Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 6, 1898, p. 4

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we are sure you do not nobody wants it but it comes to many thousands every year itcomes to those who have had coughs and colds until the throat is raw arid the lining membranes of the lungs are 3nhnncd stop your cough when it brat appears and you remove- the great danger or future trouble stopsxougbs of all kinds it does so becauselt is a eooth- ing and heallngrernedyof great power thlsmakes it the great est preventive to consumption imwtofvui oyers cherry pectoiral rflasteirsoyeryourlunga loiwrrm forfenrcenulnstanipa topayobit slgswe will sond you stxteso medical docks jvotffeaf adrlo frmm tto hayo the exclaslro jerries ot j ome ot too mostemlnent physicians an too united states untutul oppor canities dd long experloaco enll1 dentljrfltthemreriiltlngyoainedlebl i etdrloe writo frejl all the partlo i apbice tr the clob sent out seven ihousand invitations the swaijijer giirsta responded nobly the spoolous balls jigd drawing rootnaof tho popular bachelors ball were filled with tho elite of new york and other largo cities it was an event lu one end of the marble bawiuotloi chamber it stood ten uniformed polioc- inon were lined up ou both sides of it a solid old comer swung inoenso above it a band of airing instruments tilled the air with melody of worship tbe elirine itaelf was of bolid gold diamonds and sapphire wero inorusted upon its flanks and over it a beveled glass lid fell on gold binges one by one lbs guests spproaohod reverently paused before tbe gold casket and peered down through the oryntml liil wbktdrd they see on bed of boft- down covered with wbite satin it lay bad itbeen the newborn king of empires itooaldnol have worked up tho people tq snob a piiob of adoration at issvl in robes of state the president of the olub oame forth with a golden key he utjiooked the casket the people piere hushed io awe taking it from it satin bod tbe president reverently placed it between its teeth then mld the breatfusa tilonoe lighted amatob and with a ceremonial sweep of the- arnnv rouohed the flamo to tbe end of it suddenly tbe 1 great ohatnber was redolent of the perfume of heaven one man dropped dead as he drunk it in and four women swooned away brit the multitude scarcely heeded little things like tbat they were enraptured entranced in one vast ohorns of ecstasy they uttered ikikhhbj ud atvakl 6aiki leasing their eyes dreaming the president smoke it clear down to the ttnd diatributedtdoaibes btiesored sonvenirb and anotioned off the butt end to the highest bidder it brought ateen tbonaaud dollars for oharity atud was presented by the owner to the metropolitan mustam it was all that romained of the last havana cigar new york vouroaj r writo ulan la yonr prompt yarivr s tie ton will rtceiye a ww z jkctait w xm mgh unto death thursday october 6 t898 lj ijourijj jfolhfi a bo po ruckles and buttons and top and marbles and pioccja of itrtng a borow from a tuaty old mop and scraps of a favorite aling sloto pencils and pait ol lock somo mtcuesqdkoraalbof corn tbo wheels ot a discarded clock and ronolnof a mitten all torn a jackknifo or two novor blitvrp somo piocobof brlgutcolorod blaas ttiorini pf attaoolontjowanarp 1 rcne nshhoolu and rieca of brass old jialls sweeties chipplngs of uo with bit of a bat trodup jocitet all tucio and mnoh rooro at within tho doptbs of a httio boys pocket palms celery compound saves a life after fail ures with other medicines noh br a recent bridun washington who receiv ed many liandeomu ptoooa of utasawaro aud ohlna amouu lirr wedding gifts is exceed ingly proud of hor treasures aud has a perfect jewel of a rouid who ban not broken a elnglo piece oie atlornoon not long ago tho mistress catne homu aud found tho maid out au ijour or more lator the donietio rttumuit ilur armi were full of baudiciand stio ourried a batkot her face was rodiaut bhe ald the tablo wab perfectly lovely 1 it wai just cxaclly thowiy you fix jours when youlmve company candles slid ovcrytblog it was just too sweet 1 evorybody thought so what are you talking about 7 abked tbe mistress why anawered the maid tiro lunoli- eon my altter 8e today i didnt have time toatkyoobut i kuew yon wouldnt mind nothitiea broken aud auwrap- lng hor bundles bbe dibolosed to ber mistress stonibed eyes the vory plot of all tho obtrished wedding cbiua and glass not to meniiou sundry pieaeb of silver they had adorned tho lunoheon and the table was porfeotly lovely ma- have you a kathleen vo in a email town in whldb bloyolo trade was raging a lady was talking with tbeonly dealer and commenting upon the number o wheels to bo seen on tho streets daily observed yon muet be cashing your fortune at thib trado if only half the maobines ridden by the townspeople come from you woll mnm i dont know bo inuch about thai ww tbo reply yon see i have to sell a good mxny of my maobines ou the kathleen mavourneon prinolple the kathleen mavoorneenrinoiplo i oried the lair one what is that why payment on the hire system dont you know tbe song mum it may be for years and it may be for over good moreing mum iloiv it hurts mr momullin says paxnes celery compound worked miracles for me the ortlysafevmediolse ibr slok and diseased people every day co xliore is nothing so important connected with a happy healthful family as tbe preparation of healthy food for the nee of the family and yet this branob of tbe work is too often loft for the help to do every houeewife ahould take this part herself teaching her daughters healthful cocrbery b well aapaiatlng drawing etc seleollng and cooking food reqoires much intelligence and will toon be the moat important soiehoe of the day a lack of knowledge concerning this part of tbe houaeboldjs tho oauso of much alckneta in the first place everything xnrikt be per- feotlyolean tho food and ttie dish in which it is being cookod- and the person and olbtliea of tho one preparing the food wo often start out with perfect bleaniinear but ae the work iooreases we get tired and negleol this part of the work every dish that is need should be thoroughly washed and scalded before using j tho table stave ete slioald be porfeotly clean as well the fruit meat and vegetables may look nioe and clean but mast never be used until tboy are thoroughly wabhed in preparing food it is not wise to guess at the quanti ties es too many do but use reliable rcoipcb elizabeth orifun wells rlohardson co gen tlcmen for over four years i have been in poor health and received treatment front two doctors besides using sevetr kinds of patent medicines i ibo sent to ltew york and got a months treatment of a special medicine but no good results came from it i warroo down suffered terribly oonfd not rest at night and every morning bad a severe pain in my back duusineu in my head mod vomited bitter green matter and had qo appetite i heard of paines celery componnd and decldod to rive it a trial and am happy to vepbrt that- it work ed wonders the pains are all gone i rest well at night my appetite is good and my health is now splendid paines oelery componnd has worked miracles ior me i recommend it to ail sick jieople as the best medloine kobt momullin camden n s tthenmttiem with its bhurp tnlnges aohea andpuias do you know the cause acid in the blood has ticcnmnlated in your joints tbe care is found in hoods sarssparilla whlab neutralizes this acid thousands write that tboy have been completely cored of rhenmatism by ilbods sarssparilla hoods pille cure nausea eiok headaohe biliouqnesi indigeation prioe 25 oenls the reveune to the govornment from the yukon for the present year it is now estimated will bo over one million dollars disordered kidneys perhaps theyre the source of your hi health andyou dont -know-it- heres liowyou can tell ifyouhavo back ache or lame back if you have puffinesa under the eyes or swelling of the feet ui rine containssedimentof is high colored and qirls livinq in country towns in ibe october latlm home journal edtvard bok devotes muoli of hfitedlibrjat page toshowing eoqntry girls and women the nay to make tbeir lives mean more- how they oao partake more fully of the true enjoyments of life ho ha prescribed a method of conotry living whioh can read ily and profitably be pnriuod and which will go far toward the emancipation of the oountry womanfrbm mdob of tbedrndgery and ligb ton the isolation of farm life it is estimated that manitobas wheat crop will be abont thirty million buabels and that of ontario will be only about three molibns leas are yen a sufferer with corns if you are getabbttle of hollowaya corn care it has never been known to fail it takes a wise man to plok a fool wbpse money lie can spend if your nny kind scanty if you have coatod tongue and nasty taste in the mouth if you have dizzy spells headaches bad dreams feel dull drowsy weak and nervous thon you have kidney complaint the sooner you start taking- doans kidney pills the more quickly writ your health return theyve cured thouf sarids of cases of kid ney trpubeduting- the past year if you are a sultcrer they can cure you ij boqk that tells all about doans kidney- pills sent free to any address the boat kidney pill ywsbsirskit co toronto oat twwnn what is oostoria is dr samuel pitchers prescription for infitnts aiid clilldron it contains neither opium morphine moi fttjior narcotic subatanco it is a lmrmlcsa substltuto for farcfrorlc drops soothing syrupa and castor joil it is pleasant its fruarantco is thirty years iise by- millions of mothers onstoria destroys worms n allays- fevcrlslmoss cqstorla prevents vomiting sohc ourdr cures dlnrrliooa ahtd wind colic oaatoria relifivcs teething trouwcs cures constipation and flatulency oostoria nsslmllivtos tho rood regrulatcs thcr stoinneli and bowels ff healthy and natural sleep castorift is tho chllurens panaceartiio mothers friend cabtoiria castorja is rn excellent medicine for children motliera have repeatedly told nic of itagood effect npou their children hr gc osgood lmvcii mass oastoria caatorla la so well adapted to clijldrei tlmt i recommend itas superior to any pre scrlptton khownto inc v ii a aacheh md brooklyn n y the facsimile signature op appears on every wrapper jthkbemtaotvc lbktnwohsvis ib y oar father nthomj asked an edgliflhtoan of a welsh boy whom be met bt llandrulbyntboa no eir hea gone to work at iilanaantffraidglan con way la yoor mother in then 1 bhea rone to tbe fair at llanfairaiathafarnelthaf soar me 1 bat is yoar b i iter at home 7 my later haa rodo to lhofoirpullgwyn- ryltgogeryehwyondroballbadttyalhrogoeh good graoloas v exolaimod the edgliah- naan exchange dybpepaia groans for what katare alone provides for this etomnoh curse dr yon btibfl pineapple tablets are nature panacea for all stomach flls pleasant and positive care for soar btomaoh dxatreas after eating loaa ofappetlto wind on tbe btomaob dizziness naoeoio catarrh of tbe stomaob stak heidoohe and all disorders traceable to slngdiah digeative organs 85 cents sold by a t brown talk whenever two women begin to thinga over they are sore to overtask its so pleasant to take tbat children cry for it bat its death to worms of all kinds dr lows worm syrop prioo 25o all dealers when a filrl tells a young man that she dreamed of him tho eight before he should twrin to save op money for the furniture piles cured in 3 to 6 nights dr agneffs ointment will care all oases of itohiog fileaiti frotn three to six nights one application brlaga comfort for blind and bleeding piles it is peerless also cures tetter salt rbeam eczema barbers itoh and all eraptipns of theskin 85 cents 8513 by a t brown it is poor policy to reserve all your oourtebieb for btrangers inetnad of display ing them in yoar own borne mr t j ha men oo ambus ohio writes i have been a 91 ic ted for some time with kidney and liver complaints and find parmelees pills tbe twit medloine for these disease those pills do not oanae pain or griping and sboald be ased when a cathartic is required they are gelatine coated and rolled in the flur of lloorico to preierve their parity and give them a pleasant agreubjo taate tbe great trouble with the majority of men who bet on sore thinga ib tbat they alwaysbet the wrong way for infintf and children liteharv notes tbo october nanlber of tbe deliritaior is oallod tbo antnnan nambor and abno prlsee an abandanoo of thebest information on bos is mset the reqbinniants of fashion a diversity of ohoaos xitsrary fsaturoi and timely bobsehoid disoassions tho first of two papers- on women in enflsall spoioty by mrs teowiok miller iotorestiniy dlsoosa the bals and tha distiaolionsof the engjiah sooial atrootarb and ttis broad hnmanitarian impalses of niany of its members ordar from the local agont for the datterlok patterns or address the ddineator publishing co of toronto lilr g rlohmnnd rt west fnnotnality honesty and bretity me tha watchwords of life cyrosw field hsgystrd yislw oil is prompt to relieve and aoro to onro oongbs oolds pre throat pain fnttie obesthoarssnesb rjain- sy eta prioo 2so amon lb ohlneso a oofdn is considered a neat and appropriate present for- an aged person espeoially if in bad healtb toronto ont snbsoriptlon prloe of the jttiiiemnr jl00 per year single c6pies lse heart relief n- eight years hanglnar between life arad oath with abute heart dl- eatss and in so mlnutee after tsskloa first dose of dr aatnewa cure for the heart relief comes vlhatlt did for alfred couldry wssst shefford qua it can do for any sufferer from the same csauso 1 bad been sniterlbg from sunte heart trouble for over four years when dootors bad tried and failed to gits mo relief i prooored ur aguows core for the heart in thirty mlnohs after ibe first dose i had relief and althongb mine wae a oass ot longstanding eight bottles effected a psr- manodtcare and i firmly beliere after knowing what it has done forme thlt there is no hopeless oaso while this onro is obo lad x oheorf ally ssnotlon the nso of my teilitnoay in whatever wavy it may do the inostgood bold by a t brown thin in flesh pcrhapsits natural if perfectly vyell this is piobably the case but snany aie suffering froiriirejuent colds nervotis debiiityr palibti and a hun- dred aches and pains simply because they are not fleshy enough v 5cptt erriulsion of cod liver oil vyith hypophos- phites strengthens the aiges- tioiv gives new iforce to the nerves and niakesr rich jed blood ivu a fo8d in itself soesnclftavandruggliu scott bownb chcml7 spanish ptasaiiu believo that the water 4h whioh ia wedding ring haabeeh dipped will euro weak eves a life bavedmr james bryson cameron elites t i was oonflnodto my bed with inflamrmtion of thelnngs and was given npby tliephysioians a neigh bor advised me to try dr thomas eolectrio oil btatlok that bis wife had used it for a tbrott troolile with tho best retails aatiog on his advioo i probbred the medicine and lees than halt a bottle oured me i certainly believoit raved my fife it was with relnotanos that i oonsented to a trial as i was in snob a sfatethat i donbted the power of any remedy to do me good a mans best oapjtal is- hia iodnslry stophon girtrd a tisw fort i to be bnllt at halifax whioh will bo the largest id canada and mobnted by the most powerful niedonr gans catarrh of uonq standinq believed iw a few hours ibsre is has one method of obtaining loelleooe ssbd thai is by hud labor- bydnsyflraluj my hnahtad is plainspoken he balls a spade a epsde bo does mine bol i must decline to repeat wbat he oallatbs lawn mower anpuoqbrmanaqrebment brltsfln ujcr qermahy to be joint hairs of tortusala aroan tstrtjtory i v- jl fl jlolwon bpt attraoipprdlngtoan article in tbfctortolirvyflertisadafeaernian agresmont provides in detail for bnttlkric and derrnsnyj to bsoom iofnt brtrsj by porohsse of alltliportqgneeb posseetalorjji io alfle theritontjooijiebfthlv paptaiivlilbe theleaing oi ilaa jobayliibbglasd jyicu v i 1 v f itjsnotatbnet tbepbople- otbir own oonntry and promineiil citizens like urban iiippe m p of jollstle qae and other members of parliament who having used pr agnews catarrhal powder pronounce it the most eieotiyo remedy they have aver knowbbnti people everywhere brb ekpres ingthiir grallfloatlon at the effeotlvenoss o t m o o afch maine says r havo had catarrb for several years water would f no from my ayes and nosodaya it a time abont our months agopwsu indooed to try dr agqevvii oatarrhil eowjjler nd since rjsjog the wonderful roimedy i have not bad ari altaok il would not be without it it relievts in ton minutes bold by a rbrown v alter a man begiot to take whiskey for medical narpoees be is always sick sloh headuhe however annoying and dlstresalnft i pojuvely burea hy laia liver fills they ire easy to take and never grips violory belongs tohe most persevering napoleon ilsa wise ruin who doesnt let hie wife know the tnlltlzo of his iaobmo ganstmtion ini he stimrhcr especially should the bowels be kept free so that io poisonous material shall remain in the system to ferment and decay and infect the whole body no remedy has yet been found equal to bbb for curing- constipation even the most chronic and stub born cases yield to its influence i cannot say too much in favor of burdock blood biltcrs as there is no rernpdy cqunllo it fbr tha curo of con- btipation we always keep it in the liouto as agcneral family medicine and oiildnbtbowilhout itjjmrs facob moshek piciou laiidingr n 6bb not only cnrjs is thobest remedy known for bilious ne as dyspepsia sour stomaoh jaundice xiverl complaint kldiieyi disease andblculjwhttihift hunycirm pasjb sabsbbj 9ji the man thatbas the advantage of an enemy andyot forbears to nse it gives to the world an irapresbrro eihibition of ohristlan magnbzilmity instant relief rasranteed bynbing mil- burns sterling powders no depreaeing aftereffoot iteading a good book even when it results in the aoqoisition of no new thought is allll a profitable task for tho reabon that it keepsthe mental faoulties alive travellers should always carry with them a bottle of dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry tho chango of food antl water to wliloh those who travel uro biibject often pro duces cm attacu of diftvrlicori which iada unpleabaht and diecomfortiur as it indy bo dangorona a bottlo of lr fowlera extract of wild strawberry in your grip is a guarahfceo of flufety on tlo first in dication of cramps col jo pinrrhcoa or dyeehtery a few doses will promptly chock farther advnncb of these uificasca it is on old rioll- fc ablo remedy with w0 a oyer forty yoara of 1 tnltv l onres to its oredit whoso merit is ro oognizod everywhere and dno that the doc tors recommend in proforonoe to all others bold by medicine coalers every where at 85o a bottlo always inblat on the genttlne as many of tho imitations are highly dangerotu show is not subatance realities govern wiflo men rfenn there never was and never will bo a univeraalpaqaoeo in one remedy for all ilia to whtoh flesh ia heir the very nature of many omatlvoa bolng eooh that were tho germs of other and differently seivtcid diseases rooted in the system of the pationt what would relievo one ill in torn woold aggravate the other wo have however in qainine wine wben obtained in a sound nnadalterated state a remedy for dqny and griovooa ills by its gradnal judiclons obo the frauoatayeto cqb are led into con- vale sconce and btredrhrbytlho infiaenoe whioh qainine exerts on katarob own restoratives it relieves tbe drooping bplrita of those with whom a chronic slate of morbid debpondeoceand lack of interest in life is a disease and by tranquilizlng the nerves dibposea to bonhd and refreih- ing sleep imparts vigor to the aotion of ibe blood whioh being atioanlated oonrsoa thronghoat the vefna strengthening the healthy animal fonotions of the aystom thereby making aotivlty a neoebsary refldlt etrengiheniog the frame and giving life to the digestive organs whioh naturally demand inareatiod bobatanoo resalt ira- provodsppellt- northrop lymab of toronto have given to tho pqblio tholr ijadies gold hi- as theiwi beauties att 1500 1800 2000 2500 everyone warranted by pringle which means abso lute security to you gu6lph jiist bpend up the newest englisluariclamericaai hats range of prices 100 150 200 225 250 our 1 stiff hat is a leader see our new imported suitings new neckwear just in reneisqn one prioe 017x7 merolnuit tailor and mens furnisher maxims for adsrertiers it costs money to advertise but it pays when popple see a mavu adveitiso thej oonclqde he is a bobiness man tho man who does not find advertising profitably generally finds business nnv profitable advertising is the rhetoric and not the logio of trade its business is to persuade andoonvinoe newspaper advertising rightly started rightly stnok to solidly baoked enanres business snecess yon do not sny ol yon advertise enough ton are asleop and want jonr bnslnees to rnn itself you ongbt to use printers ink every day oars bhoold be taken to see that every advertisement expresses a business idea clearly and definitely so is to be easily remembered was newspaper advertising a saooesa with yon last year if not why not it pays others it ought to pay yon and will if wisely done get a good artlols advertise liberally bot jodioionely advertiso the truth bet forth the announoomont in a neat simplo but pleasing way and satisfactory results will follow ho form ot oommonlxition with the pablio ia so oheap ss neywipaper advsrtis- infti no agent is so moderate in his obarge and none bo untiring in itssirork as tbe live nowipaper 1st the skeptio look around him in any oity or bnsiness centre asni not the most snoceastal bosluess men thsre who are the tha oarsful and jadiplons sulver- tiaers invaria to reach lbs people anal io hold before them ypar name and bnaslnaas in homes advtrtlseinenta pay promises not kept or to speak more pualaly dlshqnest advertisements not only injure tbs tdver- lieera business but also lha paper that obntainsthem tlere are hosts of honozible advertisers thennmberof whioh is jilly increasing who wonld no mors think ol misrepresent ing in their adtsrtlsemsnsi ibsan they woold ini their own office or saleirobm it pays oonaamsrs toread the andoonoements of responsible and honorable firms forth sake of tbe basinsss informatioan tfay gain come and have a talk with the koto is fr9 prss about it quinine wine at the usual rate and gnagedby thoophalonlqf soientlsts tbia wine approaehss neareat perfeotiqii of any in tho market all drngglsts sallil who ire comparatively thin mo one need fear cholera or any snmmer oocoplalnt il they have a bottle of br j xellcggs dyseptery jdoraial ready for nso il borreots all looseners of tbo bowels promptly and bauses a heauby and natural action this is- a modlolna adapted for tho yoaiig and old rioh and poor and is rapidly becoming the most popular medl- olns loroholora dysentery olo in the rnirket a fertile irnaglnsxtion often produces ornjpof rank thongbti- r h p moore publisher flaltailer more properly speaking half ills cliargcs may be snvedby imjing a girls laeto horeoo 257 donkeys and 40 mules werekilledand oonsnmed as food in taris ln year lloivmn weigh f xmness js wasting wasting is tearing damn scotts kmalslon builds op it never makes waste itwill give yon rich blood ana bring baok yoar weight thisoez oanil cost about tloboooooo tlie stock is chiefly owned b ushers llyspepsla na indigestion 0 w snosr oo syracuse if if write riesuo send us ten grpss of rills we oire svelirng more of parmeleos fill than any other pill wo keep they have a great reputsjtlpu for the onro of dyspepsia and i4er domplslnt mr ohasi a smith undawy write parmelsesi fills ars an eseeilentnjtirllolne my sister haa been troqbledt with severe headaoho bnl thtso pills hava oured her counsel for ibe defense qentlemen x appsaj to you to return this unortnnate to bfs little boms where alcutler loving wife awilt hlra whqro tils children call him svtbir- judge inlsrrupllns- r will oavlllhelearrfed bonnsels ttlenllon 16 tbs fact tbat the accused is nnmarrjed wonsiei iindisiriayed oontldului jibo the more ouforttinito is ihha pool jm t oilwu lioriii whert iaj ivimlnwjlwiii mmhjirdraii au4hb mhekjbiarw saved from hcidc a nervons wreck mnbtjiws heart and wb pil r for the boncqt of canadian motliors wholiavd daughters vho are woakpale riin down or norvodb mrs bolangor 128 rldcaustroot ottawa ontario made tbo following statement so that nrt hnn nld suircr through ighorahoo of the right romody to uso wy danghtor egcfereu very miioh from heart troublos at time often slie was so bnit that she could not speak hut had to sit and gasp for breath she was sooxtromeiy nervous that hor limbs would fairly shako and treoima frequently she would have to leavo school and finally alio grew oo weak that we were mnoh alarrnod about her health i gave her manyromedles but they dfdnol seem 10 do her any good tjien i heafd of tktllburne hoarl and nerve pillsi and gob a bo of them and they have indeed worked wonders with her i can rcoomniend them very highly as the best remedy i over bosrd of for ooinplalnts similar to those from whioh iur daughter sutferocl milbnrna heart ovnd norvo pills never jail o dd good thjoy oure palpitation faintnossdusiinsss smotlierlng sensation wen knees norvonineoe aleeplpssness anaar rnhyfomalo troubles sud gonoral debility sol byall drngglatsi at 0o a box or yoxm fot 17as milfiurn co sjt mitltv jreadytovfea r railway time tabiib crahd trunk railway ooimu wukt ooino eaht 10w mall igxnroiib mall ikxprcbs exnroau mull hljca ti ns am 10 coani a is ptu 10c3imi time op clobint mailf going moet 0 io am aiijo co pm doing klbt 10 23 am unci 6 i0 ppi tlilh tlina tnljlu went into effect ou moudor may lglli 1818 agents book business is bettor tban for yean past alfio bavo better and faetr boljirjg book agent oleftring from ii0 to0wneklyr a-fnr- lotvdorb aro quooa- victoria llfo ot mr qladbtono wy motbflra illblo htorioa fpro- rrobuivo speaker klondluo gold fleldi woiiiaii fast dlnoor and suppor pooka on time tnib bkadlisyganilktson co limited torouto main street planing mills actbn ont john cameroris architect and contractor manufacturer of sash doors frames moqldlngs in all stylos dressma knd moulding to order on bbbrsnotlcs will asbortbd stoolc on band atprlcca tonlt john cameron proprietor the modern grocer belbg the lar- ftet rqaltors of kefrigcmtora in capada we make several lines of grocers and household refrigerators jn many stales and sizes modem in design with beaf principle of dry cool air cir- cuation beat in- splation and zinc lined why buy a homo made or poorly made a rt icie when you can get an uptodate refrigerator for less money for prices and description send for catalogue knowles ham nott co limited brantford for sale by john m bond co guelph calvardlzed steel mills towers for power md pxxmp jfljevwitaftjai ternl covered gear patent roller ahq bull betriofp mapleleaf inders for any power no i has io- inch reversible burn no a has 8inch single burrs both have ball- bearing b urr plates relief springs and shake feed grind fine and fast with if ast power always tnuaranteed a trial given hundreds ia use cra we make patent roller and ballbear ing steel windmills ofahkinds the finest in the- market 13es material lightes running send for illustrated catalogue- brantfodgah johitcqlieen agent lor the above hascliangcd his wnre rooms to building on w k smiths property john street whero mny boseett frost wood binders and mowers and a complete lino of farm implements and all kinds of repairs ri my absence- mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend io the wants of customers r john moqueen it keeps its shape for tlie reason tliiit the rjoqcls are tlioroiiglilj sponged- and sliriuik before cut each ppcketrvcit and lmiupiiholcis firmly stayed and facked if a shorey rrarjjient giyes cut hi any pir ticuldr take it back and ge- 1 your money r ii shops andwarerooms footol willow st m173w orders left with rsfuyft mm j jl speiglit 4s co u n der tak e rs an d em balm er 8 latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse nipderate charges ra lvitrtflphl jniijs a weluassorted stock at rearjotfatle prices your inspection invitied jmipeightoov itjmiom rockwood will receive imn mztt s mfi40

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