Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1899, p. 1

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yr volume xxlfno 33 acton ontario thuksday mabch 0 1899 pbice three gents ib rtjbltsosd every thursday morning i at thb free freibsteamprlnttiiffofflce vhll street aoton ont tbrub ov borsiobznion ono dollar pen year itrlotiytn advance all tabacrlptlont discon tinued wheu the time for which thov have been plolim xpii8d thodat to whloh every obiorlptlon is paid u denoted on tbo addreia label axmnvustha ritaa tranilont advortiio- meati lqoemty per nonptrell una for first in sertion 8 oenti per una for each lubioquont jtuortlon r a ooktract hatbi the following table fltaowa bar ttxontot tbo ineortfon of advertlsemonta for peolfled periods a spaos 1 tn is no 18 ho lbo so inohes lolaohes ff inches llnoh 0000 8jo0 1000 900 3300 scoa 10o mo aooo 1900 oo 900 7j 800 050 100 adtortlsamenu wlthont peclflo dlreeuons will bo losarud till forbid and obarged aeoord loglt traailsnt adtrtlaements mmt be paid in advance adtertlaamenta will bo obmgod once eaob month if doalred for abarjros oftener tbn enoft month tbo composition mmt be paid for at regalax rates ohangeafprbontraotadtertlboments mmt ba in ilia offloe by noon on tneadaya aoooonts piyable monthly hpmoobe bdltor and proprietor husstufib birwtorp tohn m macdonald mdvcm bucokb80c to j furknm d o m offloo and residence corner uill be frederlpk 8treeta aoton offlco uooriife to 1030 am 1 to 2 pm and t to 9 pm pkr p j r forster btjccessob to db a b eeuott late reildont thyaiolan and burgeon to vio- toria hospital for sick obi ldron toronto osticb will btrootutuly occupied by dr elliott r dryden sze rrbstrong in baby- carriages 7 and istall paper with ceilings and borders to match fine combinations all for 1899 we have the choice of the market at days bookstore gnelph days sells cheap capital authorized 931 000000 capital paid up 700000 w babr bros gejo bgbtq pnt a iiul lwmuxito machine flfilslibd book papais urn iiigh oiudk weekly news the paper used in this journal is from the above mills wjc babbbh bros thb traders bank of ottrrt cuelph branch wo are riow leaning money ordors 1 payable t par at any branohol ohartcrod dankln canada oxoepllng tbe yukon dibtrigt at tbe following ratoa under s10v scouts 81u to 20 10 centa 20 to 30 lsloenta shoto fibo cents rr highest ijuimbjnt iutk of interest paid on lama deposited of 1 vul upward fnteroit allowed from date or deposit to date of withdrawal aod paid- or coniiounded half yearly advance made tn responsible farmer oil their own names at tbo lowest current rates no charge made for collecting aaloa notes if payable in quel ph a general banking bulnoia transacted a r hjones manager special sale smhm-wm9rss- j gimrjbljs when you can alt and sw or read and churn tit the same time uts something xsw with our daisy barrell this is what can be done ball barxnos same as bicycles cburns ali sizes prices from 325 up at tu 8bt of 8vn atuioutotth pull when onr wpsfcl done with 11 ita tuglad wly when tb oloadi drjtt low and the itrmixi run low and lire list its ehbi as we nesrtbasoal when tttsgoldea bowl shhbobtokon t it fonnli with whit swesteat thought shell the boar be t risngbt wht prebloui most ehsll w count 7 not the dune ol tbe sword nor the weeltb wo here stored in nerlsbeblo tblnssotsutll not the wajrwebat trod 1 with the intellect broedi though thtwre ol proos worth 1 nortbegilnweeebuited through the besrts we have grlered and leithnhslpsd bjr tilt htf s nor the iurol ol feme when for worldly soelelm we tolled in tbe beet and tbe frer ah no tis not thou will gin our beerts east when lite sinks lowld tbe west but the pesslds street thought oi the good we hsvewrooght the saddened urea we bare bleet aod the lore we have won and the lore beokonlng on from bis islands rarand dim lore out of the light bblnlosj into the nlgbi the night wblbb leedetb to him bouontrankrlpt 3tuzi jfamilij luajing t- lie roqg ridal who i the prcliy girl you jist bowed to slid captain bigg to till friend jobu artnioijer v well- shes a girl with whom my acqoaiutenoe bfsnjii rather a remerlubte vy yoa remember the eldeetstaokpoole girlv i remember tbe old at wise staokpoolo freddy the one who hunts bat i gbouia never drhra o calling rurtnlrl and what possible cooneotion hss she with yoarobarmlnk yoaog friendt a very olose one as yon ihall soon hoar if onlyyon will keep quiet and give the my head you hae evidently not beard that to the eurprlie and delight o her fritnds freddy stsokpoole beoame engaged laet apring to a fellow called herlord worth a lot ol money bqt rather anolent vou 1 xi kqawh tbo steokpaolre sl my life we belong to tbe asms eonnty hqnt with the sama pick o bounds i hat freddy a latter a obngratnlatlon arid a banting crop 1 beard sillexward tbal she got m an accepted ah lurlte to the wedd- og whloh was to lake plioe at st pauls colghtsbridge yesterday at halfpast 3 oclock tbut this is all beside the question protealed captain bigg it it not its tbe main pert so shut up i arrived id good time and entered the obtirob tbb ohuroliwab oramihed and i was a good deal surprised 1 mnil confess fori bad no notlou the stackpoolas bad 10 many friends in london however i had no ticne to apectilate for pa auergollo youth oaoght bold ot me and breathlessly asked friend of bi lie or brldegroerrt 7 brld i anawsred white as ber gown a h of 10 splendid as lace and diamonds oonld make her leaning on the arm ot a boy of 20 not my bride but an utter and complete stranger bbe waa followed by ten bridesmslds in white ailk rooks white feathered bsls and oarry- log immense nonquota of red roses andthe procession passed leaving me dumbfound ed i was an uninvited guest st the wrong wedding my tint idea waso make a bolt for it but grandpea lege aud etlck out oct that door of eeoape so i determined to aft still and make tbo best of au exceedingly die agreeable ajtnatlqn itbe service over the brldearhal je armed wjlh buskete of flower oclttcred ihemaeives among the oongngatlnni and the girl you eaw just now bow to mi cine down onr way all tmltfn white feathers and favors sue seized on my old boontry grandpapa as grandpapa and said row silly fll yon to sit sq fp djpwp dear i vou ooqldpt tp too hot op there he said she behavrd like a true british matron and never ihedt tear she continued as she plnhsd in hla favor now gwen yon must dooorate tny companion be eaid indioatlng me he has been brst rate oompahy and pointed me dnt all the liooe aud lioneisea tpt there was a lqokiu the old roans eyes that t djd not prepitely nnderatarirli as iiin qma reaolied aoroii to me ber basketof flowers waj upaot and over the gathering up of these we booarne quite hllarlons not tobayjntimate when the wedding oortege bad filed by tltrre was the uanal rosb for oarrlages now was my ohanoe i rose resolved to slip off but bo did my venerablo oouipari- ion who pinned roe firmly by the airm rftying von may ai well look after me wo are going to the same place im a lame old cbapsnd wiutan arm i ibould hive aald si leg before i knew where i waa i wmbelbgoarrlsd off in a swagiter broug ham behind a pair of grand steppers destination oadogan square the boose was smothered in flowers and your owo 1 and here they are grandpapa and mias gwen oomtog back agaio and grandpapa is going to atop and apeak to you i tills acquaintance promises to extend further than the ladiss mile for mr jaok armidger will be one of the guns on sir duncans moor this season a word about boys the passing of the spare chamber wethavo no spare ohasnber 1 have been troubled about it for a long while yesterday it ocoorred to me that the browns have no apare obmrnbor either nor the rolineon nor the stuyyeeanla and i am rnore troubled thap ever v the deoadenoe of the sp ire obamber strikes deep ills the concrete difference between past aod present the apare obamber meint a room in the house set apsrlfrom common life udlfnlcd to tti hinher pltrte the family might have only three chambers one of these waa bcred the feather bed rose plnmp and impregnable in its reoeitra the green paper sbsdesbui out all bai a chink of light the cine seat ohairs stood stiff against tbe wall and olesn straw rustled under the taut store carpet the atlmulue to the imagination alone was worth three timef tbe amount of oubid opine the aipare obsrnber ocoapld yon tiptoed in juothers begt- bonnet ley on the middle ol the bed rotneiimes a bugs loaf of fruit oiite vat elegantly inoue of tbe ohairs tbere waa alwaya somettiinir reserved- in thedaya of the pare ohamber frnit pake and bonnets people had beat olothee- theywore thoni on sptre daya sunday was a spare day yon knew that it was suursj qrandfather abtved when graridfaibere shave every da v what is left for the seventh there was a bush aboatdhe bouse aa the day wore on it deepened the wholo farm lay under its warm sleepy spell all but the irrepres sible iwn the cheerful oaoale lingers still the moat irreverent jhlrtk to memory she worked seven deyt in the week arid talked abont it the very allepoe waited treat your boya as though they were of sonieimportsuoo if you would have 1 hem manly and selfreliant be oareful of the little oonrteaiei you oannbtexpeot yoar boy to be roepectfnl and kind unless yon first net him the example if yon would liave yoar boy make you bibopnfldaqt takp au aotive iuterest in nil that be does dont be too critical but aek for his views and opinion at all tioiua dout keep yonr boya in ignorance of things they ehonld know itfs not the wbolerbme truth but the unwholsome way in wbidh it is acquired that ruinsmany a yoqegmah doijt act a it yon thought your boy ampdnted to uothiiiv upr he oqhlinually making cbmpsrisonb between him snd aohie qelghboryaoottd his disadvantage noth ing will dishearten him qnfoker dont thiuk that noy thing 1 good enough fqr the boya and that theydoui care for plop things bve their roomb fitted op aa nicely aa possible let them under stand that their rooms are to be kept in order aud the result will justify ybur paitib furnish your boy with good wholeaome reading matter hsve him read to you and with yon disease with him what yoa read and draw out lila opinions nnd thopghta uponlhe eubjoota help hiii to think early- forhlrnself make borne a ptemsiut place see to it that the boya dont bave to go somewhere else to secure properfreedum and oongenisl odmpanlonahlp take time and parhofir make tbem feel oomfortable aud oohtented and they will not want to spend their evenings away from boras fiok yoqr sone associates seo to it that ha liaa no f rleiida that you do ttpt know abont takeau iotereat in 11 hie troublei andplesaares and have him feel perfectly free loin vittj hta friends to the- honse take a little palua to make biro and his friends oomfortat la audhsppy- fn hia own home he will uot be slow to appreciste your klndneai dewey the schoolboy a martyr to style i wondor whats happened to coy folks tboyuod to bo simple and plain but over loco tathor began to bet rich tboy bogan to goc illly and vain 1 my motnors boon dointf a lot of queer thing but the fqnnlabt thing lie baa dono was to pdrohaie a outo llulq volvot eult to pat on borovorgrown son sho boagbt mo a collar a lull foot wido a bow thats a foot and a half and tbo very first tlnio that i woutou tbo stroot oh how tbo fellows did jaufih i then tom drown tho oldest of all of my f rlouds wbp know well that lllll wo mynauio tipped a siy wink to the rest of tho boys and sweet william my tltlo beoaiue i can stand lotaof ohaovhut ioouldnt stand that bwoot willamjutbiittlodtliobli r 80 1 took off my little blaek velvet cost and knookod all tho duit out of 111 and im golog to teoohinyfrlead tommy ltlngurlugmohepeniltb- althougb i dont wear the ame old blotliea i do woar tbo aaruo old flste j ii in flrotillin eaglt uusimsa ittrits bortwr cheques a oheqno in an order on a bank for payment of a given sum and ie payable on preaentalioh cheques are uot coosidered as autual payment until they are cashed but in cenrse of bnsiaess are regarded aa obbh as a safeguard in making payments rnorobsnts sometimeb orosa their obeqcesv which is done hy drawing two parallel lines aorosa tbe faoe between wbioh the word bank shohld be written thus making it compulsory for the party to whom it is made payable to deposit it in a bank to hie credit and payment can only be obtained in thib manner cheques are uaually drawn payable to order and thus drawn are negotiable when the payees name io written sorosb the baok but a pheque drawn payable to bearer is negotiable without arjy endorsa- tion j li f fun era ahan tuboit airn kobe moleana dloek donglas st near f 0 oubwe ornca hotjna 10 am- to 1 pm tuid 3 to 6 pm bumdats 10 am to 1 pm dental r l benuett lds dentist li- obobobtowh ohtabio jcoghlan ddsl ds dentist wonacabblctay don pniobb vodsatb prrtcnr ovan bnowbs dnrjo stobb bounabvsnr dat raom 9 rro 6 j mbell ddb lds dentist baooavrrxxt ilokoa gnidtutb or tobomto ustvabaitr work mads satisfactory price moderate vibjtiko bars monday afternoon garnp- balivllle tnedayaoton6mceolarks hoteli friday ftookeood fancy goods class china celluloid stc prices away down fine finished crokinole board complete 650 boblty 100 framed pictures 500 etc etc johiilt bondco hardware ovblp8 waters bros wtndham stbb11i queipih and loan co head office toronto ont m oleah mclean ltitaorrreot cipxttl b 00000006 the place to go for the tvlfeit pjour bran iwiddllnkt chop feed o for sale chopping every day at everlon mills aad every tuesday thursday nnd saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit barrutara solicitor notartei conveyancers so frlvatelnxidstoloan obeestown hau aoton wat a moljuh jho a molauh tenyear maturity shares are peld monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease f 600 henry hortp paid in matunly vhius vloooo money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton toronto canada tho leading newspaper of tlie dojminion the daily hsa over 12000 more reeulsr elrouls tion every day than it bad in 1897 and nearly taxomoro than one year ago rr oaows bkgmjbb rr xnaeas it has alii the news evert day the saturday illustrated with ite m or 98 pages every saturday its illustrated anpnlsment lu many apeolarfea- turea8bort btorles and bketotiy artiolea- besldes baring the ourrent nowa crtbe day hss bmomsa suing rivi to the boat monthly magaalnes it is canadas obeatest newspaper ton can bsve the at0bb every day and the aatoanavlativbtnathn for about the aamo prloeas youbavo to paygr manyof tho smaller the wbekiy olobe bas had several new features added has all the news of the woek in oonotse formand keeps 1u readers in oloso tonoh with evory part ot ths world snd more espeolally oar own country sabsorlptloa rales and foil pertloulara can bohaj at the offlco of this paper any news dealer or noatmaater or ssudolreet to tdboloub toronto canada crammed wlh gqests hy old roan 01 ttt sea clung to me like a very llmpei and to my great dismay appeared to know every one we pasaed through the picked mais- erwilh aword here a joke thsre and 1 gathered that his name was sir duncan it waa no news to rhe that he wis sootoh in the drawing room he bad another word with owen aud then be remarked to me with a maloloqe grin well i dont ate the queen bare yet nor the playwright nor iraq the daqolng embasador what babbeoomeof ibemt what waa to become of me waa of fair more importanoo and finding that ray companion was making strnight fur the happy pair to teudsr hlsgood wliliea and being an abaolole atranger to bothi broke and fled hoping to lose mytelf in the prowd to dud some eflloaoioqi meaue of sspape even were it through the kltohen andaogllery bat the mob surging toward the present oarrjodjiifl along in spite of my btragglm and i found myself figur atively oait op in frontof a table covered with magnlsoent diamonds as i stood gazing blankly at the diamonds si atranger by my side gave ma a pretponitoty nqdge and then addressbd tne in ajow voice but with elaborate bbortesy but this v d yuukuu i re had my eyeon yon this good while you ewell oracksmen are getting too fashionable altogether too fond of wedding partiea what the deuoe do you mean i aeked and i felt inclined to pitoh biro oat of the window i mead that im a deentive officer of no f division and that im going to hand you over to my men below who will take great care of you and eaoort you in a cab to bow street where yon will be searched and obarged oh we have been expecting yba for some time i say stop i i said heres myeevrd and hugged it out and handed it to him mr b arrainger arminger park wilt tbe apex blub pall mall he read aloud and then calmly re marked ob yes of onorao i im np to all these little dodges i wonder yon did not take atitlrv oar altercation bad been carried on in a window reoess and i doubt if any one notioed us at all yon coma quietly be repeated for the third tiros and eel jaw no other alterna tive i obeyed- a we crossed the igreat landing onlelde the reception room i notioed my old man of the aoa sitting on a divan he touohed me with his stick and said helloi going already wont yba wait and present mo to the qneen or mme brnbardt 7 bo 1 1 was too lurloaa to reply however my oompinlon stooped down and wbipered aomethlng snd showed him my card the old fellow glanced quickly at it theu at tat ni exclaimed i thooght i knew that nose i why yon must be the eon of teddy arminger who was ray fag more thartlilfty yeara ago yon are arminger of arminger eh i bowed profoondly mr hook to the deleolirei yon are quite mistaken for once the gentleman is smlfcknbwn dnty then to me ontnebsre and ait by me and tell me all about yourself yon are growing more like year father every moment he ohnotlod he always got bueiwlmnhbiwab to hear and dondemn amid trolley oars and bloyole bell and children playing and the salvation army dram the aackle dies away into a harmless whisper there was apare time then people made visits not anxious crowded hqrried calls bat good aldfaahlpned vlsito the carryall wag washed and oiled oldflora wai oarefnlly combed and brushed by grandfather and then grandfather was brushed and combed by grandmother aunt clara peoked tbe lonobeon in a big basket there wsa alwaya a spars orlckei to fit in front for small folk with a good view of floras haanohes going nphill and a wide sweep of country going down the joumey wse leisurely but fall of wild excitements there was the dangerous railroad crowing where grandfather alwaya got out rods ahead and walked coutloubly sxeroes looking two ways at once the reel of os rode boldly over with a fair feeling of risk grandfather need to oraok the whip in defianoe of danger there was the covered bridges too old floras hoofs ibboed in thetl and repeated the trampling of armlea the loose boards rattling audsravatfa held the child on the orloket breatblees times halve changed now we speed swiftly oyer k d ina te kgond ho faster than a walk looke grimly down from either end we had a spare chamber sat first whtp the baby came wo lorned it into a unraery we cleared cint a store room for the nnrse andused the little back room for a drying room grandmother when her first baby came took it into her own bed when another bitby came tb crowd it but there was the trundle bed that stood nnder the big bed all day and rolled out at night with at sleepy ramble and when more babies still came to orawd the trundle bod the first baby a big hoy six years now bad a bed made for him at tbe head of the back stair or np garret under thesloping eaves tbe rain lolled him to sleep and the snow drifted lu sometime in the spsre obamber the big bed loomed nntonobed it hovered in- hie dreams a presenoe not to be put by the snow the rain the atars and tbs apare ohamber made a potfe of him- we have no poelb now atlantic iowtay just across ths street from where i writs stands the old jtohnson academy wheradewey was a soboolboy in hl8teens in the early fifties a grayhaired man who was one of deweya chumb telle ua this anecdote of him three or four ot no includlpk oeurge usedtogo to school in oompany and vie would meet daily a crowd of smaller boya on their way to a- dlrtriot sohool they got into tho habit of making it interesting tor ua whenever we met by pelting as with snowballs and inoultlng remarks some of us were disposed to retaliate but qeorge would say ob come along boys never mind those little ahavers but tbe little shaver unable to appre ciate euchforbssrancs seemed to imbibe the idea that we did not diro to attack them on account pftbeir superior nom- beri but grew dstly more annoying one day ahidtmepse anowball bit george sqnareontbealdeofbib head filling hia ear with snow bauding me his books in a twinkling be had oaught the ringleader of our or- mentora andadminisleredbuoh a spanking as the ohap would not forget in a hprry if ho is alive to day he is probibly proud o h s hy t in one of the back opnntiea of booth texas there is a negro doctor who enjoys a more or less extensive practice among the colored population wbioh composes a majority of tbe citizenship a white phy sician accosted him ou the road the other day saying well dr sam where have yon been been tb see bllljobnalng sab ho was wraolln wid mose jones an bus a blood weasel indeed thats serious 1 what did you prescribe ab i dan fix him all right wld alarm and gum arable alnm to draw do pahts togeder and de gum tb stick em it may be inter esting to add that tbe victim recovered new york 7viitrae hurry np there i yelled tbe oonductor to a man who had chased the car abont a quarter of a mile we cant wait for yon all day la this a woodward avenue oar asked the tall thin man who was panting like a tugboat after hie long run yes was the cart reply thats right said the thin man always speak the troth and your neighbors will respeot yon and so saying ho harried around tbeoornsr while the cdndnotor got down from the ear to look for a brick ferry patotio i wlh id of paid more a t th y war- w a j m10kinnon banaisoraa sbuoirobvcokvatancb onioa mill street in matthcwa block opatsirs jbmoleod s babxtitrmb bouoiron oomvxtaxcab kaln street oeorgetown atonev to loan atloweatoqrrent rates b jmcnabb oloikpcrnrtb division court county of hal- onqonvoymnoeragentftroaaaijtoaaauranoo heal estate agsmt tboney to losai eto orrios perryroansblook aotom on miscellaneous henbt gbist v ottiyu oaaaiu bolleltor of patentsfor invention etc isiiarsa applications for the canadian am inwbnropsanpateotoffleas end for the ltrauon cflt trade harms send for pam- phlet tnlrtttwo years eiperlenee bjlbanoib nunah bookbimdk iwvndhant st juslpb ontario wvannan wu aleoennv books oil- all kinds made to otder perlpoioala olerverydeaeriptlonearefallynonnd bnunrneaeiyianaprompuvdona stookof seed wheat seed oats 8eedpbab seed rye 8ebdbtjckwheat seiidbarijby eto eto kto is very largo and extra oboloetbls seaaon bavuog the beat hudlltlos tn the olty for bandllng seed srsln it wilt be to yonr advantage to trade witb mo in mammoth alalks trefoil crimson white and bed cloven tlnaotby orchard grass canadian and kennaoay bine grasses eto my stock is complete in vegetable ana flower seedaroy stock takes tbe lead askmeasof the market gardeners aodfloriauaboattlera our sdvloolsflkewareef cheap traabyseeds wbioh srocoatlj at auvprtoe bay the boat food corn by boahiror car at olose prfa j 3t 3vc1bjs hjbiiicjblt v seedsman 48 msoctonhell btotnlph tab6budbnbbfj- lfirtiwo iaaasusa liiojonras privau6ffleenow1uwsereeinired issued a teslde evsibg rvrr r itrjs piais cfflce aoton votrthe oerbjasjpxwwiue mkalmttselranpaaea ofltoe aoton or sifflcieneetoahiibe pwnptlyat saeate3wredeaaltovi v- t- miaaetok sreq4l rst66fariavljbb alseraoatsytb jiiwifyitmntot tinatnaji fthe jowistw etaoterest in aesrmrr cash aad mi pl a john tattob afmii t i quelpli there re two kinds of men to be foiiad everywhere -r- thpse who are obliged tb dress roughly vh ile a t work iafld thbse whqbe occiipat6ii in- volves no difference ir attire forthe lawrefweriave heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes rfortheboys and girls good knockabonts and for the ladies the latest novelties in- footwear i lorhere iayarla8tnb8wat take youir choice yuif ared paolrefa ve0btadle8 order by number 1 beetbellpsesround eayptlsn ruuvround 80sbbsgewisbln katuat iffstadt evbrnnswlok nantes ooarrofchalhongsantea jzts osbbuseraueranda roacnmberscbleago pickling 8 jongsreen celery whit plume tohtlibasgerr 11 savory uiittueetlarenvlsdsyesia jj u oanvers roaiketearledi early nntmeg iban jl wetborallold globe dsnysrs ltf1 wbulu orown sbidlahvfrsaob breakfsat e rosy gem twblte upper sasqoasbbobbard jstomato extra early a lantlo m dwarf obetoplon ffjowebs xsastars mlxsd hulgnonstte sweet ayrunylxed tsmsnartlums mixed tall free by mall postpaid on receipt ot prloo w- rrovldlng this eoanou is oiit fieeesand sent to ns with an ordsr tolloaoksu rerfio postalnote or silver ws winmolsd onepsivot bhow fairs pnmn- jsbwmw ires ief ebarge to aeton fans psbss sobacrlbere here you are sit this side and he shoved me into a baok aaat next to an old gentleman who sat by the door and whose lege and stlok i nearly tombled over ha wai a little chap with a white beard and red face and wore an oldfashioned blue f rook coat and a pair of baggy lavender gloiea i looked aboatme and i give you my sblennn word of honor thak smoog all the crowd i did not see a anal i knew can yon believe it i happened to notloe ihe old boy beside roe 1 aaoghl him watching me furtively out of the corner of his sye onr glances met and lis bald a friend of the bride sir i bless yon yes i answered known berainoe i was in pinafores sinoeyoo were in ploafores i ho re- petfed and he seemed rather taken abick why yes and 1 was thinking of adding thai she wok 10 or 13 years toy senior but roost fortuoalely refrained lis blared very bard for soms tlms and then said you are acquainted with most of the people here can yon tall me who some of them are any ceieb- rltieaebr yon are aware dig of my fatal psaslon for sa practical job well here was a temputlon i waipowerlsesi to resist v i fell snd for po6llivly the isut time bo i amwered ob yes i think i oan point ypn ont two or three wellknown obsraotsrs thank hsvrenlled jim a ooontry oousib or rsthar ooantry grsnd- father as yob my see snd i very rsrsly borne to tendon no wv wihb is that stout very dark woman in yellow with the gold pikes in htr bonmlj y ir oh that rpjotnpaly relarnrdls ths qaeen of the ndwloh jilin she is over hers inobg at preeentjast a visit to bsrdrssemaker v i y ueamehhfhytlalways tbonght tbaf mothsnatuwwss her modiste said the old rnan with twlukllog sfjes v v oh no she is quits clvlllsad wears shoes and stockings and rarely toaches raw a at the tlms he howled like mad the crowd were sod aod at this sudden attack that they stood as if paralyzed and osorge paahed several into the anow and sornbbed some foes cleaner they were wont to be i dare say before the rest of tbe enemy gathered their wits enough to take tn their heels father once told me auid oeorge aa be brushed off the snow and took his books again never to fight unless i was obliged to but if yon bavo to fight fight in earneat i he sld we had nu farther trouble with the district school boys that winter the lesson dewey gave tbem was as tqeotual in its way as the lesions he has given some boys of largegrowth at manilla watson what good would it doyon ferry pautio just this id bo golnl ronnd right now as a wounded soldier from ooby only x dont know what regi men to blbng to it would be jist ray luck to name one o ihem ontute wot- never got away from homo a look at me exclaimed tbo leading lawyer warmly i never took a drop of medioineih my life and im aa- strong aa any two of yonr patients together well thata notbihg retorted the phybicfan i neverwent to law in my life and im aa rloh aa any two dozen of yonr olienta brooklyn iic never too late to learn fonat mtubh ur and i paid yonohkby lyringiog yob tire sgalnst your will now ws are qaltsqwsn 06ms hers he said this gentlemen mr arminger la ibeson ql an old friend of mine i give him into yoarebiiodyv he wants to stoaps bnt dont allo hlro to stir i bold yon re sponsible miss owen delightfully ignorant of my narrowesoape from the cuitody of the pollesmsn in a sorprlaingly short tlms restored iny good homor not to speak of my self respect bhe ponveyed m into the mfreahmenvroom oemmanded nda to dis- tribbteoaks preeented me tb the bride bar wetlthiwm wv witdtmsttptillbibtt fimnilijstem puluino out a tooth the modern deutial who was nndoubl edly intended for a blaokmltb takes you to an npitaira omce and aeata you at a front window aa ho ssys for light yon know that he is in league with the msn scrota the street who froth ah opposite window is stodying your digestive eoon- o toy sod who seems to have wagered that tbe dentlit oonldnt get his flat quite down ypqrtfarbat and this is the way ha polls yonr tooth take that chair please now whlob tooth ithlsbue ah yes owtowtoh i tbo other one i well then just a little wider there nowi basppanob scrape orobrodb 1 and you break loose and expectorste meroj yon gasp wouldnt it be ins pslnful to blow it ont with atonpowder nonssnee open yoar month 1 stake me for the afriaan sword swallower 7 fltnancino a church debt there waa a debt of 15000 upon the ghorcb property there waa rather more than 060 members upon tbo rolh borne were wealthy the majority were in oom fortable olrcomitanoes none were destitute or even poor it was at the oloie of the annual meeting of the cbngrogatlon when the last item of business had boon disposed of arid already st movement io arrange wraps bad opmmenesd there was a eelf- sallsqtd look npou all faces for the year had been a prosperous one end there was a oomfortable surplus the pastor rose ond galatly said i have a word to say before we dlsmlaa the meeting lira about to propose a scheme for cleiring off the entire oburch debt in three years i want you to pledge 18000 of it before yon save tbo knildlog tonight a sllenoe bt painful intensity settled over the meeting and amaxemsnl jnorsdulity snd latent pity looked out of the eyes now foooaed npon the pastor attar a momsnt ho went on again ism not asking muoh of you jast e pledge that over and above year nsual giving yon ihall each pledge ten oentspjirbabbalit towards the eillnotlon of tbs ohurch debt there arc more than 6o0 msmbers teh oeots frpm esoh will msan 60 per sabbath in five yeara thl e wlu reaoh 15800 and our ohuroh would be cleared from dsbt then belsmisted the pedpu illmihiiy migh llt ov it wsglye the incident that othsrs may be set thinking tbo secret of flnauolog yonr ohnnh debt is to seonro regular oontrlba- uons la small anms from each msmber and adherent rather than to depend upon large eontribntlons from all dominion jrvtrf not particu an irishman wanted to join one of the volunteer borps the other lay bat was refused the cause being that be waa loo ahort vvjnsi hbeu sat caagbt sight of someons bethought wssa lutls man croa- ing ths hall in uniform so be asked the srgetnt ija v iand who 1 that obp going across there a a- av iphreplisdthe eeargeant he is an ofjiqirva a jjrip9hlhatsi then iatn as big as he is add ii ialut good lor nolhirt else ill joio i v ljjmjj is doe to anlmpbverish- iftsihblvotlsnd4b0eied rilaribparilia enrlohe ths tiiw vi sf v tfftr oato at 60 years of ago learned the greek language sobrates at an extromoly old age learn ed to play on rhusipal instruments plutarch when between 70 and 80 began the etndy of latin dr johnson applied himself to tb dptoh laugnagebat a few years before his death- franklin did not folly commence his philosophical pursuits till he had reached bis 50th year xodbtioo mbnaldesoo at the ago of lib wrote tbememolrs of his owntimea dryden in his 08th year oommeuoed the translation of the iliad his roosl pleasing produotton ogllby the translator ol homer and virgil was unacquainted with latin and greek till ho was past 60 bopcacoio was 85 years- old when he commenced his studies of light literature yet he became one of the three- greatest masters of the tuscan dlaleot dante and fetrarch being the other two sir henry spellman neglected the aolenoeg in his youth but oomnoenoed tbe study of tbem when be was between 50 and 60 years of age after this lime be beaahie a most learned antiquarian and lawyera we could oito thonsauils of examples ot inea who oommenoed a new study either for a livlihobd or oraueetnent si sn advanced age but every one familiar with she blr rtaiktitufcva aiayjbmofl 1 a ila wnibfoyrbvi elf tihs maohlnrv a rissisis toajeeatiau repsurs to maehln xlmazulstlsiiqw akirnsaauaeffs sbktng is now corning in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices oatj and fiam odb new ijlotb and pray why does ihs honor ibis oeremony with her preesnoi beoaase one of ths bfljsgrbomsooosios ie sttabusd tofr ebbrjt iscbisf pearl dlrsr h untied- tbs king i fliiir and i basd swiroelyads that itls a purely nominal but wili-pdnoet- a xhsnkyoujl sse now oan you tell tne who those two sldsrly man are who have oomeln togsthsr with plessure i suswsred the short ops is hsnrlb ibsen sad ths other is lorfrlvilbborya vaa vtpsrtjaijtjihjgi iit tx3oe yptntmun i and ih isdyin wotteriil lltus wider i durtlsngtap ouotil thata killing mo i just one more pall now i up np yen go yoa lee the milky way tybrirww6tatkiriorftd bnlgs ont there is aroarlog in your ears aorashtnd yoa ses lbs dintlsl with the tronblewme molar in his f oroeps grinning a though it wag the fannint thing in tbo world 80mb clbhical joke8 do yoa havs matlni in jont ohnroh f no we rftr iliwuumv apthar olsrk gayspolla 0bnrohlrti obabirigtb th praise aodlryof ood atrbymoof my own cowpomrvaisdy asked iwdian iereadathsr bsjsldtlli4vnltpl fittnwiybbfrliten recollect individual oaice enough to non- vince falm that none bat the slok and indolent will say i am too old to learn insomnia insomnia is often banaed by assuming an incorrect position when asleep and there fore it will be of interest to those who can- not secure all they need of natures swet restorer to know what the learned in things anatomical consider to bo thepropsr position of the body whllo at rest the sleeper should ho on his side on the light sldelf possible beosnso the heart than hss mors room to perform its work digestion la continued with least exertion and ihs wslght of the itorasoh does not oompress the upper portion of tho intestines the arms should lie at tils side of the pody and be kept therr the pillow should be ouly high enough taoeute the head to lie easy end to be in a straight line with the body mllbijrns sterling hedaohe powders curb ihe yvorjt lirsdscbo io from five to twenty mlhnbwj anil leave no bad after- qjivniiti powders wo -lbdwafcla- a v emml

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