Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 30, 1899, p. 3

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i nwirrftrtnrkiami te bank xf hamilton ciiartub gbanted 187a head ofiiofl baioltok out capital all paid up 91 20000000 reserve and surplus profits v 980000000 total assets 6 1 200000000 j turnbijllcashier the jlsatjipme 1 i montly of a looal charaotar and a very item interesting nautht tbe late ur atnowa bttalneaa mr oeorge stove who has been running a bootnd shoe business at the cornet of hill and haiti street his rfarofcaeod the ahop dwallintandatookof b an s b t t aeta of ea8telmjj y openings the milliners exhibited their dain ty and artletfotcreatlonb yesterday had the welcome beme of the bright spring aunahlno ponbtrated to the show rooms o oar local inlllinors yesterday they would have added an additional unarm to tbo wealt of d and ab array ofsklllful productions of the millln- visitors to and from aoton and varlousother personal notes tba fbxh pout ltivitm all iu rtaders to eon ulbuuto tbta oolaoan if you otyoat triandi jo going sway on a holiday trip or tf you ttafa tiieadsvialungyor drop a oart to tbo vjuuj s 44 ljeelfhe s mr edison 8initbo glanlord visited aotonfrtohattutrbroeit mlfll nellie ftuoio went to toronto yes terday to spend a fow days mr james moffat of nassagaweya baa talceo up bis residence in aoton mr thomas ebbsgb earns bums 111 from ingersoll last wetk and ia- still oouuued to his bed mrs jaa rjulnaou uf godorloh spent a week at her brother mr h b holmes mrs peter aioqregor of toronto spent heveral days lint weolcihe guest of her lister sirs jaa e gbbbau mr n p mularn attended tlie annua meetiugbf the grand uiroie of the o o 11 u at til ualhuriuee laat week mrs vuuujj of toronto has upent a couple ot wvtks with her mother mrs gardner ud oinor friends fat town mrjlitouijll cobban ruturned laat week to her horns m ottawa altar spending a mouth witbrelativea aud friends here miaa jeautobriatie gualpb spent a day ot two thia weea tu a goeal at the home of herunols mr 1 henderson m p and other relatives here mr fred king son of w 0 king esq it vlmtluu aoton friend mr king bag bdeu eugaged the past four ur flveyaan with a large american oiroos mr robert boon goes to toronto tomorrow lo attend sue anuoal good friday meuiiug of the canadian lsoroete assootatlonraattrepreaeutativelromhihv aoton olnb mr aud mrs william graut ol george town are spending a week with aotou frienda tbey are about to remove to bl mry near which town a son and a daaijbter reside mrwai gordon ol oleuooe and mr alex gordpu ot torouiu spaus laat tlinreday at uurdun llali tneold homo the ocoisiuu of their brothers sale of thoroughbred atuuk elu mr arubibald motaviab who was unfortunate enough to brejik his leg a few weeks ago baa had the injured msmber mt in piaster and baa been abler lo be at bis place of bualueas tba nasi few days mrrjdjeswalaonwbobaa bsaa ap you aremfrofyimr fidaltfi and if you do hot atte to duty inriijtrdi lfsoarhtoqf noted tba stoke and china palace pays to buy at bollerts itpaystobtlyat bollerts clover and timothy seed clover and timothy seed is cheap this year examine our sample before you buy which has of late been going ahead with leap and bounds ndver before in the go sfra hisiorjrof om basiussstibvo we been 50 busp the gentlemen of this city and coromunhyare gradually finding out where they can acciire uptodate obdbrbd olofhino at kbasonablb paioest we may say that our selecllon this season of imported cloths has surpassed any previous year they comprise hundreds of suitings of almost every conceivable grade and style which will meet the requirements of every customer then we pay special attention to the linings and trimmings and our cutter mr r i stewart is a firstclass designer and fitter see our handsome r dress and business suitings choice spring overcoatings ouir leaders are n nobby scoicb tweed suit ior i5 and a firiojenclish wor5ed in black grey and navy blue at i8 per suit now we will demonstrate all ihls to you if you will give us a trial our first shipment of spring hats has just come to hand they are the celebrated worldwide fame vcooksey hal in black aridbrrwn then we carry christy v wakefields and american mats in all the latest styles see our flaw white shlrtsrbgattahlrts collars and 1 cuffs ties and fine natural wool underwear savings department interest paid at best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a writ order with withdrawn by simply sending in a wr i the pass book kb formalities t ru ko delay the government relnrns show that this bank gives to depositors four million dollars ofsecurity over and above every cent due to the public farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc farmers sale notes collected promptly and advances nude on account of same at a low rate of inlerest beieqnty ckmrtesy vv- fair kates every banking facility afforded which con bepbtaiped in the city or elsewhere cbrrespohdenceaohcitcd georgetown branch jpblt aont mfyak thobsday maboh 80 1880 utile local brieflets whiph causht the eyea or bare of free press reporters this waste remurriext sunday wild geese aro going north a tride more aprlnglike pleaae good friday tomorrow a statutory boifday laat week was enumeration week at tbe postoffioe easter holidays neil week in thai pablto schools keep your wita aboat you on bstarday all geola day meaarsb dl oholmes ahlpppod a oar of cattle and hogs yesterday eaater eggs are likely to be roaaonabls in- prioe tho ruling price this week is jm bpeoial aermona and musio appropriate to eaater in the various churobee on anday the majority of people will boaaiiafled ifjealerdaya big suow atorm was the last 6fiheeson yatulfjbnjtiatin paying 17o per bhiniaimarden they are shipping from mooiosoooboahela dally there bmifwiliiamfflnnaird sold to b hoimaa drover last week three fat ateera whloh weighed over 1500 pounds each mr james barry dairy farmer has secured a horse ollpplnr ontflt and is dipping borsea for all who apply to him tthe german medicine company sire here for a seoondweek with orowdeof honats nightly tbey go to milton on monday jirrr j walker baa received the appointment by the provincial govern- majnl iwftahery inspector for the countiea otteslspd helton the isle thomas aguew he baa taken possesion aodvill open on saturday with a clearing sale for thirty days aoton cmaom at gaelpa tauaises the soita campbell v aoton tannine co an aotiou for damage and lawaon v beardmore am aotioii for pollution of stream entsred for trial at the spring aaaiaesac goelph this week before mr juatico fergusou were postponed until the next bitting of the court on the ground of absence of defendant w d seardmcre a material witness who is ate present in england guthrie watt qutnrle for plaintiff smith bae a greer for defen dants db eaoti caae evidently a goodjnvaatmeat that he sleotrlo lighting plant now in operation by thlsmonlolpality is likely to prove a very profltablo and satisfaqtory entarprlae tbo faas paris has from time to time published estlrnates and reports whiob gave proofs that tbia eipeotstlon was baaad upon reliable data but loot eiders- partlonlarly rata of experienoe know a good thing when tbey see it as well as our muniolpal coonell and last week breve iearson was approaobed by the repreaenlatlve of agflnllenian of rnsans who is nqw operating electric plants and looking for otfiars who offereidto take oyer the entire plant and pay over to lbs oorporalion therefor a bum equal to tba whole amount expended in oonneollon llbjsjflbwja replied no sir we dont want to aell mrii itecinrpn fnneral the funeral of the late mrs joseph mcolure was held from the family residence cbnroh street last thursday afternoon bar h a maopberson bar paitor ooodaoted the servioe in whiob he ased tba favorite bymn of the deoeased i hear tby welcome voloe in response to her rcqntai sometime before her death the following friends from a distance attended the fnneral mr and mrs hugh morrow toronto t a moolnre mrs j w miller and mrs george leslie btreelivllle mr and mrs jaa laird mrs j moolnre and mrs wen moglll brampton mrs l 8 fraaer toronto mr jonph and miss edith moolnre and rlissaswc cbioert in knox church fnextmodday evening will be well worth w1bumbliimiat kelly and bla pdaugbler will delight the audlenoe with neirvooal and instrumental numbars rihsaonnal meeting of the exeontive cf qnesing tdwnsblp sonday school jiyisssoajirtlobiv wiuhs held in the presbj- jjwofotoa oeorgetparn next tdesidat lo arrange fot the annual sfesiioiqllon y isyheeilvfrom zion obhroh brautford jtoitow a martin of koox oborob fgoml- a meeting of s061pbtsbtery bjrrergnsonttdbsdbijr isnteimnsiattqnwiii lake plsqe the first 5rpjrajy v iimrbpberl wotson u banlind brick wa ne two atory realdenoe he intends srs3j tl soniiner he bnllt one- of psst bank barns in the oounty a year dwhehl hew house is oompletad home and property will bo moat mit i ki37jvw sgrta isjge stock of new trunks joal in at tly rsanoed priose for thirty days j thawbharoettmelur aoton iv rossw to 18000 to ap farm property at 5 per cent to j b mcliion solicitor gaorge- mr wm hlllla meadowrale mesira john and william morrow and samuel robinson grand valley mrs james gibson ostrafraxa and mr and mrs mobride ottqa settled at xcmtn nwt when mr bj edmiston left aoton on the oth inat to undertake mission work in the northwest in connection with the methodist chnroh his destination was dundaa olrools fifteen or twenty miles north of winnipeg upon arrival at winnipeg ha ms inet by a representative of the missionary superintendent who informed him that his sppointment had vaenehadged to beglnan w t 86 miles further west mr edmiston arrived at hia destination at 7 oclock sonday morning and at 11 oolook was in the pulpit at an appointment eoven miles oat from beglna his work will ebyera olroois of six sppolntmenta within a radius of about twenty miles from begins three ofwbiobbe will visit eaob sonday ho wrllesi lotereitiugly br the country the expanse of the prairies the peoullar oontrasts to ontario of the unfenoed farms and highways the marked hospitality of all the peoploof the capital a snrr a ba an t era art the contrast however ol the wintry blast without snd the springlike surroundings within was all the more marked the show rooma were favored with numerous adrairiug visitors during the day uendecbon a co the millinery department of this old- established huelneta is again ond tbi supervision of miss campbell whose ful- tllcaent of orders last season was ao satie- facttory her arrangement of pretty spring head gear ia taateful and the nurnerdua new abadea shapes and models are very altradtive theseaaous new shapes pre- dominatiqg hereare the glenooe bolfand and prinaeab while large shapes with black and white trimmings of flowers feathers plumes and chiffon are id favor with tbo spring styles flowers of course are in evldenoein profusion and some of the lists shown areveritabls refleatlooa of the flower garden the new shades- sardonic andcerfno and the three toned ribbons aire pretty and will be popular the novel rose tress which form part of the deoora- tlona of the show rocm are worthy of the places tbey oooupy and are a credit to miss oaxnpbella ingenuity x d c0lu1b tbia is mr collins brat season but the millinery department is seen at a glanoe to he in the handa of an aooomplisbed artist under misamasssoara sklllfal arrangement the abbw room which is enlargedto doobuv the also mrmobsath derotedto it is indeed a bowerof beauty after the darker and more sombre shadings of autumn and wiotr tbo new spring and snnamer tints are particularly attractive and inviting on all aidoa are to ba seen evidenoes of preparations for a large aeaa- ons trade the favorltenew shades shown here are the opalescent fuaohia oyrano and pretty shades of porple the oreams orlmions and greena which are always popblar are also shown a large variety ot new ahapes illustratlva of the latest styles are displayed notably there is the nspol- eon a numbsr ot bhapes to be worn off the face and others drooping over the fane or in the rhlllioers parianos face hats- abundauoa of flowers broken w su ar used a in tiua all is out of order hoods sar- saparilhwm purify tf lilt tnn spooiflo rerrlody for troubles of the blood kidneys bowel or liver h tasoubte- had heart- trouble for s number of years and different medi cines failed to benefit me i tried hoods 8artaparliaaud three bottles completely and perfectly cared me mss c a fldtk wsljtfidfe n 8 a9al0stttirdas 1 hsd lost ave chll- drrawlttwpbtberlslgave my remaining two children hoods garsaparllla as they tnn nwwitojhroat trouble and were not tjrjr theyani now hoalthlpr and atronferand bare not since had a oaid miltjigjfiburbmhroke x special in dinner sets 5 only 97 piece dinner sets white and gold traced regularprice trooo special price 9700 s only 97 piece blue and pink dor othy regular price 1350 special price 1000 5 only 97 piece roynl green cromar illuminated and gilt 11 00 5 only 97 piece pjnk and brown hop and rose big snap 7 00 10 gross tumblers regular price 300 do for 25 full assortment of toilet sets at all prices v ja mccrea vv0u3mmt v mww tja v there is very full trimming witb- ber evident taste and grace nf manner miaa masaaoar will no doubt win favor wltbthe ladles generally who yialt her domain valuab stoc bold mr john a qordona herd of rbb- isfered durhams sold last thursday mr john a gordons big bale of tbor- onghbreddurhsms implsrhents etc last thursday was very aqcoesafnl the atten dance was large many being present from a distance the registered animals brought good prioeis end were disposed of as follows lily barnes ii 0 years to paul 8 ken nedy esqueslng for 19800 ethel newoome 8 years to norris blank bookwood for 17800 ladyboyllia years andoalflxsdy boy v to aitken bros oapringe for 08o0 maid of the wolds 8 years with calf huaslar to a ts j mann aoton for 118000 maid of tbo wolda ii 2 years to g g k f 18 it wmmml these are the words of praise spoken by so many of the ladies who saw and admired our and lug ibepast three months with bis brother here returned to hlr home at holmfleld man ou tuesday prior to leavioft mr watson purchased from his brother john one of the rjoarter sections of land ha held in manitoba literary notes the april number of tbe delineator is calledtlie8pring number aiid embodies a comprehensive summary of preaeht and incoming styles in every department of dress a choloo variety of artloles of sterling literary excellence and a profusion of oharaoterlstio social and hontshold features order from the local agent for butteriok patterns or address the delineator pobllahlng co of toronto llmlled rlohmond bt west toronto ontario subaorlptlon price of the delineator h00 per year single oopler lfioeuts magnlusertl illustrations make the easter- number of the cunad torn magaalne very attrsoiive the oorot la appropriate and she colored lllbstrallons for theodore roberts poem are sometblor dbw for a canadian periodical the stories are oon everything nptbdard 25 and 27 wyndham street guelph co hendersgn co illustrative of the choicest styles for spring but when jliey learned the price we ask for such gems of the milliners art their enthusiasm knew no bounds our millinery always hasled the procession here but for this season we eclipse all former efforts a visit toouf showroom will delight you and for little money well make you a hat or obttetrhgtll b geillfand q differerrt- from anything in your neighborhood d e m acdonald bro v vj golden lion guelph i bbsi a a aa a 1 tf vfvyvfffl dressiadods kverybody requires a new dress or suitin the springtime ii will bs foundspecially to your advantage to fully look through our dreas goods before buying- because wo are direct importers of thess goods extra value aiidexclusive designs aretb be found here our range of fabrics comprises every thing required by a welldressed lady aiaolt goods are selling again this season like hot cakes fincy designs being tllo favorites inoolofwdcoodb plain cloths aro the correct thing for spring suits wo hay arhagnulcent range inali the new shades and makes of cloth tho plrl6plnlftfl cloth3 la plain shades and combinations of one or more cblbnt are raarahteed not to spot nor shrink the moat serviceable goods on tbemarkct see them trlbutod by joanna b wood w a- vras- er bleaedell uamsrdn clinton boss h j ohiggina and margaret ogrady sir louis h divies writes feelingly of the late lord hersohell in an article which shows the national obaraoter of this maga zine is almost here again and main st abton are prepared to help ypu through it no mailer what kind of weather may be experienced if you want stout weilmade boots or shoes we can supply yob goods at low prices black 8llki ahd satlns are a specialty with us this season 24 in black- satlnsat 5oc75cand9xoo 22 in black toffefasat 50c to 8100 22in pole db sole atfiloo is extra value also mervs surahs and brocadesa 50c tor25 cqloftbtd silks vaists in plain stipes checks and plaids a very urge assort- meat of new styles at 25c toi 00 a yard eastor ciovs8 band feels quickly the discomfort of a heavy glove when varni wiastther sets in expect to find all the newest stylesand colors here we luvethem in blacks tans bluesgreens graysand reds with large dome fasteners the correct thing at9tooapair wash cpodswhito piques ot 12 jc 15c 18c and 20c 10 30c mow kid olovss lo colors to match all suitings from black to red iwo latge 4 fasteners the correct thing at tiooa pair colored kli cloves from 40c pair up have you seen the new meroerlsed 8ateens as nice as silk and very durable the talk ofthe town very suitable i mill street acton ikirtshgtawl tailsnhstkfprodoos oii thhesv dtuasbauca fakfari k swtrpkw tmvprihr aphiiwbbiuin bprioes gnaranteecf right kwtvirkrms mjtlimiomi fli be lii fetontsa tl3 iaa fsitrnbmiabidlbn jbidijiibtiuta w i monday elbwnnailqaltlist mtsfybam who ajmhdsd the pin enoooraglog prospects for suooeasf ul work for the master 011 the flslll of wbioh he has been given charge 6nrjtaf oanjreaes the address of bsv w b moalpine b a to then presbyterian sunday 8ehooi last bnnday afternoon was very interesting bud much odjoyedthe parents day and quarterly itevfew in the msthodlat sunday rohool was an ocoaalon of mooh interest by the use of forlyflvs pictures from tbs iieafoluaterboftbepaot ave years an interealiob abd profitable reviaw of the prinolpal fsatures of the life of christ was vividly impressfld the plotures were pasted end to eodand rolled 00 two cylin ders mskiog a panoramlo lllostrstion 150 feet in length the preseoos of mr wnl qraht of georgetown who was an esteem ed snd soboeaalril teaebsr in tlfbsobool thirty- years ago was mooh appreciated after easter bev falbar faeny will oortduot aervioea in bt joaephli churoh a very other bundsy instead of every third sanday as ho been the arrange nieul dqr- iog the winter months v the aermbo by bev h a macpbarsoh at the baptist chnroh oh booday afternoon was tnuoh appreolated by the lekmjpslcnitfcrs irilibe divine servioe araidionlghl as formerly in st albaqs oborob at 780 pbiijdfc qn good friday servlos will bs nswsitloaimabovbsiu inert will be panleolariy bright ssrvlees siths uaoslhonra 1080amismor7prni t which te choir will render an effioistit rart hoiycomraiionst8 snd m sm thsspeolsioffstorystbssnsr will be- denied to bloesjslao mlsatbb work tbasshhatliseboolbffmtasiiomiw oiwdon bbbcl qoppbilsvion good istbisjsetblfiai mf tetfagiiiv a tasbst wayofthscrieswulw6bssrwahabev father feeny wnl pkpjovjbtlbn the school ofdrsss butting is now open branobea may be isaraed by a near uubr ajetem tbs lasdlog system of tbs world eutsr all blylea of garmants on th ifoods bmtw rtia glvss ill tbs i npibyraitlisjijt abovanybrmmuvd fiiesson of business without any tdles should not miss til tpsrevnionlh abagbsw y krjexhlhllion in drtfllna larmenta mkjf r- i m tolsvifoin ths oonntry given special deslgnsr and catur of irtdlss garmenvf 7rv cv j2 vijl it- vf xady ethel iyeatrf with ualf boyal prinoe if htrlobard graham aabgrove form600 ethel newoome ii 3 years to greenlee bros milton for 110000 prinoesa ella ji 3 yeara to donad mno aoton for j5600 lady boy iv 1 year to paul kennedy for690o lady ethalll 1 year to william mol- lin aoton for i5s00 boanduke i year to wm b elliott hespeler for i79o0 btratballan boy ftj months to b f beld georgetown for is800 gordon hall lad 5 months to h took tratsugar for 15200 dako of the wolds ii 8 moutbs to paul 8 kennedy for mooo the leicester ewes bold at from 2t to 8l per pair snd the ewe lambs ranged from llitolls apsir hk gordon is to bo congratulated on the sooosssof bis side- crew8 c mr t dockray barrister toronto of the lata thos dookrsy formerly ol this place hae beep gssetted a notary public tba singing sbhool whiob has oarried on very anoosaafnlly during the vrlntsr mouths wm olosed for the leaaon on friday evening lass mrwansbo rough whowssthe teaober thoropghly under- atanda s rnuslo and hit olasa have dons remarkably wail tinder his tuition mr jplllfrs of sockwood preaobad a btttsmmbptbleimbnjuthsmetb odtlisrt standby xialmrh61dmjli deliver an eabter siraon iatlbe bharcfihere neil sabbatb iufallau ielohman la on the sick list svtjlwmiiv i v waijarb pleased to tale that mr bobt gibbbne is able to bo arouod aaja mr efl3abn of erin is spendid a few oiltfffemdptisnbll4 lll wixiibehnstt bas luit finished digging a w11m feet laklng fonr days qd gbli iaplsnahatphbfi vv t yvaiibtwi3kw wsiklireaftar 00 mcmday and salsrdty feajotlttimeragowbliemiss- fljjfc8istgrjtf swllaajwfirehiimptjrslbi d break her leg tbimis nswlafl on- monday 80th ivwsttsnir jiviws lmw- wbstenbie flslohsrof lastfwmk for jambatown vivlifrkt v iiii ii something lighter in neat and attractive style we have a wide range and have confidence we can please you if you desire rubbers for the wet weather o block will supply ihewant if shout to take a trip north south east or west we have a good variety of tru and valises a prices lower than you are accustomed to have quoted toyou samuel w balford late assistant adjutantgeneral on the staff of general otis bt manilla contributes to the fleofew ofsevlewttot april an interesting article on material prpblsins in the philippine islands oonaidering the boiiohs and manufaotnrlng dppbrtnnlties prssanted to tbbwldihawbka ysrmto- atyourdealsrs erirominemaki we handle only the goods of reliable manufacturers as we have a reputation for honest goods and square dealing to sustain our prices are always right custom workmnix rapping nemilyjutd prompt2doaa am usvai axia bkos aotoir anyirrlj atnaruarkseforehrlnbsaindlsaaas lnl tu powertnl without mamg harsh sad- immedlatalni utlnsresmltr lylrriuunareamlts onrsabanreabralaabbsaa- outs blarworm- jumuestaw vyorms and saab ijulosrlasthsalnimorsu used it wtthsrsatbaebssblib wmh aallb tbe wounds rapidly and keaptngtbe shall never ba without ltsadopniidar is the best ptapara- blro a brodls bethesda ont says btratleg iambs tba imtioooltskhiilntheixiartev the pickhardt jjbjdwmsto liaiited tho irand of tto 3ay see you get ciirters ask for earterv insist and demand ilam awy the vastest that has never before siibh ointltiei8 v v p been agent in acton alrmcthal m the careful repairing of watches is the j hobbyof his long experience combined with hit practlcalarjultyandclom attentlonto the details of that part of his business makes hint the best qualified person in ouelph to do any repairs 10 your watch the same careful oversight is given lo the proper fitting of spectacles any defect of vision is carefully examined and if spectacles can be found to aid the sight or stop lbs headache pringle will supply them two kinds of jmn men to- beyfoijind ev6iywlre those who are bbligetbtffeasi kjriellsdorejr subsliaitklib bubiness m sensible shoes fbrjjhtpys andirls goodknoclcabonts andforvtheladifetfie latest novelties in footwear jastute8atoke a ecjmkb jnptilftlbjnnbkb ipaleaibt lthrs l a fifs omswj is now corning in and em- braces goods sure to please quality and prices daua wa ciiisrv we have just opened upahimmense crate ofthese goods and are now prepared to meet the wants of the public in the followlho lines cup8andsauoep8 eight different kinds tea and breakfast plates ci6veriaf bed poo ril set8 different prices and qualities faricy japanese bowls and teapots sypupjugt brovvri tea pots and well the best way is to see thern yourself g i msms go tombwigsepfiv- wmmk there is always a demand for a 8tyll8h low shoe ie the productions of the past would hi dty bsllevo it- pcaalble lp cancel ve of newek and more artistic designs to tempt the pdrolfiussr ov i vv cloth tops in shoes are gaining inj favor pleasing shades in vestlngs- are shown in every line and t have them because i believe they are growing in popularity and bid fair to hold a plnce in trado ywvvegive-r- tiacti stamp8 1 ll the shoe man au thie vtiplsjsaad- ivv all the popular shades and new patterns in isgsr see our samples wmi theisnljuts no matter beihytt want n interior or an exterlbr irlevf fifybut home one of the 1nmalea1r cabinidtiypqapretty pcttuonathttyqnt shd carry realism of yrhor those i4tatsii wo take photos cither by sunlight or nashllght i yxk itafey wfwmbrcw f on 3j vftj vvs j

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