Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1897, p. 4

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do you use it its the best tiling for- the hair under all circumstances just as no atari by taking lhsulrtcau add uu inch tcr his stature so no preparation can make jiair the utmost that cati be done is to pro- mote conditions favorable to growth this is done by ayers hair vigor it re- moves dapdruffi cleanses tine scalp nourishes tlie soil in iavhich the hair grows and just as a desert will blossom under rain so bald heads grow hair when therobts are nour ished but trie roots mustbe there if you wish yqur hair to retain its normal color or ii you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use ayefs hair vigor qtlji juion wxtt w thub8day october 14-1697- rj aiittu jolltb jowtja ol ono wild aatumn ulfibt when tho world was aaloop and ilieian was tu bod tuoked up tight tho mood rriado a party and asked all to come who would sued on tbo sconoaoy light tho affair waa quite brilliant qui to sparkling aalntillaot and tho gnosis ill vritk radlanoo shono all woro board to dcclivro that this brllfunt affair wwthcflnott thatrtjroirtrbirkriown xho stars woro all there and a big cornel too and a great crowd of motoors bright and bwarma upon ewarmo otgay dancing flrtt- nies to tho lustrous acono addod their njlto to the botttoldft w1 gleaming of goldon llfllit streaming far ahore in thaatarbodeekoclbkloa was the palo modest glow of tho glowwcrm bolow and tho gum of tbo dauolng flrefliea a jolly jack lantern appoorod on the soene andblflfaoo woraa broad happy smile ho gasod at tho moon and bo blinked at tho stars and thon talked with the fireflies awbllo and ai morglag waa brooking andguobtawerojevetaking while the dawn wasyotfroib hoit and orlip jolly jack ran away 10 tbo soaufpa all say with a wandering wuiothowisp k antiiun j bubdick the parody sermon on old mother hubbard our rcatiora will perhapb be lifterpated in seeing tho amuaiuft parody oermou ou old mother oabbtird reproduced as asuro upon lmirpphuirg duaourcu u is ulwuyu appreolatod the eermoo runs as fullowa brethren tho words of mytext are old mother hubbard bbe wont to tho cupboard to got nor poor dog a bone bufc whon alio got therotho cupboard wan baro and bo tho poor dog had uono theao beautiful worde dour friendo carry with theru n aoleran lesson i propoao this evenirikto unalytio thoir meuninu and to attempt to apply it lofty 03 it muy be to our everyday life old mothor hubbardsho wont to tho cupboard to got her poor dog a bono mothor hubbard you aefywas old there being no mention of others we may pre sume ahe was alone a widow a friend ma a old solitary widow yemd pho despair thet great life line that has bescued thous ands of wreaked mortals vttut oat of sorts i waaall or aorta with lofs of appetite aud losa of sleep i could not drees myself without stopping to rest jvly kidneys woro ajteotod i bojan taking uood d barsaparilla i now havo a belter nppolite aud um able to nleop soundly mr morgan bird gui dothuno street peter- fboro ontario hoods pills are tho only pilu to take with hoods sarsaparilln easy yt eftioient- take hold op it and be saved did ahe sit down and wee p read a novel 6r wring her hands no i she went to the oopboavd and here observe that abo went to the cupboard sue did not bop 6t skip or run or jump or use vny other peripatetio artifice she polery and merely went to tbo cupboard wo bavefleen that ahe waa old and louely aud we now further see that ahe was poor for mark the words are the oupboard not one of the oupboads or the left- hand oupboard or the one ahoye or the one below or the one under the stair but just the oupboard the one little humble cupboard the poor widow poaaebsed and why did she ro to the cupboard was it to briug forth golden goblets or glittering preoioub stones or oobtly apparel or feasts or any other attributes of wealth it was to get her poor dog a bone 1 wot only was dyspepiift ftnd debility led him to that the widow poor buther dog tho sole prop tnarvelloob discovery of the sre paines the mew qa8 it is called eureka arid is an excel- ent ilium inant the new llluoiiaant aoetyleoe bae now a rival to whiob the name eureka gae has boon given this faa is tbe invention of mr heotor de izi of monteflasoone italy it is said tpbo obtainod as follows lime as puroaa possible is employed as a base colophony and calcium carbide being added one tuouflaud parts of the mixtqre ready for use cooslotof 00 0 of quiokltme 50 of ooloptiony and 0 of calcium carbide there is said to be 110 fear of- explosion by mixing with air no boating of water and no special burner needed one thousand parts of the mixtqre rive 60 liters of gas at a presaure of 85 millimeters of water the pbotomorio intooaity of tha flame ia stated to be 02 4 candle lionrs it is claimed that eureka gas is co per cent cheaper than auetyf ui that u l u ouswl will giv half as mnoh more light invention of her age was poor too we can imagine the scene the poor dog orouohing in the corner looking willfully at the solitary oupboard and the widow goiug to that oupboard in hope in expectation maybe to open it though wearenotdiatinctly told that it waa not half open or ajar to open it for the dog but when she got there tho cupboard was baro and so the poor dog had nono when bbe got there 1 you see dear brethren what perseverance is you see the beauty of persisting in doing right got there there were no turnings and twietings no alippioga and blidings no leaning to the right or tailorings to the left with glorious simplioity we are told bbe got there and how was her noble effort rewarded 7 is known as palnes celery com pound tho dlseaaebanlsher and llfefflver tohb of thoiisaiids of people in every walk of lfo hirvb ro iifftrro thttrlr professor phelps jjl d of ductmouth oollene for ttie lifu lino ho hm throw u out on the a urg ing aud billowy toof diieuhq and eufferliig this fclorloua ncvorfttiling life linehaa blesaed humanity to an extent that oau never bo efimlled by anyother agency on earth lifebavlngie a glorious undertakingitho most bleaactl uod most uoblo work that huraauskill can edggu in profes8orphelp when he deviuod bla jvonuorful ajiii qjowf f arjibns puluod celery compoaodrttvemitikind nn agonoy of lite that men and womehhad for long years been praying lor xhe dootord htudypf the nervous system and such diseases as nervoua prostration paralyala neuralgia rheumatism kiduoy and liver troubles there were to be found neither oranges nor oheeaooakea not penny buna nor ginger bread nor orackors nor nuts nor lucifor matohes the oupboard waa bare i there waa but one only one solitary oupboard in the whole of that cottage and that one the sole hope of the vpldow and tbe glorious loadbtar of the poor dog was barb had there been a leg of mutton a lorn of lamb a fillet of veal the case would bavo been different the inoident would have been otherwise but it wasbare toy brethren bare as a bald bead many of you will probably say with all the pride of worldly sophistry the widow no doubt went out and bought a dog- biscuit ab not far removed from these earthly ideas these mundane desires poor mother hubbard the widow whom many thoughtless worldlings would despise in that she only owned one oupboard per ceived or i might even eay saw at price tbe rclentlean logic of the situation and yielded to it with all the heroism of that nature which bad enabled her without deviation to reaoh that barren oupboard she did not attempt like the b tiffnecked ecottera of tbia generation to war against the inevitable bbe did not try like the bo- oalled men of saieuco to explain what she did not understand bhe did nothing the poor dog had none and then at this point our information ceases but do wn not know sufficient 7 are we not cognisant of enough would we dare to pie roe the veil that shrouds the ulterior fate of old mother hubbard the poor dog the cupboard or depiot to ourselves tbe dog still dropping his disappointed tail upon the floor the sought for bone still remaining bpmewhere else ah i no my dear breth wo are to attempt to read celery compound this wonderful medicine has been called by many tha jslovenlb hour medicine and justly bo because it saves life builds up the eyetem onitealablibbea health aftor the ordi pbytioiod fails to enre this medioino will certainty meetydur case reader if you are still struggling with dibeaee and pain xbe experience of thous ands in this wide dominion has proven that palned celery compound makes people well mr o j smya of sheffield out a oured man writes aa follows it ia with great pleasure that i tettify to the value of your great medioine painea celery compound per nearly two years i suffered from indigestion kidney and liver troubles after trying several medicines father at bseskftiat how di 1 young bnodyraas like my turning off the gas at ii oclock last night daughtor surpri edj wh papa i ho we didnt know fiat you did fel dead what more every day heading do you read in tills paper than that they are legion dout dally with heart diaordef a there is but one cure i had been for a number borely afllioted willi heart diaeaao t times my life was despaired of doctors had proaorjbcel and i bad taken every known beaot remedy made ihaovsupposed and did not get eny benefit i read of the wonderful onres wrought by dr aguews ooro for the heart i procured a bottle and in leas time almost than uptakes to tell it the distress w relieved i followed tbe direotlons closely and today i am a well woman again and i bhall do all in my power to makeknown tdeveryone aurtoring as idid the wonderful cure it worked for me mrs wm barton dartmow out ont j na9 curcd deah sirs i can hlprhly recbm- mend dr vowlera kxtrnct of wild strawberry it cured my baby of dlarrhoonnftcrntl other menus fulled bo i givo it irreat pruliie it u excel- lept ernll bowel complulnth mrs cha3 bqtt harlow the kead rvlaster gkntlelikn i have found irreat t r kxtrnct of wild strawberry and con t alder it invaluable in all cnac nt t dlorrhram and summer compuilntj x it is n pleasure tome to recommena k it to the public x r bmasterton principal i s mlrh school river chnrlo nb for infeats and children tiifao tbeupboardwaabarevltwaibare thatdidootffectac toarjl your oompoand before using it i was so low in health thavt i eould not eat or sleep i could not ho in bod owing to pain in my back ic waa only by resting on elbows and knees i was enabled to obtain a plight degree of ease xefore t had fully taken ono bottle of your medicine i began to im prove i have not taken in all foarteen bottles with grand results i am a farmer and am now working every day anyone may refer to mo iuegard totheeo state ments or to any ct my neighbors around sheffield whore i am well known i am a living witneaa to the worth of painea celery compound toaoher tonapiy what do you know of the sphinx tommy tho sphinx in a women with a great head sho haant talked for 5000 years i was troubled for a long time with an itching humor on the scalp asya mr d p davis neala landing fla but at last being recornmooded ayers hlr vigor i tried it anal a complete cure was effected everyone who has used it speaks well of tbis alrebsing he knows mnch that knows enough to know that he knows nothing true but he knows more that knows enough to look as if he knew everything corns can bo intolerable pain hollo- vt ays corn core removes the trouble try it and beowhat an amount of pain is saved bury your troubles and plant blooming evergreens on the grave over a year 1 have been troubled with sick headache formyeisayaivi liver pilla and find that they help m more than any other medioine i have taken they are anexcellent pill causing ho pain or griping and leaving no after ill effects mary ellen htoks south bay orifc tiagyarda pectoral bale am oures cougbb colds asthma bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles the heavy frost last week injured some of the onions in the low lands a double ourn mr jan e el wood st thomas ont eayb my hoaband and myself have taken doana kidney pills wo used them for kidney and back trouble for whioh we epent a great deal of money without get ting relief doana fills oured na both in a remarkably short urne i believe they will oure even if all other medicines fail 01180 cor of king and hiighson sts we are- quick 8ellors and always ready to give our customers the best values dress goods- covert suitings ii inches wldo- fioc in all abadoa f bedan cloth id loohos wldo 65o the very latett hades 13roaitiroodbi inohos wide iw1w and 70o por yard plain suitinbi44 inches wldo 83 45 65 up to 85o per yard all tbe loading coloring vanoy dress gooda 40 inonea wldo 60 55 and 75o pacyard all shades mantlea there la a toaob ol rare boatiryiuttliernikfclnu of our mantles exqaislto colors tbo ory lateat out prices running from jo up v 4 colored boavor cloth jaokets in navy f aw u and brown 0 7m and s irish krloso jaoketa trimmed wlthjral biik lined 700 you cannot go amrss in ohooalnd a jacket frooi our jmmenso atoelf mllunexy v- time te get intereitod now in headwear our millinery tola season la charming the blend lngof colors ta oxquiaite lateat ahapes com- neteat mllllnera in oharge order completed aamo day as reoolved oombluatlons are oxcoh ipntany price toault your own idpaa iiadloi ilnderwcar ladlos bygelan drawers aud vosta u5o fleece lined drawer aud veata 85o turnbullsall wool vests drawers to match soeonts turnbalrs hotter quality vests and drawers 03750 and si turnbulls aoguaso unahrlnkablo vests and drwaors 1135 113 c145 to 160 uertunn merino xx large slzo voats and drawers 45o to 91 c otto nodes duolts and denims prices 10 hj 15 18 9fi and 33o per yard shirtings canadian mado sbirtlnga a 74 hh 10 aud 131c oxford bhlrtings 13j 15 17 and iwc new flanneuetts 03 lnohee wide in twilled and plain now pat- terns10 lsg 15 aisd 17o other itnee57 andbto printed flannelettes or wrappers and blous- trf pttjiiifi ft tlimtftg prlees 10 liii lsand 1 table linens 56 inch pure linen 35a 60 inch pore lirton 0082 tbcoo 60 inch bloaebed damask 85 40 and 50c t inob bleached damask 50 to75o turkey bedtabllngs new patterns so h8 i and 50o sheetings 72 lnbb unbleached 1u 10 ib 90 and 35o 7s iqoti bleached aueelogi 30 23 s5 and 30c plain pillow cottons 10 laf apd l5o per yard towels large assortment of towels bematltcbed and damask warranted purs linen ranging in price from 60c per dosen special line of hnok towels 10 and luic grand values in towelling 5 7 b 10 and iao qrey flannels beat quality of campbellford flannel 28 inch es wide for 35o other makes uj 15 18 ao and ssjo the lamps were not trim mod and burn ing when the inspector arrived nofamily living- in abiliouacauntry ahbuld be without par melees vegetable pills a few doses taken now and then will keep the liver aotlve oleanee the stomach and bowels from all bilious matter and prevent ague mr jxi prioeshoals martin go ind writes i have tried a box of parmeleea pills and find them the best medioine for fever and ague i have ever need wrens littue trick when sir christopher wren was bnild- ing the lownhall of windaor a fidgety rn ember of tbe corporation- so tbe story goes insisted that tho roof required fur ther support and dealrod the arohiteot to add pillars in vain did sir christopher assure him that the danger waa imaginary ho knew better the alarm spread and tho great architect waa worried into adding tho desired columns years passed and ia later times when architect and patrons were dead olean i ng operation b in tho roof revealed the fact that the supposed additional supports did not touch the roof by two inobes though this was not peroeptlblo to the gazars below by this ingenloas espfidlent did wren pacify his critioi while viodioatiog his own arohiteotnrai skill to futaro generations her remedies not so permitted to attempt to read tin fntore 8 u dice it for na to glean from tbia beautiful story its many lessons suffloe it for db to apply them to study them ae far aa in us lito and bearing in mind the natural frailw of our nature to avoid being widows to enuu the patrooymio of hub bard to have if our meana afford it more than cue cupboard ih the house acid to keep stores in them al and oh 1- dear friends keeping in recollection what we have learned this day let ns avoid keeping doga that are fond or bones bu brethren if we do if faith has ordained that we should do any of these things let na go aa mother habbarddidfitraihht without outvoting or pranoing to our oupboard empty though it bo lot na like her accept the inevitable with calm steadfastness and should we j ike her ever be left with a hungry dog and an empty cupboard may fntore chroniclers be able to write also of ns in the beautiful words of our text and so the poor dog had none asy to take asy to operate an tmtnrei pccallir to hoodj fills dmtll la tlieuitooi eincljnt thorouib jtom nua nldt n taretskenspiutinit nn3socljocigt proprietors lowell alass vt lue only puli to talis wlui hoods smprill when a moo of opposite views readily agrees with yon yon baye either sdcceeded in oodviooing or tiring him a summer specific dr fowlers extraot of wild strawber ry cures oboleraobolera morbus diarrhoea dysentery cramps oolio snmmer com plaint canker of the month and all bowel complatots of obildrodor adnlts it ib a boothingj eiteotaal and never failing remedy whioh rives immediate relief and speedily effeotea cure mansions in the skies are bnilt on tho instalment plan and eaoh good deed is a b nssd i th c irnotion oootora in the baakwoods diitriots often find thai ibeirpitieota will refaseall medlcmos as long as iboy fanojr that there is any possibility of efteoting a oure without its aid their belief in oharms is diffl colt to unsettlo or opmbat a yonog doctor w omllsdl to attend tbe father of a large family a stalwart baok- woodsman who was in the grip of a malar ial ever on whioh hii wile with all her inppored skill had been unable to make any impression on hia second visit the doctor notioed that one of the children had around her neck a atcirig of small bones l what are tboseintendod toonre rben- matism he asked the mother with smile nn rtnntnr linia n mirnyll h expenbive harmony an easy time agettni bee teeth was tbe response there are rattlesnake bones the erittur was plowed up inatiprlna when tbs men folke broke of a nenr lileoe 6 land i jest tookand boiled it a oenpleof days aud strang btsbones on a atrinif to bitch onto mirandva neck when twas time she waut bnt fl weeks eld then 1 miitrust they might be good for rhsmatlcs too bat hat talnt best- to run no rinks i eposs yea know the best thing for rbeamatlos psrhkps i dont know your remedy said the shrewd doctor i reckoned everyono know said the woman with momentary anima tion why jest take foor ploces of eet- akfn about three linger wids and bind em on yoor ankles or wrfits it drives the worst kind of rlieomlloa off they say doctor amid the believer in ohsrms with a dathoiia glanoe at ihe tumbler of medicine prepared for berbasbani be yon son that slnttnywy poltonons t oavie i aln tried blndln taw tomatoes oh bim yet and tltorril tie samo by the first of hers are a few letters i wish yon would mail for me dear said mrs tenspot to bar husband who was preparing to go oat as mr tenspot took them he glanced at tbe stamps and asked my dear wby did you put lfioent stamps on these lettera twaoeht stamp wonld have oarrled tbem i know it replied mrs tenspot but bow would a red stamp look on envel opes of that lovely vloletahade tbia new stationery is of an exduialto color and i oould hot think of- spoiling its effect with stamps whion did not harmonize these parple lgoent stamps are the nearest match the pottooloe keeps harper bazar what an air ofwollbred repose yoang newrloh has yesbot be wae naturally lazy to begin with a common experience soono i mr jobneton is obliged to give up work remain in the boose and tako caroof birobelf on account of a dreadful bcrofalasbre on one of his limbs scene if mr- johnson reads a toeti modal wblob tolls of- sorofuldus troublebonlredby-hoodalsarsapar- ilia he resolvcb to try it scone iii mr johnston has taken six bottles of hoods sarbaparilia hia sorofals sore is oured jhes feeling strodfter has a good appe tite and is able toattood to hib work he writes a testimonial telling of hie ezporldsice with hoods sarsapa- rilla and recommonde it to others diutneu ami wcnk eyesight how to cure it isnt what peeps know toat gets tbero into troobloj its what they imagine they know signs of worms are variable oppotite itoblng at the nose etc dr lows worm syrup is the best worm ezpeller why is the praotioo of praising ohildren liko opium 7 beoauio its laudanum take good oars of iba hair of the bead and when it be to loosen and fall off or tarn gray apply halls hair ronewer and the result will be pleasing thoro iaminy ayonng man that is able to cat into a fortnrse whooannot oarve ono hurclocit niooil bitters bardook blood bitters regulates the stomach liver bemele and blood j curing dyepesia bilionsneii sick beadaohe rbeu- matiiuii sorofula and removing alt irapnr- ites of theblood from a common pimple to tbe worst aorof aloas core as an invig- orator and tocio bbj1 is sn nneqqalled medloino mr j doll chatham ont says for two yeara i could never go to fileopbefore two three oclook in the morning i suffer ed much from vertigo and dim eyesight milburns heart and norvo pills have removed the dlsziuese restored my heart to healthy notion strengthened my oye- bigbt and i can truly bay they aro a bles eing to anyone sntterlog as i did it is well enough to have faith in humanity bnt it is tnuab more important that humanity bbodld have faith in you how much doyouweioh thinness la waiting wasting ii tear ing down scotts emulsion bnilds np it never makes waste it will give yo every man deems thathe has preoisely the trials and temptatioob whioh are tbe hardest of all otbere for him to bear but heyaroboblmplylwoauothoyarothe very ones be most needs sore feet mrs b j nelll new armagh p q writes for nearly six months i was troubled with burning aobes and pains in my feet to suoh an extent that i ooold not sleep at right and as my feet were badly swollen i oould not wear my boots for weeks at last i got a bottle nf dr thomas eleotrio oil and resolved totryit and to my astonishment- i got almost instant relisf tho one bottle accomplished a perfeot oure a man may be a good talker dud still have animpediment in his tbonghta others fail it cures dear sirs from my own experibooo i can confidentially say that dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry possess true merit it was the means of saving my littlo girle life last summer sho was teething and took violent diarrhoea dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry enred her and i feel that i sapnot say enough in itsfavor mrs win arthur teetervilleont try our mail order department flainplos on application frelgbt or oxpress prepaid to your nearest railway statiod lu ontario on all purchases of 9300 and opwards satlsfaotlon guaranteed thomas c watkins the right house hamilton m shops and warerooms foot of willow sf calls attendeld to day or night j jl speigm go undertakers and em balers latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furnif of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co orders left with j n stinson rookwood will receive immediate attention n tired eyes biliousness cohstipatiok sick headache as a laxative one pill acts perfectly and if a stronger action is desired a cathartic effect is produced by two pills in obstinate cases where a purgative is necessary three pills will be found sufficient these pills leave no unpleasant after effect one pill taken each night during thirty days will cure constipation rstcc sac or s roa otocv can be relieved by hav ing your eyes tested by our expert optician and being fitted with the very best spex and eyeglasses railway time tabije grand trunk hallway ooirta tvebx qojwo kabt mall o 4a bui rzpross 6 ws ain kiroi 2 25 pm hxireasj 10 47 am llnll 7 oopnil mall 0 11 pm i mixed loosiira tiuk or clob1nu millfi golns west 0 35 am and 6 ho pm gohigeut10 19atiiadd5 45 pm tula tlmo tallo wont into ocfcot on uondfti nov 30th 1890 s5ets wo will give the acton free press tn nrw subscribers for the balance of ihe year for 25 ceois for this amgtmt it will be sent to ady postoffice in america if j you want the news yourself or wish to keep your friends post- ed on what iransplres here you cannot do hotter than send them the acton free press j h hamilton deaeh ik marble and granite hamiltons block quelph ilvloj 00 hand largo qnsntlty or sootoh norway swedish and russian and in or3er to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i will sell at a reduction of 20 per cent and will allow all expenses to customers to and from our works v john h hamilton itted toronto wilkinson houghs last longest work easiest and draw lightest points and soles last twice as long all cast parts haie our name ind address in full on them see that you s them it will pay you potatoe diggers si3so 35 75 all thoroughly tested and guiranteed or no sale responsible igent winted limited toronto- savage st co brrntford klvanized steel find ills and towers jewellers guelph the poets oyo in a hoe freuzy rolling seldom makes a teu strike rheumatism oan be cured v whl is a downtrodden farmer flesao aristocrat who has resl orosm in his coffee if attacked with cbolsra or summer complslni of anjr kind sand at onoo for a bottle of j d kellogg dysootery cordial end at one or a bottle of dr 3 d kel- jbgo djsinisry oordial and die it aooord- g mwbubns t wtf wiih wonrftil rapidity ip spaing that drsadfuv dftie thatsskitfysi lu jsnusry 1690 i was attacked with sciatica from whioh i was a terrible suf ferer and i could llnd no relief for nine roonthi then dr halateda treatment oiired ine ond i hae never had a rlieamatlo pain slnoe alkxarahtl bcnpge83 yrs acton maroh lfitk i8d7 no other oil and no other medicine has ever been dis covered which can take the plade of codliver qil in all conditions- of wasting new remedies come live their little day and die but cod- liver oil remains the rock on vhich all hope for recovery must rest when it is scien tifically prepared as in scotts emiilsiqni it checks the pro gress of the disease the con- gestion andinnamrnationsub- sideand the process of healing begins th ic tho who there la no work of genius whioh has not been the delight of mankind no word of genius to whioh the human heart and onlhavenotrsooner or later- respondedr lowoll norway pine syrop strengthens the lungs ana onres all throat troubles ooaghs golds etc a perfect tea ure joggle with fate and youll get ihe worst of it itchinq burnino diseases skin truth book about it free scott bowkb rlcllvllk ont beliovod in a day bozebaaf salt rheum barbers hob and all eruptions of tbe skip gulokly relieved and cored by dr agnews olntmenti it will give instant oomfort in oases ofitohlng bleeding or blind piles and will cure in from three to six nights 00 cents in trlt flnwrtsur qarpen8 in the jlindip amrttatko bv expirts wo unotd trin but at u grtaeus eylon lead paqkets only 85 30 40 60 and 60 cent a pound- blaok os mix r thdavtdsohavhayrltdwholesale agents toronto sho yoa wont rot moob money when you merry mo oeorge he that rosy tjo but every little helps these baro times in4srling a cramp t brakbman tails tha story of hia expoeuro tha fate trsat befal him and how he was relieved or his suf- erlnes w lavnlle braheniao allsadale oct says through exposure i contracted that dread dlsaaiecateurli my case became ohronlo t wairacornmsndsiltoltry dr agnspuii iorcrwteninlri there is this difference between hp- piness and wisdom that he who thinks ifaimself thehappteitman really iasog but he who thinks himself the wisest is generally tho greatest fool oolton oolio and kidney difllonhy mr j w wilder j p lafargeville n y writes lam subjept ii bevere attaoks of oolio and kidney diffloally and find parmelees fills sfford me great relief while all other remedies have failed they are the boat medioine i hare ever need in act so great is the power of this medicine to cleanse add purify ibat dlaeases of almost every name and nature arc driven from the body l-i-v- mm bsv the only liberty that a man worthy of the name ought to aek for is to have all restrictions inward or outward removed that prevent his doing what be ooght f w eobertson there never was snd never will bo a nniversal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh is heir the very nalnro of many coiatlvch being such that we the germs of other and dillerently seated diseases rooted in the system of the patient what would relieve one m in torn would aggravate the other we havo however in qnloine wine when obtained in a eqnnd unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judlolopa nse the frailest systems are led into con valescence and strength by the ijnfloenco whioh quinine exerts on natures own restoratives ii relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronib state of morbid despondence and lack of interest in life is a disease and by tranqoillzing the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to tho aotion of tbe blood which being stimulated oonrses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system thereby making aotivlty a necessary result strengthening the frame and giving life to the digestive organs which natorally dernanj inoreasoa subitsnoe result 1m- provei ppetite northrop a lvman of vtorqnfp iven to the public their iquihlne wine at the mual rate and kgvl by ife opinion of soleo tlstt this hi approaches nearest perfection of jiny lifrjijematkel alldrogglstsse it v boubs bbahlnoa brantforocan makers of the ligl t- sst running and best constructed galvan ized steel wind mills and towers made also the celebrated maple leaf grain srlnder write for illustrated circulars of to a bedlnner in business a word to the young man preparing to open n store of his own when you get ready to do business tell the public what you aro going to do use plenty of adver tising space to tell your story well and owmighlvt hia4l llmpl hobu whoop dont turn verbal flipflaps dont rrinke a jumpingjack of the english language dont tear your hair and froth at the mouth just got down to business and tell people in short simple words all about your new store and your new goods act like a solid business man not like a flybynlght fakir the man who merely jumps up and down mlghtjust as well stand still soft and fair goes far in a day work up a good solid business by solid business methods com and wheedle and suggest and argue dont try to yank trade in by the hair as bill nye once sagely observed when you want to kiss a girl dont grab for it- tnko your time its there try mm aid ta tbbvtutk jpjtis john 7ur3ueei acton aoent fob above ae80 for frost and wood binders and mowers a fqll line of all kinds of fapn irnplernents and repairs itsimi iiifi mimimmmi

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