Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 30, 1897, p. 3

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v ihe bank oe hamilton head office hamilton capital alt paid upj8 1 25000000 reserve fund 72500000 total aaaeta 8084807846 xoarly ton millions of dollars the news at home mostly of a looal character and everv item intareatlnar board op otfn stuaitt directors a q ramhay 1realdont viooproaidont iko lloaolz johx pnootob a t wood a 11 lee toronto wm gibbon mp tubnbull qasblor h 8 steven asit oaahlor h m watson irispootor ceorcetown agency a general banking business transacted tlates of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection r of sale wotes and commercial paper generally i drafts- issued payable at all principal ipoints in canada ana united states drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department of- l and upwards received i interest allowed at current rates and added rctcprincipatevery year whether passbook jiiajtoughf in or nojv special deposit receiptsissued forlarge sums y ji p b6il agent georgetown ont the place to school books envelorjesi- note papers purses bibles dolls toys wedding and birthday presents buy geo hynds jewelery and stationery store sacton ont ihwk st tbo date on the labol on your psperandyonwlllseebowyour subscrip- dtlba lianas jlepow promptly it will confers sim tt ethtjrbdax september 80 t897 aittle lo b gwhtbh cnubht the eyes or ears of ifras press reporters this week thero is still demand for houses in bjaojion j ri j pfmr william mopball haa added la neat hveraddab to his raiidenoe on maria street the millinery openings this week will bo points of spooial attraction to the iadioa two cents a week will pay for the bcapaxrb to any addrcce oh the contin- fcbenf is- coming to market pretty igreely now mr noble shipped two oari lestierday anew tile drain baa been put in do mill street opposite the residence of john jjvtwn esq v aoton baa cow eight olergymen and ijtnptber one oomea to town to hold services wlbiaweek j the painters have much improved the jsiterlor of mr john matthews bouse on iwiudw atrtec the hontewlvei have beta busy thli jswk ilrioev tbe marobanti got in a now coiojtewjar liofrldg to lack of rain the doit ha j benraoro ironblmome thu week than at fanyprvbni time tbh year t aotxm c oroe t bud gave a brief rtof eight- nombera on town hall ignore lait thursday evening tftie programmea are moat exoehenl fand we appreciate the work vary mqeb tpraldfpt womans mlairpnary bocloty ejsuiiiuonoonirence an preached jpeoial aermona in nor vat on sunday and pfolwretsf aniddrea at the annual tea- efjmeetitig on monday evenidg an exchange of pulpits hov h a maophergon wont 10 fergus to oonduat the annual how or servloe thora on sunday lie preached morning and tvenlntf and addressed tbo sunday sohcol id thoaftornoon rev james mullen of fergus proaohod in knox church here id tbo afternoon in connection with tho roviow eervioe he addressed the sunday flohool in his wellknown happy and practical manner laid to host tim remains of tho late mies nellie clark wero laid to rest in the family plot at eden milts lust thursday afternoon rev h a maophoraon conduatod tbo oer- vloes and wai asbistod by rav w bryers the following frronda from a distanao ottenjatwhe aaeral mr acd mrs mo- mil i a i hrs ivnwiok and mr goo begg toronto mr and mrs molagdd hamil ton klessrs gordpb wilson wilkio xtaw- renaon and arthur moore dandas mrs oouleoo miflo ooalsour dr stewart and mr w amolean gnelph mrsoonboy oni jics modonnld erin mr and mrs 1 clark od meaita wqlork and i clark ayr v mr adanjsandthemiasea ad am preston the floral tributes sent tofibj3mq by jtanda tho country were numerons and beautiful forward movement for bible study the forward movement for evangelistic work and bible study for the present year under the arrangement of the epworth xeague of hamilton conference was inaugurated in the methodist church hero last sunday rov j h mcarthur b x o nerval preached an inbtraotive berraon od tte holy spirit as revealed in tbo books of aota basing his remarks upon tbo 8th verse of the first chapter the xeague and hvmemberbbip of tho oh or oh generally are requested to read the book of acts in 28 days a chapter- a day com mencing last monday ootober 10th la to bexoritik iaoplee sunday aod from ooto ber 11th to 18th an evangolistio campaign is intended the idea ia to uae the conse crated talent of tbo young people those who will tiog or pray or witness or give phort addressesor exhortations it is an effort for boui 8avingaod spiritual up lifting a county fair accident tbe milton champion says oh tuea- t3ay alex waldle of esqueeing near aoton who isoneofthoniqfkt prominent members ot the hal too agrjooltural soolety drove oofilton with his team as he was orose- inr tbeo r track on martinstreot the pota allppcdfrom the neokyoko and dropped trothekfouod and the- horaes togk fright and ran away they broke theirbarneea and got away from the rig and as mr waldie keptbis grip of the lines he wao pullectdver the dashboard hewas drag- ed sorhe distance along the street and only let tbe horses go after bis face had been badly soraped and be had been braised ia a nomber of places the worst bruises being on one of hie knees his injuries it is tbodrht are not serions but he will be dis- flfiared and raoro or less orlppled for a week or two the horses wero dooght by tbos farsone opposite the bennett honse with cbaracterietio soottisb- pluck mr wnldte remained in milton until the sbow was over and attended to his duties as a jada of sheep on wednesday he is gradoally getting the better of his snvero sbakixigup a service unique aad interesting last sunday wan quarterly review day in ill sen day sohoolsandmuoh of interest sanoanded it at tbo methodist school it w made i a rally day for the meeting of tbe members- of the home department and scholars of fifty years ago with the bpys and glrla of the sohool of- today after a brief review of the central thoughts abdgoldon text a rev j h mcarthur b dof noryal who returned from japan three months sgogve an addrciar on 5phs boy e and girla of japan which won tbo rapt attention of all and created nowlntereacin missionary work fifteen miaateiwereolvotedtoa rehearsal of the early history of the sunday sohool and ipcldepti relaung to the plana and ditiy flooltio of fifty years ago portralta of tbulatajgxrbr sr bndtfae lafaifobnr v a disastrous fire harris bakery and the residence adjolrilnjr totally destroyed just as tho hour of three was btribiug en monday morning tbefiro alnriii bounded and hundreds of oitizons wero rouoed from- their stumfacrtr the bright light which illuminated thoipwu avonco showed tbo locality of tho lire und itjflo judioatod that ft wasfaradvauoad bbfqreiliauix dldoovorod i was found that harris bakery and the dwolliug he occupied wbro euvuloped in flamoa tho tiro brigadoreapoudcd with a speed highly creditable und had two lined of hose laid in tho shortest time at any jflro eiooo organization owing to tbo contin ued dry weather a very small quan tity of water was coming down stream to tho tank on main street where tho engine was etatioued but the flour mill gate was opened and in a few miuutoa the supply was ample in the meantime the houses on elthor sido adam stewarts and thonlas eabtonb were in jeopardy tho host was intense and both places were fired a number of times but the energy of firemen and citizens wuh a bucket brigade and a a mall hose- from mr stewarts pump kept the bides and roofs well saturat ed noti the firo engine began to send forth its volumes of watery thedanger- was- soon past and work was dlrented to ex tinguishing the fire in tho bnildfhg whore it origioated j tho fire started in tho bakery but its origin is a mystery mr harris set the sponge for mondays bread at ten oclock the evening before and started a firo in his oven ho closed till dnmpora and retired everything was loft eafe and with the floor and walls surrounding tbe portable oven oovored with heavy sheet iron it is difficult to understand how tbo fire could bave originated from that source- tbo first intimation mr harris had of the firo was his being awakened by his dog wbioh was sleeping in the dining room jumping through thawindow to escape tut flames he fonnd thehouao was full of smoke with fire blading up tbo stairway ho ran to his daughters room and jot her down to the ground through the window by moan of bheets tied together hia neigh bor mr stewart wrt arousod by miaa harris and ho abbhted mrv harris from his perllona position upstairs w a ladder fortunately mrs harris and ohlldren- were away vleiting friends at gorrfe or there might have been fatal resultb the premises and contents wero totally destroyed not oven a suit of oolhing was bayed and mr harris and hisdatighter depended upon tho kibducss of neighbors for present needs the portable oven which coat 335 laid down in acton is entirely ruined as woll as all the bakery equipment and 1q0o weight of flour a purse containing 93i was in a side drawer in the dining room and thld was also burned the house and othor buildiuga were the property of thomas c moore both the bouse and contents were insured the house for 400 theqyon and bakery ftxr ture furniture organ clothing and other belongingb for 91100 this wsb tho first fire which haa ever takeff placo in cooks survey and tbo value of tho fire brigade to thereeidentb there was amply demonstrated had it not been for the protection thus afforded both the houses of messrs fltowart aud eaeton would assuredly have been destroyed coming and going visitors to and prom aoton and varlousother persona notes tlio foxn pitbbb invites all itareaders to con iriuuto totltls oolumn if you or your friends are golag away on a holiday trip or if you have frlonda vlflltiiigyoir drop ft card to tho fnn pnunb mrs cs loppington and family removed last week to georgetown ana tiiil western xeurmiona the g t b aooual ezoursioni take plaoe today tomorfow and saturday the rates to the various points are follows port huwn detroit 8320 cleveland 570 saginaw or bay city 5020 grand rapids 720 cincinnati orchioago 8920 tiokols are valid to return leaving destination on or before monday 18th ootober mode and merttf maintains tho confidence oljthe people la hoods sarsapariua u medicine cores you when alcic if u makes wonderful oorea every where thea beyond all question that modlcinepoemetee merit m ni m l thin will tend to prevent accidents mr chester matthews vsited friends in afijn hoifflm o tjjo q t r ntt fergus and arthur the past week mr and mrs samuel laird of johns town n v are visiting at tho old homo mrs robert watson of fsquesing visit ed friends at grimsby tbe past week or so mrs john miobio and miss miohio of toronto were guests at gorry hall last week dr j f halated left on monday for eimherley where he will praotico in future rev jbsmithofgoclpb has received tbodegroo of d d horn mori o college quebea mibb ida monahbof tbe toronto gen eral hospital came home on tuesday fo a fewdays rest miss stone of toronto has been tbe guest this week of mrs john b cameron jjoweivavenhe t cd tho following official notice you will pteaoe notify the parents of tbe young people and the lads themaelves that they muere- main away fsm the companys platforms and yards and refrain from jumping on and off cars either standing or io morion take tbo names of each one so notified and if after notifying them they persist in diaregarding the inatruotioub refer the matter to the proper officials and a deteo- live will be aant outto praaeoute them for ttrbspasfl xot the parents thoroughly undorataod what steps will be taken acton remembered that is just thetruth about hoods bar- naparlua we know it possesses merit becauspit euros not once or twice or a kss5- l thonsanda and- ihs ot cama w know ircures sui al whe others fall to do any good whatever we repeat ening the county fair ya number 61- onr oitlzont have been otnnioned to attend the assises at milton monday th october as jarora obief jjnt joe armour will preside ymisses jewio nioklio and mine talker took part in the harvest home tivaianorval on monday evonlni tuelrwioeswerenincb apprsolated amrohas ryan ofi georfjatown was lb town last week solloitlnfl the sopport of biuitnsm men for appointment as customs ofnoeiat the new port of entry at george- tylti gnelph mercury continues to pub- uitiaotbn etblbltlon in the list of fall firiiiahkowgh it copied tho pnaa pnaas iferenoe to its withdrawal this year two wjigor sbev father haley has laken residence jniha house lost vaoited by mrs henry jshnsron mill sirest the dwelling be 3ef pnfclnelphblreebarbeen- taken bya liiy fsniily from toronto ejiijbere will be a specisl bible readinn jind pryer meetiif at tbe ohuroh of christ ootdsdsiy eyeolpii oot 6ib bobjeot srtrnb exoosed led by the pastor r jr lijoeayoarneiihsor read the fnkb xjjoijm bildhbor read your iipar- jf3geally hint that he bve a obpy eysry week for himself till vliatksitforagarjtrj iieajbaanca of a ooople pf lads who okaiidtioo btfndaytsvenibg to leave home awonvtair bwn hook is riving f ilrtiyn aariona analety horns ia speight the first and aaoond loperinten denls wore in prominent view and tbe grand work done in the aohool and tbo eomoi apltybythesettvdgddeti wfidfe nsknies are revered by all- waa fellingly refefred- to among the teaohera and isoliolars connected with tbeabhool between 85 ind 50 years ago present at the servioa wen mr and mrs john matlhewt mr janea moore mr- william ferryman aod mils ferryman and mrs thomaa ebbige many of those whose names were called from the old roll have gone to their reward wbllo others are in sunday bcihool workin varioqb parts of the country the vetera list court cttsra is a good deal of the give and taste mbbnt onr looal pdlltioana and for this ration ladge hamiltons oourt on monday was a very brief silting- not- withitavnijog that there wore appeals re- spamipgighty names only a very few pamo before slie judge for deolslon the reason foir thiavsas that the local leaders of the pollllaail ji ui in jn oooimittcesui to the dispostlof all bat two andtesptotlng these the fudge reserved deolilon tb following names were added to tno fills for this manioipaliy lawv rooce williams batobsr thos ie tan ner j wm monabb glover j duncan taylor laborer wm watkins clerk james bay mason wm clark tailor vvti worden sr gontlemen thos jvaron tinner warner nioklin laborer nicholas clark gardener dnncan mo- intoib tinner john gibbons tanner arehmoghlivary lewis e otiannlgan taottr fred sullivan tanner john mel- lin tanner norman moaalas tanner fine weather good- attendance 8plendld exhibits and gener- alfy sucoe unlike the disastrously wet weather ex perienced last year the elemente were favorable laet week and the fortyflfth annual fall fair at miltpn waa a gratifying success tho fair was opened on tnesday bnt jt was wednesday that witnessed tbe largeattendance tho crowd was made up of the usual fall fair multitude farm- era and fakers exhibitors and inspectors swells- and sweethearts peanut vendors dispensers of oolored lemohude oheap jewelery and walking panes all anxious to amuse interest or gall the quiet oitizene that mado upthe groat majority of tboie prasen poring the earlle p of t day tbe stoak and implements arrived and were allotted their places in the grounds the whole of the afternoon was ocoupied in judging too horses arid cattle both of which drew immense numbers of people who watobed the work of the specialists with orltfosl oyaand no doubt sometimes quiet disagreed with iheohoico the attendance in the afternoon was verylarge and tbe directors aro very well pleesetr with the daya results the hall exhibits were generally up to those of former yesrs in all classes it wis however somewhat of a snrpriie to visitors thatwith tbo abundance of fruit this season tho entries in this oibsb were hardly up to former years acton markets flour wbltowuoat dooso wheat oats peas bye borloy bopt 1807 si 9o to e a 40 78 to m 00 to 00 so to to 10 to a to in 15 40 3 uelp markets 8otm 1807 flour boiler v ju e a 60 wboat uw 80 to 81 aooso wheat 00 to m barley sio oats at to im bye to to 41 reaa 40 to 40 bay 0 00 to 8 00 eggs iier doe 15 to is butter dairy paoked 10 to 19 butter trolls n to 13 plew potatoes par burn 40 to co apples 2 u so toronto markets bept 291807 white wbeat new tv 77 to 70 miss hattie thomas left last week for watortownni yrtospend a few weeks with relatives there mis barbara 0 wkrron will be one the speakers at the baptist young peoples bally in guelph tomorrow mrs anderson mias tena anderson an mies susie sinclair visited friends at st outbarines during the wask- asa hall eri left last week for fene- tanguishene he wiilapendsoveral mootbs with his sonand famtlyteero miss kate kirkness who has spent a oouple of yours with her sibtor mrs fol- jater jef t last thursday for her home in scotland rev fl j molntyre and his hrotherj of toronto madp the fabk fneau a pleas ant call on saturday while en route on a wheeling trip to st marys rev f w liuxford tbo new pastor of the disoiplcb charob bss arrived in town from buffalo ny with bis family they will take up their rpaidenoo on bower avenue mrs c s smith returned last week afttir sojoarning during august and sep temwvv long branoh n jj now york and mgepu her outing was most enjoy ableand health restoring ttev b cook went to lookport ny tuut week to visit relatives there in re- tarn borne be waa taken suddenly ill at georgetown and wasasblsted bomobyiiev mr iiangford he la ahle to bo about agafn but still fooling poorly opwo of the canadian board of tho amalgamated company of the new steel arob bridge over niagara which was oponcdlaat week are relatives of mr wm ismond being mr thos b merrill st cotherines apd mr w h merritt of toronto mr w h storey broke ihe record last week in the matter ot dispatch on an im portant business trip he left acton at 225 on thursday afternoon for glovers villo n y transsated hit bneineas and returned borne on batorday afternoon reaching here at 225 mr j b gorry who has been travelling with arnold bros the past two years has proven himself bo papable a salesman that several nholeealamen have been after him lately with offers of jnorative positions he haa aooepted a situation with brown ct erb berlin and took the road for that wellknown firm on monday mr ohss jenner his mother mrs henry jenner mrs iiovoya and children jeft on monday for jobnslown ny where they will make their fntnre hornet the removal of this estimable family from aciod uftera residence of eighteen years isvery -keenly- felt by their numerous friends boat wishes follow thero for comfort end bupoeusin their new home wehaya inatrooted mrbrownjrugglst aoton- to give away free of oharge on tuesday oot 5th tlrea trial packages of the most successful and ecientiflo engliph remedy for the oure of catarrh and catarrh- altjeatbeas we make this liberal otter to makekupwn the cdratlye powers ofthib remedy do not fail to applybnthat day hoofjs pills skneisns rod v the martian by du maurier ppstnaid75c tuesday sept 28th and following days of this week we shall make our annual display of millinery mantles press goocjs silks furs and fancy goods to which we extend a geueral invitation you will find here everything in dry goods of the best and most reliable chracten read read buy buy thii christian by hall calne postpaid 75c equality by bellamy postpaid 7 jc your wail paper from c- l nelles guelph e k bdllert co 25 and 27 wyndliam street guelph -r- ibwvbiyiitlt5k uttle plllfl they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per fcet remedy far diinea nausea drowd peas dad taste in the mouth coated tongue tain in the side torpid liver they regulate the bowcuu purely vegetable small pill 8mall dose small price substitution tlio fraud of tho day sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills the new tenants op white house the the first a only plotures mrs mo- kintey has bad taken in ten years appear in tbo ootober number of tht loiltf home journal they form part of a series of new and anpablished photographs of tho new occupants of the whits house mrs mcklnley wore for her piptbre her inaugural ball drees of silver and white brocade at tho speoial request of the prssident who thought it partiotilarly hfr coming the excellent portrait of mr moeinley in his oftioe was taken ip jnne the other pioturps in the series ahow tbe- maoy obanges in the arrangements and furniehings of the rooms and gronuds made by tho fresident and mrs mckinley literary j4ews tbe selkirk settlers in beat life by rev r g maabelb m a is ae interoit- in g reoord of tbe early days and develop ment of the selkirk settlement in the red river valley this volhmb gives the details of lord selkirks entarpriaj of 200 years agowhen he made a lattdable effort to colonize a section of the north west at that- time completely dominated by the hudson bay compan t s told by mr miobbth himself a- deipenjeht of one of the selkirk settlers contains much of iuloreit and will be priaed by all critical students of canadian history the volnrtidis especially laiteroitlug to mem- bers of the presbyterian oburch lhasmuah as the clrcomslanoeslsadlognp tbtheeiitali usbment of that ohurpbin- the north west aro vividly rehoarsed wm brlggs publisher toronto the monarch mine at rat portage bss been sold by tbe bullion company for 925000 toronto men are tbe psrefaassrs therevdwigbtlvmood t duting georgetown electric works t jspbigut proprietor manufaoturere of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams plpa and fitoam fitting and general bepalr ing being equipped with a gaa braslng machine x am prepared to do braslng on biovolo framoa arc wheels ooavartod from direct to tangent spokes handle bars bent to aur desired angle fall line of spokes kept in stock satisfaction guaranteed bloyclcs enamellad in any color t j bphtght qoorgotown your yindow shades from c l nelles guelph always ask the prices of books g l nelles bookseller cuelph nem fajl goods in now is the time to buy your fall and winter 40 pieces to choose from at 5c to 75c per yd ladies underwear and combination suits ladies and childrens cloaking mens shirts and drawers white black and grey top shirts collars ties braces sox c c io dozen mens hats and gaps latest styles and lowest prices a now crate of crocker and glassware jut opened it will pay you to see them at c fgdodeve cos 4 a w wv w f f fvwf jshreys rtsby rainproofed frieze ulsters in olive mix brown fawn claret and oxford gray 51 j to 54 inches long with 6 inch collars s pockets and throat tab with wontcomeott buttons can bo bought retail in town and village for 700 guelph advooatesaya of prlnglea jewelery store there is one of tho finest jewelry houses in guelph at no 41 lower wyndham street where the premises cproprlse two floors the upper flat being used or large work the salesroom on the lower floor is oheof the finest dhd best equipped of any carryink the largest stock in tho city of everything in the jewelry line clocks and watches in all the leading makes fine jewelry cfllithidspdlgnionds st plated wares in hbllbw and flat goods also a large line of novelties for personal use in solid gold silver and plated goods and the only line pf hand painted china novelties in th6 city imported direct from new york other goods comprise opera glasses fancy canes and umbrellas c one specialty is the optical department carrying complete line of lenses suited to all ages also a fine testing case with special instruments for correcting tho vision and taking prescript ion v and eyes ore tested and fitted free of charge this branch is under tbo personal supervision of mr pringle who u a practical optician of nearly twenty years experience and a graduate of the new york optical institute his optical business is the largest in the city jin exce16bt business is also done in una watch and jewelry vepairlngl keeping four hajidi busy and is prepared to regulate and repair the most complicated watch to be found giving special attention to old english watches plain engraving is also executed to order hlsjewelerytnule extends to all the neighboring towns of klora fergus acton ppeaton hespeler and other places with an extensive patronage in city and country the business was commenced by mr pringle twenty eight years ago and he has bad about thirtyfive years experience in the jewelry line in addition to the above hs is engaged as issuer of marringe licenses thisiinuo the only he use in the city rnaking l apeclnlty of m ami ictu ring rubber stamps which are made to order promptly in any design suitable for cither business or private cards c in this line be has on ditcelleht trade throughout the city while prompt attention is given to mail orders which are often received from other towns as far north aa cheslcy wcat as far as uer- lln with a good trade sputh and east this bjimchwasodded about ten years oo and he is now doing the prlnclpil rubber stamp urmrt couiity millinery mantles dress goods men and boys readymade clothing- special value in these lines a full assortment of fresh groceries always on hand try our teas the best in the market terms cash or produce jg acton ontario school reopening new designs in exercise books note books scribblina books school blanks lead pencils slates and all school supplies and sta tionery at browns drug store mill street acton in leading brands and close cut prices is now in stock at men pleat vandy peed store sjeco guelph s jiaai onr stock of now fall woods is now complete in all departments dress goods- our stock of dress goods is nowiupre complete than ever before wo have imported direct from the rnnkera in europe andareconaequen tly in abetter position to offer cheap and reliable goods than over before everything new and uptodate blaok goods nro our specialty we have o very large range of fancy and plnni cloths of all kinds mantles v aro prottior and cheaper than evor a full ninge of the newest goods fitand stylo guaranteed millinery our ormal millinery opening will take place on vvednesday september 29th- arcordiahl in extoi3etitoll thcladies to call- aud see our dinplay miss stono is showing tho latest novelties in hafs and bpiinetluilvo can nsaiiie 3011 a genuine trpat clothing a full rjinge of mons and boyn sutta oill imith uml vests all now goods and uptodiitc a hrht clitss pun men a tweod punts for only 95c heo tliem hosiery we have made tho- very beat eilbrte to stcuro very special values in woollen llosieryot all kinds and wo think r we hav g we assure t ralioulil b and thsirspasdy rs isflilbats brttarfor all oonoeroad pril hu bssd rssifllox sitiiv ood jan b psal year has liokatsbharss 01 b gsorgos iloid ths ni si wrtka during aosenw of tbarpiorbt joaaph kasliiisifkvv- plbntv op dbbr itlply in asrifioofmokoawas osrstbs plsntlful ai x v- astulckastbslialronadog jonn lilsooos taunsr jamss jaletnan tapdtr david bltobls tannsr charles wenhara tauoer edward barrla tanner jobd monabb labororar thos mloble ganllinasn lobng mobiatb marouabs frank taylor glover obatles tabb taniir robert gsrsfsnr laborer jjariies h hoas oloruynian j frank s oardlnsr taonir tho aaugbtn bostlar cbarles e akin 1 tailor wnijaotannsr bobt bsqtii rlorar i johtfsaddsblalxirer jos hloook tanner x 0 dunn tanner jasnas hainlll tanner hos edhiltbd taotiir j nrsslsy moore tanner then e oboiiotannsr harry waller tanner wstrren 0 pollard glover iuajrlofl ftaif den5 obeilar matihew dspuly postmaster w j moofe j b f aambt tdonkld kenayrtnber 1 tfiii w ooodsvetiid- i mwi ww umvmlknf tsswo njifitaf fop the jqdgss deolslin vaisiobift talilfuipsrrmatttisrsynn jlr- jolpi nabjitf jirs ilpyiji6rqr ilistvr wpsvipbii imtummlmrihiti lfpsjir jijsi i oooso wheat oau hey- barlay peas dotterrdlla boss polatoesnew 7 f is sj to 88 too to 860 20 to so to 15 to li to 03 to frebfrek niabtd evangelist and praober will hold a series of services iu montreal oommenolng on sunday ootober 10 wm bant of oabawa and john wobb of toronto foil from a 40fool scaffold at oweo sound while forking on the pvvb olesator- bpthwaresarlously inj call nnd examine bslpre you bny ftlank harris manager in order to thoroughly introduoa it in anton and surrounding country ne sroglv- ing away free of all oharge three trial packages of the best remedy on earth for oatauh and catarrhal deafness it is prompt pleasant and permanent and onrea where all else falls for remedy on these llbaralleruis apply at browns drng store aotonrtussday oot jth only i 5pts we villi give the aoton free press to new subscribera for the balance of the year for 15 cents for this amonnt it will be sent to any pdatofltce in america if you want the news yourself or wish 10 keep your friends post ed on what transpires here you cannot do belter than send them the them to inspect our range af theeo goods beforo purchas ing they will be found mode of tho beat yarns coricct tlmpq frill aisaea arid fhe beet wearing quality obtainable seo theao goods no trouble to show them cehereidds bnrbiftbfcw general stuff is most complete and wo ore satisfied wo can quote prices suffioient to aocuro you profitable purchases and na a largo trade knifesiiia ehbvo purohased tho very best machino oblaiuablo for tniaivorknnd in addition o our own work wo can do a limited amount for any one desiring work dono foi dress making or millinery thoplaitor will raako plaitb from 116 ofan inch to 2j inches charges reasonable bobt roll or orookjjutter only 14o a lb littmlisiasf i im itm

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