or lut within ityouiec g ihin ii in annph rcrnthy whether twas asthma dronclittls or croup or baby at nlst waked the house with a whoop with ayers cherry pectoral oranther wm sure that no cold or cough would eer fall of a cure lb hats the atylei chance but th c records will show coughsarecurcdaalhcy were 50 y pan ago ayers chetry has no equal as a remedy for coughs oolda and lung dis eases where other soothing elixirs palliate ayers cherry featoral heals- it is not a cheap cough syrup whioh soothes but does not strength- on j it is a physicians- oough remedy and it cures it is put up in large bottloa only for household use it was awarded the medal at the worlds fair of ninety threat it has a record of 50 years of cures fe 2utnn jfa vt thursday decfimbeb 33 1b97 sbe oung jolhs jimmibbova setrisk to santa czavs bear santa clao ity ou oonla brinq a patent doll to daneo and gins a flveponod box or caramels a sot otrelnswltb silver bells an elephant ttiat roara and waului a brownie droll that langbs and talks a hummingtop tbat i can spin a desk to keep my troaaarea la a boat or two that 1 can sail a dog to bark and wag bla tall a pair of littlo bmntam chick a obeat of tools a box of tricks a eoarlet salt of aoldlor togs a apear and nst for catching frofar a bloyolo and silver watob a ponndor two of pattersootob a email toy farm with lota of troea a son to load with beans and peaect an organ and snxinsto box a doable sot of building itlocka if yon will bring mo theso i say doforfl tbe oomldgohrlatmas day laortottblnk pernaps thatlm do pretty neatly aatiafled harpers young people christmas i89t- once more nc approach the season which commemorates the birth of our lord in human form no other event in the history of the world can even begin to rank with it in tho compass of its sig nificance that he who thought it not robbery to be equal with god should no verthlesa have taken upon himself the form of a servant and been made in the likeness of men is so astounding a thought as to tax the titmobt power of credence but what a new glory it does add to human nature to what great heights it does exalt man since the son of jod has associated himself with us he has given a fresh meaning to our existence our life is larger and our destiny ineffably grander than before no wonder that the angels sang and shouted to one another till the judean air was vibrant and tremulous with the heavenly melody glory to cod in the highest on earth peace good will to men shall not the glad anthem be repealed a th th t i fhis closing week of 1897 let the tune ful choirs proclaim it to listening aud iences as they gather in the house of god let atrcd saints with mystical vision of coming glonea speak it through glad lips to the generation that ittfollow- ing after them let young believers with their hearts aflamo and their wills set to noble enterprises take it up and repeat it with added volume glory to god jn tho highest it is tho angels song but it belongs also to run the celestial visitants uttered it on only one occasion and then withdrew from the earth since that time it has been the possession of mortals but the day is coming somewhere in the unfolding ages when the angels will come hack and join once more with men in a jubilant antiph- ony gathering in the bright regions of tho air they will cry aloud in fullthroat ed volume glory to god in the high est and from the redeemed earth men will answer bock on earth peace good will to men briefs the best thing you can do when you make a mistake is to make it teach you something we have heard of people too poor to take a good nowspapcr but who ever heard of one too poor to smolce a pipe the truest words wo ever speak are words of cheer lute has its shade its valloys deep but round our feet tho shadows creep to prove tho sunlight near 1mo boom nq room for the stranger no roomin the the cl08ino yar tho old year will soon end some of us began the year with serious inquiry wl havu met its storms its defeats jnnd disnppplntmonth wc have been lifted up and brought low wc have found its alternations of sunshine and shadow and arc brought through infinite more almost to its close i he future is unrcvuilcd to us what shall be fts domnnds upon our steadfast patience our poise ot bplrlt our good will our forgiveness our control of tempor our pious seal we are solemnly impressed with tho errors and dements of our pnst lives that our best efforts made in our ov n strength will not bear divine scrutiny rfow much weakness through indecision is apparent how much shrinking from self denial but amid it all every one has been the special object of divine care and has had occastbn to magnify god for his special deliverances some of us have expdr icnceclthc blessings of renewing grace a marvellous change has been effected by the holy spirit once the seductive world established its ascendpney ocir our hearts now we loathe jts folly we were once in a most galling servi tude once ambition beckoned us to the high seats of pow cr and opened before us earthly glory but how w e exclaim god forbid that we should glory save in the cross of jesus christ i some of us have risen to a higher chnbtian life and now w alk with god continually we have been drawing refreshing waters from the wells of sal vation have enjoyed clearer views of his redemption our experience has been tested in the furnace -of- trial but tbe flames have not touched us for the form of the son of god has been there and we now exclaim thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whoso mind is stayed on thee farewell old year the rustle of whose garment fragrant with memory 1 still can hear for all thy tender kindness and thy bounty i drop my thankful tribute on thy bier th better way jaul s plan for collecting money was to have the people lay by in store upon tho first day of the week as they may prosper let each man do according as he has purposed in ins heart not grudgingly or of necessity for god loveth a cheerful giver tho lord not only loves u cheerful giver but he will prosper such an one this stands to reason if the lord loves us and he sees that prosperity makes us selfish and in the end prove our ruin he will withhold from us or send loses into our plans as rods of correction but if we cheerfully give as we are prospered and it is a real means of graco to our souls then the lord will bestow liberally upon us for in such instances prosperity does not spoil us settle it in your own mind that you are thcjenefitted party in every act of benevolentce herein is this saying true it is more blessed to give than to receive encourage your pastor this year as never beforo be at the weekly prayer regularly and take part in the exercises according to your place and ability work in the sabbath school neglect no communion occasion be in your pew every sabbath morning and even ing if possible be attentive to the preached word improve upon what you hear ask people to church speak well of your minister pray for him and ask a blessing upon his labors give him a kind look and loving word sympathize with him m his work cheer him sustain him pay what you have promised for ins support when it is duo defend him when assailed attend the special meetings he may think it best to appoint try to make them auccess christian advocate a mighty change made well and active after years of suffering paines celery compound was the great lifegiver lun the friendless may lodge with the beasts of the stall the monger his cradle tho night for his screen no room in the inn for tho monarch of all no room in tho inn yet tho wise men afar see the sign of his coming whom prophets foretold and low at his feet by tho light of his star the sages are bending with spices and gold the man who floes not put good read ing matterjn tho hands o hls cn ban jlever done anyreal praying their salvation tlet im pass over tho line into the new year ltn rnajlce toward none with clutkytoardduwftttnla patriotism f iajilsm hd ate 4arfrntl1d navafumml hew life health vim energy end activ ity an eotfe of tbe blessings falnes celery compound bestows on those who are now belpl eai weary and half dead if yoa are a martyr to rheumatism tor tured with neuralgia distressed with dyspepsia or jaid low with kidney disease tbat infallible life giver p sines celery compound will restore yoa to perfect health and give you a loog leaa of life mrs page of am prior odt after years of suffering experienced the happy and mighty change that fainoa celery com pound alone oan give to the a filiated she says i have been for many years a great sufferer from rheumatism and a complica tion of other troubles about a year ago i was prevailed upon to try k course of painea celery compound- with a result so marvel ions that my moat intimate friends and neighbors ooold scarcely believe me to be the same womau formerly i ooold only move abont with tbe greatest eantion now i am well and active and my general health is good i believe palnee celery compound will do nil that is claimed for jvt fork christmas vtaohencu a 1iai a my i wliat cxi rii fort wo at taio juit foro 01 uliiniti 1lamilugout nku thititfa to malto sjmt fpmclirifltmflri iorovorvbodj oupt oumoivoua- j 1116 fore rhrlatmao hiding thorn in trunks mid ubolvoa jittt ore christmas maso ollia ifaosa wliat hntitu ji bring j uut foro uirlfiunnfl iiutjthoy dpi t u iut tlio riiit tiiluff just foro clirlatin is noedinrirtpdrbiitiairvbpttti oriurr- jutt fore cbrfatuirlt mamnia a iron bolder too juftjonjcurutmap qi audpft b uochuinrk made of nlllc just foro chriattnaa ongorgraiiddjawlilto as milk avuit foro curuuixib tliuro i didu t ml an to toll just foro cbrlutinah butltfuoss it a just as wull jubi foro christ time porlotaof felrle and 1 on llko wp ajmt foio clirjbtmftb mklngirchont9 ion t you boo juat foro christmas 60 much work aud ivo and olioor atust foro ci rlstmob jollkbt llmoof all tlio jear in jusfforo ohrlitmao strcnli hits rctnrucd my whole system wuarua down 1 wb so weak i could gcaroely mjt around to do mjr work j finally began to take hoods barsaparilla and after using five bottles i found that my strength had returned and my appetite was better i now feel as strong as ever mrs keloy 0 welidflton avenue toronto ontario hoocib piiib cure nauaea hick headache lodlgeatiod biliouenesb all drupgieta 25 cent e adavxkeya bandioiovergethtaiaed hand ling cigarettes in sickness and in health jinn and v fftt join hands in prod timing the orent south amerlcttn nervine king of cures for stomach tiouble and nerve mr h phillips ol wiarton ont writes i was very muoh emaciated by chrome dysentery and dyspepsia for a number of years no remedy or no physician seemed tosncoeaafnlly oops with ray case when i read ol tho cures bping effected by south american mervlno i decided to give it a trial before i had taken half a bottle 1 was mnch improved and felt greatly relieved a fow bottlea of it have made me a new man i am better and healthier than i had felt for years his wife was always a great sufferer from etomaoh trouble and headaches she a ay a seeing the wondqrful effect it waa having on my husband i tried it also the remedy gave me almost nibtant relief and haa oared and made a btrong wo nun of mo sold by a t brown in spain christmas evo ia catled noche buena or the good night shocked nnd frightened weak dervous people having heart troubles are easily shocked and frightened milburad heart and nerve pills fortify tho nerve restore regular rib t ion lo the heart and cure every form of heart and nerve trouble mrs gladys mcmillan toronto eaye milburn a heart and nerve pills oared mo of nervousness and palpitation i was so nervons that tho least nolee would startle mo butam now perfeotly well biliousness fi caused by torpid liver which prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment and putrtfy in u stomach then follow dizziness headache msomlna nervous if not relieved billon fever or ptooxl poisoning hoods f11u stimulate the stomach rouse tlio liver enre headache dizziness con stipation etc 23 cents sold by nil druggists tlis only luls to take with hoods sarsaparlua a good time toquit a bad habit is when you arc oat of monby ouccimbers and melons are forbidden frail to many persons bo constituted that tho least indulgence ia followed by attaoka of ohoiera dysentery gripping ttc thcbb persons are not aware that they oan indulge to their hearts content if they have on band a bottle of dr j d kellogg a dysentery cordial a medicine that will give immediate relief and ia a snre ouro for all summer complaints regular action of tbe bowels is necessary to health laxa iiverpills are the best occasional oathartlo for family or general use price 25 eentp any druggist castoria lor infant and children slfae- jiatt attauani x un wrapptfc keep clqse watch i look to it yon are well gnarucil against tbat stealthy lucmy kidney piicnie koulli american kidney cure is the only kcnicdy which will aclfovo nt once and core tt- mn who boast tbat they speak right oat are not- only straightforward bnt nsaal ly insnllinit h yoa have ironblesooao oaakh don keep nibblint sweets vtnd so rain yonr appellle a dosa or two of ayeia cherry pectoral will do yon mora rooj than ponnds of oandy and msist ralber ban impair yonr dlxeatlou always keep this modiolne iu yonr honss whan wo see a bloyolo ridsr looking atralxbt bead we know be i a beginner nanralgla and lonk dpresalon nan the balr 10 torn gray premalorsly soils hair iunewer will reatore the oolor and prevent the hah from fallin a man always feels like spologtxlng for wsstlng time when banting a sewing r thsvhatby- sjlow dlaapptarlng from uig moiilniindrtatlosa miohaul momulliu of chchloy writoa r i had been troubled with gravel and kidney disease for eight years at times the pain was eo severe i could not lie in one rpoeltion for any length of time i tooksouth america 11 kidney onre accord ing to direct ion n i got immediate relief the boreness and weakness all left i oan testify to the remedy being a wonder fulqurv thlb stealthy enemy will not quityou by using pill doses it must be a kidney epeoiilo a liquid that tfill dla- solve all tbo hard sjubstancos and carry them off through nntaros channel south imefrioaii kidntjy core does thip it ia a liquid and never fails to cure sold by a t drown looulkois gl- 2 javfe8ctableirepararloaro slrrdlatlrtg iheroodanduegula- iusltetaaralbobl3of imnm prpmotesdigestlotichccrrul- ticss and rest contains neither opruirtmorpuinfi nor mineral not narp otic tlni sal- 282- mssrmpfur apctfccfhemedy forconsllpo- tion sour slomachdiaithoea worms convusionfeverisnt ness and los of sl too simile signature of see that thb signature of r is on the wrapper op eveey bottiie of cxactcoprof wrappch j oaitoha is pat up in onurue tottles only it ll not sold in balk dont allow anyone to soil yoa anything else on the ploa or promise that it is jolt as good and will answer every pur oft pcfft3iatyougotoistoeta tltofis- 0 some folks enjoy nothing so mnch as going aronnd talking eqbpioioaely about their neighbors anxious mothere and dr lows worm syrup the beat medicine to expel worms ohildron like it worms dont many persons cannot take plain codliver oil they cannot digest it it upsets the stomach knowing these things we have digested the oil in scotts emulsion of cod- liver oil with hypophos- phites that is we have broken it up into little glob ules or droplets we use machinery to do the work of the digestive organs and you obtain the good effects of the digested oil at once that is why you can take scotts emulsion 50c and 1 00 all druggist scott qowne chemists 1 roni a iciflonnl itrm mrs wm uambly belleville ont says my husband wee troubled with kidney complaint rhcumutibm iobb of appetite sleeplessness eta and could not get relief until i got a bottle of doans kidney pills for him he has now used four boxes in all aud in completely cured doanm kidney fills are the ones that oure remember the name doans wo are liable to be mobt miserable expeoting troubles that never come ii ai yards yellow oil enrea all pain in manor beast for sprains aute brulsob oalloub lumpa bwoiiioge inflammation rheumatism and neuralgia it is a specific it is not safe to oritlze folks too recklessly for you cant tell whose relatives they may bo 1 for the children when coughs and colds did tress the children norway pino syrup comes to tho rescue it soothes and beala the throat removes the phlegm and is pleasant and easy to take people who aro always telling how they never do mean tricks behind the door usually go behind tho woodshed and do meaner ones no family living in a bilious oonutry should be without parmeleeb vegetablo pills a fow doses taken now and then will keep the liver active cleanse tho stomaob and dov7oib from all bilious matter and prevent aguo mr j l price shpals martin co ind writes i have tried a box ot parmeleoa pills and and them tho best medioino for fover and aguo i have ever used a boy is never too trifling to learn to whistle real loud with his angers sciatic ouch excruciating tains- hate you suffered t luieumntlo cure will itellce in 0 hours mid cure i buffered intensely with rheumatism and sciatica iu my loft hip i triod a great many remedies and a number of physicians but they could do very littlo for me only giving mo at times a littlo tempor ary rehof i saw south american rhen matio cure advertitiod and dcoidod to give it a trial tho llrdt few doses benefitted me wonderfully and after tukiog only two bottles tho pain disappeared and thoro has been no return j conbidei my euro u mar vel as i had been so bad for two years that had i been given tho whole nmverso i could not lie on my left eiriie k errlt mornckville ont sold by a t brown lots of men would liko to uet a pension but not nearly eo many unlit to yo to war heio rests oui he t new remedies come and new remedies go bnt scott a emulsion is the great rock foundation on which hope of recovery from weak throats and lungs mustrobt it is the standard of the world we oould never see why an old maid needs to get stuck on herself just beoanso she gets married cnifccr tan ik cured cancer is the severest form of blood disease burdock blood bitters is tbe most pow erf ul blood medicine known itonrea cancer and all skin diseases proof my husband hatl two oanoers taken off his face and another was coming on his lip he took two bottles of burdock blood bitters and it disappeared i kuow this medicine is ia an excellent blood purifier mrs wm kirby akron erie co now york b bi has the m natural art inn on the stomach liver boweb and blood of any medicine known hence lb effects are prompt and lasting- it cures without fail all such cflsfaw as dyspepsia constipation biliousness bad stele headache boils pimples tumors scrofula kidney compiling jaundice evory man thinks ills credit ia rood natures mcdlrlnc a girl wesrinit an orgaudio drees thinks she look good enough to oat that aching head oan be matantly roliev ed by lakinu one of milburn slorlinsi headache powders 1 powder for s 8 for lo and 10 for 26o oollo and kidney ulffloalty mr j w wilder j j lafarkevllle n t write lam aobjeot to severa attsoks of oollo and kidney difficulty sod had farmle pills afford me sireat relief wbilo all olbar ramedii have failed they are tho beat medicine i have ever need in foot so great is the power ot this roedioln to olnnsa sod parity that diseases of almost every pint and nstnre are driven from thobotly natures medicine fur constipation liver oomplafnt eick headache biliotiboebb jaundice and sallow oomplexion is iiaxa liver pills they aro a perfeot laxativo nover pripiug or canning pain one i ill eaoh niizht for thirty nigblb will euro coil btipaliou the worst thing about adeadbeut ie that bois tbe last to find it ont he hsu triod it mr john anderson klnlosb writes i ventnro to aay few if any have received greater benefit from the ubd of dr thorn as eoleotrlo oil than i have i have need ft regularly for ten years and have recommended it to nil sufferers i knew of ahd they fo it of great vlrtae in casesof severo bronobitis and inoipiont poneumpllon coated tongue loss of appetite and general debility the fact that ft is guar anteed to cure it ussd according to directions warrants any sufferer in giving a fair trial to burdock blood it is a myatery why so metny people eat indigestible things when thero aro bo many things that are digestible distress from karnrhe i was troublod with earache for a long time bays miss j johnson inmsfall n w t and after trying different remedies without supcesa used hagyards yellow oh aa a last resort aud i can really say that it cured mo bo completely that i havo never had earache since henderson co glasgow house clearing lines lhe cleinnjj season j3 it hand and wo pur making iho tollqwink lines o oul wilh a rush millinery the balance of our block of fall millinery comprising shapes of all kinds i cithers wings osprcys i ancy ribbons and ill kinds of trimmings to be j cleared at greatly reduced prices wo cannot quote prices hero but customers cm rely on securing genuine bargains mantles wc liao had i good season in mantle selling becauso our goods are right in btyle ind price trom toway the balance will be cleared at cut prices n d theso goods all of the shorter and fashionable lengths wo hive nono of thol ong german jackets fashionable nowhere which so many merchants arc struggling to sell dress goods wc have some genuine snips in this department come and see them vou cm only apprccntc ilucs in dress goods by seeing for yourself menstovercoats we hao se oral lines broken in sires which we aro offering ni bargain prices dont fail to secure a cheap coat while they last v f wc aro showirg a great range of for g oods in ruffs of different kinds muffs cnpb capes and astrachan jackets we are making a specialty of grey lamb gaps sec our offerings before buying your xmas presents henderson fc co railway tims tabi crand trunk rallvvay ooinei vphl mall 1 41 am i t xpro a j xi li in mall 7 co li in qolso ka6t fxiirusb n a1 nj 1 xnrobk 10 47 a m mull ii 11pm mlxcl v lo 03 jim tiju ov ctou iujiaijl shops and warerooms toot ol willow st calls attendeid o day or night j a speight fc co undertakers and embalmers acton ont i latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furniture of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co orders left with j n 8tin8on rockwood will receive immediate attention oooooeoaottiis qranby rubbers are out again this season in new styles and a the new shoe shapes right up to date but with the same old wear like iron quality that has always char acterized them because they are hon estly made of pure rubber be sure you get granbys this year sl3te3c3ie3sisisaqis3bjas5tjqkc3l satisfaction or sj your money back dr woods nprwfty pine syrup is sure to cure coughs mgrffir wfi w v ritiw thero aro pebpla who know what iisb beoomeof every cent tboy over had there never waa and nover will be a nnlveraal panacea in ono remedy for all ills to which flesh is heir tho vory nature of many cuiativeh boing suoh that were mrermaoh4herandwdiffori diseases rooted in the system of life patlont what would relieve one ill in tarn woald aggravato tbe other we have however id quinine wine when obtained in a bound unadulterated stato a remedy for many and grievous ills by ita gradual judloloua use the frailest systems aro led into eon valesoenoe and strength by the indaonoo whloh qnluine exerts qn natures own restoratives it relieves tho drooping spirits of thoso with whom a chronlo state of morbid despoudeni and lack of interest in life is a dlaease and by trannnilking tbe narves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the aotlon of the blood whloh being stimulated eourms throoghout the veins strengthening the healthy antra fuoolioos of tbe system thereby making activity a necessary resaitj btredglhenlng lh frame and giving wf the digestive organ which nstbrall deandihoftasofl satatofrsnllij proved ppeflttvtnorlhhip isw toronto hve given to flie quinine wine ai th nsoal if7 gulged byjtmoplpjon o ieisntay1 wiwproaobes nearest perfeotlon ot iu accordance with our advertise ments to guarantee our workmanship to the fullest extent and in every particular and as an evidence that the guarantee card which you will find in the pockets of shoreys gar ments means what it says if you are wearing shoreys ready-to- wear clothing and do not find it perfectly satisfactory in every particular and will communicate your complaints to us we will see that yon are satisfied or your money refunded h shorey co montreal mfgs of ready-to- wear clottilnr dolus wont 0 a in autlfilloimn going east 10 15 a in and 5 16 v till time tabla iotlt into ufttct on motid1 nov 30tb 1600 early to bed early to rise stick to business and advertise now is the lime to advertise people 1re going to havo money to spend this win ter ns they have not had for years 1 enquire at the tage titcbs office for rates i and ipice iu h hamilton nealkn in marble and granite hamiltons blook t oueiph ilaviug on band a large qusutlty of scotoh norway swedish ind russian grrnite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i wlljl sell nt a reduction of 20 per cent and will illow all expenses to customer to and from our works john h hamiltoh j trie r- limitep tofiioisttd wilkinson plougl last- longest work easiest aiioa lightest- points and soles last twlg as long all cast parts haver our nari and address in mil on them see that yqfl get them it will pay you jff the strongest and simplest pnefumaic 1 ensilage cutter in the market ruannteed to cut so ton dn hournd deluer 4oeet ll stnw cutlers and root pulpers rb bearings alt kinds of wheelbarrows the wilkinson plough compan limited toromto brrntf0rd1 calvanized st for pon mad xajr witfli taitnal covuffd qexr patent jtatlar tbu bearings maple leaf crkin crinpei two sizes for any power no x has 10 ind reversible but no 2 has 8incl single burrs both have pals hearing bprfl plates r e 1 i ajf s and shale tee gnhd flr and fast with ie j power alwayj guaranteed a trial given p hundreds in u we make patent roller and ballbear ing bteel windmills of all kinds the finest in the market best material lig h t e s t running send for illustrated catalogue a0kaob specially selected ceylo and one pound packeta at ali gooekswal 3t ioi x0 bfld 6qet8 jwnnd i fir i i ttf ffr r ui ili4iim pricings mcmullensv choice steel wire nettings it trellis poultry yards tawn fencings ie an sold mnch lower this year than lywrwre shiey an tl merchant for ithe bwt ask your tlardwiro them acton agent for above also fob frost and wood binder and mowers a full line of all kinds of farm implements anclrec mi p ra h f jftjsjrwi fcg tjj ib-