyt their efforts were well directed and- everything tbec the undersigned aotlnf to the fire jurlbad donothat ooald be under t 9 qlron tntnoes cabd of thanks istetlro to oxpress mv warmeit thanks to tha fire brlgadojand all the oltlaenawbo worked 10 arduously on monday momldblnflgbtlnfftbe are whloh threatened to deatroy my prqparty as woll m the dwelling adjacent to it reallae that through thelreqorts my lots was only trivial and i approotate their work thomas easton x0ur spare time men women to conduct basinets at home work la simple writing and copying lut of addresaei received from local advertising to be forwarded to- us dalu no eaavaas lag no prflvlou6xparudoux4utred but plain writera preferred rormanent work to those content to oarn s6 or moro weekly in tpare time applvto wabek pub co jotadon ont farm to rent the east half of lot thirty and the north- west half of the east half of 16 twenty nine goncehiod one township of banuealtur containing one hundred and fifty acres this li tho farm lately owned by henry townsend for further paruculara apply to e o graham barriator brampton or to- bjmcnabbaotbu wanted agents both men and women f you aro wiihdr to work tro oanbtt yoaeu ploymeat wltb good pay aa yon can work all or part time ana at taoua or traveling the work li light and eaay writs kt onoe fpr tordueteto the hawks ntjrbbrt oompfmt boohdbterny agents sell klondike gold fields like a whirlwind experienced eanvasaers reaping the rlobeat barreat of tbalr uvea j new beglnuat doing wooden noaily- evury body aubsctibea one yonng follow an a farm at ais00 a month la making 7900 a 3i1 1 writer at s800 a week la clearing 91u1 meohanlo who had oarnod 81js0aday iselr wwaday wo want moro agents oanti limited meahanlb who bad oarnod dlwadaylielearlng 500aday wo want moro agents canvassing outfit 33 coots worth 610q- the bbaoleyoaubetson co toronto ont man wanfed for over unoooupled district in oanada to sell our nlgb grade canadian grown tturserr stock- every tree and buab guaran teed free from tjan jose seals liberal terms to part time men and good wages to those giving their entire time to the work v the demand tor good home grown and accli mated nursery stock la on the increase apply now and secure good ground all ourstook guaranteed true to name or pur ohass price refunded e p blxokfobd 4 co 7 toronto oanada wanted agents fo every district on the eontlntnt to take orders for highgrade canadian grownnors- erybtook and seeds lkrgwtandmostfoomplets aubrtment inthe trade fart altns special ties superb samples carnlaked hlrcaeottss poqdonoe in any language thesspoaiuonaare ndtarrltpr money makers and t rttory bhould be seenred at oaee for the season by all bustlers looking for a good thing ooraalary or commission offeni will interest anyone not earning limoo per ins linu0 per- lthotir nearest year gotti offloe an oitportanityto reprssentawsllatabliihed booae ability more important than experience luke brothers company internatlonat nnraerles wanted ta to soli ior thmjrtmthiu nurseries 0ver700 acre of csnarffsa grown stock we import no stock from the stmtem ta ner advancemefat ind tbe work of selling oar hardy hdme- grown nursery stook pleasant a weliai profltable y r we want mora such mea this season as tba demand for on goods is increasing owing tothe f actthat ws gnarantee allonr atook crew from k scalet soon tracts for wfc meultbeyear rt jarrandc outfit free sajoascas irorwhqworpaitl ear round we par both and ootnmisailoh write ns for oof terms wvmakaopnjacu for whole or part thnems empjoymaultkerear rtund stone a wellington toronto ontario a new firm tailors of ioa- for aaanu ooromua pa4d magiaal in poleny anij power penetrat- ipgal orioo to tbe dlreaied cetrf ner- vlllnodora pain ourerjiahi toothaoho loa rrioimnt n8rllloeho mint mjtyi yallooa pin raiuedy knofa to aolot may bo adfor all miirva palnii why wear outofdate stylo when we can give you tho latest from ft 1 00 up at less than cost see them and be convinced of the value we nre giving jmaln street planing mills puffs strings bows fdurinhani and all styles new goods from 25c up our unlaundned white shirt at 50 cents is a leader goods marked in plain figures cash and one price v tailor and furnishefi guelph macliiue and f repair onoen violoila lltr lend jfablleo itafldrlotai n ont architect and contractor manuraoturer of saah doora frame mouldlni lnallitylea drbssino mjktcbhro aot uovhoma to order on ihort notloa woll aaiortod atook on band at prleoa tosal thatlmea john cameron v rypiiiiitmbij- cooper dcakins hrte purchased the merchant tailoring business of eh schllmme next door to mrs adams and will continue the business with energy jystqpbnep a nice aaaortment of black worateds tweeda overcoatings c call and examine our fine assortment a perfect fit guaranteed cooper a akins we would oallyonr attenllon to tbe act thalweg prepared to inpply you with inrnber olanluhle lanolh for yoar bern doori rlalo 1 is or 1 feet ald sastt i doqbsi -rijfalgsu- tvigmjmos atoioxbnudingbtontljpo up at hepalr jf before4tiai it in new onea cilt jo rr acton er tebsb8 are selliag thejr handsome stock f wallpapers at vhple- s jrdss jo rnake room for theirglirist rrias fancy goods the picture gallery gueiph 26 per cent wo havo stj scotch and canadian tweed summer suitings thia seasons goods which wo will sell at a discount of- aj per cent for cash only tlv these goods will be well trimmed and made up in our usual first- class style when we advertise a discount salel we mean h v see the goods windows md prices in our j mimsp

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