ttt ttm ii r iil the bank of hamilton charter granted 1872 hiusornaii hamilton oht capital all paid up 1 20000000 reiarveand surplus profits- 980000000 total assets 91200000000 tcjrnbull cashier j- saviugs dopartmeut interest paid at best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a written orders with the pass book no formalities no delay the government returns show that this bankgives to depositors four million dollars of security over and above every cent due to the public farmers notes pfresponslble farmers discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc farmers ale notes collected probipjlyand advances inadeon accountbf sarheat a low rate of interest security gjoiirtesyi uj- faibates ejvery banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch shtailtoibb ovsu twshti null j p bell agent the ne at home mostly of a lobar- churaoter and every item interesting iwultaa lattnllou to go to cnnip the volunteers of ballon battalion will go into oatnp again this year the lime for going to the front has been fixed for jane and will consequently be very acceptable to the members of the- various the roll op honor the pupils who earned coveted plaoea at the february gxarhlnntlons the labt monthly examination at the publlosobool resulted as follows v108t dkpabtuent glass v sen edith moklln 270 glass v juo ijooa waliaoe 23a hattle noble 280 rebie srayth and l m 8 coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varlousothor personal notes tuofiinis pbbbb invites all lu readers toeon trlbnte to this column if yon or your hionds are going sway on a holiday trip or if yon have xrloada visiting yon drop a oard to the poeb passa mr j fyfe returned lo roisland b 0 last thursday mr w bamervilla leavei praqrrpw allooverod wlth kruptlons- could not work the suffering was so oreathooda has cured i was all run down with complaints peculiar to my aex and i broke out in sores on my body held limbs and hands and my hair all earns out i was chas l nelles the wallpaper it pays to buy at boiler ts it pays to buy at bollerts man und the docto i a long time without benefit they celled my trouble enema finally i began taking hoods sarsaparllla and after i bad used three or four bottles i found i was improving i kept on until i bad taken several more bottles and the sores and itching have dis appeared and my hair has grown out mas j g baown brant ford ontario i was all ran down and had no appe tite i had a tired feeling ill the time i wis advised to try hoods barsaparllls i did 10 and it benefited mo so much that i would not be without it mhb a i bniwsnrr central norton k b n ooij s parllla u the bwmn tiot tga one tnie blood purifier guelpb announces that 2899 will bo a yea i wiadow shades uttle lo b whloh caught the eysa or bars of free proas reporters this week for the sugar bash eaator bonday 2ad april the alienor is on his rounds again good friday three weeks from to morrow teaming has been lively this week with the new sleighing the fatna boys will now begin to bide eggs for the enter feast saturday nights snow storm gave sleighing another short lease the spring assizes will- be held at milton on monday 20th inst posens of the farmers wore in town for tbelr loe supply last week merchant the publio eipeots to see yoar advertisement in the fail pebbs corps jlbe duration ol the oarap will be sixteen days tills year there is every probability that tbe ranks will bo un usually well filled fell and fruoturod bia jgerf early last friday morning mr aroh nfotavlsb merchant tailor bad the mis fortune to slip on an toy walk and by bis heavy fall sustained a fraotnre of the right leg a few inches above the ankle dr foriter was called in and reduced tbo fraotnre mr motavlsu is doing well but will bavo an enforced rest for a few weeks it ia nnfovtunatetbas the aooldent ooonrred just as the spring trade is opening xeaves today for the mimaion field- mr robert j edmlston who has been studying the past two or three years with a view to enterlug tbo minislery leaves today for winnipeg and wll enter the work under bov james woodswortn superintendent of missions in manitoba nd the north wewt air edmlston la a young man of considerable ability and promisesndwillno donbvwin enooeib in bis chosen work he has been a faithful worker in the ohuron sunday school and epworth league and his many friends hare unite in prayer and best wishes that he may have a useful and eucoessfol future the town ia not m piaeo for doga of course a oertain amount of aeptiment is attached to afiydomsstto animal by its owner no onfre bordering on a 378 270 pilgrim from manitoba and- the north weal are getting ready for tbelr long jonrnsy the congregation of fit jdaepbs ghurob is negotiating forthe purchase of a parsonage considering the very indifferent sleigh- log a large qaauuty of wood was teamed into town l wssk ohiafjhairsy of the firs brigade has been laid op foe a week o so with the grippe bo icaow rsooverlog bevh a macpharson preached the prsopmmaoioa sermon in lit andrews charob 8 atlbb last friday the sudden deaths of a number cf dogs lu town lately woold indicate that poison is getting in effective work the town of whitby telegrspbed on monday for fall psrtiauiars as to eost and suooeu of oor eleolrio lighting system bev vf b griffln d d bflorontoi will preioh in the melbodist ohnroh on sunday 10th ini morqipg and evening km doru of the union hotel quelph wasttned 10 and costs on monday for selling liquor to a dtnnken speclss bf affeotionate regard but admit- lug ill this we oontend a town ia no place for dogs if tbe animal is kept in restraint this law reipeotiog cruelty to animals will intervene if allowed to have freedom to roam at large and indclge in their nilnral proolivjtles they are a nnlsanps and offen sive alike to the peioe and deoenoy of- the manloipallty the tax is not rigidly enforoednd people sometimes keep dogs who are aoaroelyiblo to provide sufficiently for their own families nowmarkol jpro jstr iraopnemona sioofatfon address thainonihly meeting of the minlaterlal assoolation was held at the freabyterjan mania ooorfcetowd on monday morning the paper for the pcbailoo was on vlapsr ing or indlgerenoe in rural districts glass iv son nelson ryder mabel soper and eitlo modonald ernest wilson 271 glass iv jon bert smith 270 ida laird 20d maud golllne 208 marka possible 800 t t mooiw teacher bkcond pepabtubnt class iii sen myrtle matthsws 288 f ethel ooleman2si howland brown 230 glass iii jun hazel mann 228 florence murray 231 jean grant 213 marks possible 250 p mofiuil teabhor third defartuent senior olasa bhby clark and daniel ritchie mil myrtle oook 183 marcos perryman 1bl junior class myrtle boper 103 arlio bamahaw 101 myrtle dills 1h7 marks poasible 20ov i epattuhson teaober rounin oetabtueht senior olsai lanra coleman 183 merle frlok and blanohe obisholm 17i alex mcqueeb 170 junior- claai hazel matthews and emma tovell 100 freeman ooleman 170 john mcdonald 1c8 marks poialble 200 b f fsitiniiistosi teaoher rrnii depabtuent senior fart i batie arnold 201 matthew mocann 100 hilda abraham 1w7 intermediate part l lna hay ward and gam clark 228 clara bauer 204 willie lawson 102 junior fart i jennie allan 226 bertie molam and boy maaon 221 fred graham 218 marks possible 225 bh mcqueen teaouer for the northwest mr mrs atez- maud spent sunday with friends in gusipn mies carrie smith returned to her duties at barnla on friday warden havill attended the connty oouuoil aessiou on tuesday miis inaconboy of erin is a gneat at the home of couuolllor clark mlasm dunbar of odelpfa ia spending a week or so with friends here mlaa smltb of guelpb is a gnatt si the houie of mr thomas oameron mr hodgson of brampton paid a flying visit to aoton friends ibis week mrs thomas elision is ooniiderably improved in her oondition this week miss altos stevenson qt qnelph was the guest of aoton friends last wssk miss martha nobis left for toronto on wednesday totake atltaatlou there mrs robert iiillle of chicago is vialt- iog at the borne of mrs o b smith mirs jlexio 01 ark was a guest al tbe wedding of miss maifland guelpb last week mrs lindsay of gnelph spool aoveral days last week visiting her nleoe mrs j d mokee mrs henry bauer and master george left yesterday morning on a visit to friends at elmwood hnnhc dlllc tliarraenloaiy with i luuusfhis jlpoi gipjaparuhv our new store on upper wynd ham street will have the finest wall paper show room that can be found j b mokbb the drug gist aoton will again be our agent andshow nil the samples at gaiefph prices i lrof jatto who lliilshes portraits by the de leauin process has been in town the past week with a stall of artists and oanvauera fa twostory saddition is in oourae of erection at aoton boiler mills the eitra apses 111 tie nlillsed principally for storing flour and grain now that the long winter evenings ars nearly ovor u effort should be made to have tbe provisions of the early closing bylaw more psaarallyobserved harry boobber the feegsu home lad wnowes dowu for stealing money and jewollery from theodore- dnnn was lowed his liberty by judge hamilton on ispsnded sentence qeorgelown oooooll permitted a very ijaotlonable sparing matoh in the town nail last friday eysning the herald fsarltsaly denounced the aflalr as an rjiatfljflso ibsi iosrn- v inotwllhsaandlng the severe frosts of -tbs-primril- winter the new grsnolitbkt waaistootljthe wtdter thus far with tnllsaliiaumvnot a oraok haa brad oil ills surfaoe of the walk mtberearspeople in town who think a iruslionlibs madeandsp t famuypersrmttdto visit the post offloe attt uinjaiinb when the evening mall is lir4biwd v i yjohni a gordon basleaaed to iilybpinead to lyr in s rsfeprasplg- trip vto the jricroonsntfbds iftouisitiprtb west will be tpsctsd that sis oolook oloslng irrobsd in bhelburns th lufi week p iatsmliu make the p vc nsskrrvarraogvrpehts its a good y apples and 4i6duee co s ifv firriamstsry jmim place their r7uidiooudtlth of j doilpil whb has the olngytbsrb6twork in liprlbsiigilarahtera right wwrini vrwk jm and was given by rev h a maopbsrsoii of aotoii the causes assigned by mr maephsrson for rural lapsing were 1 sunday visiting 2 tbo change from the old 8ssated rig to tbe modern bnggyip visiting of bioyousts imaginary grievances against tbe pastor the outbome of mlianderstandlnga 5 porsonal pride whloh shows itself in an nnboly desire for a tine anrnout and good ototbasr una 4u- ouaaien was pointed and profitable btrau- luorosse the game for 38gg at a wellattended meeting of lacrosse enthusiasts n the town ball last thursday night the aoton crescents were re organised with tbo following offloers hon president d henderson mp president j h matthews vicepresident j iitwsoh seoretirytreiburer j d mokee bitonllve committee dr j p oogh- lan w qocrld and r j monabb captain r scott the meeting was opened by a short speech from the president who compli mented the cresoents on their brilliant success isst season as well as tbe gentle manly manner in which they oondaoled t lumughuu h s iborongh confidence in the playing ability of the team apd in conolssion added that the crescents will undoubtedly be a great aouroi of life in oor town daring the coming summer ss well as an honor to the cotnraunlly it was decided to mike arrangaments for getting into the inter mediate league its oomlng season a committee was appointed consisting of i francis h jeans m handarsbn w tjtark to look after tbe giving of a big labrcsse benefit oonwri at an early date a committee consisting of j hi mattbowa 3 d mokee and k scott was appointed to wait on the ooonoll ait next meeting in order to secure the grounds for tbo eeason the appointing pf the manager was left to the exeontlvo the meoting was then adjourned till futuro call of tbe president which will likely be at ah early date when reports from different pomrolttees will be forthcoming a brlebt life bttidemljr terminated the oosy home of mr james wilson forsmara of lbs- glove leather tsnnery of w hbtoreyson on main street his been the place of deep mourning this week the sudden death by aooldsntof ih eldsat sob being the oause of the keenest sorrow ton tbe pirt of evsry member of ibs ismlly on monday morning abotit 780 as bobert wilsou the lxtmeafla lad refrred tb was going sbobjfbis irprst ta tbv tannery he was in thsaot of stepping over an unproteoted shafting to reaoh a belt he intended to iaoe whso bu leather apron was cioghi by the revolving shaft and in an iqstsnl- hsrww deatb bit poor form being knooksd agalnat lbs floor and adjioent pirtillbn with every revolution of iib shaft mntil a- fellw- workmanbw ikeengiri stopped when the poor fellow wis reached it was found that his olotblng boots and stockings had been eutlrefy torn off his legs arms and thlgha fractured the left una and ear torn off and ibbseqoentrexsmlnauone sbowrtd fraotore at ho btssof ibstkali at us heartbroken father and bttsr employees stood for momnt looking shaft tbiokfngllfs was eitlnot ths poor elloit pinonsly biftlslmarl bpnn seeing bis imtduw a rich lady cured of her listtm to vlhtwmibydr simbal drldmissent n7iruurio that deaf people fiisdsfepwjiay ijfbnnsrs rwliognvsnd to rdsantlbcliitm a brief covty council milton session at tuesday the county council met in the county court house on tuesday warden havill presided and all the members were present the mnal routine buainess came np for transaollon a grant of m25 to the 30th battalion haltonrlfles was made the volunteers go into oamp ibis year in june for sixteen days flam for new seating and other improvements to the court room were submitted sad tenders will be asked for the work the next meeting of the opuccil will bo bold on tuesday 80th may nassacaweya mr and mrs nasssgaweya father r take me off father im not desdr tenderly the btulsed form srss removed from the scene of the awfnl aooldent and physicians called in he iartvsil for aboa an hour in full opnsoloosness and talked freely with his aunt mrs jobp 8ephenaon and waa abletb klasfbu parsni ooovsrra intelligibly with bis pastor tre glooni over ths ootnrnqniy sd slnoeraiv sympatby extrndsd the keenly bsrtfl iantlti- thionsral jimywem rtilrgell here for aorht time thorn m m taylor of oelabrftied tbo izuetb annueriary of tbelr marriage on mondmy 6lbiohi there were their ohildren grand- obildrea od greatgraodobitdreo preient tvt well ajabtfihbbre and cquaiotii9i mr taylor waa born in broagbton tork- ebire eagladd on febroary 21at 1820 and oams to canada with bta parenu ib ths year 1832 mrt taylor war born al armagh d ireland dear the town of ady op the 3rd of febroary 1810 and oams to cinadawllh berparedts io the year 1880 thau they both know what pioneer life in tbebaokwoodameani tbla country was tben a howling wilderneaa they were kioatred al f tlh tbfl 4th of march 1830 and they have endured many bardihipadaring their life they have eight children living four boyai and four ftlrla there are tuirtyoar grand- children and four rreagrandjhudred only three of their children were preieot at the diatnobdl weddiog the rest of the family being too far away to get home for theooeaaion at aboot four ooioolt mr wm haropabu of eden mills read a oompiimaniary addreaa and at the proper time heiarf thoi b taylor arid georga t wllipn preaeoted the aged eon pie with two bandeoqbe ohaire there were a namber of apeeohefl by aome of the od aattkera who have known mr and mr a taylor and who apoke very kindly of tbani the addrosi waiafgned by mra 3boa wilaod mn wm hampaon mlaa uary taylor mn john taylor and mra d ramihaw it wta a pleaaant aorprlao to mr and mn taylor aa they knew nothing aboat the ohain oomlng mr taylor made a very neat reply to the address and thanked the ooropaay for what they had done wewlah tham many yeara yet of married life to enjoy the beaotltdl ohalra and the rea they have ap wall earned mitt ada franolaiaft on monday to take a abort oonraeattbubrlliih amerloan baalnetia oollrge miiikatiemoogk of waterloo waa a gaeat for a couple of dya ihia wetk at tba methoihit paraonage mr j b carry returned from hie trip to the maritime provlapea on tuesday he had a sqooeaafnl trip mr and mrs jjhrt matthewa and miss makgla left this week lb pend a month with relatives in toronto mihb miunlo qomi waa home from norva for a ahort vinit tble week bbo la doing well in her school tber- mrs j t eaaton arrived from sarola i at wink to v i all bar mother and molhar curtains indow blinds local brieflets inlaw both of whom are sery iii mr chas qlendenniog of petriea drug store gnelph spent bnnday with bis former ebop mate mr j d mokee bev j- h boss baarealfined his charge of the ouurch of england at norval and abcepted the rrotorahip at earrlstou mr rqbort ebbare who haa been in johnitowrfrnrcv past arrived home on saturday on a short visit ber j e howell m a eras in town on thursday to visit hrs xhomts easlon who has been critically 111 for several weeks bov h a miopherson waa one of the spesaersat the lnduollon of bev mr mann aa paetor of tbe first presbyterian ghnroh eramoa last week mr lewis noper returned on toesday to bis noma in mitehell south dakota after spending a month ery pleasantly with friends in aoton and volralty miss beppler returned home to llatowel on monday after spending a month or so with her slater mrs t b ward mrs ward and babe returned with her for a short visit mr and mrs judson oook and son left for their home at spokane wash on monday mornldg they spen l oonple of weeks with relatives and friends in aoiod georgetown and other point miss ftetavishy datrghter bf drr motavlah of lows a native of naaia- kaweya n ho has been a goeet at ths home of fanl kennedy esq and other friend for several weeks leaves for hsr homo- tomorrow mr w t smyth arrived boms from ibe west isst friday it was a sad home oomtng the vacant obalr in the horns be had left ao happy two months ago was so strongly in evidence the- iposrest sympatby of all is extended to mr smyth in his heavy bereavement the members of the sonday bohool class of mlaa llazle martin at ths reform ed ohnroh tendered her a pleasant surprise at her home on washington street johnstown saturday afternoon and evening miss martin rstarned jf ridiy from an ebtended visit with relatives in aotoo out and the wsloomt of ths members of her piss was a most snjoyabls evool bxoellent refreshments were served sod the ocoastion will be long rsmeinbered 4it4iisiu4a-imm- arid all manner of house furnishings to make the home complete and comfortable at a very small cost to you is what you are invited to the gojldn lion at guelph to assure yourselves of andbexonyii saving in dollars you can effect here one price and that the lowest isbrinaaoods macdonald bro golden lion guelph rinter ws have hd another taste of this week the monthly meeting of the tree tjllsrary board will be held nut monday evening beaeral loads of local skaters attended the carnival at georgetown tuesday evening a- mseilng of iseross supporters wfl be held ft ths town hall to night to consider entering a teami in the intermediate c i it is pretty conclusively settlsd that dew baptist ohnroh will be treotad il aoton the oomlng summer the slle noldebnlteiy settled but tb souliiaasl earner of hill and elgin streets is favored by the oentregaiion cheaper than beef while they last we will sell lake huron trout j bbls at 4 50 every fish guaranteed lake huron herring at 4 25 labrador herring at to 00 green codfish ar 5c lb w al ca a lu s o h clscoes bloaters and oysters tlrseliery bejiarlffiefit are you going to get married if so c and examine our stock of dinner toilet and tea ware we are offering exceptional value are you going to make a wedding present weliave some beautiful pieces of china suitable for either wedding or birthday presents just received a special line of 97 piece sinner sets at 4 jo 1000 lbs good dried apples wanted this week jamccrea mors sailors are wrecked on land than at 18 thib p b if you hive a- nagging cough and ars loosing fleab go to a drug store and get k bottle of ir sbilohv uough md odnsuinpllin ours take two- thlrdaohtr irybu ars not benebted return the bowls to the drngglst and ho wmi return rnnr mjtdey iant that fair no one oooldaa ipors m oents so oents and 100 a ixlltle jf or a metoliess orltlo oommend os to the tisjbaexbbstiv ivou mpsjifjm jrw jbblif having decided to go into the millinery business i have secured the services of icar who comes highly recommended ijtiaving had several years pf iexpefiehce further notice iltto0pbnin6 rooms over store we have completed our annual stocktaking and are very much pleased wish the results of the past years business every department showing- a marked increase we therefore wish to thank the many thousands of customers for their liberal patronage during the year that has just closed and as we enter upon a new years business we wish ttffurther increase that bond of union and confidence with pur customers of which we have reason to feel proud as our business today enjoys a reputation complimentary in the extreme- if we eitceel in any one thing more than another it is in goods of superior quality and novelty of design at reasonable prices ko we aro determined to- make 1890 the banner year of our dusiness- mr bollert hqs been very successful in his purchases thh seawn in great britain and is confident that never before in the history of the business hashe been able to secure such amagnl6cent line of goods every preparation ins been made for the reception ofourow stock and in a few days wul be here for your inspection but in the meantime we have a few odds and ends in the way of kemnants which we found while stocktaking and ore going re clear out at almoit any price they consist of remnants of silks dress goods sheetings white and cottons prints flannelettes shirtings apron ginghiarns grey flannels table linens art muslins tweeds cottonades mantle cloths carpets oil cloths and a host of other things too numerous to mention l henderson co we sre able to announce that our stock of new sprtnggoods is nearly complets in all lines we are thus in n position to cater to the early buyer at once and it will be seen on inspection that valuesdre better than ever before with us if you want a new spring suit fbr early uso we can show you a igsofjclothsjlljlljhejsadulg shade dress goods a specialty new dress goods readytowear skirts undersklrts prints ginghams sheetings pillow cottons to farmers and stock risers how to qxt xoas in wptjcr have for your hens a comfortable shelter and give them ur hess poultry panacea a positive cure and preventative of disease among fowls to desttoy parasites on horses cattle she have poultry dr hess instant louse killer v modougall8 sheep dip elliotts sheep dip littles sheep dip- engl ish sheep and cattle wash insect powder white hellebore l subltiral tho fraud ofthflelsy see you get garters ask for carters insist and demand sous mens nanllcal eiperlenco is oottflned to bardships di8cover by a woman- acoter gwi jlaooery has been made and that nojjjjjkst ljf ifl hii euntr jr dissass laptaood its olulobes opon ber o4osiyssrilhd iu towellnks tloklhgs table linens embroideries cretons art muslins lace curtains mens felt hats miss campbell has returned and all orders for millinery can be executed promptly notice of our formal opening will appear later mill street acton amki 99 wyntjriam 8t today and every day during the week there will be on exnlbitlon at our store the newest styles in uptodate spring hats we direct special attention tome following leading lines of hata the henry cartorithttwoicofleld and nelsons 8poclal these hats are lilgh grade aodgaaran teed both as to quality style and color any man wearing one of this popular make of hats may rest assured that he is in the front rank of fashion and also that ho will get absolute satlsractlon our prices for these hats ore 8250 and 8275- we have hats from scoo to 3226 as well but we call special attention to above line as they are the best makers of english hats arid are strictly uptodate see them and be convinced