jcv 4 1 i- gjcv p pi sji n hft4 i fi tef ml l hi- 1 fifty years affo president polk in the white xlouie chair while in lowell was doctor ayer doth were busy for human weal one to govern and one to heal and as a presidents power ol wilt sometimes depends on a llvcrplli m r pollc took ayers pills i trov for his lwer fo years ago ero designed to supply a model purgative to people who had solpnff injured thenaselves with trripinff medioinei3 being carefully prepared jpwa their in gredients adjusted to the exact necessities of the bowels and liver thejr popularity waa in stantaneous that this popu larity has been maintained io well marked in tho medal awarded these pills at th e worlds fair 1893 so years of cures m ixtss thursday december 9 1897 iye-8mtn0- jolte on wings of song on wings of gong the message blest came down to earth from realms of rest the angels sang the sweet refrain earth echoes baelifagain again refrain glory in the highest hark the angels sing christ is come hosahna greetyour savior king on wings of song the message sweet to waiting hearts we would repeat vould tell his love who came today to take our cares and sins away on wings of song wed waft to lieavn our praise to god whose son la gtvn to us to guide us safely guide t6heav eterhaiuhristmas7tide wns out of sorts i was all out of sorts with loss of appetite and ions of fllepp i obuld oi draae myself wiuiotifratqppiug to rest my kidneys ware l affected i begun tnkiutf hoods sarssparilta i now have a better appetite and um able tq sleep soundly mre mararet bird 682 bethuno street pelerboro ontario huodu pilu aro tbe only pilu to tulio with iloodd sareaparillu easy yet effloient parson jobnhon so die little obilo arii a gi do do udder ooo belong toe de con trary box v mrs jackson yois ptthrion datu a gal too ifngryaidfl yellow oil the kreat p cure uded externally cares rheumatism welllnfs aprafni bra i lee gtiffaess pa a and soronenb ol every deecriptfon internally ubed it carea oroop colds borq throat hparsouebs asthma bronchitis quinsy etc prfco25o all drnggiati somo years ago tbo caa liter vt a jltlvor- pool mqiohant roooivod a lniikufeuifitind note which her litld tip to lite ij4ii tp jrnuke sure it was genuine iu ao doln ho noticed eomo very imlttliuat rod rziarks as if wofcda bad been traced on the front of the note and ou tbo lunruiu and out jof ourioiibity bo tried to dcclpbor them at length be madu out tho following eiiiitenoet it thin notu should full into tho linnds of john dean of longhillmitr iiq will learn thereby that hia brother jij lunnirjh- ing a prisoner in algiers mr dcun ou being shown tho note lost no tlmo in abk- ing tho govern mout for aeaiettuice and finally beoured the freedom of hia brothnr on payment of a run boo to the boy the unfortunate man hud bueu a prisoner for eleven years and hud traced with a piece of wood pen and his own blood fori ok the message ou the bank note in tbo hope of its being seen eooncr or luter bobby paw whataa atateaman mr ferry a atateimanib a misguided person who tries to asarptbe right a of the newspapers to un the country kidney deceit how many are unintentionally be- celvod in treating kidney dlsor- djers can you af tord to trifle with your own existence if you sue pact there is any k idney trouble discard pills powders and curoaha south american kidney cure is a timetried and testified kidney specific a remedy which dissolves all obatraatioub whioh boala aud atreokthonb the affeoted parte and whioh fiom the jy atom is tbo only safe and sure remedy in oases of kid ney disorder- snoh a remedy is- south amerioan kidney gore this ia not hereaay the formula baa been pat under the severest of tests and it has bnen pro claimed by the greatest authorities id the world of medical aoience that liquids and liquids only will obtain the resplts sought for a liquid remedy taken into the eyn- temgoen direotly into the oircnlation and attaoka immediately the affeoted parts while solichi snob as pnio or powdera can not attain these results kidney disorders can not afford to bo trifled with the qaiokeat way ia the safest way to combat thebo insidiona ailmontd this great remedy never falls its a liquid kidney bpeoiflo its a solvent sold by a t brywn a bankbills message helpless for sx months rheumatlaro holdhim in cmfllna suffefed untold torturethe great south american rheumat- lc cure waged war and avon complete yiotbry relief in a few hoursv vi have bena groit sufferer from rhea- matihrn 1 wbb completely bplpleaa for overslx niontha j tried all kinds of reme- ieb but got uo reiief having noticed strong teatimoniuld pnbliabed of tbo cures by sooth american bhoumalio core i obtained a bottle of it and received relief from pain from tho first doae and in an incredibly short time x was entirely freed from my bufferings james k cole almonte ont sold by a t brown how to succeed dor your work wherever yon are and do it faithfully and well and ao contentedly that men wilt want yon on btep higher audi will call you up when yoaget there work so ateadily that they will want yoa still higher the better yoa work the higher they will want you higher higher higher yoa will be drawn np oo cot force yourself up that leads to chicanery to pretence to mistakes and even o tempta tions and crimes h w boecher a coat t di fit when poole the english ullor wai an old man he waa at brighton on a vaoaiion and one afternoon went ont to walk opon the pier a youns man who was on the pier with two yonng women laid now yoa wouldnt take that goodlooking man for a tailor but he fir just listen while i take him down a notch or two as poole approached- he accosted him- here poole take a look at me does this coat fit v poole took in the situation it certainly does not fit said ho and polling out a bit of freuoh chalk heproooeded liberally to mark and cross tbo coat of his wouldbe qaeller all over and then pbierv- od with the utmost urbanity now if ypq will kjpdly send tbntcomto ay sbogi- constipation causes fotr haif taelcknese in the world ii retains the digested food too long la the boweut bulouancmi torpld llter lndt tongue slok b aomnta etc hoods euro constipation and all its results easily and thoroughly 29a ah draffs ts prepared by ci noods co lowell mass the ouly nils to toko with hoods sarsaparulo do the fight arid your idealofit frowa and perfects itself do tho wrong and yoar ideal of it broake up and vanialiee those who endure the pains of rheumatism shutifd be reminded that a core for this disease may be found in hoods sarsaparilla whioh as the ouo true blood purifier neutralizes the acid which causes rheumalibcd that is absolutely cures when liniments and other outward applications fail to glvo per manent roli of it is important to remember that there ia no much or little in gods sight except as relatively to our means and willingoees very many persous dio annuually from cholera and kindred btitnmer co pi pi a into who might have been saved if proper remedies had boen used if attacked do not delay in getting a bottle of dr j d kellogga dysontory cordial the medioino that never fails to effect a ciire those who have usedit say it acts promptly and thoroughly subdues tho pain and diaeaee jtycbetoblcprcparfllionrqras- sltnilating iheroodandreguta- that the fagsimile signature of ncssandrestcohtalnsnelther opiuinmorptilne nor mineral not narc3 otic jtoymtroldiirsamuilpftcnx a perfect bemdy forconstipaj lion sour stomachdiarrhpeai worms c6rivulsonsfevensn- ness and loss of sleep toe simile signntiiic of v is on the 0f etiett ott3le of oiitorla is put up la onfrtlis lottlti only ii lirot sold la balk doat tllov anyoao tt sell wi anything elso on tha or promlso tnat it jimust u good and will answer ctoijt pnr- fose beo that you pt orabt0era tlslu- fm i dont meddle with what my friende believe or rejeot any more tlmn i aek whether tbey aro rich or ikior i lote them if ootober bripifa hbavy frostb arid wieda tho following january and febtnary witf be mild none so excellent a fool always wants to shorten snsoe and time a wise man wants to lengthen both a fool wants to kill spaoe and time a wise man flrst to gain them then to animate them the oioesslvo rise of atimalantb oaiises the hair to torn gray shnn tho cop and restore the natural color of the hair with halls hair benewer the alterations sbaubeattendsrl to fhe divine ideal sound health an essential in reaching the great av cairt paine8 oeleby compound bestows that biesfelng its use means vigorous manhood and womiuiiiood with clear and aotdve brain when rain oomes from the west it wit sot qontinue long that mbing head oan be inbtantly reliev ed by taking one of milborns storllng eeadaohe powders 1 powder for 6 8 for 10 and 10 for 25o ella how do yon likethe fit of my new jaoiiet hattio fit i why its rnorelikeo oon vnlsion it is often a mystery how a cold bas been osogbt the foot is tiowevor that whnn the bipod ia poor and tbe system depressed one beoordea peoaliarly liable to disease i have beon troubled with siok hendaobo for over a year lately i have uaed laia liver pills and dud that they tolp me more than any other medicine 1 have ever taken they are an excellent pill flusirjg no pain or griping louvidg no ufter ill efrcots miss ellen hicbb sidiitb boy ont if all saints payii wiuter saint martins day will bring oat indian summer from personal experience y v- many linve tried fovyonrs to discovcks forjtk remedy bui tabic to constipation bjl ilendticho kidnby mihing from poor qud 1 sortlered liv to tboso we eay own onso uaneee indigostion ind liver complaints weak stomach bejlew medtcina wm blood fintof all j t5iatis the starting point on the road to health without it dyspep- constipatioiv bulousnesi headache liver and kidney complaints scrofula ulcers and abscesses thrive and increase in the human system but with pure circulating freely these disease cannot long remain there is nothing to keep them there no impurities for them to feed on burdock blood bitters purifies the blood and driyes out all impurities waste and effete matter more quickly and surely than any ether remedy if you want pure blood and good beauhtoke 134tooof food ibiiiiw there la as yet no culture no method of progress known to men that is bo rtoh and complete as tbftt which ia miuiatered by a truly great frienrjahip veak jicrvea nerve weakness accorapaniee heart trouble both aro curable by milburns heart and hcrvo pilla the buoceasfol tonic and iuvigorator those who use them praise thora hero in ouo my nerves were completely unstrung says mm h church caledonia ont and palpita tion loss ot memory and suortuess o breath troubled me rreatly milburue heart and nerve pille were beneuaial from the first and removed tbeeo troubles in a remarkably short time they made mo feel better in every wa ffeefe wh t app o th strength ayers sarsaparilla should be taken without delay up io the snbject teaober name six animals of the frigid zone tommy four polar bears and two seals why it was never broken no sir i never break my word vtoo flexible eh head nerves are disturbed when the stomach refuses to do itsi work indl- trestlpn upsets the whole sys tem and makssl wrecks of more hopeful lives than any other cbmplalntunderthe sun the great compound keeps the body in perfect condition the illustrious germain philosopher kant siys there iswitbln every mind a divfne ideal tho type after wbfeh he was oreated the sgerms of a perfeot person it is true th rnefl mod wom approsoh tho di vino ideal the rqore earibly happiness will they enjoy in order to march steadily onward to the great goal set before all men and women jnost bi pbysi oally sonnd porily of heart and grand elevation of mlod will never accomplish the treat victory if the body be siok arid diseased thosa who aspire to true manhood and womanhood are the men and women who take the precaution to banish the vary first symptoms ot disease that tired feeling you exporjonoe from day to day tbut per voaa headache you dreadao mach that cant alep condition that xnak you woaiand wreiolied the palm in aide and back ipdlcatipg kidney oheeam tbe sharp twinges of rheumatism and nenralsla that make hfe misery that constipated babit that is modldg pouoointoyoor life blood authem varied ijrmptomi lea1 to dim and death aplesa they are banlibed pioft celery oomponnd pat bs oat- ofroji3rioal mohiuory in prfct work ln cimhiltod nd niv all rirtigood hraltb this ropu6llcmimsdi dne is vfo ibatrierfm stfeogth and yipor to the limb gv th vbytiqfiii 0111 iii ii4mr w brinflarpepitid wfttojhfrjrlp pndtiry mpbnaim njlcioo for sev ye i have been the subject of nervous beadaohea and last ajune i became absolutely prostrated from the trouble i also became a martyr to indigestion i woe persnaded to try booth amerioan nervine i procured a bottle my beadaobes ware relieved almost in tautly and in a remarkably short time left me ebtirely the remedy has toned up and bailt p ray syatem vrdnderfully jamea a bell beavertoa sold by a t brown mail wiat ptwplin hityj ttnty if i leqj nt misa s lawbon mono ton s p says they cured mo of constipation and sick headache mn 11 james st nicholas hotel hamil ton ont bayolrhoy are a pleasant sure and quick euro for constipation dyspepsia and biok hoodncho imirh m e hicns south bay ont laxftliverpillh ato excellent for eck- hcadache causing no pain or griping man jons toinisson hamilton ont tliey are a perfect euro for overt tho severest headache an unusually clear atmosphere when diatant objects may be easily seen means raio- they never fail mr s m doagbner lengtod writes for about two years i was troubled with inward files but by using parmolees fills i was completely oured and although four years have elabped aimco then they have not returned farmaleea fills are antibilious and a speoifio for the cure of liver and kidney complaints dyspepsia costiveneba head ache files etc and will refulato the secretions and remove all bilious matter t part ot our noble friends tbat we love ia not that part wfl embraco but that unsensible part that out arms cannot em brace worms oauflofeyeridlineao moaning and restlessnobb daring sleep mother graves worm exterminator ia pleasant sure and effectual if your druggist has none in btock get him to procure it for you manwanfed- for ovory unoccupied district in canada to soil our hlrb grvdo canadian grown nursery stock every itreo and buau ruaran- toodrroo from ban joao bohio llboral terms to part time men and good wages to tboso giving tbolr ontiro tlmo to tbo work tbo demand for good home grown and acoll- inatod nursery ntoultlaon bo lncrcobo apply now and soouro flood ground all ouratock guaranteeo truo to name or pur- cbobo prlco refunded e p blackford oo toronto canada shops and warerooms foot 61 willow st calls nttendeitl to day or night j a speiglit fe co undertakers and embalmers acton pot- latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furn1 of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices yourinspecti6nnrivited jaspeigotgo orders left with j n stinson rockvyoqd will reiv- imrnediateattenlion l iooototioto slmto3eit3 are out again this season in new styles and all the new shoe shapes right up to date but with the same old wear like iron quality that has always char- acterized them because they arehon- estly made of pure rubber be sure you set gbahbys this year tasspic railway timb tjmc5 grand trunk railway nuinu wijht blull hxiirua mull ooino kait d 41 u in i kxprcsh u qiout u ii pm lixurcbs 10 47 am 7 00 imu mall tl 11 pm mixed loeaiini tilik ov ciohlhil wauu gollie wciht j li- iim mul oho im ooine kast 10 15 iili mid 0 45 pm tlili titno tnblo went into cittrot on filondni nov 30tb lfcjg kyytycycyytyvy7yyy satisfactiari or your mo back wanted i bavo over held it as a maxim never to do tbat through another whigh it was to he wnlcuoil to do easily nhat is difficult for others is the mark of talent to do what is impossible for talent is tbe mark of gooius anzloas mothers find dr iktvt worm syrap the beat medioinolqeipol worms oblldron like it worms dont aii m the ororra fly wuth raloi weather will follow it north warm spell ibay be i i if ejililb isavseff feedbsg snd chase each other aroonol the field yon may safely expect raio blseplsstness is dne to nervoos excite ment the delicately ponailtoted the flnancler the bnsiness man and thos whose ocpapatipn nsoesaliatea groat mental strain or worry all suffer less or mora tram it sleep is the reat restorer of a worried brain andto get slesp cleanse the stomach from all imprtrlllee with a few doses of p arrnaleej vfgotable pills relatloe oosted oonlswfng no meroary and are guaranteed to give satisfaction or the monsywiu be refonded after vyphold afior i had typhoid fever kidney troub les ensaod i bad torrfblo palob in my back head and bhoulders and felt tired drowby and dragged oat and had annoying arinacyjtuhblas i have grown daily iet- er sinco i commoncod using doans kidney fills i have no pain of anyklod sleep well feel rested and the urinary troubles have completely disappeared j w usdriss port hopo if goldonrod blooms oarly bitter cold weather will provail it heals tlioluiiks gentlemen i was troubled for years with weak lungs and could ret do relief but oh trying norway pino syrup found it sbted splendidly hoti7g and btritnkllnitinf my lungs li j furlong lower woodstock carloton co new brnniwiok waluli that tliu bowe ac r never neglect cbnetipation espceiajjy as it oan be promptly and permanently cured by burdock blood bitters during five years i suffered from- constipation and lose of appetite whioh rednoed me to a grave stato bnt two bottles of burdock blood bitters completely cored fne of my terrible sufferings oeorgina plant lotollior man when wrens aro been in winter oxpect plenty of snow if spiders spin the ularaents of their webs long tho weather will bo severe for ten or twelve dayb totally deaf mr 8 e orandell port perry writqaj i coutraoted a sevoro oold last winter whioh resuuod inmy seooming totaly deaf in one ear and partitllyio in tho other after trying various rehnedies and ooueulting eevoral dootpr wltboct obtaining any rolief i waa advised to try dr thomas ecleotrio oil i warmed the oil and poured a little of it into my eur and before onehalf tho bottle was used my hearing was completely restored 1havo heard of othor casos of deafness belug cured by tho use of this medioine if your children are well but not robust they need scotts emulsion of cod- liver gil we are constantly in re ceipt of reports from par ents who give their children the emulsion every fall for a month or two itkeepsthem well and strong all winter it prevents their taking cold your doctor will confirm men to sell tor the ronihul nurseries 0ver700 aorea ot canadian grown stock weimport no stook from the states farmers farmers sons implement agents students toachors rottrodmlntbtcrsenor- sottoolerka who willi to make advauaement nd tbo work of soiling our hardy home- grown nursery stoolti ploaaant as well as prontablo we waut raoro such men this season aa tho demand tor our goods is inoronslng owing to tbo fa that we gmuuumu t no fluill san jose soale wo ruako cohtraota for nliolo or part time mop employment tuo yoar rmirid we pay both alary and oomraisslon vrito uo for our toruis outntfroo stone wellonatolt toronto ontario iii accordance with our advertise ments to guarantee our workmanship to the fullest extent and in every particular and as an evidence that the guarantee card which you will find in the pockets of shoreys gar ments means what it says if you are wearing iadyovvear clotliing and do not find it perfectly satisfactory in every particular and will communicate your complaints to us we will see that you are satisfied or your money refunded hi shorey co montreal mfga ol readytowear clothing abiffi premem every person who does not have to pay storage on his money s fcymliar with the difficult prot lem of making a small income answer the requirements of these advanced times footweariaono of the unfailing- necessities iind it- costs a good deal in thexourse of a year if you get the wrong kind we dont keep the wrong kind jjotthat we are- hiptc honest than the other dealers but pur long experience has taught usjiow o avoid being stuck oh poor- goods thls knowledge is necessarily of benefit to our customers be- causethe cheaper a shoe firm can buy the cheaper it can afford to sell cheap doesnt mean poor quality however for if it did bur shoes would not be cheap we keep no poor quality goods no matter what the grade for present roads and weather we can recommend our fall and winter stoplc now compiete you want a pair of rubbers call and get them w will jms the practical sb os iter- cbant acton ssmj calv ytfm tern i covered gear patent roller hd bu beriaj9 sun savings and loan co headoffice toronto ont autnarteecf capital 800000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of sc per share for 120 months when payments cease bgooo paid in maturity valiieroooo money to loan at 5 straight loan or rcpayablo in monthly inalalnicnts on appli cation to rolliik bbarinqs makers of theligut st running and best constructed galvan- 63 ized steel wind muis5 and towers made also the celebrated maple leaf grain 3rlnder write for brantfordcan illustralcd circulars j john qunt ii actqn aajnt for aboye also ion frost and wopd binders and mo a lull lino of all kinds of farm implements and repairs r j mcmabb agent aoton tkls the oil combined with the hypophosphites is a splen did food iojtiic- 50c and 100 all dniffgiata scott 4 downe chemul toroni thero never was and nsver will be a nnlvoraal panacea in one remedy for all ills to wh fob flesh is heir the very natcro nf rhany rnr b sq th w gnats flying in cornpaot bodies in the beams of the setting son iudloate fine weather ttvo warnings losing flcsu la ouo aud a haokiug congh la another if they come toothor tue warning is a loud and hard one bootts emulsion does some pi its best work id these oases it prevents ooueump- tlon ftti tho gorme of other and differently seated disoaties rooted in the system of thbpationt what would relieve one ill in turn would aggravato the other we have howevor in qoinine wjne when obtained in a sound onadnhecated state sv remedy for many and grlevons ills by its gradual judloious nse the frailest systoms are led into con valescence and strength by the influonco which qniuine exerts on natures own restoratives it relievos the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronic stato of morbid despondence and lack of interest in life is s disease and by trannuilfeing the nerves disposes to sound and refresh- ingileep imparts vigor to the action of tho blood whioh being stimulated bourses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy anlm 1 fuuoliuiu of the system thereby making activity a necessary result trenglbening the frame and giving life to the digestive orcauswhiovnalorally depoatad looteasod substaflce result im- nrovedappeille northrop 4 ltnian of tqcobtb have riven to tliopubllo their qclblne vyine at tho usual rate and ifjsdy the opinion of scientists this tf loeapproaehes nearest perfection of any trieitketi all drnsglsts so ii the campaign i prepare lofwjhda we would ball your attention to tho faot that we are prepared to snpply v will lumber of suitable lopsjlli for your dam poors viz 10 13 18 or ii feot also sashy doors vi pbames mouldings etc for building blorni doors put np ot as low a rate as possible repair your pumps or nnt in now ones before it is too cold wsoah do it shop at foot of river street acton tho8 ebbace manager we know cf no rcvlcv- pjtlished in tltls country ot ireunpc whih cttirei ciucsi fully as 1kb axiairan mrktuv ihs tlsrinssa timeliness enj erfy ol jfiuim whh lha soupdjuittnl ciuly wfifled cpinirn eiticl knowledge and vercr errl c tft curly literary fcrlcilmth cr- jt is impossible to prornbe parllcular features that wilt appear in the american monthly during tie cornlne year for it is at the bookman says a creat monlhly newspaper as such it prlnh for its readers an itlusratd account ollhe notable things which make thai milory of tils month of the political fit ecqnomlc and literary happenings wfuch are of value to intelligent men and women the editors progresj of the world tells sic- clnctly an illustrated story of the month the ltadirig articles give the best thought and informalion of the current maguines in five conti nents t the contributed articles furnish the character sketches cl the man of the month and give tirrely discusslcns by authorities on any qjtsion of immediate serious import the result of hh comprehensive effort to ectsl in one monthly volume the reformation ncededby inteljigent rppicofuveinslmclaisbcstgaugeo trie opinions which the readers of the american monthly have seen fit to express these are thinking business men clergy men editors lawyers prefcuors engineers the wtdcawake women of america they write that the american monthly is indispensable is simply invaluablei ts a generous library in ilsclf is a historical cyclopedia of the world the best means ol aid for a busy man the best periodical of the kind wt fiv ever hadi a triumph if fdltpful genystlie worh under it litldtlfttt elt if l earlvtobed earlvto rise stick to business and now s the time to ndvertlse people are going to have moncyto spend ibis win- ternslhoy havenot had-for-years- snquiie at tnc free fress office for rates and space for twentysevhl tbajis for specral offer the current number and the two preced ing issues subscription price j2s0 per year address american monthly jreview of reviews 13 astor pia newyork asinter is here and cooper sl akins are well prepared for is having jnst opened a fine new stook ol oloths specially suitable for winter suitings winter ovgrcoptlrigs etc wo have a very floe assbllmeut in all lines binoe oommencips bpelness in acton vfe have had asauranoe from all customers that the garments turned pat by ashave given entire likllsfsqtlon from all standpoints iyoarit6nificii iia yrtcfiffpdrm hairs tjjroet a6tprii j jr e end of the year 8518 subrcribe today thecooksberlfnd larqmt sale jm canada imiiiiililllulllg v c great offer ropr tho froo proil iloalrlnp to grontly tnoronjo iu subucrlptlon lift ninm tho rollqwlnu groat offor to i ho fitrmum hiii stookmoii of cminrtti whoi sorlbera to wcoslr froo prc i one years paper freey tho froo prosa line mado arrnnkc- mo vrtorlnarr hetoqiw publlalilng co for a niiinlior of coploaot their book tlio votorlnhry rtcloncf the prlco of nliloh la 2110 thlsboov tronts fully mil in plitlnjititknngo the anatomr dlaonnm nnd trontmont of jpomeatlo animals nnd vniltrralso eontaliilnea fitllfloscrlptlonof moplolnb and ilooolptii so hint overyfoinior pan- be bis own veterinary n -v- mji toe wookly frea proas h 11 1 wlrr and homo fordne year prlco f auiafli stbonyof ihovatfrinnry boitinoq prioi kwljtloth will be milled tniiyr areaavupon tho rocelpl ortistfoilai do not mlaa this clianoei wo onnridi aflbrdo oontinpo thlnofrqr lihlorinttelx opr object i11 mnulnglt nor m ti acr allimmodiate roaponao which p beraloflbr mightfall to nttravt- member by sentliiiff s300for thp t ton get the weokty froo pron farm and jfomq one year ppeb jlgf nu wanted overywlioro aiff tdl communications to thp j 1- lv frccpfciss ms snwtinnnnntinnhi iyi cv- i vi rjsatuv-