Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1897, p. 3

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v- i fhfibanio hbadornoii hamilton hamilton capitol all paid up 1 26oocr0oo resovve fund 725opoo6 tptal assets 9984ee7846 noarly tuimillioub of dollars board op directors obsstuaut a g hamsay l irosklont yloqprcaitluut lep itoacu john 1hoctoii a t wood a b luii toroiilbp wsl giuson mp tultndull caolilor h 8 steven asst cashier eoninspeotoi georget agency a generalbanllnfrbusincss transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection of sale notlis and commercial paper generally v drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and waited states tfnharda great britain bought arid sold gaylnga department deports bi i and upwards- received interest allowed at current rates and added lo principal every year whether passbook l9 brought in or not special deposit receiptb issuetl large sums j p bell agent georgetown ont the news at home mostly of a looal character and every item intorostloo the leading jewelry store call in and take a look at bur new lines in watches jewellery and silverware weare headquarters for rogers celebrated knives forks and spoons the only place in town that carries a complete stock of these goods v our repairing always gives satisfaction oeohynds jewelery and stationery store acton ont ff tjook at llieaate on the label on yonr 1 paporandyouvillbeehowyoursuuscrlp tion stands renow promptly it will confer a laser jjiflott jtw ftem thursday november 11 1807 utile local brieflets which caubht the eyes or ears of rre proas re port re this week glorious moonlight nights thanbbjivnyu two weeks efqnetiog townsbip gooncil will next meet on monday 29th inat snow shovels bavo beon maoh in requisition tho past two days thonaerbon whitney co is tbe way ibe guelph advocate puta it rrtho gaolph 7craw refera to mr d henderson m p as tbe hero of halloo th6 board o trustees of aoton pnhha bobool will meet next monday evening at 8 oclock alioenaa fee of 51000 for the sain of xlgarettts has been put into force in denver ool go and bear bev x l gilmonra address before the bible society next tneidy naftr next sandsy tho evening service in tho methodist ohuroh will ooramonbe at fl80 ootook inauad of 7 milton carfew now rings eaoh evening at ten minutes to eight an hoar earlier ibanja theaammer naonthb sleighs and cutters wore running on tuesday messrs wh and w a storey were oat for the flrat ride of the beabon n storm o themiabon came taesday morniog about ave ioohea v of anow fell but it it rapidly disappearing the adjoamod liqooc case came nplbr hearing igiin last friday it was dismiss- ed tor lack of evidence the absent witntjibea have sinoo returned home now- citizens lets observe the pro- visions of the anow bylaw i oithfdlly this season let there be no sidewalks negleot- ed oar reputation aa a town is at stake the raembera of the womani miutoniry boolety- of the methodist obptdh will enteruin their sisters of the bretbytirlan churob at a social meeting iwaattiwoon aoton firo brigade are arranging for a pornlar and enjoyable conoert for friday a cboraa of fifty voices will be a leading feature of the programme farther particulars later a returned mlsalonary y from the china inland mission gave a j jilghly interesting address before the womans 1 missionary society of knox qbarobyestorday afternoon k ijiiv wn1ffieneoer of the oppo sitlon lu be rovioolal parliament addres- se a meeting la milton last evening- d hotdewij m p add ool kerns ml p lewdtsiorial assopiatlop have corripleteti larrtngementb for a visit from reyichmi inwooa on nov wtb mr iq rtpiealttive ol tho keawiok bretiierngaelph mercury t mrivs7bew v mihon jvas welcomed to tferld place in the motbodlet ghuofiooirlaatbandayhersolo pnja the evening service was much they ma call n tbela jolly qui vnojojosg much intoreiat will bo oontered in the poruaal ot the romautto etorypabliubod on tbobtjibo or tliiu jsaue jolly om uriole joahagofierobity in well and attract ivoly told tbro uro no doubt other youug oouple who would upprcoiate aimilar truatmcitt to that sooorded c hurley and polly by thoir own or any othor persons unclo tho county model school thoetftdtl i ngomho modet-fltadoottr- ta determined this month by tbelr ability to govern and teach a bqiiooi and by the weekly examinn4lonb the reault was an follows maty cbapmin 04 1 jennio irvinj 038 georcioa young 021 j peter yemen 020 eliza moquoen c17 sarah j iiitilo 013 joeio wotherald 012 robert mcpoliuni 575 -emily- kennedy 569 helen syraoh 55b agnes mefurlane 637 john hamilton 4534 jklarbe possible 850 aaauaj meeting acttia bible society cthe apnaa meetng of apton bible society to be held next tqeaday evening promiaoa to bo anoocaaion ot maobintereat bev jh piiraoor b a of ttaimilton one of the most brilliant bpcalicra of the- baptiat cburcb has kindlyconaented to deliver the annual address tho local minlbters will lsb briefly address the raeetidg tho choir of the churob will be present to aaaiat ii tho sarvioe mr john robertson tho president will take tho oh air at eight oclock ottelph fat stoclc show a neat priza hat of tho jubilee christ mas fat stock and poultry show to be held in guelph ontario the smitbfleld of panada is just to hand tbls show is looked npoo aa one of tbo best in canada tbo premiums this year amount to 81200 well distributed ranging as high as twelve sovereigns in gold thia befog thejubieo prize for the best animal exhibited the show will bo held on the oth and 10th of december entries being reoolveav until monday the gih of decembor and it promises to be tbe beat exhibition ever hold in the koyal city arrangements have been mado with the railways for speolal rates cpnimitnioa services the regular quarterly communion ser vices were beld in the methodist and pres byterian churches last sabbath on friday bev dr smith of st andrews chnroii gaelpli preaobed precohimunion services in knox church morning and evening on sunday bev h a mcpber- son tbo pastor officiated at the oommnntpn a largo number of communicants partici pated in the mothodtbt church bev j armclachlanj m a preached specially aypropriate sermons morning and evening be wm bryers asbisted in the admin istration of tho sacrament in the evening the attendance was larger than7 usasl on such occasions faroff fields are green this axiom wasveribed to the fall by mr john bqddiok and family who returned last week from manitoba after a six montha experience in the prairie province mr buddiqk sold his home here and removr od to margaret man last spring intending to take up a homeatcad he decided to spend the summer in prospecting and as a rebult came to the conclusion that a man with a family who earns fair wages in ontario u bettor off here than anywhere else from tho standpoiut of comfort churob and educational advantages mr buddlok can give eomo unsathfied people valuable pointers as to many of the glowing reports which eomo from far away places he is at work agafu in his old place with the acton tanning company their numerous frteuds are glad to see this esteemed fatally safely back to aotbn s unsportsmanlike carelessness jdr geo amos near moffat was very unfortunate with a flock of aheop last thursday night when igont of 18 were run over by a opb train and killed the supposition is that the gate bod been left open- by hunters who had been on tbe premises and the sheep left the held and went on to the traok tbe animals would average about 96 a head in price guelph 1 mercury last fall a couple of hnntera at h th fa ballinafad the atiniversury serviqeaof the presby terian church held here lnat subbath wore unusually interesting tho btjv w c olork of brampton preached morning and evouing tho aermons wcro able praotioal cxpouiliouh of tho truth in id woro filled wfth instruction for old und joung tlio oolloctiouavas for tho glnieral expenso of the ohuroh unci amounted to tfio the sebeioi3 of tho united congregations of ballinafad and cajedou huve upplied to tho presbytery of orangevillo for leuvo to moderate in a call mr edward shortill hue been re- engaged tor 1897 to teach the poblio chpolat ash ijt coming aud going vibltore tio and from abton and varlodootherferaonanot8 grove accept our congratulations kd mr and mrs johhbnaaell have returned from a short visit to friends in pualiuoh mr busaell is improviugalowly mrs palmer who has bou vittilfmil her yrleuda mr and mru mnrahmin returned to tho city on monday tujsb sarah sinclair is at homo at proa ieut and will not return- to guolph till spting- tho fuek pimbb iaviti all lurasdera toodn tributo to tbla column ii yoitor your frlonda uro o1ur away ou a holituy trip or if yoti jiave friuuda visiting ynii droji a card to the filbb puissa mr john ovons of j3aolpb visited relatives here ibbi weeh miss etowor of guelph was tho guest of frionds in acton laat week 1 mr and mrb j w bewa of milton vlbitd relatives hare this week jtl ie bid a- monatjbro toronto gen era 1- cbewsonscorners the first ljedvy bdow storm r in this viol o it y tlis seabon ocourrcd on monday night and tncaday morrthig quite a number of farmers in this vloinuy have not yet fiuinhed thoir turnips and arc anx ious to see besnowpasa away for a timo mr c haa mcnabb had jiiut completed tho erection of a fin o new viind mill on his barn we understand tho school board of b b no 8 eramosa havo engaged mr ej jaok- aou for another year and havo given him an advance on his present yeurv salary other bohool boards should follow their example mr gartloy of georgetown bus juat completed drilling a well for mr j walker miss j kingsbury of eden miiif visit ed tho misses bamshaw for a day or two the past week as tbii baa been a very projperous year among all classes of people thoy should show their gratitude for tho part taken in securing this prosperity by their rtapoctivp families by subporibing for a good nnwey and moral paper for themj tbo aoton fobs prehh is jtist uaoii a pupor und now is the time to snbsoribe ashgrovb- k of tho0dpws and wfloomo for the next kjljrei vvfijduiiiirhh plenty of enow bs ffmitit tmm i pftood jjrfghlpgbriilneiia will hum as it jiit dbeiiija itaaj fodfeairfeii where anow eg imeiarb h- storey scn havo iateiyron into the manufaoture of ladies vadd gentlemens bolts they have about fep with beat mp6rtiid jfrlmminga wd will no doubt ulldai large and profitable trade fn ttffjiwibygboda r auction salp reqister emoinwiti lfirtpvrsfi pp wehbr4 feiw pfr- bobt triefia one oclock t mr jo a third linobsfjuesing by osing thofr uro- arms in the immediate vicinity of a field where one of mr arthurs sons was engaged in plowing caused the horses to ran away tbe result being that oqooohoborflefl was bo badly injured that it was unable to work all wjoter when hunters are so careless as this it is no wonder that tbo farmers prohibit them from trespassing on their property another scheme to rob farmers beports have come in of a pair of piano bbarfjors having operated suoceasf ully in the vicinity of si marys recently their mode of operation is this t they pick on borne welltodo farmer whose credit stands good in tbe district they go to bim and say they would like to have tbe use of bisoamo to say that be bought a plana from tbsm as this will enable thorn to sell to others and if be will agroo to give bis name that way they will egroe to afaip to him from toronto or montreal a graod piano tho beat thats made they then say you simply sign this paper so that wo oan show that yon have mado tbo supposed purchase the farmer sees nothing wrong iu the traneaotion thinking it la an easy way to get a piano free of cost signs tho paper and in a abort time a note shaver or a money broker sends him word- that bis note ranging from 9350 to 1500 is duo andnhoro is no escape from payment the piauo is shipped take it from the station or not the nolo has got to be paid the bobomo is worked so alick tbac several farmers have boon caught napping it la the old story aa with tbe gun didnt know it was loaded although the news papers give warning every week of aaoh sohoraes tbo anniversary sepviooa of tho abgrove methodidt sunday school wore hold lust sabbath and monday bov l pbrrin b a of georgetown and hov thos campbell of streetbviile preached the sermons the bouse was crowded at each aervioe on monday evening i he houao was again filled for the teameeting the rev g a mitohell was cbuirman and after an essoellcnt tea tho programme cbosisted of speeches by the puslor and tho bev john kay of oukvillf mr kay was pabtbr of this ohuroh thirty ono joaro ago and in bid excellent addrctitl hareoalled many interesting events connected with tho history of that locality instrumental musia was furnished by the ashgrove harmony club the voaal part by tile scholars and mibb minerva thornton under the training of misj wriggles- jworth and mias alexander an excellent programme was provided miis annie morrieon aneiooutionist of brumpion gave a number olpopular seleoifons notwithstanding tbeunfavorablo weather tho houso was filled and all enjoyed tho excellent tea arid programme mr john brownridge tho popular superintendent and tbe able staff of officers and teach era who asbut him uro to bo con gratulated on the great succces of tin eahool hospital made a flying visit home vested day mibs stiokley of howmarket was a guest at tho homo of sir arab mcnabb last week 1- mca dr drydeu nod children of guolph wore guests at stfaderland villa during the week mr alan a on h mer4tt of 8t oatharioes was the guebt of lila conatn mr wm ismond thojaat week misses florence campbell and edna miller tpent two qr three days this vweek ithfri9bds in toronto mrs xovi tambert rf igbgate ijj bpquinga weeka with ber daughter and othecfiriendrintowe- mrs goozee and iodc ohlldred of dakota are gqestg at the home of her father joshua norrlsb esq lko ave mr alfred biy general qeoretary of tho proviuoial sunday school aaioolatiodj was a welcome gueat laat friday at moore croft mr anaou smith sr of harmon who was so beriously injured by a fall some weekb ogoj has been spending a week with his relatives at sunderland villa mr henry bauer who was in the torouto geuesal hospital for some time for treatment returned home a con pie of weeks ago he did nob receive the relief autioipated mr f voberwlio u just recovering from a berioas illnesbia about to remove from aotonand will leave with mh weber for the old home at johnstown n y about the first of deoennber mr weber has been manager of ike tannary of mebbrb w h storey dfc son for tbe past eight yea8 is essential ii health every and corner of the aystemls reached by the blood apdon lta quality the condition of every organ do pendsgood blood means strong norvefc good digestion robust health impure blood means ecrofuhv dyspepsia rheuma tism catarrh or other diseases tbe surest way to have good blood is to tako hoods barsoparllla this medicine purifies vi- ulixes and enriches the bloodjmdaenda thoeimenu of h and a to very nerve organ anculnue it creates good appetite gives refreshing alcop and euros that tired feeling remember atch08 the rooit reliable and popular malccj cased id gold sliver or nickel at close prices clocks it pays tea buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bpllerts many nllraclivo lines the i nowesl and best in alarm clocks sure to wnko you chains the latest styles in gold sliver filate etc ladies long guards n variety rings isuiebesylnfacrtheonetriieliioodrurlaer hnohbililo insr eiyw wcddtok plain cold and childrens jrings monds a specialty charms sl seals gem din- your jflhii you allthe society emblems and many other attractions at close f pricis scarf fc stick p we haviii he cre l anfl bypueinbeinslntljja auorls nnd numersas dlheiityles asryou7flttraafarewo tnake a specially of correct watch re- pairing failure impossible we beg to introduce nelles beobseller cuelph he would ask for holiday business from the actonites fancy cod9 boolcs ca mes the jeweler guelph iis pretty as a picture dolls and novelties our stock and ouic store lends in pricey fln irstty things wheu nervilinenerv pain cure ia applied it matter not of how long stand inti its peiiutraiing aod pain sqbduipg power is buchthut reiuf li almost instan- taiueous nerviline it a nerve pain oure thia statement expresses all try it and be convinced bunj browa a kinjjaton boy was killed while trying to get ou a inoviog locomotivo on motictbiyt 7 ayera sarsaparlla is good forhll iliaoiiacstlifttliavo their prlfrin ii lmpiiro blood it is better tlinn ojther saraaparlllas bet ter mado of better ingredients and by better methods its record of cureaproclalrrialttlio best c l nelles lookseller cuelph acton saw mills and wotpcsnraras jhme8 brown uamoriotunen ahd cbalwd i lumber t lath shingles wood etc all kinds of woo4 in stock and promptly delivered to any part of the town at riasoimbjq prices ilardwobd and slabs out stove lotigth always on band tolepuuoq qommuuicatlod rarpfiaw artist millstrebt rcton baia wellflstsbllibed repuutlon for superior work id family groups sooial qifjupey individual portraits of all styles shapes and sizes babies and ohudren life slie portraits o wo oan aaauro work isqaal to tbat ot the cities rimshljtht picture ot lis interim 6t somes is a speoidl tetvn prices alwsya roasodhtti call mil ht0 stall lot that portslt hbaixsbaw ityou attempt to wear that old overcoat another winter last year you promised to buy a new one but you did not do so and your excuse was that times were too hard w perhaps yon were ex- xvrsable but this year money is plentiful and you may as well make up your mind to buy one uow weare aollinii belter qverootti for the money than ever suit we ate selling belter and higher priced coats iov wbioh oer- tsinly isn evidence iofrit ornod prospsrity vfe haye very deoeot beaver overonal with velvet collar and well hood whloh we sell at s180 ba raorocotts go ool at j75p and 1000 really when you sea he vast dlfferepoe in rjnillty yon wont wonder that people oh ooee the belter ones 1 z2 i ojir qohted aattn llbext oierboatsof tine mocobeyerverxityllhjella u and ia job hs gooda ooat a we use- toeet 12000 fqrt all this week is bpwiaj overcoat bale wee oeione and save mobey e r bollert co 25 and 21 wyndham street wjelph aoton machine and repaii- shops hpney oblhdeiil proprietor a br well equlppee with ail the maeblnerv necessary to ozeitita all repairs to machin ery and agricultural impletqenb and to do all unda of atumnttldg horsaaboaieg and general llslalseialalalnn v wajj1 1 y m blaeksmluilng woodwork repairs performed in a satisfactory manner wo eak npalr and maobme or implement of any matie gumming and filingdone s saw eisli fisii msli w t the riget souse cor of king and hughson sts womens winter wraps oan be aeleeted qnioker bought cheaper worn longer and with moro ootnlorr it ou take advantage of our spoolal offering ladles jackets in green blue or brown double cloth double- breasted pearl buttons atorni collar bound with stlk eord soo ladies jackets beaver cloth fawn brown green or blue donblebreaated square revoro pearl buttons handsomely trimmed with braid ladle black and colored beaver olotb jack- btajdoobjebreasted pearl buttoos hooked- to neek reveres larfertorm oollar bound with braid and trimmed wltb silk oord as7s iiedlea beaver olotb jackets in brown fawn green or blue allk lined donblebreaated atorm oollar faooy buttons trimnaed wltb silk eord s1b4xi xbojavondalot shawl design plaid capos ete latest novelty 11 and eis blttok dress obods hereareeome lotsof staplo black stuffa that admirably illustrate tbe advautagea to be gained bybnylng from us nl fir olotljaios wide regular ea15 forlao black amason clotb 9 ins wide regular uso for eijk black amason clotb sb ins wide regular lkuor 1 black ooaung serge 08 ins wide regular x0o forels8 black coating serge regnlar gl38 now s115 black ooaung berg regular ei25 for wo case priestleys blooming speoisltles silk warps arroures lady molross nassaoaweya dr it h wray nfnspanee was killed at xansdowno by an enfine dashing into tbo car in whloh he was silting one other oooupant of the oar was injured but the train bands escaped on the invltailon of tho saltan of tor- key trie new york herald it sending bev h hopworth to armenia to investigate thereporta ot outrages end tell the plain troth to the world through tbe oolamns of the piper the americans aim to excel at every thing they undertake so as to say eaoh and dvery important thing they have is the greatest on earth they admit however that canada haa the best weekly newspaper on the continent in tbe family herald apd irmitftftorot montreal amerloans have tried oyer and over again to prodnce aooh ppr or doii bjiisisjs faiiedna family llrratdand fkefwfiarotmonlrral has he proqd dlshpoilon 1 being ijooisd by editors adiivlbt the 09buiienii tiiiajjiibifii the shpremsoynl tpei vmljjvtffrrtu noif mr freeman tuomao who bus been safloring from brain fever for about three weeks is awo to sit up which news his many friends will bo glad to loafn miss eua ty of nassagawoya visit ed at tbe honio of mr j r forbeb this week mf- fred ntxon bas been reongsged teaoher of dublinsohool for 1808 at an increased salary ho lias bad a successful year the bov dr soanlan bus commenced a series of revival meetings iu tho ebcneor obdrohtor tbe oeepening of epiritualhyo in the tnembers of the ohnrcli and tbe salva- tiouiof the ansaved we hope that groat good may be accomplished mr john watson of obesley u visiting relatlveaand friends id nasaagaweya mr hill of woodttock is viditicg his brotberinjaw mr geo kilobiog of corwbin mrs ii h wilson and mies mina lang- rill of eoatcbball spent a fow days last week with relatives in beverley township mrs m asbdown who bas been visiting relatives and friends in bnvorloy returned homo on friday tbo first heavy fall of snow oamo on monday night and natqre took on quite a difforont appearance those who bavo not got tbcicturnips up will wish they bail commsneed a lutlo earlier awnings tertts etc pike berts 147 bmnswlok ave toronto arckperl makers of k headache positively- enrod ly tlieso iilttlo pills they also relieve dislrcsa from dyspepsia indigestloa and too hearty eating a per fect remedy for dizziness nausea drowsi ness ftad taste in tho mouth coaled tonguo- lalnlnthesldc they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small pill small dose 8mtll prloe substitutiort tuo frnud of tho day sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills ibbtrjrtiniji9a v awnlnks tents tarpaulins flysoreens baloony curtains 8torm flash etc labrador herring kippered herring herrings tomato sauce finnan haddie red herring bonelessfish sardines salmon another crate crockery fresh biscuits christies kolled oats buck wheat flour corn meal c fresh bread on hand their work speaks their merit examine the awnings just put up a moorccroft acton orders promptly filled pricesreasonable tents to rent for all purposoa blatby ralnproofod frieze uldtersi in ohvo mix brown fawn clinret and oxford gray 51 to 54 incbcslong with 6 inch colars5pockets andtbroat tab with wonlcome oflpj buttons can be bougbtelftl in- town and village for 7g wanted men to sell tor the fonthlu jforasriswi onr700 acres of causdfaji crown siook we iibpart jvo- atocut avaai fnm stttes iarubrsi farmers boss xmnleoasqtaimnli btudenuteaohersretirsslvflnlstsrsa1ner setlo clerks who wlsb to msksjsilvadqainaiit nd tbo work of sellloi our qrownnursory stock plawani profitable nt we want moro snob mm mil aaasob as tin demand for our foods is ineresnlbk evlag tntli qolqifree othn rtrfon have you a dress goods thought if so dont fail to see the special line of priestleys figured bodice at 50c special offer also for a short time we will offer special low prices in black dress goods call and examine our of course you are interested large variety superior quality and low prices make this the place to buy hosiery for example 21 ribbed blackjcashv nrnere hose tine softfinisrtrat25c ladieiplji ribbed full fashioned high spliced heels and double sole and t6e special4oc kmhlotmnt the re salary asaemtaiuwlonfriitj hcisiery gloves 3jyavhcp ringwood gloyea jbsgp x tine kid gloves in black glpves alber- sipair warranted special 100 ladies perfect fitting underwear large variety unshrinkable quality at 50c popular shades in eiderdown cloths for childrens cloaking gents furnishings night shirts in all sizes special 2r ribbed cashmere sox at 25c leaders in groceries zv- opened blm week eoiaitles slit wtu orepe olotb etc at onr popular prioet sitka- one ot tbe most striklns of the teasond novol- ties boman stripes jnit the tblag for waists 100 and u0 podrexoallentbarfialnbln blttok silk dlaek broebe speolal at 00c black peaa de sola or faille prauealse speolal at 90c black satin poehess speolal at 919s ladlea putatting iaadleschuhmere wrappsrs pink cardinal or 9600 ladisa french m mauvobloo or terracotta trlromoi 9475 flannel wrsppen id w ladles blderdown wrsnpekv pink oardlnal or qs95w print v t lavt ft price from l33 to 93no grey fall skirts yoke baoi flannelette and print wrappers 1 and frills oke book full skirts biiob 32 to 1 trimmed wltb flanaol dloau waiiti wait collars laoodar ed cuff 91 00 block bilk blouse wliti full fronts plajtiiiff 9385 91 u and 4m75 block satin aklrt wvliu tbe new banian blouse made intaffetta silks assortsd priom wool maid and velvet blouse waist from 9sl00 to 9380 voihnga kew vellidks block or colored plain or tpott- ed piloos rango from 9so to soo yard embroidered french veiling pretty effects in block batter white or ereom qa to 911s par yard now washing velllnsfrotn 49o up beleot noveltln in mtujevelu new oomplas- wool underwear oblldrens altwool comblbatloui health brand snltablo lor girl or boy itom 9 to 7 yean orage91 leading fleece uned uoderwear vests and drowen all sisei s5o lodlbiwool vmtssicsut70oworth 9l utiles block bqaeatriacines for girls from 10 to la years of am 91 m bxtra large sin qermm made merino under- wear vesta oddmwn 7 dr denton baaltart bjtmplng oarments fot uiildren votioatiloelrom3joto91 each mens allwool bbetund bhlrts itnd pants bpeclal at ooo eaob mens blerino bblrta iml fonts assorted stssa regnlar ooo quality 75c a garment infonu knitted allwoo drawers 83o infant overall with feet bloek or whlte75c ldler block cmbajore hose speoial at 85c tbroe polr for 1 heavier welgbu at 400 soo and uoe- ladle 811k asd wool hoi regnlar 99 jtut a fow pairs left will be cleared out this week for 91 a pair rainproof oarmoxxtj the weather this week warn as as to what we may expect ladlfes watebphoop cloaks bloek navy or brown plold rubber lining fall detocb- abloape9itwtv lodtmwatentoof01ilublanovyhrown or grey all wool plaid rabber lining fall tnlli- pearl bnttoas tory copes velmt oollars warranted rainproof 97jo lodlmaltw00l0ltq6twotetptoof0iok block or navy tall detachable cape 950 better quality crotoueto all military cope volvet oollar 97j0 try our moll order department samples on application freight or express prepaid to your nauett nltway lution in ontsrto on all purohaaes of 9500 and upwardb sotlafoouon guaranteed i thlills c wat kins the righ hstlse r hamilton wwmmmwb new arrivals in ladies jackets each week the advantage of handling canadian made coats is very apparent when we are receiving the newest styles and novelties from eekjoreekihroughout the seasoninstead of having to put ujp with last springs styles of german goods as somemer- chants do if you want a nobby jacket at a very low price call and see us repeats of ladies and childrens underwear jijst to mtn w hav a speciah r at e fine valnes cotton and wool blankets in profusion at cut prices hosiery is our strong point boys and girls strong wearing hosiery a specialty our millinery department is booming more fresh goods being added to stock this week you can depend on securing the latest in sailors and walking hats from us dress goods dress coods some veryattractive plain cloths for winter and spring suitings beautiful shades to hand this week also fancy goods in all colorings our values in black goods cannot be equalled fresh roll butter 15c a lb piotiliil

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