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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1897, p. 1

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1 volume xxiii no 16 acton ontario thursday october 14 1897 price three cents byeby thubsdasr morning at tub free press a team printing office uflt btbbbt aoton ont taiuca or sudicbiftion ouo dollar per yoar strictly in advance alt aubaorlptlona diacon- ttanea whon he time for whloli they have boon paid bh expired tho date to whloh ovary li pai u dbuo axrvabtianfa lutkbtrkriilent advertise- menta10 cent per nonpareil hoe for first in- sortton s oenta per hue for each aubsoquont aieruon i obimuar batkatho fpllbwlns table shows our rate for the insertion of advertisements for bbadlflodporiodi v new styles for fall 1897 -tjhb- traders bank of canada authorized capital 1 000000 cuelph branch fine stock to hand all marked in plain figures seessmples in bur window bfa0e 1 tit 0 ho a ho lmo wldobm lolnoboa slnohea i 6000 8300 9000 000 sj0o 90po 2900 0800 1900 roo oo 700 800 9jso 100 adrertjsementa without sxwalflo directions will bo inserted till forbid and otaargod accord ingly- transient advertisements must bo paid nadranoo advertisements will be changed pnoe eaob month if desired for obanroa of toner than enoa a month tho oompoiltion mait be paid for at regnlai ratal changes for contract adyartlmenta jnust be the offloo by noon ontneadiya accounts payablo monthly hpmoore editor and proprietor vnsituss birectottr medical extra lo w rice8 days bookstore day sells cheap j f tjbkn m d 0 m offloo and raaldenoe corner- htll a frederick streets aoton a 8 elliott m d m b x acton qnumith tobohto ummaamr office main street third door south of presbyterian ohuroh acton tyr dbyden elya eab tbtboit and node mcleans block d6ds1m st neir p o gublph 0ficb holms 10 am to 1 pm and 8 to6 pm buhdats lpbmtoipm a lpbed p husband v 8 oradnato of tb ontario vetarldaryconeco bonorary member of he veterinary medical flfv society om- wm husbands lot 84 con naas- agaweya calls day or night promptly attended to dxntal t l bennett ldb den ti8t xjs 010bobtowh oxtabio dti f 6v merger dbktibt graduate of toronto university and e0d9 office orcr drug store acton jfwjrikqdatb tmmsdir anvfuidat t m bell dds lds vfj dbhtibt y bbooktilzjs hohobgbjjuat 0 tobowtto ijniybbbttt work made batlafaotbry prlow sioderate visitzmo days thosdby and friday of oaoh week d bghoook demtist cor college st and bpadlna ato tobomto will vlit acton on tho first and third sat nr- day of eaob month oitich agnewa hotel m oijian it mclean brrlitr8olioitor nottrlsi convoysnoon o frivat fond to lod offlo town hall aoum wit amdllih jmoamoibis rvoogtab a mdbllor 8- jlf babbisrarabouoitoci kotadiib bto oinrxoxi 1896 qnaod bt patkdftle vlotori01iimtil81viotprist telephone 997 jtan nnrintiie toronto j 1 t bouoitoii cohtstakcbb 6ilok mu1 street in kaubma blook upilhr q matheson 4 j b moleod i abbutwu bouoitom 0omvbt1iiobi18 qeorgetowo q4 milton mopey to lou at lowbat rates r j mokabb 1 jojew yonrth dwwon oontt oonnty j agent lire and ue ai beaybitati agent tuoney to aa eto inrt oonnty ol hal- aaanranco sserrvminiilloo aoton ont lascbllabso vs kwijjbnbx gbi8t jp i- otratr ham rvbobeitorolpatenuortontion oto iipremrwappllaatloniforuiioaian amer- k aja for the pvkltrml trade jlarlu bend for pam- ivsisi jbi yeara mperlemea is- bqokbindeb ci- quelph ontario t fc- pirloealioreterydeeerlpuoncirelnllybonna wt poj4nynlj byfeu t tabbjiaob ucenbefl if r np oir vnniiii itckm private otto nowlbieumraqalnd luned retidetim in fl tnli fraepra0ino aoton 7- my xsabluraftllidnwtottpfawionrintoreat low k trmtand on euy tern rmymant i 5owaki make a ipeowit rflendjm neriaodhwa plenty olfandi 1 alao lond c jafcksff oottmonimimomrlx v jri intjirflnpeoompany b6aoov6aabw pliin any nrannieainaforinrdaa lo myaddreai gr telephone 88 yullm prompuy at- gnelpn sixrmhbhbtbbet tiiiairanallotio witatoai and ballon nwiiimt tetorable mfrttea otnteiee in rifmleribll mtd in lb fprloea and on ill ooee aoton slffilffii stewarts and dres8tnc promotes the growth of hair prevents falling ol the hair provides nourishment for the hair benders hard harsh dry hair i soft and glossy removes and prevents dandruff is not a hair dye but an ideal 0re6bing and tonic free from stickiness nnd con- tainingnodeleterl i 25c a bottle irciakep bv alex stevv art dispensing and manufacturing chemist sums of 91 and upwards received on deposit and bighobfc onrrent rate of interest paid or ebmpquoded halfyearly depoeit rocoiptfl issued lor large sarrjs denobited 1 r advanoes mdo to rcbponaible- farmera on heir own nameb no oharfee made for ooheotinr sales notea if payable in guelph aqoneral banbfog baeidebs tranaaoted a fbjonbs manager jpctrrj a vtvmn lea ve8 tho autumn loaves are turniug anotbor bummora gone with all tho joya and sorrows oer whloh its snn hath ahono r thobtmd of naturos painting the leav6a a glorious red the trooa aycethdch awnings t0hts etc pike roberts 147 brunswlok ave toronto are expert makers of awnlnsts tents vj tarpaulins lf- fly soroins balcony curtains storm sash etc their work speaks their merit examine ibe awnings just put up a moorecroft acton- orders promptly filled prices reasonaole tents to rent for all purposes jejin flbcqaeen leave your orders now for your winters supply fionebuttbe very best scranton coal delivered i can supply egg stove and nut sizes the liberal patronafte accorded melast season by mr browns cus- tomers i bought was much appreciated i can give even better service this year and solicit acontlnuauce of tbeir orders coal delivery to commence in september j v john mcqueen the v ipreparoi6r winds r we would oall your attention to the lack thai we are prepared to aopply you with lumbar of suitable length lor your barn door yi 10 12 18 oi u feet alao sash l doobgii- tbivubs eto for balldidg storm doors pat np at s low a rate as pomlble bepalr your pompi or put in new ones before it is too oold w cut w rr shop at foot of rlvar straat acton th08ebbaob manager -acton- liverlf ietiabron tbannderslfnad wmm pn autuhfin linoleums stock now complete buyers want variety its here mpre attractive designs bettervaluesr lower prices- characterize this falls importations oilcloths as low as 25pts and up to 4octs sqr yd linoleums as low as 4octs and up to 100 sqr yd and emorald boatuiea abed tho glories of the sunset aro mirrored in the trees ab their rtohly tlntod leaves fare trembling ta tho breoaq the swaylag of the trees looks like clouds of flaming are asuiey waybtheir red branohos inbssutysfpnddeslre thro the rftlnbpwoblored joavea the brbeeos softly blow like melancholy muao so dreary sad and blow tho autumn leaves remind ns llfoa summerll soon be oer and all its joys and pleasure will change and bo no more will our autumn leaves ol life turn a bright rubyred or will they change to darkness and bo dull dry and doad pbnuck oaner and gradually be transferred hia atten tions almost entirely to her as the concert went op and he found that tio one in hs growing girls and boys do not appreciate that it is while they are growing that tboy party nould onter into it with the kcorvu f iheic llbures for after life stetict ifnmiltt 3kia5ihg hardware gublph 26 per cent offv summer we have 25 scotch and canadian tweed summer suitings this seasons goods which we will sell at a discount of 25 per cent for cash olsly these goods willbe well trimmed and made up in our usual first- class style when we advertise a discount sale we mean it sec the goods and prices in our windows shaw tuener merchant tailors quelph ers at wholesale prices watersbr03 are selliug their handsome stock of wallpapersat whole sale prices to make room for their christ mas fancy goods the picture oallery quelph a newfiem tailors of cooper d6 akins hlvopawmased the merchant tailoring business oxe h- schliniine next doocjo mrs adams and will continue the business with energy xst opbned a nice assortment of black worsteds tweeds overcoatings ac call and examine our fine assortment a perfect fit guaranteed cooper flt akins acton saw mills and wood yards ltajrofactttabb and ibalbb iw zuaibcr xath sbinjfcm wood eto all kinds of wood in stoek and promptly dsllvered to any part of the town at reasonable prleea hardwood and slabs ontatovo length always on band telephone oommnnloatloo nijci dili business college bcflkkeeplnr penmanship shorthand typewriting and actual office work a specialty tfuajpi actual office work a specialty write for circulars j sharp prinoipml he emusicjeacfier only the mnsio teacher said mabel ainslle in reply to an inquiry from her oompaniorj aa they hoard a timid double knock at the front door she cat teteatete with sir raasell syd ney ahftndaome wealthy yoang barouet on whom the haughty belle turned hor eyes with a softened lustre the muelo teacher 1 are yon taking lebbodb mibs ainslio be asked yes she replied and this is my boar if you have nothing to do however you may stay here and look over the piolureit and read till i return 1 generally get tired and wind up my leaaon in about half an hour 7 love masibao well that i woold glad ly stay even to hear you practice he replied very well but you mast atop your ears wheu icome to the aosles said mabel lauxhingly as ahb left the room sir russell sidney admired mahela beauty and elegance with suffioient warmth to have bis sentiments for her kindled into love if no adverse fates interfered and his regard bad now reached a critical point at which the scale moat soon be turned he listened eagerly for the souod of her voice for musib formed bo important an element in hia existence that he wished the woman whom he might choose should ppiieis a tine voice mabels however disappointed him it was oorreot but cold and lifeless the eleotric spark did not glow in its tones- v but ere long another voice broke on the air bo warm so full of sympathy and of airy exquibitive sweetness that be felt himself oarried irresistibly along in the tide of jnelody the song was gonnoda delicious lruhlidgsuod spring song and aa the singer went on it seemed to sydney that he ooold see the fragrant green and tender violets springing round him snow and sleet lay on the ground the wintry breeze sighed through the bare trees t but autthia passed from hia oon- bcioubneafl in the bright vibion of spring which this voice oalled up he drew a long breath of regret when the song came to a close but when mabel repeated it after her teacher although she did so very well a far as the execution was oonoerned yet the spell waa broken the snow sleet and wintry wind were no louger conjured a who is your teaober asked sydntiy eagerly when mabel returned as the mobametans say of the angel israfel her heart strings are a lute and she has the greatest voice of all gods creatures she ib misa alice leslie said mabel coldly she is a good teacher i think which is very fortunate for her fn her reduced ci room stances is her mnsio all her livelihood i asked sidney yes t she u an prphnn and has a little brother and sister dependent ou her her father waa a dfssipaud man and made a oomploto wreok of his property but fortunately gave this girl some advantagea of ednoation before he totally squandered hibestate sfrjetossell sydney seemed disposed to question mabel further about the oung music teacher but her replies were so brief that after awhile he could not avoid aeelug that the topic waa no welcome and so dropped it some weeks after this oouveraatlon mabel gave musical idiree i dont wfih to have miss lcalte hererat all said sho to her mother but no one olee plays my acoompanimenle so well but remember mamms i do not wish her asked to ting when the guests were alt assembled there was one who looked strange among the gay company a young woman dressed with a ladylike refinement bat perfoot simplicity the face lit up by dear gray eyet and shaded by waving black hair that rippled on her temples the first song mabel sang was sohuberts gondola song one inwhioh the effeot of the song is greatly heightened by ihesweird rich beauty oftho aowmpanlment that w f ili heat lia m eagerly to this than to the song and after mebel hsd finished binglng a lady standing near begged alios to alpg adding that dee who acoompanied the sloging of others so beanti folly roust sorely slog well herself tbii rcqqest being seoonded by a large clrole mabel and her mother were forced to let alice comply never had mabels beauty shone with a brighter lustre than on this night bat her haughty jeeldia heart ohafed as aha saw sydney bending over alice in long and earnest conversation she resolved that never sgaiu should he ae allot tf she oould prevent li in whloh oaseiha felt sure that net l own attraotioni ooold spefdily eradicate any imprwlon ibe insiuifloaut mualotesbher might have made on biro but fatedeflei allriuman not long af lersrarfs mavj wstt to a oon- cwrtwitb a party otftttddt sydney being ow of mii iiabjwjwwf alfcandaladyfrhod wb her triitwri kopwiw rtiyenteal delight and subtle appreciation that alice ahbwed her beautiful eyes kindled her cheeks glowed her breath beoame quick and phort there was agreater beauty in her fade for the time lhau in mabels she and sydney enjoyed with hjudred rapture beethovens immortal seventh symphony filled with such unearthly mysterious beauty that it sounded- like aogeu talking together they entered with keenest enjoyment into each note of- mendolesohnbwouderfurcapciooio brll- uant jho heavenly bweet krovtzer sopau and all the eeteotjbnti from the rcand njaaterb seldom were two persons gifted with a flttbr muoiointiiltion- the oodpert had hut one alloy to them which was that it must como to a oloae to mabel the close was a relief her jealouay and chagrin had bo mastered her as to make her forget common good breed iog 8he threw aoomfal glances on alice and whispered derieive remarks ou her dreas and appearance sydney could not help overhearing borne of these and they bad the effect of making him more defer entlal and attenlivo to alloe than he was before and he wondered how be oould ever have thought mabel so beautiful when her expression was so haughty and arrogant for weeks alice went bravely and hope fully about her work but at length a day oame when she could no longergo she bad never been very strong physically and exposure to the weather and insuf ficient food end clothing commenced to tell on her frame she fltrngijled bravely against the aicknesb but at length she had to yield and lie prostrate it wrung her heart to see tlie little boy and girl who were dependent on her efforts they did all that childish oare and skill were capable of but thoughts of theni increased her malady for the terrible idea would fiash over her that she might die and leave them destitute -ung-iier-hlneabsydnoy-j8ktd-iiiibel- several times where is your teacher she seems never to corqo here now every time he asked mabel she made the same reply she waa fortified in her resolve never to have alice there egiin it wabin the first flush of pprinj when alice crept forth from her slok room a faint hint and whimper oftbo coming sweetnobb andbloom lurked in the air still weak and fahjt her brave resolve bore her up bb sho wended her way along be sides the necessity there was for her to gain their daily bread sho had to work too for the past as her illnesb had brought her into debt she was not able to give lessons that day but wished to fix on the hours for future lessons at the first house to whioh she went iter reception was discouraging the young huy either was or fancied hemlf too delicate to prosecute the study of singing it gave her a sore throat she said so she had decided to atop her lessens at te next plaee alice was startled to observe that the whole house was shut up and looked silent and gloomy as a tomb after ringing repeatedly a servautcarne forth from the alley and informed her that scarlet fever had broken out in the street and that her mist rose had gone away with alt the children to stay she did not know how long alice bad bad four pupils in this house and she turned away with a slokeniog feeling at heart she had a more cheering reception at tho next house and then she thought bbe would go to mabels before her strength entirely ebbed away v it was early twilight when she ascended the steps the first pale stars were just beginning to gleamn the sky after sho badwaited for sometime a servant came while you are yet growing the vast country north of the gulf of st lawrence is to the uncommercial explorer the most interesting region on the continent if not id the world for nearly four cen turies the abips of civilization have sailed by it yet except lit the very waters edge there has been no intrusion npon it the rivers whloh pour forth from every opening in the fa 111b bear witness that the baok country ia a network of lakes and water oourees aak the ooraroissioner of crown landb of the great province of quebec to day what his department knows of that regiou and he will tell you that it is the leaat known portion of north america that only a few of the lakes have been aur- eyedthattwbtploringiattjebrhhve recently crossed the peninsula that a handful of fiahermeps houses fringe the gulf that fpr the rcbt of it the wandering mpntagnaib indiaab are the only tourists who traverse half a million equare miles of territory bteamerb go ap the saguenay lako bt john 1b reached by mil but away to the northeabt la a tremendous tract of country whence iasae atreamb greater than the hudson the headwaters of which no white man haa ever seen fnedemc iiuand in scribntr xo the door to inform ner that she need not come again as misa atnslie had provided herself with ia new teacher stiing to the heart with this fresh blow alice grew deadly pale and turned away but just as the servant had commenced to deliver this message a young man came op the atepp and as the poor little teacher dea- oeuded them a kind gentle voice greeted her it was sydney whose indignation had been aroused by the unfeeling measage and whose compassion had been excited by alloeepallor and feeblenesh take rny aim saidhe turning baok with her yon do not seem strong enough to go alone alice felt her strength ebbing away to such a degree that she was thankful for her support of his arm and the bopport of hia presence was greater still she oould not nerve herself against gentleness and consideration her blended emotions joined with her physical weakness made her burst into tears 4 sir russell sidney pray excuse me she sobbed out after awhile and do not think strangely of my conduct i have beenveryill and amstil weskwbibir makes me aot childishly it tears are a relief to you i am very glad for yon to weep said he veiling his concern and sympathy under a light obeer- fall tone deeds not words was the motto of sydneys life so now he set to work to find a dslloate yet efficient way of helping alice and unknown to her this xealons friend was exerting himself for her while she was toiling on with her few remaining pupils to gain a mere subsistence sydney sought unremittingly for some good employment and by dint of keeping constantly on the alert he-at- length die- covered an admirable opening for her the soprano in a fashionable choir became fired with ambilionto go on the stage and so deserted the choir sydney succeeded in procuring this vacaut plsba for alice and so she walked op one morning and foend herself rfbb as byron found himself famous- and to crown her satisfaction sir bus- sell sidney attended the churoh in whioh ah was to sing never before had ho been so devout in his attend- noe there never had ho thooght heaven ternity and the aogela seemed so near and so real at when tbfs beaotlful voice sang of them when he came to know her better he law that her lovely hartnohiea were not confined lo outward embojimsnt bu that there waa a muslo breathing in her true pure womanly heatt 1 and so mabel found that iniiead tff ohooslng her he chose for buvfifeths woman whom she hsd intro duoed to his notice as bet g only a muslo tehfr- r drooping the ehoulders a littles more every day drooping the head as one walks stand ing unevenly so that one hip pinks more than than the other all these defects eas ily corrected now will be five tlmos as hard jnfltpvlft d tw fi cn an hard in ten years a graceful easy carriage and an erect straight fig a re are a pleasure to beholder and possessor and are- worth striving for aq easy way to praotib walk log well fa to start out right just before yon leave tliehoaao walk np to the wall andeee that your toes chest and jfose touch it at onoo than in that attitude walk afway keep your head np and your ahest out and your shoulders and back will take care of themselves a southern school teacher used to instruct her pupils to wrilk always as if trying to look over tho top of an imaginary carriage just in front of them it was goodadvloe for it kept the bead raised dont think these things are of no value tboy add to your health and your attrac tiveness two things to which everybody should pay beod iv y time the last cartridge an untrodden canadian wil derness what goodwill means we frequently hear the term good will nsed in describing a benefit or advantage existing aa a part of or in connection with a business bays an exchange it is defined in several cases bb the advantage or benefit which is acquired by an eatablisment beyond the mere value of tho capital stoak funds or property employed therein in consequence of the general public patron age and encouragement which it receives from constant or habitual customers oh account of lie local petition or common celebrity or reputation for ukill and affiuenoe or punctuality from other acci dental oi real mat anoes or necegiiities or even ancient partialitiea or prejodioes this is a definition given by atory and followed in several aaaea boiled down this definition would seem to mean simply that the good will of a babiness consists in the probabil ity that subtomera will oonlitiue tooomo to the old place of busineeo at best it ia a sale of amere chanoe which vests in the purchaser nothing but the possibility that a preference which has usually been extended may continue pont- a very good little sermon ia involved in the following from the bazar and it it wereheededit would douhtlesa become a very nsefql one a mother who was become peevish andoxaatibgasked a slater who waa visiting her to keep a strict acoonut of the number of times ahe the mother eaid dont to her four ohildren respectively ten seven foorand two years old the conscientious sister kept a bare- fntmerabrandumand when the children were in bed for the night showed the tired mother the record from eight in the morning until the sine hour in the evening she had paid dont eightyaeveu tirheb after serious thought the mother came to tho conolabion that at least onehalf of thofle dont b bad been unnecessary she bad grown into the habit of ottering that prohibitory word on all occasions the ner vous moth era of these days would do well to follow her example and limit the num ber of their donts wbieh are often spoken with innocent although perhaps rather noisy amusemements a delicate accojviodation did yon say that this waa to be a wed ing present asked the olever ailesman in tbb china store no i didnt eay anythibg of the kind and i dont see that it makes any differenoe to yon replied the man who was making the purchase not the slightest bald the salesman i merely thought yon might like to have us take off this price mark and paste on another with higher figure on it he told hlir a good highland minister was endeavor ing to steer a boatloa of yoqng nity lafhas to the landing place a squall was burst ing and the steering was very difficult one of the girls annoyed him by jumping up calling anxiously oh where are we going to if you do not sit down and keep still my young teddy said the minis ter pilot auooinctly that will very greatly depend on now yon were brought np bb good to yourself irrfr yhp mulapw hoods bariapiirr is to ciibvwilttirtlmtosrwtll v the medical and surgical reporter gives the following practical advice think de liberately of the bouse you live in your body make op your mind firmly not to abuse it eat notbioff that will hurt 11 wear nothing that distorts or pains it do not overload it with vllnals or drink or work give yourself regular and abundant sleep keep your body warmly clad do not take cold guard yourself against it if yon feel the first symptoms give your self herolo treatrpent gel into a flue glow of heat- by exorolie tfbis is the only body y oa will have lolhli world btbdy deeply and ailigently the straolure of ita ahd laws that govern it the ana and peoaty that will sorely lollow a violation of every law ot life and health iiyl xf iiidwell a general alarmbad called out tho entire spriogtowq fire depurltuent and threo engines were playing streams through tho broken naahoa of the double windows of the blajk of kogera bmlthson dealers la ladles furnishing goodd- half a dozen trackmen headed by chief heatoii7iisdmirdfldrtothp robf of the ibrlok xenernenthooaerf epartdfrbm ths- burnlng block by an alleyway reserved for the delivery teams they wero arrangibi for a hasty exploration of theupper story of the block among the many wild rumors passing frorn mouth to mouth io thecxoijed crowd whioh the oordau of polioemencouldscaraely keep away from tho engines snovthe hues of hose wag one to the effect that severai of the employees in the glove department bituated on the second floor rtfar haq been cut off by tho rapid spread of the flirnea and had hot since been heard from the fire bad originated in the janitors closet under the staircase at the extremo front of the store and gaining inetant headway in tho dusty ami greasy refuse had burst through the closed door and fastened on the white pine counter covered with la 008 and highly combustible fabrics so rapid was ita progress that scant time was found to alarm customem and em ployees in the second story most of whom reached the street by mean a of the fire- escapes overhanging the alleyway which aoparated chief wheatons equud from the smoking block qniok ladsl came from the chief each man throw hia grappling hook over the capping there of the block and make the rope fast to thin chimney thats it i steady now 1 now lad well croaa by the ropes to the block break in the big bkylight over theoorner baywindow and a volunteer will take a quick ran through this end of tho floor mighty quick too to make sure of our return by there ropea here thirty seconds later the eeven reached the skylight two blows from the ohiefa axe sent the shattered fragments of glubs and wood flying downward now my lads wholl vol tin no its too late t no man of mine hhall ribkhia life down there see the flaraea have caught that white pillar and edith 1 the word thot from the lips of john kent ladderman oh track no 2 it was the cry of a man jn the inst stress of horror in a corner of a deserted floor twelve feet below stafcgored u girl of twenty through the bhafted wall of amoke whioh rose from the broken skylight the group con id see one slender arm cut- stretched with a blot of white shaking quickly from ita nearer end four feet nearer than the imploring hand yellow tongues were licklug the painted pi her edith im coming 1 john man its certain death bhouted the chief but before the sentence had ended young kent bad dropped from the broken sash and had fallen bands and knees on one of the counters the group above saw him roll to the flooring rise preaa both handa to hia eyes and nostrils and stagger swiftly in the yolumed smoke then his comrades eaw him ppbh hia way to and past the burning pillar and grip the outstretched arm below the tiny white blot scarcely to be been through the gray curtain ttiey dimly saw both man and woman fall to the floor eawkcnt rise and drag forward his com paniou whose very dross was now soorch- inj as their eyes e trained they baw him again fall again rise then he was seen to sway hopelessly and his right arm fell down and baok in a second the arm re when sbahhwb meet again ur minnie irahuiuon whon bhall wethroo moot agniu v not on earth wboii ouoa wo bovui dlhtorant ways our patlib tuiutllo all through life dlvurtftug over but though parted horo wo roaui we may gain tho sutiio blast homo widely sundored wo shall stray c dlfforent objootswo pursuo ahl mfrlonds god grant we may bvor keep thoondiu vlovr j3trivjpflatulo cast away- what our upward ebuno might i ay eaohmyhato and ilea from sin heed the wanting god has given each may etrlvo acrown- to wlrr every courao may end inhoavarj tiikhe weri earthly tolls pro oer wo may moot to part 00 morb a fraud amd fallacy ap and in i a g tered at that instant a lance of flame shot upward and bang momentarily above the two partially dissipating the smoke bank and the watchers saw kents arm extended pressing a revolver again bt tho womans temple above the oraokliog of the wood the measured vibratory throbbings of the engines and the massed oriea of the orowd in- the street they heard their comrade scream theres only one carer j dye it will save you two minutes of tbl agony theres no hope i the reply came in a bhriek no no no john my generous john i do not imperil your soul give me the pistol and ill shoot you as the last shrieking syllable shot through the gray onrtafo a dark object fell from the skylight and rebounded with metallic resonance from the flborihg be neath it was instantaneously lost toslght in tho muffling folds of the mantle of smoke but conucbted with ft aud leading to the skylight rail was a cord as the metal rebounded the voice of chief wbeaton was sent in qulokr mandatory notes down through the choking rnaaa of smoke grab that grappling book john wind the oord around the girl and yourself and belay it to the prongs of the hook well pull up aa soon aa you give a signal twitch on the cord while the others in the group had watch ed young kent with faaoiualed eyes the obio had recrossed by the grappling cords to the roof of the tenement house had un tied one of the cords from the chimney to whloh all were fastened had returned to the doomed building and had taken from t w ca r th g booh t whlch the cord was attached he had then dropped it aa near as possible to kent aqd the woman pour seconds later a feeble poll on the cords thrilled to tingling every muscle in the llttlo band at the skylight rail in four seconds more edith surrey and john kent were hanled to arid upon the roof of rogers a smithsons block ten days subsequently when the matron of st lukes hospital entered ward 7 and gave mis snrrey the morning gruel she said the chief leaves na tomorrow mr kent will leave in about a week here are the medals the state humane societys given em no greater fallacy has ever been uttered than l yinowritaa said a wouknown physician to a mali and expres reporter arid none that haa masqueraded so long aa an axiom it became a saying long before there was an accurate bnientilib knowledge of the effeot of alcohol on the human organ ism there is no truth in wine a man under the influence of liquor does not aa many people believe enoak bis innermost thoughts aud biiow hia true nature thb dilation of tho blood vessels dilatea his mental processes and ho becomes not his real self with his heart np hia sleeve bnt an exaggerated distorted libel of himself i have half a dozen patients now under going treatment for alcoholism one oft tbem ib a pbysioianof reflned tastes and cultivation under the stimulus of alcohol be will ueek for companions the longshore- meu and dock laborers of weat street and disoasb tho most aommonpldao aubjeota with them forgettiug for the time all his knowledge of the law or hia rich a tore of literary treasurebl i doubt if during theco periods be could tell wbetborivauiiyfail was written by cervantes or thackeray another case fb that of a merchant who goes astray once in two yearb he becomes a tnsniao for the time being possessed of nrlro m to idal and euioitjal mania- ho becomes completely traubformed and seeks to injure those for wham be has the great- estlove and affection following with the most violent attempts to do himself an injury 8till another is a man wbo is a fluent french andspabish scholar and who under tho influence of liquor ia unable to artioulale a word in either of thoso languages his vocabulary in english is reduced to eighty or ninety word ani ho spends hia time in low barrooms treating everybody until bis money ia gone it is impossible to arouse him into a eon so of bis degradation until the alcohol is all out of him- no sir li vino verltalt should bo stricken out as a fraud aud a lie it is based on ignocanco and haa lived so long that its nreat ago gives it an air of ver- iiimilitudenew york juailanl exprt as presence of mind i a young woman in a western statn who lives near to a railway oroeaing looking out of the window the other day saw a labour er jump from one track to the other to es cape an approaching frcigbttrain he was apparently dazed by terror and stbcdeuh not beeing that behind an express train was rushing down npon him lite girl saw that before she couu make bin understand his danger it would be too late she therefore threw up her arms bhrleking wildly help helpl help trusting to tho impulse which bonds a man on the instant to the relief of a woman in distress im coming 1 shouted the irishman springing toward her in timoitp escape tho engiuo as it rushed past he btared back t it irh ihnn r hn vnmtift frying and laughing in the window and taking off his bat with shaking bandd said i owo you something miss and walked away his intentioup probably wero as friendly aa horo but the wit was slower another example of presence of mind was that of a woman who being left alone in tbe house one night heard a noise in the diningroom and knew that burglare were removing the plate she waa too far from any other house to summon assistance beiaioi a large paper bag whioh lay on a table she inflated it and broke- it- on the wall of the stairs with a loud report the thieves mistaking it for a pistol dropped their plunder and fled youths companion examination answers in a training school for girls one maiden said that a- roblu had web feet and that a sparrow had eyes on both sides of its head to enable it to see around a corner in political and legal lore tho pupila were all at sea one said a bill is pormihaible when it is allowed to paea the first time it is retrospective when it baa to bo con sidered agaiu cliorlebtownwas paid to be k naval arsenic children too give some queer definitions backbiter was said to bo a floa dlacksmitbi is a plaoe where they make horses becausb you oan see them nailing the feet ou ahorse is an animal with four legs ouo in each corner ice ia water that went to bleep in the cold little sins are oraoked commandmeuts the nest egg is the one the hen meaburbs by the fonrioasons are popper salt muetkpdand vinegar and etare are tho moons eggs boston traveler science and skill devoted to the prepara tion of diamond dyes how should a miliar addres bis lady lo in lh laujjuags ol floors qonloaion to th oholoa ol a blood- puriflsr is aorioiary tbr is bnl on beiif sarpsparllls and that is ayts ibis loppoflani jaoi waa raoognlasd a lb jworid atr ohloiwibi 18iw boiog tbe only bioodparlflor admitted to be placed on cxblbittob it is impossible for the ujiikers of hnits lion and adalterated paokago dyoo to pat np oolprs for borne dyeing work that oan giro any degree o aaliafaatlor to the pah lib imitators have cot tho oientiflo knowl edge or the capital to do honest or iood work bolenllflo men ofthehighoat attainments in thsehemlstry of colors flvetlie boneut of tbeir knowledgs and roaearahea for tho preptrallon of diamond dys and tlio pro- teotlonotthoae who ase them oatrirnou dyes are ijrobtfrattds and aro hid by dealers for ths sake of extra profit diamood oyea thobgh they oott vastly more lo prepare are made to give satisfuo lion lo millions by tbefr perfect qiulitiea beware of the dealer who says hie crude dye are eqqal to tbe ul diamond dye goods ooloreil with diamond dycb are faavt6aoap and sen of no other dyot 1 this true v vt c iiv tl- t- tyg

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