Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 28, 1898, p. 2

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as loimin ouuvlllo on tuesday july lfltli to mr uml mm juac fordo dauklitor d iii icinsbon attiar bomo lu ooornotnwu ou 1iiilay july 10th wifoof mr jotj hutcuiiuou iii hor fortyfourtb yor x alt uohatii at his homo lot 31 con 4 eoquos inn on wednesday 20li july alaxaudor mo donald in iiib botu yoar mahaify at mil too on saturday nioriiliih jurd jily cliribtona roan cameron hatovou wlfo of jtov mabahy pastor of knox ouurou bmiiii at tliomauio guoliiu on monday 90th july after a llngorinft lllnosa ltev jurnoi c hnilth o p pator o st and rows cburob agodcj years 3hje qtizit jfm ftem thursday july 28 1808 notes and comments tho water ford village ooonoi has la6aqd a bylaw laying penalty not exceeding 920 uptti thou- who mil intoxioanta to minora post up indecent writing or picture ute obqoone ungaare liepp a disorderly or rambling hoase beg alms oouduot oharivaria or are oruol to aniuibls owing to the promised iuoreaue jn the public revenues and the fact that the british government have accepted the two- cout poatage rate between england and canada the launer administration will almopt immediately proclaim and pot in force the two eent loiter postage law passed last seseion but which was only to beoorae operative on the motion of the govern or- in- council tlio projected increase in the navies of the world accompanied as it will be by an immensely inoreaso demand for nickel eteol gives farther reaaon for the placing of an export doty npon the raw material mined in canada tthare seems to be little doubt that canada controls the world supply of this very necessary metal and an export doty at this time would probably result iu the bafldlog np of an industry most profitable to canada omnious news oonoei from the east a despatch to old london reports that the japanese government has ordered the four warships to proceed to saiseho to re- enforoe the squadron already there also the commander is instructed to cooperate with the admirals of the british and u s tieete in the event of international compli cations the despatch is not altogether explicit but it is inferred that the squad rons are to be held in readiness for opera tions in the philippines a government return glvcd the indian population of canada as 09804 and they are scattered through all its provinces nearly threequarters of the whole number bnlong to some religions denomination the catholics numbering 41818 the angli cans 16130 aud the methodists 10203 the rest being divided among other christian bodies of those not registered in religious sects about 10000 are pagans probably keeping op some form of native worship bat making no particular display thereof and elading statistical tabulations from an mdastrial point of view the canadian indians mako quite a respeo table showing their ottrniags last year footing np about s2fi00000 in order to help the farmer of the west dispose of hia output at once the canadian pacilio will this year allow him to load directly into grain cars j tho following anuoucement to that efreot havjagben poated gummonoiag with this years crop the canadian taolflo railway com pany will famish can to producers of grain to be loaded directly f rom- waggons provided there will bo no unreasonable delay about loading the cars this circu lar will bo welcomed by many thousand of western farmers who have hitherto been denied the privilege of loading direct on oars at points where elevators exist lit- est reports show that tills years crop will bo tremendous mi on th d actona rate struck at this rea sonable figure and all present years improvements pro vided for the electri lioh qyestlon tho boaelon of tho council on monday oveniok was an important one inasmuch as tho consideration ot tho estimates of receipts anil expenditures and the linking of tho rate or the ourront year wero on the docket vory carefully wore all the flnanoob scrutinized and aftor due deliber ation iu committee of the whole it was conoladed that a rati of eighteen mills will meet all requirements for thoourrent jear and tho rato wab consequently etrnck at that bgnre an item whioh ratepayers generally villi appreciate was brought nu when the various debenture werbuug sorntloizod it was found that with three payments ot prinoipal and interest aftor the proaont year the whole of the town hall debentures will have been liquidate the annual payment is t180 and this sum if devoted to street improvement whi make a very desirable addition to the amount usually granted for that purpose thoeleotrio lighting question wasreferr ed to but presumably owing to the lateness of the hoar was allowed to paor without action being taken counolllor clarks suggestion that a couple of members of the oounoll should be delegated to vieit towns where electric planta are in aaocebssful operation to beoare pointers is a good one and should be acted upon without delay oonncll met la regular session mem bers wore all present and the session opsn- ed at eight oolook an invitation from mayor moybary of detroit requesting the presence of mayor pearson and tbe members of the council at the tieoood annual convention of the league of american municipalities to be held at detroit on the 1i august was received tbe committee on finance presented their twelfth report recommending pay ment of acoouots as follows ttmoore postage h 1 00 j a murray expenses to gnelph ra pavement 1 10 it dlqrham atone and gravol 1 co it j monabb oopvlng bond and agreement 3 00 it cook labor 8 19 j ucqueon cleaning noso ac a 00 canadian bubbor co ropalrlng hose 40 i 33 james hntoheon engineer ro pave ment 0 00 ellas jlogon co eoal tor flro engine 6 65 d mills gravol and teaming 21 61 h p moore printing oto 26 03 mooi moved by j a murray seconded by- i francis that the twelfth report of the committee on finance jost read be adopt ed carried the estimates ot receipts and expendi tures for tbe enrrent year were presented by chairman clark as follows msckiirrs unoolleotod tojcou 1697 cemetery bale of plots license feos bent ot town hall pines dog tax statute labor tax legislative grant publlo school legislative grant public library assessment oa rx5ftv at 18 mills assessment oa 9700 at 601 mills the examinations official list or the successful candidates who wrote at qeorjretown canada has for two years been oonstsntly rejoioing in increasing prosperity there have beon evidences in one quarter or annther of the progress the dominion has bconmakiufl railway companies banks- stoamsbip companies inlsuid transporta tion companies manufacturing corpora tions exporting and importing merchants bavo all been preparing statistical and other reports of the results of their opera tions weekly monthly or yearly wbioh bavo been uniformly of the moat favorable obaraoter the orops have been good and prices have been on tbe wbolo bigbly profitable for grain as well as fox obeeso snd batter so tbat agriculture baa been be tter rewarded than for years and our far mers bave been relieved of beavy financial burdeus whioh they bave borne with exam pury patience tho timber trade has been very fair counting the malts of tbe palp industry perhaps as profitable all round as formerly though perbapa the saw mill operators have not been as well rewarded ss formerly canadians therefore were not surprised to hear that tbe official returns of tho fiscal year ending on the thirtieth ot jano last have been greater by far than io any other year of its existence montreal yitnrss- the earl of minto has been appointed- qovernor- oenoral of canada lennox july 90 the earl of minto has been appointsd govsrnorqeneral of can ada in succession to the earl of aberdeen gilbert john eiiiotmarray-kynmound- clliot fourth earl of mllnto was born in 1815 has been in thesootsfnalllorgnards was a volunteer in the egyptian campaign and commands the sontb at scotland volunteers with tbo rank of colonel ha is a liberal aud retired from tbe army in 1870 in 1883 be married tbe dsoghter of uonobas cray he woo ednoated at trinity college cambridge and soon after completing bis oourss was appointed ennign of tbo soots guards in 1807 the karl of mlntoln 1b77 served with tbe turkish army took part in tbe afghan war of 1870 and in 1881 became private secretary to general lord roberts at the cape lrom 1883 to lfl85 he was military secretary to the marquis of lansdowno then governorgeneral of canada he was chief of iho staff in tbe northwest ltebelllon in 1885 ills estate comprises land to tbe extent of 10000 acres h 176 79 80 00 1b0 00 90 oo 19 o0 09 oo 90 o0 1sjo0 an oo tto 27 67 ai k63i6 87 kxphnditubes town nail dobenturo and intorest 480 00 cemeterr debenture intereat and slnklnsfand 100 00 publlo park debentnro interest and sinklnmnndt an oo publlo sobocl debenturo interest and sinking fand 317 so fire protection debenture interest and sinking pand s65 30 countyllate 963 30 public school purposes 1723 00 streets and walks 709 0o ibalarles bm 00 printing 100 oo fire protection 103 00 free library 300 00 cemetery t 33 00 obaritlm as 00 interest t 3a 00 contingencies 336 ps general expenditures sh 20 k 8370 37 moved by 3 a murray seconded by john clarke tbat leave be granted to intro- duos a bylaw to provide for the e of the municipality and the support ol acton public botaool for tbe ourrent year and that said bylaw be now read a first time carried the bylaw waa read the required num ber of times and passed the rate beiog fixed in committee of the whole at eighteen mills on the dollar the rates for tbe various expenditures were struck aa fol lows bate for town hall debenturo and interest las mills rate for cemotery debentnro and interest 37 ltate for public park debenture and interest iu rate forpabllobenoo debenturo and interest 106 rata for plre proteetlon deben ture and interest 123 rate for county bate 03 rate for school purposes dim rate for municipal purposes 026 1800 tbe eleotrie light question was intro duced reeve pearson asked what notion tbe conncild should be taken tlio following 1b a hat of the candidates who were saocsssful in passing the examin ations at goorgotown iu order to pass candidates ware required to obtain ono third of tbe marki obtainable on each subjiot nnd half ot tho total of 1100 marks obtainable ou all the subjects fifty llvo pupils presontod themselves for tbo ln trauoc examination and of those twenty- nine have been admitted subject to tho approval or tho education department twentyllirce candidates wroto ou the publfo sohool leaviug examination and of these three from acton and threo from korval public sohools wore successful public school leaving t t 31 olle acton clara cobban 705 thoi henderson 700 hatlleordm 010 joy sramiltlm no v 12bu liura vnuco 828 bertha klco 780 evaday j 717 knthancl t ii ellduly ifomikton n vim hurno cuo wmsnyder m3 ratio eoid ml lilllebennott c25 vina sherman 022 jeonlo mooro 1101 frank mokluloy 570 anne finlay 551 w 1iikntishs0 0 kequihino millie hool gju mabel graham 101 uihb onii so 0 kholtcsivi olive marsball 751 john newton 50 un lumin no 0 chimhulouhi florence doiboii 7113 sir i1ivihm no 11 hbiukhtmt culhbert hampson 007 bessie bioftham 581 john oaunpball 502 mil n0btok no 11 ktouhinu eva owens c07 mr rwuut no 5 etjijiilsinu anna leslie 003 jas mccoll 019 jlfsb hlfonmlt no 12 ksoukb1no laura flans 031 harry beid 553 iibb lhila no 2 ciiinouvcouuv thos mcdonald 001 1111 binlla1ii no 1 ciiinouacolbv nellie sinclair 570 alpheus oneil 578 annie haines 500 lilt suonth1 no 8 e8uukb1no minerva thornton 508 uii udnecion no 8 nasbaomeva jeunio storoy 550 tbo following mado a sufficient number of marks to entitle them to an entranco certificate gortmdo barry acton 515 jennie taylor no 7 chingnacousy 527 david sinclair no 1 erin 489 four were recommended for entrance oertiflcatee oscar bracken no 8 chingnacousy 571 ethel appelbe no 0 esqnesing 571 violet annis no 7 eequeaing 541 edith niokllo anton 510 spain s for peace thafrenoh ambassador on behalf of the government of spain presents to praeldant mc- klnley a message look ing to the termina tion ofwftr oeneralmiles atporto rico c revsons corners railroad fir a are doing oonblderafalo dam ago to pasture land id tbia vicinity mr woi ccippq started thiesbing for thia season oo tuesday the attendance at tfierepeuog of tho methodist obnroh here on sunday wag very large he v sir holden delivered a very able disooaraa from 2 cor 8th chap and 9th verse service will be held hero eaob sunday morning at 11 oolook councillor a j m array and miss florence of aotoo spent sunday with friends here mr and mrs n fprbea spent sunday wlthlrlonds at calliuafad miss lottifl cann spent sunday at mr alex flnm diors eden mills wahuindros d c july 2g spaiu bas sued for pcaco formally and directly to president mcklnloy through m gumboil the french ambassador the following alateraent is mide the french arobsbaador ou behalf ot 1 the government of spain and by dircotion ot tbo spauuh minister of foreign affaire presented to ibu preeldeut this afternoon at tbo white hoihj a meesage from the bpaoiuh govornmeal looking to tho ter mination of the war audi the settlement of terms of peace the proposition submitted by the am- baspador uoliogfur tho spaniah govern ment was quite geoeral in terras and waa con flood to tho ono obbeutial point pt an earnest plea that negotatioaa be openeq for the purpose of termiuatfou the war and arriving at torms of pace the communi cation of tho spanish government did not apggebt any bpeoiflo toroas of peace nor was there any reference made to cuba forto jtico the fbilippiuea or other spanish pobsoebions tho evident purpose of the madrid autbontfes was first to learn whether the united states would treat on the enbjeot of peace aud after that to take up such terms na tho two partiep might soggcbt neither waa there any suggestion from tho spanish government tbat au armistice be established ponding the peace desolations it beamed natural however from the proposition tbat formal peace n ego tut ions be entered upon that pending their conclusion a cetstlon of hostilities would occur st tiiosiah porto eico july 26 secretary war washington clroum- atadces were euch that i deemed it advisable to take tbe harbor of goaoica first fifteen miles west of ponce whioh was successfully accomplished between daylight and oleven oolook the spaniards were surprised tbe gloucester oommander wainwright 11 ret entered tbe harbor met with slight resistance fired a few ehote au tho transports are now in tbe harbor and infantry aud artillery are rapidly going aahorp this is a well proteotcd harbor water sufficiently deep for all transports tho heavy essele can anohor within a few hundred yarda of the shore tbe spanish flag was lowered and the amerioan flag raised at eleven oclock today captain higglqaon with bis fleet has rendered ablo and earnest assistance troops in good health and best spirits no oabalilies signed miles majorgener al commanding army mfapi v nisfifshpanm canadas oldest exhibition tbo silver jubilee of tho western fair london september 8th to 17th is going to be the best in the associations history aud will be formally opened by sir oliver mowat lieutenantgovernor of ontario and in all ltkelihool tho governorgeneral and xudy aberdeen will give tho western a visit before retiring from office suoh are tho expectations at present and will be folly mado known at tho receipt of their accoptnce applications for space aro being made at bach a rate that several departments are nearly full already and tho general the experlonco of mr ralph clber- aon who ssutfered greatly from general debility lrom tlio arivortltor hrtuml h it ralph gibereon postmaster at mou quart carle ton co n b is also known as a prosperous agriculturist and an enthu siast iu his line now stalwart and rugged weighing 250 pounds he scarce would be recognized as the mau who six mo nth a ago was tho picture of ouo eucforiug t terriblo bj mptotne of general debility was run dowu in health suffered mlich from disiucss almost blindncta gonel dullness and deprceaion of spirits ho had a poor appolfte and such food as he ate gave him great distress ho waa incapaci tated for tho work that fpll upon him and was well nigb utterly riieconrogcd the symptoms bordered on to those by which hypochondria is manifested through reading tho atherluer ho learned of tho particularbenefit that sovcral ofhia friends in this vicinity had received bj the use of dr williams fink pills and by tbo hope held out by their testimonials ho bccured a supply and took tbpm according to direc tions tho result was almost msijioal immediately his symptoms began to beodmo less disagreeable and h stead ily gaiped until now ho is perfectly frpo from his old troubles he gladly and free ly gives this testimonial that all who may read it may know tho remedy if eer they aro troubled with general debility dr william pink pills euro by roing to tbo root of tbe disease they renew and build np tho blood aud strengthen the nerves tbaa driving disoaee from tho bystem the genuine can only bo had in boxes tho wrapper around whioh bears the full trade mark dr williams piuk pills for palo people two men were killed and ono fatally injured in a boiler eiplobion near blenheim last friday louis ojrzanio a horsethief just liberated from jttil committed tbe samo felony monday and was rearrested private advices from tbe klondike say that tbe gold yield from the spring cleanup in tbe yukon will exceed twenty millions of dollars summer specials arranged to meet present demand special offer ing during july dress stuffs 44 in serges in cream black and brown lcgular price 50c for 38c 40 in cashmere silk finest in pink light green and blue regular 50c special 40c 1 2jc light prints best make special 10c blouses all at reduced prices parasols a special collection of handsome styles all marked down gloves hosiery and laces at reduced prices groceries our stock never was lager ah fresh and at lowest prices gurnet fe go mill st acton councillor fnnois said something should ba dons in tbi matter without farther delay councillor clark thought tbat a com mittee oomdomd ol a ooaple ot msmbcm of the oonnoll should be sent to visit munici palities which art ronnlpg electric lighting systems id order to secure all possible in formation respecting the matter and sug gested tbat ntwmarketwhom system audits favorable results daring the ysarol its instalment were referred to in last issue ol tbe jnsu pacts be visited ss wsll aa staynar whose sjrhtam was sons lima sgo reoommonded coonolllor john clarke than pressnled tbe following motion moved by himself thst the itjmva and flunnnlllnf tm the klo c shows sevan mllllone royalties on t hroe million yet to be colloot- ed none esoape payrnent vakcoovan b 0 wj 18 the bank ot british north america at dawson oily suds its official report io the bank here the official figures if the elondika clean up by the inspector of axitim shows 7- 000000 tho royalties oollostad emoont to 100- o00 representing a0000o0 ebon to isavs tjieootintryirroyaltlsrs on 8000000 sireyewdrbsoollitpmd no 00s is ssoaplog olark be a oommlute to visit some neigh boring town for ibe porpose ot asosrtalnlog tbe cost elo of sin elsctrio light plant suitable for this roanlolpality ibis motion wae passed to oonnolllors morray and fnnois in torn both of whom refnssd to seoond it mr francis explained tbat be has no objection to ths personnel of the oom- roltleo bnl as bs wss chairman of tbo committee on xtife and lights ha did not think it wonld look well to do tbe bosiness that way looonoillor clerk having been nailed oat tbo motion frits tabled the ooanoil adjonrned and the eleotrio light matter is allowed to go by dsfaolt for another week or two erin james sprowl of 4th line erin spring creek farm raised a fine bank barn on lolh in mr j swaok- hammer tbe framer deserves great credit for tbe splendid manner in whioh the framo went together after the raising tbe men who assisted and a number of friends enjoyed a eamptooos tea on the lawn at noon on monday lgtb lnst while silting at dinner mr christopher hall lot 81 oon 8 erin noticed that bis barn was on fire tho flames had gained soon a headway however tbat notwithstanding the efforts ol mr hsii and tbe neighbors who qnlokly gathered nothing conld be saved mr hall loses a large quantity of hay lend most of his implements the oanse of vie tire is unknown thero is some insurance tbo farm is ths property of dr gear erin impression throughout western ontario is that with tbe good crops now being harvest ed the farmers and their families will tnrn onten masse to got at mnoh needed rest and support the fair whiob they bave been largely tbe moans of bringing to the proud position it now holds of being the most euooessful in the dominion today its immonso growth bas cansed tbe directors no end of tronble in tho past providing proper accomodation for the live stook and agriooltaral implements in partionlar and every other department in general tbe sdditional box stalls the extonsion to tbe carriage building and the annex to the main bnlldlng for art will aosst them in supplying tho want9 of th nttmqrnng inrlilfrj and giv t days bookstore hammocks 24 hammocks from 70c to 2 will be cleared at a low price a large quantity of sponges at half price the store is full of sum mer reading the latest pub lished and all the old favorites ifis for 50 years jleto aoiwrttiments act0n holler mills ciio it c no liyktcumor low wntir tin tiica- duy tlnirnony and baturdaj 7 cunts pur bu cash or loll j khluti phlk lroprlotor ice wanted sufficient to koop ft foinlu rofriroratur going call at fnee 1henaoiuco to duj for service awklti ultudjarsoyjlullotactoii wloo cash or tcrnih 1 01f cliatgud heifer astray a two your old holfor wlth calf btrayoil on to tbo prumisos of tbo uiidorslyaod oa tiunday lotli inst owner may lmvo senna by poying ex po mob arch mchachern ii 01 1 in af a a i o for sale toujtle brlok houaejl by j6 bcvoo roouia viv in ottoli rood oellara lmrd attd soft water larcoiotno lomnjn 8treot jeton auo goocl btuld torms ooay airily co jobn catnorob architect or to tbo owner g wellb evertoa p o wanted bhigiit mqn and woninn who arc not too pioud to wort mid would llko to mako some modoy durlnjt tjio noxt uira month in tehldjt tbo wondeitul itory of tbe life of mr q i culi toe to their neighbors t800tday oully made some make tbroe tluiei that euro no risk no oxperlonconocapltal noeesary write quickly for particulars hkadlevgaihetson coipany limited torouto agents 4 1 phe story of mr tatadbtones llfn la of tbo j groatoot man of tbe ase aud orabraeoa tho history of tbo nlnoteotitli contary tbe moat wonderful century since tlmo began it has tbe boudlty of fact and the fuolnauon of action and is told in eloquent almpllclty setter send for joar ontflt before you ploep and be first in tbe hold capital unnoocsaary dig paid for tbe book balls to everybody the bradleygaritetson co limited toronto house and lot f 3al teat doslrablo rosldentlslproportyon honor avenue and wilbur btrueti opposite tbo motliodist panionaso on wbaob la srected a oonatortable six roomod rousbcut bouso tvltb woodshed dotacbod socd cistan oxoollent fiar don a number of fruit troes wall fenced tbo wbole in a sood etato of repair liberal terms to suit purchaser forpartlouurs apply to n p moore fbbl pnxsti oulee actou day sells cheap latiast literature the htroea ot the vitals of a battlesbip are gifoo merited praise in blohard lse foams illustrated paper ths vitals of a battleship which takes np the opening psoas ol tbe august chautaiujnn this number slso contains an artlole on lieut btchmoiia k liobson bytiartna young a resident qf oreensboro with an oxoollent photogrih ol magnolia grove tbe hobson homentsarh tha spaniard la the far east by william elliot grlfbs dd and tbe city and harbor ot santiago de cabs by charles a bell are also timely artloles a soilis of artloles on village life is began in the august ltulfat home journal under ths beading tbe twentieth cen tury village writers who have made a stndy ol the smaller communities will oontribnls tha artioies so that they will be entirely praotioal all tbe conditions of village life snd the adjanots tbat serve to bring the village in olossr touch with modern improvement and deyfll are treated in praotioal detail and tbe artioies will doubtless be most useful io people living in tho smaller towns and vlllsgas buildings equal to the best the entries sloso rept 7tb but aa tbe spaoo and stabling nlll be slotted in tbe ordor tbo entries are received it bobooves intending exhibitors to mako them as early as possible and beoure tho choice positions write tbo secretory mr tijob a browne for information prize lists programmes etc tbo attraotionb wbioh have always been entortaining sre to be sven more so tbia ypar tbe royal osuiadian dragoons will glvo exhibitions of fancy drill sword combats etc prince olcabes japs 10 in cumber bave been secured the wat- bod slstors triangular leotrloal trapeze webb aod hassan tlio nlariuus buck snd andrews with their texas mule the gregory combination snd others to be supplied by sie hassem ben all wbo is now in morocco selecting something of a vory high order eaob evening there will be tho grandest pyroteohoio display ever given in london together with the real- istio representation orsblowinjrtrp of- the maine assisted by sll ibe ring and stage attractions as speolal exonrsion trains leaving london after ten oolook each evening are being arrsnged witb the railwsy companies it la expected that a very large number will remain for the q reworks the modern grocer being the hrg- est makers of refrigemtors in canada we mako secral lines of qrocers and household refrigerators in many styles and sizes modern in design with best principle of dry cool air cir culation beat in- 9 til atjonand xlnc lined why b uy a h om o made or poorly mado art ic le when you can get an upto dale refrigerator for less money tor prices and description send for catalogue knowles ham nott co limited brantford for sale by john m bond co cuelph our jubilee silirerwre sale having been such a success we have placed an order for another shipment to iitiive uexl week call and inspect the bargains in goods we guarantee sun savings and loan go head office toronto out authorized capital 000000000 tenyear maturity shares are- paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for z2o months when payments cease 860 00 paid in maturity alue 810000 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to rj mcnabb agent acton 8avab co established 1848 whtchmhkers hmd gpticihns agents- tbe only canadian llfo of gudntono 1 by ctutoll hopkins hon o wkom and air wilfrid iiaorlor a lasting monunmat to tbo great man and to canadian literature bewaro of amerioan oatobpenny booki bandied by canadian bouroe our book baa boon in prepa ration for ynara handaotnoly bound prolrjho- ly illnatratsbd big oomuluion prospootua froo tooanvasaor jrroigbtpaldl books ou tliua wlthtbls book you can dovrp tbqin all bradley- gaitlletson c01itany llmltod totouto yoters list 1898 muniqualitv 00 the village of acton county op nalton notice la hereby given tbat i bavo trans mitted or delivered te tbe porsona men tioned in so otlon 5 and 0 of tbo voters iilat act tbe copies required by paid scotlom to be io transmitted or delivered ot tbe list made pur suant to said act of all portom appoarlnf by tbo lut rarlbod assess mont roll of tbe aald municipality to be entitled to vdte in ibe aald municipality at theeleotlons for tbe members of tbefieglalatlve assembly and at municipal oleotiooa and that said llit waa first posted up id xay offlde at aoton on saturday 23rd july 1808 and remains tuoro for inspootlon eloetora areoallod upon to examine tho said lists and if any omlsalona or otbsr errors aro found therein to take immolate proceedings to bavo the aald errors corrected aooording to law tbob t u0oiu3 mnnioipal clork- oatod at acton tula 33rd day of july 1608 guelph ont xjihjujl you want the beat aiidiiit cheapest flstoo oilario mcmullens fencings and netllngs com bine these two qualities no others do hog fencings at special low prices all nllier varieties cheap mcmullens are the only good nettings sold in canada the are unequalled for poultry vardi trellis lawn fencos ask your hardware mer chant for mcmullens goods if you cannot buy of him write to the manufacturers at ricton ont or to the 13 crbenino wire co limited hamilton and montreal general agents james cooper montreal general agent for railway fencings w barber beos paper makbe8 georgetown ont auu a sraouwr or machine finished book papers high obadb weekly hews the paper nsed in thisjournar is from the above mills olmbahbjiil bros lelmg shle of an emperors fortvsix por traits and poses with five german warships faolog dew eys heat at manilla and lbs intentions or tho herman kaissr still a matter of some donbl the leading artlole presented in the cosmopolitan for jnly will be read with interest tho fortysix portraits and poses of tbe limporor william whioli lllus- ths royaitjei polios are ojlleotlng atl amonn it l60o v i trjstlsdnethaaovsrnmenl tha oapjalo of lbs britjbih oilfields reporti bating jogjfjfojivfi which bposss amonn it l60o r j i to ova years in klngitotj itohort bsrr makes hlb liomo in loudod england willism molenuan who writes almost eiclubiwly for ftarptri praotises law in montreal w a fraser who writes for slcolttrtm resides st george town ont sir john o bonrinot is clerk of tbe house of commons ottawa f blake crofton is legislative librarian ai halifax edjsr uanrloe brollh resides in montresl and makes bis living by bis pin these gentlemen are all among our leading writers and eaob one has a oon- ttlpqtlon in ths mldsnmmer nnmbor of kadlan jliaatlne the illustrations number are aa interesting as they nerous tbo oover lsa now design thsidfroiident of lbs onurio iliaajj 3ahiriiborn a man iwentyfonr ildblantly killed at dray ton ftwrnsged maaldg ilia in a bell whioh harled him irnio ma aruolo are iu themselves an extraordinary oxbibit lliey described as tho evolution ol an emper or shown by fortysix hntnsn documents undoubtedly so largo a number of portraits wero never before gathered together of any royal or imporlal personage the pall fairs list or the exhibitions already an nounced for the coming fall season industrial toronto lag 211 to bept 10 western london sept 8 to 17 wellesley wellcsloy sept 13 it northern walkerton sept 14 is soalhern brantford sept 17 to 23 uortloollnral preston sept 20 21 22 owen bonnd ows n bonnrl sept 20 21 centre wsllingttm fsriw sept 22 20 north perth stratford sepl 23 io oenlre bruoe paisley sip 27 28 baaihgrey durharo sept 97 28 peel brampton bept 38 90 qarafraxe flelwood sejptatl 80 eramosa hockwood oclll 12 worlds fair bookion oet 11 12 etio brio oct 18 14 stjmwr we purpose making n grcnt clenriiif sale during the month of june of summer goods this will be n grdt opportunity to ge seasonable goods at s third lc3s than the regular price our slock comprises all tho latest in summer wash iabrics organdie muslins swiss muslins victoria lawns english and american dross rims sateens block dress goods black brocaded lustres the latest novelty of tho season wo ha e them in tho newest designs all these in mack arc tho famous triestlys brand and confined exclusively to oursch cs in gcorgclown blouse silks in delicate colors and select stylos ve latest the pure sil all sizes c taffeta lisc anil lace mils in ribbons laoes in nil widths colors and prices wc are making a specialty this season of ladies white underwear these goods wo aro selling very clone in fact cheaper than the material alone can be bought for a magnificent assortment of ladies we have a very large assortment of fine lace curtains ladiesritwillpayyii toinspoctthofco goods before making oirr purchases fine highgloss tailoring in this department iho stock has lately been assorted in all the intest novelties for iho summer trade comprising fine scotch cheviots casulmcrcs english tweeds rino trouserings fancy vcstings etc the high standard of ihc style fit and finish of tho work turned out of this estab lishment by mr miller has given it an cnviablo reputation throughout the wholo country we employ none but firstclnss workmen ve uso none but the best trim ings no garment is allowed to go out unless perfectly satisfactory to tlio customer if you are not one of our customers a trlsl shirtwaists collars cutis ties house orde convince you tbat what we say wrappers etc fiats in hard and soft- fells llnea hats the latest and coolest straw hats in all styles bloyolo suits summer clothing in for in all boys youths and men nrc fncts sizes and prices gents furnishings tho latest in tics collars cuffs hosiery underwear printed envelopes tlienew postal regulations recom- mendthe use ol envelopes on which thushress of the sender is printed olr tbe corner this will ensnro the return of uncalled for letters to ink sender we have in slock a nlco line of white envelopes which we furnish neatly printed at i per ajo these suit users of limited quan tities very nicely first class envelopes for buslneas men at 2jojpertjiopsoniprinieillow- er prices for larger quantities fignro out the number of envel opes you use in a year and see if it won t pay you to buy them printed from the acton free press bargains in before stocktaking and in erd to make room for new a great variety in every pattern stylo and sizo do not forget our staple department wo have specials in table linens towellings flannelcilcs collrns sheetings eic we extend a cordial invitation to all to visit our store and inspect our stock rob blq piigetjwn 1ive8t frl riaymin st produoe taken in exohange every day foods we will sell our wall aper at greatly reduced prices call and see the excellent values we have in other house furnishings such as kindotae poles and window shfcdbs bk bttbber st4mjp8

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