Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 16, 1897, p. 3

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v che bank of hamilton head office hamilton capital all paid up si 260ooooo reserve funcl s vaeooooo total assets so 84697846 noorly ton milltuoa omoaru boabd of directors ohn stuaut a c hambay president vloolrosldeut t0 lloacu joun iaootoh a t v0qi a ii lee toronto wii qidbon mr tuunuull cmllior uk steven aunt cushior ii hi watson lnaiieoldr ceorcetowm acency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmersdiscounted and special attention given to tlip collection of sale notes and commercial paper enerally rrafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and united states drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department depbsits- of 5i and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added to principalevery year whether passbook is brought jri or nof special deposit receipts issued fprlarge sums j p bell agent georgetown ont presents for evieirybody gold and silver watches jeweller silverware toys dolls books albirps winter evening i games the largest assortment superior quality low prices santa cxat7s headquarters geo hyhdsi jewelery and stationery store actoni ont fir- look at ttao data on the idtiol oh your i paper and you will boo bow your aubbcrlp- uon stands jtenow promptly it will confer a tttonfxuxtss thursday december 10 1897 jdtile lp whloh caught the eyes or cars of free press reptotjera this week willit be a green ohrlbunis after all have you renewed your subscription for 1608 the farmers have been busy ploughing dutii g the week tbe very mild neatbor of the pabt week lxt been remarkable- folly developed ptnilea were picked in a garden in town last monday santa cians is a very olosereader of the advertising oolumnb than days the inspector of welghteiind measures made his annual ibspeotioriliere yesterday aclon roller roilii received another carofmanitoba wheal last vteofa audship- edanouiercar of flour to the old country losrsome rsnow tbo police suspeot a man named kipling who was seen aotf idgsrispioiousiy toward canada some time tho sunday bohool o the briok cburob will hold a christmas tree enter- taiiiment some evening daring christmas weekv are there any stray animals about your premises friend farmert have you taken the legal conrsa to ascertain their owners mr j b wlllison editor of tlio globe and mr alex frieqf thedandta jidnner will speak at the yonng liberal banquet at guelph tonight the ne at home mostly of a looal charadtar and every tern irvtereatlnjr tlio public school chritsmaa review tho annual ppblio examination and closing oxoroiuod of aotori public bohool will bo hold next wednesday afternoon i2nd iubt the publip generally ia invited tho teaehurd in all tbo departments will cordially wutoumo viaitorn tho eohool will olodo for christmas holidays that afternoon they brought over ioo mr it agnews berkshire hogs won first and bccoiid priaaa for barrow any age or brood and lita yorbehiro arab for low any ago or breed at the guelph fttt stock show ho aold them to james fifties- br thomaa for 4j cents per pound live weight a clierjuo for 810325 or throe hoga ia pretty good ahowiog they pay dourly for their whiskey our local oonatabloa have been in btr noted by tho authorities to arrest alt persons who uro disorderly on tbo streets on- friddy ono arroot was made by chief laweouv for drunkand disorderly oondaot a uiijht in the cell followed and hovo nioklin fiaed htai for tbo offence next morning ou saturday evening another arresft waa i made on the aatne charge the eeevq imposed a flbe of jfiotv audi costs similar podiabment wu be meted oat to future diaturbera of the pvace v the proposed public library the vota on the pnblin library byliw will bo taken on monday 3rd january in connitation with the municipal cfeotiona tho queattou ia a popular one arid aa far as wfl can ascertain oittzsne are pretty generally in favor of tho cbtabliabment of a pustio library in order to obtain ail- possible information npon tbo anbjeot dr may superintendent of public libraries for tho province will address a meeting of rate payers in tbe town ball on wednes day evpuing 29ttt inat an opportunity will bo givpn pr disouasion of all relevant questions sr alhanb 8 s entertainment as iu paat years st aibans oharoh sanday will again tblt year open the season of obriatmab entertainments for the past month- the bohool hai bad in preparation a beautifol sacred cantata the advent this will be rendered by the eohool asaibted by miss foot and master lake a young soprano of merit of georgetown in tlio town hall od tues day evening 21st inat the usual cbriatmas tree adjunct will be in evidence to the delight of the small people and no doubt many of their elders st albans entertainments have invariably attracted large audiences in the past and will no doubt op this occasion knox churah eudenvor officers tho annual meeting of he christian endeavor society of knox church waa held labt week and officers were elected bb iouowsc i fiftythird anniversary b yum u iil w n appreciate hijgbly a obriattnae remein- brance from yon in tbo form o ajeard lubsoriptioo to the fnbb prutka fmrj erobfc stewartrxit depatyreevo of eequeilng hi been appointed a llcoahe ootnmiaoner for the oodoty in place of the ute col donald cumpbcll mr j d moeee formerly with a b- peirle gaelpb and lately of new york will open a drbg atoty jo m seoordfl block iibpai ihetind of the yr tbe anjbual cbriatirias entertain then i of ihebaptlatsonday school will be held ill the chnrob ie- tfanradaj oveniog 23rd intvai welcome silver collection rrfhp tajnra haa poton anaw drew cjianged ju form to eight ptget and adopted other improvementi which place itta the front rank aa a newapaper of its fllaiia- rmr and mri jamof qocintlo of the fink line entertaintd a ooiti pany of tbeir ypabg fritqds of- knox church very bbiipuably at their home last friday ovisdlrig mr bobert agnevr of aoton who wu a large exhibitor of pigs at the fat 6 took 8h5vr wa 10 well pleued wilh the show that be batidedald croibirj a inbiorjption pi ilrtjf tot mtxt year ahowvgoelph jtffcil the fbta psxsb regqlady delivered rooipg tain prahnethia roach m o jtiy c oppostlqf regolariy delivifred to tboeo bf doyon thinfi of si mini who will hon preside lit bo v h a maophorbon preatdont mibb armbtrong vicopresj jiiawaoa itoc boc uibb n holmes cor boo d m henderson troaaarorji ocampbell orsantit mlaa j mcdonald aaitorganibtmls j jxnitb ieader of slngirjo mr a t mann convonora or commltteea look oat mr lackey prayer heetlbg mr mophall sunday bctaooivulu blequoen calling fchaa patter son social mlu lambert plowbr mrs colune good uteratpre mfaa btnolalr the leaders of the weekly meeting liavo also been appointed for the year and the now topio oarda will bo duly distributed dairyman flynnq serloaa mlahap on friday morning as james flynn was serving hia bustomera on bower avenue he left his delivery rig for a moment tn deliver milk at a home near by when a horse run- ing at large on the street trotted up to this rig and the milkmans horao followed it down etreetat a lively paoe in turning the corner at the town hall the rfgaapsiaed and of course the days supply of milk was loifc the waggon was badly smashed the horae was oaught at molams blaok- smith ahbp and waa considerably baratoh- ed there is talk of damages agaiost tbo owner of the horae fanning at- large there have been too many animala rnn- iog atlarge lately the bylaw ahoald he as carefully enforoed now aa at any other season of 4ho- year- cows and boraes at large havo ioqinted more damage to the opep gardens and lawns in town the past able sermons in the methodist churoh last sunday by rev john mlllfl guelph v tuo flftylhlrd anlfn ivor bar y of tho organ izatiop of tho me t hod i at church with regular eervicea in autoti wan held luat buuduy not one of tho original mombora of tho church wau pro tliobhildron grandohildrru und greutgrnudohjldreu of thqao who wcro nctivo n the orgnniiiition of the society wore largely in evidence asa hall esq who is tbo taat remaiiin of tho flrbt menrberfl of tho church ia spending the muter with bin adn uud family at peaetttnguisheno thoa perry- man esq sr ia perhaps the next oldest bf the present membership xtf tho ahurch the aunivoraary eormona were preached by bev john milla of guelph mr milla is no btrahger to tbe cotj j relation his viaita are alwayaeujoyod ttnd hisdiaooureea invariably able and ibiprjessive two very fine aermona were preaolied on this occa sion tho text iu tho moriiiug waa laa 3d 30 21 thino eyes slmlleo jerusalem a quiet habitation a taboruaole that sballnot bp taken down but tboro tho glorious lodbnll bo unto ubtt place of brond fjveraud strdauib in hia iutrpduotion the yarioib propheoiesto israel were vivid ly detailed then followed a wealth of iubtruotive detail upon the following divisions 1 tlio peaoo and traimjuility promijfl to tho oharoh of god 3 be psrmanenoy and eaourity of the church fl the nature of the supplies afforded to the churoh coaoludigg ho said gotu giftp to us shpuld excite iu us dovout thank- fatness to him and also tho spirit of expectation the evening dlaoourde was basod upon tbe parable of the itaveh aa recorded in matt 13 33 tho contra thought was- that the parable waa prophetic and design ed to teach thathho goapol of jesu8 chrlbt ia progressive and that there is a powor in the providence of god whioh invariably works out wonderful roswtto ihii amp- lifioation of the bubjuot aa interesting review of the bticocaaive revival eiuce the advent of the ohrietiaa era was preaented the wide range of thought nod roadiur the rich mellowness of nharaolor combined with the lengthened crperionco of this venerable man of god re n dor his wordb oonvlnping and powerful the special anlkema by the choir morn ing and evening were appropriate arid appreciated by the congregation the ariniyerdary offeriaga wcro liberal and batiafactory coming an0 going vleltora to and from aoton and various other persona- notes methodist sunday school- the annual meetlrffard election of officers and teachers the annual meeting of tbo methodtbt sunday school was held on monday even ing the work of the year was reviewed tho officers u leachcrq for next year couple of w6em ld dilwog the whole of laat enrnmer if owners will sot take care of the animals tbe authorities rouat adcyoted fathers demise after one weeks luriess from congestion of the lunga mr win kelly of ingeraoll father of mrs h ramshaw aoton depart ed this jlfe mr kelly waa for some years a resident of aoton he removed to erin about cloven yeara ago thenoe to ux bridge and last year to ingoreol h was a kind hnaband and one of the children said while taking a farewell look upon hia face before the casket was anally oloted on monday he was snoh a good father to na mr kelly waa for over forty years a member of the methodist oharoh and daring late year was most aotlve ip hia ooonection th ore with thsremaios were brongbk from fngeraoll monday morning and the fonoral took place from tho home of mr ec ram ah aw bower- avenuo to fair view cemetery in the afternoon the following friends from it diatanoo wore preaont the three bona mr eber kelly lfckefleld and edward arid sid ney ioger- aol mrs edw little snellgrove mrs james griffin edmonton mr arid mrs geo kelly norval mlaa jennie and mr thbfl little cheltenham and mra cook malton the sadness of the bereavement is intensified by the fact that mrs kelly is also sflrioubly litand her condition ia regarded with niaplijanxioty j a keea bereavement mr johnmcqueehwiae called lijoau two wcoka ago through baproveil to be thefatannesaofhli only brovhor mr james mcquaed of jhat owujl4r moqapen was sebsed several weeks ego elected other important matters con eidered fl tbe reports of tho superintendent secre tary and treasurer showed that the inter est in the echool haa bten unabated the mtmbereup of the school ie 208 while the average attendanco i ait year wb 107 which figure is iucreaaed by tha home department to 218 tlio receipts of the yor aggregated 824c of thiu sum 9723g was devoted to mission baud 81920- to the church improvement f and the elections resulted iu tho following officers and teachers being placed to oharge for 1897 superintendent ii p mooro secretary tj fedmlbtqri vrimurcr r j gurnoy llbrariana owllliama a b gurnoy c melam and e frauola loader of orchostrairannla mokabh chorifltor arid aabt orgaiilat- lizzie mclara ushera li j bdtnlaton w mokobb agglo glover and anc boihell bible olaaa toaehota iter j a mclaohlan m a t t mooro aitsoclata intermediate teaouors lira h p mooro mrs oram mrs francis mrs 0 c spolgbt mlaaes lainff clark ebbafio olara mooro mog- gieh matthewa mrs jeans mrs w a dole- man mlaa an n to stephenson mobsra jno s coleman geo vinoent a- t brown primary tcaohorbmrs jamea mooro aud mlaslottlo speight iteaorvo toacborvubv v7 brydril juniptf moorbl pranota mrs jolin stephomon mra allan mann miaaea phctulo lning andnollio jfttrowor- tlio fuebpuhbb iovltea ail its roadera io eon tribute totbla column if you or your friends- aro going away on a holidaytrip or if you have frlondsvlbithigyoii drop a oard id the fhxb lltuaa t 1 mr alex wttldio was one of the judgcb at guelph fat stock show last weok dr m forbter formerly of aoton isprio of the mayoralty candidates at palmer- atou mr l r orr ia homo from tbe college of pharmaoy toronto for cbriatmas holidays mr and mra john conner of stouff- ville are guests of their daughter mrs john agnew mr daya family have arrived and are gradually jotting settled in their uew home on bower aveutie postmaster hendoibon of georgetown pent sunday ap the homo of his father d hendoraon m p mr neil megiii jr who has been hi british columbia the v past two years returned heriio this week i maattc elmer wright of obesley euroote for manitoba is visiting his ann mrs j h matthews bower ave mr- jamea molnnan aud family havs decided to remove to winnipeg and will leave the first woek in the new tear mrs h raajbbaw was called to ingeraoll last week through thai serioqa illnoss of har father who died on saturday morning mr wm a waldle of gartright man arrived in town labt week and will spend the holidays with friends in this vicinity misses helen symon and elisa mcqaeen huvitig cnmplettd their course at the county model school returned home on friday pror pautoh of the o a 0 guelph ib very low and has been anconaclous alnce saturduy it ia not expected that he will hvo more tliun a day or two mr and mrs william hem street were called to milton lusttharsdayowirig to tbe serious illness of their daughter mra j w dews she s slowly recovering mr j j petrson who has been at hartney man tlio pat two years arrived home on monday to spend tbe holidays ha looks au thongh the prairie air had agreed with him mra robert hariniiitf youngest sister of the lette thomas crirlyle died in toronto on monday tttnil lust ppring mrs hanning wai for a number of years a rermcut of huuiln c unty near oak- ville a this iu the complaint of th on aand a at this scaaon they have no appetite food does not relish they rieed the toning upof the stomach and digestive organs which a courae of hoods safaaparllla will give them it also purifies and enrlohos the blood cures that d la treat after eating and internal misery only a dyspeptlo can know createaan appetite overcomes that tired feeling and builds up and sustains the whole physical system it so prompt ly and efftcumtly relieves dyspeptlo symp toms and corea nervous headaches that it teems to hara almost a maglo touch ghristiiias now i presents lines in the time to we have buy nice is the best in fact the ono true lood purifier hh isgi pre me oesi niiortuiiner oocl 3 pllls pills aid digoitioli asc a plun worthy of emulation the county council hai deoided to eqcourags theiutruductlpn of the teaching 7 u p i rural diatriuta of weutworth such a plan ia worthy of being introduced in every rural ecbool of tbe province the educa tional pybtem which works npoh the pre- eumption that overy pupil ii doairioua of matriculation or of entering the teaohtng prpfespion may in somri reppecta be consid erably improved upon teacher a examinations following are the uamea in order of morit of those who have passed the third class professional examination at milton certificates have been granted to those who have complied with the nonprofesfional roquiremonts joale wetborald agnes mofarlane sarah j llttlo samantlia chapman potoryomcn jennie c irving uoorglna young jillsa h mcqueen bobt 3 mecallum holqn symona emily kennedy jobq o hamilton ot1 617 636 mb mi 696 6st au 610 488 471 458 in viow of the large aripply of qualified teachers many of thetri normal trained tho board of examiuera warn trustees not to eugage teaobora without oertifloatea renewals will not be granted to those from other counties and only to fhoto of- excep tional merit in our own they excel in their prof cantons cl nelles bookseller guelph he would ask f o r holiday business from the act unites fancy goods books games dolls and novelties our stock and ouk store leds in prices and pretty things c l nelles bookseller cuelph xmas airmolomtcelrft neckties clpves handkerchlers table linens fancy ribbons collars and cuffs combs and brushes whisks 4c fresh crocerles nuts and figs splcea peels essences canned goods i raisins currants sec- it pays to buy at bgllerts it pays to buy at boljfrts igrehrt mantle jrfeliase jandies 5c per lb xmas week r j g mcbeath acton pntmmo the k limited toronto wilkinson ploughs last longest work easiest and draw lightest points and soles last twice as long all cast parts have our name and address in full on them see that you get them it will payyou the strongest and simplest pneumatic ensilage cutter in the market guaranteed to cm 20 tons an hour aiid deliver o feet full line of strawcutcers and root pulpers roller bearings a11 kinds of wheelbarrows the wilkinson plough company limited we have eyery thing suit able for christmas remem brances for old or young glove and handkerchief sets celluliod photograph al- bums japanese qoods oxford teachers bibles fanoy perf u me bottles xmasjdards an booklets butrt inumhs b ili f usshrute red to the number of succeaaful kraduatss from tbe photoxrapio studio here who aria now iu business at numerous points a oopy of tbo toledoi ohio daily courier makes tbo following referenoe of interest to maav of onr citizan for some titheit hai beajsvit in photoxrapblo and rencral art oirouatbaithebandionioat most artislioaily arranged and beltfqnlp pod photographto slodlos in toledo would soon be oieted tn this olty it soon devel oped that jamca g hill andoeo b sperry well known and popular photo- draphcrs were at the bead cf snoli atid that tho looatlon dl their eirgiut new round floor studios would be al 817 superior btreet last evening a oourier represents- live witneaaed the beautiful art effeots aa they appeared in the soft mellow light of many inondeaoent at this firm new home here follows a description in detail of the elaborate fittings of this fine now etiidio in cooclnaion the courier aaye next tueaday and wedoeaday at terooone from s to 6 and 8 to 10 oconr the publib opening reoeptloni wfaloh will prove notable events of art and social intoroat mr hills many friends in his old homo rejoioe in these evidenoesof tbe popularity and- suoceas of- himself and partner v novelties in cups and sauders d all si and styles and many oth er holid ay goods toronto j h hamilton marble and granitei hamiltons blook guelph haying on hand large quantity of scotoh norway swedish and rnslsiaii crhnitte and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i will sell at a reduction of 20 per cent and will allow all expenses to cpstomen to and from nur works john h hamilton we want to tell you about the purchase first and the sale afterwards we have just made a great purchase of a manufacturers stock of overproduction of ladies cloth iackets which enables us to sell them at onethird to onb- alf off the regular prices they are all the vey newest styles fresh from the makers handsj the sale commenced on rbiday dec 3rd and comprises the following lot i fine english beaver jacket box front large pearl buttons velvet collar regular y for 1 lot jallwool treize with fancy stitch fronts large pearl buttons and deep collar regular 8 for v lot 3 english beaver trimmed with fine braid and pearl buttons star collar regular ffo tor v lot 4 heavy wool chinchilla surah lining ihroughnut horded edges 0 fancy flap pockets and large pearl buttons regular 91750 for also is percent cash discount oo all fur trimmedandfur lined wraps and circulars 13 per qem daspiscount off all tweed and beaver ulsrersand long coats 19perceni cash discount off allirir childrens noiv coats and ulster these are great bargains 4 95 5 75 650 ji 12 50 e r bollert fe go 25aul 27yyiidlmm street guelpfi clascow house tlie clearing season is at hand and we purpose making the following lines go out with a rush millinery the balance of our stock offall millinery comprising shapes of all kinds feathers wings ospreys fancykibhons and nil mnds of trimmirigs to be cleared at greatly reduced prices we cannot quote prices here but customers can rely on securing genuine bargains mantlea vit have had a ood season in mantle seeing because our goods are right in atyle and price from today the balance will be cleared at cut prices nb these goods are all of the shorter and fashionabe lengths we hnve none of thet ong german jackets fashionable nowhere which so many merchants are struggling tp sell dress goods we have some genuine snaps in this department come and seo them you ca only appreciate va in d goods by seeing for yourself mens overcoats ve have several lines broken in sizes which we arc offering- at bargain prices dont iail to secure a cheap coat while they last we are showing a great range of for goods in ruffs bf different kinds mufta caps capes and astrachari jackets we are making a specialty of grey lamb caps see bur offerings before buying your xmas presents georgetown electric woiks tjspblgntfrojirletor manufaoturers of dynamos electric motors sgl watkh mu and hydraulic rams pipe and stmun flttlnaand generml bepsir lng btngmalptiiltnagaabratlngmtmhlne iftm prepuva to bo biasing on filovelo frames a wheels eonvertod from plreetlto tangent hpoltet hanjlle ben beat to ansaired angle hendersbti fe co very day brings som thing hew and attractive for christmas this yeek we have added a full stock of rib bons newest shades hi plain silks handkerchiefs in large varieties table linens table- napkins mens ties carf gkvtf uspehders etc xnjas groceries unequalled new raisins currants new lernon orangeand citron peels new cocoa edeoanut icing sugars pickles spices figs dates nuts all kinds lowest prices in candies best flavors in teas- v 1 ips w m teirbjalitio children thut ssinlacianaib a n4ythvi6bbei fwfcw fello tlt tri to ma his w b ihtlhereudp snoh- thing ai rldibg the goavinijf6dgi uurfuf sscrtta everywhere swarms of aaotwsio rtiesir soraathuij hid from rmribyesmayanasljllalook tenvwbja folded ttimwvj6imiueituverwhcre iciibmjtbsr witfsitworklo wh8iory8on iion the fownwid lofliotiog fei3ncbs ibjh ivic krmipgerin4iwdltsp stop fewfljrnifalbj by softening of the brain death enaned laat wedneaday 81h inat deoeaaedwm born on hia fathers farm in erainoaa abont wo miles fromeookwobd in 1861 he resided on the farm until he reaohjia manhood when he was married to ifjline black daughterpf a blghryreapepted fisi- er of eramoaa township and ttmfiiiiifip kincardine where he eugageo in jaitnlpg foranumbetofjyoars and thjih rstarntd toeramotatowbabfp ton yemaago he removed to clalt and went into the ooal and wood bapineaan cnterptlae wliloli be bad slnoe oonduied with ability and euccasa in srsmoia towneblp be ilways an iy0bpasftr jablb affairt belog a jnemlrer of khecoonoli or several yrtn theormerjsyeuutt in gall the aame plraohaoteriad his career heqpltaariirfecanyirits rejjf estitatireo wi fonror two tiriiis ddtvaudtobllv hoilafli the library of 42i volumes will ho distri buted among needy schools in tho newer sections or the country and a year bo allowed to select and inatal a model sun day school library promotion examlnatioub wilt probably be introduced in tho prlmury claeaob and a general rearrangement of tho ciubsob of the sohpol effeoted maob interest isbelug taken iu tho can tata ohhatmas chimes to bo rendered lb connection with bo annual christmas entertainment- on obrislmas night and succesri will no doubt attend it it is proposed to hold an ecumenical foreign- missionary confer en con mew york in april 1000 to last ten days mr bobert bimpton head of the great departmental catsbljabmont of robert simpson co toronto died at bis reel- denoeon tnesday morning a t brown auction sale register monday 20tu deo bale of stookimplc- ments 4ro the property of robti h allan the eaat half of lot ii eon 1 erin sale at 1 oclook terms 12 months ingram and heffernan auoiloneerfl jr corns i corns i tender piinfal oorns bleeding oorns painlessly n moved in twentyfour hours putnams pnlnleas corn kxlraotor ects magioally try it and bo convinced wttcieanclotfllnq r1ctht through we dont merely rub the dirt eff the whbaslight atuokof prlysifahowjd efaoe but we take it dataltogethsr try nnr way of oteaiiing olotbes and 3oull get liiiiqlvn bkuw pytrs to r dye work toronto are known for fine work try tliero again at hynda jewollry at music offer the nkmeiaud tddresaoa of three ir formers on tsfo piano or organ iogothersmthten aenta in silver and- we will mall yon tan plocea full elieet muelo eonaiatlng of popiilar jongi walli marrbes eto arranged for tbe piano and organ address popular itaalo fub co indianapollr ind if youwant flratolaes ouolph sashand doors at guelph prloes t enrws oan fill porder ak bis plaolng mill ffwwytti me wantedagents both men and women if you are willing to work we oan give you em ployihenft wltb good pay and you oan work all or part time and at noma or traveling tbe work u light and easy write at ohoe for term etett tebhawk8 hurbbby company hoohester ny heels converted from dlreetlto tangmt hpokea aaoele bar bent to anteflmlred angle full line of spokes kept in loekrbatlafaeuon guaranteed lilejolea enamelled inany color tj speight georgetown earlv to bed earlv to rise stick to business and m now is the time to advertise people are going to have money to spend this win ter ns they have not bud for years enquire at the free fkess office for rates and space they aisotclkjfvyqijb3ehbj indigestion and too hojeoillng a per- a remedy for waltem ncssbadtmtafathoalonthij fain in ue sid torprp repitovajfkntaai mairillfy fjjr substitriubri tho rawd of the day see you gergarters ask for chers office of r rdickey clerk 5th division court agent for best insurance companies the loan medicine co dear ir about two years ago i suflfer- ed from an attack of bilious diarrhoea which became chronic and threatened iny existence t used several kinds of patent medicines and was treated by my family physician but was noj cured until i used your loans indian tonic it helped me at once and i continued to im prove and now enjoy perfect health i can heartily recommend it to all troubled as i was or in need of a general invigorating medicine rr dickey j p fdtsale at all dealers or address the com- pany at hafhiltbny r price 100 per bottle 6 bottles for 500 fresh figs dates prunes peaches raisins currants lemons oranges citron v peerkilberts chestnuts almonds walnuts peanuts- 39b lbsi assorted candies 12 kinds of v orders left in pur care will receive promptattention mmm w mill st actcn tjmatiu cor of kiflg aiid eaglison fei hail f la at7 cip1ptatri store tliat combines the uxfljllfax jsjrjcilxajllo greaulattnauonaattbelowitco tuuatoronlutbeao oondltloo willi ahmateheooiploteneaa wekmptho largeat variety bought direct irornmanu- faotutw thseqgont tbeworld- tbe blghoat atandard 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work 13clfersse bmbrolderod uandkerofalefa faatcdg l0o 10 150 180 soo 850 sao 50o 650 7 lofi j jio oblldrans bandkercblsfs s for ale uae h i f b ie b i as mo loojj 950 a bet v ttt ileal laos hknitkerouletln honltonv itjuobeu and boae point 1m tj lm 100850 00 tola choice aasortmau ot iiadlea keckwear in tie ooiiat orfroou noekwear made toorder 01abbbiiis bpu apeoullv fortbo holiday trade untlemua umbrellm asdneh natural wood handle in cherry bamboo congou 100 199 lj91si0 ldlw sinbranas ulnob atml roda gloria 0oteredarcmjgua9jw75 and up to 800 ibathkjsa00ps- ladlm dtatninfn bmslnn cain fully jurntabkl lis 0oi9jo a 00 3s5 koo soo up to collaranaoutttloieal10 10 loo aud 86a matusrwflstsmalooeo wriunv tabletkopr loova m op to tm p rnhea wltli pr without card oasea9c ale iac 5ciednemuiwtteruuiea and cigar cases prinklbgcupaiiotarofraaiete tidlei iluajoltolls new portfolio shape 100 band batehole leather lined 75c wo 100188 up to m iddlaa hand llgs 950 soo 05o boo 10o up to tor express prepaid to your near railway station in ontario on sawaetloirguarapteed xfitlf iws hamilton

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