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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1897, p. 2

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f x married wbiu jonnbohat toronto on wsdnoadty otit 87 by r the lit v wm llrfgfli tuo e wolr of milton to mill clara joboaou of erin mquat modowkllrat unrwell homo eb- qunlng tha ronldenoo of mr jolin w murrsy by ror j w h milne d a on wedufiadiy b7th ootober annie modowoll daughter of tbelato ltobert modowoll hornby out to obarle ii man at of vanooovor iio died uiixbn in etqueilnft on wednobdaynovbtd john millar ajfod 55 years 6 inouuis and si davi a i ij jutdit- jfrt reas thursday november 11 1897 notes andcomments tbo beaver lias bat finally oonolnded arrangements and signed a oootrtet with the government for a freight service from t johnnb a mall service from halifax the first ship the glli form erly of the glinerd line will bill from liverpool bnbaturday next bir wilfrid laurler and sir louis dayviea left on monday tor watblngton paeplto despatches from that oily to- he oon tjaryi 4here ii no change in the arrangement foe tie conference of sealing expert in which only canada- and the jjnlted states are to take part captain william wndyhsm brltiih oonul at obloigo who hat joil beta trahferred 1 torn barcelona spain lay the -feeling- in that douotry is very bitter against the united states partlonleuly over the filibustering expedition that are allowed to get under way for cuba the byeeleotlods in quebeo for tbs house ol mmpnt resulted in the return of mr charles a oavrean for temleoom- ta and dr boss for rimookl bothiibr- ale by acclamation in drnmmond jinj arthabasoa mr l laverne liberal and mr a noel conservative were nominated acton public library the first steps taken to seourp a free library and reading roorn for our citizens dr 8 p may td visit acton for rasmy yeare tho library organized under tho adbpioes of aoton public sohool through tho efforts of tho lato itoboi t little messrs w h storey dr mogarviu aud other pablio fpirited citiziob audopentd in 1805 waa a ho u roe of muoh profit arid edification to tho community for over twenty oara thia library was kept in the propoatvl to eatablth a oom merely agenoy in london for tbe pdrpoto of bring ing canadian prodoota and reaoarcw mora prominently before tha notice of the brltlih pnblio la troogly aapported by baoineis men tho ajjeooy would be a bureau of information m to agrioaltural mineral and other reaonrcea of tho domic ion wbre intending bnyen eellera and emigranta ooald obtain thoronghly reliable infornta- tion and atatiitica npon all maltera relating to climate trade com mar oe manauctarei aooial oonditiona and other featoroo of onr rmonroefal cobntry owing to the appointment- or dr brobertaon to the county rekiatrarsblp bii poiition aa a repreaentative of this dlitriov will be vacant at the end of tbe present year the oakyllle star and tbo burlington jitcord both declare that it wonldbea graoiooi act to allow exreeve havill of acton to take tbo vacot pent wltbpnt oppotition thla certainly would be the moat deairable and latiifactory ooorao toparene and we troal the el eo tori of the district will bo 10 intpresaed with tbe jaatioe of anoh a ooorae that mr havill will at the proper time be given the leat by aoolatnation l at ii welt known oar oateemed oou- temporary tho georgetown herald i never so happy aa when engaged iu a controversy it oontinaoa ita refereooo to the t b boaiueaa transacted at aotoa and qeorgetown and repeau the prnatxip- taoas statement tbai the baaineaa at ita town is nearly doable that or acton the fnas fnxae baa no deaire to oontinne ancb a controversy for the partionlar reaaon that the g t b a gent a at both ao ton and- georgetown are opposed to snob a ooarao we will however at soon as tbe ret urn a for the present year are oompleto and accessible publub them in parallel oolamne with those of georgetown if the jatter can be obtained from a nllablo sooroe then if aotona railway buineii does nokatand creditably beside that of onr sister town the fact will be self evident went do in l erie the steamer jctahoensrulfed and nineteen of the crew prowned ijorrixo hovri abe steamer idaho of the western traoalt company caught in tbe fierce souwester of friday eight fonndered in eight fathom of water at 480 oclock yesterday morning twelve mw above long point which jhti into laki erie from the canadian shore about 66 miles wast of bnffaio twenty one men were aboard tbe idaho when she went dowp and nineteen of them went down io death eight hoars after the disaster the ateamor joisprtw of the minnesota line sighted the aibglo spar tbatmarked the grave of tbe 7diiao olin- log to that spar chilled and starved almost to nqconaoioasoeaa and hardly pat of the reaob of the aea that waa alill fleroo were the two anrvivora of the wreck one the second mate the other a deck hand william gill oxoollent condition new bookflwere added each baoceeding year and a oommendible literary taate was being inbtilled la tbo minds ol riainggenerotiono the death of hf little laok of interest on thepart of the school board and thoas who had j pro yiooalj taken a live interest in euitalning it were caoseb which contributed to the library being allowed to fall into neglcot of lateyeara t daring tbo past year or ap looal qlergy- raen in public addressee aqd tbe fiiebs pbesb from time to time have referred to the desirituty of patting- tue jibrary into a credit ble condition aar a result ot reoebt legislation library is maoh more aaelly sustatndthah in former years in order to give ao opportunity to discuss the matter of reorgan ieatlon ibf the library tod the opening of a suitable reading room reeve nick in called a meeting of citizens which was held in the council chamber last wednesday evening at eight oclock tweqtyuve or thirty citizen 6 bad assembled and thebeeve took the chair and explained the object of the meeting mr h p moore was elected secretary tbe clergymen and others present were then invited to express their convictions on ihemaiter r bev h a maopheraon said that judgfng from all that we have heard in pnbljb addresses and 1 through the fubb fbebb daring the past year the impression must have grown tbat there is great need for a quit able free library and reading room here towds smaller than acton have libraries successfully conducted and we should be able to undertake tbe establishment of one here acton has bad a good library in tbe past and some of the books there are of tbe very beet and oonld be used in a new free library bev j k godden was pleased that enoh a meeting had been called he had oh one or two occasion a taken the opportunity of bpeaklng of the need of dbiug something in this matter and had also bpokeu to a number of our publicspirited citizena on the question in taking bold of tbe niatter we need have no fear about its success aside from the benefit of providing good literature itaejf i oonaidor the opening of areadldg room to the young people of tho- commnnity will have ah excellent intluenco in drawing them away from the many evils wbioh surround them when no euch a privilege la providod dr meroer gaye information respecting provisions of the statute governing the organizing and oonduoting of public libraries brief addresses relative to the matter followed by mcaarb jno cameron thob t moore a j mokinnoo h f moore i francis and a monabb with one exoep- tlon tbey were all much in favor of apublio library and reading room tbe following resolutions wore pat and carried moved by h p moore aocondod by john oamoron that this meeting- of ratepayers hereby expresses itself in favor of a pnblio library and reading room for acton and recommends with a viow to intelligent action in taking the steps necessary that dr s p may superintendent bf pablio libraries for ontario be invited to vioit aoton and address a meeting of citizens to be held at an early date in respeot to this matter carried moved by a j moeinnon seconded by jrev j k godden tbat bev h a uao- pberson h p mooro dr meroor john r kennedy the beeve and the mover be a committee to seoure the necessary signa- tares to a petition to the- council praying that a pablio library be established in aatonrcarried a brothers awful crime murdere hlo three slstbrb and a brother at their homo last thursday joitibttii que nov 0 ooo ot tho moat appaling crimes in tho history or outiadjan criuiinnl annals was committed in tlio noighborliood of itawdon yeatorday after noon the faoto o tho tragedy are the bo four children were butchered in cold blood two wero actually buhoadod tho so worn tlio youngest boy and girl the other two girla evidently ran toward tbo barn for bafety one was slain on tbe roadway tbe other reached the barn and tbero met nor death under terriblo qiroumstodoeb the butchery was first discovered by a mr motrin who coming from the vitiligo ot gberuey to visit the nultya found the iiqubqjadfarmyvrd h veritablo slaughter yard the pareuth mr mahael nulty and hia wife left iu tho mofninntogo to ste jullonne enme twolve miles distant levlngthetr ohildreii totaks euro of the farm as yet there la yet nocluo to tho perpdtra tore or perpetrator of the terrible orimo the neighbors aco out wic hovoryklud of weapon looking tfor the murderer the ageaofrtho murdered children are eigh teen blxteen fourteen and ten years respectively never before ha there been euoh a ter rlble orimb committed in canada and tho whole machinery of the governmentihoald be brought into aotioa to secure tbe foal perpetrator or perpetrators and vifit on him orthem thepuniabmont thnytaaervo montnealj nov 8 after the funeral on saturday tom nulty the brother of the four victims of tho rawdon tragedy confes- edthe mardere and now ilea in the joliette jail wailing punishment far the awful crime detective mocttnmii akhe dana- diun secret service was pjaoed in charge of tbe case by the provincial government and arrived at the nulty farm early on saturday morniug he was not auulefkd with tbe theory that outrage had been the oaqse of tboimurdurs and began questioning tbu family whose apparent indifference made him moro suspicion tom nulty tho mnrderer aarae home the night after the marder and olftimed be bad been away from the hoauo all day he waa totally unmoved at tbe tragedy and looked at the dead bodies and talked of the tragedy without a tremor ho also atteuded the funeral and throughout the bervioe did not ehow a sign of agitation when detective mooaekill questioned tom aa to what time he had left home on the day of the murder his answers were so conflicting that the detective arrested him on suspicion and started with his prisoner for joliette jail while on tbo way to joliette nulty waa further questioned and eventually confesaed to being guilty ol tho awful crime a thoory to account for the butchery is that tom wished to marry and coald not because of hia lack of moans the family is miserably poor and all seven of tbem andbomb times more lived and slept in the one smell room of their ehanty tho father had opposed toms wish to get married as he had no money and there was no room far another in ma to of the house a good ideal of illfeeling was oaueed in the family by this ao was admitted by an nn married daughter judia who is a eervaqt iu this city the whole family are of a low order and very tguorant they worked bb little as possible most of their spare time was spent in dancing to a fiddle plajed by tom local physician care for oyer uvoiflontfiav tbo doctor said tht she wassuffaring from a opmplloatipn of nrvpus diseases and that he could do littfo for bor the minis ter with whom she jived thou wrote me of my sletera state of hflalth and i- had her come tosmithvlvliri iu tlio hope that a ohaoge and rout would dp her good when bho arrived hero alio wbb in a very weak btate and a local physician wap called in to bee her he attended her for bo mo time bat with poor resultr and finally acknow ledged thatthe oabe wan one which be conld do very little for my bister had by this ti mebecome a pi tiablo objeetjt bo slightest noise would disturb her and tbo slightest exoriiuu would almost drive her insane it required eoneono to be wftb ber all the time an j often after a fit of extreme nervousness she would become unconscious and remain in that state for hours when- i went home i had to takjj my bobts off on the dooratap so as notio dieturb her when the doctor told mo be could do nothing for her i consulted with ray wife who bad great faith in pr willitfrna pink pitle aa she knew of sever al oases wheb they had worked wondvrful cures and i concluded it would dono barpq to try them anyway and menttoned the fact to the doctor the doctor did not opposo their use uuuad lo tbougjt thej might do her gbod us bey were- certainly a good modioine in september list she began to use the pills and before two boxes bad been used she began to show signs of improvements she has continued their use since and is today a living testimony of the curative powerof dr williams pink pills mr minshall has no besltandy in sounding tbe praises of a remedy that has workei euoh a change in the health of bis slater and ally gave the avic the above particulars and when asked to do ao most willingly signed the above declaration smiths falls sept lxtb 07 i hereby make declaration tbatthe statements in above ab to the condition of my biiter and the benefit she recetvod from tho nee of dr williamu pink pills are absolutely correct thob minhbull witness j h bobs wvirvif georgetown creolman brosd b dayfoot co and nearly all the glonwilliams factories are working overtime creolman bros are filling an order for central america at the jaat mooting of the high bobool board b p mclaughlin tendered his resignation on account of- illhealths the seoretary was instructed to advertise for a teaoher for 8500 it was arranged that h weatherald should take mr mclaugh lins place until another could be seoared herald after a lingering illness ot about threq weeks mr h hspelrs the proprietor of the canadian hotel died at copri on wed- nesday mr speirs was a resident of georgetown for over thirty years and for a number of years was chief of tbo tire bri gade and filled tbo position in a very efficient manner ho was also serge at- major of the 20th battalion lome lllfles he was muoh reapeotod in all his relations in life and is deeply regretted the fun- erol took place ou friday afternoon and was largely attended tho firemen attended the funeral of the jate mr speirs in a body and a large num ber of tbevolaoteors were also presenl a number of firemen from milton ataoatlocd- od the bflnd headed the funeral prooes elori followed hy the flremon the ofllcers af the 20th battalion and the fire vrlgado wero tbe pall bearers after the beautiful weather dnring the last few weeks we were surprised to have six inches of snow on tuesday morning before leaving last woek the students presented mr mplaaghlin with a number of handsomely bpond volumeaof the pets as an expression of their high esteem for him txto rev g a mitcboll proaohed last sabbath afternoon at tho presbyterian ohnrob ltmehoaso and the revl pernn preached a sohbath sahool sormon at asbgrove methodist churoh mr connor and daughter of orange- yilleare visiting at mrs john m lanes on the 0th line a premem every person vho does not have to pay storage on his money is familiar with the difficult prob- pem of making a small income answer the requirements of these advanced times footwear la one of the unfailing necessities and it costs a good deal in the course of a year if you get the wrong kind we dont keep the wrong kind not that we are more honest than the other dealers but pur long experience has taught ushow to avoid being stuck on poor gobbs this knowledge is necessarily of benefit to our customers be cause the cheaper a shoe firm can buy the cheaper it can afford to sell cheap doesnt mean poor quality however for if it did our shoes would not be cheap we keep- no poor quality goods no matter what the grade for present roads and weather we can recommend our fall and winter stock now complete you want n pair of rubbers coill and get them w williams thst practical shoe mer chant acton ftffivhvpgavfis2s the gdntimied mild fltbs 3ctrcrueemcntfi has left us a short season in which to scu many lines of goods we are heavily stocked in these lines and wo have deter mined on heroic measures the stock must be very largely reduced int some departments during this month thurs day morning we commence a sacrifice sale of dress gbpdsi wo give you burprofits for the hezt two weeks- thousands of yards must be sold and here is the way we do if i piece prlestlys ejack silk and wool broche regular fei 25 for 81 1 piece priestleys black silk and wool broche regular 80c for goc j 1 piece black broche regular g5c for 40c r piece black broche regular 75c for 58c 1 2 pieces black broche satin cloth regulac 50c for 38c 1 black crepon regular 50c for 37jc 1 black crepon regular 85c lor62jc 1 black crepon regular 81 for 75c silk lvjixedmatalese regular 8125 for goc ilk mixed matalese regular 90c for goc 1 piece broche alpaca regular goc fbr45c 1 piece broche alpaca iegunr 40c for 3o5 1 piece velours henrietta regular85c for goc l 1 piece velours hehrietta regular 65c fpr 45c 3 pieces royalettes regulargo 50 and 35c for 25 37j and 40c j -3- pieces elegant colored boucle cloth regular 50c for 35c r 4 pieces feal cover cloths regularise for 50c 3 pieces colored broches beautiful goodsregularsoc for 350 4 pieces colored broches beautiful goods regular 35c for 25c 5 38inch cqloredbrochesj fancies regular ice for 5c g- 36inch tweed mixtures splendid weight effective goods regular 25c for 300 mantle department we imported heavily and have the right styles and values have sold a great lot but have a greater lot to sell and here are quick going prices regular 84 mantles for 82i10 elegant fawn beaver jackets regular 810 for 96 go regular 812 for 8730 misses jackets in green apd crimson from 8275 to 8740 special line of green brown and black nap cloth jackets special value at 8750 for 8c clothing department mens frieze ulster oc sizes 3g to 44 well made and trimmed ire dark brown shades only gopd strong tweed linings worth regularly 8500 very special at 8400 mens all wool frieze ulster ocin brown blue and black shades fancy all wool tweed llulngs high storm collar slosh pockels beautifully made and trimmed nil sizes 36 to 44 extra good value at 8750 our special at 8600 mens all wool frieze ulster oc in fawn brown and blue shades lined throughout with extra heavy english cordu roy making it perfectly impenetrable high storm collar slash pocketsgood value at 88bg our great leader at 8g38 mens fine english beaver fly front oc all sizes in black and shades lined with extra heavy fanners satin beautifully finished just as good as tailor made worth regularly 8950 to 8tboo our special at 8850 menssuits ah wool scotch tweed effects in dark heather mixtures made up in the very latest style firstclass linings worth regularly 81150 to 81300 our special at 81000 special values in boys two and three piece suits boys and mens underwear hosiery gloves etc fur department lots of new goods latest novelties in capes capettcs caperines muffs mantles in astrachan persian sable electric seal grebe grey lamb c we sell splendidsable ruffs for 8250 we sell extra long heavy fur ruffs for 84 00 we sell extra sable muffs regular8iooo for 8650 r very large prime quality grey robes at 8g06 and 8700 worth 8700 and 8800 splendid black robes at 8500 and g oo worth 8g00 and 8750 black mountain bear roheb strong as napa buck skins worth 81300 for 81050 and smaller sizes worth 81200 fou 8900 manufacturing department is where we make over repairs or make to order furs of all sorts bring them in quick tbe astnter is here and cooper akins are well preparad for it having jail oponod a flao neffatook of olotha specially nnllfthln fnr i ovarii s enlarged and improved with a magnificent stock of fall dress goods dress costumes trimmings to match we also make a specialty of priestleys black coops we also have all the latest novelties in fancy dry gopds at close prices fine highplass tailoring we do and have done one of the largest and best clothing trades west of toronto andwhy we are not experimenters but thoroughly uptodate men in this business you get the best fit best style best workmanship and a large assortment of fine imported suitings overcoatings trouserings etc to choose from by placing your order with us you are sure of satisfaction every time fur- department we are making aspecialty of all kinds of fine furs for ladies and gentlemen r our gents furnishings you will find complete in all the latest styles of neckwear collars cuffs gloves hosiery underwear etc wanted tndustiiioub nlon of cboraotor the unbcottcomianv toronto oot wanted thhke iiadlcb to introdiicd a liouaobold work bpleuaid roturnu to oooiptitont poraous j qaliibway torouto wanted aw eatpor c atbot xx appoint agonts no eanvoulns salary and oxpemea paid the bnadlkyoaaabtrom co limltod toronto wanted s0moit0bs for canada an eneyolopedla of tho country iu fivekoya quarto vol v umoi mo delivering cotnmitfllofi paid weak- ly a ocovaaur report ula flrst wookmaklaa ovor seventy dollar profit techejt avantei a ppliqatlbna will be reeeued by tbs jjx pndtralgned up to monday evening jfltb november for a teaeberfor the fparth daiiart- moot of acton pnblio sibool aalary not to nzoeed eww eertlfleat to bo leeondelaas hef oreaoea to be given bpmoobb- acton oot 85th 1807 beeretary yoijb spaee time men women to oondubt buasnoiis at homo i tniple writlnff and copying list 01 odareaida recetvod from looal adveruilns to be forwarded to us dailv no canvamlna no prevloua experience required btlt plain writera preferred permanent work to those ooptent to oarnsfl or more weekly in spare time apply to wauben pub co condon ont v of h oijseh goods the uddbrelgnedbatidg deoldad to remove rotaaetou will offer by private bale at hi residence no ao bowoi avenue aoton the tbiiowtntf bousehold furniture fto t be furniture parlor furnltera sideboard didior table tiro- small table two marble top tablea largo mirror hall hack j carpet vj3 clialro 1arlor coat stove kitchen iundln- 9 1mb wood fitovo diihwlawn mowor window fl floreena- door- and varlon other good m intending parobaiera may call at any time durldi tho day or evening up to 90tb november term a caah n weoeb fioprietor jehfi flfieqaeerj leave your orders now for your winters supply none but the very best scranton coal delivered i can supply egg stove and nut sizes the liberal patronaro accorded me last season by mr brownscus- tomers whose business i fboughl was much appreciated i can give even better service this year and solicit a continuance of their orders coal delivery to commence in- seplember john mcqueen full 1 o fine allwool bl union st depar will finj a lull range blankets flannel sheetings and a full and complete stock of yarns in all qualities arid colors at close prices hats hats the latest styles in english and ameridan hard and soft felt hats our readytowear clothing you will find complete in mens youths and boys suits overcoats odd pants overalls etc at the lowest prices we would like you to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere we buy cheap and sell cheap and you will save money by buying your new fall outfit from us the limited v wilkinson ploughs last longest work easiest and draw lightest points and soles las twice as long all cast parts have our name and address in full on tbem sep that you get tbem it will pay yon the strongest and simplest pneumatic ensilage cutter in the market guaranteed to cut- 20 tons an hour abddeliver 40 feet full line of straw cutkerirand root pulpers roller bearings a1i kinds of wheelbarrows tiiswilkinsdnl limitbp the meetlog then adjourned mr whitney at quelph limehousb in tin hit ot donors to lh bniaell oonoty bosh firs fond in the oloie the item va lympathizer llmehonm uoo appear i bavjaaialjachian m ai preaohed lt wednaaday aenlng to the largnt pon gregatlon which has aiembled tlnoa be took eharg mr b j bdmlstbn of aotoo pcaohed very aocepiably tbe prerlooi wednedy avenlnr g a mitchell m a ot george- toieopreaohl in tbo presbyterian otaoroh xbbfiatornoon- his aerrnon wi muoh anjoyid aaldenthere who imbibes too irooly at time wai np kefore the magiitratm in georgtown last week for ananltlng hia wife he was fined i and ooiu id all m895 milton mr henderson of halton and mr st john also addreesad tho meeting the gonaervallvea of the south biding of wellington held a oonyentlon in gnelph on monday aiternoon for tho purpose of nominating a oaudidato to run at the coming aleptipn for the legislature there waa a fair attendance but few farmers were present mr b l torrance was offered the nomination but deollhed it henry hortop of evorton also deollned it the meeting waa then adjourned till one weak from saturday a masa meeting was el d in the opera hbuae in the evening when ipeeohe were delivered by-o-kloep- fer m p arid john thompaon ion of the lata blr john tbompaon after which mr henderson m p for halton dealt exhaust- lyely with the much talked of eorplaa and oontended that there waa nothing of the kind bol inataad a deocil mr whitney waa given a roubioft recep tion- he aaid hia policy waa to put a stop forever to the maladminiatration of this or any future government he olalmed that the people were face to faoe with that which he abhorred direot taxation he aaid the government bad abandoned whol ly the priooiple- of keeping expendltursa within tbe revenue he declared agalnat the enormout lnoreaaeofomee and tha stale of timber lands to pay the ordinary expeniei of the prdvloco he argued for a pdblioaohool system for tbe masse not a ateppiogotone to the high school the sohool books were obanged too often and cost fop much he touohed briefly oh tho lioenau system the expenditure for agrlool- tnra and mr hardys pnhuojattar winter sultlrira winter overcoatlnga fcc we have a very floe assortment in all lines sinoe oommonolng buslneia in aoton we have had assurance from all cnatomeratbat tbe garments turned oat by us have given entire satisfaction from all standpoints pit atyle prioes and enduring qualities your patronage is soliolted cooper aklns main street aoton toronto fjrt mi v a cordial invitation extended to all fop wanted agents n both msn and women jf you are willing to work w ean glvo yon om x ploymenc with good pay and you oan work all or part timo and at horn or traveling tbe work li light addveasy write at onoefor terms eto to the hawks ntrrshry company kooheatarny gibson rob block 3vski1m st produce taken in exchange smw hbusecleanins every day barkaln day here crfirittirtrtirc2 extreme nerv frequently brincb its victim to the veroe ofin8anity the case of a youner lady in sm itha falls who suffered severely- blven up by two dootoradr williams pink pills haverestor art hnr hinnilth diamond ring awakes a very nice engagement ring we have new ones just in also opal and diamond ruby and diamond and opals alone in rings 99 wyndham street looking for a nice new uptodate fall suit and overcoat if you are and want the best for the least money this is the place to come during fall housecleaning we are v offering wall and ceiling papers at greatly re duced prices to make room for next seasons goijids new suitings hobby upiodnto just in our i6oo suit to order la wonderful value new pall hats why wear outofdate atyle when we can glvo you tho latest from j ioo up nbw overcoatings the latest we have wo have a black and bine beaver at 1800 made the best oolorxd shirts at less than cost see them and be convinced of the value we are mill street drub acton fallifitf m g mens ove and friffgft a rcoats in beaver specialty- bwv- the ploughing match of tha halton mooldboard aoolatroa was- postponed for ona week and wll be held tomorrow sola byfiuotion on saturday laat to mr ale1wilsbnforl6l0 trifarml part tojjsoirpigi v is holtdlng an elairookaddltlon to hi store j9jiimm h on fjjatt dpaoiiy stsnlng mr momrt- il4ialclor on the sootln lierjof bmhliosi wbobat bhn illafeeititbayths john also spoke he tonohed on one or two points of financial adrninistra- tlop and nonoloded with a powerful plea forootaiioalogaforootuioinlllud ontarios wealth for ontarios son tbe meeting cloned with oheqrs for the queen and mr whitney great fire at qodbrich a t r elevator and 6booo bush- elsofvvheat burned i gonaaicn nov 0 the grand trunk elevoto h by fire last night together with the ooateoti 05000 boihela of wheat valoed at 188000 the or oommunloated with the inmber yards of n dyment of darrle and william koteon of thla ploe adjoining dtroyiog 800000 fmtof iombervaloj at w000 boiingtptbofrmiaoailioo00feet loiaat fl0kj talonglng tothe latterr dfwmndhqwrtranm aourobr from the smith pall nuws many oases hteve been reportod of how invalids who had suffered for years and wbobetiebad been siven -up- by the attending phyioian have been reitored to health add yigor through that now world- lamed medicine dr williams pink fills but we doubt if there la one moro slartllnft or more convinolng than that of misa elizabeth minabull who roildea with ber brother mr thos mioihnll ot this town an employee in frost fe wood agrlonltnral work the ham heard of this rernark- abls case and meeting mr mlnahnll aked him it the story wascorreot ho replied all i know la that my slater had beon glvsn np as inourable by two pliyilofnrn bhe is now well onougli to do any kind of housework and can go and oome aa the plekies and this ohange ha jl is my hbint oonvlotioh been brought itbou by theweljirf illnu plnkilii ilr mlnuuabpn reltadtbefowlng atory e jeweller guelph sloans indian tonic cures billlousneas jaundice irregular bawels sallow complexion sick headache bilious diarrhoea nnd all other liver disorders druggists know its valuo and recommend it j c bell of pordwich wrilos will you please send me dozen sloans indian tonic i got a supply from your agent a short time ago also a sopply irom ihc london prog co and have sold it all oat so please rush through ns soon as poa4 slble i mutt say your tonic is rnakinr tome remarkable cures in and around thli placoi it is now faking the place of d and oher medicines puns strings bows fourinhand and all styles new goods from 25c up our unlaundried white shirt at 50 cents is a leader goods marked in plain figures cash and one price fea talloft and11j mens and boys ready- made clothing i mihinery l msntles dressg6ods gloves hosiery corsets underwear c fresh groceries always on hand try our blue ribbon kur- r mah and japan teas guelph jhkapi chka chkap li ci terms cbrn m juii a- icisteel wire nellingf utry yards lawn pencinj duon loyrer this year tb life beat ask your hatjiw

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