Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 28, 1897, p. 2

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wiii t- i foiiuefiiu aoton on monday qot 23tb to mr and mrs jolm forbaa aduifimor harmed qliamukx munlut lu itockwqod oh wednes day oot ijotb by itov mr kcbuo mibi m murray to mr q gulolan all ol iiooltwood bnown moons in uoott towuflblp county of odtarln on wotluoadfty tlio 18tli ootobur by itov j k mooro brother of tho lirldn mian hannah x mooro to ltoburt l browu of- andkpbon ciieyne at gruco ohurcii bramp ton on voduo8dayoit20tbi andorson of toronto barrlatorat law to marlon qertrudo daugutar of mr lotuor ghoynt brampton idied r binnow in stowarttowu on monday ootobor lbtji mary jano uparrow roltot ol ibo la to thos uparrow aged 65 years ftwattott jto fm ybxjbsday october 2blb 1807 notes and comments the dapartment pf interior proposes to oahoel sales ol land made in manitoba to boomatcera ia 1881 of wbioh only one payment bae been irfado thin will throw orjijo considerable pew territory to -innti- nettle ohiet jostioearmoar bsb jjiyeu jadij- menis for total damaffflb of mioo against deputy reliicniog offloer e m fleming of london for refusing to allow mr ira collins tp vote in the last dominion eleotion and for causiughis arrest it la again asserted that lord salisbury will shortly resign and that the btratfrlo forthe prothlersbip will be between the tdnkfiof devonshire and mr arthur balfour and that the latter will have ull mr chamberlain influence milton alilton has- severer respresentativee at the provincial sunday school conven tion at 3ariillton this week tho tlnclerwriterabtill ttreaten to reduce onr classification becaneo their require roouti are not beior root wlsa denahendorsou milton has gradu ated from the toroniogerioral hospital tjjrmojjoojojrraoil a thrilling leoture was delivered on taesdaryevenlhg in theieotarerbom of the methodist oharoh by mrs j fowls j will ing ouo of the foremost wpnien orators of the unilsdbiatesr- mrsrwilllug is a sister ofibbop fowler and ie one of the fainoud women of methodism on the othor side of the linoa rockwood the minister of militia has introdnoed a new rale that lientenantcolonele may only hold office for five years this means that col kerns of this county will retire next year aahohas had command slnoe 1888 thernle i reoalvo with much favor and young militia men are enthusiastic the railway companies are rigidly enforcing the regulations ay to the nse of intoxieating liquors by employees on the trains infringements of the rules am severely dealt with a canadian faciflo driver was laid off the other day for beipg dronklwtiilein charge qf an engine and order have been given byboth companies to enfproe me rutetstrlotl premier hardy hab notified the lumber men by letter thattheir demand for regu lations compelling all logs cut in ontario to be sawn into inmber within the province will be referred to the legislature for decision the question being top important to be filed by a mere orderinoonncil this will give an opportunity to bring oat in debate all the arguments on both sldep a british investigator provoked at hear ing his oonntry repeatedly referred to aa a tight little island announces that one opantyinbnglandrmiddleaex is of euf floient extent to allow all the people in the world to find standing room could they be gathered together there another york- ablre would be claims famish btendiur room for all the people that have lived since the christian era owing to the large quantities ofgrain changing bands and to a general inoreass in business some of the canadian banks have ail their bills issued op to the limit and have not anfflolent to supply the demand borne of the toronto banks dur ing the last few days have been obigedto pay opt the bills of other banks as all their own were in oirbulation suoh condition it is said has not existed for mapyyeara oontliienta will be exhibitors at this worlds second exhibition taking registered tonnsge as the criter ion canada stands fourth among its nation the last report of the marine department shows that the registered mer chant shipping on deoember 81 1600 was d270 vessels measuring 789800 tons being an increase of 17 vessela and a deoreasa of 86688 tons a oompsred wltb7180s7av auming the average value to be mo a ton the value of the registered tqnnsgs of can ada would be 128078000 daring the year m7 new vessels wore built and regli- tend of a valne of 1720000 estimating lbs tonnage at 145 ton is r the ontario government baa passed an order in oounoii appointing all the ofboers of the provinolal detective f oroo game wardena wltb powers equsl to a jqstloe of the peaoe in the shooting districts inipeo- tors rogers and oreer and possibly some others will go to the hunting diitriots and ejerdtetbefunptloniomagistratea the deputy wardens are iostmoted to bring all lawkreakers before them mr rogers stated that they intended to devote ihem- selvea lo the stamplns ont of shooting deer in the water hantere csnght atthii will be punished with extreme seterlty fibebuos confession startllns statoment abouttho con- lflttbratl wwnsbi charles croxep baa been arretted oharged with incen diarism oroxeh mskes a oonfesllon in wiiion le tells of the doings at fletohera resuorsnt on the night ol ihs big are m now under arrest also uroxen and oifasii ware at fletchers molnlyre got a can or oufromfletober and went out shortly aftef molntyre returned and shouted fli- flf leher and oroisn who were then the only persons in the plsne ran out bnt made no auernpt to pot oot ths biases oroxen aaya fletihar dlesred out his plaae the day brforithe fjre removing his show ease lppiwrdbsrbers chair etc ho oer- hsrt ponvrlsstlon betwein floloher lbs nagro ardotntyre in whloh fietoher srlw of wrsipgup the women cofebib into thb hiver a tprrlbla oiaatr on th new vorkosntrv railroad vsmuw4 tvqoviaxli bnftalo illhfemprilnsouthbpbitdm neighbo news nows itomivsubplled by corree- ponctents and exbhansqs limehouse thtbwjuiot liamtot has brand uowbriiio and groom mr robt lbrown h tltv en unto hlaiseir a wifo in tbo pafaon o mueeanntih p mooro of ontario county tbo nowly mnrrtqdptir have tukon up hieirroeidonottut tlio homeutoad dear horo and ibeir friendd wibh them every tmppi- deas and prosperity 7 everybody is kind mr audrow soottt ia improvibg in health and oooiplete recovery is boped for alloy of the farmera are mrirkotior their graio a kalt6nian to be proud of pr robertson was born in eaques- iner fifty- alx years affo corninr bo prominoqlly before t ho pabllo through big appointment aa registrar of deeds for the oouuty a briot ghatoh of ir robertson will at the prcbent tlmo lis upproprjate dr robfirtbon ia a uatlva of the oouniy of iltou ftiu was born in the townuhip of libquorjiog iu tlio year 1811 his father the late alex robcrtbon was from perth shire sootland an officer of the britiuli army and one of the flrnt gottlars uf emjueaiig bis mother whose maiden name was agues moore waa from now zealand an ancestor of his was the lato colonel donald robertson of woodsbicl who oommatidod the clan robertson at the matob band of the salvation army gave a concert ip the town hall beta last wednesday considering the state of the weather the attendance was fair mr g glllelati and mioa m jj murray were married by the rov mr kebtle labt wednesday the oonple went cast on the 550 train on their wedding trip after which tboywill settle in rook wood messrs jae gray and c shaw retnrned from a trip out weat last week mr gray lavo a description of his trip to- the mem bers of the aou w uol lode night the pablio bchool children are preparing for their annual commencement exorcises to be hold about thanksgiving day the executors of the late samuel tovell estate have soli the east half of lot 16 in in the oth conoession of erambsa mre ov j traoy and little daughter rgwgbtit7tgpfa bpon viaitiag-mra- bary for the pist oonple of cqontba left for her home labt week mr jae gray will deliver an addresb reuiive to his trip to the northweet at the next mooting of the a o u w georgetown a great international exposition will bo held in omaha nebraakt from jane to november 1898 it will be on a grand oale and parhape only woondto the worlds fair at ohiotsgosltyiiftitbe con trolled by a corporation with a milllod dollars oapital ten mammoth buildings for exhibition parposea will be erected and i i an tha e c on bo to th 8 s con bo in hfmil ton the jubilee services in the baplist cborch were continued during last week ansrsabbatb the citizens meeting wednesday even- iog was a fitting oooaaion to review not only the history of the ohnroh during tbo last fifty years bat also the history of georgetown gh kennedy esq messrs mokjeohnie and wenrren of ebqaesiog bsifbjj perrin b a and g a mllohell b a spoke- mr r d warren clerk of the oho rob gave a deeply interest ing review of the work of the ohnroh on sabbath last the roy j l gilmour b a of hamilton preaobed to large congregations both uiornlng and evening tbe epwortb league of the methodist church held services in connection with the forward movement these services began wllrva sunrise prayer zueetiog the rev gra muobell preached two appjopriate setmoob and ibe day dosed with an evang eiistio service during which mr joseph wluiarae gave an aoooarit of the moody xneetiuga recently held in montreal the swiyioei are being continued during the webhy mrs g a mitchell is in whitby attend- ing the general board of the womans wrsiilonary sooiety of the methodiat ohurbh a few of our aitizens are attending the yf o t tj meeting in toronto georgetown will supply a few delegates this week the rev g a mitchell ia in hamilton attendiug a special committee of tbo ham iltod conference nasaoaweya tbo corwhin plowing match well be held on friday 5tb november on tbe farms of wr a mokenzie and mrr mofarlane iejjlltjjoa jqihqpdfj jpatjiboh the mtohill be open to all plowmen in pus- jiooh and nassagaweya the first monthly meeting of the womans mission band of the ebenezer- cbareli nassagaweya was held last sdnday eveiiiag there was a large gathering and a very instrnotive program was rendered by the members of the circle which was high ly appreciated by all who heard it farmers are taking op their orop of tar nips which are a good orop this year the weather is very favorable for the work mr geo gbrdon raised tbe summer sills and sleepers of his now barn on tuesday ur john anderson thresher of knatoh- imlig had a very narrow osospp from being wrioasly hart last thufiday evening while setting bis machine at mr john maphedrans of nassagaweya he was in the barn and went to go out on a gang way when one of the boards broke throw ing wr anderson n feet against a stone wll he was rendered oocootcions for a tloiebnt fortunately was notiiniured mr freeman thomas of nassagaweya is sdfloriog from some head trouble he is iaayory preoarlous oohd ttiou at present yio hope m may be soon restored to health asain one of nasssgaweyas local sports bad qaue an experience while attending the wmnsgaweya fall fair jast tuesday he wii getting ovef the fflcoerln t g when one of the cops osme op and wenf to putoot the wouldbe sport when a lively tosaelsnsaed ia wbioh the offender earns oq ssoond besf he was tasen to the hotel where be bad a short trial but was lit off with a harp reprimand ho will jfobablv learn to go in at the gtte next lime the man was drunk wro proclaimed hie intentions to shoot the premier ottawa oot 33 ferdinand carrlere the riiin who was loohingor bir wilfrid laarlor in ottawa on taesday with a rsvohsr was arralgntd before the phos hatstrat yestsrday he dsotared- hat hihi4 rio lotsntjop of ahoou prenlsr hebad uato too rnasycrjnksj aijai-liiasiaujlli- lvt a au jtlanv tlo battle of julloden tbo dootor la a gradnatoof atcgill oollege montreul he practised for ibroa years at naesagaweya and moved- to mil- ton in the year j80t where he has practij adeyer aioco during which time he has built up a large alidtotrmroerailvopracxifie he hue hold at different times the fol lowing- rnunioipal offices town coon- oillbr reeve mayorv waedenj and at present jrpresents district no 4 in the qounty council ito haa been for 27 yetrs treasurer of the mipn jgjjtlio school board and also of the mechanics inetituto dr roberlsonhub been president of the hal ton reform association and has for many years taken a lively interent in politics in the county always putting forth his mosfvigoroos efforts for the cause of reform in 1878 ho was elected to the local legislature by the electors of halton land represented the county op till 1882 when bo wag defeated by lieutool wrn kerne ho is president of the milton pressed brick company of which be is the original promotertbqworiabeipg situated on part of the old bomebtead neat milton with hoods saraapa rllla sales talk ahd show thatv this medi cine has enjoyed public confidence and patronage to a greater extontfchan accord ed any otherprop2rleury medlolae this is simply- because it possesses greater morll and prodacca greater cures than any other it la not what wo say hut what hoods saruadarllla docs thot tetla theatory all advertlsemonts of hoods barsaparlllallke hoods sarsaparlua it self are honest ve have never deceived the public ami this with its superlative modtoinal why the people have biding confidence in it and buy napanee bank robbery 1 2000 rewards offered ponton sues for 50000 damages belleville oot 22 it is etated today on good authority that mr w h ponton will auo the dominion bank for 956000 and that instructions- to that effect have already been given to bia solioitor mr e gob porter i the dominion bank ie leaving nothing undone to secme the capture of tho roal with this object in view haa offered mucih- oent rewards to any who may assist tem in their object the bank antborltioa offer 95000 for information which will lead to tbe oonvtotion of the thief 95000 for in formation which will lead to the recovery of the stolen money or a proportionate reward for any portion of the money and 82000 for the recovery of the 910000 worth of unoonnterblgned 910 bills stolen on the same occasion an el eo trio railway from hamilton to guelpb and tbenco to elora in among the possibilities in the near future w h lever the big bnglleh soap manafaoturer talks of establishing mammoth factory in toronto ho hsb a 910000000 factory at port sunlight england a scie saved an intebvvew with a couleqe president his many dirties caused his health to break down dr williams plnkplllb restore him to aotlvlty from tbe republican gelumbus lud tbo hurtavhle ooiioro sttuatod at esrts- ville indiaoa was jouorlod years ago in ibo interest ot the united brethren oburob when the state mas moally s wildornmo and oollegeb were aoaroe tho oollegois well known throughput the ooantry for- merstadertts having gone ibto all parti of therworldi pnor iivra pdanniuv areporter rooentlyqallod at this famoas seat of loarnlng and was shown into the room of the president prof alwln p barnaby when last seen by the reporter prof barnaby was in delloato heslti to day ba was apparently in tho boat of liesltb in response to an inquiry the professor ssjd ob yes i am much better than for sometime lam now in perteot brsltb btit rqy recovery waa brought about in rather a peculiar way tell mo about it bald the reporter well to begin at the beginning sid the professor vi studied too bar3 when at school endeavorlnato eduoate mysell for the profession after completidgtbedom rhon course i oame here and gradnsted from tbe theological coarse i sntered the ministry and acoepied the obargeof a dnltedbrelhren oharoh at asmsll plane io kent oouniy mioh being of an ambit ious nature i applied myself diligently to my work and studies in time i notloed that my health was fatllnx i my trouble was indigestion od this with other trouble brought op nervousness mv physiolan prescribed for on for some kroe and advised me to try a ehinge ol climate 1 did a he regsested snd was some improved boon after 1 came here as professor in physios and obenlatryand later was financial agent of this oollsgs the obaoge agreed with me and for st while my health was better but my duties were heavy ard again i fonnd my trouble re turnjdg this time it was mors overs and in the winter i became oomplotely protlrat- od i tried various medicines and didtrent pbyiioians finally i waa able to nlorn 10 my duties in the spring of 1800 i was elected president of the college agiln i bad oonslderabla work arid the sronble whloh had not been entirely cored fogh to sffeot me and last fall j oollspsid i had different doctors but none did oil any good professor boarnsn who li proljsior of natora sclsnm told roe of hitsipstifnos wltb tr wllliaros plnksphis far psj peopliiadurgdroetoglvetnsn st itlal imostis asy bad benentled hint in a slmf hentnefne andtbe imtsireioor iftj vauc almoot to the exclusion of ail ailiera try it frepared only by ci zloodoi colxwetl mass axiotlier offering 4 irt c3 pthing ants pyercqtavtt3 iat 29 mens odd suits various sizes and qualities broken bls to be sacrificed i io hoys pvercoats sizes 33 24 and 25 good strong wool tweed well rdade and trimmed tweed linings broken lut regular 9250 to 9350 to bo cleared at 9i each 2 youths beaver cloth tea jackets spcndiuly made and trimmed sizo 32 and 34 regular 87 to be clearedat 350 2 boys heavy blue reefer coats sizes 22 and 23 regular 9250 for 9199 ia a0lkrtieenwnta wanted 1mnh nnrl ooaimo indoor ami outdoor oloro 1 nndjuluan mahurii aunolditltob aoton wanted tkdubtuiotjs niou ot ehariotcr the linsoott company toronto out wanted v j are the only pills to take floou s fhlswitu hoods barsaparlua proof o pros great increaoe in canadas trade for- thej past quarter ottawa oct 23 thb statement of exports and imports issued today for the quarter ending sept 30th last shows a largo increase in the volume of trade as oomparedwith the bams time last year being considerably over 912000000 in the aggregate 7 the increase in the exports was nearly 9120000000 exclusive of bullion the increase for the month of september alone wab over 94000000 the september statement of the cana dian chartered banks ie also a favorable document it indicates activity ip com merce and verifies the reports published almost dally in the sar last month that confidence had returned and that general business waa tho bebt in years tbe cir culation of money on september 30th as shown by careful comparison was tho greatest in the history of canadian bank ing at a similar date cheese factory burned luc know oot 23 the cheese factory at paramount was completely destroyed by anabttrfghttherbniloungandbont 94000 worth of cheese waro completely destroyed the stock was insured to the amount of 95003 lathe london mutual and thebuildiox to the amount of 91600 in the waterloo insurance company oaube of fire bnpposed to have been from stovepipes ri mens tweed fly front overcoats well made serviceable tweed linings odd lines sizes 36 37 38 38 40 42 and44 regular price from 5 to9i2i tobe cleared at 9256 each first come first choice r a lot of new things in mens suits and overcoats just to horid f the uitderclothing department freshly- assorted will unmatchabld vajucs v our slyleaandpriwsmetbsuiicon the proof ofthe pudding c and we have already sold more mantles than many large houses do fpran entire season rind yet the season is scarcely begun ywonow put 05 sale 62 pattern mantles all the newest sty tea and makes scarcely any two alike sizes 32 3436 arid 38 in v resident cloths beaver cloths nap cloths curl cloths c some piped and faced with satin some plaift some are braid trimmed and vyith buttons all the proper regulation length thesearoextra well made by the german rtiariufacttirersandsent to canada to serve as patterns from which thousands ofdollars worth of mantles were sold we bought them so cheapthat we will sacrifice them there ore the prices and if you would like to know what you will have to pay anywhere else forai goods a at least one half to these prices and you will be within the mark we will clear them at 9210 9230 9245 93 94 9415 9435 9445 h5 9456 9470 948o 9487 9495 955 525 540 9550 tl552t580 9595 595 9605 96io 9g6o 9665 9685 and so on up to 91035 the first one would be sold anywhere at 93 50 and the last one at 9i6 h we are very busy making over repairing and making to order new ones our prices are telling for popularity we arg spl sab ruffs with sp head and nice tall for 92 compare it with any 94 one elsewhere r we sell an elegant sable muff worth 1000 for 9650 elegant capet tes collarettes 5 oclock muffs capes mantles c all the newest shapes and styles at unusually low prices fhezi a enlarged arid improved with a magnificent stock of fall dress goods dress costumes trimmings t match vte also make a specialty of acton markets at 31 o 107 to 80 to 72 to 21 to 0 to ivt to 28 quelph markets oot 117 1s07 e 3 id to 78 to 85 to 36 to byo so to 2 to to 800 to 10 to ib to 18 to 60 to co toronto markets oot 27 18p7 to 83 to 80 to 78 to 25 to 31 to to t 900 to 17 to 10 to 05 in connection wltb the increase of the strength of the british arniy it la said tbo forces fri biwjbigk gqqs we alsohave all the latest novelties in fincydry goods at close prices fine highglass tailoring we do and have done one of the largest and best clothing trades west of toronto and why we are not experimenters but thoroughly uptodate men in this business you get the best fit best style best workmanship and a large assortment of fine importeid suitings oyercoatiris trouserings etc to choose from by placing your order with us you are sure of satisfaction eyery time ftjr department v we are making- a specialty of all kinds of fine fursffor ladies ahd gentlemen our gents furnishings you will find complete in all the latest styles of neckwear collars cuffs gloves hosiery underwear etc staple department you will find a full range of fine allwool blankets union blankets flannel sheetings and a full and complete stock of yarns in all qualities and thhhe ladles to ititroduoo a houioliold work bplondid roturoh to ooiupotoot porsons j atulovay toronto wanted an osporlouobd canvasser to travel and appoint agents n oanvoislng balary wanted soligiloits for caoiula an euoyolbpedla of tbo country in five koyal qnarto vol- umeiv no delivering oommlmlon paid week ly a oanvasadrreporuhlbilrbt nreek- making over seventy dohaia pront te ajphelr ranted applloatwns win bo received- by uid undersigned op to monday evenhjif 13ui november or a tufcchorlor the fourth doprt ment ofaotonpnbltc sebool salary not to viewed aasqi eortluoats to be ofiondelaas pro fesslonal neferenoesto ba given aetob oot b5tb 1807 upmoobb seoretary farm to rent the east half of lot thirty and the tfortb weat half of tho but half of ot twenty nine coneoaalon one township of esqaealns containing one hundred and fifty acres this la tbo farm lately owned by henry townadd for farther particular apply to e o graham barxuter brampton or to it j mcnabd aoton your sparftlcb men woman to eonduat baalneas atbome work la aim pie writing and copying hit of addreaaes reoalvod from local advartisibg to be forwarded to uadaily no eanvaaalna previous qxperienoe ralred but plain writers preferred permanent work to thqae oootent to earn s6 or more weekly in spare time apply to wajtben pub coxondon ont wanted agents both m8n anp women ip you arb irilllari to work wo can glv yoani ployment with good pay and you oanwork all or part uma ana at bouie or trareuoir- tns worlcjs jlght and easy writs st onos tor terms sto to thu hawks nubm1ky compant bbojisstrht tvaned agents colors at close prices hats hats the latest styles in ehglisli and american hard and soft felt hats our readytovear clothing you will find complete in mens youths and boys suits overcoats odd pants overalls etc at the lowest prices vve would like you to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere we buy cheap and sell cheap and you will save money by buying your new fall outfit from us a cordial invitation extended to all produce t excha m cvory p sa h sloans indian tonic cures scrofula pimples ulcers ab scesses boils blotches and all other disorders arising from impure blood more curative power in sloans indian tonic than lu all other medicines combined michael dillon of richmond hill writes my wife bought a bottle of sloans indian tonic from youc agent when he was here she has been in very bad health for several years and has been treated py three different doctors and has taken a number of patent medicines but she thinks one bottle of your medicine has dpnether more good than all the other medicines she has ever taken ahd she wants you to send tier another bottle of your medicine price fi 6 for 5 all dealers or address till the last minute to buy your fancy qoods for christmas presents hut come how while tbe stock is fresh and there la plently to pick from we have in stock new art silks new wools honltor braids slipper soles photo mounts doilies and centre pieces point lace patterns braid and mapy more things too numerous to mention stamping a spec laity if you want work done come before the rush as usual we have a fine line of groc eries on band at reasonable prices the effect ofiharldtimee on w it may not bo thought that hard times effects ihs running of watches as much as it doe tbe pockets of the wearers uoforiun- atelytor the watches people forget how fast tlmefllesi nd more especially during tlraeabftlghtrtsss of money thoy put off having them cleaned until the watch actual- ly stops for tho aame roason that a buggy wheefstop when the grease it all worn off 4odthe dry benrlng blods the wheel on the axle irwalcheswhw ooly always stop lben the oilit worn off it would not matter so much hut most watches are so well made now that they wlir ran rn oil or no oil and then the iroublebeglns the pivots copimencfi 10 cut and by the time the rcfhaaroneso longer thajilt ought 0 the rhvplfiare so worn that tin matter wbal the wackrnker does they will leave y6iir orders now for your wlntwsuppjy none but tbo very best 8oraoton coal vpeilvsrear onh supply egg stove and nut jlrea the liberal palroriaje aecorfod risjmifiiiimn srowna puau tmwfty ft itrffiffllfaia5jiy5 fv illjvik- pif new goods are arriving dai ly and our stock is- uow about complete tor tbe fall and winter campaign new arrivals in ladles and childrens underwear all sizes and qualities the very beatvalues ever presented hero new 8wansdown and curl cloaklng8 in cream white and colors lor infants nod childrens wear new double fold tweeds friexes and beavers for ulatera jackets and capca novelties in dress coods special values in blaok goods and a very large range of choice new millinery opening this week the newest goods in felt sailors and walk ing hate and othor millinery novelties new mantles a fine range of qirls jackets ranging from 12 to 18 years at special prices overcoats and ulsters will all bo in stock this weak nt prices lower than over in all sizes as well as menx boys 1 these goods have boon waterproofed by the rigby process and aro guaranteed by tho makers thoroughly waterproof hosiery our range of hosiery is exciting tho favorable comment of all who ask to see what wo are showing specially for boys wear new arrivals iu mens oft d boys olpthing all sizos complete wo make a- apeoialfy of pant b wo ore selling a good tiroes phot all ezoa for 05c f yueen v1ctokia u booming ejgbt thou- w sand ooplei sold three thonsaod ava biihdrsd ordered from australia urguqomtfty gone to south africa gotng like wtldnre lo uisdtv itord rxtrne her majestys sbutnlav ays the best popular lite of the qaaea i bsve seen and thousand endorse tbe state ment- outfit flpo to canvassers exolusive v territory books on time easy to maltsflvo dollars oaiy some mako tuioe that thr dbadleyqariiktson co u ml tod toronto klondike gold fieldsv like- a whirlwind eiperleneed eajdtasssrs rsftptng tbe rlotwst hurest of their lives now bestnnen dolob wooden neaiy evsrj- body lubsoribes ona young fellow on- a- fsrm moobaniowboimearnmstotadartsdoaring aooadar we want tnore agents oantmsting- outfits cento worth 1100 the bbadiieroaubetbon co llnutod toronto ont wanted agents in every district on- tbe coninent totak ordezm for bigbgrada oanadlsjhptvwn knra- ery stock andbmdsjsrgsbtandmosfconipleta auortmenftin tbe trade fast sailing ipeeial tlea superb samples fqrnlbi free oorres- pondenoe in any lani m money makers and stouoj tpondenoe in any langnage makers apfl wrftory for tbo season by all bustlers loouui these positions are bbpnld be eearsts a soodtblng ottrsalary or wmmlislonje will lutereife anyone udt earning optmx yer aotlnoommpnleatlon wlke opr nsi 1 opr nearest anbtportmiltytopreentawellt house abtlity morslmpovtmttbmmprieqoe luke brothers company interaauobalkorserlosr oblcaflo iii ilontreal qno bpobcstsr n y mod to sell tar cio toathill nurserlas ovr700 aeres ot cumuvl qtowp stock we import no stock tram the states x4bubb8faensonaxmpiemtamnta j stndsntsteaehnsreundmlrdstrsitnsr shi t m sffssn oil tbo work o sailing onr barcur horns- orojjrn nrnr7 btook pleaaaol as wsll as wirabsraoteaehmerktbisssasonasthe demand for onr goods islnonaslngowjog to tbe faet wat wgavuaji tee loloniatoojt free ftom w maa oon traets forwnole or part lira rosn bmpioymttdft tbe year ronnd werpsy botb salarr and oommlsslon writ na for oar urrds oatntfrs btonb wbllmaton toronto ontario extrapf oviiicial mpmies dubli0 n0ti0b is bdrbr tirea tfiav nndc it tbe brolslons ofbeouon jmoiths ontaho compacts aet et eompaayiror wooaron- wo rnromn twitjtaoirrioii rr or idsatustinrstwcjmaarsctwhtellviunr or totieflrstdarot hoamba iss stodbqsjiiess in oatarjo havrsjl jau s itsbbtobmiiimb rns usstttstimst priorte oarrles rrmrdbmssos the saldssfforbsroretheflrsshrlat ot hotemtmraduot roakaoot anditnesmu to tbo protuolal bwrotary a- statsmrttl irod oatb shswlng irsrxsihj v a she oorporat nam of the oorapan bl how and nnder wbatspk4sl dtisasral ijr waslnoorporadand- trflnlt wwhi ntf sndins sqob5polal or la wbsr tb nddfllo ot tbeooropanr la sltiiated fi-f- d the amonnt of th atttborlsd otpltal sioeki vuwi 0 thmotintorsukiksoborlboaoruitil anduiearaonbtpiuptltsnonf- f tbsnature of eubklndoflntaliissswblob i tb oompanr bsmpowsaofoerrjpon mdwbpiiorotairdslsarswmli lngwthlh1ga stun inenrapwus for ayerydayarlr ues and otsrid rrty forrostofui to eoinplt wltri obtamd sport appiloai torbiwx to fa m lightest points ani as long all and address in fn get them it will in ihttmffl anhoofand bearnggja

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