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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 7, 1897, p. 2

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bbattik in acton on friday lat ootobor to mr and mrs d it ocuttlo aiuafllitar aitao at tho mauao duart on tlio ldbli boutum- bur to jtuv ami mra jim arso a daughter mah11j1sj janthon iiahui1 at wusluy mutljodlitctiurbh llnnilltoi on huttmlny oct iludliy tho ltov w v wllucm wluluin clillonljaobboti to ajnou mudo halltt boll of uuelpli oitiittlnan locmikaiat norlliport ont on wodnefitluy hoiitomberautbby tlio iluvrmr ltodrore methodist lululator mr ltlcbnrd i croulumn of uoorbotown to mlu iiydia a loohliuadotnorthport caiii at tlio rcildonoo of tho brldoa father conliiualiyon voddoiidiybopt uuth by ltov v h guru ham b a mr arch ibald camibel to musilotma burt youngest daughter of john hurt ar eij wiimott- elliott at tlio raid suae of job a f mtioallutn esq- brotherinlaw of tho brldo owan bound on thursday boptembor aoth by ltov dr waltos john b wllmott of tho muroh ants bank winnipeg to fatroy it kluottof mfltod t tiaafxtt ptiss thursday- 00tuoeb 7 1897 notes and comments interest in the coming of bif wilfrid lurier to toronto biowe that above party strlfo u4 detraction there is fiinalno approbation of the services of a great gauiulfau wbphas been jpatroroedtal- la rraifllnd the l3omirjipn to the commercial u btatiibof a dfttioo qtobc there soema to be a great divergence of opinion be to who bbouldget the seuator- bbip made vacant by sir oliver mowsts rosiguation an appointment that would meet the approval of all classes wqold be that of mr james iunea from a party standpoint he has earned it from a public stapdpoint he is well fitted to occupy a fleat in the upper chamber last wednesday while mr john kitoh- inr corwbiu was hitoliidg hid horaob to the plow one of the anithale blokod birn twice oh the bhoaldnr and face the faco was somewhat oat but not to y great extent mrs james boleb and mjss botes her nleoedrowe to pern on thursdny to visit friends on their way v horse belong ing to mr j k anderson on the oth line ran out and bit the boner whiah- mre boles was driving this started the anl- rnalto gallop tho boggy was opset in the dltoh and tho two occupants thrown oat there were uo bones broken but they sustained several bruises and a bad bhak- ing up the horde aud buggy were not injured quite a number from nabbagaweya attended the reopening borvice at eden mills last sunday monday was the 4th a spttling up day in the monetary institutions nowhere is the genuine bubfaeb3reyival felt more than in the banks who practically have their finger on the pulse of business life alt the time tho various banke uv the cities re- port business paper promptly met farm ers come in now and obeerltilly pay op on the very day which jb an agreeable change to what it was some time ago why not bein to apend leai money on railways andfaore on the common roads of the country tho common romds can- not be monopolized or theitstock watered they belong to be people and the peqple cannot be deprived of them every dollar patiniogood roadaia adollarpatintolthb farmers pocket saving wear and tear of horseflesh and waggons helping him to market hia prodacto and idoasing the pyeasaiitness of ooulifrylifegwibfj better mail delivery better aqcesa to the store tho ohuroh the sohool bouse the pobllo meeting the neighbors homo 7vjc globe tho passing of an inaolvenoy law by the dominion parliament is more urgently needed today than it ever has beetn a comprehenbivo measure affect log all the provinces alike would tend to stimulate trade between great britain and the dominion and that we rjelfeve is what ovcryoho is anxious to do the merchants of great britain have repeatedly expressed themselves as desirous of seeing the dominion government deal with insolvency and make a uniform law for thodomlnion instead of leaving it to eaob of the pro vinces to legislate in the matter sis it may think ihtorotito world neighborhood news news items supplied by corroe- porvdentsj and exchanges crewsons corners wm orippa tureuied 78 bushels of wheat in 20mtnutos for wm murray nassagu- weya one day last- week prayer meeting waa held at mr ii wanaboroufjha on wednesday ovoniug the meeting at mr n fdrbea last week was well attended mr and mrs m crewson and mrs ii damper visited friends in proton this week misses nelly forbes and lottie cann visited friends in arkell last week nassaqaweya milton the judges court of itevibiou will be held next tuesday in the court house the harvest home entertainment in the methodist church on monday eveniug was a pronounced saooess the 30th batallion lorno biqes will enter a team in the marohiog competition which takes place in toronto on the 16th oot capt alex- galloway of burlington will probably command the team- john kelly late of guulph has suooeed- ed john dean as landlord of the commer cial hotel and hqla reoeived his license a harvest thanksgiving service will be held in st goorges church lowvillo on friday evening at 7 p m sermon by rev canon clark of anoaater the new granolithic pavement laid jastf week by the gaelph pavement company opposite the county buildings and other property ia a mnch admired improvement it wilt have a tendency to put the town oooncil and ottaens into the notion of adopt ing it for sidewalks generally the death last thursday of miss mathe- son eldest danrhter of county attornoy matheson was a great shock to her family and her friends the funeral took place on saturday there were several beaatif ul floral tributes one of which was from the choir of knox church of which miss matheson was a member and anoeher from her friends among tho young people of the town champion general neal dow grea prohibitionist leader died at hie homo on saturday general nealdow the prohibition load er diod at his homo in portland muluo on satnrduy lie was a sturdy flguro in his day haying been twioa mayor of portland a member of the legislature a presidential oandidato in tho campaign that proceeded garfields election on tho outbreak of tho rebellion although nearly sixty years of age or fifteen years beyond tho subsequent draft limit he as a volunteer raised a regiment took tho fiold was twice wounded in battle was for the better part of a year the viotim of all the horrors of libboy prison and became a brinadoryeneral after having enlisted at atimo when he was old enough to be tho father of nearly every distinguish ed commander on the union side 1 thivis tho bort btman whoae life bpana all but four yeara of the present century who has prbsod peuoefullyto hiateat during all hh later years neftl dow devoted tha crater part of his time to addressing meetinca in ojl parts of the country in favor of the entire prohibition of the liquor traffic he was a proliflo and powerful writer and with the exception perhaps of father matthew could well bo called the greatest temperance exponent o tho nineteenth century our honored premier sir wilfrid laurler given a cordla reception in toronto toiionto ont c sir wilfrid laurter arrived in town last night and was accorded the freedom of the city the reception given bim as bo stepped from the train at therunion station was a most entbaslastio one the city fathers and a number of tbo liberal stalwarts were on hand to wel come him owing to the threatening character of the weather the proceaaion through the etreots did not prove tho success that had been anticipated but the size and enthusiasm of the gathering at massey hall more than made up for this sir george kirkpatrlck aud hon edward blake who wero present were accorded almost ab mnoh applause as ithe prime minister himaelf after the reception in massey hall sir wilfrid was entertained by the city cor poration at the qneens hotel sir wilfrid will be banqneted by the board of trade this evening stanc1 nschoot booksr georgetown provincial license inspector j k stewart wad asked tho other day whether from the returns at his disposal he had formed any impressions e to the working of the amended liceoso act the first thing i noticed said mr stewart von gottmgtheretarpbiarbehq ri t-rguarler- during which the- amendments were in operation was that there were quite a number of convictions for selling liquor to minors there now seems to bo general observance of the law with respect to the hours of dosing lookipg at the whole province ithink the act inclnding the re cent amendments were never iq well ob served aa at present and there are now fewer complainta than have been made for a long period the september examinations first list of profloency since the long summer vaoatlon the first examipationa of the present term wero held in all the departments of actou pablio sohool last friday the following pupils won places in the roll of honor hiwt iieiahtmbnt v class edith kioktiu and bertie speight 280 tom henderson 270 clara cobban 245 ivciaqb wm laird 234 bennett clark 2u1 hattie noble aad john ar thurs 210 ill clasfl ettie modonald 251 mabel boper 238 jennie molisdnan george oram and george arnold 223 marks possible 800 t t muone teacher hecond departstekt sen clasn mary gootleve 10s ida laird 113 bert smith ico joalb step- hcubou lcfl int class mabel mcpfaail 201 jan olabs ethel oolemin 304 boy arnojd 103 maude heoderson 180 marks possible 225 c mcpuail teacher iiiiud dlifultent son class eria pearson 100 jennie grant lj5 jbe arthure 181 jun class annio corry 102 mabel ldmiston and myrtle cook 180 daniel llilohio 181 marks pobsible 20o i e fattbsbon tesoher vouhtu netauiiutht son pt ii myrtle dills 217 myrtle super 200 liura moore 107 jun pt ii bertha gamble 208 martha storey 1 80 xolo molibhhn and alphaeosbellx81 tho number of pupils attending our high sohool has had a large increase dur ing the last two weeks the forward movement is being observed by the epworth leagne of the methodist choc oh the rev mr mitchell preached two sermons lastbabbath opeuing up the work for the month on monday eveuiog ten new members were initiated into the league a la n b barn waa raised on the farm of mr robert brown of the 5th line on tuesday a largenumber of the neighbors gathered for tho oooabion mrs rev g a mitchell is attending bb a delegate the branoh meeting of the womans missionary society which ia held in gaelph this week mr andrew adams has sold out his bakery to mr warner late of 4fan glove factory friend warner is pushing around lively in his new profession withoathib gloves everyone complains of the dry weather and the dost the new disciple minister the rev mr luxfbrd preaohed the funeral sermon last sabbath evening of the late mrs d mo- keohnle who died so suddenly a week ago last saturday a large number of friends and sympathizers attended theservibe the annual harvest thanksgiving ser vices were held in st johns chnrob stewart town last sunday the church was beantif oily decorated for the occasion the rev h b omally of lindsay preaohed a rugby football team was organised last week in our town the toronto twepram points an import ant moral in the following paragraph iu- the- excellent- echoole of- toronto junction and perhaps in the oity booio of the ohildren aro using soribbling books adorned with illuatrated cover depicting tho 4 ktd drawn in an eostatlo attitude exolaimiug dis here book fa de bigroat ting for de mun on earth it would be no unwise otretoh of authority ii the toaobera ordered- sooh books out of the- echoole of course publishers have the right to a free ohoice of word and legends for the adornment of their book covers but teachers who are assisting children to form true habits of epeeob and aotion also have the right to suggest that their work should not be hindered by words and piotares which mast tend to familiarize the children with the idioms oj tho new york slums editors table the october canadian magazine besides being well illustrated contains several important and scientific artfoles dr bon ri dot writos of the royal sooiety of canada w l cottod of the premiers of prince edward island mina a reid of the universities of nova scotia and r g httllbqrtonrqrenfrrtg stttifthe days of prehistoric man tho author of the latter artiole is a eon of the famous canadian litterateur and humoribt judge halibnrton or sam sllok and is himself a ooholar well known among the learned societies of europe among the lighter artioles is tho making of a dollar bill by a c campbell the book reviews are very bright and the department of nation al sport raobt creditable altogether the numberis decidedly strong and evidences the grdwlu of cullufe ertali among canadians thrill r a you no life saved i n a i markable manner florence sturdlvant of grlnctatone land saved frorn an untimely death her parents saw her dangerous predicament but were helpless to aid her how she was rescued among thethousand islands is one called grindstone it ta soven miles long and three wide the inhabitants of this island are a wellinformed class of people who devote their energies to farming and quarrying for a livelihood in the home of one of tneeeulstandi rs resldeb florenoe j sturdlvant tho fouryoarold daughter of mr aud mra willi im ii sturdivant in february 1890 bijp was taken with scarlet fever and after thv usual riin of the fever she was left with a weak back and gradu ally began tolose strength until finally despite the- best efforts ot physiciahb hpr life hung in the balance it was at this or ia i s when all seemed darkest that an angel pf health appeared on the eoene and released little florence from pain and suf fering ind restored her to strength and health this remarkable pcooreuce is best told in thswordsof the father mr flodekce j btph sturdlvant said florence was taken siokwlth scarlet fever and we im mediately called a physician he pre scribed for her and we followed his direc tions clobely riving our little patient the best of care after two weeks the fever subsided but florence was loft with a very weak back severe pains were constantly in the back and stomach we did all that possibly could be done to relieve oar little sufferer but to no avail the difficulty seemed to baffle the efforts of the phybioianv- fin at the end of four months of rocrjwood san pt i merltefriok 185 lizzie welsford 186 willie ktnriey 183 marks possible in eaoh olasi 225 h emcnskuiy teacher another big toronto fire corrtrfprleonbildl the extent of 60000 ton hto oot 6th fire viilted the cen tral prison yototdiy afternoon for the ocond timo tbii year and it wrfs damaged to tho extent of 910000 the broom fac tory was completely destroyed while tbo twine factory and lumber jrardaufferecl maohdamage one prisoner nameotcar- lyle had his leg broken but none neaped suicid at q gokuh oo 4 8lnrday afternoon about ono olook goo ltnrenw a reeptbt- ed citizen wa found lo th woodehed k his residence oncousolotif with- his skull ffaptareo and it was tucorh hevhfcd falleofroni a inddev howaitin u w h6pimd aalh was lhsddiffloibsjjihi striok dufllold of eramoin on friday i last dag a hill of potaton in his garden in wbioh wars a hundred and fifteen potatoes and no roitan onai who aaya potatoes will ba dealt nut apring tho lioenia oommiaaionera met at gaelph laat friday for tho parpojo of tranafsirlna tho lioanaa of jamea hamilton held for the book wood hotel to felix ooonuell oar ebdw will ba held in eock wood od the oth and 7th of ootober itia thooght that the withdrawal of acton show will swell the number of exhibits here dr a p fatriei of new york returned to hia home laat week mrabldney piatt i having a aevero time aa abe has been confined to ber bed for borne time with a lingering illneaa mr kebogh oar butoher took a severe attack of inflammation last week bat he is recovering mrs hebeooafletoher mother of mr joseph fletoher exreeve of era- moia aiea at ner uome aooat lonr miles oat the york road on sunday morning the deoeated waa in onelph a few day ago and waa in her uinal health she took 111 ov friday bat even iier altesding phyiiolan did not apprehend any fatal results the willing workers of the methodist chdroh had a aoolal on the evening of thursday sept 80tb which proved very enjoyable the programme- wav aopplled by ths following mis mina walker eloqaildnfit aeton i messrs john btraoban jaokabn and johoaon vooalleti the ooooert of the eremosa agrlonllnral booisty on ihesaoond evening of the show thursday 7th nati will be given by the following talent t mlaa meade alexander eloeatlbnlsti mra w e bamiay puniat meatrt harry blob and bert harvey ooinlo singers mr jas knowlas spent a few day at home here ia week stnm blin took in the eiooraion ib bsirplt and vother western pqlnte last muiaujci oritvv aerry debtaiaiqderjlof ijjarifarf oi itiubnivwew the american mwitlily ittvicw of reviews for ootobor has eeveral artioles of annsaal interest to women readers missfranoeb willard telle tho story of the worlds w o t u movemont mrs ellen m hen- rotin president of tbo general federation of womens clubs outlines the benefits of these organizations mrs- sheldon amps of england writes of a london womene clob and miss mary taylor biauvelt contributes an enlightening artiole on the opportunities for women at the english universities treatment we found oar patient completely prostrated at tbib time we called another physloian who agreed with tho dissgnosie pf our own dootor and aaid that the trouble resulted from tho scarlet fever he pre scribed a course of treatment and we fol lowed it faithfully for throe months but instead of improriog florenoe failed mrs sturdlvant and myeelf were com pletely discoarsged abrotbor o my wife who weeviaitidg ua advibod us to afle dr williams pink pills for pale people and i purchased a box of the pille andbegan to give tbem to florenoe thib was in ooto ber 1b06 after- using tbe pills a bhort timewe obuld see an improvement her strength began to return and she would sit np in bed her appetite was restored and ahe ate heartily wealeo nolioeda grad ual brightness in bejteyea wo eagerly purobaied a further snpply of pills and watched with delight the ohango for the better that waa being wrought daily from aittingup inched at times daring tbe day and at times standing on her feet florence ilnally beoame strong enough to walk a little she gained in flesh and strength rapidly and the pains gradu ally lefther iu a monthe time she bad recovered her health and strength we oannol praibotoo highly he valuo of dr williams pink pills i am positive that without their use our ohild would have been today in tbo same sad condition of her early biokness confirmed invalidif indeed she had bad the atrength to with- atand ao long tbs ilia of her affliction signed whauuh- stunmvant subscribed and sworn to heloro me this sixth day of april 1897 h w mouse notary public gcoes on all this isteefc special clothing sale boys 2 pc suits good patterns extra well made firstclass trimmings worth regularly 250 for i6d i- boys 3 pc double breasted suitssizes 28 to 33 in dark tweedr patterns- regular for 269 mens suits in small dark brqwn tweed patterns good italian cloth linings rriade in best fall style worth regularly 7 for 75 mens dark tweed suits assorted colors grey and brown very stylish best italian cloth linings sizes 3642 worth regularly 10 for 8 v mens beavy ah wpobdouble breasted undershirts in flesh color worth 60c for 3730750 a suit v remember these are all at our new store gheapside and lots of other bargains we havent room to ehumerate all in the clothing section basement of the new addition to our store there are also great ground floor bargains in dress goods flannels flannel ettes c and a special mantle sale on the first floor we will sell 200 mantles all new this seasons production by one of the best german manufacturers they were bought at a price so low as to enable us to sell them at less than wholesale price 77 ttpper yriaairt st 0tta bbttiisimtnts glove makeligwanted wanted at once twenty glove makers t apply to w h btfjney 805f wanted i can pay ton do lurt weekly to a lady of mature bqo rennemout and taat to spend litjr time la a good cause t it ungcott 1 toronto out 7800 await to persons who make tbs greatest number of words out of the phrase patent attorney woddorburn for psrtloutan address the national heoordor wasblnbton d c wanted o established wholesale ho wants ono or two honest 4bd ludultrloul rspresebla- tlves can pay a hustler about sis a wook to surtwltb aoventisbb uodiosl bqlldlog toronto aqents the- best popular life lifhoriviajesty x faat over seen writes lord lorneaboqt queen- victoria bales unprecedsnted isasy to make flue dollars dally bteootnmusion ontflt free t to oanvassera the bbjidlbygabrktson co llmlujd toronto ontr wanted one store only bi s mar bt t milla committed auioide by drowning on taeaday the enlarging our premises is almost camplete and there is a lot of seasonable goods yetto be slaughtered we have just opened out all the latest novelties in dress goods and dress trimmings imported direct from the leading markets of the world a complete assortment of ladies smallware for fall and winter inclusive of gloves hosiery under wear etc pine highclass tailoring we do and have done one of the largest and best clothing trades west of toronto and why we aire not experimenters but thoroughly uptodate men in this business yov get the best fit besfstyle best workmanship and a large assortment of fine imported suitings overcoatings trouserings etc tochoose from by placing your order with us you are sure of satisfaction every time fur department we are making a specialty of all kinds of fine furs for ladies and gentlemen- ourgents furnishings you will find complete in all the latest styles of neckwear collars cuffs gloves hosiery underwear etc staple department- vpu will find a full range of fine allwool blankets union blanketsflannel sheetings and a full and complete stock of yarns in all qualities and colors at close prices hats 1iats thelatestsfylesiitenglistf and amertcarthard and softtfelt hats7 our readytowear clothing you will find complete in mens- youths and boys suits overcoats odd pants overalls etc at the lowest prices we would like you to inspect our stock before purchasingelsewhere we buy cheap and sell cheap and you will save money by buying your new fall outfit from us a cordial invitation extended to all somoilobb for canada an bnejolopedia of tbo couutry in five koral quarto vol- nmeal no delivering cbmmlaalon paid weak ly jl eanvasaer reports bis first week making over aeveoty dollara profit themnscott company toronto ont y0ue spaee time men women to oondaot bostness at borne work is simple voritldb and oopying list of addresses reoeived from local savertlsliig to ba orwardod to na dall wo oanvasalasf no previous experlenoe required bat plain writers preferred fermanenbwork to those content to earn 6 or more weekly in t pare time apply to wabbbn pub co london ont faem t0eent the bast half of lot thirty aod the north west bait of tbe bast half ot lot twenty nine conoesslon one township of esqnetlna oontalnlns on hnndnd and toty acre tfils is tbe farm lately owned by henry townsend for further partfonlar apply to b o qraham barrister brampton or to b j monabb abton wantedagents both men and women ploymenfcwlth flood pay and yo i wortt all or part time ana at bomeor traveiloo yths work light and easy trvtlta t ono fqr i ilawjr roobesurwy agents 3ell klondike clold fields like a whirlwind bzperienood oantasaars reaping tbe richest harvest of tbefrliyw beginners doing wondsrs meaily evtfty- subscribe one young fellow oto4farm new body snbioribe at 1900 a month is mi writer at v300 a week qong fellow oa farm idejr7na llja ijsoadayisoi 500adav we want more agents oanvaattng tneobanlo who had earned loadayfsalearlng asooadar we want more agents oanvaattng outfit 35 oenu worth loa the bbadlerqatinetson co limited toronto ont estssoes gibson iwlteijttmmji roe blockmblnst produce taken in exchange every day v bargain day here food for tho tboogbtfut render who soeke cot only entertainment hut also instruction and enlightenment is furnished in the ootobor nbmbe ottitcchautauquctn by saoh scholarly and aooomplished writers as prof dana oarleton munro who deals wlh lutbors inqoonco on literature mr hamblen sears by treating with fasoinatinfi reality the building of the gorman kmpire prof george evincent in an able presentation of imperial getv matry and imperial home and pres john f goaoher whoso comprehensive and stimulative jeotaro on individualism delivered at gbantauqua assembly od keoognitlon dayis here givon to the maga zine world sloans indian tonic cares dyspeysla headache nausea dizziness fatntncss loss ot appetite flatulency costiveness mrs j dynes no 28 mary st st thomas writes i suffered from dyspepsia for years so bad at times that i could not jartake of any food without great distress tried- a great many medicines and different treatments but received no benefit until i used sloans indian tonic it relieve trie at once and effected n permanent cure it is a grand blood medicine and i am never without it in the house i have recom mended it to a great many people and in every case it has done alt that was claimed for it and has made a number of wonderful cures in this city quelph advocate bays of fiingles jewelery store tho october number of tho delineator ii called tlfs automn number and its repre sentation of tho new russian blouso wsiists -fan- back ckirts and all tbo other automo noyouies in dress modes and millinery is mado complete by a series of artistic color plates it is an interesting number throughout order from the local agent for thw nntlorick patterns fir adrlrnss thn butteriok publishing go limited 83 riohmond st west toronto subscrip tion price of the delineator 100 per year or 16 cents pec single copy price jj 6 for 5 all dealers or address the sloan medic1he compahy of hamilton liwited 0l y gaia be relieved by hv- ing your ees esfed by oure iand best speta eyeglasses a man named johnstone working on tho -now-stliawradobrldgeat-gornwallr-waa- illed by the fall of a tower tuesday after noon a young englishman named bward waa killed near klkliorn by falling from a waggon laden with brick the wheolornh- ing his skull jewbllers guelph pousse p4tte and vhy not o plepushcr as well 04 a coffeepusher its fanore necessary do you stttferwltli lyspopsio ayera cathartic pille will cure you rkeily l 40 pieces to choose from at 5c to 75c per yd ladies underwear and combination suits ladies and childrens cloaking mens shirts and drawers white black and grey top shirts collars ties braces so cc 10 dpenj mens hats and caps latest styles and lowest prices a now crateol arid glassware just ojpendi at there is one of the finest jewelry houseu in guclph nl no 41 lower wyndham street- whero the premises comprise two floors the upper flat being used for large work the salesroom on the lower floor is one of the finest and best equipped of any carrying the largest stock in the cl4y of everything in the jewelry line clocks and watches in all the leaning makes fine jewelry of all kinds diamonds sterling silver and plated wares in hollow and flat goods also a large line of novelties for personal use in solid gold silver and plated goods and the only line of hand painted china novelties in tho city imported direct from new york other goods comprise opera glasses fancy- canes and umbrellas c one specialty is the optical department carrying a complete line of lenses suited to all ages also a fine testing case with special instruments for correcting tbe vision and taking prescriptions and eyes are tested and fitted free of charge this branch is under the personal supervision of mr prhigle who is a pfacrioal optician of nearly twenty- years experience and a graduate ofthe new york optical institute hi3 optical business is the largest in the city anexcellent business is also done in fine watch and jewelry repairing keeping four hands busy and is prepared to regulate and repair the most complicated watch to be found giving special attention to old english watches plain engraving is also executed to order his jewelery trade extends to all the neighboring towns of elora fergus acton preston hespeler and other places with an extensive patronage in chy and country the business was commenced by mr prlngle twentyeight years ago and ho has had about thirtyfive years experience in the jewelry line in addition to the above he is engaged as issuer of marriage licenses t i al th o h i th e making a specialty of manufacturing rubber stamps which are made to order promptly in any design suitable for either business or private cards c in this line he has an excellent trade throughout the city while prompt attention is given to- mall orders which are often received lrom other towns as far north as chesley west aa far aa ber- llirrwlth argood trade south and east- this branch was added about ten years ago and he is now doing the principal rubber stamp business in wellington county school reopening new designs in exercise books note books scribbling books school blanks manwanjcep por evoivunoecupied district in ouiatta to j sell our blgh grade canadian- arown nursery stock every tree and bosh jtaaran- teod fret from ban josa scale liberal terms lo part time men and good wagesto thou giving tbelir entire time to tbs work the demand forgood home grovni and aoou- matad nursery stock is on tap iseroasa apply now anseoqre wgroqod auoor stxwk gflararilert ttqo tq naane op pur onaseprloarefqudea- 7 b p bl aoofohd co toronto osmadl wantedagentb ik everyj diatrlet ontheveonlluent to take order tor blfbcyle canadiangrown mnra- y btoekandsmda jjaomtandinostooinpfete aaaottmenlltt- the trade paat aalhag speola ttn i samples pondno in any lansmn thaae r money mikera and territory aboiijif be seonred at onwtcujga by all huuara looking tor ibimrthlng okr filarv orr mmtniilon obor m otenit anyone uotearalni ioq04q pej year get in eommnoioatfon with our aeateai offloe an oiiportonuy to reproaent a wellhubluhed house ability mere importaatihanexeartanoe luke brothers company ihternatlonukoiseirlea obieago iii uontreal- qnig fioehester ny wained hon to sail tor tte roatitl2ifwvorlam or atbts it canadian oxs stok we import hfo stock trom tha t iivulmbbs parmer bona implement annta 8tndenuteaa6erarettredaflniaterabner- itfooierkawuo wlah to make advaneement lead pencils slates and all school supplies and sta tionery at wmrue store mill street acton od tbe work of selling bur hsuxlt jlome ownnormry 8toqc ploasant as wairas ws want more iruott men tbusaabn as the alary and oommuiloo write ua tor oar terms ontflt free toonll wkll1notok toronto ontario pretty as i a picture mill street aoton has a well established reputation for superior work in photo arti8t etc family qroupa soolal aroojps indlvidaal portriutq qf all styles 9hapm andslaos babies and ohildren life size portraits c we can assure work equal to that u the cltlos nmihltiht pictures of tme inter ior of soaps is a speclat re- re prices always roasonable have a talk about pike 6l roj ttplfcftv 147 bnmwlok ave toronto are expert makers of call and portrait that b rami bhaw vfiiv ti i vk kqojt rstelpi- swbibbssbssbsshm georgetown electric works tj 8pbiqht proprietor manufaoturere of dynamos euectrlc motors water motor8 rid hyoraulio rams fine and steam kilting and qanaral bil log belngeoniepllxjnphsawaqe j9 jbwvwjjs4 mzsnzzirzrr hook guarahl iq ayrinks tejntii storm saah etc their work apeaka their merit examine the awnings just pot up a moorecroft acton orders promptly filled prices reasonable i purposes a newmem of 9iili ici w- n8 tetmftvibjr all purpc have wrcsaww business of e h schllmmo next door to mrs adams and will continue the business with energy v vshv a a nice assortment of black worsteds tweeds overcoallngs o call and examine oar fine assorlment a- perfect fit guaranteed is misi jp5tt 4

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