Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 22, 1898, p. 2

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morn ss i in iii i rlu on monday lotb docouiboi to mr iniil alra david w dnydor a hoii iii vtxii at ablirrovo onbnturday navombor ljtblo mr and mra wui htintnr aduybtor died iiyas sudduni at aoorgotown on bum ft v docimuor ik oliiw uyan custom a olfloor fa lljo lint yyar bf lis ago actonssilverwedding 1896 the twenty fifth year of incorporation as an indepen dent municipality a year of progressive events in the year of 187j he population the official figures mr- barbers majority in tho reaont election doolared to bo 16 1 tho following tttblobgtvo tba total voto polled in tho byo eleuliun on tlio hth inat a bo hat of iho elooimi in maroh lbolioolloii iu march in doc all doubts vanish when paines celery com pound is used the rush ryanw iklu abbrijibmnls ion tenders for tttlsg ice i rpi km hb mill i t 0 n ni 1 1 citali j 111 dmtbon loinovo ico from iui yt ctnu jfrie flms 1 uu31sday december 22 1898 n otes and comments isoiuintttiona of oandldteb for the aneub municipal ofqoea takes place on mod day next in aoton there is evory probability that the present co a noil will bo re oleoted by acclamation tor tli e georgetown and lqaoiing dmtrlut of hocpunty council dr web iter onil heevu wrifttleftirorth wove on monday elected h hcolaitmtion mr h p laweouwab alao noratmted but declined to eersq lougor dr wobater la an old member of the 3ounell and mr wriggles worili with lufl lengthened experience in municipal tffirb will be a very uaelul new member the contest for county counillors in the district which includes aoton milton and nabflqtjhweya will have three candidates at the uotniunlion at brookvule on mon ti a messrs d hatoheon naaaaaweya ooorgo hnvtll acton and j h peacock milton were put into the field only two can bo oleoted mr havilla ohanoea for re diction are very good indeed bis expsrlenco in the county council ii appro oiatedbyeleqtqr throngboat tbe diatrlot and he will be liberally supported both in aoton and kassagaweya milton will uldo no doabt give him a good vote because of bis satisfactory represeutation of tbat towns interests during the past year it is rumored that milton is to have a third newspaper the new ono to represent tho mtoreata of tbe conservative party in the county the publisher wdobo name is connected with tho new journal is entorpneing yonng jonmaliit who has built up a profitable newipaper and job- pnatloi business in a neighboring town but aipirea to greater thin fli tbe personal regard of the fast pnssa for the yooog uowspaper man whobe name la oonneoted witb the new venture inspires the ainoere wufa that failure may not be the outcome of the enterprise two conservative papers haver however already died at milton and it is a sal f evident foot thai the county town cannot adequately support threo newspapers an important appointment lb the coanty is at present within tbe gift of mr john waldie ex m p vie the post- nmalcrabip of oakville no doubt there will be numerous applicant for the position but in this section of tbe ooanty the name of exmayor w h xoang in freely mentioned by citizen of both shades of politics aa the man moat likely to receive the position and wguy deserving of it the jtiuss puss wald be pleased indeed to see mr yon or appointed he has been for over forty ycrs a resident of oaltvlllc and has been identified with all movements for tbe welfare of the lakeside town inaugurated during that time mr young baa also riven freely of bis time and memos and wide experience to tbe support of various moral issues in the comity and is consequently known to tbe people generally aa a mad of sterling character nevha i j imp li tho position death or3hfteslwni a prominent resident of ueorge- town suddenly called away on sunday the ead newa of the death of mr oh as ryan colleotor of customs al george town was received by hisunnieroubfrlenda dn filonday morning the troable wu an affection of tbe heart and death came enddenly on snnday ovenlng aa be aat by hla preside reading upon his arrival in thii country aboat 1848 mr byan settled witb hie lather and mother and tbe rest of tbelr family near napaneo here he taught aohool for a lime in tbe townabipa baolc ot napanee ho then yenfc to belleville and learned telegraphy and aa eoon m be had beoome proficient was riven oharge of ihe telegraph tgo at 8 thonnui wbuntt trank hallway commenced rnnning he beeured tbe poaition ot operator and ticket olerlt at qoelpb where he remained nntil in 1s5d he wae appointed agent at george town this poaition he held until 1897 in that year he waa appointed collector of cqsiomi when tho gnatoma office waa eetaltiabed in georgetown he was for many yeati a member oj botb tho pubho and high school boarda btinf a member of the firel board when the higli school wae started there ihfr ilyan waa a very worthy oilizen of the oqnnty and be enjoyed tbe eeteem of all who knew him and etpeolally amoog the biminesa men with wfaona he came in contact evertofl tboo o o f bad ibeir annuel eleo lion o ofhocrs ou toeady evening when the following raembere were eleoted for the ccnaiog year otaiof councillor john gray vice councillor r talbot recorder wo hortop aeat maty forester treai dr e f mocollough f relate aba donaon uarahall john banter warden mrs it jeilin guard o boberteon sentr r jeilin urgaolat hiae m forcnter traateea wm barber wm sntton it talbot andltoti dr mooal- oonh jphn sanbridge b talbot repre- for looorporatlon at a village aoton severed ita oonneotioc vith tbe townahip of isiqaesing and by oat of parliament secured tho right to govern ita own attiilrs and to eome extent oontrol ita own destinies the first gonnoil of tbe new corporation waa composed aa follows w h storey beove john speight aaa ball ghaa t hill and dr mogarvin james g hill now of tol ohio wae the flrat clork and treaaarer and waa anroeeded qpoh bis removal from acton the following year by h p moore vbo oontinucd in tbo ofuoe until he resigned to go to oollege 02 the first oonnoll meaars aea hall ohaa t hill and dr mogarvjd atill survive mr spelglit died in jane 1881 and the lamented death ot onr flrat hoove air w h storey in march last it atill i reab in the memory of our readers tbe spirit of enterprise which character izei ihe first and succeeding ooanoils baa done moon to give aoton high standing aa municipality of enterprise and progress conalant gronlb of population manofao tories boaineas honqes and publio improve menta have marked tbe quarter oentury whloh haa paaied since incorporation and we have today a population ot 1600 or over and a series of manufactories whioh are veritable hives of industry and give employment to bnndreds of indastrioua citizens since 187soton haa haver been favored with a gounotl more enterprising and progressive than theone honored with the unique position of completing tbe first quarter oentnty of municipal history thcj year waa commenced aaapioioualy mr storey tbe flrat hoove and the moat experienced mnnloipal officer within onr borders had been induced to again take up the reins of office asnd he was aorrpnnded by ooanoillora who vero men of bqaineaa training and good judgment a year of progressive enlerprlie waa intended and plana outlined for important publio improvemente bat early in the year death ruthlessly removed the chief magistrate and through this great loss it waa felt for a time that the propoeed improvements wonld for the want of a leader be allowed to go by default ultimately however mr j b pearson who wsu for several jears tbe head of the connotl was prevailed upon to aocept the vaoant position his experience during protioas tenure of offloe in tbe successful consummation of several pnblio improve tnents rendered bis services valuable in this eventful year notwithstanding that be would undeniably have preferred to remain in private lite and be permitted to give undivided attention to his personal business affairs be entered upon the duties ot the beeveebip with enthueiai m and the members ot the council rallied around hlno for a year of important work the outcome of tbe years efforts havo been emioently satisfactory and tbe large amount of work accomplished is no donbt fully appreciated by citisena generally all the work outlined by the late beove and hi colleagues at the iuaugnral meet ing laat january bat been consummated and more the result ot the years work is a fitting termination of the closing year of onr flrat quarter century for with a due regard to eoonomloal management a long e beuu ecfeuledi aontavtlve to grand iisdgs bobt jlerr alternate wm horiop tlie membera of the a o u w and foresters lodges went over to the upper at rockwood tuesday night and enjoyed the tbe allaround visit titus simona arrived homo on saturday from cheboygan miob for a two weeks viail he is a olever boy a credit to hla mother and we are all ru4 to aea him and lah him tba ooiuplimenle ot the season a thou t ootald not express the raptors of annie e bptinger of 1195 howard at phil- adelpbla pa when aba loond tbat dr kings new discovery for ooneumptlon had completely oored her of s nacklog oougb that for many years bad made llfsl a bordon all other rfroedlssanddootora oould give her no help but aha eays of able boysl core it soon rarnotid my ohrstiindi otnnbmrji somethlogi osn aoaroelyirai beforev 1 ftaj lts ionndli tbropnhoot b uolvtrsv oaalwhajiriml txlbws maw f abrrooblrofikewtohtt in addition to lbs oioal repairs to streets walks and m property generally the following have been successfully carried out 1 completion of the fnravelllnb of mill and uain streets ft tbe laying of a portion of permanent pavement 8 a free library established and in success ful operation tbe inception of a by law for the widening of atill street for vfbleh surveys have been made and plans prepared 0 tbe municipal bleotrio lighting syetom eontraoted for the power bouse bnllt the tlant in proosas of being pat in and the light assured for early in 7annary 6 tbe sals of four per oant debentures at thefiandsomepremlamof el0sa who will sty oar councillors have not bad a busy year who but will admit that tbair tfforla havo bean eminently anooessf ul in view of tbe faot that they have proven themselves wortfijels oonti- denvco ot tbe dlireni would th be a graoefol sot on tbe part of tbe town as a whole to return thorn to offloe for another year by eoolamatlon farther oonslder- itag that tba preaent couooll has inanrurat ed the municipal electrio lighting schema and have confidence that they can make it a revenueyielding property should they not be given the chance to prove their ablhty-id-thla-iubject- theyhave all tbe details in- hand they have gained valnabje information ibrongb their investi gations of ayatema in operation elsewhere these are of great value to the municipal ity and tbe men now possessed of the points glesned during the past three or four months should be given an opportuu- ily of utilising them for ihe benefit of the town there is not the slightest doubt tbat several members of the present council would much prefer to retire from farther service but it le highly important that acton ebpnld retain their services for another year and tbe fbeb pnsas haa eonaeqaemiy much pleasure in moving the following nominations and we do so with the slnoere hopo tbat on mondsy 20th inst at the annual hnstlnge tho nomlns- tion will be seconded and oirriod unani mously fob nekvb 3 b pearson fob ooukciixorb jambs plabk rolling uiv s s i i b a n a a x aoton in 101 iii 1l uuruustoi 101 fii 100 iv aoorgotown ib 01 ia 83 milton iho ul ud ul oak villa w7 aoo iu 175 bsquosiug no 1 l iu m 09 2 u 10h 01 117 j to kl hi 01 i 10o 42 10j j5 s so 71 71 78 d os 101 80 110 nasangawoja no 1 103 105 107 loa j 111 110 111 101 j 12 m 121 if nulaon nq 1 os 7j 31 g2 a o 12 ri ho n 118 7h 15 h ot 8 i5 08 j7 j7 j7 37 j 11j 40 11g traf a fiat- no 1 8 oj 811 07 3 01 1j8 id 127 j ll 7j 101 77 i 70 70 77 07 0 0 co 01 68 107 tu lit 58 iill aioe 8340 j588 majority for darbor 1s3 101 its wondrous work com mands the admira tion of axl total number of votep polled in march 4939 in decombflr 4037 beiug a deorease of two votes a the laat election tho n amber of votes polled in the virions manioipftlitiea of the coanty on the 8th of december waa as follows a 88b borlington 2g5 qeorgetown ub4 milton 2go oakville 841 xsquosloff 1021 naibbafiiwoya 500 neltou 0g1 trafal- r 1014 y the attention of the publio generally is directed to the faot that be utile town at the back of tbo county as the good people of milton and eleowbero in hilton havo been pleaaed to dub aotoo polled 64 votes more than tho big ooanty towti sad that oar voto is just one bobind that of georgetown and eight leis than oakville aoton polled 45 more votee in deoember than in the election in march tbie la an iodioauion of onr present rate of growth generally it only requires the air and honest uso of ono bottle of paine a celery compound to convince a buffering man or woman that there is virtue power and ufo in eaohdrop of the wondrdae medicine this assertion is supported by the fact that thou sand a of men or women iu canada who can woll afford to call in tho best medical aid in times of aiouneatre now using painea celery compound in preference to all other median prescriptions bome people who have never tested the health giving virtaps of psinea celery compound wrongly class it with the common patent medicines saranparillab nervines and ponfiera eo extenstrel adertised paloos celery compound fa far removed from any of those ordinary preparations it is w ra uoh bnpenor to all other medicines as he diamond is superior to cheap rials paines celery compound is the marvellous preicriptlon of one of tbe greatest phybloians tbat ever lived and has won the hearty indorsation of tho noblest medical men of the age its merits and its continual vlotoriei over disease have oarried it to enduring famo it ban given new life to those almost dying from liver and kidney troubles it baa raised np tbe rheumatic neuralgic and djepeptio and purified tho blood of thobe tortured by blood diseases if you are biok ailing and cannot enjoy life try one bottle of pioea celery com pound the british in battle qeqraetown the roads in this vicinity are in a bad btate jost now ou account of the deep pltoh holes several cues of accident have been reported the nomination for the county council on ttonday resulted in the names of dr webster richard gtraham and john wriggles worth being broogbt forward mr graham baa declined the honors bo that we will have no election for this dielriot dr webster and mr wriggles wortb will be our representatives mr wnggleaworth has served the township faith folly for several years witb his valuable services and will no doubt do good service in the county qounoil mr lawaon thanked the electors for thoir their confidence in him but waa not willing to accept office again as he felt he oonld not give tba time and interest to tbe position be realized it required the carriage and blacksmith shop of mcr mokenzie wm bought last week by mir oneil of alloa for 3000 u bnilnesaof selling new cutters hi been 4jaite brisk since winter set in s tbe skating rink is now open for the seaion the thrilling scenes ot englands cam paigns can be read aboat and beard about but who can ae them who oan stand as a spectator and look at the marshalling of the men the meeting of ttottoe the on slaught the defence the cool bravery of the heroes who are called to face an over whelming enemy theao are historic momenta crowned hosde would travel con tinents for a glimpbe tbe artists of the world would sacrifice yera of experience for just one look there is not a british subjeot but would feel that tbo evont of his life had been realuad if he oould but boo for once the britieh red- coats in action vho family liaaldand weekly star this jubilee year as good aa gives every subscriber a reserved eeat to sec tbe british defeat the buaaianbin ttib moat memorable of all our battle scenes every fijnre la a study evory face is a history every position is a oballenge the picture is outitlod the thin bod line and is having the greatest ran of any premium picture in the worlds history it is given to all who enbaouba to that great family psper the greatest in amer ica one dollar pays the years aubbonp- tion to tbe paper and picture is on accounts rom settled ii settle lby the oudol tiiom lion iudjtbd mill motlio linkiratlo iiiclbhltj ot lii t matter thoir prompt attu linn w h jtsn i utikht acton 20 per cent off is the causa of it logs wanted an juantity or b bus wood soft tin ft ft moiie logb wanted tit onco foi vhicli tlio bislicit cafib iirlco wlllbo i aid abtbis will bo our laat flcimoa in ilrauiiilon faruiore sbould avail iheniuoucfl of tho oppor tuuity todinpoeo of lota at prices lilbor tliau aro iltl at sav tullln hidbhtt kitchclseit oncer and exoulslor a orka htauipton o mautle buyers recognize what wonderful valne we are offering whan we give such a reduction of our mantles jackets and capes and dome to this store to participate in this great mantle reduction sale our stock comprises the most fashionable aud reliable goods made bought in such a way as to enable us to price them right on their arrival and now the time has come when you can save twenty cents important tfottce to tax payers ahb dates for uio fiaymoat of tho two lnsta nonts of t taxos a passed uotlca is hereby glvou that all txos for tbo yuur jd06 must bo paid forthwith all taxes remaining unpaid on tbo jlst docombor aro liable to i incroaso by an a4dltioual cbargo for tbo oxtra coats of collection ii d aluham collector lor tho vlllago o acton acton dec utji lb no reservation sweeping reduction on every dollars worth you buy every cloth gaiment iu our stone subject to this machine operators wanted shirt depbhtwbnt beginners taught gc b ryan co we do what we say cuelph berlin and owen sound ahplt at onck the wlxxjams qbeene ft eome 00 limited borliu ont notice op partnership province of ontario county of halton j declaration of co partnership xmas at great preparations are being made for xesae and tho market for fowl baa come to i f we regret to announce the death of mr cbftrleb byan onr ooatoma officer it ia only a abort time since mrs ryan died and now the additional sorrow haa oome to tbe family of two daughters and one ion all the sunday school boholan are making their preparations for their annual entertainment tho concert given by tho agricultural society in tbe town ball on monday even ing waa very taooh appreciated and enjoyed the evening was stormy and tbe roada bad for nlttht driving and therefore the audience waa not urge special obriatmas lervloea are annoanoed for tbe varioab oborohee for next sabbath georgetown readers with many returns of a merry christina to the kjuor and 1u oat of sorts symptoms headaoho loss pf appetite tarred todguo and general indiepoaition these bymptomb if negteot- ed davlopln aoa diioaae itiaa trite eayiog that an oonoe of prevention is worth a pound of cure and a little attention at this point nmy save months of aloknesa and urge d bills for this complaint take from two to three of par melees vegetable fills on going to bed and one jor two for three nights in ancocsaion and a care will be effected robbed the or ave isaao fitaho is john cxark j a mtjjriay thin will bo a hteng onmpliment to the men who have so aaapioioualy brought the mooiolpaluy of whloh we are so prood to ita silver wedding anniversary try dr lows flearant vorm byrap if children are troubled wifli worms ft alwsya works well price 25c ploas buabiaos do not eat plgeona beoaaae of tbe sanotity oonferreii on the dovs n tbe scriptures that thro headache would quickly leavo you if you used dr kings new life pilla thousands of sufferer have proved their matchless merit for sick and nervous headache they make pure blood sud atrong nerves and build op jour lielii uatty to takr try them only 26 cents monty bsok if not onred sold by all drognits he wlo overcomes his own heart bends it as av icklojs bent ijyspepsta or indigestion ia ocoasloried bywut of aotlon in tlis buiury ducts loss ot vitality in tbe stomwh to ssorett tba gastrio juices withont whioh digestion cannot go on also being tbe principal oanse of headache parmews vegetable pills taken before goiug to bed for a while never fail to give relief and tffect a cure mr f w ashdown ahduwn ont writes parraelees pillf are taking the lead against ten other makes which i imvo in atook 50 particular form of religion receives official recognition n japan wha s b eveqt a startling incident ot which mr john oliver of philadelphia was the subject ia narrated by him ss follows i was in a a roost dreadful condition my skin was almost yellow eyea sunken tongue coated piin continually in my faaok and 9ijofl no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day three phyiofpne had given me np fortunately a frlecdl advised trying electric bitters and to my great joy and aurprlse the tiret bottle made a decided improvement i coo tinned their aae for three weeks and am now a well man 1 know they aaved my life and robbed tbe grave of another victim no one should fall to try them only co ots a bottle every bottle guaranteed at any drag store georgetowns livest store gibson millar co we have prepared to make our xmas business of 1898 a recordbreaker and the indications are that it will equal our expectations we find ourselves with the finest stock of holiday goods in the history of this store our stock is replete with all the latest novelties suitable for presents beautiful dress costumes iu tho most fashionable colors with trimmings to match fine swiss hemstitched and embroidered handkerchiefs pewnys kid gloves atttheintshqmd we david hondqrnon ot tbe vilaeor actou iu tbo comity of halloo uiombor of patllaaioiit david d christie ofthocityot guolpb in tho county ot woulorton merchant william albert storey ot tbo said village of actou manufacturer and diaries o haudonoa and john a bcudoruau ot tba said village ot actou morob ants hereby oortlfy 1 tbat wo havo carried on and intend to carry on trade and bustnosa as private bankers and money lenders at tho aald vlllaflo of aoton in partnership undor tbo- uamo and arm of btoroy curia 3 0 a co 2 that tbe said partnership has subsisted aln 00 tlio flrat day of august 1h9b 3 and that wo are and have boen sloco the said day tho only membora ol the said partner wituoflh our hands at tbe vilago of aoton this 7th day of december 18w d henderson w a btolley c c ii en person john a hendebson d d chbistie notice to credit0es in ihe matter of the tstnte pf john robert esques farmer cook late of the township of lisquea ing in the county of halton deceased notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against tho ostate of tbo into john robert cook abovo mentioned xbisi pr5nlinjrqqdsjmiflii to buvoov t i every t n mn gauntlets gloves mitts capes scirfs ruffs and boas tine faett for ladies misses and babies caps docoaaod wbo died on or about tbe 1st day of november 1898 to aend by rogls- torod letter or to deliver to georro h oook doutlat corner college st and bpadina ate toronto or ilobortb honderaon of the town ship ot hsquenuig baltltiafsd p o farmer tbo executor of tho last will andtestaaiontoibe said deceased on or beforo the 1st day ot janu arya d 3fl9j s atatoment la writing of their uames addrebaos and descriptions with- full prt t yer the nature of iheaeourity if any held by them after aald last montionod data tbo uxceators will procood to distribute tho assets of tbe aald well tailored and perfect fitting nothing cheap looking about fight earnestly leave off evil avoidance of it is a true sdaoatioti tbe fsrslsteoos oarsa the most ohronfo ease of dyspepsia or indigestion will saooamb to the aljbtllug powtra ot dr too stans floaappu 7ableta what this wondarf ol medical ddcovsry has done for iboaswnds of prooafinsd bopsles bslplsss tomsoh invalids h o do for yoo one tablet will rrllevs tori rsitsnoe will oars 05 otois sold by a t drown ss who possesses knowledge bpt dots notat aooordloflty whi will bs have to say on tbs dy of tba hflftojsolloo i bsllts hoods sarsprllls is a good medlorna beosasa i hava sesn its cool offsets in lbs osiia of my mother 8be hss taken it when she was weak and bar biattb waa poor and shs aija aba knows of nothing bettsr to bblld bar op sod make bar atrouij beaala m knbwlo upper wood harbor n b our bearded law designing- wff throusli alluring and cun nlmrly worded advertisements cohatnntly endeavor to work upon the feelinrb of sick odd niligtr women by inviting them to write to a tvoman and wear x utopians ayra- pa thy it ia well to remember that the bent sympathy is to had at home and not from strangers perhaps hundreds of miles distant theobjcgtoftbesickintogctwcll and however precious sympathy may be it never yet cured a scrionaly affected woman while the sympathy of your milliner or dressmaker might be appreciated and be just as bcnc6cii if not more so than ay in pathy from a stranger yet it can not eitcct your cure if you arc an ailing woman it is loudly proclaimed throitp the press that m woman can belt undcmtnnil a womntifl ailments and in t it h g round fick women are invited to trvrite to u mihii amlget the benefit of a woumnv ntlmcc the aort of underntandt na of her ailmtiits tvantcd by a sick woman is a twined iticdi cal understanding if a woman lion this trained medical knowledge aho uudcrntnujn womans ailment not as a woman but nt it physician if abe la not a doctor she cannot iftificrnt ili nht ot all nnriqi we have tur mu description tine capes capennes and coats stylish tailor made mantles in foreign ind domestic manufacture them except the price gents furnishings our display of christmas neckwear is the most extensive and varied in town wo hive just received the newest and latest creations of haberdashers art what is more acceptable to a gentleman than a nice tie we don t know unless it 19 a nice umbrella we have them in silk with sterling silver mounted and natural wood handles new hats tweed and fur caps- in oil the atest shapes styles and colors especially imported for tbe trade we have a jnrge assortmept of boys and youths suits reefers overcoats etc what is more acceptable for your boy than to present him with one of these articles they ill make his heart glad and keep his body warm during the- long winter genti embn nov is the time to place your orders for ulooa a t p hoving regard only to tho eli claim a of whloh nottoe haa then boon riven as abovo required and tho aald executors will not be liable for tho assets or any port thereof so dlatrlbnted to any porton or persons of whose claim notice bos not been received as aforesaid at tbo time each distribu tioo is bq made elliott rowland ib wellington st e toronto solicitors for the executors dated at toronto the 25th day of november a d lkfcf stoves tinware fine highclass tailoring- the department ie iti full awing with a first class staff of hands trn 11 wring in w frnm fir sly a n finish 18 our motto eavetroughing a complete assortment of tine suitings overcoatings and we have goodh suitable for all and it would be our delight to have you call and spend half an hour looking through our stock thanking you one and all for past liberatl patronage and wishing you the compliments of the season we are tho latest designs in coal and wood hcatl a c btovca ka to manage oasyon fuel tlnwaro in profusion of best quality at low prices orders taken for eavotrougl put up when dearad call prices uonoral jobbing promptly done lugblngtoba alt aud get gibson 7vtiljlar 8t co ge0rcbtown rob buooec tuthiin st a paimabeeker mrs seoorm blook aoton highest prices paid for wheat pease oats barley kye at rcton blesiktor car choice corn for sale full stock flour and feed hoxii pills onra all liver ills mailed for sto by o i hood a co lowell maar bight feet is tba oaosl width of a attest id china no ant nsed fear oholera or any rammer oompliaiat it ihtjr ban si bottle of dr j d kellogks dssnlry cordial ready for bqrrioh pill loomoessof the bosls lysnd adopts k hehhy apd ffcuom tula mhor fortba yuwrutkqd old rloh and tint treat thenr successfully because she lacka tbe neceaaary training as far as known there ia no reirnlat ly qualified woman phyaicisn connected with any proprietary medicine cspeclnlly dc signed forwomen up one therefore quali fied by lesrninar and experience to advise on questions of disease sutd its cure it ia certain tbat there is no one man or woman connected witb suiy putup only dr who like w snd quail bed physician snd wbp bas like him de moted more than thirty retra to the special study and treatment of diseases of women for more than thirty years dr r v pierce a regularly graduated doctor has been chief consulting physician or the invalids hotel and sutstlcstl institute of buffalo n y on bis ettatt are nearly a score of regularly graduated experienced skilled physician each of whom ia a spec jadistin his chosen class of dlaeaacs rv- ery letter addressed to dr pierce as above bo jrompt contcientloaus attention is re- fhhrhis laflurtm sm b55a acsrnmsntaa ladies hiiigs lovely we have now stock of diamond and opal diamond and ruby opal and diamond gem rings all the newest designs fsmssaftlqprt we could name a hundred things for christmas moocasins fop boys skating boots for boys and girls baby boots toy trunks travelling bags christmas presents 8 stores neill the shoe man quelph is art than nature more beautiful a visit to our china palace will help you to solve that qusstion our china palace is crowded with exquisite creations frorrthe potteries of the world we hae hun dreds of pieces that aro triumphs of iho potters art you are cordially invited to call and exam ine our stock so dinner bets ranging from 460 to 2500 every bet a bargain see our taney china before you buy your christmas presents 20000 lbs good dried apples wanted before christmas for which we will pay the highest price headquarters for christmas goods skates cutlery pocket knives silver novelties silver plated ware carpet sweepers breadboards table bells lamps for everybody iancy stationery perfumes in cut ghss bottler toy books and games alburns and celluloid roods xmas cards and calendars your favorite poet well bound bibles a large new stock better values thaw ever wo will bo pleased to show you these and all tho other xmas novelties not mentioned a t browjst fff noted tm stor and c jrd ttabonjmhaj mass i co 2avvaavcsyqml- 014y9 720 bottles ll this la a good many but aa it ia wyeths malt bxtfaot wont last long kajhshwo mo i aibimilh luce n copious flow of milk and ims whole syatn r b makes the little itlsarefrcihlnfftonlebeter bh sod ten to u eystem urbt it produces s relish for live sad fortmrs and as socn wbo j 4 i

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