Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1897, p. 2

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j r born btuui in ilookwoodon sunday oat mr ah j mrs it btump twin boys married iravenbswackhamhh at tho maneo palmer- bton on monday sotb suptotubor by bo v mr auu charles ijavonb of durham to mian uinta hwaokhumur of kbquubiur died 11 hsnuubiuu on woduuadny oct oth margaret m l mnkarot m iaruok daughter or tlio la to diivid diirllug agod si years at jefteraon wih on thursday frtli u rio cam j hull- october jjloutcol donald campbell jlotfin- tiur for the county of llnlton agdil myoars thursday october 1b97 notes and cofttments the now two million ulcrliug canadian loan ban been placed upon lira kondon market- tbo mane price of illuelyunbr rotthethatmtnaaotiony n two tttlfl tliroctourlha por oont a very low rate for a colonial loan it ibrlbv definitely annonnoed that the state of now jersey haa by ariarrgw major hy adopted the constitutional amendment making narnblinr forever illegal in that state canada still leralizea rambling on racotrftcbb and at ohurch iaire mr k w scott dominion seoretary of state a vorybangnineaa to the develop ment of canadian trade with groat britain ho cxpeots that beforo long this oouotry oan uell annually fifty million dollars worth of butter and oheeso to great jbritain socretary sherman bae written a reply to lord salisbury on the behring sea con ference qaebtion in whioh he baggests a oohferenceln aocordanoe with the terms of lord salisburys agreement to be held probumably after the one which bossta and japan have been invited to attend during a portion of november and pos sibly extending to the ohrietrnae holidays his excellonoy the governor general acoompaniod by lady aberdeen it is nnderstood will entertain at government house toronto after wbioh it is expeoted sir oliver mowat as lieotgov of ontario will take up hie residenoa at government house as successor to sir goorre kirkpatriok until quite recently all witnesses called by the grown ih criminal oases living in thetowrrwhereihecae waa being trfcd- had to give their time and service gratis while witneaeea from a distance were allowed a tee this was manifestly unfair and by a recent ohange in l statutes this has been altered and all witnesses living in town will be entitled to their fees the same as those from a dietanoe at the oopvention of the north went- worth liberal aiaobiation last friday mr a f pirie of tho pandas banner rloeived the nomination for the riding for tho local legislature mr pirie iswell qualified tooconpy a beat in the provincial parliament he is a man of wide experi- cncea pobllo bpeaker of marked ability and power and fully able in every respect to repreeect the people of the oonstitnenoy mi pirio is an exprebident of the canad ian press association our reg dead meutcol campbell- bios while vtbltlnsr his brother in irvmaoonsln large funeral on monday lieutool donald oambboll itrgiatmr for lliia ooupty accompanied by mra ctinipboll and hia littlo daughter went to jefferdon wisconsin w yinlt hia brother james on tho wuutorn exouraion on tlio let iriflt ho loolfcd as well as uaual when ho ititl milton liutltttt thurndtiy morniun telegram vvai received a tut in tf that ho bad died tho day before tlio cauae of liia deotlf wartkeftrt dibeaiio col compball was born in tlio townahip of noluvic in i8s9 his father a typical argyleabiro man named arohibald gamp- bell arrived in canada id 1820 and waa ono of tha pioueer sot tier a of halton county ueccafledwhb a man of bptoodid phyuique nd military bearing hctbtood mora4bmn bix4oetun hcirht ai mattnitiocnt apoefmen of gunadiatv high lander he ysa prou of tbo country ot uu birth nvd tqaally broud of that p hia aboebtora ho yaridentitiod with several scottish eoaietiep but for aotue yeara pttat tuebonbot scotland benevolent asapca- tioo ouimed hia attention in an obpcclal macnar laat year be waegrand chief of order h6waaonqof tbo moat prom- ineiitagrioaitiiralistsof thartowubhip lie wabenuallyproininont in pqlitiob ah active wotker in the liberal ranks and- an t-ffec- tive epoaktr when no 5 co of tho 20th batt loroo bifloa was organized shortly before the fenian raid lie waa gazetted aa its flrbt lieutenapt and qualified for hia duties by taking a courso of instruction in tho military bohoolat toronto in oonneo- tiou iith tho 47th raiment of tho imperial service reoftivlnr a nretolaas oertitiaato on the organizntion of tlio halton regiment of ilebervo milltlur he wab gazetted as ha commanding officer and reeigned bin oom mibsion in the 20th batt in 188q he waa married to mary j mc- comb daughter of mr thoa mocomb of london township and to them one dauub- ter was born in the affairs of the country he ever showed deep interest in recog nition of each services lie was appointed in 1889 by lha mowat administration to be registrar of deeda for halton assneoesaor to tlio late francis barclay the f aneral on monday was very largely attended by sympathizing friends not only from tbo locality of bis la to residence but from all parts of the connty and from the oities of toronto and hamilton the rieudstobtatjiisaurebidencainj the last ontario gazette contains the important notioa that every company not incorporated which is carrying on bnsinosi in ontario mnst before nov 1st 1897 send returnr giving particnlara astoitabaainobb to the vfovlnolal sefiretry failure to comply lays the company open tp a fine or 920 per day levied not only upon the company itself bqt also upon every director manager secretary salesmen agent or trav oler who with knowledge of each default transacts any business for snob company the people in this province are evidently interested in good roads mr a w carxip- boll provinoial instructor in rbadmaking has received more than 60 applications from raral manioipalities aakiog him to inspect eaoh of the several diatrfota and report upon the beat method of improving tho highways a remarkable fact in con- u w tti mo la th o at noon the services at the bouse were condnotedby the kev mr abraham of burlington and were moat solemn and im- probbive the rov mr abraham was assiated m the grave by tbo rev mr mabafl7 of milton the f aneral wab undor the auspices of st olair lodjte no 135 gi r c a f and a m of which deceased was a worthy member worthy mabter dr mccrbn- mon wabbbalated by worthy bro hoodieas of hamilton there was a large turnout of the oxembers of the lodge and alao a goodly number of visiting brethren the pallbearers were mosars j j hoodieas dr robortbon j 7h mcooilom j a frazer j t elliott c hoff the sons of bootland of campbell oarap wbioh camp was named after tbe deceased brother were largely represented in the proobbbion in tho large assemblage were noticed the following prominent men from hamil ton mr jj hoodies b dr busboi from toronto jastipe wingfleld dr wyloy graud medical examiner and cspt d 1v1 robertson gfand seoretaryjsons of boot- land from georgetown messrs william mcleod j r barber l grant j g harley from acton lieotgol allen mr jolrn warren ex- warden d hender son mp froin eaquesing mr h p lawnon mr william moore mr robert stewart from oakville meabrs o b pattoraon w 0 commino thomas rey uolds tt harrib j 3 bamner from trafalgar mr henry robinson dr mc- crimmon from barlington mr w w fiaber iiieutqol kerns m p p mr a haor from nolaon mr d w sprinkor mr j g wilson mr william stuart mr e dalton j from milton dr d robertson hessvlred the barn he admitted the crime and said it waaputupjobtooetthe tnaurahoe imoney stnatrobuont oat 12early on tho moruing of aug 80 last a barn situated in tho townahip of north eabthopo andowueti by jaoob wilbolmi v 8 of shaketipearo wna dobtroyed by flro thoro were aubplo- iona of inoondiarinm at the tiroo and ns the building and contents were insured iu tbe south eastbope mutual tor 1uoo the dirootorb of lhat oompany took blepato find tho culprit iuyeatigatlon by tho polioo led to uifl urreat of wilbelm himself and on saturday iat chief of police mccarthy acoompanted by lawyer j p mobee wont to chigago and aeoured tbo arrcat of fred l heaa a brotherinlaw of wilbelm who waa mixed up in tho affair both raonworo brought before the police magistrate thia rhorntuu when heas turned firing thtr candle amopj the hay lie claimed it was done aooording to au arrangemeut with wilhelin who wuq hard up and con eluded the inauraiioomouey would bej of moro ubo iobim than the barn hesa waa lb get 8 100 for lha job hb was working in- gait at the time and drovo from there for tho purpbaa of fulfilling the agredmontand phprtly after leftlpr ohioago on money furnfbhed by wilbelm hoaawas the only witness examinodtoday and the oase was adjonrndd till 10 oclock wcdiieaday morn ing erin potato crop the crop and quality are both good this year lord cariboo kinrof erin potato grow ers got a communication last week from a buffalo ny firm ottering him 70o per bushel for a par of- potatoes delivered there tbia would pay the duty and still leave twentyboven and a half cents over tbe market hero for the freight and handling it seems likaly that theyankeea willhave to boy our potatoes this winter at farmers prioea potato digging has oommencod in this aeotion of the country the yield ia well tip to the average and the quality la un- aurpaaaed there is not much sign of rot in thia section the price is still from d0o to 45o a bag hillsburg beaver crewsons corners mr mat sims has just finished a fine shed with btone foundation 78x24 for w a m to ropq f one upon upon 950000 have been spent in road making machinery throughout the province during the past year there is every pros pect that before long the whole province will boon be provided with passable thor oughfares mr thomas moore propietor of lon don land and wattr arrived iu montreal on monday from a trip of some weeks dur ation across the continent to the pacific coast mr moores trip oombinea both business and pleasure and extended through the dominion he talked quite inter- cbtingly of his impression of the dominion he said the- mineral dovelopement of canada will 1 am convin ced exceed that of south africa or austra lia but in tbe meantime yon have a con siderable english prejudice to overcome a a prejudice born of unhappy experiouce in thia country mr w a lawrence mr j a frazer mayor dice exmayor mccollom mr g e mccranoy mr w i dick mr h a mcooll wd mr j w elliott mr j 8 mcdonnell mr j somorvillo an impor d judiro hamiltons conoluslons re- speotlhfira voters residence dr parkin prinolpil of upper canada cougo a guest at the toronto ban- ijucl to sir wilfrid lnqrler the other niglitand made an admirable apeeoh foil of his jubilant delight at tho growth of lbe new imperialism ho raid in passing wu should strengthen tba hauds of sir wilfred lajirier as our ohboeo representa tivei do not mean againatbib pohi enemies but agaihat bii political friends- the canadian people should make it enre that the premier of- the coun try whether conservative or liberal js a man strong enpaghtofeel that no man in the cabinet or his following is india pen bi ble that he does not need any follower who makes allegiance conditional on his being allowed to perpetrate a job at the opart of revision of tbe voters lilt held here on monday 27th september beforo hia honor judge hamilton dopi- sioowa reaervod in twooaeesi 1 roohorlflb tabb mr tabb came to aoton from parkdalo in june 1800 and haa worked hero continuously since his wife and family continue to reaido in park- dale he baa visited home about every tworaoatlia 2 re samael hynds mr hynds name to aoton three or four years ago- and has worked boro continuously since his wife rcsidoa in fergus whero be is on the voura xlat as owner and m f ouloss tbe m f wats removed by fergus court of revibion tlio qdeilion at jsaue in theue two caflea was itmhooyea of th law where fa u votert realdenoq is it where he works and eata and bleepa or where his wife and family reaide aftee i wide reading and cotof ulconaider ation of tba aubjeot judge hamilton band ed out hia decision ast friday as follows iam of opinion on above statement of faoti tnat charles tabb and samuel hynds suv eritjtlcuv to be added to tbe vqtera lilts of the village of aoton for i807asmfv v6tera jouhmhahitton milton oct 8th 1807- judge blown down last fall it ib a credit to mr sims and hia men the farmers in this vicinity have about finished the digging of their pot a toe crop the yield has been verygood but- does not come up to that of laat year a large number from here took iu the eramosa fair at robkwood last thursday quite a number from hero intend to take in the worlds fair at erin on friday mr jab ramabetw moved into bis new hoube laat week mr geo oann postmaater here haa been in very poor health tbe past month his many friends a in ee rely hope for bin speedy recovery we aro pleased to state that miaa m crewaon who underwent an operation for throat trouble a few weeks ago has been completely cured misses c oann and and s dansworth of east luthor spent two days last week at mr g canns miba lottie oann returned home with them and will spend several weeks with friends in lather rev mr mblaohlan and mr t eaaton of aoton visited mr r brown on thurs day labt mr and mrs e matthews and mr friok and two onildren of aotob apent friday at mr r gibbonb the misses ramehaw viuited mr s duffield of eramosa on sunday meeara wm rozoll and j forbes of aoton visited at mr n forboa on sonday mr and mrs jas ramshaw viaitod friends in erin this week mr bui cripps of this place and miss mcgregor of michigan apent several daya vibiting friends in hamilton laat week mr j odburu visited friends in eramosa thja week milton the collectors roll f 1697 waa returned last week tbe rebate for prompt pay ment aggregated 917112 the uxqs col lected amounted to 9029880 mr and mra james hanley of eeques- ing wero astoniahod on tuesday morning when on getting dp they found that some one unknown had left at their door a bouncing baby boy about three weeks old mr and mra hanley have no family wbioh may account for tho presentation of the youngster to tbem whether they will adopt hip or not has n6t been announced on wednesday afternoon sept 29th a very pretty wedding took place at the home of mrs ockerman 2nd con trafalgar when wg bdusfiold and mus t f ria ley of niagara were united in the bonds of matrimony by the rev c t tough of hornby after the oeremony which was performed in the presence of a hnmber of relatives and after partaking of air elabor ately prepared diuoer the buppy jsouple took the train at 4niilton for tho south accompanied by tho beat wiahejs of all champiott the funeral of tbe late registrar camp bell brought prominent men from all parts of the county to town on monday a kingst m tell80fhi8relea8b from the pains of rhbumat1styl- -r- it had affiled him for upytprda of ten voaraand many remeotles- wero trledln vain dr williams pink pills ef footed his release from tlio frounoan kingston pnt fifteen years ago mr alexander obrien the popular princobs btrcot tailor was ono of the mosuthletioyonng men in kiqgston both sb a foot racer aud otherwise eleven years ago be oommoncod buaiueeb and shortly aftorwardh waa stricken with rhou- matlem whloh oarssd him much pain loss of rebtaod deytoct of busincafl he states that lie trlud mit y dectors and many medioinep nil to n avail over a year ago afriond awdvised hi it to try dr williams pluk pill a and though he- had but litllo aonqdanoein them or advertised medicine of any description at the nrgont request of bis friend be decided to give the pillt trial and according to mr obrien it wag a lucky ventaro after the first box had been taken ouatomers noticed a ohange and when three boxes had boen fioisbod the result was marvellous hia strength had returned impoverished blood renewed muaolefl developed rheumatism almost dis appeared barring a slight btisneas in knee jointa wbich ja rradaaliygoinr and in the last six months he has done more workin hia talloritik eatabllahment than he had acoompuehfldl in the previoui four years a freeman representative notiaing tbe obano in mrobriens condition asked him to what he attributed hia apparent good health after auoh a long seipe of hi nebb without hesittttion he replied well ibavetavken no medicine in the past year other than dr williams pink pills there fore atbrlbate my present condition solely to their uae they had such a good effoot in driving rbeumatiem out of my bystem andbnitdtingii ptnyehatteredconstitu tion r that my vlfe whose health waa not any too good also tried the pills a few boxes remedied her illness and she top is as loud in her praise of thorn ua i am many of my oustoniors and friends who witnessed the effect ofrhu pillaon my conatitution commenoed to uae tbem and they relate tbeeme etory us i have told you i am as well now as ever i waa in my life dr willfacnb fink pllu cure by going to the root of the disease they renew and build up the blood and strengthen tbe nerves thus driving disease from the system avoid imitations by insisting that every box yon purchase is enoloaed in a wrapping bearing the full trade mark dr williams fink pills for pale people tntttvr r jrushi posmvoly cured xltflepjuls they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedv for dizziness nausea drowst ncss bad taste in the mouth coated tongue pain in tbe side torpid liver they regulate tbo juoweis jfurely vegetable sfriall pill small dose small price substitution tho fraud of tho day see you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills there is duitei a acramble among the m p rominentiljiborftls of tbe county for tbe vaoant llfitrriblp ambpa tbe ppu oanu named wbobolieve they iave elrbn claim to tbe ofiloere dr bobertiod ex- mrr and exmayor meoollnm milton john haiband mayor yonog and o pat- teraoni oakville ay uolieod and x ho- keniie qeorgotown dr mocrlmmoo ealdrmo aud m boattfe campbellville among those whoare bet acqoalntwl with the power tht be it olalrotd that the nppllcatlona regarded with greateat fapr ore thono of dr bebertioo john hoaband nod wm motieodithey have 11 been flibfnins loywetipporte of their party for many yeara and with oooalderable ooat t and aiaaaaglito iheimml01 jltroni ibe point ofjength of rlvor drt robert- ori can no ddnbipreeenli the atroorit olaima wrvpvjjrtbxrti-velnfil- c h q landed in england prom montreal nowthe subject or inquiry acton markets flour wbito wliaat bed wheat qooio wheat oata poaa llyo daroy oct j8 1897 93 40 to 9 so 70 to 7b to 73to 20 to a to 88 to 90 to 70 78 73 111 a ouelph markets montiusit oot 12 the star london oablsiaye ilia reported lhat a case of gjadderi hu been fonndin borio landed iron monlreal and ia now the aubjool of inqalry by tin canadian ofpiala hare tba lepoit oreatea uneaaineaa atnons thoao who ilpow ibe readlheaa with whloh the brltiihbokd ol agriculture would abut down on this oompotltlon wilh the britlab firnnr a 8park from the enqine cntited tho deatruotlon of the barn outbuilding and crops of mr clroaa duajtom oot ja while mason bn were tbrealilng with their ateamer for mr iilpiliijl ilkttnalw flour roller whoatuew qoob wheat barley oata rye peaa hay bggaperdoa butter dairy packed buttor rolla potato per bag apploa toronto markets oct is lun 8 a ao e 9 78 to 78 the effect of hard times on watches we have a few odd suits there are 32 of them some nre broken sizes and lines some are ordered suits upon which small tiepcrsitswere made and never called for other good reasons have combined accumulate these 32 suits and a few odd coats and vests we have gone carefully through them and marked them at ridiculously low prices for quick clearing here they are 2 only mens grcyt weed suits size 35 and 36 regular 94 for z 75 1 only mens small brown check tweed size ao regular 8650 for 4 2 only mens smajl dark dark patterns tweed size 38 and 41 regular 7 for 855 only scotch tweed size 38 regular 81450 for 1 only canadian jtwaed nice patternsize3h regular i9 for 7 annlyizjieiiniitiinnvtredondgtttsoro r 1 oftly size 38 tweed 81150 for 87 r lilytneartweorekstifeyrtg j i only neat heavy canadian 86 regular 812 for 88 1 only neat heavy canadian 25 regular 8i2 for 87 2 only heavy blue serge suits splendid cloth andhnings size 38 and 40 regular iifor88 4 only meps neat patterns canadian tweed sio 36 39 40 and 42 regular 86 for 8375 1 only mens scotch tweed size 39 regular 8to or 87 2only mens canadian tweed sizes 38 and 40 regular 8450 for 8375 1 only splendidcahadian tweed suit size 36 regular 9750or 86 1 blue serge 3greguar 8350 for 8275 s- 1 only dark tweed size 40 regular 8750 for 85 0 1 goat arid vest regular 89 for 84 ordered olotiiincj 3 only mens canadian tweed suits well made and trimmed sizes 38 and 42 regular 812 for 86 i only size 38 mens scotchtweed suit regular 81450 for 89 1 only grey nnd black canadian tweed size o regular 81350 for 86 1 only brown canadian tweed size 37 regular 810 fo r8s50 1 only- neat check tweed size 40 regular 813 for 6 1 only neat check size 39 regular 812 for 85 1 only neat check size 37 regular 81450 for 8750 as we expected saturday was a record breaker for crowd and amount oi sales over 500 purchases were served and many went away whom we didnt gcrtime toserve more hep for next saturday special valuesnllthis week in drcss goods flannels mantles c in fact all over the house the ziegleirjinch co g uelph 3ceoiget oisriis liiirop st ore enlarged and improved with a magnificent stock of fall dress goods dress costumes trimmings to match- we also make a specialty of priestleys bljkqi goqps wealsohaalihelesrtvertiesmatrc fine highclass tailoring we do and have done one of the largest and best clothing trades west of toronto and why we are not experimenters but thoroughly uptodate men in this business you get the best fit best style best workmanship and a large assortment of fine imported suitings overcoatings trouserings etc to choose from by placing your order with us you are sure of satisfaction every time fur department we are making a specialty of all kinds of fine furs for ladies and gentlemen ouf gents furnishings you will find complete in all the latest styles of neckwear collars cuffs gloves plosiery underwear etc staple department you will find a full range of fine allwool blankets union blankets flannel sheetings and a full and complete stock of yarns m all qualities and colors- at close prices hats hats the latest styles in english and american hard and soft felt hats our readytowear clothing you will find complete in mens youths and boys suits overcoats odd pants overalls etc at the lowest prices we would like you to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere we buy cheap andsell cheap and you will save money by buying your new fall outfit from us a cordial invitation extended to all gi bso n jmlllu us r m gg roe block whin st- produce teiken in exchange n every day bargain day here a newe of tailors llmny not bo thought that hard times effects the running of watches as much as it docs the pockets of the wearers unfortun ately for the watches people forget how fast fime flies and njoro especially during times of tightness of money they put off having them cleaned until the watch actual ly stops for the same reason that a buggy wheel stops when the grease is allworn off and thodry bearing binds the wheel on the raxle if watches would only always stop whenthe oil is worn off it would not matter so much but most watches are so well made now ha i they will run on oil or no oil and tlen tho trouble begins the pivots commence o cut and by the time the watch has run ft year or so longer than it ought to tlio pivots are so worn that no matter wbat thq watchjnaker does they will never be aa good as new this is where hard times gets its work in should you have any work for a watchmaker we will do it as carefully and as good as it is possible to do it o d pbinqijg quelph cooper aki ris have purchased the merchant tailoring business of e h schlimme next door to mrs adams and will continue the business with energy just opened a nice assortment of black worsteds tweeds overcoatings c call and examine our fine assortment perfect fit guaranteed cooper aklns 35 cts we wiligue the xfeton free press tr new subscribers for the balance of the year- foras ceriisipeor this atnonnt it will be sent to any postoffice in america if youwant the newsyourself or wish to keep- your friends post- ed on what transpires horeyou cannot do better than send them the acton free press 1 shop filled with ams hundreds and hundreds of pairs of 8hoes all on tables i table at 50c things moving by keeping things that move 93 to sa u 000 m so to poo to 10 00 75 oo 18 1607 wblte wheat new 70io 84 ltod wheat 70 to 83 gooao wheat i 70 to 7 oata 94 to 93 ha7 8 03 to 675 ilarloy 95 to 03 poaa 41 to 40 butter rolii 16 to 17 r i v 15 to 10 45 to 00 at norwood mn browo a widpv ra- siding on the alith lino of domroir waa oithotrmkhvtherivdthuiid and lrijhgihtihirnaed towavari x j h- hamilton marble and qranite hamiltons blook quelph ilminioa hand alarteanantlty or sootoh worway swedish and gjrp5it13- ann in order to dispose of it to make room for ajsnnsilock now purchased i will sell nt a reduction of aid vylll allow p cusjomert to and from oiir works acton livery a bus line the iiaanilgiiafl raapaotf oily aolloita the patron age of the publlojand laforma tbem that wall oulppd and styuah klga oan al wajabo swrand- athliublea a oomforuble bu moota al txalna between a m ana 8jl8 jjm oarafulattanuongltantoetoryoraer the wants of oommeirolaj traval- lerafollrmetv john wh1iam8 pbopbimtoh a stupid fellow whognages the quality of boon and shoes by the price has no busi ness to be married yet one of this class directed his wife to bnyfootwear for herself and the children from another firm because they charged more for them and they matt therefore be better his better half bought several pair from us and several from the other house and showed her hps- band they were identical being even manu factured by the same people this proved conclusively how foolish a man can be when he really tries the lady of the house gen erally knows where she can get the most and ibe best for her money and if you were to aiktha ladles of acton the jquastlon where can i get the best value in boots and shoes the answer in nine cases but of ten would be at w williams our prices are hard to beat try us for any thing you want in our line mill w williams street aoton street fllas jfaeta abbertieenwntb for sale a bin all wood cook stove a firstclata coal tovo solffoedor both id very bait ciandl tiou maybofloop iflnod 6 tho roaidfluoo ot tbo uuilur- mhs jauub fiilbtljiioo wanted i can pay ton dollar wooklv to a lady of mature o roflnomout and tact to opond her tlmo ia a good oauao t h lin8cott toronto oot 7800 given away to pertioiib wbo mako the greatest number of words out of tho phrase patent attorney wodderbuca for partloulsrs address tba national iteoordor wash lug ton d o wanted old established wholesale houiq wants ono rttwohootttfrttddlodttatifotis r tlvos can pay a bustlor about 018 a woelito advertisbb medloajbuudldg toronto aqents the bastpopuiarllfoor hor majesty i have ever neepwrlteilkrdxornoaboutqqoau victoria bales unprecedented kasytoiaako flue dollars daily big oomtniiifon oatfltrrae to canvassers tbe bradleyoabltbtbon co limited tprftnto out wanted v solioitoxtb for canada an encyclopedia of the coatitry in five koyal quarto vol umes no delivering commtssloo paid week ly a canvasser reports his first week making over seventy dollars profit tnelinbcottcompanytorontoodt y0ue spare jtime work is simple writing and odpyirjb list received from joeal ayertislng men women to oonduot business at home work ressei ward us expeiapuua mijuutju uuii fiau w liter preferred permanent work to tbose content to earn m or more weekly in spare time- apply to wabbenpubpoiioodonont of addresses be forwardeu previous experience requl be forwarded to us dail no ofuivassingt no ired but plain writen farm to bent the east half of lot thjrty aud the north- wost half of tbe bast flalt of lt twenty nine concession one township of esqaasing containing onehandred and fifty acres this is tbe farm lately owned by henry townsend for farther paruealars apply to b o ormharhi barrister brampton orto bj uonabb aoton wantedagent8 both mbn and women if yon are willing to work weoaa aito yoa em ployment with good pay and yon ean work all or part time aua at home or traveliog a work li light and easy write at onoeror terms ate to bhlorhaswkakirbebatco eooheater ny agents sell klondike golp fields i 1kb a whirlwind bxperlenoed eabvauoiit jut reaping the richest harvest of tbelr kvrs new beginners doing wonders neaily jevery- body subscribes one young fellow or at aia00 a month is making 1700 a 1 body subscribes one young fellow on k farm at isoo a month is maklngvimlo a lady typo- writer at 9300 a week is oloaridg mwjk a meobanlo who bad earned w js0 a day is olearing aujoaday we want more agents canvassing outfit aftoents worth m00 the bbadleyaahretbon co limited toronto ont to owners of teams ufllnbthedrlvlnffshedatthemoth- odlat churoh aoton those who use this driving shod and axe interested in improving 16 and tbe ap- s roaches thereto are requested to meet on uon ay jbth ins w to haul gravel from mr j6hn watsons pit those who cannot sfsist on mon day will kindly arrange to do so on the following thursday fllstlubt john shaw chairman pomrolfttewow lj nwbjm man vanf ed tjoe every unocoupled district in canada to x sell our high grade canadian grrown nursery b took- every tree and bush ftoaran- teed free from ban jose soale liberal terms to part time toon and good wages to tbose giving their entire tlmo to the work the demand for goodhome grown and socll- mated nursery stock is oc the iucreaao apply npw and secure good ground allour stock guaranteed true to oame or pnr- obase prloe refunded e p blackford da co toronto oanida notice to the public as there is so niuoh talk about thedupotsl of tbe buib jd lot 80 con a bnjnislrie i have decided to give publio nottoo that ibis bush has not been disposed of- as ft weuoruowivmy husband is extratagant in bla habits and i thongbt unless l saved tbe bush my children w u f mother brother nor suter nor any other relative and u my husband trusted his oonsin william watson before put me bush in bis charge for safe keeping i hereby forbid any parson from trespassing noon tho bush lot by outting timber or otherwise all trespassers will bo proseouted janet watson bsqaesing ootlth 1697 wantedagents in every dtstriat on tho continent to take orders for blgbgrado canadiangrown mors- ery btock and besds largestaudmoatoomplote assortment in the trade fast selling special- tlefl superb samples arnlrted free oorres- pondence in any languagsa tbeseposltlohsare money maker and terrltory be secured at onbe for tbo season by all hustlers looking for a good thing our salary or commission offers wfl interest anyone not earning 100000 per year get in communication with our nearest offloe an opportunity to represent a wohestabllotaod house abihty more important than exporojjoei lukebrothers company international nurseries chicago ill montreal que boohotter n y wantbd men to soil tor the tonthill nursories over700 aores of canmdlfux grown ascoojr we import jvo stoojc from the states v7urmeh8farmort sons implement actints x btudeows teachers retired ministers boor setio clerks who wish to make adyancetnont nd the work of selling our hardy borne- orownkuracry stock pleasant aii well as we wantraore such men this season as the demand for our goods is lnoreasing qwlug to the futthatwoguarai safljoapsoaie knteotul our itookfreo from an jowfl ioalft- jyfe make contracts for whole or psrt tlmo men employment the year roondr we pay both salary and oommluiod write us for our terms outfit free btonk a wbtillrldton toronto ontario and archlt act and contrmotor feedstere john h budwom v4 jloiuni y actp juoiu3tuajuiakjtbbtmii cniathir jieiina7m woort sto vj4jbi ah idmaiojfwopamhatooltanil promptlj ttwiioa aoa alabtootstte leugtii alwaj boilfiw isli vr frank harris manager afannfaetararof beahidooni vramaa llonldlog inallatjla duessofo matcboxo uul ttovldoia to order on abort uouo well aaaortad aloek on haolal pilot toaol johncammpn fc autui ousec leaning wbajpubrjbros s pnt tfiws thaps ihonraai i wm during fall hbusecleaniiig we jaepffirifig iwall and dated phc6swmiltsm for next seasons gpoids 5 sfem

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