Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1897, p. 3

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n i i tab bank of hamilton capital all paid up 1 25000000 reserve fund t2ef00000 total assets sb 346673 45 nearly ten millions ol dollars board op directors ohn stuakt a o ltamsay proaldont vlco1rosiaout ixo itoaoix joun pitootoit a t wood a u lee toronto wm oiuoon sir tuundull caohlor h 8 steven asstoashlor h m watson iuspootor ceorcetown acency a general banking business transacted notes- of responsible farmers disc irid special attention given to lie collection of sale notes and commercial iaper enorally drafts issued payablo at all principal points in canada and united slates drafts on great britain boughtand sold savings department deposits of- 81 and upwards received interest allowed at xurrent raters and added to- principal every year whether passbook is brought in or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bell agent georgetown r ont for xmas- bibles books albums toys dolls china and glass- ware watches tewelery silverware fancy novelties the virtue in values the beauty in well chosen goods the power in low prices make pur store the best x place to do your xmas shopping santa claus headquarters the ne at home mostly of a local character and every item interepttntf geo hykdhr jewcieryapd stationery store acton- ont gjjg loo1iatthq the label on your ttukla tkvor nor mid yon will boo howyour subsorip- benflw promptly it will confer a jfcbetjutoft jfye iflreas thtjb8dax decembeb 0 1897 liitle lo b which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week coanoii meeting next monday evening mgniaparpollheb we stillqulethere 8leigbing baa been passable for several days- the merry jingle of the aleigh bella ia iwolcorne- music tenders are asked for flooring ban- ockburiu suhool windows are putting on very pretty holiday airs another inch of enow would givo admirable elejghing the show on tho ice hasapoiled the skating for the present tbemerobsnta are bneily preparing forthe holiday trade robh it the lastmeeting of ettjuebing council i- voted 150 to the township agrtanltural society itis reported that aoton ia to have another drag store mrs seoords bloob wiubstheldostlbn dr t t harris will be pleased to meet ut mergers dental patients at hia office on thursday 23rd insl that pbristnias will arrive in the near future ia evident from ins mysterious dplnga inallbpnbehpldsnow apton laundry is crowded with orders now and is dbingalarger bobinobs than at arjy proviona time sinoe it was started- printed matter reoelved i am very wa p w it e find ll to cover aeoonnt f b h mitchell rthe hookey club was reorganized at a meeting on monday evening a committee watappolntedlo make arrangement for a riniv aqeorgetown tailor advertises that he will sdpp a marriage- hoonae free to all ypaogmsp -ordering- their- wedding bnits from him beleot yonr obriatmas gifts eemom- ospeplally those of your own hbnaehold arjdihoae whose friendeara too poor to provide for them bev john mills ot guelph will preaoh anniversary sermons in tho methodist obprcb next bonday the choir will rsnder ipeolal mqlo i a tile drain has been put in from w riiams property on mill street to main ptrset thlb overoomoa the difficulty boinplained of by mrs s a srcord at last mfetrbgpfbo cbuniail vrtrhewomans miisionary society ot tbi methodist ohoroh sent a large bale of olotblng to the poor at babapatien indian mission last week bev a h bantcn conelnded bis engagement at imcosii st mejhodlst obnrob toronto on monday evening he b now enguged in epeplal lervlces in nbrrplk b ohnroh aaolph mrvm forbes bad the misfortune ortdsy last week to gsb his right hand bsrlpusly with bis beam knife at beard- tannery 7 this gavo him several days of eof breed holiday iinwvpotsg stamps have been rwlved alt h post offlo bare thefmee cswhad the favor of being the flrakpnrr oase v oameto town were alto sold to this o titiifptt moiisren of krfn is salog wm barbour pf eflntbsmbhip for bresoh of promise jewewsnts ibooo for the wonnd caused tomlas rbia thbn5pn iv ttjjpijpipii isjrtiiasjrtliji jpin ritsasjsbki pis- iripwtvolsss eianplnatlop i ofihbwh iupablloibnlld- fjatnmbgensrally the iwfboond nd is entitled toivtmliip iteturnlntf otflaerb tbo bylaw provldiun for the municipal election nivmod tho lowing deputy re turning otticora division no 1 robert oampbbll no 2 wilhsm thompson no 3 uougld mccoll no 4 neil gillies no 5 john a gordon no c alex stirratt uud areea that they be paid the sum of flyo dollars each for their aervieos a liberal offer to subscribers a large nnmbcr of fiipk piikbb bubaorip- tious eipiro wiib the preeepji month in order to induao prompt renawas we have decided that each bubeoriber renewing for 1808 and sanding iu a oevv name can have the two paperb for 8175 and the balance of the year free to the new eubserlber we will bend the papers to any addresa stare unuvown dogs patunc tho treftuurer of eequeeing wbb ordered at labt meoting of the council to pay the following auma being in each oase the twothirds valqoof sheep killpd by dors theownera thereof btipg unknown jaraea soott two sheep uud four lamba 81600 geprgeavilaon oho abeep 84 gg john x leslie one raraand one jamb 800 georemiohie one bhesp8ig0 thomas somerville onoeheop 81 00 bank bhiaoa 31 iltona streets a resident of the town ififd tho misfor tune to loao a fivo dollar billon main street laat friday night while on his way to pur chase an evening piper the high wind of that night wafted it dear knows whore but next day whileatanding on the martin street oroasing he waa delighted to aee a bank bill rolling towards him before the wind and hastily beourcd it it was a 92 bill and its owner turned up shortly after wards the v ia siill missing champion a jbuxx plancr9 serious lutlictloaa laat friday attornoon as mr john cameron waa running a buzz paner in hia planing mill ho met with an aooident- by which hia righttliumb waa amputated at the first joint wtiilo shoving through a nar row strip his hand slipped and the ernel knlvob iu an instant mutilated hia hand mr cameron baa had years of exporienoe with this machine but hia usual- oautlon- did not save him the aooident was one of those unacpountable ones which occas ionally overtake the most careful operator he had a conplo of flofiora mutilated before on the came planer aciona heavy contribution the gaelph cartage co took the three fat hoga fed by it agnsw to the christ mas fat stock show at guelph yesterday mr agnew hab earned for himself a name for superior fat hogs and this trio will barely sustain bia reputation they weigh 2205 pounda the berkshire was bred by mesara robertson broi he ia a monster and the girth bspk of bis fore legs is six feet two and one half inohes the others are yorkshlrea an we bred by mrtthomab cameron thoy are also in fine condition and should stand well in competition at the fat stock show tcday and tomorrow the woodmens yew officers at the regular monthly meeting of acton campno62 canadian order woodmen of the world held last thnrbdayeveuingthe following wore elected as offioera for the eneuing year poo sov w h torey cc isaso frauois advllout harry jeans clerk geo agnew banker james jwimn swrfc geo vincent watdh- man geo stotham sentry ed ryder phyaiciana 8 elliott m is odqof thobestiraternsl societies in town it is their intention to give to the people of aoton a rare treat in their great sensational drama entitled all that glitters is not gold now in preparation its caste em braces bomo of the beat local talent the date for tho entertainment will shortly be annonncod wide ttrea ana good roads there fads been considerable talk about wide tires here in faot the cooocil prepar ed a bylaw on the bobjeot thobgh it has not yot been introduoed we notice bow- ever that california proposes to go into the wide tire businoab without any ffa or orwhercaaeb eavo reasonable forenotice a wide tiro law baa been passed which is to go iutojeffeot througoat the whole stated on januar idtm any perann wlm pnr cbasea eel a or brlngalnto the state after that date vchioloa of heavy draft with tires of icbs width than that spsolfied in tboiaw shall be fined 825 to 8 j 00 or imprisoned 25 days to fx nqonths tires are to be from tbrce to six inches wide according to the bizo of axle a notable feature of this law ia that it is enacted by a legislature the majority of whose membersare from coun try oonstitaonoieb california- farmers do not appear to object to wido tires the cheap bicycles were very ler a number of trafalgar people in the vioinity of poatville recently bad exception al opportunitloa to purchase wheele at a very low price from a young man from toronto the star lays be sold good secondhand wheels- at 10 to i0 each to cbas hall t f baker ja pickering chas ryan harry post m ohara and peter bhea bat their dream a of- future spins wore rbdeiy interrupted chief sumner received a communication from toronto asking if a certain yonog man had been belling bioyoles around here the chief havidg heard of what had transpired informed the toronto police petootlve fiaris and our ohief wotitr to the fcene of action last monday- to investigto and scirtained who bad pnrobased as the wheels were stolen property the detective had to inform the purchasers that he was going to take charge of them to this they consented rather than have any trouble over the matter notwithstanding they had bought the wheels- in good faith the detective took thm to toronto and uooeeded in having them identified as wheels that bad been stolen oar boy win golden opinions the stratford herald pays this compli ment to mayor odonohae tf that city heyireiwcfsvooinplii tomayorodonohue wboonmondy 20 atttiofd the age of fortyfira years hia worship has wqo high compliments on all hands upon bis exceeding efflolenoy a mayor and among those tjho candidly deolare bis right to aaeopnd unnar many who last year opppsedhim hhmhotb himself a man of calibre and of excepuon- al capacity in the city council ooo reciiiee his ability more freely than hit asioolates in the oodnoiljperhajmtba greatest com pljmeniffl jt4iliq paid to mayotjo atdermiin who op lifho nowi wtyfwiqrwy- of criticism bait much pf piti for jorvolmhsbu the firemens concert a crowded house a creditable and enjoyable programme the annual concerts by tho nienibera of acton fire brigado have become iif fuaturo of tho full enterlainmonte althuugh ton- erally oonflued to focal talent the coninmieo seem tohavu tho fdoulty of asbooittting u vdrioty ot performer a whodo individual nymbera make up a irorumnie ut once diversified andlntercbtiug- suuh img been the experionao in past yeara uud tiicli was the character of tbo entertainmont to which our citizens were ireuted june friday evening the loyalty of our- people to tho tffort of the firemen ou this oocaion wae certain ly commendible at 7110 nearly ovepy scat in the ball wus takon long beforo eight standing room uasat uprotnium prompt ly at the hour anuoanoed chief laweou took ohargo and the progmmmo wua com menced- he inado an bdrnirubln presiding officer and the procoedings wcro drhpttlahed with a businebbihso hlertheaa ashaa been btuted tho prorannno waa varied cthorowe re ahorubob by tho united church choire whicli gavo both voiimo and melody mialicklln utngin hor usual orbditablo stylo mr stark rtuderod n taking sentimental song and meaara gibbona mann hill and tureen hang a rouaing quartetto with good effect tho humorous selections wero taken by messrs harry jeans and x oflannagau both are old favorites id their respective circles their selections tbougli they bad uot tho merit of being news were given in aburaotcr and were reoelved with much applause and both artists were encored each timo thoy appeared mtsara gibbons- and maun madia a decided bit in their duet the aoton fire brigade it was bet to a lively and inspiring tune and as will bouoeu tho looal references were quite apropos the aoton flhe hluoadn i up comrades i tla thoflroboll harkl tta flcot- footed wo run count quickly tbo peala tollby flroboll hoat ronald and rush i lravoly dona t jonnny williams blaolcs are praucing the flro flouds devouring havo como hitch and go j tla flromon ttdvaucing- clear tho way wpilyctbiivo tlmtliomo chorus johnny willlums so jump comrades jumpt rplu 6t tho hoeo rooll uucovcr tho tank t tituam la on i toot mlnntob flvo wou avo pyn the clothca reol up laddors horo thorol well done i roof and cahloa dry arohlazluff tho weut windfl wo fan u in the tamo r tornadoes o water aniaslntf arc thrown ftoui tho tank on rod llamo chorus daqdyflrahamb tanks most ainnhir hondorsoua pond luptilyiiir tho baiho what matter thoufihgablob aro blukiuk our itonald soon quonohes tho llamo hack couiradcb back all is ohdol llraqonda lu mjriads aro slalu homo treasures by us aro defended wo etrngglo for lion or not gain firol firol howdroadful whonrnglng flames lcapiuriiko llolidfoatof lieltr- q8ihbt widow aud prjilmn war wagiug oh whdcnii bis torrors alj toll t chorus aotons flrcmou gainst him aro btrlvlag tho cltizouakuow wo orb bravo salamandors dread our arlviug up comnvdebl wo liaatonto eavo the literary part of tho prnramno was well sustained misa clara moore took part as usual with cliarocteribtically mod est bearing she gave a very realistic inter pretation to courting in kentucky mr stark read jerome i jeromes diatribe on babieb which higbly amused the old bachelors of coarbo ia addition to tho looal readers mrs gruoo taylor and her little daughter hazel of toronto who wero visiting in town kindly voluutocrod lb take part mrs taylor baa a good prosence is profuae in her gealcrob has a musical voice and an attractive appearanoo oh tho plat form miss hflzdl with lior nuivo and childlike manner qqito won the audience in inettumental soleotions tho audienco was treated to soreral surpriaes tho jubilee qrokestra is an entirely new organ isation of young men and their first public appearanoo won them favor the event of the evening may reasonably be stated to have been the instromenlal seleottons by mr john harvey for more than ten years be hab been an estoemod resident but he has been keeping hid tulout moat jealously bidden hia accord ian ecle coming m going visitors to and from aoton and varlouaotherpereonanotea tim fiikb ritbbr invites all its roadors to con tylbuto to this column if you or your mends ro going away ou a- holiday trip or if you have fituuds visiting yon drop a card to the faxs pitebs mr iiobt mcnalr of milton visited friends in town during the week mr 8 a rime 1 jchnsou sr of toronto ia spending a few days with hia acton friondb mr e it bollort of guelph was in town on tuesday uud favored the fuke piiehs with a call miss beohtel of waterloo was tbo guest of tbo miasea mblaohlan at the methodist paraonage tbia week mrs graco taylor and mibb hazel were guostb of mr j- el matthews bower avenue during theweek misskaty mbgk roturnod to the parson- ago ittbt week afterspondlng a oouple of weeks with friends at waterloo i- mra lyoud of the nygrjr general offloea at buffilo wub the guest of aoton frieuda for u biief visit last week r mr g ppringle of guolpti whohai been in the general hospital with a brok en leg the past six weeks was able to return home on monday mr robert balmer town clerk of oakville tendered bis resignation at last meeting of the council after fortyseven yeara of faithful servicu miab jennie steel who baa been visiting various parts of ontario in the interest of the proposed new baptist ghurob is at present- visiting friends here dr f r mercer- leaves today for battleford n vv t where be will spend a ooopleof months with his brother mr j b mercer druggist of that town eov w dryers went to waterloo lost saturday to spend a week with hev j e howell m a the misbes hall are cqu duatiug epeoial servioeh in the ohuroh there v mr fred byder has been promoted to a position on the road for messrs w h storoy son he is working east this week fred is a very worthy yonng man and deserves his preferment bey e soott who was called to the llespeler presbyterian church pulpit vacated by rev 1 btrachao will aooept ihoiuvitation as soon as he baa fulfilled his preaedt agreement to deliver a coorsoof icoturos in quceud collego klngatbn musmaggto wallace received last week u diploma as graduate of guelph business college she has won the higheat horjors of tho institution and is com mended hy the principal for her attainments ability and general chu rooter miss wallace is to be cbngratulatedapbn her success value of farm hands decreasing the annual report of the bureau of industries for ontario given a table- of oompjirative values of farm lands build ings implements aud live stock for the past fourteen yeaia which ia of exceptional intercut the values of farm lands show a steady decreasa from 8040480801 in 1868 to 85574b8270 in 1800 the values in 1895 aro given as 9572088472 total values of buildings show an inoreace amounting to 82043115420 fn 1600 as agaiubt 8201148070 in 1895 values f fra piemen tb show a alight increase while hvo btock haadeoroaaed from 9 103058057- ntol805 89g7gcis58inl896 rilisaletalk and how that this medi cine haa enjoyed publlo offriiadericw and patronage to a gtootep extent than accord ed any other proprietary medicine this is simply bauae it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures than any other it is not what wo bay but what hood saraapsrma doea that tetls the story all advertlsemejits of hoods bsrsaparjlla like hoods sarsaparllla it self are bqnest we have never deceived the public and this with its superlative medicinal merit is why the people have biding confidence in it and buy xmas announcements we have everything suit able for christmas remem brances for old or young glove and handkerohief it pays to buy at bollcrts it paytmbuyat bouerts almost to tho aiclusloh ot all otliors- try it prepared oaly by ct hood co i awcll mass nooo sitrlhs wkuiioodssarsaparlua sets celluliod photograph al- liantle bnrbliase bums japanese goods oxford teachers bibles fanoy perfume bottl6s xmas oards an booklets novelties in cups and sauoeis dol is afi sizes and styles we beg to iiuroauco cllmelles bookseller cuelph he wquld ask tor holiday business from the actonites fancy cooda books games 16ltj and novelties and many other holiday goods we want to tell you about the purchase first- and the sale afterwards we have just madeagreat purchase of a manufacturers stock of overproduction of ladies cloth lackets which enables usto sell them at onethird to one- naif oflf the regular prices they are all the vey newest styles fresh from the makers hands the sale cbmmehced on f biday dec 3rd arid comprises the following lot i fine english beaver jacket boxleronl large pearl button vclvbt collar tegular i7jor 4 95 5 75 id 50 1250 lot i al wool frelzo with fancy stitch fronts irirgc pearl buttons and deep collar regular a for v lo 3 english benvertrlmmed with fine braid and pearl- burtons star collar regular 99 for v lot 4iheavy woolchinchillasurah lining throughout corded ifdges fancy flap pockejs and large pearl buttons regularl750 for- also 25 per cent cash discount- oft all fur trimmed arid fur lined wrapiand circuiara j3 per cent cash discouritjiir airxwced ahd beavcrjulstors and long coats j ioper cent cash discount off all our childrens now coati and uistera these are great bargains a t brown christmas will soon be here come foday or tomorrow and sit for that por trait y oir intend for a christmas resent unless you do vfe may e unable to finish it befortj the holidays we are very busy6ut our stock and ouk store lends in prices arid pretty things c 1 nelles lookseller cuelph ijillinery and mantlesr brought down tho hooee uud he was ropeat- edly encored mr harvey will hereafter be in demand a quartette of accompanists added their ojaota to the proceedings mrs dr dry den of guelph ever loyal to bcr native town was present mibb bpoklit played for the oborubos mibi mo p boil for the quartettes and duetb and mies jeunie smith for mr harvey and mr ofiatinoflan the following is tho oatlino of the pro gramme iaitti 1 bolootlon actqn jubllooorohoatra s chorus tbo old brigade ohtirou choirs 0 ittssaing courting ju kentucky mibb mooro t song mr starliv 5 solo morry songa of childhood mlasnlcklln 0 aocordlan selootlbut mr harvoy 7 baadlug tboflhlpwrcor mrb graco taylor 8 comic bolovcmoyndo8 and tmceya cat air oklaunagad 0 qaarotto porooftlin bravo and trtio moiara gibbona uanti hill turton 10 huinbtoua nolo mr jeans ijuit 11 1 boloction aoton juhlleo oroheatra s chorus huntldu churcb choire 8 itoadlbg dabicfl mr stark 4 recitation vtliojualous oiiob i miss hflzol taylor obolotliclab6ibri miionfclihu 0 inilrtimciitnl oloctioij- mr harvoy 7 lloadiuc conio dver llio nitor mraqraco taylor 8 cbmlo soni ttioy say til ay do not liko it but llhydo mroflatino8an p selection acton jubileo orchestra 10 duott tho aoton ft brigade hours mann and gibbons u conii j vnue olauovfl trottor mr joans tinn bivrtfnr qurkh at the cuiiolufibn of tho programme the chief on btliair of tho eire brigade express ed cordial thanks to all who had absiatod in toakinu thy programme a bucocbaand also to the titizeca for their splendid inppertr4tr-ttl66- toekocc to therwork uf the llremen whits on dutv k every tiro thtydfd thetcbeat and though they cannot claim to uo perfect lhey alwaya exert themielvea with conrago and all tlie ability they poeaeee the brigade appreciated highly tho largo attendance present but ho had to admit they were sometimes discouraged when they heard the itfinding indulged in by sorne property owners when they wero using their best efforts at the fireat to which thoy are oalledhiawbrdi were timely aud it is toped will havs a eilutnry oftoct lot hbveryoltlmn treat the firemen as among irlendsv tfaoy aro selfiaorilloing yoiabttr worhera and deserve hearty 3l thjrive otlss mwmlfimyw m lhhnnr wmmmm r wm wmaxlmaswtt- fkjfalfissai ifflpsffifflkewff- fmfzlwflssl pr tm verily tbesoaro timea that try mena sole tlio sunday schools aro baaily engaged in preparing the programmca for tlipircbrlstmab entertaldtnedtb dnring dr piercers asenob dr t t harris of oakville will have oharge of hia dental praotlco and will call at hia offioe over browns drug store on the seoond and third thursdays of eaoh month the christmas qlobe was reoelved csterday it is a very pretty and seaspn- ahlo number of fitly pages artistically printed in colors it- has the dpaanal merit of being original in the selection and nmtnufment of its subjects a very interesting and inslraottva lecture on the tho higher physical unllurofor women was given in hills hall op tuesday afternoon by miss ford of toronto msny oiprdaalodb of appreola- tion and pleasure were offered the lecturer at tho olose this yonng lady showed her ability to disonas the inbjeot both in address and iliuatrajlon all were pleased when she announced ber intention of giving another talk the object of theie lectures is to promote the besltb parity and bappine of the home v oreat music offr send us the names and sddreasea ot three or rooro performers on the piano or organ together witiiten cents in silver and we in order to clear out the balance of this seasons stock we are offering these goods for the next two weeks at greatly reduced prices our overcoats and ready- made clothing still to the front freshgroceries always on hand if you will come early we can promise superior work on iirne two i dozen photos e r bollert co 25 and 27 wyiulham street guelph gcoqs r s by rna 50 cents and receive dozen small photps p ari two address ram8haw photb aftlst acton ont jgmcbeath acton ontario wanted an ezperloneedr canvasaer to travol and appoiotio maln street planing wills v john camerons architect and contractor uanuraeturerof sash doora frames hoolding in all styles dbissnta mad moulding to order on short notlee woli assorted stock- on band at lrlces tosnl ths tlmoa john cameron proprietor every day brings somthing new and attractive for christmas this week we have added a full stock of rib- bpns newest shades in plain silks handkerchiefs in large varieties table linens table napkins mens ties scarfs gloves suspenders etc xmas groceries unequalled new raisins currants new lemon qrange and citron peels new cocoa cocoanut icing sugars pickles spices figs dates nuts all kinds lowest prices in candies best flavors in teas orders left in our care will receive prompt attention mill st febo adton photograph cameras and eipauieajpald the bradlkyqaiuutiion co limited toronto wanted s olioitorb for canada an enoyolopedu of thoobuntrjridflveltoyaj quarto vol jiuieu mo aau cummlsslou pal v ly a canvasser reports hia first week makiog over seventy dollars profit will mail you ten pieces full sheet ransio conbjbting of popalar aongt waltzes manlies oto arranged for tw piano and brgan address popular maslo pob co indianapolis irid indigestion ahd too hearty eittaj a per fect remedy for dixjlness nausea droirai ncss bad tasto in the mouth coated tongde fain inthe suc torpid uver the reguuto tho bowels poryegetable small phi sian dom small mti- y substitution tho fraud of tlio day sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carter little liyer pills wtrfc m jeweleits silver mounted fine silk umbrellas just opened ebony hair cloth military and bonnet brushes silver mounted congo oak walking justin- nes gxjelph im 3li3b8 the clearing season is at hand and we purpose making the following lines go out with a rush millinery tho balance of ouratock of fall millinery comprising shapes of all itlnda feathers wings ospreys fancy ribbons and nil kinds of trimmings to be cleared at greatly reduced prices we cannot quote prices here but customers can rely on securing genuine bargains v mantles we have had a rood season in msnile sal ing because our goods are right la style and price from trjay the balance ylll be cleared at cut prices n h these gonda are all df the shorter and fashionable lengths we have none of thel ong german jackets fashionable nowhere which so many merchants are struggling to sell dres goods we have some genuine snapsin this department come and see them you can only appreciate valuesprgocidb yseelng for yotirself jfaw3 ljpibiaww- w prlcoi n4 fall to letwrereaif we have several lines overcoats are offering at bargain we art showipir akwal range of fus gooid inraos of wt klndsi muffs caps dtpeat rna aarachtt jadcets we ateiaipg aspefilllpf grey soar sevor mwj hvmmf xff00ii0 fancy china work watchespghains kings 1 japanese 1- novelties canes and umbrellas vl kfpuiitain pi pens ia wygold j spectacles m tijim and everything which jewelers sell in guelph theyre good if bought at pkingles coi of kihjg aiid flnglison sfcs great noveitibgr clearing 13ale many liries iof seasonable goods offeririgat quick selling prices sale commences monday 22nd inst continuing daily until disposed pf mantle dbpart11eht the eontinued mlldweather leaves us with a largsranrplqs of jackets tban we eare to hold these are alt aaasonable sood xfote tho priosa lot no 1 w onlv blaok oi6th jaekou rcgu- larprieesmluspuh clearing st3ao eaoli notnoirante0k cottlaciiota regular to t eaett elaarlng at saab lot voi irid blaok jaeketa to ims elearini at eo oaeb lotkotisblaekjaekats regnlsr s1000 to llt9 at esoo eaeb ino5m biaek jaekeui regular 1200 to 11ts elsatriag at 7 each lotke aiiio blaetc laekets regular 813 to wo leleaiibg al 7j eaob lot mo tkia only blaok jsekels regular i8tb and llelearing at w eaeli lot no 8ia only blaek jackets rogular nut to sj7j0 elearlnsat sj9to eaob lot no rt only blank jaokatr regular ie eotojtilrugatuaib tait ynl int ntily flir1 rlnlh trlnt 1 ela colored lfeavert31oth fit loobos wide regular 900 to 975 clearing at 146 rcgulur aoo for 1 jo black and navy serges 54 loohcs vrldo regular 175 lor liujaooror 100 and amfor j75 black and navy boncle cloth rogular 9c0 for 175 au0ror8s5 plack barodls nlrclohiih jbcb jyldio rogularqno now 195 black venotian regular 900 to l5 and 395- nowl75 black bilk cord si inch regular 500 now 1 m cream astrabhad 51 inches wldo rfgolar 400 for 9j0 orey astrschai rogular 350 now fi00 fancy brown and white altraohan 450 to l95 fawn astrachan 860 to 150 fanoy reversible cloths nswost designs reg ulsr ho0 to 160 976 to 175 s60 to m anil 400 toscn oolorkd drebs goods lfionlr atrlped tweodbulungs alnsls dceas liattorns regnlaavaluo 075 olearlng ataooeaeh isarlnji at as each otmolllffoolored ci 10 tolui elsarlng at 9 each regular s776 toss lotmolllffoolored loth jaeket regular lot no 1919 colored cloth jackets regular iatqnsasnveraarlnat70 lot no ls10 colore jackets regular f475 toli75clrlnfatai0oaeli lot no jlio oily colored olotb jaokots regular llf ft 90uoijrldg afwl eaob with detaehawaoapes in beaver frleseeovert and boaels eloto air eolors regular a to 4 ja eltarjng it as sat b4nlarslootoxocliarlcgat5oo eaob bfmsfedrst7i btuarfj elaarlog at h eaoh bselaiaojtoojwbloarlogatojooacb oblijreria bfdsrdown ooats stripes ab plain colors 175 new jo i- cw jibraii yarav-coor- mv srjfi t ularlto ay rsratarit ehuruig at il jo a feiaifii rrelgbt or eipress prepaid to robr nearer prnnwa satutfaeuonuarabteed r i 7 un tw c 19 only fancy rllk and wool aultorc- 800 ror s85 regular 900 or a60 regular 150 for is 7 only welsh cheviots amgle ebbiumes vary stvlisb for jacket and aklnreinilarltjoo ror 673 i 8ont j rootch tweed blugie dress iatterns very eholce rogular 15x0 and 160o olearlng at 10o0each 6 pieces bonole elaids 44 laelies wide regular 40 and 60o a yardelearlng atfttaud 83e hlnoh obeok twed oorort sniungs and fancy bonolo effaou regular 600 olearlng at 35oeyard boools tweeds 44 inches wlds regular 76c eloaring at ioe a yard r ibtalobrdlrjiss goods wool corduroys 44 inches wldo regular b5o oloarlugatooo btriped creponi 41 inches wide regnlar 730 u wsgant broehe and afobalr bffeetb 44 iuehea wide jugular 195 or 100 aud 14 for j 85 nikrinflmcfhwf- jainnlimla all biaekcoatlngberge 46 inobea wide estra heavy regular valne ooo for a all wool a yard blaok broadcloth 68 luohss wide regular un for 100 coating boroo 69 in wide ojtra quality reg- 9jor 11 and 1 j for hoc railway station in onurio mfiwftfs hamilton ib ivigji

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