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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1897, p. 2

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jav w colhmamtn georgetown on monday tho 90 th november to mr and mm b oolomsu a son biudx in oeorgvtawd on saturday november sisth tottsrantj mm it brady adautjutei bititiij9in qooraotowptlpn friday notsdibur mtu tourandmrij bbclule a daughter married binuocjitnomreohat the realdoboe of the btldoa mother on wednesday leo lt by ltev n pqiille mr wn harbour to maud datignlcr o jurs george tkpinpson nil of erin dld mokbchnik at the ganuty bouse of industry on banday november ltd derail mokocbnto iced 70 yean committed irotn eriu town nip mcljlnat tho county bouie of industry on bunday noiomber nell moleao aged 79 yea oommlttedfrom krln towobulp pitthjujon intralalgar on wednesday nov ember av vary otinnuigbam widow of tbo late tnomu pattorioni jta her t6ih year jftftg jvcinit 0cv thtjbsday december 0 1897 notes and comments the litest report makes the european wheal i crop t208000000 bueutla againat 1012000000 riuhel imt year a deoreaeo ov 804000000 bohel crops of other coootrie 1033000000 bushels l strains 8880000000 bushels last year au increase ot liijabjohi bushels tbo total worlds crop war ooqpooo bubbele against abooo0oc0 boaheul in 1890adeoroabo of jlsioboobo boaheli the london england fcmjiire says that a wellkbown tourist egeooy haa engaged 4000 beds at ttas boat hotel in vanoonver or its pttrone en route for the kloqdyke during the month of february tbo figure obsrgad for bed moala and accom modation in each ease is lge per day an aggregate ol 8200 per day this will give some idee ef the big rain that may be ex- peoted in the klondike regions next year a petition signed hy thouteols of mer- obantslhriighoul tbo province demand- jug leglilsttion against the departmental tore has been presented to tbelegisla- lature itkie petitioners request leglilatlon ajlowingrntmloipautleato impoee a pfl greeaivetexon any firm or business house oartylnjon more than one bnelnoae vis i10o to be imposed for adding a aeoond de partment i 1200 or a third 1800 for a fourth and jo progressively inoreaalng tha prevlbtia arnount the ipeecb delivered by bon g w boaa before the british empire league on saturday night la the politioal event of the weak mr rota streak a popular ohbrd whin ia etme ant boldly in favor of preferentlaj trade with great britain as against reolproolty with united states tbo preu comments on the speeob are for tbo molt part highly favorable thongb some olaino that the sentiment expressed were to aome extent in opposition to liberalprinciples neighbo news news- items supplied bycorrea- pondente and exohanneb 8 the ooat of the recent work dono on lbs bpeyaide oroearoad and linos- running thereto bythe township oounoll was a follows alex holme drawing 100 yds gravel on bpeyaide eideroad let oon 918- 00 alex holmes drawing 60 yds gravel on 2nd line 8 00 alex holmes drawing 81 yds gravel on 8rd eon lots 32 and 28 2184 alex holmoi taking oqt pine stomp on the same road lfi0 mrs robert mapherson gravel supplied for road h840 poter glbbona 17 day a spreading gravel 91700 crewsons corners r the revival meetings which wero to have been oonduoted in the temperance hell by the rev t wluxtord of the disciple ohiirab have been poatpooed for the present a large ndnaber of yonng people from this vloioityvapent a very pleasant tima last taeaday higbt atmrs lambs fqalinob tha night was spent in dancing atod other amaoemente mre liamb and her amlly prbvedlheniaelvea to be very hospitable entertolqerb thu gathering broke np in the wee am a hoore mr abax orlppi sold a valnable horo to mr alex bcrni of ermmoia laet week for good fjgsre messrs bobt and jaa damper pent bnnday with friends at oampsellville urjas bamahaw apent sunday with friends in lowyille mies ethel and master d kontnor ol ballinafad apeht sunday at mr n forbes mr l oann and willie of east luther spent ooople of days this week with friends here mies lottie oann who baa been vliltipg friendain luther for the paat two months returned home last week rockwood the toronto star voloes tha feelings of mtny reildenta of the provinoe in making the fillowiogsoggeatiop several exsen- tlona are annoanoed to ooonr early in the ooming joaur and unless the law atepa in readers ol tdae majority of newspapers will be regal ad erllh lorii descriptiohs of all the botrorsolhinginga if it has the power the oourio tjegla might do worae tbanpaua si nteaanrs prohibiting the pobli oallon oidesoriptions of the laat hours and the exeootion of men who are already supposed to be dead to tbo world let the eieoultona be private the imports and exports of the dominion for the four month of the flsoal yam ending oct 81 abowa oonilderable increase in the volame olsrade there wasaninoreaeein the aggregate trade of tha ooontry of 10- so0il rhla doee not include any retoens from tbeporlof vancouver as for some reaaon oratiother none have been received at the djtpamtment ainoe last jane ths eiports for tbe four months show an in- erease at 18220 while the imports are greater by ona million and qnarter than they were id 1896 the dqty also snows anuioreaasot about 28000 boa if the vanoobver retarna ware to hand the inoraase in doly would be about 142000 at the very leait the figuree for october show that trade is rapidly going ahead the kings daughters intend holding art entertainment on the evening oi the 16th deo mrs w wetherald of st oatherlnoh is visiting her sister miss m balls annmber of new books were pat into tbe public library thiia week the obmmlttee are beboming noted for their exoellent taste in ohooaiiig booka mrs j hilla of guelph ia visiting her mother mrs blohardson missm stewart is visiting friends in hillaburg mr 3 padmore bar rotornod from the north west toesday morning between one and two oclock tho station houo hero wag entered by bnrglars after removing the ticket box and the store into the sitting room lb s safe dlitance they drilled a hole into the top of thesaieuteitnerdynsmlte powder into tbe hole and blew the door off its hinges and across the room striking the floor with immense force and oausing a oononsalon that almost blew out tbe end of the building the tools need bad been secured from landys blackamllh ebop fortunately there was no money in the safe there is no due to the psrtiea limehouse the following is the honor roll for llme- bonae sohool as a result of the november eiamioatlons iv benloro marshall 292 e scott 210 f bwaokbammer 289 j newton 220 g lepoldevin 217 iii senior o lane 227 ill junior w mcdowell 258 j o neill 251 v bwaokbammer i860 j hainer mb j modowell 222i h le- poidevin 186 marks possible for above omses 800 iv junior l garvin 188 o mere ditb 181 ii senior susan deemert 187 i b wheeler 160 part ii flenior e meredith 187 d sharp 170 o galbraitb 105 h mo- dowell ho w dobble ho adoomort fart ii jnnior b boott 175 f mo dowell 172 w bowman 187 ji bk hainer 160 s niokell 159 both found quilty alllsortconvloted of murder at bor- 11h and hammond at j k braoebrldse allison ia to hang february 1 hammond lo bang february ib this is the result of tho two murder trials which were in progress atberlinand bmcabridgo when wo went to prosa last wcok the allison jury was given the cseo at vq oclock on friday and were out throe hourb the vordiot wee aooompanfed by a recommendation tbmeroy on the ground the prlaonervjoutb hie father wentio to couvalnionb and had to be oirriod out of court but the yonng murdorer took tbo ontence with apparent indifferenoe the jury in the hammond trial was given the case at 8 oclock on friday and returned at 6 with the verdict of guilty tbe prleoner when asked theuaualqoebtlbn why eentebce should not bo paaaed aaid yea my lprd in the first place i am innoobnt of the orime and my pbaitibn is due to the fact of my- indisore- tionat atitne i hardly knew- what- ir was doingor buying and i placed myaelf atbe mcroy of my enemiea and those prebeing the ordwu aase my health haa boon mymufortnue becauee through long oonfiomenfit wabbo broken down that i was ansblo to getinto tho box to give niy own atoryand myotfn explahatipn of all these things wbicii in a natural state of haalth 1 oould have done when the evidenoewabpre8onted before the goroners inoaeat i was nervpua 1 hardly knew what i was saying andthere waa an important objection tp that evidence at the time aeon after it waaigoed but the coroner ref need to make ahat oorreotion that i all my lord j seotenoo was then passed hammond showed no emotion and left the court with an air of defiance hammondbbrime was the poisoning of his yoong wife for inburbnoe allisons was beating out the brains of mrs orr his employers wife beoaoseshe resented bia imt both are young hammond about 25yearb of age and allison 17 a btbahoe cqdtcidxmcx theoouviotion of w j hammbndby sir justice moredilh at braoebridge and of james allison by chief jnstioe meredith at berlin and the passing of sentence of death upon both prisoners by two brothers on the eamo day and in tho same province and both for the murder of women is probably without parallel in tho criminal history otjtho worid qoino to the klondike a clorbymoine advice to those who are prospective qold hunters tbe bev john g brady of alaska has written a letter from sitka under date of nov 7 to a friend in ohio io which he ajo t3oforo determining to borne to alaeka to lock for gold consider well the dark aide xbe country is moautainoua immense glsbiera fill many of the valleys moat all the btreama have awift currents a large part of tbe surface is covered with moss wbloh thaws out bat little more than afoot in aummer in winter everything becomes solid and prospeottng must be done with fire the men sorape off the moba start a firo when it dies oat thoy- sorape off tbe thawed earth repeat the roporation indefi nitely theoonntry affords no food the means of transportation are few and ooatly aud remember that the mobqulto obmes to fall develppemenfe in northern latitudes- a man needsaxperlenoe tobe auccesafol in mining my advice to the man who baa madecp his mind to oome tb alsskia is tb bring a years supply and if he is not experienced in mining to work for wages the first year ho is then in aohool and will receive wages enongh to eave a good snm beyond expenses when the next strike ia reported he will be able to boy his ontflt and seobre a olaim for bimaelf it is not worth while to try tblb ventnre anlessyon osn give it from tbree to five years it is best for men to oome in small par ties not over four together parties com ing in the spring ahonld arrive in junead with nothing but oabh and buy their bntqta there the atores are now well supp and e ijau b bdogbt there oheaper than to bring it yours truly joun g brady killed in the woods i v -y- thomas burnett of bryenston and 8eth everetts of bwgetown met death somewhat london deo 7 thomas burnett a wellknown farmer of bryanaton loat his life yesterday laa particularly sad maimer he left hme to visit his farm ana to do some work there evening aame and be did not return ocnarquently bia relatliea becoming alarmed aet out to look for him they reached the farm and were horrldad to mod his deid body wedged under tbo roots of a irn which lie bad tobopped down tho burntm wore hitched to the tog there wero bompiti- itively few bruiaea oo burnetts bod aii it ia thought that when tbe tree was falling tbe roots oaugbt tho onfprtunate man pinning him to the groond bidosiown ont deo 7 mr beth evefette tbis afternoon took his team and eacompeniodhy hia son went to the woods of mr thomab soane to get a loatiiof ilre- wood tho tree wjiloh be endeavored to out down bad been previously lodged and another trethad fallen aoross the top in his offbrl to chopos the tree it broke abiddenly while be had bis left foot on it and threw him in the air several feet he feu heavily on hlb head on the ground and noverregalnedoonabiouanobfl thesod andjmr whiteman who ere proa bntdid all they oould to restore life but tbe vital spark had flown dr d marr pro nounced the oauae of death oohoaablon of the brain tbe army bill will take precedence ovor all others io the coming session of the british parliament mr robert bogers of winnipeg declares that hugh john mcdonald will osrry man itoba in the next elebtion archibald bnohanan of fenetangnisbene went to his farm about three miles ont of town and banged himself in the barnon saturday 1 the onrrent iaane of the ontario oauue announoes that hia honor the lieutenant governor baa appointed commander f c law bnvbe bia bffloial seoieury a orank entered the offioeot the hamilton herald on saturday and attempted to hold mr b b harris treasurer with a revolver he demanded 2600 bat was seized and arreated auction sale register monday 20tbdeo sale of stock imple men ts dtp the property of bobt h allan tbe easvlialf of lot 8 con 1 erin bale at 1 oblack terms 12 months ingram and hsffernan auctioneers the whole of an entire paper mill pf the e b eddy establishment at hull is now running loll time turning ont nothing but white paper for the publishers of the family herald and weekly star moutreal tbo increase tblrtnonth tort he largoat in a quarter of a oentary acton markets fjour fall wbeat white fall wheat rod gooaa oat peas llyox barloy doob 1s97 a a 3d to a io 05 to b0 to 05 to 23 to 13 to 3 to 23 to guelph markets fjour bolter fall wheat goom wheat barley oats bye peas hay ibggs per doa butter dairy packed butter rolla potatoesi per bag applea doo8 u07 225 e 210 70 to b- 00 to a 48 to 87 23 to 90 42 to to ao to a 0 00 to 8 00 18 to 90 14 to 15 17 to ii 60 to a co to 1m toronto markets utttrs at llggiiiiie furs of bulgarian and the dog aatraclinn fura of bocharen and persian lamb furaof alaatia siberia and kussin furs jrorn leipzig fur city ot pruasin furs from the bertverj the badger and boar fura from fisher the otter and haro fura from red eastern and western cross fox furs from the grebe of the feather flock fura from the muskrat tho eopn and tho miuk furs from the wolverino marten and lyax fura from tho beaver both canadian and german furs from sleek little black and white ortnino furs of- silky thibet black and white furs for wboscr catching cannda has right though a cpusinly quarrolb a horrid sight woariudeto the anglo- yankce fight seal from labradorgreonland alaska wolf frnm hjs- lair in wild madawaeka l fursof the kangaroo wstllaby and goat wombat of australia and all lands remote fura ofoppoasum and krimnierirroy of aable and conoy and chinchillai fura from thb proverbially mischiovoasmonkey and alaska sablo vulgarly called skunkey fura of every shape and form furs that are silky soft and warm fur capb collars capes snd muffs jackets and coats gauntlets audjuffa fura in the raw and furs that are dresssed none find a place in our atook but the beat furs we can warrant are the furs that we bell but half of our fur story weve no ropni to tell bome merchants sell fura and say they sell cheap we aay they aell dear arid large profits reap were headquarters for fur remember one thing the proof ot tlie pudding is e -g- weve a staff of hands working early and late renovating old furs at a wonderful rate we make them look stylish dont thrbw them aside got them cleaned dyed made over at farfamed cheapside we are selling furs every day cheaper than anything you hnve ever seen advertieed any where we buy lots of raw furs- direct from the trappers thats easy when you know how get theni dressed and have them made in our work rooms by experienced labor thats part of the secret of our leadership in fura theztegler you hftnt lo0s fdr 6lfciti white wheat bed wheat goose wheat oats barloy peas hay butter rolla i eggs 81 to 78 to 21 to 28 to ii to 8 00 to is to 10 to gibson millar co have just opened out a magnificent assortment of goods for the christmas trade consisting of fine dress costumes and dress gpods in every variety style and colorings trimmings etc to match in ladies ijmallwares we have a complete assortirienti inclusive of gloves hosieryunderwear corsets handkerchiefs etc what would be more suitable for a christmas gift than a nice sett- of furs we have them in gapes caps gapperines muffs ruffs gauntlets etc at clearing prices this department has been an immense success this season double beyond our expectations arid why we turn out the mbst stylish best trimmed and best fitting garments and have the largest and best assorted stock of fine tweeds and trouserings to select from and everything guaranteed uptodate gents fornisllings we have just sorted up in this department the newest things for holiday trade in fine neckwear collars cuffsj shirts underwear etc in hats camps etc we have all the leading styles in hard arid soft felts in english and american makes special r to clothing we aro maltin a groat driv in thi jftrln aoliertieemfntb wanted jndustiuoub luou ot ohiroctor the lin8cottc011pany toronto oot wanted tmlitkis ladlcn to introauco a liouiohold work a bpleotlla rtiturns to oooiiietont jieraoni j galloway toronto good jersey bull for service athoitouanitueu jortoy on lot 87 con eaquobtdg nenny denny tfresh jersey cow for sale a ifllebh joraoy 0oy calvea on monday sx istunov apiiiv to j hudhmann acton tenders wanted tendon will ba reoalvodby tue- nndonluptnsatunayutbdetmmber sealed nndon w pino tloqtingxtxiqtotit uh no 19 dtvnaookburr any 1 urtlior partloularbuiay bo bad frpin johnmann- wantpabewts both mb f and women work is light and easy terms eto to write at onoe for the hawks ndbsbbtoompairy booheaterhrsr i i q wanted aents- ueen viotohia la boom in elobt thoo- 21 oopltsa iold three uionand at hundred ordered from australia lariraquabtity 1 bone to soqth africa golup like wudflre i i canada iiord itorne her mijeatys aonlnlaw aaya the beat popular rife of tbo qaeen i bare lean and tboutandi oddone tbe state merit ontflt free o oantasuera t exolailve territory bookajonupojjeeay to make hrfi dollar dally iomo make twloo tbat thb bbadlbtdahbkt80n co toronto llmltedtfl agents sell klondike cold fields like a whlrltoind ekperienoedeahvauerad reaping the riauuc hanaat of their uvea ti new beslnnon doing nondtrs neatly averyi tfssj puayooiig fellow on aarmf at m200 a month ia maklng7soo a ladytynsij writer at s300 a wook la clearing ufoktj sssp h had eamod aiai a day ia oleariqgf 5ja d wo wantmoreagenu oanvar ontflt 2s oents worth tlioo the bhadlevoaiiiieteon co idmlted torooto ont tax collectoe s notigei notice ia hereby given tfiat alltaxok dae m ratepayers of tbemnplerpalltjr of tbe village- of aeton moit be paid witboa fail on or before v frldavrlotb december aeton nov aotb lf7 d uraham oolleotqr of taxet wanted sentb in every district on the oonlfnent to takei orders for blgbgride caiiadlanarown nnrav erybtook and seeds largest and most completed aaortment in tbe trade past mllldg special- ties- superb samples fnrnubed free oorreei poqdenoo in any lanftnage these positions are money makers abd territory sliooltx be secured 3 at onoeior tbe season by allbastlers looldngfor a good thlbg our salary or oommluton offers- will interest anyone uot etrnlns looojx per year get in communication with oar nearest offlosta v an ormprtqnlty to present a wollostabluhed bouse ability mora jmporttat then experlenee luke brothers coartpanv international knrserles obloago 111 uoritrojqne boobestor n y unreserved wellbred farxii stobk and i theundonlgned havjreoalvalliiafrnetlona from r haluen to sell by pubile auottou on the eaat halt ot lot 8000 ltowiiahlpoteilo on monday 20th deoember oommanoingahpm uiefoilowldg stck3k mare rising 0 years old orey rlalngjl years old blaok colt riling i savyhoneaialt tenjraara old 5 bein eall i hetfer three horse tears old uowa anpposed tobe jnjpalf fltmis tiling thrftf belter two jaara old 1 boll fourteen months old vs spring celvas e brool 8owaeusnoeed to be in pig improved tprk and poland china tonns plga 0 shmptf also a nnmber of fowl inoludlngqeme dnoki turtoyi and hens luprbatbntsuuaey binder london mower springtooth cultivator flenry plough iron barrowa sulky bake lnmber waggon democrat boad oart pair bear bobaleli h i r sjbjr i -v- mr mrajook the patron leader has given notice of a bill for the better aodit logof hinoiolvalabbonnts in explaining hlabillhapoluu out that the great dlffl- oblty in spduuor mnbloipal aooonnta is not soobiuieibaynieou riot being made as to thsfml tfcat ithe ieoelpts therefor are notorebuud is this the case where trjosfers are made from one moni- oipajiijrtomiother the bill provides that the treaanirer of every mnnioipality who pay money to the treasurer of another shallobjanlof eaohiyear send a state- meet oijuoh paytnenta over his own v walker 162 w marshall 147 c modowell 120 ia tdobbie 116 marks possible for aboveolasses 200 ida a fon teaoher bev mr molaohlan held a saorameutal servioe in the methodist churoh laat wed nesday evening there was a very good atlendaneev-lil- mr john moore visited friends in toron to this week re is to killed by a bull a south grlmaby farmer literally battered to pleoea qeoroetown tbe erection of the new skating rink is yij j- iprogreailng very slowly xheoontraotora uatureandmledwith the corporation h to fora oa h ba h hti clmvmtmtf to gre aiffloalty in railng tbe large robe whose treasurer he haeaopald tbe money lorlhsrbof in their work jbytbesnaiaorar milton the apuaal payment of 1000 bonua to theahpe factory was ordered to be paid at isiiiiaitteitnell tbe apeolilaeryioas condooted by cross- leyand bonter oommenoed on sunday thsajbaraeeand interest are growing wllhaacbsanios thosersioes are nnioa idtjharmtbdlthidifflonlt toull meth- odlaufrpiripbyteriana so great ib tbe jntlareitmaiucjliy all wmjmernadoneof hia hands bad ly laoara inoneoftbeele va tors of the iflbnvajlafjltv ttwa crlloiotnb has been reorganised wlt a4tibbstit aw0ar iharnvj ftjiii dannn jpwntallve msmbert- votiniaiga3iijd gtm mx- w wi srv ij aiv av aw issj i flbldar rv- vl yiimm iuifaimi pdeu mills oaitpubaaiqxmi friday last in the injp are still oohtinnso roinrohand great sidr toil ttmloristnrnakltibaievon mmui wtetavviilsto ii ifrii lbrtoo jaroee barmsr was ia ywtot rjtmswtiof- ipatatofiboilon tail fifskwhwi kb synes sonolmr hayoea of chsltsnham prsaohed in the baplist churoh the last two babbathb in the absenoe of the bev o g jlangford who has been preaching at smitha falls the bev mr vvillaon from knoi college baspreaohadfortwosubbathbintbo oon- gregational ohnroh the bev thos bogers is attending tbe presbytery meeting at toronto tbla week thebev g a mltobell attended the tbeelogloal oonferenoe at viotoria collage at toronto laat week xnnivaraary ssrvioea were held in the methodist ohnroh laat 8bbth the bev dr auatin preaohed two osoeptlonal sermons tbe morning aubjeot was bejoloa evermore and be evening ito iajilijjlthlniak of tneobngrsgatlobal and baptist ohnrohea atunded the svenipg servioe ths oburob was orbwded from the qboir gallery to tbo front alalra and a large number ware not able to get id roolonjali klaleisboflpoatreets the iadpfthemethodlatohdreih have sent off alirgsinlaalouary box thu week sbvxopdtalnsasmmtvail forthe hodbugali indian orphankks at morlay i n w t last tuesday waa tlbt thsrurobriallhbanddoiog otbsr work for lbs indlsn ebi jdren in itinijialairge nombar attendsa tbe mwtyiify- i-t-v- i vmri n mblouas died on satorday ls aftspttiotereiblbacbbew ontttay hsj aaster from toronto fmiiijlnimi miailtatylor rstorned to toronto this wskaflerialilbg bar slater mrs wn imtns v rih zlwffittfaito ilaoiat iajileljdlai eiuxltoh ont deo 8 samuel jaoobb a wellknown farmer of south grimsby waa literally battered to pieces by air enraged ballon his farm yesterday mr jacobs was about to slaughter theanimal and be fore doing ao bad with the assistance of noijbbqr dehorned the brute mr jaooba then lead the animal with a ropo into tbe baro and onoe inside the ball tamed on its adve and after running aroun him angling him np in tbe rope bunteit him and trampled upon him until life was axtloot deoeased waa about fifty years ot age and leaves a widow and family you dont kribw where you got that cold do you know where you can get the cure fpr it every drug store keeps avers cherry pectoral it cures coughs and colds department at present we have an immense stoclf of ovetcoats mens suits boys suits odd pants etc an inspection of these goods will convince the closest buyer thatthey can do better here than other place as we are going to clear out these goods by the first of the year regardless of cost we invite one and all whether they purchase or not to visit this place uoniiwxa jknuiuaaa reir ueavy uooaieigea- a pair light bleigba turnip- polper fannlegjf mill wheelbarrow stormooa fsett heavy 1 groasnew bettplcwhariiasa whialetreea j georgetowns livest store gibson tiulklrsslico roe block mhin st produoe taken in exchange ccyrajsetowne every day bargain day hero owhai neekyoke forks- bborel other jmlarflcjesudaaaairnlna lwia qnuuty of oats audfaaavtrnot pmieualyaola1l daisy chum no a milk cam washer machine 3 aolotber artiolea tbbms obbaue l all anmaot ten dollars andbnderoaah over thatamount twelve montuacreait on approved joint notes six per oeni dtaoount for oaah l hay tornlpa grain and poultry to be oaah posmvsxtxobkasnra aatbe proprietor la giving np farming ikoram a hefkbbnan vaupubheers ate literary news what would you do if war should be daolared to morrow with a european power f how would it ohange your home life the lives of your brother and other relaatlves how would it effect your basl- ness oonneotlons and buainess what obauogea woold it mako in finanoial city alate and national affaire it is there interesting problems which a writer in the december comopolilan basnndbrtsken tb akesohaniierlhe heading of a brief hie- tery of 0ur late war with spain at the unoe time vividly deaarjbing the eiolllng aoansa whloh would attend the opening of hoatillties tm maj the wife of the president haa given apeo- il jpermiaiiun tojohh phllp soaaa the maroh klpg to dedipate to her hia nut oompoaltlon jmt flniabed and whloh will be balled the lady of tbo white house mrs moklnley forwarded her permisaioh to the editor of the ladm home journal whiob will publish tbe soaaa obriiposition complete iii its next iaane thtbthaga- alios has also reeelvsd for the same ntmiber a now and large portrait of wrt moklnley taken a few days ago in tbe white house conservatory this la the second photograph wbloh the aprtsldents wife haa allowed to be taken within ten years the aral portrait taken of bet siooo 1887 baying also gone to the jjeiiti home journal whloh pnblihed it in lbs isit ootobsr number oaoalng the entire edition of tbat iatoo to be exhausted orrice of r r dickey clerk 5th division court agent for best insurance companies the sloan medicine co dear sir about two years ago i suffer ed from an attack of bilious diarrhoea which became chronic and threatened my existence i used several kinds of pitbnt medicines and was treated by my family physician but was not cured until i used your sloans indian tonic it helped me at once and i continued to im- prbve and now enipy perfect health i can heartily recbhimendif ta all io i was or in need of a general invigorating fnedicine r ridickeyjp for sale at all dealers or address the com- pauy at hamilton price ioo per bottle 6 bottles for 500 99 wyndham 8t telephone 40 this hgetfhev makes your thoughts turn not to that of love but warmer underwear heavy fleece underwear at 100 1s0 2 a suit good values wrights health underwear from 285 to 5 per suit hygienic health underwear from 250 to osuit a special line of heavy ribbed ok all wool very special at 1 00 a suit in pbnbtratinq power no remedyin the world aqqala nervlllnn fetiiro paid mrav rhsom- itwv6inloarbeudby io6wvnloarboorrfby ife isfe re iwcts itiy i to show goods and give prices to those who come and look for we generally sell to those who do as the stock is large and prices low comel- re nejson tailor and furnisheli guelph nm i- j-i- fiat mmsifmmmsssmmmm wtbni r bt a a- bylaw to provide for the establishment of a public library in the village of acoh whbhhab fiftyone oioolots have petltleneil tbe council of the aaid village of aeton praying lor jbe eatabllabtntdt of a pobllo llbreiy under the pneuo uiainnta act 1813 boitthorforenaedby the and hunlelpal ooanen of the aaid village of aston that in oaae the assent of the elector is auten to thlabylaw a publlo library be eatabluhedlnthlamodlol pall ty in aeoorsanoo wits tho provlalons of the rrtttf hffattrns btt and ba it further enseled that the votes of the eleotors be taken on thubltrtavou monday the k jaaearylfltaveoiaaienelng at nine itlnulngantunve third day ooloekir ooloek ii bolbek in the monii arflfidavei rafasaikte j rsnmiv ooredavatimtunilngoffleer imuitatentfo- it o a rbiirdapntyretonilna7 ooloek in the af ternood as the undermentioned plaoea annollieg atitdivialon hot 1 at the town hall wj mooradapti and in polllog aoh r tbatontbe ftrst derot jaarjarynaxkat his ualoa in tbe town hall nttan oclook in r forenoon toe stave shall e law that the cjerkof the aaid tnoaieipal eoi 1 leva te given for or againat the bj law by number on behalf of aha parsons interested and desirous of opposing- ths pissage of this tlon ahafi attend at fovtown oalfattbe hour of one qeloek in the af tamoon oh thselghth day of january bomnpthaaamberof votea konosntataix the above is a tree e i by law whleh wlllbe taken umnslaerauon by the ceuneu of tbe vrtlaieot aoton after one month joetnaiaoradatho tha altors will lie hoice steel wits nfttlngs lower this year ask your hardware ietonhov sttb lasr gnuoobb- funfelpal qlerk xvnmoejr xstft flhisgles woorf tfta all kinds ot wood n atoek and rromjlly dehverea to anrpart of ibetosu at va a reaseuanlo prices jaj hardwood anil olabaolatovo length a telephone eommuulottlov r w

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