Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 16, 1899, p. 2

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v born fikioiitln aototioo thurndriy 9th march to mr nud lrn w ii hpolgbt a nan 1 visti iii hamilton ou monday march bib to mr rind mra j uoraoo pypor a sou cinttuolm on thursday flud inst tbewlfo of mr aioku ohlfliolui near mlltou of twins bon anil dauklitor liuaok at 25 cunningham avo toronto on kurnuv lo muroh7 to mr nnd mra h t lupaui a clauuir iitllirjoru married vvilhonnabdy at tbe residence of the tiridtvn futiior mlddlo rood on wednesday march int by lev j h oliver cooksvllfo mlsa a hardyto alfrod wllaon of bharldan died day 2nd qatboriuawlfo of george proctor aged 45 years miciiie at bpoyblde on monday gtb march mra mloble rullot ot tbo late william mlohlo aged w yoart critbnolm ip mvlonon tuesday 7th march mrs ttblabolm relict o the late william clil8holiiiagod81 yaa mobairtn aotou bir tlwrsday oth march arlburnoblo only souof nlmolam aged 1 two nioutbb and tendayb luimitn at fit johns hospital toronto on a tbundav march 0th miry barclay wife of john it barber m p p agod 49 years keatikaat tbo general hospital guelpb on saturday mb rob hth bliss widow of the late t a keating m d in her 61th year cumasonam at the metbodlat parsonage kincardine on friday morning- march 40 liov andrew oqnnlnghem late frestdsnt of ouelpb conference aged m jwi nbkdbnaqk at tbe realdeiioe of hor father in nelson on wednesday uarob 8th haggle gertrude youngest daughter of andrew hen- dorioo aged u yean and b montha yt titian flit lim thursday march 18 notes and comments tbe maaitoba government is to obnilder a redistribution bill giving representation to tbouowlybehled dialriotbinthe north it is aaid that provision will bo made next seision for ioareaslng the mounted polios by 100 men this baa been neces sary onaobonnt ot tbe large number lent from tba territories to the tnkon the xostmaaterqeneral haa extended the postal note eystem to a largo number of officers not hitherto eooorded that prlv- ilegesao that in very few offices will it be ueaessary to send pottage etarnpa for amall amoontb adjt gen gorbin hai issued a statement giving tbo number of death of united states soldiers enlisted or the spanish war and the oauaea thereof from may let killed in tuliori 829 died of wound 125 died of disease 5277 total 5781 tbe vote on the bylaw in the town of falmerston kuaranteeing tbedebanturea of the firmer cooperative pork packing co amoantiog to 25000 was carried on monday by a large majority nearly the whole available vote of the property- owners of the town being polled the vote was 101 for and 83 agatuaa the first diviaion of the present session in the ontario legislature took plaoe on the revenue bill tuesday at midnight the government was sustained by a majority ot eleven when mr neleon monteltb tbe new member for south fertb takes his seat the government majority will be ten tba division took plaoe on a motion for a six montha hoiat of the revenue bill moved by ur foy conservative representative for south toronto tbiditizens of port wrings alaska are said by late arrivals from the north to be drawing np a petition asking the high joint commission to oede their town to c tula isuuem ili o settle ments in alaska they desire to be the oentre of banadlantravel lb the mines of the interior and think a obange of flags would help their butlneaa ohanoes they say that the prlnolplei and lawa for which tbe united state flag elands are not lb effect in alaska they claim that the territory has been abused and hegleotettr sir wilfrid lurier haa deflnitely statod the intentiona of the government on the iqbjeot of a piohlblllon measure his deolsration is to the estot that tba result o the pleblioite vote would not juatir fy the government in inlroauoldji eaob m bill tbis answer to ihe rtqbesl of ths dominion alliance for immediate action in the matter is contained in a tetter to mr- p- b spenoe aeorstary of ibealhsnoo from bir wilfrid lauriar hiroaalf mr spenoe deolarea thai prohibitionists will not accept this answer aa aattling the qnes- lion prohibition is refused sir wilfrid laurlaf olvaa out tho oovornmants daolalon on the question claims the recent vote was too small touonio marali 10 aid bpeuun beuic tsry of tbe dominion allianoe has received from sir wilfrid lanrier the anawer ot the kovernment to tbs rtueut of the allianoe that a prohibition measure be introduced into the dominion farlia menl follonlug on tbe pieblaoite ot laat fall the premier announces that the expresalon of publio opluiori reoordodat tba polla in favor of prohibition did not repreaent suoh a proportion of the electorate as would juatify theintroduotion by the government of a prohibitory measure thepremler concludes fats comuaunioa tlorr to aid spenoe aa followa venture to submit for your conaldora tibnand the consideration ot the membets of the dominion alliance who believe in pcoblbltlon as the most tffiolena means of i luppreolng the evils of intemperance that no good purpose would be served by forcing upon ths people a measoro whioh is shown by the vote to have thei sonport of leas than twentythree per cent of the electorate neither would ii airve any good purpose to enter here into far ther oontroveray on the many incidental points dlicuased before n myobjeot is simply to convey to you the conclusion that in our judgment the expression of pnbllo opinion recorded at the polls in favor of prohibition did not repretent snob a proportion of the eleotorate as wonld justify the introduction by the government of a prohibitory measure- this yaars bxpsrlments by mem bera of the ontario asrrloultural and experimental union ifl oooperativeexperimenthin akricutturo have boon oonduoted tbrougbont onturio in eaoh of the past thirteen years in 1b80 tlm ntnrk u nnurl nil hy 12 frmnr and spbysipk mrs ohuhoiui reliot of the lite wit ohlsbolm died at her reildsqoe near milton on monday afternoon the 0th inst after a long period of illnes on the same day at speyslde mr miohie relict of the late wlluiam mioble also died both of iba deceased had reached old age tbeformerbeiiig eigbttour eavrs and the latter eightyone mrs ohialiolm and mr mloble were slaters beinn daughters of the late maloolm naurhlori of esquei- ing the late john momanghtnn at one time warden of the country waa a brother the two sisters were the laatv xnembera of the family evbrton mra nelson returned home friday lilt after spending a week with mil fergus- ion near ospringe who bss bean siok for two weeks she is soma better now miss marshall of toronto arrived here on friday to visit her unole sir mowil- llame who has been dangerooily iii for two weeks she returned on tooeday mr mqklnnon t rsanro work on wednesday having been obliged to oloss his school on friday owing to person al illneai mrs a wetberstoa was called upon to bury her only siatsr mrs diokaon who died on sunday after a shore bnt aevtre illness there was quite a change laut weekal jpworth league meeting it being oon duoted ihrongbool by the jonlora eight boys and dirls tbey had in tnrn bible readings then written paper by some and rsoilalione by arnaller ones iutarsperaed with soilabls hymn everything was wll rendered and tbelr nicely arranged programme waa appreciated by all preaent some ot the audlenoe showing the same by a few words of obttgratnlation domin ion p today the fourth session of the eighth parliament qpena this aftbrnoon v otiiwa marob is evarytblug is now in readiness for the opening of the honae ot oemmona tomorrow tbe session is expected to be one of onnaual interest an illicit still qovernment officer floody flnda one in peel townahlp anraob marob 14 preventive efftoar flood of toronto sslud an iiiioll whlikey sllllqn tbefarmol jimeefarrelly of tba township of feel4ve miles from here era tueiday part of another still was found on a fartp bear alma formerly oocupled by baggerty brothers tba still and fixtures were brought into town this morning tv mr andrew henderson has leased his farm on lbs mqnnlaln owing to ill heallb and will ihorlly remove to milton ghalrmsn hemstreel of the town goonoll is psshlng with energy lbs move merit to aeoore belter straeta thaoluzent appreciate this matter and hope it will materialize in the desired improvements thafunerelof mlsa maggie henderson daughter ot andrew hendenon eq whose sudden death took plaoe laat week after a few honra llineif wa held on friday afternoon bev d w snider officlaiing mr and mr p hendenon of aoton and mr j p allan and miss allan of brampton warn preaent muddy streets and roads are with ns again if the oemetary oompany haw a profit- able year a portion of their reienoe nlll- ired in building a sidewalk into ihe grounds wbnld win general favor mr turner has porohased the nathan moore farm of iso acres in esqueslng for 7000 mr and mrs e l hemstrsmi attended the funeral of mrs john b barber mre homatreete alater laallrlday the ce against samuel derty charged with the tbafl of the mail hag sit 0am p- bellvills was heard before myor deacon and drbobertson ji p in the town ball imt frldty theprlsonsr wa committed to atandhla trial at tbe oomlur aasites cooperative experiments 00 plots wore uaod for this purpose the number baa beeu eteadlly inoreaalng since that date until iu 1808 thuao cooperative experiments were oonduoted by 0023 farmers and upwards ot 12000 plots were used for the work objeot leaeons in praotioal agriculture were thua located on folly 8000 ontario farms iu the paat year tboae who make theae teste in their own fields with varieties of farm crops methods of cultivation ways of increasing toil fertility etc obtain valu able information whiob they oaruiot possibly get in any other way upwards ot 1000 varieties of farm orpps have been teatedtnthe experimental department of the outarlo agricultural collego for at leasji five years in sucoesslob pure seed ot the very beat varieties are used for tbe cooperative experiments ust or exrasuibnts ros 1s09 1 testing nitrate of aoda auperphob- phate muriate bt potash mixture and no manure with corn 2 teatlng kttrate of eods superphos phate muriate of potash- mixture and no manure with manrela 8 growing graes peaa and two varieties otvstohea for green fodder growing tbreo mixtureb of grain for green fodder b testing six varieties of corn for grain fodder or silage 0 testing four varieties ot millet 7 testing four varieliea of grasses 8- testing foor varieties of clover 0 teating throe varieties of bnok wheat 10 testing three varieties of spring wheat and one of spring bye 11 testing four varieties of barley 12 testing fonr varieties of gate 12 testing four varieties of field peaa 14 teating tbree varieties ot field beans t 15 testing tbreo varieties of japanese beans it testing four varieties of carrots 17 testing three varieties of mangels and one of sugar beets 18 testing two varfeties of bweedlsh and two varieties of fall turhlpb 10 sowing peias at different dates to determine the arpount ot injury done by the pas weevil 20 planting potatoes the same day and fiva daysafter being out 21 planting corn in rows and in qnarea interested persons in ontario who wish to join in the work rosy select any one of the experiments for 1809 and inform the direotorat ouoeof the ohoioe made all material wiujwfarnished entirely free of abargetbesoh applicant bnt he will bo expected to oondnot the teat according to the instructions sent with the seeds and to report the remits of hl tests sa soon aa possible after harveal material for either no 1 or no a exper iment will be aent by express and for each of the others by mail the supply ot malarial being limited thoie who apply first will be the surest of obtaining the desired outfit it might be well for eaob applicant to make a aeoond choice for fear the first oonld not be granted partlonlar varieties need not be men tioned aa the kinds to be dlstribated are tboae wbioh have done exceptionally well on the trial plots in the experimental department at tbe college r- f a 7tttt director agriooltnral college guelpli marob 18tb 1800 completely cured mr wannamakers vtdvicb ontario high 8chools- tho qovarnments bill provldea for commerolsl and other cotiraas in praotioal the government high bobool mil baa been introdooed it provldea amongt othsrlhings that ths high sohool ooorssa shall be aa followa k ilvavsaiairal bourse consisting it advsnoad- ioatruoiion in the ordinary branches ol an engllab ednoallon sa commercial bourse consisting of bookkeeping and eomuierolal transaction business forms auduaagee stenogrtpby and iypsrwrltlng may ha taken at tba option of the irustea 8 a swleocei i course eonalatlog of ns elemints of phytibs and chsmlatry in their relation tbtbvpro a awnrab lnmqotura cwoslsilog of ibebm farm an tomklna good morning mr wanoa- mskeriheve oajlad tosses jyboanjjva me a position in your eslabluhment i oan thru ray hand lo almost aoylblng mri wfpwesm drpartmant and yon an tbe twentieth man i here refused to day why dont ybntslujopa ilnalii which thrjra la isaa compslltlcn and bsttsr payt tomklna id only be too thaukfnl if jqu can put roe on irfov of anih a pbat- lion mr w when rwastwersly years of age iwasa stranger in a stranga land with neitharworknpr friend nf mlnsi a iwr rttlsernattb wuii2iijiiiiaijilivijiili spatslrawsitook hia adwloe flveyeartavsdboopalid with this anm slsrudmy presat bslness it li just filly years ago today ibat sir bradley ths foondsr of ih prsusnt kirrh of the a quebap farmer tails how he was restored from almoat hopa- less suffering to complete health i mr wm goodard a well known farmer living nsar knowlton que aaya a few ysara ago my health gave way and i was completely prostrated the least exertion would use rao np and make it diffioult for ma to breathe i suffered from hsad- aobes had no appetite and fell off in weight uniill was reduced to 180 pounds finally i grew so bad that i waa forced to keep my bed and remained there several months i was nnder the care of a good dootor but hs did nol seem to help me one day a frland urged me to take dootor wllllama pink plua and i prooored two boxes when i had finished them i oonld not see much improvement and would have atoppad taking them but for the nrglng of my friend who said that lo my condition i oonld not expeot to sea immediate results i oonllnuad laklnirtho pills and by tbe time i bad taken- a oonple more boxea then was no doabt that tbey were helping me and it needed nofurther perauaaion to induoe me to continne them in ths boores of time of a few montbr i not only regained my health but increased in welgbl fifty podnds these results oarlainly justify the faith i have in dr willtama tink pills and i strongly nre those who ate weak and j broken down to rive them a fair trial mora weak and ailing people have been mads strong sbtive and energetlo by nilng dr williams fink pilla than by any other mesne they oil the valns with new vigorona blood and strengthen every nerve in the body sold by all dealera at 60 cent a box or six boxes for 1250 or sent by mall by addreaaing ths dr wllliarnamedi- clneoo btookvllle ont neighbo news nowe items supplied by corros- pondorta i and exchanges georgetown mem jamea kennedy and william bowman will buikj flna ow buu bire riiitt kiimtrlbr the death of mru j ix btvrbor haa arouied very deep sympathy for her husbund and family tbe prolonged illotea and boffurlng at homo followed by the continued itiffortngat the bovpltal in toronto oauied evary one to feel the deep eat interest in thelmffiiror and tho troubled family all that atintionakilkul tmralng and eminent medioul ikitl ooold do failed to prolong a life that had beeu eo adlvo in thopaii and grained eo inaah for tbe fulare tbe ohildreni the jouo people and ihnobarob of which the doeaaed wa a member will mlii one of fa moat active worker i tbehomea ot trial or pf need atwayareoeived her prompt attefition and liberal aopport the rev g a mitobell d a waa called to toronto on saturday to attand tbo faneral of hu brotherinlaw the offerinsi in the methodlak churoh laat babday were fur tjie relief of st jarnem mflthodlat oburoh montreal tbe amount realized waa nearly 40 the songs of robins and tbo little gray bird remind oa that apringtimeia near at hand rockwood mr hugh caeaidy wl6 has been die- char fie d from tbe ouelph general hospital where he was for about six weeks and waa staying at the city hotel gaelph- bad to rettirn to that institution again laat thursday ouaocoant of another attaoh of rheamatlsrn quite a hamber of children in tbe viltago and vicinity have the scarlet fever geo j- thorp the gaelph seedsman and rain bnjer has fais branch establubment bare now in fall awing the farmers in tbis section are pleased with the oon- verjleooe provided by tbis braqoh tbey oan now deliver their produoej at bockwood ibitead of balding it all the way togbelpb mr thorp has telephone connection with ths branch and will carry on bubineas here the same as ho does in gaelph there is some talk of the kings daughters having a concert about easter but no notices aro out yet the float oarnlval of tbe season was held nntnaalay a goo qfowd tn oqt to enjoy it bev mr cram ton was laid op last week with the grip but la quite recovered again two room i at the tohool were oloied last week tbe ohildron being afraid to attend on account of the loarle fever scare not many have taken the fever so far james higglhs and mary hannah have ft at present bat not aevere attaoks and james ftthiinnjona children are quite recovered from it ll there are expressions of regret on every hand at the early removal of mr aad mrs clarkeon to islington mr glarkiob has hti tale of farm stock and implements next friday forenoon mrs j a murray has returned from exeter and report her brotherinlaw iiawyer collins improving in health uiis anne fasbmorr after spending three weeks in visiting frjerids here returned to her home in toronto on monday mr alfred day beoretary of tho pro vincial sabbath school association will have charge of the service in tbe methodist ohurohext sabbath oveniogat 7 oclock mr keoagh our popular butcher is about again after having been seriously ill fu mv h literary notes tba managetmootof ha canadian home journal h now entirely in the hands of mr hraaaell halton he having taken over the ipteraat of mr sturgeon htuart who severs bia oonneotioo with the publication of the naagftslne to becom associated with the methodist book and publishing hoase the thorold pott hut adopted the alt home printed plan and eight page form and will hereafter ba devoted more fully to local matters mr john b thompson the pablisher is a newspaper taan of experience and tba post under bis direction has represented thorold with much credit and acceptance the catiltlan tbe new allan liner ran on a rook neatflfarmauil n s on bundtfy and ii a total wreck the steamer was ftnow onc tbo ooean but once and with its eargo was valued at 12000- ooo wbile rldiuu near the woodbine on sunday afternooo mr w jf mtvolioan horae which wus frightened vy an advanc ing trolley mr maclunn was seriouhly injured his thigh being broken there is no argument oo good as an ab solute plain truthful statement of fact there 1b nothing so interesting as fact i a us l iii j the every day life of cveryday fieople nre materials or most thrilling hovels there are every day atories of heroism suffering and tiie final tri umph of good over evil of happiness filially crowning en- ideavor here ia jxvpi- j r vcaaein poiit iu the county of escambia in alaljama fathfriliufetowiof imoiuaton and there lives mjs mollis grimes she was a goodwiftfand mother but several years ago she found her health upntng nway from her she realized that this meant the inevitable nervousness and irritability that would surely lose for licr the nffec- tion of her children and tiusbami and that as her health declined discord and misery would appear in her home she was filled with the loving motherly in stinct but two miscarriages in succession almost broke her heart she had almost lost hope when the clouds rolled away and the light of health and happiness returned she tells her story in these words i was almost heartbroken to think i could not raise any more children and had lo kulfer aa i dldi had lot tyro children by rrjcarragea and x fully expected to lose another when in august 1897 1 learned of and began talcing dr plercea favorite pre- sktiptionand took it un- til after baby was born in november with my other children i had buf fered everything that flesh could buffer but thla time i waa in perfect health and had a very easy time i waa lu labor only a abort time i can not praise dr pierces medicines enough for x believe they certafnly saved my babys life maybe my own life aa well i took the favor- tte prescription and buio the pleaanut feltcta i took thefavoj escriptlott and al tbe pleasant pellets act like a charm buds frssh and cleat direct from tb growers i carry tbo largaat atook and am tho only direct importor of all kinds of sebd ta gaelph others not in it threb dabob wauehouses bnsldoi iletail fltoro wblou la tba largest outside of toronto call and see our atook of reitc2dver mmtnbth cov6r alsijco clover luoene clover reolomned ttmatb jr orohmrdormss red top gross etc seed obis seed peas seed emrley seed rye seed wheat eta wo boy the beat andiell at veryolose price aafangel bead only three weeks oat from lfrance also bagar beets avlfitarro ac garden anpxsssbps of all kinds at out prices i henderson jsew spring goods we a able to uu uiut um s o new c coo u nearly complete in all lines we are thus in n position to cater to the early buyer at once and it will be seen on inspection that- values are better than ever before with us if you want a new spring suit for early use we can show you a splendid range of cloths in all the leading shades we nre showing black dress goods a specialty miss campbell has returned iuicfall orders for millinery can be tf executed promptly nollce of our formal opening will appear later new dress goods readytowear skirts underskirts prints ginghams sheetings pillow cottons towellnks tickings table linens embroideries ce9irjsv artjiisiisllns lace curtains mens felt hats hetirlefesdii go millstriet 99wyiirjham 8t today and every day during the week there will be on exhibition at our store the newest styles in uptodate spring hata we direct special attention to the following leading lines of hata the henry carter the wakefield and nelsons special these hats are high grade and guaran teed both as to quality style- aha color any man wearing one ot this popular make of hats may rest assured that he is in the front rank of fashion and also that he will get absolute satistactlbn our prices for these hats are 8250 and j278- we have hats from 8100 fo 225 as well but we call special attention to above line aa they are tho best makers of english hata nnd are strictly uptodate see them and be convinced t renelsn cashaxp omtpjwiar ittrtshwt tailor quelph j atattf tumohar geo j thorp the only praotioal seedsman in ouelph r arii si and xrzcntmnctxrst swiis fi z and ava alwaya the best that orow as provcil by theusnnds of trlala at oar tenons foadhoosfaftmbruu largest trial groutlds isjagjg arm annual forl89 rlled tree to ail a handiorne ntw book of 176 ptaiestella the plain tniili about seeda iticlualns rare koveltiea which cannot be had claewhtre bcautiril cinlorefl plnieit and hundreda of illus- rations from nature olvea prartlcal informa tion of real value to nil who- would raiaatha ch6lceatvegiablesniijnnitihe7fiiulfulflwrtfs write 4 poital card today i w atlep btjrpbb ft co phllaaelphu j5cto biicrtibctiicntfi priyatesale of household furniture and effe thr wliolo of tbo household furniture and othor effects tiolnnrlntt to tba lato william innioud also lib articles about tlie barn wilt be disposed of by vrlvato sain par uoa may call at ear t lui4dg ihedyo oirs caah notice ji uull en baa made application for have r totranafor bin tavsrn license to frank aottoofaa trretkordb xjlconae impector cpalbusiness changed v j c hill habpurobaaod too coalbualneasof mr john mcquoon and is prepared to deliver fliat- olasa baraoton coal in furnace stove and nut alaei prorjqplyand to tbo aatiafaetlon of eusto- niera gerjerally ihavealao poronaaed tho weigh scales and will give prompt attention to all ordoratortbnlr use w janiifili- vprivate sale of boot a sh 3t6ck for baxe the boot and bboe btsck of the late tbomaa agnew tenders will ba received tot thlb stock up to the 90th day of marob this is a dealrablb atook end a splen did opportunity xor purebasere tbe inventory of stock may be seen at b airflows hotel tbo atoro may ho loasad or bought by pur chaser of etock if dealred it agnew gxeoator fob sale in acton houseandliot the wellknown property belonging to tbe nndaraifiaed at the oorner of cbarob and john streets comprising a villsgo lot upon wblcb la erected a comfortable sixroomed house with woodshed alao a good stable with accommodation for rigs a variety of plums pears apples and small fruits in tbe garden foaaeaslbn siren immediately for terms and particulars apply to cbmstopbbr mabalas exectlxastsale valuable farm and village property in erin and a the undanlsned exeoutors of tbe estate of tbe late mrs busabetls ismond offer for sale tbo following properties r 1 tba farm lot 8 eon in the township of erin comprlalns 100 aorta more or leas on tbe farm is encfeovia amajlshomse the place 4a we y a ada f a sj grain farm thepromrtywtubesojdaubjsotto a lease beld by airs jsnebaasell wnleh espbras april 1st 1900 7 iv b that wellknown ppew opfflprlaing lota a and 0 in block 17 in irbayvinasjeol acton on wblob la erected a larks twostory briek boase aaltatole for ethar a pflrate realdatioa or a double tenement 8 tillage lot no 6ta tounas flurray on mill street a flna bnudlntj lot and ln good location jr tmuu or 8iu made known upon appuea- ttodtotbaexeoqtors j assaasf baeontoii aotenfebautie t a fplq bl will often cams a horrlbj barn soald got or ilrnlio bncklena arnica salve the beat in the world will kill the pain and promptly heal it core old boras fsver boras ulcers bolls felon corns all skin eruptions beet pile once on earth only 28 eenla a boi core guar- anteea sold by jd mokee that trpbino headache m the lanndry trnet f nlly eipeots to oollar ihe wasbinn huslness and ooff tba pnbllo inte anbmlaalon iiijjmfkiejbmilmlism ftir vlov i oa moeh of myprsaant snoorts jesijmpittwlrjjr ipaywliiilbtlwhskbon w 4feawl- 1 tosir are oeoohilna popular owing to their medlosl efftot apon oaurrhal roaladlee dalsarhosxins is like a bnatb from lbs pine woods sad yel is a poarerf nl miarbbs destroyer arid germ klilsro a ofrtsln cure tboogh ttntll rtoenily catarrh ssmnllderedinonrsble it iwetratsa whsiver air an roland clsanaee a by flrs yon slmplt brsathalt lo it aoa lbs rest sand irnmsdlately iorafrssaftnpla lo n o polapq co kingston onl j a good resolatlon affords- lbs maker graat ooriaoljttloo swp thoogb it oniy lasisflsailrnta 7 would qoiokly leare yod if yon used dr kings naw ufa phi thonsands ot snfferars have proved their matohles merit for siok and nsnrone flsadsebs tbey make pore blood and strong narvest and build np your health eaay to takei try tbarn only us cents monsy back ii not oared sold by j d moke many a man who thoorht himself wise mas bten declared otbsrwlae by a inry v plraeaotaa a 0arameldr von stans plnaapplotablsts are not a nauseous oompoondbnt plsasant pellets tbst dmolve on ths tongas like a- lamp of sugar jubaajslrnpis jnal aa harmless bnt a potent aider to djgeatlontand the prevention ol all allraehte of the atomaobs oalegorj ot ironblss act dlrsolly on tba dlrettl organs belief in one day 85 cent hold bya established 1843 hamiltons favorite shopping place in every department of this favorable establishment make use of our mail order departrrent it will pay you we prepay ihe freight or express to any railway station iq ontario on all orders amounting to ijoo or over silks department 10 pieces aolored 811k sfoire formerly 100 8 pieces plain satin in old roes sapphire w forblonaea pieces plain satin in old roes aap andmoas formerly amjp now jslb0ni splsoet fsuiby 811k grenadine rlsrstecw dlncb j a pfeses pwdrahjn browb mabogany bplweafevrjoy t formerlrss n 1 piece amiieh nawy and wblte foulard 1o rormsrly k 750 60c 76o ooo flvovtl sshu uhftult iu urowala mtmid piakana tnanve fomiarly i now wa 1 piece blaek smd white uarwelllenx for marly lfio now i i00 1 piece bamlbrown marrellloona formerly lnow i 60o a bargairx in blooaes a speolallotof sdoaan jflsunellette blons- aa to avaristy of good ptatterna and oolbringsj an alaea reliable quality of flannelletta wgulaai to 1 jo clearing l eland 75o plain dress goods in tsaejb 6f ftbase makea we have an aaaort- menfeoftmaleadinsiabadea atlnauunoloth fioe allneh amasott oloth coo tiilnefi sedan cloth t5o 5lnob amptsasoloth 1j0o 04ltieb bpaptwas cloth atjcpnl8aiiej v in ibb cq o ftalton thokouohbebd durham syib comprlalns 17 heaij bhotthort oatlle 10 omali anlf males 01 this lot boll aged 13 and 90 months respectively may he previous lyaoldv tbe underalsinsd has reoetvact utatroettona from but john a oobdon xo sou by rbbllo auction on lot fle oooeesjon fieu4aeang 11 miles eaat of aoton- on ttiurbdoy 23rd maroh at omsi polook snanp tbb vpxrwrito btookao hobsbs blaek horse- 10 years aganuure ffyears heavy oarrlaae team rlalna 5- and 1 years- cleveland bay mare roaasterb years old i- bhorthoithb thoronanlitea lmtetirai ro bih wlnnrflhn asm btneliiemeeme 90319 with ealf boval trlnoo find at foot sire royal prlnoe 9bu1 bxanat mawooirs ted and bltab years olatbtro baron orbammerhlllllm07 dam bnldlleal wllh ealf oordon ball lad ateot- byoblei 8uumsuis90 lootkot rdreai years old bin adas iodltah dam ijiay boy snd bbjti wjth ttlt at foot lady boy othioolor roan sir statesman oblel aum p tss koldviir mij w dam bthel tfewoomev lis u be in eeix to ghlsl btattasman rjuaosas jtujttrad ted9ryear aatqahoy fuaamsrloomabllaa88s0aappol tone to calf to gbletbtateenian idsx bar lu red talbmoatba old alraboyalbtandard asm dam ilaflr bayard swot- lanr ethsi and red ii jmoytns old alrsaotoa boy em dam lady qeidboattr4bc0t7 6 years eld with lean at foot half w a years eld supposed to be itnoajf basistsred jersey oow in ealloroalf at jool tatseartslnsmraolil 9steers rlslns sysaraold ubbbbflt tborougbbredijeleeetar ewes soppeel to ke in lamb to uiorougbmd lo- drai trltiirnlnga tfanyllnasovaa draas trlmm- lass ars humi at sbont ball prloe uansteoaamsssmrlsahmanlialrcsles beaded bailnssilk ambrbmerlss and braldtrlmmtnga formerly aoa to 100 pet zajtovpow if beaaaandalmpkdgtiiaf0tmarys3 so 9s andjos nr yard nov v trimmings i ormerly lh 000 r yard now sls0 0 per yard now h bilk braid loa now beadeofnets tatrmerly sm per y beadsdnets formsrly aj0 pei jvoiia roan s jreara old jrot by- aberdeen jsoke molvjam sell of arlten ath tlonjrlfh ifaalf at foothuatlr rl and wbltejrot by bills uriomb8s aam maid of ths wolds s6wt ikum o that wocns ssnd b yra old red sire aberdeeaa duke 83861 dam null of arkll atb sfahlmtltb eaft duke ofthe wolds tad aire dokd of the avoids im7v btbsi nawooira otejtolojreda1n3arojnof book nabr iftarrana a- palraewe eloeater ram bbthoronghbredberlrahlrsaowwithi tsf- nds thoronjbbrsd berkahlre aowwltb pigs foot jaowaln pig on while tbq ether dja i pbtntbyrvr oltonlouse duck and a nomber of sljmonth hook hani lapsajgreea of theanlmalawlll befnrnubad on irieiogtesriaterad in dh b lira tolaas breeding condition rrpm soon noted faulua as ahanjslff gyaiferjiln v oinaainnwrkmiiek trnat wsgonvtop newdmoeratonttrbobalslsh uehraaolrtrfnnlngmuipair odlblnloolmervbrai9rt v b toothenutormows rttovasjforks t a quauuty of bonmbold sireet lndlipenatbl anwiajbssold- poduvelyriorwryeaalhejroprlotorlsblvld farming aad tbsratm la leased 3t ibftlnibr sigtrjsbkesmdnd lt lttbmkti7loutttiirdrmau llfbroirayqr ip ywlnso aw ssssr- ww f try jlaaaljmtlimlbatlbjj ml f4 w the crusty old baobelor if oonalstant would make his own bread fiv thin thsflya ithiniiorllsiblohjhllpha oonanmpttve core is eapsclally taoom- mended are ooughi colds whooping odogb croup and consumption no medlolne ev made by man is equal lo it in any raspeot bold under a positive ruarstee mousy bawk lilt falls 115 cent 80 oente end i10q a bottle to the poor alltblnge are poor a fox has a rtpnlatlon for shrewdness araonjr silly old nana ths aaoetpaaesful woman in town will lriksaioslp wrsnsh oan borba ojttaao- nnder oaah over that auoentrloonotlbe alyw on fur- ioemaetoni tholiie rvfilbak aoouoneer fifvv tfsiisii lsi j2 the free press has just laid in a large stock of firstclass white envelopes in 7s and 8s sizes and is prepared to supply tliem printed in large or small lots at a very small advance over the cost of unprinted tjiivelopes eveiypersbnvvhether in business or not should have the naraefiadr iih0pc vartkibropel mjsjatt anlpegs obj1 qb wmssjimiik lwim

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