Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 30, 1899, p. 4

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lh constant pain when on z yonr feet r is that dragging pulling j sensation with you from morn till night 1 why nftt put tho medicine osactly on the diseabo why i inot nppljr tho euro right to j tho spot itself you can do it with immediately after ikplaster is applied you jits warming soothing ifluenco its healineremedie quickly penetrate down de into the inflamed tist fain is quieted soreness i tbevedana strength g no plaster wna ever it no platter ever acted bo qolcktv i nod thoroughly no infer ever bid each complete control over all binds of polo placed over the chest it is a powerful aid to ayora cherry pectoral i relieving congestion and drawing out au inflajnmatio tissue smelt i lanwtti thitbsday mattcg 1898 erj aung fnlhs as comb vic easter bells aro ringing thro the world to day enafcer carols blending oatoh tho tuneful lay natures voice is ringing hear her minstrel throng prom the leafy branches pour their grateful awns heaven and earth are singing heaven to earth comes riser bongs of holy rapture everywhere we hear ho who rulea the stormy wave he whose arm is strong to save comes victorious from tho grave efvo7 and uvea forever qrace j francli tit for tat lord monok at one time governor of canada sat in tho bouse of commons for an englleh oonetitnenoy an irishman himself he was very prlronlzlng to the irish members meeting vinoent scully the member from tipperary in the lobby 0 night he slapped him on the shoulder and eaid familiarly well sonllboware yon the other annoyed by this form of address rejoined 1 will thank yon my lord not to deprive my name of the last letter or if yon do pray add it to yonr own and call yourself monkey argonaut missed the point the chicago litmri print another story touching tho elovfoets real or impaled of xjdglfsbmen id oatobing the point of a joke a party of travelling men were talking about ponographs is they sat abont the hotel fire i h e old farmer the other day said one of them interest elwas attaches to the doings of tho agrioultnral classes auldl the englishman hitching up his ohair with a look of interoat the farmer had driven into town with his mules to sell a load of pumpkitns and topped in front of a phonogrsph store what air them fallows doln in there with spoule in their care be asked those are talking machines answered a man in the doorway the farmer was a little inoredalcue but anally left his males and went in the tubes were pieced in bie ears he dropped tbe niokel in iho aloi and a hraraa band tr rid to play whoa there 1 ehonted the rustio darting out of the store them males o mips wont stand no brass band at first the englishman looked anxious as if be expected to bear tbe rest of the story then suddenly he bnrat out laughing great joke on tbe molts eh be shouted dont pbyscisn if yon are dout bend for love sick dont eat pie with yonr fingers eat it with your month son t neglect yonr family in order to pose ss a pqbllo benefactor dont sit down and wait for a good job to cosne along and bnnt yon np dont talk too freely when yon dont taovrwhsryotrare talking about dont tell all your troubles to a polloeman give tbe reporter a ahsnoe dont expect to maintain a wife on taffy because jott won her on it dout quarrel hat if yon mast qaarrel dont qaarrel with yonr bread and water dont think all amateur photographers are pessimists becaoae they tsko poor views dont negleot to keep yonr shoes pollened yon can always shine at one end if you cant at tbe other be clean and live palnes celery compound mr herix after reading tetter from his son at college john says be is a quarter baok mrs horixwaal send him th quarter an 1st him pay np we oant afford to hev bim in debt for the sake ov a small anm like thet the gibes of tbe infidel sraaa pitiful as tho woodenlegged mans scorn of shoes tbe lobool may give knowledge hot only tho home can give a true education hagyarde yellow oh onree sprains brnisei sores wounds eats frostbites cbllblsins stings of inseots barns scalds oontoslons etc fries 25 cents to the man of small intellect trifles are mdmentons things milbnrns sterling headaobe powders cure tbs worst headache in from five to twenty minutes and leave xo bad after effeot one powder 5c 8 powders loo 10 powders 25o is natures great sys tem cleanser in all wellrun mills factories and mooh anical establishments it is customary to oloee down for a short time each year in order to repair machinery unless this is faithfully altanded to there will be irregn unity in work eerlons breaks disasters and heavy financial losses it is the same with tbs bumtn body its varied delioato and complex machinery has been running without repalre for per haps many years with disordered nerves diseased liver and kidneys sand blood charged with poison germs and imparities the human organ and machinery jarring weakened and working fitfully and lrreg nlsrly must be strengthened arid made a harmonious whole or the entire fabric will soon break down the annual work of cleansing ana most pleasing results that oome from the ass of painss celery compound in waroh is pnre rich bright red blood that oonrses through the satire system carrying hue ufa and itnugtu foal matters xqlls pisappeared mr james elliott white p o onl writes last fall whllo i was threshing beoame troubled whb belli which got bo bad i had to quit work i started taking burdock blood hitlers and before i had finished one bottle the holla entirely jiiunpesjtfi nginedy that which la u enduro that whlah is unremediablo one iiaxallver pill every night for thirty days makes a eomplute cure of biliousness and oonitlpatlou that is jual 35 oeuts to bo cured rome persons bavo periodical attacka of canadian cholera dyreptery or diarrhoea and have to uaa great precautions to avoid tha disease change ot water cooking and green fruit le aure to bring on the attaoks to aooh persons we would recommend jjr j d kelloggb dysentery cordlil aa being the beat in the market for all summer oomplaints if a few dropa are taken in water when tbe aymptoma are notioed no farther trouble will bo experienced a wdman may forgeao unkind word bat a oompliment iever dr low worm byrup is a sale euro and reliable worm expeller acts equally well on ohlldren or adults bo sure yon get lows a langb ia worth a hundred groaoa in any market lou cant tell you dont know when tbe congh will stop the congh of consumption has just snob a beginning take sootta emulsion now while the cough is eaaily managed to w e imrt eroptious pimples salt rheum and enema are banished lb skin becomes clear the eyes bright the brain active and tbe step firm and elastic paln celery compound is the one and jthatman ji free who wishes esoape his present condition the beat pills mr won vandervoot sydney crossing out writes we have been using farmelcea pills and find them by far the best pills we ever need for delfcate and debilitated constitutions these pills tot like a charm taken in small doses ibe effect ia both a tonic and a stimulant mildly eicitiog the secretioni of the body giving tone and vigor true but pu some ot tbe mistakes made by foreigner struggling with our unfriendly language are not so reasonable one made by a japanese who was on trial in a western olty under charge of defrauding bit boarding honse keeper qohietiwntrebalf betesttft that be had paid bis room rent how mooh did jou pay asked ihe attorney for the provocation a qaarter of leven was tbe answer the attorney looted porsled then glaao- ai at tbe olook aa did every one else in be roam sure enongb it was a quarter of eeven yes it ia a quarter ot eleven said tbe attorney but i asked von what rent yon paid a quarter of leven repeated the prisoner 6 yon dont understand i want to know bow maoh money yoa paid for yonr room i tell you over and over a quarter of leven in vain the attorney put hie question in new forms the jap adhered to bie one answer finally the attorney gave up in deapalr ii was oonolrided that the mind of the aocnaed wss feeble and he wss tsken before the oommlaiionera of insanity then tha mystery was explained he had paid tan dollars and seventyfive oenls for his room only spring medtolno and cleanser that people can impliolily trntt ss a health restorer it is ihe choice of pbyalolsns and nor beat people proclaim tbe glad news ibat it makes people well true art is not inventing hot recogniz ing no meed to bu tha agony ot rheumatism solstice lumbago or neuralgia milbnrni ehen- matlo pills care yon effectively onre after other remedies price 80 oenta all dealers mr joseph langlry brockville onl saysr i havs need dr lows worm syrqp and i can say that i has done my children good it never fails to sot promptly price 25 cents hen write the epitapba in their tohleva mente havs you tried hollowaya oorn cure j it has no squeal for removing these troublesome exorsaenees as many have testified who havs tried it do tbe good today there is time enough for the evil tomorrow a publish 8t we have need hooda sarsaparllla in oar family as a spring medlefnertonra and blood purifier and hoods pills for biliousness and bavs found both very effective remediee we believe for impure blood hoods barsaparilla la a good medioine b 8 pelton pothhber of the beeatwood ontario hoods pills give strength even while their oithartlo qualities are at work easy to take boms people undertake so many things that they never succeed in accomplishing anything cannot be beat mr d slelnbaok zorioh writes i have nsed dr thomas eoleotrlo oil in my family for a number of years and i can safely say that it oannot be beat for the ear of qroup fresh eats spd sprains my little boy bas bad attacks of oronp several times and ona dose of dr thomas eoleotrlo oil was sufficient for a perfect our i take great pleaanre in recommending it a family medicine and i would not be without a bottle in my boose tme is like money tbe lest wa have of u to spars ths farther toe make it go themnwhohanothlolo bom- bat bi illustrious ancestry 1 like plno the only good bslonsintf to him is underground is the baby too thin doss be increase too slow ly in weight arc you in constant fear he will be ill then give him mprc flesh giye him more power to resist disease he certainly needs a fetforming food scotts emsfarij just that food ktfjfflftt lermanent jl if eum the permanent cure after per manent cure that is being published week by week has placed burdock blood bitters far above all other remedies in the estimation of the sick and suffering even the severest and most chro nic diseases that other remedies fail to relieve jicld to the blood purifying- blood enriching proper ties of bbb salt rheum or eczema that most stubborn of skin diseases which causes such torture andjs so difficult to cure with ordinary reme dies cannot withstand b b bs healing soothing power the case of mrs jas sanderson emerson man shows how efteo- tive b b b is in curing- salt rheiim at its worst and curing- it tp stay cured this is what she wrote burdock blood nitters cured me of a bad attack ofsalt kheumthree years ago it was so c pro thnt my finger nails came off i art iruly tny thutl know of no mord valu ibw ntithcine in the world thnn u 11 b it oured me completely snii permanently aa i have never had a tone i ofsslt-khcumnince- a phrenologist surals prof j w oroutsr writes from pene tanguiahelia i wae troublod with palpitation of the heart wbloh became very severe utaiing of mitburua heart and nrrve pills i determined to try tbem and after takiiig them for about a week i wab otmd duuu lln ab t peace movement ltwtllijoto quarrel aboat sb well ab anything dr woods norway pine syrup x positive cure for nil throat lung and bronchll diseases healing and soothing in its action ploasant tp tako prompt and odefto- tual ia its result mr chrth johnson bear rh or ns f trrites i tvos troublod with hoarseness and sore throat which tho doctor pro nounced bronchitis and rooommomud me to try dr woods norway pino svrup i did 80 and after using tkreo bottles i was entirely cured take a lax a liver pill before retir ing twill work vrtulb you sleep with out a grlpo 01 pain curing biliousness constipation sick huadaohe anddyspep- bo and roajce yoa feel bettor ia tuft morning price 25o a yoaor womsvn doaofibedtho offeo ol naueio upon her by doourios i am always saddest when i aiug a- most annuitant male quietly remarked there are othera irish 8martnes8 bad lack to tbera afrsydnoa said a dublin oarmttn iho other duy wlieu un oihoor handed him a ahihug uftor drlvirifi from hiobmond barraoka to the kitdnre street club wliy aqked the officer sure theyve killed alt the kenllemn if at wna lu the a tho ofllaer wtiq to plettsed with tile veiled insult uml dou tliu fun- aa old rontleman was bepked by lna nephew to give up wbiahey ub iho ubeter tlon would uudoabtedly lengthen hid dje the uuolo wrote back my dear buy i tried your advice for onu du aud upon my boui youre right it was iho longest day lever put in why aro irishmeu auays lnlnk bare the w rouge of their country aeked eoue one in the houbo beoaudo llity want thera redrebbcd tbuniiored mtjor ogor man an irish navvy on the holyhead boat was eoniplaiuing of his foreman hed not stir linger htmaelf to lift a rod herring out of the gridiron but hod ahk jou to binft iho bock u giurtthtix vcuce for indolence sunn r v ill keep yen from ttt 1114 lazy a least that id what a medical authority says who hai been making some recent experiments on the bouroo of munouhtr exeriion he adaaliiintered a liquid oon taming so gruina of snicar to a person who bad heavy daily work to do and who was kept in iuorance of the nature of tbe ex penmeot being tried upon bim on tbe daya when the bogr waa omitted it was observed that the in borer was unabe to accomplish bo much work and thut be had leas ease in doinu it than ou thd duy s vhen he ate the sugar it la a- id b soma that a person who habitually ets sweets has great muscularendurance fame is not tbe re bait of some one great aot bat rather ot the thousand minor acts that preceed it u imm sstyft v castotla is dr samuel plteliors proscription for lnfimta and children it contains neither opium morphine nor other korcotio substance xt is a harmless subbtltnto for paregoric drops soothing- syrups and castor oil it is pleasant its guarantee is thirty years use by billllons of mothers castorfa destroys worms and allays feverlshncss castorfa prevents vomiting sour ourd cures diarrhoea and wind c0ii6 castoria relieves toothing troubles cures constipation and flatulency castoria assimilates the food regulates the stomach and bowels giving healthy and natural sleep castoria is the childrens panacea tho mothers friend cabtpria caatorus is an excellent medicine for children mothers have repeatedly told uie of its good effect upon their children da o c osgood lowell mass castoria castoria is 10 well adapted to chhden that i recommend it as superior to any pre scription known to me h a akcubr m brooklyn v y railway time ablb uind tui1m4u1111vay qoino weut mall 10 02 0 mall ll ooino kabt iexprt011 0 ass tr 7 15 p ui 0 14pm 10 03 n m time of clobimj ha1lh going wopt0 40 am and 1 co p m going coat 10 25 a m and 5 5ft p m to 1 1 timo tablo wont into effect on ioud moylgth 1608 rooksniood elemktor at a t r station hlffhest cash price for wheat date peas barley rye buck wheat etc- for tho oonvenlonco of farmers i will keen tho following kind of roods on band which i will aell at rock bottom ouelph prlcea feed cornbbl and bmji salt land balt dafty and table salt everton and qoldloi flour oatmetvi cornmeal beana pot dartor flax and uea oilcolce clover aqd timothy beed sulphur tialu baltpotrooto geo j ihorp quelph tad rockvfood the facsimile signature of appearsoneveirywaffper ths ohitauh comwwv t wuhwjv stkt wkw you qan get it fmjajf ms man who aims at noihlii in lir nsaally hits li saved urrbalsyr tjf powlsrstbsijraor ol wild 8lrwbrry asvsil my bmbjs llfr aha vras oduiusf her iskslh aud was txtn ill with olartbusw vary badly my ilurr dvlsfd fowlsrn strawberry i itnl a 1 loaml it stopped lha ironbln bi uiioe wra im rr jjuo warkworth qua bstk ae trlm for hraven bavo cars curb thq uq pimples by ualnaor aansy olntmsnt sny form ot enema hldd at no and curd bvntusilly by us u sm a skin blrrniih onuil b 1m seusr linsworm elt ilispin uam litail other ln 4hmxviifi4wo inn sbjr wby w the letter k like a pigs tall booe it is the sad ot pork 1 every cyclist should osrry a bottle of hagyarde bellow oil it baa no eqnal tor uuoi oat inflammation redaolog swelling or rollevlogpaln prion ssxients tbe bean method ol shooing sinesre re gret or past shortoodinga i not to do 10 fain i oalled tbls evenlnr mies shook to ask yon to bo my wife said a suitor i atfi sorry to say my friand that yon bava mads arolileaoin oallink raplied hies bhoob then never wae and never will bs a nnlveraal paoaoeei in one remedy for all ills to wbloh flesh is heir tho very natnre of many tpiativen being snob that were tbe gerps of other and differently seated diseases rooted id the aystem of the patient wbat would relieve one ill in tarn would aggravate tbe other we have however in qnlnine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated stato a remedy for many and grinvons ills by its gradual jndiolons ate the trellesteystems sre led into con valescence and strength by the loflnenoe which quinine exerte on natures own restoratives ii relieves tbe drooping spirits of thosa with whom a ohroaio state of morbid despondence and laok of interest hi life is a disease and by tranqnilulng the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep impart vigor to the aotipn ot tbe blood wbloh being stimulated oonrses throughout the veins strengthening the bealthy animal funotlons ot tho lyatem thereby making activity a neoessuy result strengthening tha frame and giving life to the digestive organs wbloh naturally demand ihoroaaod anbatanoe result im proved appetite northrop at lyman of torqntq have given to the public their quinine wine at tbe nsual rate and gnaged by tbe opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection of any a the market all druggists sell it blynktns heavd anything from our friend twigglelch lately t poor fellow the dootors gave bim np im told wynklns yes bo the retaliated by giving up tbb dootors sod now hes recovering j 720 bottles 5 this is a good many but mills f wyeths 4 amalt bxtraot j i wont last long ajbtst 111 the best sssiiffss ow ol milk snd i strengthens ibe whole si stem chisdbbm1 makes the little ones i aealthyand strong i it la a refreshing tonic ber i age kiving slrcnjth snd tone to the syucin and thus helping to throw ob the llloesa of i i whatever natiuvtt may be 1 pyflm8tlc i it produces s relish for i joolusa as a ghreetlve and fortifies snd i strengthens the sjwem i rull dozen smoo i a tbeown chemist droggiat yeve a parlor suite a sideboard a bedroom set an extension table a lounge a stand a mattress and springs or any other article in furniture requirements at a living profit only in all its branches calls day or night attended coffins delivered prices to suit every ones needs j a speight co acton the best la the cheapest mcmulleiis poultry nettings are unequalled in quality and their fehc1hgs everton and eden mills the place to gotbtthe best flour bran middlings chop feed c for sale chopping every day at everton mills and ery tuesday thursday and saturday ot eden mills aluays buying wheat no credit henry hortop sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont iluthoriaeot cajutaj 500000000 ten year maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 860 0 paid in maturity value fioo 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan o repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent aotoa bring your custom logs in and take the lumber home with you shy6rs lumber planing mills nasaakaweya thi ontario wire frnc1hq co l stolon ontario abe the best prices ljtf hardware merchants sell these goods and can supply you if they fail you write the manufacturers at pjcton the b greening wire go c6nbrhl hcbnts hk2uii1ltqn montrbrl sold also by canadian hardware jobbers kin ed wi rriblo elds aohee bnolc aches head- v aohes and the thousand and 1 bn ptlor ills which make j jlfo full of mimry host of those troubloe are due to impure imperfectly filtered blood the kldnoys are not noting right and in epnseqneno the system ia ming poisoned with impurl- fnm the genius is the man who ha ibe perception to dlsoern where hi talenta lie aa parmeless vegetable pill contain mandrake sad dandelion they care liter and kidney complaints with nuerring oertainty ftbay also contain roots and herbs which have speolflo vitlaet truly vronderf nl in tbelr aotlon on ths stomach and imwels mr b k eaini shakcrpjare wrlles i conilder far- roeees pills an exoelleot remedy for biliousness and derangement of the liver havlngasei them jnaelf for soma time bolf respect h a staff on whibh the mora vou iran the stouter it will grow rhhuma oboie8 tha ralentless unraensctlnb pain olant i shorn of hi strength by the aid of south american rheumatic- cure it nvr falls tbe way of the tranagresaor ss general rule is to plead not guilty one of thousands miss lily cox 2 gladstone ave toronto oontraoted onto catarrh through taking a severe ocld some two yeare ago her suffering was very distressing at times bhe tried several remedies bnt n6ne gave her any real relief dr agnews catarrhal powder was resommended to her one application gave instant relief and when she had nsed foor bottles she says she was entirely onred sold by a t brown in the free press job department you can get anything from the finest wedding stationery to the most startling poster every order receives prompt careful attention p satees proprietor has constantly on band a full line ol t t wringing o posts wood mo custom logs and bill stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done to the best of satisfaction prices very cheap and made to suit the customers pocket p savers oooieiii8 the tailors w are gi to make suits up at a big reduc tion during this month in order to make room for our spring stock so if you need a suit or overcoat now is your opportunity during this month call and inspect our stock prices will be right and all work guaranteed first- class andup to date educated dullness in tbe pulpit is very bad but nneduoated dullness is muoh worse ftrealost t hertrii solves womans ium bt marys nbi wi jtjue awttydsan ixfjbley pin were tack mr duuoin muloiyre of mount forest sis i sorely affllotrd with rheutna- lism for over a war i was almost total y ill hm nn i at times buffered sironle of pwin i trifl iany remedies and dimtrr without avail uuli brgiiii using flouih amvrlian rheaiiatio cure i derlvtd great benvlll from 0110 bouts and was 10 pleased hh ihe results i continued atlrg is end my sdvioe 10day to all anffertl from rbaomaliaiu is to us his grt nmsdy i ft el rati fled ll is the gtsatett of rbeumsllo eursr bold by a t brown too weak an ottawa ladj relates her experience for benefit of others mrs william a holmes cso con- 4 eoasion st ottawa out testtliea na follows- for homo yoars poet i wasi greatly troubled tvlth weakness both of the j nervos and honrt my heart would boat very- li regularly lometlmes tlirobblngr 4 and at other times seeming to go up into tnyt iirontthuscausingaterriblearaotlibt- inghonsotion plnallyjgrewsoweakthat i could not sew although i tried many remedies could obtain no relief and ha almost imdespalr bt a euri onbaynowtverjbariqfmllburtts heart and nerye pills arid began to use them and a now betttrr than jhavo hoen ipryear right along now and the jiato tnd mlpljtion have left mo cooper ft akin8 main 8t aoton riiif sir ka sssbbhhsf agent for the scovtt hal cbangod h1vajo rooms 10 bolldngf6n yf esmlibv ppetyjwstfewhati ltb4 s most wowbmami s da complete line of farm implements v hdll lands of repairs t tnjr aoswice mr john t elliott whfi resides on the property will attend to tbe wants of customers john mcqueen jphwjlnm mvaftmerer jtuvlneeiatjahss bss4sl i

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