v the bank of hamilton charter granted 1872 hhab office hamilton on t cabltal nil paid upl 9 1 28000000 r8 5booooooo 9 i 200000000 total assets turnbull cashier payings department interest paid at best carrent rates nnd added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented any sum may be wfibdrawn by simply sending in a written oraertli the pass boolt normalities no delay government returns show that this bank gives to depositors four million dollars ofsocurlty over and above every cent dueto therjubuc notes of responsible ifarrners discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc farmers sal64otes collected promptly and advances nudeian account of same at a low rate of ijjjetisjt eikiiy courtesy wil s fair bates jftveiy banklrigfacility afforded which can bbbtalned in the city orelsewhere correspondence solicited 5ehcetown branch timiminovmtwsmtrniaiis jfhi- jpbelagert the ne at home mostly of a local crraraoter and every item interesting 5ooal juuaiaal- literary a soafal will be given in lbs metbouist cburoh on wednesday evening marjh 29 ii under tho auspices of the ladles aid sooluty of theoburdh refreshments will be served after wbioh a programme vooal and instrumental mmlo with r reouhldcs 6l6 will be rendered tea served at 780 oolook admission is cents children 10 cents starting a laundry at inferaou mr robert ebbage who came home from gloveravlllo n y on a visit has decided that cannda is good enough for him and will stay in his native land be went to tngersoll last week to establish a new laundry here the machinery is ill in its place and the first work will be turned out this week his father mr thomas ebbage is w him at present frmr frr fte rattwny bute for unater the essler railway mtis over the o t r and 0 p b are aa follows single fare good going march 80th to april 3rd inolueive sod returning april 4ib toaobera and students are allowed n fare and a third ralo mo1 golu from ms rob 10th to april 1st and returning not later than april io1i1 no tare and a third tiokets will be iibued to ordinary paaaeugora the vernal equinox sss3i fa thobbday march 28 1890 cal bbieflets vvhloh caught this eyes or bars of free press reporters thla week apbin wea roofy tokeeptreok of tueseaasns forjroslgjwucordlntneln tor t wltha siriogrhtytotwoen itwulqulokly bo aeon that weve jumped right from this to nsxtwlntet the grip continues to and viotims vbagar making was retarded by the big snowstorm iqliblpn business college spring open ing tikes place onlbs 4th april cjths ejoianaa says springs here howillhartilrbellevo it t8undaya storm drifted the roads as badly as amy previous storm during ths jiiirij nawa of the orows on tuesday 1 hardly sufficient in volume to cause pfajwtajrjspring feislbjjijfalnsr jeeny preached the panegyrio of bl patrlok in the arthur iibijdkoborcb last friday messrs- j a speight a co- have kv flniah a new scrubbing maehtne for the fc co braoebridge vijobert bbbage ol aotoo has leased a kishop in the olcheftban block in wbioh be rpurposes toi establish a ateam laundry ysogiiisii wmri p moore has leased the farm ikofmr james brown and will take p6lsefibn next month- mr jno 0 nelson sirjds ibonrtly to remote to qoelpb itjjjithe pafents and friends of the soholara ihpnld inake it a point fo attend the iriy review and rally services in the t sonday iiife baw w s moalplns b a will ihbs tsfccbere soholara and parents no cjhorob sunda afternoon at z mt will preadn stcnuroh nssislldg in patting the prsmisee in first oiua shape for the busnes the lvoiooruo sprint taavr a poet sings it la good to be alive when the that seta intho gutters gurgle freely and the ioe gets thin when mud is over shoe tops and the atones shine barei the sunlight sparkles gayly in the bright bine air thon man turns up his trousers aqd tbo small boys wade all the girls go on their tiptoes of the ilneh efrald gold weather is forgotten wa pardon winters slo for its good to be alive when the thaw seta in let the tlaw come in earnest concert by prof kelly and duuabter a grand oonoert will be given in kdox obnrob on easter monday evening when prof kelly and daughter of gdalph will supply the mnsloal membersi the pro gramme will consist of vooal and instru mental solos and duets the vooal selections to be accompanied by jnandojiusudgoltar- prof kelly enjoys a provinoiml reputation and is one of the mot teutertaing muilolsos in the oountry the inoandesaant lights will be nied for the first time in the gbnroh at this oonoert happtiy wedded laat rveaiag a quiet wedding was consummated last evening at thol home of mrs tames e cobban bower avenue when the eldest daughter of the home was nnited-in- holy wedlock to dr a s elliott of qeorgo- town sonof our esteemed townsman john t elliott esc the ceremony was per formed by rev h a uaqpherson only the immediate friends of the oontraotldg parties were present dr and mrs elllolt left for their new borne in georgetown by thejgejflpg train tbey re both held la ohn a gordons big sale of farm ittoinoflbg his herd of thoroughbred limpltrnenla fumhare eto will lake afternoon at the homestead a niipjrotov- iahstibnsry teams have keen baullng ithepastfew days one load driven lawson weighed on j c ills scales 14785 pounds the teamsler mjijjjbiivit yon can mrjbobert denny who ran a pitoh- ife a ooopi of weeks ago fon bloodpoisoning resulted is in tjivjrryerltloal condition tboogh some- jhattlmproved tbepaalfew day kihts german medicine oompany ntsrtaining orowded houses in ths ijball this week and inoidently ifijg the virtues of their remedies iy remain until batorday night bsv teeny has porobased froine excotor of tbs late william 1 the bilok dwijjing alid two lota on iris agnes btreets and will utilise parsonage in oonneotion with 61 gsphnrehii- pniiltie no three of the ladles liy of- tbs methodist chnroh will jkaflajvln iheveohool room bait sjr evehlng aoininsrtiaiirot orrtiisn hmtttlipifltiaear r irsslibggs- apples and aikshneadprodftoe co tarsv mm will be prepared to nr opening at the square e npj new store nixt tnesclay and gpilsittbe bonsehold effects dharthifllreet on saturday gas5aioioitoiriiin- tiollonser ifmitvjsptelallsl will be in ariay ipmi 6lhi one da inehotslvifnn ylaifsoiilo your eyesight it wul mpmsiii him bxanalnallon yjtfjrly llovsl iltfr- dbbbboottinq school jaltlngjb airitt tissiraw by new tailor jagvtwntjrthipn4i the highest eateem by our billsens and the bast wishes of all go with them an address of sure interest the address on tbs mound builders of theimisslsslppi and the north american indians before the baptist yoang peoples union by rev w s moalplde b a on tuesday evening was of value end interest sketches were given of moqnds of elephantine serpentine and human forms and the purposes for which they were ereoted having reference to worship military and borlal uses and were fully exphsjned and iliaslrated by diagrams the indians their manners oustoms religions beliefs and their present condition in canada were referred to with muob interesting information a version of an indian song was given with excellent effect by a quartette composed of messrs uoalpinr a- and w worden and 0- hay ward a n good oolleotioo of indian rellos inoloding arrow heads axes totems and a peace pipe were exhibited at the conolosloo of the address a oordial vote of thanks was moved by rev t b forbes and exwarden warden seport 0 hookey club tor 1s99 aoton ho team had sv very anoceei- inl season not as to tbs games won but as to their sbotring with the tearns they com peted against having bad the beat of all games during the first half but owing to the laok of practice through laving no rink they could not etaod the strain in the latter half they proved themselves faster skaters and bad a muob better combina tion than any team they played against althbogh their opponents all had rinks to praottoe in their expenses ware very moderate as the following show amount collected by subiiorlptioo and nsembership fees 11050 expenditures slicks and packs 700 expenses to georgetown jan 25th re game arranged with hilton pot played 400 expenses given to george town jan 2nd 1300 sundry sxpenses 260 total 11060 e ridsb beotreas oernth of tin joseph ueciare the first death in the honfle of joseph moolare eiq ocourred on taeaday when the mother beloved by all was oalled away for many weary months mrs mooinrehadbeen a great an tfersr loving hands ministered to hsr wants but her sufferings continued about seven years ago mrs moolaro took a trip to lbs- old country for her health and was much bene- flttedbut several years sgo she wae afflloted with spinal trouble and went to the gen- eralhospltal toronto a year ago for iiellibil nl b ulinlliiril sjbelrut bore all her sufferings with christian patlenoe mrsvmeoi was bom in glen arm coonly antrim ire land in 185 1 came to canada in 1856 and was united in marriage with mr mboiore on the 38 th decembet 1b64 until 10 yesrs ago tbs family resided near meadowvale in peel county sloos that tlmo they bavo been esteemed residents here the bnsbaod two tons suid three dangbters mourn the low of a devoted wife and mother mrs mcclure was ss member of jcnox ohorob and while in health was a regular attendant and worker the funer al will take place from ths residence ibis aflrnoonal8booolook jjor dr orlnln isf flsndxr v ifwas with rnooh plaaaare that the congregation of the metbodlit ohurob listened to the dleooarses of bov w b griftlndp cstp6toj snpsrfntsnjent of the buperannaation jf oua ok the unoron last sunday notwithstanding bis fifty years of sotive labor id ths ministry the beverend dr is fresh end vigoroas bptb in mind and body end of thlehissermons gave ample msnlfsstatlon thstoplo of tbe mornlog sermon waa xtsltb and was bawd upon mark 0 23 all things are possible to him that belletetb in the evening the text was 1 cor 0 81 covet earnestly tbs best gilts the olalms of the snperanonetlon fond were prbfiy stated empbatle bslbg plaoed opon lehelplbusaffcsdin mskliigoomfort tlva mrvloe minliurs sridows and orphan bsiwunrw f nel s btn it s the equinoxial gales on bauday and monday were uumlatakablr but they had remarkably tittle oftbe vernal alicut them the anow storm which aocompauhd the giles was ono of the severest of the ninttr tho predictions a month ago of au early spring are badly but and far away from oinlipk faots on st patrick day last year sevoral of the farmers hereabout were plowing but present indication give little hope of seelog spring plowing before the middle of april v batsftiese prospects jttxcepfoniifo good the growing ilrne is evidently touohlrlg acton in earnest messrs w h storey 4 son snforro the frutu pnsss that 4he orders reoelvedup to this aatejggregjtte more than ipooo in advanoa of tbe corresponding date last year messrs arnold brothers with a vlow to meeting theinoreaaed orders are paling in power in their glove factory and have installed tbe latest machinery in their tannery at dolly varden aolon tanning com party is running overtime in the rffort to oatob np with orders the service of song with the purpose of improving tbe snrvipe song the musio oommitfeo and obolr of the methodist ohurob have entered into arrangements with mr e b jackson toronto for a special coarse in vooal music the members of tbeoholr and the young people of the congregation mttsioaltlentwlllmeeteaobjjtbnday evening for the pext three months for instruction and praotice on the evening of the queens birthday a grand ooudert will be givon in the church by the class who will have associated with them mr jaokson and several toronto vocalists at tho meeting for organisation on mouday evening about thirty were present mr w wllllemrwee eleoted president of the olsss and mr ej moore secretary treasurer a half hour will be spent each evening in drilling on tbo rpdlmedts of nausi6 and an honr or more in singlfir ssvsral friends of ths young people odlslde the f congregation may unite with tbein to parttolpatejln the benefits to be derived one 0 tjalton0 prominent bona t wany aftern xm coming and going visitor to and from aoton and vairlous other pejrsonl notsts the fans fuiisailnvltas all its readers to eon tribute to this oolumb if yon or your friends are going away on a hqliday trip or if yoo bava friends visiting you drop a card to tbe fnsm pnkaa rev 1 f austin d d of toronto was iu town on tuesday mr w a millar of georgetown was iu town on tuesday mr albert adara and have james beatj of toronto died at the realdenoe of his soninlaw mr a j russell show in that city bis end had been expected for several weeks in fact ever since he was itriofcon wth apoplexy on feb 10 james boaty q 0 was the son of the late john beaty who emigrated to halton county from oavan irelandin 1818 born at aahdale farm halton on nov loth 1881 he was educated by private tuition and at tbe palermo grammar school studied law under the late sir adam wilson and pir l w smith and was called to the bar in 1865 mr beaty sat in the toroolo city gonucu as an alderman in 1877 he was elected mayor of the oitv in 1870 having been defeated in 1878 and again in 1880 a conservative in politics he was returned in that interest to the house of commons tor west toronto august 1880 and oontinued to tit in parliament up to the dose of the fifth parliament 1887 mr beaty was wellknown in aoton and preached in the blaciplea uburoh here several times everton there was a very largo gathering on sanday afternoon at tbe burial of the ute jaa weathetstone who died so snddsnlyj on friday having taken a stroke thursday evening ha leaves the widow three daughters and two sons who feel their loss keenly indeed mr weatbsrston was seventytwo years and ten mouths old blobard jackson and jobn hiudly left on monday evening for the west for the summer if not longer we wish them wellindeed misa jennie duffield was married on wednesday evening to mr boyle mrs charlton who baa spent nearly a month with her parents here expects to retnrn this week to her home in mapleton miss may stewart of bockwood asms up on saturday to spend sunday with her friends and attend services in the disoiplea chnroh tbs disciples have a fine organ and choir this year whlbh makes quite an improvement in the singing mrs john mokenrieis organist and mr jas blaok leader he best seeds absoltuelly ne we oannot too strongly nor too often urge the supreme importance of planting seeds that are perfectly pure and fresh seeds that are offered at oheap prloes are almost invariably of doubtful origin and unosrialn sge sure to cause be planter disappointment and loss the thoughtful planters only surety lies in buying aneds sent out by a oonsoientioos and trustworthy ise a vast number of gardeners have and have had for years the almost oonodenoe in seeds that bear the name dm frry ooii windsor vont the present generation of planters oan hardly remember the time when ferrys seeds were not on sale every where each year and as regularly planted by thoussnds with the greatest faith in tbs snvaryiog quality of the seeds and in the integrity of the firm that grew them every planter whether already a buyer ol ferrys seeds or not shoold send for ferrys seed anneal for 1899 it is mailed free to any one who writes for it millinery opettino at the right houei hamilton season after mason boa feels inclined to say tbatthe climax has oeen tesohed in the dainty loveliness of lbs millinery art but every rsourrlog opening at the bight horiee outrivals lbs previous ode and at tts ssmlanhokl opening held on thnrsday ttriiih6robgullxnpriiirfd bdoti thsiflindirfthsjbousands of ladles who availed tbemselvse of the bpportunity of ylaltlogthsrxjpuhirfaab6noeiilre paris londbn and new york have each oontrl b- uted to the exqulelte display of new anl bssotlfql goods and among the spring modsls a great variety ol shapes is seen hapamipt v v aanivlaola new work ieihbuooniiming tour i tnbltjoiibjitirjri- lwglnifn- v v va p tomi tarmw family removed to aotou froni berlin mldb heleu ryniori was homo from toronto for a few days this week miss jean grant of aoton isvlsitjng friends in tbo olty gaelpb mercury mayor nelaou 01 guelph was in town on tueiaday and favored the fbee pbxs with a pleasant osll mr edgar blngbsm of blaj ner spent acoafloof days laai week with- bis friend eleotrlolao beynolda mrs w p brown of toronto was tbe guebbof heraister miah lisaie grant couple of days last week mrs tbos easton has been very low leveral days during the week but wits feeling stronger yeitetday mralex gowdy and family btooelpb leave next week for habeas city where he has sheared a good situation mrs crawford wife of rev e l crawford who was very ill for several weeksis now rapidly oonvaleslng daring his stay in acton bev dr grlfftn of toronto was the goegt of mrs w h storey and firmly at sunderland villa dr and j d payne of riphlaud iowa have rerhoved to cbloago mrs psyne is thus only half the dstanoe froin aoton she formerly was atelegram ffolirw 6 ff goodeve 00 tuesday stated that his son charles who has been in that city the past two years is very 111 with rheumatic fever mr j mr husbsnd traveller tor husband ljros toronto was in town on tqeaday taking orders for the frm and pent tbfitveniqg with ht coqtln mr j whaibaud miss lilrzjo grant la disposing of hsr household tffecls aud will go to toronto for the present mils grants removal from aoton will be resulted by ber many friends she is a native of acton and highly esteemed rev dr mcdonald who preached the annive y s few weeks ao has resigned from the pastorate of soaforlb presbyterian choroh he had been in oharge for oyer twenty years of this tlje seooud largest oodgre gatlon in weatern ontario misa bertha jordan who spent several seasons iu aoton in charge m the millinery department of j g mobaath merchant has taken a iltoalion in the far west from the bevelstoke b o herald we clip lite following miss jordan of toronto has arrived o take cbsrge of the millinery department at the cash bssaar beveistokei is very fortnoate in basing mlis jordan oomo here as she is one of torontos best mlillnsrs well known violinist travslsdextenslvely throuohout ths provlnoee interesting statorponta conoornlng his expsrlsnoe bteujultonnsjamosrmorrsy a well known violinist of this place who has traveled extehalvety throughout the provinces makes this statoment i was running down in hoalth and my weight fell off froin 178 to 1m pounds prelbhpiloha did me but little good my trouble was called nervous dyspepsls i resorted to roods ssrseparllla and after taklngflver bottles i was greatly benefited i feel as well now as ever in my life and have increased in flesh so that i now weigh 177 pounds lam well known in this part of the country having followed my profession thst of s violin muslolsn for the last aw years i gladly tell my friends what hoods sarsaparllla has done for me beforoj began taking the medi cine i did not have any ambition but now all is ohs and my dysp trouble perfectly curea iakm icmusway n b it yoa decide to take hoods sar saparllla do not bo induced to bay any substitute be sure to get hoods slnarodll onlyplllsto take ilood s hlils with hoods turisparllla noted tea store china palaoe and cloyer and timothy seed clover and timothy seed is cheap this year examine oursaraplebeforeyou buy it pays to buy at bolleris it pays to buy at bollerts special iu dinner sets 5 only 07 piece dinner sets while and gold traced regular price liooo special tri 97 00 5 only 97 piece blue and pink dor othy regular price f 1350 special price mo 00 s only 97 piece royal green cromar illuminated and gilt ctothixilg wo wish to make special reference to our ordered clothing dcparlmnt t which has of late been going ahe with leapstind bounds ndyar hfnm in ihn ni ef uu liuvn we hoelll so busy tho gentlemen of this city nnd 5 only 97 piece pink and hop and rose big snap jo gross iwmblers regular price ioe dor for lloo brown 7 00 -25- full assortment of toilet sets at all prices ja mccrea community are gradually nnding out where they can secure tjftodatib ordered clothing at heabonable prices we may say that bur selection this season of imported cloths has surpassed any previous year grade and si ply special stewart is a firstclass designer and fitter ar they comprise hundreds oi suitings of almost every conceivable tyle which will meet the requirements of every customer then we attention to the linings and trimmings and our cutter mr r j sec our handsome dress and business suitings cnftlcibf spring overcoatings andtyllshtrouserrrigsr our leaders area nobby scotch tweed suit for d15 and a fine english worsted in black grey and navy blue at j18 per suit now we willtfembristrate all this to you if you will give us n trial tstsi sjiggslaaafslk 4aeiaaaa astaswsl v v our irnportations of 06xordi fabrics r for- dress skirts and elotirbesses cents hats our first sbipndent of spring hats has just come to hand are the celebrated worldwide fame cooksey hat irr illack and briwn we carry cbristys- wakefielde dnd arherican mats in all the latest styles they trier 8ee our now white shirts r6atta 6hlrts collars and cuffs ties and fine matural wool underwear everything uptodate the wanted kinds of bbaid trimmings j and the newest effects in f6r- shirt waists and blouses are here and priced so as to make their they alioi reiknre pmjxom dyspepsia indigestion swdtoqifciri ealing a per- feet rcrocdy fotdiutaessratusea drovot nets bsj tajtelntrhotrh coated tonguo rain in the side torpmttver they regulate uobobrels mal1wbil tmsniprtoba substitiition tbo fratid of tho day see you et carters ask for carters insist and demand carters l liver j chas wsiiiibavi with us this year is the vastest that has been never before 1 3uoh quantities stjqh qualities siioh rpioe8i suori designs 8uoj j d mokssc ii oor agent in acton and shows the complete line at prices that excelallv he also has lovely mouldings to rnatoh vseeh1m possession by you an easy matter you will profit by ah early visit to the mon v one price and that the lowest d- e macdonald 8ro j- j 3pilj k tss4 safcstsbslossabfcsfcst sfcsfcstaaataafcafcaai r bollert cfe 25 and 27 wyndham street guelph go of will open a as well as sthples and cr0ck6ry j henderson co epm m milliner g millinery and millinery requlren r inspection on about your wo beg lo announce that our display of spring millinery and millinery requirements will be ready for your inspection on miss campbell is again in charge arid it will be found that she has spared no effort to make this one of the most successful seasons our store has ever experienced call as early as possible for we have a host of other goods which f will more lhan intcirest you press groods everybody requires a new dress or suit in the sphngtlrhe it will be found specially to your advantage to fully look through our dress goods before buying because we are direct importers of these goods extra value and exclusive designs are to be found here our range of fabrics comprises every- thing required by a welldressed lady black coods are selling again this season like hot cakes fancy designs being tho favorites in colored copds pwn cloths arc iho correct thing for spring suits we have a magnificent range in nil the new shades nnd makes of cloth the plrlt flnlftk clpths n plain shades and combinations of one or more colors sue guaranteed not to sppt nor shrink the most serviceable goods ontbemarket see them new kid clovsis le colors to match all suitings from black to red two large dome fasteners the correct thing at ftoo a pair coloreti kid cloves from 40c pair up uhderakirt dress skirts ready to wear have you seen the new meroerlsod sateens ns nice as silk and very durable the tautoftne town at3in e b oolllna will hold his spring mllllusry opening next toesday and wsdnesdy 2fllh and 4h insl ail oordlaliy invited tuesday 14th between first line ol escfusslng inat and pettier oan have same by oalln at garoblev snd paying for this advertise ment 1 v- pooi7ou itween first ii creslsons oorners a sllvsr svatoli any on wqulrlutjanytblpg in xnarbl or granite indnbotwl fcvemmf werofwanyswa ordefe at ones to aeon ytauuitma atlltmfiril kriprswa at wri at onoe for iiiiiv the careful repairing of watches is the hobby of hi ootutiphi- his long experience combined with his practical ability and close attention to the details ol that pari of his business makes him the best qualified person in guelph to do any repstrsloyobf iwitos the same careful oversight is given to the proper fitting of spectacles any defect of vlilon is carefully examined and if spectacles can be fraud to aid the sight or flop the headache prlngle will supply them a farrner residing about tsvsntyflvs muss from klnfjsldn h captured ovslr a hnndrad foiea since the beginning of the ws j ribobnt bpl jbntific flese aroh llltmuraioori 9mm mwjm rhndt dlsttsr oslssfh ft li the ins and outs no matter whether yon want an interior or an ejtterlpr view of your home or one of the inmales we can insure you a pretty picture one that your friends will admire and carry realism of your home to those absent- w tak pbotus ei by sui flasbllght fkneydrycogds c f g0ojye co the best la the cheapest mcmiillehs poultry nettings are unequalled in quality and their reficihgs are the best prices udlisl hardware merchants 811 thesegoods arid can supply you they fail you write the manufacturers at picton the fe crblrninciffitrfcp cdmbrrl hcbnts hrmtllton mo hsontrbrlt sold also by conndian hardware jobbers a ladies oxford shoes a pair regular price 76 stylish pat tip and plain tbe quality equal to nny8200 shoe reasons for selling they are narrow for tbo average foot 8 stores neill the shoe man guelph hi lu la- the most highly concentrated and allround iu ttse market for eurlng skin dlaeaaes in cattle and destroy- fspowerful without being barab anrl ludiadlate in- effeot t any irrltaungresulta oorsa aaresfirulaea sbear oota ringworm me bed lies skin worms and boab qulokly rids the animal ol all vsrsruit 1 ijbvgra bradis betbeada one aays i used it wltta great aueeess in esmsatulg laeabsj tbswash bealleg the woonds rapidly and keeping the sestets away ibbsulnsverbe without u and consider it tbe best prepare ra35oojhavlnaln thexnarket oftvstffvmiri the pickhardt eeflfrew go limited ajtotistviiie nt lelbbplxstivum- fhrnbrklath gzw siiiijkilfibmlmaemm all the latest ajiptloan ispiira all tbe popular shades a ni new patterns in imains sec our samples there are two kinds of men every where o are obliged todress foijghly while at work and those whose occupation in volves 110 difference attire forthe labdrerwe have heavy substantial boots fbx the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties iii footwear w is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices iok nbw inisb symsmfiftjj 1 nim