Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 16, 1897, p. 1

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v volume xxmifo 25 acton ontabto thubsday december 10 1897 price three cents be tion fxtt flress ia puouhitbd- eveby thursday morning at tbs free presssteam printing office ulii street acton ont taoua op bijbflonirtion oho dollar per yoar strictly in advanoo all subscriptions dlioon- tinuodwhon tbo time for which tboyb avo boon paid baa ox pi rod tho data to which ovory subscription ia paid la denoted on tho ad dross label xdvjlbtiain6ilil tranblorit advertlso- wonts 10 ooate por nonparoll lino for first in- sertlon 8 cents per line- lor oaoh aubsoquont uaertlon r oontoagt batbb tho following toblo abowo our rateaor toe insertion of advurtlfloinonta for specified poriodb ghriatmas i sirnsof xmas aro majang their nppenr anco in ail departments of our store ou k many years of uuving and sell ing have fitted usto do better for you this christmas and we are prepared to do so with the most complete line of xmasnovel- ties ever3hown in the city we have h veryiatest ideas in cards calendars and booklets ourassortment of toys and fancy goods is complete and tjpvro tub traders bank of canada authorized capital 1000000 sfaob 1 1 vll 5 110 jt ho 1uo loiuobes lolnahas ffjqohebt linoh vj 10400 8500 s000 1 oo 3500 30100 nog u50 2000 1200 700 300 roo soo bbo 10o advartlaamonta without apociflodlreotlonb frill ba inserted till forbid ana ohargott acoord- dgly transient advortlsemonts mutt bo paid n advanoo- advertisements will bo ebangod on oo each month if doairod for changes of to nor than eoqo a month the composition mnatbepaidfor at regulai rates changes forgontractadvortlsamonts moat bo p the offloo by noon on tuoadaya accounts payable monthly hpmoobe editor and proprietor guginggg iltwtorp medical j fubenmdom oflloeand roeldenco corner mill frodorlok streota aoton a s- elliott mdm b xala acton graduate tononto univebbity office main streot third door sooth of presbyterian church acton fjr dryden eyb eau tiiboat and kobe moieanb bjock douglaa st near p o guelph oman hours 10 am to 1 pm aud 3 tofl pm sondatb 10 am to l pm veterinary surgeon a lfred p husband v s graduate of tho ontario veterinary collogo honorary mombor of tho veterinary medical society 0fick vm iliiabands lot 2con 4nass- agaweyo calls day or night promptly attended to dental 1 l bennett lds dentist xjft okobobtown ohtabio db f s merger dentist graduate of toronto university and rcd8 offloo oter drug store acton viarrnia data thursday aud poiday cuelph branch sams of 81 oud upwards received on r and bighoat current rate of interest paid or compounded halfyearly derwsit receipts issued for large sums deposited o advances made to responsible farmers on tbeirown names no ohargenrjadefor fyleiiinr siipb notea if payable in guelph a general bankingbuaineas transacted a f ii jone9 manager oirij jm bell dds lds dehtibt blwokvillb h0hoh gnaduatb 0 toronto unlvznsity work made batlafaetory prloea modtarato vibitqfo days tneaday and friday of oaob week d r g h cook dentist cor college st and spodloa avo touonto will visit acton on tho first and third satur day of each month orncs agnewa hotel legal m clean mclean barrlatera solicitors kotorloa conveyancers 40 prltatefondatoloan offloo town hall acton wm a molbar jko a mclean d odglas a murray babnibtbnabollcitona noanie8 etc orricea t12s6 queen st parkdale vlctrlaohambaram victoria bt toioin6fl6 yy john dooqlab toronto a o muiulat a jmapkinnoni uajuubtxbi solloiton convktakcen oniob mill street in matthewa blook upatalra t g matheson j b moleod asbibtkba boilcitobe convbyancenb goorgotown and miltod money to loan at lowest rates b j monabb olerk fourth dlvlelon court county ofhsl- 6n oonteyanoer agent fire andufoasburanoo ileal estate agent llonoy to loan eto onrioarperryinanablock aoton- y ont miscellaneous itenbygribt jq rv ottawa oak ada bouoltotofatenta for invention etc predores appllcatlona for the canadian amer- icad and bnropoanpatont offices and for tlio iteglatratlon of trade marks bond for pam phlet thirtytwo ye mnerlenco tb ihanoibnunan bookbindee wvndbamst ooolpb ontaxlp tovor w store acoonnt booka of all kinds made to order rerlodloala of every deaerlptlmioarof ally boacd khngnetiitwnri promptly done tfiirabiliaoe licenses y he mpdiie lfitnxii or manmioa tjioznbes private offioa no witnesses roqnlred taauod residence in the evening 4 prttiprem pfflce aoton f jhion0y lahueits ii joawiiti o mflom tpnrintomrt j- or monro a flntaltfa loan of monoyt lowlnurec uj on ui tenmoc ronymnt i mte iwlilir of ibnainr oll ori my- rnooy na dtb iiufjuruijuimljb on village properly 7 i n l od w c jackson ooxvkranorn ahd mqmktlkhdtn omios wyndliiiiu 8tnwotyhajiaoeiirir wellington mutol fire insurance company ftrchpumnd 1840 insurance onoulind mntaal pln any ootninauletlonironrrde4l to my addnwi lloi ms or talophone 68 will be promptly at- wntadio j0hmtayl0 qoelnli m hbmbtreet iiioixmd aornoxks for the oonntlm ol wellington itrid hlton onjwleitillfbta tali offlw aoton or itmyroldenofn aot9p will bo promptly tendalo feetanolto alio raonfft to lbuion ihb molt uvorabls amltand t til lowm rata of lntnit in amo00iuia pwort mim i motjudirjitibmwisiiphjiw bainm hh01ronlmfesrtxoutl in on- ityloqf tli rivtmot prlo na on lalimtatyi hpriioo jiiri nil ibusiness college duclrn j shorthand institute bookkeeping penmanship shorthand typewriting and actual office work a specialty write for circulars j sharp prinel ptl man wanted fob ovory nnoeoaplod district id canada to sell our high grado oaoadlan grown nursory btookn every tree and bush guaran teed frou from han joso scale liberal terms to part time men and good wages to those giving their ontlre tlmo to the work the demand for goodhome grown and acoll- matod mirsary stock ia on the luoroaao apply now and secure good ground auouretockbuaranteod true todamo or pur- cuoso jirico refunded e blackford go toronto canada wanted men to sell tor the fonthiu nurseries over7qo acres o cmbtuutut grown stocjc we import no btoojctrom the states v tjabmeub formers sons implement agon ta j stadadcawteaeherarretlredhinlateraener- s otic clerks who wish to make advancement bd tuo worbf aollltlil otir hardy home- grown nursery stock ploasant aa wail aa pronublo wo want mora aaoh men this season as the demand for our goods la luoroasfng owing to tho fot that wo guarantee all our atook free from san jose aoale vvo biakocontraeta for whole orparttlmemen employment the yoar round we pay both salary and commlflblon write as for oar torma outouroo stone wellington toronto ontario the campaign prepare for winds wo would call yoar attention to the faot that we are prepared to simply yoa with lanaber of bnitable length for yoar barn doora viz 10 12 18 or h f cot also sastt doors frames mouldinos eto for bnildiog 8torm doom pat ap at bb low a rate as possible pumps beptr yoar panaps or pat ia new ones before it is too cold w oik so it shopatrodtof river street acton th08 ebbace manager wwwvvywwiviwwiywwwf abtffiisalt every person who does not havo to pay storage on hla money fawnhi wi th d p aye we lem of making a small incomo answer thetequirements of these advanced times footwear is ona of the unfailing aecessltlesand it costs a good deal in the course of car if yon get the wrong kind dont keep the wrong kind not that we are more honest n than tho other dealers bat our long experience has taught ushow jj to avoid being stuck on poor l goods this knowledgo is necessarily of benefit to our customers be- cause tho cheaper a can i buy thecheiper it jcao fcpbrd 10 f sell cheap doesnt mean poor quality however for if it did our shoes would not be cheap we keep nc poor quality goods no niiitfer whatlhe grade for present road and weather we can recommend- our fall and winter stock now com i i i i i i i you want a pair of rubbers gall and get thahii vv v tub pjiactxc4l flflojc mis- u ypefjt when gift hunting we want you to look at pur array of lamps silver plated ware table cutlery scissors carvers razors pocket knives skates five oclock tea kettles carpet sweepers the now buyers are the wise buyers stocks complete novv j m bond co guelph youll soon be thinking iipjf xmas presents ana such- like little tbinrs and quite naturally we would like to have you call on us when wanting anything in this line brioabrao and fancy china arc specialties and wo think we can sell you nice goods at lower prices than you can get anywhere else we also sell pictures and do picturejraming waters bros st ceorce8 so guelph- main straert planing mills acton ont john camerorij architect and contractor hanafaotarer of sub doors framos moaldin in all stylos d matching and moulding to ordor on abort ootloo t7ol aseorted stock on lisbd at i rlccb tosul tbo times john cameron j proprietor luifiter is here and cooper akiris are well prepared for it having jaat opened a fine new a took o cloths epecially ealtablefor winter suitings winter overcoatings c- wo have a very fine aaeortmebt in all lines binoe oomnienoink baslners in acton we have had aaanrance from all oaatomftrs that the garments turned out lyua have given entire eatlafaction from all standpointa fit style prides arid enduring qualities vour patronage ivabhoited cooper akins main street aoton sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont authorized capital 500000000 tenyear maturity shares arc paid in monthly instalment of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 6doo paid in maturity value 10000 money to loan at 5 straighjlatf or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton acton saw mills v eridwoo yards j tpltk bs i et rqi n maktjtaotoiutn amd dbilbk in lumber lmth shingles wood etc in tu kltpy they bay thoivs gold galore in tup kloodtko mora than ovor found before lu tbe klondike its no hold of barron itubblo or apooulatora bubble cut got ting t bores tho tioublo to tbokloildlke tbpyjayita yprycpld jotiiq klondike at least so ivo boon told from tho klondike yllenita sixty bolovr aoro vdb just botlt yvauta a lioro to ralooaboarty oboero j lu tbo klondike tuoroaro raauy onilgrinta tothjiklondlko who wodr atovea loaldo their paqti u la klondike if thoy btaod out in tho boece or ovon stop t9 anociip its toti to due they froeio in tbo klondike youve no tlmo to rldot wheel id tbo ktondlko goldti too plontiful to iloal in tbe klondike hut youll flud thonraiiesarorqur aud gold will loose its power wheu it wont bny ovoa lloitr lu tbo klondike tburull bo many fortuooa niodo i iutho londlko and many mrisb thoyditayod away from klondike when tboyvo biont tliolr la trod cant and thoy aro homoward bont theyll bltuirjyropont thryweot to klondike youll ie tub lodorboer iu tho klondlka or doctor ffyouro queer up in klondike dont ruan upon your fato just take my advlco and wait till tbo railroad traok ruos stnlsht ibtoklondiko hnt j plcrbiirbllz pilotmouudman sttuzt yamiljt luailing rufes lfoertaling it was the year i built my store nnd got the corners poat office vvhiob by the good will of providence and my friooda ive held ever eiuce no matter who was viii at amogow77t hat iflrat tooknotioeol sbiftleas bufe dunning ho lived with bia father and mother justaoroaa tbo flits at the foot of west hill ia tbo edge of the big woods you know all this region was pioneered late and althoagb nearly every thing was cleared up on tbta eide of tho valltjy und the pine timber had long been oat off bo iiats there was a boavy growth of niixoi hardwood and hemlock to the weat that rtretcbed avay btok i dont know how many milei hero and there the little openings on the aide of west hill log hooeea were atitl to be teen and the folka liviugin thorn were soniotimea rather primitive tbo dunninga were probably the most noaccount of the lot they lived in a little shanty old rate had kiiooked together out of some alabb given blm by tbe saw mill bobfl they had only little patch of ground and they lived on what they rala ed the flih they oanght aud what they trapped and ahot they didnt steal aa i know of bnt they were all tziortal shiftless and young rufe wab worse than either bia father or his mother ia fact he was bo allfired lazy if i roust put it id that way that evon the old mau fait diaounraged abobt bim young bufe was 22 before anybody suspected that be coald possibly have any ambition at all oaa day he saw kitty sylveater ho was the daughter of tho flrat manager oi the big parkley eafate old man barkley the graudtitbrr of ino present barkley who never oomes near the eatato- bad just pat tbo place iu a managers bands and moved away with birr family now kitty was a real aaneible goahead girl bbakno that tho sylves ters were aa good as anybody around the corners if not a little better and abe tried to live op to the family reputation in all ways whoo a girl her mother had been famooa for tbe work ibe could do and kitty was not a whit behind every morn ing in the winter she was np ftrly and got breakfast by candle light al day long abe wove carpet or quilted comforters or apun atookingyarn or did something else that counted every morning in the aoromer sbo waa up with the sun and evory day when it went down abe had ohuriied and worked morebutter or made more cheese or in sorao other way did xnora work than any other woman anywhero aronud oodld do arid she was the faviureit girl in the country everybody laid ilia was the smartest young woman goioff and natur all she was considered a bfhlydeslritble cat oh bnt she held herself mighty shy of them all for awhile- and it was regularly given out that no youog nam need ever think of keeping compauy with kitty sylveslor who wasnt her match both at working and saving 80 when it waa noised about that pun bate of all the world bad got hfao a pair pf qne boots a ruffled ahirt doeskin pantaloons and a broadcloth coat ami hid began to ahino up to kitty there was a general uproar folks couldnt belietoil a aral bat it wasnt anywhere near si bard to wallow as what came afterward yon see tbe ootglvdg tiit bad been made about the kind of a chap kittys hnwband wqn4 jiave 6 be had flfte ft buudaye and holiduye you may come and ueorae just once hero oomoa fat li or and youd bettor make arrangements to cut for blm on bbare toktttyd faiirpriao shirtless rufo stood bis ground and when ber father came in started at once to discuss tho proposed arrangement wakslist sylvester aaid rufe grasp ing the old mans band i aiut never been no great haud to work but i must havoaohancetokeepcornpny with kitty r and she eajs i may come- to see her after ive chopped cord wood a year lwpnt be do fnnhqt i most have kitty and if ive got to work to git her why then ijiave an thats all there ia about it sylvester was at tirat inclined to be angry at kittyjor jriilinc with rufe but coholud- od to humor the situation and bidding kitty leave the room told tbe young man be waa roidyto mukb a bargain with him k cau out cord word off the eafate on shbjfea rute of oourae ifyoa want to ill bot as do gomo trecp right uear your fathers bhauty on the other eido of the flats but you want to take off them fine boots and them doebkfn puns and that tbero broadcloth eoat and you dont want to put fhetn on again till yonyo worked hard a whole year yoaro tooshiftlebs to bs allowed to think a aingle minute tboat kitty now and i suppqno you always will be hit you neednt say no more mist sylvos- ter pat in shiftless rute but cauc 1 see kitty again jubt long enough to say good night r yea said ttie old man you may and ill toll her weve made tho bargain she huigfflted then he oalled kitty into the room as ahe eufered ahe noticed for tho first time that riifc dressed up wasnt at all bad looking and that ho atumed twice the man he had been before she kept quite eilent until her father had finished then she reached out and took jufed big bo ft paw in her own braalt baud a hand that was oalloused with hard work in spito of its uttlentsj mr puniiing she paid i hope youll keep your burgaia as faithfully as i shall keep mine after you have worked hard for a year you may come and see mo onoo whether yoa may come again or not wilf depend on youreeif good even ing mr jpuuning nobody fead ever ca shifllfiaaliiife mr punning before and the title scared him far more ibau the notion of workibg everyday for twelve long months from the time be left the big hoaae that night he waa fit to drop the title ahiltleaa next morning as aoan as it was light the- ebarp ring of bis axe was heard aoross tbe valley biting out the chips as ho ohopped dowm the first tree of the yearlong stent long before noon that day his big pulpy hands were blistered and swollen and by sundownthey were a eight to behold that night his mother cried over themand urged him to stop thinking about the proud atuokup girl on the other side of the valley theidearl muttered tho old woman between the whiff at her clay pipe white she dressed shiftless rafea hand do you think kitty sylventer will look at you just beoanso youve been fool enough to work a whole year why its puffickly ridikilis i alius knew you was a little light in the head rufe but i didnt think youd make a fool of yourself for no con ceited sylvester girl to this and much more of the same sort from both his father and mother shifilesa rufe mado no reply but wbilo yet the next morning was grey tho sound of his buay ax was sgahr wafted across the valley and this continued to tbo going down of tho sun and ao it went on day after day all the fall and through tu no manor how deep the snow or how stormy the weather rufe toiled oti onoeasingly when tho dijye were shortest in tbe middle of the wiuter he sometimes began before daybroak and worked after dark pplitliog the lengths he had chopped from the felled trees into fourfoot wood by the light of a tallow dip atnok into a lantern ot the pattern so common when the corners were new bat now rarely seen before spring folks got to going by rnfea ax and lantern in beginning and leaving off work morning and evening the siimo as they go by the big tannery whistle down the valley now and nobody who began to work as early aa rufe did aud worked till rufes lantern was out atnigbt was count ed lazy and rufe did more than chop cordwood that winter he learned to read and this both his father and mother considered a far more ridikilis proceeding yet more he went to meeting every sunday as regu larly aa the mqet piona and thrifty of the neighborhood not that he beoamo spec ially religiour as far as i know but by going to meeting he could get a glimpse or two every sunday of kitty sylvester and it was a little thing ibdeed for the man who was chopping cordwood a whole year that be might make one call on her to listen to a sermon onoe a week so that he could ait for a whole hour under the same root with her- 1 nobody knew then bow this devotiou of ber onoe shiftless noaooount lover affected kitty byivesterbutwo learned afterward that the sound of bia ax from morning to night echo lug across the valley became as mnaio in her ears and that the light of bis caudfo shining through the trees in tho mordlngs aud ovenlngs waa tbe delight of early and boan with quiok oaer strokes to cut a big hickory ho bad become an expert axman by this lirao and the sun waa not j ot high iu tho iky when the big tree oarhe down with a craabi it so hdp- poned that i waa over in tbe big woods that day wilb a neighbor looking afthe limber wo hoard the iroe fall aud at the same time a pcream aa if a strong man were in mortal agoug inaborry 1 ran in tho direction of the sound guided by jovmoans that follewed thebliriekrrifhete jionod under the brauob of a fallen trep lay shif tleaa rufe badly brasbed nd barely conaoioua for tbe tlral time in the entire year be tiiad raibchlculatad in felling jja tree aa quickly aa wo could my neighbor and i cut away the- brahoh and released tbo young man then wo got to gether a- stretcher of boughs on whioh wa proposed to corry him home aa wa lifted him be opened his eyes l i wiah youd take ma over 10 sylves ters first ho said faintly il want to call on hfa daughter sho erildi i might oomo toninhtand so did her father and maybe if you tako mo homo beforo 1 go there i wont bo ablo to eeo ber to night at all so wo carried him uoroja ibo fiats to the big houae on tbo barkloy oitato part of the way ho- was quite unconscious and part of the way he waa patholically delirious but when we reached tbo house b was quite rational though very weak and so it was that i was present when rufe tun ing mado love to kitty syivester hio lovemakingdidntukelony for blu strength wasaboutgane but ho bad tiasd to say what he wanted to aay and to bear what ho wanted to bear- aud when after a long look into kittys eyes poor raft peacefully oloiod his own hia big band no longer soft and pulp hut sinewy and strong clasped her little one in the plapp of an accepted and acceptable lover famous farmer boys there are somo people fooliob enough to laugh at the homely virtues of a farm life they are fortunately few and they are for tunately growing fewer bat c is well sometimes to look at the list of great men who came up from the farm oot all of them for that would fill thousand vol umes but some of the moat notable ones that flash into mind in a moment nearly threefourths of the meu who havebeen ohoflh by tbq people for- the great offices of the nation- aro oaea who were early familiar with wboded hllls and eultivated fiolda for example wftbhing- ton lincoln grant garfield hamlin greeley tildeo hayeb blaine earribon and many others almobt equally conspicu ous in current events of living memory among jourualiats henry watterson spent his early life in rural kentuokyarjd marat halstead was born and lived oh a farm in ohio w h vanderbilt was born iu a small new jersey town nnd early engaged in the baeineasof ship chandlery huflabll sage waa born in a new vork village jay gould bpent his early years on hie fathers farm in new york btato wblttier and howe la spent their youth hi villages the former dividing his tfino between farm employment and bia studies follow the list out yourself and see how long it will become kansas city timu one step enough for me one who carries a lantern on bountry road at night sees only one step before him if ho takes that one stop he carries the lantern forward and thus m altos another step plain at lenuth ho reaches hk declination in aafety without onoo goint into darkness the whole hue been mado light for him though only a bingle step of it at a time uho uwa nm gods guidance his word ia represented as a lamp unto the feet it is a lamp not a blazing sun not evifin a lighthouse bat a plain common lamp or lantern whioh one can carry about in tho bund it ib a lamp unto our feat hot throwing ita beam a afar not illamiotag a bepaiflphere bat bhining only on the little bit of dwity road on which tho pilgrims feet are wiik- ing the duty for oue moment ia ttlwayl clear and that ia as far as wo need concern ourselves for when we do the little that is olear we will carrythe light on and it will shine upon the next moments step reading good books it is not the privilege of every orie tn listen o tho groat thinkers and ipeaknra of oar timo when they visit our continent yet we aro not entirely shut oat from sft- ing at their feet aud learning their lesaonb the press with its nimble teeth catches a p their words and makes them oar perma nent possession wu havo a few precious little books just ibbued from the press of revcil oo tpronto whioh aro epecially suitable for endeavored ono is f b mayors castaway a book on the higher lifq moat excellently put and as attractive as a story aoother ib a j gordons yet speaketh whioh is as bmt aa anut and as luqioua aa grapes and dallghtaome to move upon aoother la cbrlst refleota in creation by o d maomillio a sag gestive little book for young- people the mind ueeds good food jast as tbe body does jupply it with what is good eoyou read tbo endeavor herald c e budget a medical suooeaa all kinds of wood in atook and promptly delivered to any part of the town at ih ramonibjo prloes btardwooa and slabs out itote length alw ya obf v asf mparfnfrocany uaifch rvl -a- appoint fcioritfj no canvassing salary op wmltfl toronto young fellows out a whole lot most of tbeni were willing to work sand willing to aaveaod they all admired kuty for she was as good looking as abe iw loduatrioua and frugal bat hex standard waa ao high it soared the boys and beaux got to be mighty seldom on the estate now as it turned out shiftless rufe thought mors of kuty than any of the others and at tbe very beginning abe gave him a little encouragement not much to be sure bnt enough to reform him com pletely he was naturally mighty baabfal when be called at the bg honie all fixed up in olothes ho wasnt used toi and kitty at first pretsitdtd she didnt understand that bo had ooms to see ber ill call my father ahe raid prljav you want to talk about catting eorae cord- wood no bald rufe directly i want rto know if i oan keep company with ypu the girl was atfcriled by hie failure to beat abbot the bosh but the answered quito aa directly w coruiily not itoure too laay xo keep i ijftait bt idea fiiahtd tbruukb iivr mlfl bp if yoajl cat oordwdthl a whole jwr eiery day but her eyes at last the long winter with its cold ua btormaapilsdbikneti wore away the spring passed aod tbo summer with its beat oame on vnow rttfell weaken said the loafers about the store its all right to work hard when its cold and the air ib bracing but hell let np in the hot weather bare bat they wire wrong all through the heated term rufoi ax gave noisy notice that it was still bitiug out ofafpa and spill ing up jepfill a at lit the year was nearly op ami old sylytriter had begun to ask bimatrlf whether hu had not made an exceedingly ud hargaiu after all for kitly was plainly hacli interested in the patient lover who had tuiled so long and so steadily for the privilege of call lug on her just once and it might be the old man reasoned that she might allow bim to oall the seoond timf and perhaps a third aud perhaps but the thought was luo awfal to diem s it falling in that he questioned the mrl who refused to answsr satiifaatorily r ml the two bad a vigorous quarrel in which mrs sylyeainr joined ukjdg kitty part riioat vigorously on the laat day of tho aliptilmlod la inoniha shi f uass rdfo weilto hi- work r 1 mister said the small boy to the chemist tflve me ano lmttlp o them pills you sold father day before yesterday are they doing bim good asked the chemist looking pleased i dno whether theyre doin father any good or not but theyre doln sxie good they just fit my new air gun baby ua3 gone to school tbo baby has gone to school ah tna t what will tbo mother do with never aoah to button or iiq or tie a little shoe how pan she keep horsollbuiy alt day with tbe little binder inn thing away anotuar baaket to nil with lanoli another qoodbyl to say and mother stands at tbe door to aeo bor baby march away and tarns with a sigh that is bait roller and half a something akin to flflaf sho thinks of a posslblo future nioru whan theoblldren ouabybne will go from iholr home to the distant world to battle with life alone and not even baby bo left to oliser the acattorod honie of that fntora year sho ptoka up uie garments bare and tbero thrown down in oareleii boats- andtreatotljlnkhovitwouwiirn irnotblpsrodlspuwd trtulioustf worp wlwayim till aa thlp uowcouljviuiebaaytuslonoliuwe boys must be more than honest it is not onough to day to aay that this or that boy is sbjolntely h in order to get him a position iu a shop a bank or a law office or in a leather or toy basinesa ho must be trustworthy it ia taken for granted that be is honest this is not undervaluing honesty in tho leat quite the raverfo in fact because if a boy la not absolutely trustworthy noboiy wants lib7 blwdietetibmay im bat there are bpata of honest boys in fact almost alt of them aro- straightforward bat to get a place in any establishment mnoh besides reliability and honeikty is required and hence tbe goodold sabbaih bobool story typo of boy wno made mij- ions because rab d only beoatife bo was honest is unfair totho average bay reader since it makes blm vblnk that huccesa ie sit hand ithe is only honest thla ia tho mibtake many a fine tad makes and whon after a while he does not getahead in spite of honoaty ho qfowa melancholy and dihgaatod when you get a plaoe sa a boy in aitorc aa olerk in a banking house or ariflidtanvin a professional office you must take hinga into your own hands naturally you want to advanco yonrsotf but the quicken way of doing thib is to let your miureiit drop for the time and study out wlui ia your emplbyerd interest having found this try elrory day in the year to boo bow you can improve and pubb forward hiaeuooesa pretty soon ho begins to uutiue you to think over your buggeatiiiiu in time something coniesaplandhowmntsaman for a certain purpose ten to one ho will think yoa ate the only one for it becttuno you have been keeping jourtttu before him so much in a way that helpi him and not long afterward you aru thn mau he relies on that is the beghiiiin and like all good thorough beginnings it is more than half the battle 9 drank like a beast the following btory of the late dr kidd ot aberdeen and his beadle is told in the humor of tbe scot the kirk officer it would appear was a vlotim to tho national vice he had often baen censured as often forgiven and yet often would fall into his old ways ooe day the worthy doctor was confront ed by jeems so intoxioated that all his cttbton ai hu had flown in a reokleai mood he ohallengod the burly old doctor to come and drink witb him- reoogutalng the futility of try ing to reaeon with a man in buch a state dr kidd replied o ah joemd ill oome wi ye an ill drink like a boast to please ye hooray tv cried tho beadlo come along so they entered the inn this atrangoly assorted couple tho mark of observation to many a carious eye jeems started to order a matohkin but the reverend doc tor filled a glasa with oold water and qdftf ed that hoqtst expostulated tbe baoahanalian beadle ye said ye wad drink like a beast doctor ay jeems and fo i have waa tbe dignified reply for ye know a beast is wiser than a man and driuka only whats gude for it an thats water didnt like pudding ends there was only one passenger on board a certain sailing vosboi who took bis meals in the aftercabin with the captain and mate and who always suspected that these worthies defrauded him of his due share of tbe oalabloa whn they got the chance ono day a jam rolypoly pudding appeared at dinner juat enough for three and the pbibflngnr wiitt h iv irt stantly ou tbia alert to 120 that he got hia fair and proper third mr n do you liko pudding ends sir tbe captain fnkoil with his knife poised in air ready to put tho dolicaby- no i do not like eud air repliol the passenger who considered that ho had as much right to the middlo itllco aa any one else ah well then mo and my mate doesl waa the gallant aaptuins observation as he out the pudding and depoaitod half on the mates plate and half ou his own confidence an old lawyer in patw had instructed a very yoang client of hii to weep every time hestraok the desk with his hand tjnfor- tunatoly the barrister forgot and struok tho desk at the wrong moment tho client fell to sobbing and crying what ia the matter with you asked the presiding judge well he told me to cry aa often as ho struck tbe table hern waa a nloo predicament but tho astute lawyer was equal to the occasion addreasing the jury ho aaid j well gentlemen let mo atk you how yoa can reooooilo the idea ot crime in con junction with such oaudor and simplicity i await your verdiot with the moat perfect confidence irpst nothing sotborn the aotor onoe aaid ho would throw an extraordinarily foolish man across the hudson river at a narrow part and made a bet with him to that effect a crowd went to see the performance soth- ern after grasping the man with care flo int r a litt vi tjjoroa a buby uttio follov who qamo to town last nlgb when all tbo world woo fast asleep thochildrcnri ovas shut tlebt i oxnuot toll you how bo came for well tbo socrota bid hut i think upon a uioonboaui briylit vvay down to oartli bo alld- ho brought tho mlsaos maple each a lovtdy patty kowu it waa brilliant rod aud ybllow witbailaab ortwbof brown aud bo must b avo bad a midtm touch for if tbo truth- latold tbo birohosall from top to too he drosflod in cloth of gold tbou ho tpoka glittorlug lololo frpui uudorubotji tbo oaro aud with f on my window draw oualifihlntug silver ioayon such fafraudbtately palaces bucu to woro and touiplos grand j tboir liko im sure was never booh outaldo of fairylaod who is this busy llttlo man whbno coinhib brings ufl joy for im very buro bos woljbuaod by ovury girl andhoy tbo llttlo starn all saw bim though tboywill not toll a aoul hut ivo hoard his calling card roads thus j frost esq north polo discouraging bomctimes youug men aro deter rod from tuteriug upon matrimony by ruuh tnoidents as tho following which- ia of actual occur ence v a youug mati pubbing through a crowd in a groat dry uooda btore found hi meal f side by side with a timid ipokiug man and exnotly behind a lady a moveniont ofoba crowd forced the young mauto step upon tho hern of the ladys skirt she turned quickly around with a furious look nnd was evidently about to address some fibrco rcruurk to hin whop u ohange oame over her face suddenly oh i beg your pardon air alio said i was going to get angry i thought it was my husband tue timid little raau smiled faintly and the young man said to himself if wives get angry so much easier with their hus bands than they do with other men what is the use of being a husband truth adhorn always rigidly and andoviatiagly to truth but while you express what is true express ia a pleasing manner truth is the picture the manner is the frame that displays it to advantage if a man blends his angry passions with bis search after truth become bis superior by sap- pressing yours and attend oply to tbo jaat- neas and forcojrr hia reasoning truth conveyed br aaitere and acrimonious iaaguage seldom has a ealutary effeot since we rojeot tbo truth becaass wo are prejudiced against the mode of communi cation tho heart must be won before the intblleob can be informed a man may betray the cause of truth by his reasonable zeal aa he destroys its salutary effeots by the acrimony of his mauner whoever would be a successful instructor roast first become a mild and affectionate friend make the plunge dont bo afraid to climb the bill of life remarks a contemporary nothing ven ture nothing have yon know and tho man who is afraid to climb will never get latoa bioyolo saddle or reach the top rang in tbe ladderof success i dont bo chicken-heart- ed and point out that tho reason why some men never full is bocauso they always btay at the bottom what if yoa do havo a fall dr two either on the wheel or injlifo i it wont hurt you aud will simply spur you on to higher deed make the plunge faint heart never spelled bucoobs either in life love or sport does not alwavs follow a man strotlud into a fashionable church jiift hufpre tho bervico bean tho sexton followed bim up htid tapping hirn on tbo uhoufdbr anil pointing him to a fmall our that followed him into tho eaored edifice aaid dog aro not admitted thats not my dog replied the visitor but bo follows you vwtli so do you the sexton growled and immediately removed tho dog- with unnecessary violence li ttle things but hard to do tho pereon vdio can go without her dinner and not advertise tho faot who ban laugh at little troubles who makes light of a heavy weight aud oiu wear a shoe that pinches without anyone being the wiser whodoes not magnify tbo splinter in her finger into a log ot wood n ir the mote in her neighbors eyes into a beam j whoswal- ows bitter words without letting others taste them who can give up her own- way without giving up the ghost auoh a one burely carries a paibport into thogood graces df mankind a rich full color diamond dye cardinal one of the most fashionable and most useful colors when tho latter reaohed the bank ho panted bat xonvelost yoor bet not at all oooly replied bothern that is only my first attempt i mean to keep on tryinn all day until i ret you over the man paid the money endeavorer3 awake i at tha winter aoseon has como should wo not lay new pluns for work in our sooietles to work belter wo individually must seek to bo better men and women ourselves faol wrote to timothy to tako hoed to himself and to hi doqtilne him self nrethli work afterwards that is iho divine order we must jot into the spirit of our work tliettltwillbo eaby and dellhhlsome and suoeeesful invite tbe young people to enjoy ihe services of the society with you welcome ihem cordially when they oome make ihem feel that you re lad to see them a kindly rreetlnr doeemuohtojraw them and make them feel at riomaic b bmlget otrrh liko scrofula is a dlbcabs or tho wood end rnylm uurod by purilylnc the ijliiodwlili iloola srwianlla millions of psokagos of this wonderfully ri and pop colo a bolfl wefy year jtaat diamond dyo cardinal is noted for itsstronftth fatttnosn and boanty of oolor one pnokago dyes two pounds of ilk or all wool goods a standard shade that they will never wash out it colors over with grand reoultb all shades except greens tha fast diamond dye cardinal for dyeing cotton and mixed goods ia the only oardiuavor cotton dyeing in l ho world that is fast to light and sosp ono paokaga makes a fast and evcrlsbtlng cardinal on one ponnd of ootton or mixed goods be not deoelved with nrude hnitatlojns or crap greete dyof ask for i ho disfaond and yon will always havo hiicoqfb prosperity gettoth friends but adversity llrolb thorn for nover in this world does hatred ooaae by hatred hatred ceasee by love this is always its nature mr ii wctlsteln of marango iii found that ayerv tills tihcn when iho first symptoms of la grippoapptnr provont further progroo of i tin ilijoubc and he has yql toftndtlio 0rst onne wltoro thuao pilln ld not onro the mlftly every done w effeotive m iikr4o vjj ip

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