Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 30, 1899, p. 2

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hrwjbx lou ii iioitue at tho rorflltmcb of the brldo futlior oo woduoailiy swth marou by itev oixan rbarpa mr j lull to matfkla daugh ter of matthew lottie esq all of fitraiuoia lioyxit dumtld- on weantwaav march 83nd at tbo reildaaoo of thobriflev moth or by uav d sburp auihtad by iuv mrbolton adam boyle ol qarafnxa to jennie dafflold of eramou mixxoti ffirm thtjbsday march so 1800 notes and comments it is said that the population of manito ba bas reaohed tbo 260000 mark iba labt oonsas taken in 1b01 gave tbe popula tion ai 152000 this is an increase of 108000 in nice years the btovo manufsotnrers ol hamiltoa will iaoreaso tbe pay ol their monlders lo per cent on may 1 the moglary manu facturing co of london havo advanoea tbe wages of their hands 10 per cent assessor graham is now engaged la btteiilog the municipality every man who is 21 years of sge should see to it that bis name is made known to the assessor no that all their names may be plaoed oca the manhood iranobise list mr pattulloa bill to prevent municipal conuolls3ranllngorrenewlng exemptions from taxation without tbe consent of the elector baa psjued in committee mr kribsjthongbt that a majority vote of tbes electors should somoo but oommllteej voted ib favor of a twothirdr majority within ten yean the british national debt baa been redaoed 383000000 the national debts of the principal powers arc now france ts4io 13118 000 great britain 13173000000 italy 20810oo0o0 spain 11848000000 i aus tria mtasoooooo and prostia 1592- 000000 j ii boll m p tbe newly elected member for prinoe pe i who moved the address in the home ol commons on monday and made an effebtive speech isaa barrister and ab exmiltonian he wis sa student in the offloo ol wo leidlaw q c when the latter rentleman was practic ing in milton champion a grand military tournament in mont real during 1000 has been suggested by general hatton it will be on a large scale in fabt the biggest thing of its una debate on the address tengthy speeches crltlolslntt arid defending trie qovernments polloy continue easthr adjournment day to- orrav march 20 mondays order paper noutalncd hb heme including 10 pubilo bills of wbioh 13 aland in the name of government supporters 81 questions by members and 45 notices of motion the peebbea tbia week add about twenty to the record of the dohafe on tbe address in reply to the vpeech from tbe throne it waa fchooght early in the week that the im roense afreatn of words relating to the address would be exhausted before tbe easter adjournment tomorrow night but yester day tbo obit whip of the opposition ainnounoed that a score at least of tbe membertof his parly have speeches yet undelivered tujob oik nottonb booaestiodb mejorgeneral hatton has made some important suggestions in the annual report of the mililiajdepartment wbioh was laid on tho table in the ednae of common xueaday evening he la not at all satisfied with the pteeent condition of affaire and anoints out many reforms wbioh are necessary to place the militia on a good basis his suggestions if carried out will revolutionize the militia of today bbrnso iuhuncrnbebs wibts ihejilgb commissioners office in lon don is in cbmmanioatlpn with the depart rnent of trade and commerce on behalf of shmebrhieb manufacturers who want to be put in correspondence with tbe manu facturers of corn broomi wooden pails and wooden ware generally another firm wants purchasing agencies for drugs while another aaksabout exporters of canned apples dried proneaand kindred fruit xllxoajllx tuxjko wux1t several western members of parliament waited on henri jofy die lotblniere minis ter ol inland revonne on saturday and laid a charge that eastern elevator men are in the habit ol mixing grains of inferior quality with nrstedsss grain and selling the same as first quality sir henry promised to give the matter his attention lulhitous chut jdbxicisiiri the chief jnatloeshtp of manitoba beoomes vacant on tbe 1st of april the resignation ol ohio justice taylor takes street on the 81st march ontil the resignation of sir thomas taylor takes arffcot of course no one pan be appointed but the general opinion is that jastloe klllem will be promoted to the chief justiceship mr isaao campbell q o rotated the tppoinlmenl there is a probability of mr campbell being tbe government candidate for the commons in winnipeg at tbe approtohing py- eleotion a boy who ran away an bio ooud strike a msvoer 8trike on tho frasor river excites many proapeotore kaacloorb b 0 march 28 news liae reached tide oily that au vioeedluly rioh placer kold sitrlke baa bten made at tote jeune caobe on- the hesd watera of the fraser river tvio hundred an eighty miles northeast ol here three men who have been proapeotluk in that dlitriot during the past year have oome out and recorded jtleven plsoer olsirns us oh man took out from 9 to 10 per day during tho time they were at work as soon as tbe news became pnblio a rnsb was made for the locality of the new diggings arohdeaonu mokay has gone in with a party from donald five hundred men are reported as having left edmonton laat night and a large party leaves here to morrow there is a good road from here up the north thompson to tbe new gold fields in isot it latheonly practicable way tbia rout was out out some years ago by tbe parties who own the mica mines at the cache excitement is running high here and everybody is locking for the rioh find which practically lies at tbe door mes3ac1es withb wires maroonla experiment aofoas the english channel siiooesttul lonoom maroh 28 the orosaobannel testa of maroonis ayetem of wireless telegraphy which befien yesterdaywill be continued for some time tbe frenoh station ia at wlmerenx near bcnlogne and tbe engllah station la at the south foreland lighthobse tho distance between the two being 83 miles tha far the experimouta have been entirely abooessfnl tbe messages passing with the greatoat ease bigoor marconi is personally superintending the tests tbe times this morning prints a hundredword deapatob the first press message by the marooni system of wireless telegraphy describing the experiments between tho south foreland and boulogne- surmer the experiments were oonduot ed with mtboratoode which was read aa distinctly as if the termini had been oonnectdd by wires qets iboofor libel quelph herald has to pay for cer tain election a rtlolee qoexrn oct msroh 38 the libel oase of dr btirton against mr gammer pro prietor of the guolph sera wariaing on t of the last elections ooonpled the whole day at the asujzes here lha jury alter an absence of an hour and a half gave a verdiot for the plantifl siirton of t5o0 and costs the damages asked were 110000 upon air biddoll counsel for plaintiff asking for an injunction restraining the defendant from repeating the libels com plained of the defendants oonnse nave ail undertaking not to repeat the same his lordship staled that three other libel caaet wbioh were somewhat of a similar nature should be settled out of court the courtroom during the two days was crowded neighbo news newa itoma supplied dv corree- ponjente nnd exohangea milton an fkiijitioii of new book waa rattiiti 10 tbo moolianiuo i ubtitnto library fabt wnk xboiloytal templati pnrpoito holding grand rally nnd open tpwtiou tliu evenloif ol vliotll tulcl a fimfnlh prnrammn ioitrudibdtal rouilo will b riven by tbe beat local ulobt asalited by mra t e olarb mis hartley and otbera tbe band u making prcparatlona for holdiu a kraod ooaoert on tbe evening of april 7th mtiisrii armetronk anil molnnen have been awarded ihooontraot for tnaking the improvemeota in tbtfoonrt room aft the county baildihs and are now aft work thereon milton fire brigade will hold a demon- tratlbu hereon july it spook 1 mlislou bervioee and meetldrb will bo conducted by the itev ho dixon of torontp beginning ou good friday in grace choral everton when am other tblnka ahe t colnff to die mix rather wtahen hc coiildwhaf happens to the child where clue oh all tbe child ifct the love kiudnena and care that is to ripen it into useful happy maturity where la the huibnna to turn for the com fort of borne the sympathy of wifely affec tion the tup- port that only a strong cheer ful healthy imlpraate can bvrt ai the last meeiink of he o o g f they initiated two ladles what are the friends in acon dblog we woam like to bear from tbem laat vvertt some part of tbe chopper in the njfftbroke and they have had sorna of tbe village men aud atao mr john stewart of eden mills rnaklok repaira we nnderatsnd they uniahed on tuesday it has been quite ao inconvenience to all oonoerned mr john forester of bath near napaaee arrived on saturday to spend a few days with his aged mother the rest of the family living neir gathered to hava atimily vfah and all enjoyed ii vety ranch he left on tuesday raornirjrto attend the annual meotlng of tbe grand lodge of ooofiu toronto before this paper is leaned miss maggie lbree all being well will be mrs laih bev p sharpe perforqied the oeremony at the home of mr matthew loree who is to be elliediiiost other foth et child ya whose fault lfllt nobodya maybe cer tainly not the childs either tlie mother or father can write to dr pierce and receive mcdicntadvlce free thousands have doite it tltouttands of homes hove been made happy by it thousands of wenk women auueriugrwith the pains and debilitating drains of a diseased condition of the dis tinctly feminine organ ism have followed dr pierces advice and become ajcain bloom- inf vigorous loving cheerful mid loved dr r v pierce is chief conntiuintr phy- alcian at the worldfamous invalids hotel and surgical institute at bnltaln n y and during hia thirty years praciicchere developed his great faiiillyniediclues dr pierc6 favonteprescriptlon dr piercoa pleasant pellets dr pierces golden medi cal discovery mrs claua nelaon of pico helfchts- tos an jrelcs cal pox 31 writes i stlnd you my pic ture taken with my little boy i do not look no end now as i do in the picture 1 waa ttclc then and i thought my days would not be ioiik but your klndoew and medicine would not let me ale you have my heartfelt thnnkt for your how to oet strong nature should be assisted to throvv off the poisons that aooumulate in the syatem dur- s ing the winter months thousand of people dot really ill require a tonto at this season close oonflment in badly ventilated bonsea shopa and echool roomi daring tho winter monlhi btalui people feel depressad languid ftnd oak of sorts natars maht be aseiited in throwing off the pofiop that has aocumnlated id the system daring these months else people- fall an eaay prey to dlieau a toblo is needed tod dr williams fink fills for pale people la the greatest tonio raedioino in tbe world these pills make rich red bloody atreprtben tired ncrvesj and make doll listless men women and children feel bright active and strong mr john slddons london oot says i can speak most favorably of the virtue of dr williams fink pills they prove invaluable in atrengthening and toping ap the system when dsbilitsted having ased tbein for borne time paat i aan speak moat favorably of tbtir beneficial resalts as an invfftorator of the ooostitation they are alj that hey claim to be bqt yoa ranst get i be gen nine dr williattis pink pills for pale people imitations never cored anyone and there are nameroaa pink colored imitations againsv which the poblio is oautlpned tbe genoine are sold only in boxes the wrapper aroand which bears the fall nitho dr williamsv pink pills for pale indly advice to nie in toy slcknesa two yearn agoand kindly advice to me in toy your book which i received- which i could not do without it inu the doc tor i have had since i got it x hnd female trouble and dr pierces favorite prescription together with the advice given in his dook cured me of five yes rii sickness the book mrs- nelson mentions in vr pierce fqoppaao medical adviser a copy in stiff paper- covers sent on receipt of 31 one-cent- stamps to pay expense of customs and mailing ohly in handsome buffalo indlng mevv literature one of tho latest books issued by momit- lano ooionlal liibrsry is the pride of jen 0 loo a memoir of gsptain bawil jen- nloo by affnes and egerton oaallo the loeaeof tbo story in laid princlpill in moravia at the castle of tolecidhill and tbe narrative oommenoes in tha year 1771 the book gives the atory of captain jen- niooa life in a peonlar but deoldedly lnter- eallog way and the attention of the- reader if held entirely to the end he u made to y mpathixe with the prinplpal character id bis joys and sorrows and ia transferred for the preiaut co tho bldfaahioned times of the story the book enda rather abrupt and unexpected bnt at 111 in a satisfying way and its last chapters aro perhapa the ftron oopp olark oo toronto jvpinery eniixgr at th6 frknk dowler co drfiss oppps display r t f ff tuesday wednesday aliid thursday jvtarcli 28tth 29th iaud 80 i7h unubualprcparation3 have been made by us for this imporlant event wo will place before the public a grander display of dress goods anil millinery than has been come early as wo find it to a greater extent eich season that the finest things get picked put the nist days of the opening by connoisseurs in millinery we will perpetrate no panegyrics on our work but invite every lady to see for herself the triumph of the millinery art a free ride to cuelph to every lady coming by train and buyfbg liooo worth ol millinery and dress goods we will allow a sum equal to the full fare from acton to guelpb 99 wyndhamst today and every day during the week there will be on exhibition at oor store the newest styles in qptodate spring hats we direct special attention to the following leading lines of hats the henry carterj the wakefield and meleons spsaclal these hats are high grade and guaran teed both as tp quality style and color any man wearlas one of this popular make oihats may rest assured that ho is in the front rank of fashion and also that he will get absolute satisfaction our prices for these hats are 260 and s52v5- we have hats from slop o 226 as well but we cau special attention to above line as they are the best makers of english hats nnd are strictly uptodato see tbem and co renelsoin castaud onk price merchant- tailor gublph bleats umfaner jcto sbbttiisemtnts miho 1 oomikqi oomimoi t p smith soiihtifio eye specialist itajuatc now york phlhtlelphfa and toronto optioil colleger call early and avail yourself of his valuableserviccsas this is nrare opportunity to have your eyes proper ly tested free of charge no guess work but a scientific certainty die cult cases accurately fitted aii woltk guaitantbed l noroy oaltatcrlvato louc tvllii be at agnews hotel actoh v ombdat0irit thursday apbil eth iees horses clitpped bv ha po afinstciiabs horaa ellppldg oatnt nai beflo seoured aed horses will be clipped any aiternooa at roaaoqable obargea r jambs babey aotob tbeualrrparm tendee8 will be rocelved antll noon of the 6th day of april for the position of caretaker of knox obnrcb aeton- particulars m to the dntlea of the offloe niaybe laarned at the office of dr b a mokeagne the lowest or any ten dar notneoesaaruy accepted c davumoh chairman b a llokiiooa k secretary board of manlgors farm to bent in nab that wellknown farm west half of lottta oon 7 maaugawaya oomptialng 10oaeres between 60 and 70 acres nnder cnluvatioo- that place ia well watered havlnft a never falling apridgaad agoodwell there are fair bolldlngst also on orchard on the place 1 oatoaaloa alten 1st april apply on the promises to hugh mctavibh or oddreu him at acton p o coal business changed j c hill has parohaaea tbo coal quainess of mr jobn uoqaean anil prepared to deliver nist- olau beraotoa eoal in furnace btove and nat elsea pramplrand to the eatisfaotlon ot onsto- men b00eral7 i have also pnrchued the welsh sosles and will gtvo prompt attoouoa to all orders or thvir use johilz4 ever seen in canada iba generals idea is to have detsohments from all branches of the british service sod representatives from the united states cavalry and other forceb aavrall pobllshers price paper 75o cloth 1 3tidays vaiitjable residence ilf acton a member of milton coqdcii in debating the oontemplstsd expenditore of a llbsra1 anm with a view to improved streets ancl roads aaid that there were some fooar vacant atoras and thirty vacant dwelllngas in town and he odold not see how thss proposedimprovements woold fill these up if the councillor will send those vaosn stores and boases up to aoton wtfli flli tbem for hind we are in need of a mr supply of aboat that number this spring admiral sampson acoordink to a cor respondent of the loodoo tinuiit heartily iri favor of an understanding between tbe united states and britain during tho admirals recent isit to bermuda he ii oredlted with having given utterance to the following suggestive words formerly great britain was regarded as tbe only bttropean power with wbioh tbe unltera slates was likely to have serion differences now wo regard britain asi our best perhaps our snly friend and retailed falsehoods about klndhsetrted farmer xbejqamillon herald does ipjuatloe to san esteemed farrner in erin- by the publication last thursday ot the following ltoor years ago george and bert gadsjbt lsft aba majonmodthopaeat belleville and took smmltlons ob tba farm of henry near wbo on the outskirts of acton the lads torned in su if tbey were old men milked plowed reiiped palled turnips sad bosd bom lsa good tlngaamjjoutoblmselasbe watohed the rjoystoll he gave tbem tb glad band attdsa cmutafw their 1 years work and sappltod tbem with clothes that bad grown wearlsorne to him kb boys ran away and for the past five xnontha tiave beeb bampiog along like irelgbt ears xhey reaebed towii jresterday and inspector hunter willprovldetnam a borne near silver de the first sentence is a misstatement for bu knigh n h w m k a if the herald had known the npright obarabterand repdtatiob of afr nearlt would not have published its fanny paragraphs which folio for allttle over hree years mr near kept george knight olotbed him sent bim to school daring the winter months and used him kindly cast august just as the harvest was cwming on and wben young knight bad brown to a alse when he oonld make hurnaelf useful he saddenly left withdul nrotloe he spent sereral months about aoton and left bare about all weeks mo he was well repaid by mr near- for all tie work he performed bat bis sadden sitting and sbbseoiaent ialsely told talis prove that jri his oaae kind treatmetii wait unreqaitad fend undeserved mr wannamarcers advice tomkins dood morning mr wanua- maker i have oalled to see if yon oan give me a poisltioq in your establishment i oan turn my band lo almost anything mr w no vis are fail in every department and yoa are the twentieth man i have refosed todev why dont yon take up a line in which there is less oompetitiod and better pay idmkibs fld only be too thankful if you can pnt me on track of s neh a posi tion m w- wlieu i ti tm y uf age i was a stranger n a strange land with neither work nor money when a friand of mine a lawyer advised me to take a book agsnoysaying he had educated himself by canvasllht j like drowning men grasp ait straws i took his advioe and in five years laved t5000 apd with this sum started pay present business it is just nfly years ago todsy that mr bradley the founder bf tbs predsnt firm of the bradleygarretaon company limited of toronto sent me my first book prospectus and to his beautlfol istttrs and eood adviow i owe rnooh of my presedt soooess tee yonrig man il you hara anything in yon there is jest as good a chance for yon today with this nil established hous as then was for ms write them and see what they have to offer tomkins i have seen the advertise ments of this arm for agents for years bsok and have often thonght of writing tbebitbnt havensver done so iwlli write today and i am very thankful to yon if r wannaroaker for year good sutvioev pfvbit sh gegrgie stovel has purchased the prehjlses and boot shoe business of the late thomas agnew and on 8aturday next i st april wfil open a clearing sale at prices in many cases below cost call and see the goods the prices will undoubtedly attract you tbe custom work and repairing will receive the same careful personal attention as heretofore easter gloves easter veiling ily for sale or to pent that handsome now residence on willow street aevon rooms with modern arrange menta of arehwaya eta with balls pantry alotets spd woodshed bard and soft water new ly papered with ingraftf andtbe woodwork grained the property inttuatd la tbo centra ol tbe bnalneaa part of aoton- within jeas than- one minntes walk of tbo post office talagrapli telophone doctors drag stores and daatlat ztess thatt five mlnntea from all the ohnrohss andtonhrom the school and railway atatloo and withal jastfarenoobhoff the pnblio thor- ongbfare to make it a most dealrable and 00m- fortable resldeiiae for paruonlars apply to miss jamiis stul aoton p o or to a j monabb aetofl uarchasth tm enough- has been said and done to emphasize our position in dress goods selling not a sihge statement in this column concerning our dress goods and silks has been overestimated our wellassorted and uptodate goods easily discount anything ever shown in tpwn toch it gotpds we have made a decided improvement in this department so thai this year weare ab t d ou b pr ne s pi coltono l sw muslins embroideries bed spreads etc we are surevalnea count at oar store as we handle nothing but the best and the increase of sales in this department prpvea the stateiheint lkdei oxjfithiisrs new designs at rock bottom prices curtains fromajc pair up to i500 nice curtains 3 j yds long widd width special 73c executors notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of thomas agnew late of the village of acton in the county of halton mer chant deceased notice is herbuy given puranant to it b o isor cap us see 38 tint all per sona having claims aealqbt the estate of tlie said thomaa agnew who died on or about tbe asm day or february a d 18s9 are required to send byjxmtprepald or to deliver to kobert linllkmir anton p fluin btanlttn jftba sted s ivr the 20th annual report of the provincial inapeotdr apon tho hospitals of the province bas just been issued it showi that the work done by the hospitals of ontario during the put year surpasses all previous years in their history tbe number of patients treated having beer 21628 or an increase of ifill over any previous year while the death rate has greatly decreased there being 1139 or about five per cent of the cases treated this is tbe lowest death rats- yet in lhe province the herald wants lbs government to provide credrgelown with a combined post office and ensiorns house boilding ataoost of about 8060 milton is badly in need of a building cf the same kind and bas not even a collector of ooitomv the latter want causlog great inoonvenionoe to busi ness men miltons claims should be pressed caormploa and tbe needs of aoton borllegton and oakvllle will alto be oooaldered of course sir hendersons sohemo when bis party was in power was to have a post office bnllding for each of these towns but the tohemes of mice and men gang aft aglse the board of education thi 1 monthly mstsitlntt held 6n mon day evsnlngr in its evident anxiety to abow up tbe alleged sins of a political opponent our esteemed pootemporary the milton 8tatt lord overstepped the mark when in its last issue it attacked tho former because it publlehed the reply of blr wilfrid xtor- ler to the dominion alllanot and inalnu ated that the jromreti prohibition prinol- plea were insincere this isoerlalnly unfair the reply was published wilboot note or comment it was ptfbllsbed simi larly in newipspers of til sbtdseof polities tbroogboot tbe dominion for fouriesn years thafisut paass aud meformer navs stood iidsdyido in the stroggle to uphold the prohibition cause in th county of hatton and whatever tbe 7eoiwr hss been in its polilioal predlleotloris w neve alwaysfonmdhlhraeandconiletect on the probiljlilon question in eraaton and out of season and never before in its blttdry has it beta ohsrgrd with being disloyal or insincere even whan thsexigenolss follpw- lug the tot i li pu le u b thought by some to jottify a dlfferenl coarse tbe stfonktr has been prohlbl- tionlsllb prloclple flrsl last andalrfay and ii our briiiht arid snergello young journallatlcrrepressntatlve of tbe conserva tive parly in the eopnty lasts troeiv to the same prlnpiplea under all olircomstanow for so lodk a period it will win ptrmansnl favor wllb the good men and trne of halton generally timbhousb tbe board of troatees of aoton pobllo school met on monday evening at the call ol the chbirman members prssent hiram swsokhamer ohalrman george hynds w b kenney a a seoord and boberl wallace the commutes on finance preeaoted ihelr seoond report reoommendlog pay- nent of acoouols as follows oaorgddlsorkatwll iso 8upbuisonrpairatopump ate irs junta runelslrmittliis wood 1 60 h p meorav prinuntt tad advartulng 7 so jliaijm warrsn sooords wood 01 so v -wsvs- moved by george hynds woonded by aabeoordthattberstiortoftbtflnsno oommlltsa f utt rtad be adopted carrltd af ur disonselouaa to osrtaln improve rownteoontsmplatedtd the school groonds ito ihebstd adjoorned riophjppfpioea- ardtvlng postal revenues and irt- crsjaalogmo business theposuiatidrnotisy order bosiness in re adoountlog offjews of the cdubty of rilton for the year ending juna 90lh 1808 it shown by tbe tnpnaj report of tbe fostroatlerueneral jest issued to he as people if your dealer does not keep tbem tend to the dr williams medicine co brobkville ont and tbey will be mailed post paid at so cents a box dr six boxes for ss60 george stovel miltsx acton e kstate oftbe asid thotnaaagoew on or before the silh da ot april 1889- tnlr names addresses and deseriptlona a full statemeat ol their olslnas and tbe nature of tbelrseonrlty if any held by tbem dnly eerllned and that ily o v tbe said bxeeutor will pro seed to distribute the assets of the after the said d although everybody cries hail to the king 1 be keeps on rejgoing now hope for ths dyspeptic dr von stans pineapple tablets are the dyspop- tios haven of rest and core thoycdnlaln no injarlods drug or narcotib wont hark the most delicate bind sensitive stonuiob aid ulgesuap stop fermentation of the food good for the blood good for tils nerves good for tbr braio mike flesh inbresse oorej the alorhaoh 85 cents floidbya ovibrown a well patroolaod butcher shop is a popular moating plaoe y a man named smith it time is money why does the olook always do buaineae on tick a fri bl will of tea oaaas a horrible barn scald out or brolae bnoklens arnica stive the beat fn the world will kill the pain and promptly bel it ortrss 0d bores fever soret uloers boils felons corns all rkln xruptlont beet pile careen eartb oqly 25 oents a box cure guaranteed sold by j d mokee ollovra aaton brest iltsrllnjton fraarm an qswrgatown kdifii m ifbnval oakrlll the ttlool the stock impltnisnts ale of the late tbomss boolt will be bld this afternoon on hb farm lot m em t etqaesipjl v 1- vf thiiltnt kilos am all running fpll tlmasgtln with very prospsmt of a good uri fatal money order rklarure and bsystmar boslnssst- allrrwanew stnrs stajna stenti 0h jmss 07 see tt yim tijtttitt rwir sit as- jjkwlt wa jmu main www 9m irmwa at eta is rrtu tanei ith jjwri 17vb1 uls javdust vii itlst 5iww 5s u suib imlls 110 is laaanab v addition to wba abovthers ie the rtwtune from v ths varlin hbnsocounilng ofaossofeob troth his at the bottom of a well bat how can troth lie anywhere 1 spain irtateat need mr b p olivia of barcelona spain spends his winters at aiken b o weak nerve bad caused severe paids in the back of bisbsad on uslogeleotrio bitters americas grettesl blood- and nerve ilemedy all pain soon left blm he tays tblsntandmediolnsitwbathls conntry needs all america knows ibat it cures liver and kldiiey trbnblo purlflsa lbs blood tones op the stomtoh treogthens tbe nsryss puts vim vjgoir and new life into every ntaaoif nerve ana organ of iha body had a terrible coogh people said he was going into obnidmpfion as a matter of fact be wai alretdy in the early stget of that terrible destroyer buthebtd sense enough to take 8hilohs cough and oonsomptlon core and today there isnt a healthier man in 1 canada 3d oentb 60 cents and 1100 it bottle if ii fails to core the drugglit will refund your money among tbe psrtlba snuued tbereto haviog regard only to tbo claims of wbioh be shall then if weak liked or ailing yon need it every bottle guaranteed only 50 cents bold byj flvth8 pav m towards rtl7fxionriinlin sflgufessp lifi- foi virtue la its own reward too often the only one it gel tttat throbbilir lieadachb would qnickly leave yon if yob used dr kingv new life pills thonsands of sufferers have proved their matchless mefllfor slok andntrv0os headaohss they make pure blood and slroug nerves aridbqlldbp your hsallb eaay to take try them only 3s cents money htok if dot cared bold by j dmokee m i oos may not reach the top of the ladder sxowt bytredljhalowsr rbands bemsmberlhebnarb and thut off tbe water tb iydraifurefmwlitdtari k t dutbct from the qrowkrs i oarrytbe iargest stook and am the only dlreet importer of all kinds ot bbud la ouelph others not in it thbke laboe wabehodses besldos betall btore wblcb is thelargmt ontsldeot toronto oalland see onr stock of jfstf cibver jtfsunmorjt dorer alalke olovmr ivnciems cfowsi aeboissnd xunofiiy orcnanf c7raia rid top ormas etc bimfloktirj 8i0dfes seedbariey ssejynsv siidwhemt ero we buy thabssa and soil at vary oloseprioee majifslsm onlythree weeks ontfrom traaoe alsobosit bees whits oaxrotdio of all kinds atent prlbss wbsn a well digger fldlshes a job he probably considers it welijdone 1 aff thankful words written by mrs ada b hartofgrotoobd was taken with abadooldwhlbhesillrd oough wl lo and bomly tlrmlnatea conanipticurrgo p saying itwldlivoflratashorth hnswlmloairtirjsformij sppspjiii wata but bagbbt be remedied ykowcatarhoaonecjj remedy ad lsk-poeiatyoar-for- oatfo a5lflssp 9fiutiwibiio is bkrtp2bybiishi of aetiirlonw wblcnwe bkva and owirodue bniflsr m geo j th0bp the only prscuoal bead trritn in ouelph- 1uhx sq tad itacdomnclii st have notice bobbbtaohbw executor ofe dated tbusbtti day all ptrueslndebl tbomaiasnawareto paytbesame at onoo to aununtauirtisw itorof estate of thomas agoew ayotfiarehviaw debtedtouiebltate of the late if i mni aproltrv thtndi of trials stourfcmons ilmtrt neveltles lilch eaimot u liwtt usewbtnl mbiiiu icnlskii iilatcaafd hiindredsorillasi tratlorl rnilit mtnre give practical infon luieof rntl- vallitt in llnltn would ralavtlie ijtcvoenrimrwlifmlmfkwers wmiasn8 single flrstciass fare aointtlaichaotbtoaprlhrd inclusive return- big op to and lneltlduig april tb law betweeo all atattons in canada fort hurob and detroit mleb and to hot sot fbqh baffsio blukboesr suipenilon bridge and niagara fells xi y tfstoirsas awn stutiairrs v he anrrender ot eertltiaate slsrnod bv prlnelpall slavlrsbrnabattra ntirsi westoi branswleksmd hovae lltoaprlllsinelaslver id inolqdlng april loth lets lojormauon tro iwsvfljttem 1ml0dliqki8on lit ptjio toronto oolni maroh itth to- april let inclusive return- log np to and inolqdlng april lotb is tlokeuraftllnfojniauon from agents am everjt respeet those who bsy bor mhllnery dliplay and with reason for thisjear onr entblblilon au delay t send at 000s for asmpl bottu mpjilwvwtfi n 0isj vs j i v vths nianhote bbaaed him with befrylngpaotaldlhs tplder rnade him w jnttqd fe istearns product for nnohit of variety iereect work ia every detsiltmjelleve to bd without a peer lnthejvivy v v donbyiya wben ybd same en yqd can get a stearns for tho lmpcrtailpnsopsttterrnl m1lljdtortmentist otfrrangepf umrtmmetl 1- let us again urge those who have not already plaoed heir orders for easter to do so without delay tabzx xjltmsa jvivt beeteli double arnaskblaaobed table isaotbi sis su yards a vary good onallty pore ttssa arm ruga ol bsnems dsss rjaotar valasw w speolal a90 lists waaehsd beeloti jilnen tatilaoibtbsi double dicraaas alas mill yards aicellot auort- rssatof nwpatarna regolar value mjm sfewivrvviv rtjtv v v- v blaaebad iaonlije damask jfabls oloths sli m yards snecbslltv put llnsu good rarfel wlsareoalvyafe stispsglal a 311 fejew-vwsisf- feet i blaok jubsoasbmere ifqse sasmlssarspllcv ifxw bostmxt isa flueblaek oaanrasm bost statnlsss jtdc andtoisoo bltokoottonhom with natural oasbtntrs feetsadiaas99e httrnmoassr h f blsokootton bets hemudorf dye tplleed tolsvbesl and toe qe noy blaok aad white uie thread bote plaid hose bilk aad6asb mar mlttors very prtlypaltrns st tad ut t xx tbs silk srcrioir fonlsrds laaysxlesy of new effsots alljhdwjnisasrunv tyaffigst tsa7onumkaky ttnooitta u 1 letlsaftasiw 1 aprtmti oraitlil btsmlweiis 1 id alar- 1w 9t s or freight to any railway station in onlarlo n all mail orders amounting to i500 or over we jjn ry us with an order v bate rimmruvy fln r f r ffi7 v rwmiy yrw mskmwmjw

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