Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1897, p. 4

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v after taking a course- of acers pills the system is set iif good working order and a man begins to feel that life is worth living he who has becoine the gradual prey of constipation does not realize the friction tinder which he- labors until the burden is- lifted front hun then hi mountains sink into mole- biils his moroseness gives ulace tp jollity he is a happy man again if life does not seem worth living to you you liay take a very different view of it after taking ayers oathartls hls thursday november 11 1807 ii ajppy people tfhiare made well and strong by jpaines celery compound no return of disease are permanent lasting a letter from a montreal gentle man cured fouryeara abo ij 30utt0 jfrilks a rrdgb fo zittz osbsb t tlio following plodgo for httlo ones nuder six ioara of ago la buggosted by loalao a burton htubor springs mlobi uius placing tba respon- pibility of its keeping upon tho parents papa and mamma helping mo ipronilbtvl vlllnot take strong drink wiuo boor or cider for my prooiona joauo bdbo i will not take bis name in vain as do many whom i sod my lips tobacco shall not soil motlior and fatber bolping hi a wobldhwhith itluijon he was prudent jphpny had been out in the yard playing liall says the new york sun and uaddenly sat down to read hu father looked upanuaoeink that johnny had hiasdnday- school book in his hand thought it tim to q bim what did youdo with the ball it went over into mr browna yard did joq ro over after it no sir why not- becuuiie it went through the window sum tra the extremely humid weather made the summer on the atlantic ooaet an exceeding ly uncomfortable one for anfferera from rheumatism a gentleman who had been completely laid up met an acquaintance on hia reappearac on the street haveyoa been travelling this anmmer 7 vnot- exactly baid the other you etr my rheumatism did all the travelling fits time whatdo you mean why one day it was in my tic ok the nextitwnb in my leg then it went to my hack and thence around to my hip joints 6ii it ook1hfwr excursion every day i unsure you medical collecerfconferredlupou profgbbor edward fhclmd their higlieat honors for biq invftluahlo invebtlationb iu medi- oide but all ihia eeemb small in comparison with tbo grand courbeot ralitade thai has gono ui- all- oyer ho world from men women and children who hriva outgrown weakness lack of health uridjujiettbq by the ubo of panea celery compound tbp noble profesborfl grandest nedlctu discovery paimis qolery oqmpqund justly boasts of one grand advantage over til the adver- tlsed reinedieaof the day whothor they be pilla nervines bitters or banjaparillac the oureb effeottdby fuiiieflcelery com pound in oaaea of rheumatism hourgia kidney and liver troubles nervouaneaa and dyspepsia are permanent and lusting thousands of glad letters like the follow- ing from mr gharlea bowlee of montreal are reoeived every year over four years ago i gave you a tenti- monial for painos celery compound after it had completely rned ma of rhehmatism of mapy years standing x am happy to state 1 have had no trouble from the disease einco your painea celorcompound oured hie provingconcluaively thatyoar mecjiotno works permanent oarm i am always recommending paloos celery compound to the sick and particularly to those troobied with rheumatism i hope baby will grow up into a firtfat healthy fat girl well name her fairy and she will much in tittle is especially true of hoods pills for no medi cine ever contained ao great curatlvs power lei to small space tlwy tire a wliolo mcdlclo la grippe scourge who has not bean n viotfm who has hot had juat the hxporlonoe of mr curtis v who may not have tho relief south american nervlno afforded him an a rtsult of n puvaro tit lack of griipo 1 bultorcci friroutly from wtaknoug uiid lane or nmetito i paw testimonials of the cur ative power of south american nervlno und determined to givo it a trial for my case purohuacd it uud almost imniejittle ly began to improve my strength returned to mo very rapidly when i had taken three bottled 1 had developed a ferocious apettei ittnvwfchtodayttsi ever and i am safe in baying that i can attri bute it to south american nervinoand rio words of mine in recommending it could be tpttrong fl t ciirtm windsor out- witnoased by r h laing druggist sold by a t- brown mothtr how in it that you get ao many bad mark- at aloiw little jobnuio avell the teaclur has ot to mark some bedy or olao follm will think phe b not attending to her biibinceti fujgool out none hut thoe who hao become fugged oub fmow what a depressed mfaerablo feeling- it is all ttrength is gonp anddcbpondcnoy haa taken hold of thebnflercre they ft l1 a though there in nothing to ilvn for there however is a cure ono box of purmelleyi vegetable fills will dp wondini in restoring health and strength mindrake and dandelion aro two of the articles entering into the composition of purmelees pitla a little boston girl who had been attending one of tho public kindorgarten fell from a ladder her mother otught her up from the ground in terror trxolaiming oh darling how did ybu fall vertically replied iho child without a acconds hesita tion appetite ami strcntli i have been a victim of indigestiou and i took inedicinowithout relief i resolved to try hoods sarsaparilla after taking one bottle i found that my appetite was better and i had more strength i am now ablo to eat heartily without any distress jttterward mra geo kirkpatrick windaor nova scotia cheat always ready ak waysc raclcnt always sat- afactory prevent a cold or foyer cure atl liver ills sick headache jaundice constipation etc 28a the only rillx to alto with hoods barsaparlua she what ia your idea of a model wife bo well she is tho woman who likes to fly around and wait on her husband and what is your idea of model hus band she he is a man wlio likes to jump around and wait on his wife premature silvery looka oan bo restored to the natural color as hi youth anavthe head kept clean of dandruff by efalla vegetable sicilian llair lien ewer hoods pills cure all liver ilia mailed for 2oc by c i hood go lowell maes q what is a set tloment of conveyance a wluu an cmnibus emabhes a cab catarrh is a ccnbtituticnal dicetiee and can bo succeeafully treated only by means of a constitutional remedy like hoodb saraapa- rilla which thoroufihly purifies the blood and removes the scrofuloua taints which causo catarrh tho igreatnttmber ottvlu monialsfrom thoeo who have been cured by hoods saraaparila prove tho unequalled power of this medicine over catarrh moojlhtoisj avtbetablcprcparalionforas- that the facsimile signature or- hildlun plrobotesdigeshoaclieetrul- nessaivlrestcontalnsnellhq rnmorphine nor mineral ruabcotlc 7wj4w jvrjat- apctfcctltemcdy forqonslina- lionsour slomachdiarrhoea worms convulsions jevcnshj ncss ondlossof st toe simile sig ot is on the wrapper of every bottile ow kxijcttowrof wrappen oaitorla la pnt up ia euilio lottles onlj it iu not sold in bnlk dont allow anyoao to pell itftn anything olao on tho ploa or promiao that it linitaa ffood and will anawor overy pnr- ipon wbco that yon got 0abtobia iiiim- vtsi a cure for chlllilalnt dear sir4i naodhagyarda yellow oil for ohilblains tbie winter and found itmobt effectual it relieves the irritation instant ly and a few applioations rebultod iu acorn- plolecure f loatrange port sydney out family names who wik m- chandler was once a candlemaker pointor andpoynter had fathers mado lace skinoera greatreat grandfather dealt in hides tanner cornea from the name of a leather dresser payne paine and tho like are- oontrao- tionsof pagan in man and tavern er formerly entertain ed travellers besmer and seymour are the descend ants of tailors bofqor as a family name deecende from beanqear oroker and crocker had fathers who made oatthernware stammer and stuttard aro relics of physical infirmity viner viuter and winter were once kcepors ot a vineyard plumer and plnmmer prepared feathers for ornamenting bats peor pear man perre and perry man onco kept pear orohardb free and freeman were once the names of manumitted slaves slot was formerly a herd benco tho stottarda and stoddards bolleara represents the fuller- and more euphonious bellebomme blockrblooker -nndblockmtm- arotbe bona of men whofaehioned hats bridge bridgor and brigater were toll- takers at the kings bridges peddor peddermanpednianrnd pedlar had fathers who carried packs beyholdfl- retqiurdspn bank in aro des- cendantb of reynard the fox birnqn gave as sfms simpson simpkinb siincorslmtnonbinisiniondbr splcer ie a debcendeni of the esploer or dealer who handled foreign apices hooper hopper and barreller came from famuictl bupported by caak making calvert was pneo a calf herder so also were the calverds covcru and calvins t 1 miller milmau mill milner mil ward all have tho samo derivation armatrong was onco a coruplimodtary name given to a soldier of ahobaal prowene moodys ilrstnamo was john ho died in hs7and hla helghbora wo glad of it wakeroaii la a descendant of the old village watchman bo aro wake and wkeedn leattena vere overahocs hence tho papons paloup patteners painers and pninams taborer was a drummer and his sons are the tabrsrsi tabofrfl and tabers of to- bawbor ia a descendant of him who ohiuked or daubed thqcottage walls with wet clay johnson jones jen kins jennings jacks jabkeon littlejohn mfohlejohn jaynes and many other aro the sons of plain- john 1 strong long short biggeiute small iightittt stout iomijf llghii willie and johnny eot op a lemonado stand the other day and a gentleman was their first patron williss sign read four cents a glass johnnys modest announcement was two cents a glass being a man with an eye to- uie faot that a penny saved- is a peony earned the customer bought a gljisa of johnnys lememade paid the two cents dae and casually inquired why is yours cheaper than your brothers cob mine is the lemonade the puppy fell into mr tnomss ballard syracuse n y writes 1 have been afflicted for nearly a year with that moat tobe dreodel dibonse dyepopsia and at times worn out with pain and want of sleep and after trying almost everything recommended 1 tried one box of parmeleoa verotabte pills j aut now nearly weil and believe they will oure me i would not bo without them for onymopoy blood bitters has the most natural action on the stomach liver bowels and blood of any medicine known hence its effects are prompt and lasting it cures without fail all such diseases as dyspepsia constipation biliousness bad 13 my paws going into theohickouraislrg buaineflb said freddy hes goin down town tomorrow to buy an incubus or an indicator i forget which you call it cholera morbus oramps and kindred complaints annuallyinake their appearance at tliosarno time as the hot weather green fruit cucumbers melons etc and many persons are debarred from eating theso tempting fruits but they need not abstain if they uatvoz5r jvd kellogga dysentery cordial and take a few drops in water it cures- the crampa and cholera in a remarkabloimanner and is sure to check every disturbance of the bowels ho who is puffed up with tbo fliat rale of proaporily willbend beneath tho first blast of adversity limb pains severn asthma relieved dear sirs ve havo used norway pine syrup in our home a great deal i have a httle boy ho is only ten now who has had asthma for five or sir years and during the severe attaoks ho would get relief from ubing tho ayrup for an ordinary cold it ia ahead of any cough medicine i have ever taken edward winchester smiths cove n s never forgot what a man has aaid to you when he was angry if he has charged you with anything you had better look it up h w beeohor dr lows worm syrup is a safe buro and reliablo worm expoller acta equally well on chtldron oradultp beeuro you get lows contractrheumatlam and you will suffer untold aaonleouse south amerloan rheumatic cure and vou wilt have relief in a few mjnutes and a cure in three days testimony proves it skli headache boils pimplea tumori scrofula kidney complaint jaundice coated tongue loss of appetite and general debiliiy the fact that it is guar- they say very few authors bleep mora ihan seven hours a day but think how muoh bleep they furnish other people prepare for the worst but hope for the bo3t says tho old proverb hope for health bnt bo prepared for colde coughs cronp bronobilie pneumonia or any other throat or long difficulty by having ayers cherry pectoral always at hand it is prompt to act sure to euro tired tatters yes air pard it paya tor be honest weary waggles i know now why yor bo durn poor thousands like her tena moloud severn bridge writoa i owe a debt of gratitude to dr thomas goleetrio oil for curing me of a severe cold that troubled mo nearly all last winter in order to gtvo a quietus to a hacking cough take a dose of dr thomas ecleotrlo oil thrice a day or oflener if tho cough spells render it necessary anteedto cure if used according to directions warrants any sufferer in giving a fair trial to burdock blood it aeems that a lawyer is something of a carpenter ho oan lllo a bill split a hair chop logic dovetail an argument make an entry get up a cbbo frame an indiotment empanel o juryj put thorn in a box bore a client and such thinga muhurna sterling hcadaobe powders cure the worst headache in from live to twenty minutes and oavo no bad e0eote one powder 5 conta 0 powders 10c 10 pow ders 2so i was for three years a great sufferer from rhoarnatiam pains in my limbs were particularly dlstrebsing i had tried almoet every known remedy but reoeived no benefit- i was advised to give south american ilheumatio cure a trial i pur chased two bottles when i had used one and a half bottles i was perfectly oared iconaldor it a wonderful remody and take pleasure in recommending it f nugent niagara falls on t sold by a t brown do you think your mamma loves you polly abked pollys mother huiiuing the little girl up tight yeth i do aaid polly i knows it i am eo glad and how do you know it polly cause im your doll said polly is your daughter in school there are thousands of eickly aohool girls dragging their way through bobool who might be enjoying the full vigor of their youth by taking scotts emulsion tppi3 lend ask fof and see that you qstj lead packets jnly- 12 and i pounds iyion sireot from tho tea ehurdnw seleoud from twantjr blende by th tmtmt tea bxperta in tho world aa the vinast puraat klohoat and moat fragrant aijc obooeb8 8kij it b6 90 40 so rnna 60 oenu a pound tht davidson a hay ttd whouesace agents toronto raateemeooiiiti shops and warerooms cllls nuendeld to toot of vviliow st day or night j a speight fe cq i undertakers and embalmers aqtpn qnt latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges aurnithr of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co orders left with j n 8tin80n rootcwood will receive immediate atttnlion eaoeioootiiiiiii oxxse cor of king and huglisou st new ju16ss see onr display ahd note the moder clfa atopriooa there aro many lines ot uuuuo novelty costumes at httfo priom if you have tho impreufon that bandsome novelty drou uoods are docosaarlly costly youre mistaken tbat in daslans and general effect rival tbo more oxponblvo stuffs just a few notod horo fronoh filnjilo dross patterns in bfobalr wool or silk and wool tweed bffecu oudtno cords ota 850 fttf 1s to 1800 40lbob cbvoh bullion 65o per yard 60inch vicoreaux twill 60c par yard 40inch sedan glotli 65 and 76oa yard stlncb llroadolotlib all tno new snadni fancy press goods 44 luahes wldo suitable for bobool drosses at jrloea ranging irom s5o u5o and fiop per yard tho famous prlostloy brand dlaak drofli goods wool beugallnei 46 luohbb wide 75b contllle cardfl 4s lnobea wldo 750 and ftl satin cloth 44 laobes wide 60o 650 7o extra special flno coating serge 44 inches wlda75o heavy wblgbt cheviot 46 lnobeb 45o handsome range of black single dreu pat- lorna bilk matial pebblo effects torna bilk mattaiaaaq ondlno brocbe teacher now what do you call the scientist who spend a all lite time collecting eggfl tommy traddlea promptly au orotibl a tri oallor ia mr brown at home ser vant yes sir you will and him at hia clnb yhy go limping and whining about your corns when a 25 cent bottle of hollo way a cora cure will remove them givo it a trial and you will jjot regret it m mabel promiso to marry her pho- grapher lover no 8lio doveloped a hegativo steered a middle course a writer in 7arjwrs magazine bays that flome yeara ago when at ago travelling was more com m oninth fltv ttl tor moul n taht heglon than it ia now a wall known driver hud a ouriqub accident thenigbb waa dark and olbudy and both lamps upon his cbboh were brilliantly lighted all at once ho heard the gallop of an approaching horseman the road waa narrow and the driver trailed up hta tem to lot the man on tho horseback go by the ueat inetant thero wabatremendoubgoillsion withliie leaders and be jumped from tho boi to boo whiit oould be the matter it turned out thai tho other man ah irishman had riddon icmaroly between the leaders and the three boraos were flounder- nrher in thoropd with muoh di iculty tnoy wero dissentangled andexplao ationa were in order how in creation did you got iu there didnt you see my llgbta elioutod the driver faith au i did said pat an i thought id go between thom la siz a atoot lady went into a shoo storo in new xork city and mid toiaahsman i wanta pair of btth alippr please and very goiokly what number maam whatuumbor numbor2j0 ilr krfinbrf 240 what qvijon tefan maam rr why number 240 firth avenue of course i tbo canary may bo small but ho cats his food by the poo it fulrly staggered mr samuel humphries retired carriage manufacturer strathroy ontsays for a long timo i have had kidney trouble and pain in the back i conld not straighten up and often had to bit down until the pain and eioknosa went away i have takon ono box of obans kidney fills and i moat aay t hoy are agreat kidney- medl- oino beoaube thep have entirely removed all pain from my back curing iny urinary difficulties and benefitting my health in a marked degree i was troubled with a very had head aobo labt winter au9 decided to rive laia liver lilla a fair trial one boi of them oared me and i have not had a hoad- aobo since tjhey are a long way ahead of any other medicine i have ever tried miss janet monroe weetbouro man one loaf of bread may be light sweet and digestible you may use the same ma terials for another and have it heavy sour and soggy the knack is in putting the in gredients together just right a substitute for scotts emul sion may have the same in- gredients and yet not be a perfect substitute for no one knows liowtb put the- parts togethr rs we do the se cret of how is our busi- liess twentyfive years of experience has taught us the best way scottatflovvmb lwtevuie or dr woods norway pine syrup is sore to cure coughs and colds silk orenadlnes jeweled in checks and stripes spoclal forovenlug wear tho special oflerlng- of j kid glovos baa been a pronouneed success many nundrods of pairs old during tbo past few days tiro largo quantity offered leaves tho assortment almost unknown salo contin ues during tbo wook kid gloves irnnila special offeitino of s50 juuvulie black jackets new sra- pnhmcl bonv goodh in various xvuujila btylbb wilij be offered at much bfllow bequlab priobb obudrena ulaters for afles from i to 13 years tuado in fancy tweed bouole covert or bsaver with detached cape and storm collar nandiomo- ly trlthuod 9975 to ibm ladles plush and bealette capes with thibet or bable collar quilted silk unine applique or jot trimming from aiaso to 5j0o ladles capes in black and colors all the new elotha latoat shapos prleos ransluk from 94cq up hvaqq a d6w the morntnk if tboy jicoa were made of muslin wo would xjvn iaf a them shirt waists lamo tttloabs ityles fabrios suki velvets wool and uoleton we aro tnaklog a sneolalty of these goods this season bilk waists the new boaalaa style prices from w7fl to aiooo plain shot and chock taffetas velvet walsta metallic printed 360 wool wajsu in plaids or tartans 83 and ta85 uolletln walatp new patterns 63c and 9150 sea display in front window railway time table crand trunk railway nointi vffwr ioing icahti kin in kxprokh i prill- rxuronij mab 7 co mii mall i mlxort 0 n iu 10 47 oni 111 vw 10 oitpni tiitr in rniiinvi ajaijv flohm wett mkiii nmld 0run goiiir kaat 10 15 tim itml 0 t pm thin tlmfi tnblo wont into e flue i notruothrlflafl- iii monday georgetown electric voiks t j speight proprietor manufacturers of dywamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams ilpu and etoam ntflg fl n -fpnlr- iiir lioinhonulpiildwltha gas brazing maculae i am iiropaiod to do brazing on biqrelofratues- b whuols coovortod from dlroot to tangent spokes uaudlullara boiriaoanv desired ansle hull lino of broken kojit intfflock batlafacuou guaruntcltl jijoycjes enamel led in any oolor tj speicht aoorgetown main street planing mills acton onty john cameron architect and contractor manufaoturor of sash doora pramob moaldlug iu all atylca dressing matching and moulding to order on short notice woll afisortod stock on hand at prices tbsul tbo timofl john cameron proprietor fall hats in the uilllnerr department op ened this week new felt bailors hi cardinal navy brown green and grey now fedora walking rats la navy brown and black new wlngb new rosea new ideas in trimm ed hat and bonnets expert artlata always ready to execute your order on short notice style and general satis- faction gnarantced samples on application freight or express nropald to your noareit railway station in ontario on all purchases of 500 aua upwards satisfaction guaranteed thomas c watkins the right house halniltoi the campaign prepare for winds we would callyonr nttcution to the fact tbat we are prepared to supply you with lumber of ruitablo lonfith for yonr danr doora viz 10 12 18 or h feet also sash doors fkames mpuldings etc for building storm doors put up at ab low a rate as pdyaible pu7hsps repair your pumpa or put in now onea before it ib too cold wit can up it shop at foot ofrlvorstreoti acton thos ebbace manager brhntf0 r d steel and towers for power and pomp ing with in tornl covered ger patent keillor 4ad bull bearings price 25 cents hearts may bo attraoted by assumed qualitios but tho affections can only be fixed and rbtalned by those that aro real de moy cant you slutp f siceplebbdcbb is ono of tho most frequent bymptoraaofbeart and norvo troubtea it affeotb all claeecb and all ages milborna heart and nerve piiib restoro tbo nerves to healthy notion and regulate tho heart mr milos boone fredriokton n b tells how they work i oould novor roat and often woke op with a atart and then bleep left mo for the roat of the night these pllla rave mo almost instant relief riving me healthful refreabing elocp and i am now atrodr and wol toqur iwcanjr sri0ixds you believe it is a good gent my name ia a very prosaio one mullerl mature maiden not at all i only wish it was mino haftytrda yellow oil curea epraius brulbea uores wounds cuts frqatbito chil- blaina stings of inseots burns scalds oontnelons oto frico 25 cenls for infants and children go in my pippinh aa tho boy aaid when be waa filling bis hat from the old mansapple troe pronounced incurable no case or catarrfi too acute or or too lonj sfahctlns but dr af- r naws catarrhal powder can allay and cure when all else falls it cures try it and save experimenting- flvo years ago my little daughter was attacked witji oatarrh of a very severe type we nsod all known orttnrrh onrei and treated with moat skilled physlolanb for over three ygira and her oaae was pro nounced obronlo and inourablo last win ter we hoard of the wonderful cures effeoied by dr amtvtp catarrhal powder a bottle was aooj proqured anfl i hsro state for ths benfll aijd enooqvsgtrneni of all sbffefers from this droadfol rnalsdy lbt of ter uiln two bottles ray obi id waa com pletelcurod aud iooilder jlrnydnty to eotfetets mriao oraves lngersoll mrs youuglahoh bob what shall 1 do bsby li crjior booanse i wont let him pull all tbeiur off ray new muffc mr toonalsh well thats all right givo him the cat i tld bite one laraliver pill every ninlit for thirty nightb maked a complete onreof bll- ionancsi and constipation that is just 2 cents to be oured i would rather have your room than company is the oyster sald to tho knife r jlierc la hoiie- tboreis bopo for those who softer frbnt biliousness and liver complaint burdoek blood bitten regulaies the liver sod restores health and vigor hers is the proof dearsirs i was troubled with billons- uesa and siok hoadaohb and could get no relist until i tried b b b i have taken foor bottles and am now completely oared i recommend it as the best oure for all liver troubles sirs goorgd iladdow wl- kerlnn ont ti ifes fejsi paterfamilieamyladhasrrownsobig ibat 1 have to ask him to bit down evory timo i want to box hia carb thero never was and never will bo a uoltersal panacea in ono remody for all ittrtowhlpiruebh is heir- the vorynaturo of many curatives being suah that were 4bgarmaol4tbaraoddiiiereuily saatad- dlseaeos rooted iu the eyatom of tho patient what wonld relievo ono ill in turn would aggravate the othor wo havo however in quidine wine whonobtainod jnaeound unaaolterstsd stato a remedy for many andgrieyoas ills by its gradual judiolous aso tho frailest aystoms aro led into con valescence and strength by the inftaonoo wbiobtaiuiheexerts on natures own restoratives ii relieves ths drooping spirits of those with whom a chronio state of morbid deapondenue and laok of interest in life is a disease and by tranqoillzing the nerves disposes to sonnd and refresh ing bleep imparts vigor to tboaotion of the blood which being stimulated oonrses throtighoot the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system thereby waking activity a neoesaary result strengthening the frame and giving life to the digestive organs which naturally demand inoreaaod snbstanoe result im proved appetite nortlrop a lyman of toronto havo given to the pnbllo their quinine wine at the qual rate and gosged bv the opinion of soientlsts ibis wlopproadhos nearest porfeolidn of any in the market all drogglsts ie it you like the free press paper the free press appeals to you then to show your appreciation in a tangible way send in the names of- half a dozen persons who are not but in your judgment should become subscribers and we will send them free sample copies in order to show them what an interesting local paper we have to offer send us at the same time the names of two or three people who might be induced to canvass for subscribers st2t if you will comply with thesefrequests we will send the free press free to any new address you name from now until the end of the year send your orders on form given below h p m00re publisher free press acton please send free sample copies to the following addresses name postoffice makers of tho light est running and beit constructed galvan ised steel wind mills sffdtovvors friaae also the celebrated maplo leaf grain grinder write for illustrated circulars johnwqueen acton aoent for abovp also fob frost and wood binders r and mowers a foil lino of all kinds of farm implements ah d- repairs eoo the following parties might be induced to act as agents for the free press fousjs name postoffice please send free paper until the end of 1897 to the fol lowing address name postoftice name and address m i taramtc iwiotsoa oonunuiiloi ess assiiorforamiiri m a vsatonij ih hunn c wafcmt 801ehtifi0 flmeripfl daa ifirmiat oti iptweauao jpnnmt wrii j itrojr flstzniamnsh jipooimnn ecw book ohpatiott flltl frc a ivhunn 6qqtixm

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