Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 6, 1899, p. 1

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vqttxffib xxiv yo 40 aciujm on takjlo tmubsd a y apbil 1899 lttlols tlihei coasts la fdblisnbd every thursday morning at thk free frcsssteam printing office ullil tbbet aoton ont t orsybimummhiu dollar pet year itrlotlyln advance all subscriptions ouaoon- tlnuod when toe time for wblob tbey have been jtrlotly in advance all snbeorlptlona ouaoon- tlnued when tbe time for wblob tuey bat paid bae expired the date ito wblob every subscription ti paid it denetod en tbe address label anyanxibxno iutjgb transient advertise ments 10 oonu per nonparoll line for first in sertion aoenta per udo for oaoh subsequent insertion oontiuot batusttiio following tablo ebbwa our ratoe or tbe lnaqrtiou of advertlsomontb for specified periods pretty parlor papers perfect combinations paoe i ra leiio isiro iiu toinahes loinohm olnohes unota too00 8500 sooo 800 ss300 9000 1900 860 9000 1900 700 900 700 aoo 260 100 adveruaements wltbont speolno aireotiona will bo inserted till forbid and obarged aooord jngly transient advertisements meat be paid in advenes advertisements will be changed onee each montn if desired for obanges oftoner tban snoe a month tbe oomposltlon most bo paid for at regolai rates aakea for contract advertisements moat bo lo tbe ocqoo by noon on tuesdays aboounta payable monthly h pmooite bdltor and proprietor sttaimss jbirertorp medical john m macdonald mdc m r successor to j f tjbj3n m d cm office and residencecomer mlllifrederlok streets aoton hall dining room bedroom with bohdeb3 and ceilings to match oar bice new papers are timoh low prices an will astonish yon bee the big value at days book store guelph days sells cheap -thb- traders bank of canada capital authorized capital paid up 1 6oo000 700000 cuelph branch wo are now laantaff money orders payable at par at any branch ot chartered bauk la canada excepting tbo yukon district at the following rates uudor 10 boonta tuo to 920 10 cents 830 to 830 ljcoiltfl 930 to 14 c out a otry acton- livery bus line office hoars to 1030 am t to 9 pm 1 to 3 pm and rr 1 j r forster bucckbsou to db a a elliott lato roaldent physician and surgeon to vic toria hoapltal for slokohlldren toronto office mill btrootltory pcoupled by dr elliott ji r dryden ey eab tuaoat amd nose hoieanb blook douglas bt near p o gueijph omou lioutta 10 am to 1 pm and a to 6 pm bpwdatbloftmtolpm dental tho ud jo reign od respeetially solicits the patron age of the public and informs them tint well equipped aiid stylish klgi oan al way a be beourod at his stables a oomfortablo bus meets trains between 9 sum and 616 pm careful attenttofltfifofoevery order the wants of commercial tratel lors ally met john williams paopnibton highest current hate op interest field on suma deposited of 1 and upwards nteroit allowed from dato of deposit to date or withdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly advances made to responsible farmers on their own names at tho lowest current ratos no charge mado for collecting sales notes if payable in guelph a general banking butlnrjeb transacted a f h jones john m bond co linoleum land matting department nati bono hall t the northland tbat cradles a nstlon lusty and strong as tbe masts of her pines queon of her own she relgna in her station mdthor of freomoh jbe alts in bar haes qod svo the land we love uake ber forever prove mother of men and a home of the free tot every patriot boo sing whllo tbe agea ruq canada kotherlandl onr hearts beat for tboe honor tbo land whore the knlgbtllest raaea llattlod aafoouion to win her as prlso sons of these bojdmen we all in thalrjijaces brothers forever by soreit of tes godcuard thblandwobold firm aa our sires of old joalous of honor and fearlo arid free standlns with arms st rest call we from east to west canada motherland t onr hearts beat far thep blest bo onr land tbat has written in atory namos that are worthy and deeds tbat in spire long may her plaoe iu the rollcall of glory wake a truoprde with the patriots fire god ring the empire round hut let our sons be found i marching breast forward tbe first of the free true to the larger bouio buu shall we give the rouso canada motherland i oar heart beats or tbeo- lig s anderson certs ifrtwerr 3rd prise montreal witnesi competition cash paid for farm produce onions -poultry- etc ii bennett lds dewtist aaobastown ortijuo j coghlan ddslds dentist work cxubtuijvy sons pnioxs mopkhatk orrics ovbb boowns dbco btohb hointa eveby dat pom b to 6 j bell dd8 lds dsntist bnookvllu honob giuboath op tononto tjhivsnaztr work mado satisfactory prices moderate viaitxno days mond hsltvllle tueadi friday rockwoi aftornooq cam bollvllloj tuosday aoton office- clarks hotel ood m olean a mclean barristers bolloltors notarleai oonvoyaneers e prlyatefonds to loan dffloe wm a moiiuh jho a moltin a jmiokinnon buuubtbb bouoirob oontbtavoba onios kill street in matthowy dlook jpstairs apples wanted aikenhead produce co o parsons agton manager ont we have just received another large shipment of those popular japanese mattings good variety of patterns this is a clean tidy healthy floor covering when you are in guelph call aod see them swtti yamiln lutting john ml bond co- hardware ouelpb everton and eden mills tbe place to go for the best flour bran mlddlinrs chop feed c for sale chopping every day ai everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit forget ps us not if you want artists goods aper mouldings pictures f frames price of euccees i weil old fellow you 0ufht to be happy said i whv queried holdeu laoboioallv why indeed ejplalmed i after ten years of hard patient toil you have in tho graceful langaage of tlie ganlt arriv cd or iu pain oolloqnlal amerloan yon have not thore with both feet your first produotion is a bin auooeia royalties ara rolling in manegera w ones yom henry hortop i a l co head office toronto ont- rb mciieod r baaniatmh bolicitob cohvxtaihcxtn main street georgetown moner to loan at lowoat current ratea it j monabb olerkfoarth division oourt oonntr of hal onioonveyanoer agent pire and ijueauuranoe ileal estate asent uoneyto loan ete ont ofvxcb 1orryxnansdlook aotom wscellamso vs h enry grist ottawa oakada solicitor of patents for invention ete preparea appuoationa for the canadian amor lean and european patent offices and for tbe uegibtration of trade hmrks bend for paxh pgfa thirtytwo years experienoe tclrapip nunan j- bookbinder wyndbamsta guelph ontario v oyer william atore aeeouiit btooks of all kinda made to order periodicals of every detcrlpt ion carefully boflnd ivfndprtrtnptwdone baunpneaclv tmtabbraae xioenseb hpmobflb jkittk ojmanhiaoa ijioexaxs private ofboe nowltoeasesmriolred issued atrotidcdc in tbe renins free press office acton wilnvembtbeetrr ijicxhbjid aocnomitaa cjbe oopjiiiesof wellington and halton jjralefisvt the fan tamss- onloe acton or at my realdenoo in acton will be- promptly anded to feearoduoed to 5o0 for farm sales also money to loan on the most favorable sums and m the loweafrates of interest in samiotiwond pwards authorised capital 500000000 tenyear maturity shares arc paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for i2o months when payments cease 600 paid in maturity l value 10000 money to loan at 5 stndgntloan 0 repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton cooper akins thetatoisi- aeare going to make suits up at a big redug- tion during this month in order to make room for our spring stock so if you need a suit or overcoat nbwr is your opportunity during this month call and inspect bur stock prices will be right and all work guaranteed first- classandtrpfondafet r cooper a akins main st acton waters bros vrrndhamc street guelph new store s b d rfc i1s danlab ialaodoaa improved american oats poland white oats early busslan oats early dawson oats silver mlno oau siberian oats bavarian oats banner oats mandicbeurl barley oderbraoker barley common sex bowed barloy hio oraoda wheat white pyfo wheat speculation wheat bed fern wbeitt goose wheat eto etc canadian beauty peas prussian blue psaii lakeflsld white peas ooldenvine peas second early peas mnltlplus peaa calif oralapoaa prlnoe albert foas etc oto spring bye tbe above ara a few of our leading varieties of seed grain we have tba best facilities in the city for handling sood grain and koep only the purest and best aulte or call for samples and price james hewer 8eedsman 46 macdonnell st ouelph- see whqtyou can get at robert nobles flour feed store mill street acton best family flour norvnl brand pure manitoba queen all kinds of mill feed all kinds of chopped grain baledhay oh cake another car corn just in mqbxst prices cash for 100000 smwbxlsxscskiialdriosaiu we hereby solicit your patronage and would like to buy- your grain bub8qribmd b o l00o thevvellinqton aviufual firs insurance company eaubllshed 1840 bead bfflua ofjxijf h o imsuhakoboncaaliana ifutual plan any oomtnuuloatlona orwardsd to my addrea bossoo or tdlopbotio fitl will be promptly attended to john taylor agent ouslph aordn machine and repair shops hbnby qbindeli lroprietor aub well eflolppod wllb all tbe maolilnrv nsesmmaary to execute all repairs to meehln- ary and ajtrloultural lmplemsrltsand to do byll alnilofmarnattldghoraealioelngananral blaeasrnftblng woodwork repairs panermed irramtitlaetory manoar yip out repair any nserilns or implement ot any make baw eomlnff and flung done iijr kantwicrtuttsn at xnuzmh nr jumbe xsttk shingle wood bio all kinds of woo in proraptly iardlmltealahllt itote lngtb always xtepn4v eomtnanloatlod bring your custom logs in and take th lumber home with you lumber planing mills nassaravveya p saybjtts proprietor has constantly on hand a full llrie of lnmbek zaib sblngles cedar postt wood jtto custom logs and bill slur cut to order on short notice planing and matching done to the best of satisfaction prices very cheap and made to bult the customers pocket p sayers uptodate wp boslnses afelbods and praetloe are tangbt thorongbly at tbe qublph yspmege wid b classes i bpnnttetjn will eommeno on aagarir phhrris nstnrobr main street john cameiron architect and contractor manufacturer of sash doors framee mouldings in all styles dsssmo matching mad moulding to order on short notice tvvtil assorted stock on haul at prices to sol he times john fcbjn proprietor pnrsaed in vain are now parading yoo anxious o eeoareat yoar own jetms the very plays that they formerly refused with out reading and know yon have plenty of the mi aooord ina to my calculations up to the time i went abroad two years ago you must have at least a barrel tallof ptaya of all kinds poetical oomloal trafilcal oaloalated to salt all tastea oonafqnently all yon have to do is lo dip down into thai barrel bring up an old peoe plaoe it and then alt back and draw yoar royaltlra why my boy yea are retired and pension ed at 35 wiu fame and money at oororaiaod ttlid lire pradlldally before yba wby eboald you not be happy you forget the prioe of aooeii said holden bitterly oh of ooiirse yon have worked hard for all yon now onjoy bat thats all over now and you have the satiafaotloq of knowing thatitapaiafor yob baid holden almost eadly bnt yon do not roaliao how dearly i have paid for it well pobbibly dot said i half apolo- getloally you know i ww far away white you were patting in your laat and probably yoar hardest lioka and i lid not hea from yon nntll the newa of he phenomenal vaooeii ot a new american pi tfy right was cabled aorois the water why yon are internationally famone my boy and yon pdrbt to be prodd of it i am said holdenbot with my pride ib mingled a pang of regret that i shall nover outgrow however 1 may improve npon and make permanent my preaent goodfortone ae acme one baa said advancement limps oh steps of pain huocess is not in flight slate wo have to auffor just to gain the misery of being great ldo not know who wrote those lines bat whoever be was he brpqght thit pearl of truth from the depthsef bitter experienoe maybe aometbiog likemine tell me about it old fellow eald i sympathetically for i saw that eome real sorrow anderlay hi words well i will eaid holded it ii a aabjoot i seldom refer to for i bate pabllo condoiedoes bat yon are an old friend who knew me when my light waa bidden under a bosbel and are not like thou kle flattering motbi that flutter sbonl tba itteift flame the metaphor la poor for i am not a shining tight oven now hat already i have bad enoegh of syoophanoy end well yon know what i mean old man when yon left the oouotry i had jail about ae tiled down to the dreary routine life of on editor whom some jonrnattiilm wit has deiorlbed a reporter wlttfja lega worn out i had deapaired ofvcr getting my playa aooeptedaod ooald foresee nothiog bat an endieaaround of grinding ont cat and dried opinions for other men pntil 1 myself beoerne aa dry aa they and waa hibked oat to make room for frtster aiarelislihadh5airirtvbdoro6artb twenty others ready and auxloai to tare his place many of them jubt as good and some otinaiderably cheaper but the dear liltle wife who never doubted my success decided for me so i resigned my desk and went to work wilh might and main ou my play iliad aoarce- ly been all ii a week before the baby fall iii and then our small savinga began to fly no one knows bow inoneyatn uo until bis looorae is cut off and his expenaea are in creased apd very hoou we were ybroaghb face to face with the problem of how to live on nothing i week still i worked on sandwlohiug in sketches and stories enough to keepua goiog between the sots of my play until it seemed as it the pen were ooriatantly in my band and my brain was in a whirl we were never reduced to aotoalwant nor evenrtbapka to tbe kind ness of onr creditors to poblio hamjlia ijqn but for the first time sinoejny marriage i was compelled to renew acquaintance with the pawnbrokers and my pride was bumbled forever worse still was the constant worry and care for oar little one wecoald not afford to hire a nurse so tbe wife and i took tarns in standing watch over her baby had just reached the ag6 wheq she was learning to lisp oar namoo and she olang to aa with tbat blind oouhdenoe of childhood which tngfl at human heartstrings stronger than anything i know on earth then we tast ed the bitter anguish of seeing our little darling whom we bad learned to love so fade and wither before oqr eyes like a tender flower aqd wp could not help her i was constantly tormented by the fear that lack of ready money was depriving my obild of some relief or laxary that might bring er back to health so when about thfs tiqie i received an offer of another position was on the point of accepting it but my wife forbade me she insisted upon my firiihinu the play which ahe felt cor win would bring me fame and fortune unhesitatingly sho sacrificed her baby upon the attar of my ambition aud ii accepted that awful sacrifice crlllcraaybarmy play briillsd with wit and epigram that its humor is irresist able aud its aituationb simply oonvuleing yet i often wonder an t watqh the people laughing at and applauding the perform ance bow it would affect them if they knew that those linrs were written by the bed- aide of my dying baby in the still solemn hoars of the night while my dear devoted little wlfo slept the sleep of the utterly exshausted would ijioy laugh if they knew that betweon thore laanhable linen i often paused to soothe my babys fevered brow and wet her parolied iip4 svmoof those jldeaplittintf jajmeawerewrittenitbhny little one in my arm and a haavior weight than tbe frail little form on my heart it would have been a tragtdy had i written as i felt then in the mtdat of rehesreala the hurry worry and manifold vexitioni in- cidndt to staiting a new pluy tho plot ore of that pallidliuletaoe on the pillow with the tirkd tearful one of my wife bending over it would oo me between ma and tbe stage and those laugh provoking spoeohas souud- ed like ribald raookerlea to my ears how willingly won id i have forfeited even the aerial tit y of nuooeas to brlog the glow of health and bapperteas back to those two loved fiuea 1 masthauling people whohavemved in tbo feat country in forest rerions know the excitement con nected with msatiug aud masthauling all goes well for the banting if the road be level or slightly descending but there is hard driving wben toiling up the sleep ascent poor oxen 1 how they pant for breath when they are allowed lo rest i at tbe highest point tbe mastertarter calls a bait and men are sent forward lo relniipect the road here danger ta luimibeut if it is winter heavy chains are tbrowu over the aledraddors ss bridles to arrest velocity in going down j in sumruer the wheels are chained to an ailotree for the same par- pose as an additional precailfon two yoke of oxen are detached f tbo chain forward and connected vith the roar end of roast to hold back with great care tle descent is begun and with almost breathless interest tbe men watoh tbe movements of team and mast if success attends the effort and the level land is reached without accident a long pause la taken at the bottom of the bill sometimes with refreshment for mao and beast then the maete rear her beatirs hfmself and orders an advance every man to hla team 7 every ox to his bow now follow che robust shout of tbe drivers the jlqgllng of ohalns tbe rattle of horns tha maiteroarter mpnnts the maat and shoals r are yea all ready meu all ready respond the teambters mo veeee i there came tho ahoat of teamsters the oroak of wheels and the caravan moves slowly forward like a conquering tyrant cruiblng everything beneath ih heel for half a mile comparatively level ground is paaaed over and good progress is made the beginning of ihe ond is reached wborl goads at rest oxen pant teams tern talk obstructions are dragged away thw nnmit rtptr bildads s1eiqh ride naismenmmmiestonm orsne uovernmsni as offliualulatorlaa wmis waroepartmant tha amvrjssntrnonm ak manila n to rmnnpral r2 asolnaldo cntlti dokob 1th jfimyrmm in tba roar ojbaklo matfplspua bonsusa tor agents la rlrurerael lived np lo my salary what newspaper man does not i then the baby came and for s time we lived ever a little beyond it aa a oons quenos i was foroed to pot my nose even closer to the grind lone and turn my spare hand to baok work in order to help ont i didnt mlod the bard work the only regret wa that it led to nothloa and kept no away from my ehos0 work the i human mind can do only about as ronoh a rpjjljatlbsfj ihe body and when all its tlm is sapeoded yttsm i upon routine there is no energy left tor original work tha fact that i- gradually orawled out of debt and evso laid by a few dollars waa small oornpeniellon for the maahlng of my dreams and ths reallxsilon that at such agalltoonld nsver soooeed in the ilhelriioet deslrad rj well that was aboot iho altoallon i wastn when opportunity knocked as my door the seasons production of snomss- ftil star proved a failure too oomplete to be carpentered into sven a mmltaboaw tbe play had been relied npon to fill out the season and he bad nothing defloite in reserve as it happened i had butllosd lo him a plot whiob impressed him and fas sent ma word that it i would submit tbe completed play sa goon as potslble he would consider it ii wee the vagosat poasitritity that ho might aooepl i m notbipg better offered yet i alt tbat it was my aral and in all probability my ian ohanoe i could not poehly writ tha play in lime and still retail my editorial poslilon yrt i hesitated to nalnm jatatrirrfor winter was at hand and witneedmhmy weekly salary tbsothera wutfae proba bility that all my labor roqltl go fpr naaght and i would be ff tjjlln tti oold ht yoonow that lothbafoi i 1 mslvto rgo aptihot for beri anen step ont tbers ate always on tbe night of the first performance there was no one to respond to tbe olla for theaatbor irasslttlug by ths bod of my baby watching ber little life flioher and go oat even at the hour when my fame and fortune were born and were they to irioraatoathoubaudrfold they oouh never blot oat tho hitter memory of that night ii waa part of the price of auoceit and it oan never be all paid on this eartli holdeu paosed and there were leers in blsoyes pardon me for paining you old fellow be renamed but i mast talk to someone the little wife hover refers to our lost darl ing before me if she can help it for ahe fears to pain me the more and for the tame reason i refrain from epeaklng ot it to her but i oau see in her tbin palo face and tear drained eyes the same thought that is constantly torturing me if fortune had but com a little sooner might it not have saved our babys life for if that was lit troth the price of snooess it was all too dear willard holpomb in wathingtpn pott all ready beady 1 then move ee i back swan i dare duke i ore back i here line 1 whoa i a good pull men let your oattle breathe drive on i drive on i hard i hard 1 harrd 1 the air is rent with the ehout of tein- aterb and tbe oommand of the maeter oartr tbe greatnheela groan and creak under the enormous load the steaming oxen crinkle the tailsi anort moansind hutt the towa the crisis lit pissed the hilltop reaahed v there- are no broken ohsios no person injured alt is well another strong pull coming men jjet the prltters rest a while backl hishl hlsh i with protuding tonaoes the great meek- eyed oxen pant and heave and so the hauliog goes on up bill and down over bridges and gullies j a few weeks pass and the noble maatstlok handsomely dressed is orossingthe atlantio to be admired by the english shipbuilders who will bather about it with eyes strained wide and mouths ajar at so wonderful a sight thtre once liveil in vermont a jonm roan who waa not muoh more lhiri half witted but who like other people wanting in intelligence always desired to do wbat other aud mdre gifted penpe did in tin town where ho rsu hie ambitioiid career bildadv sleigh ride isbcill a synonym for an enterpilo that depends largely on the resources of othern one winter the sleighing- was cood uud alt the young swains were taking their young lady friend to ride dmdwl was impressed with the debirabiityoforganlz- ing an expedition en bis ownactloont but he had no i ig and no money to hire ope with nevertheleas became one afternoon to a worthy youog lady of his neighborhood and saked her tn go elelghriding wius him that evening but bildad sho eabd ou havent got any horse john miles hes prcmiaed to lend me hlsn why john hesut got any barnoeb fete corliss goin to let me take hleu what are you going to do for a sleigh mr boals ahe said i ooulj tnke hern you oaut go bleiglng without a string of bolls nathan page- be fays i kin hev his string youve got to have a boffalo robe john currier ho said hed just sb lives id have hie old oue an by gorry i kin out a whip meself the young lady said thit under ihe cir cumstances shegnebsed he woald have to borrow some other glrl be persisted in hla searbb for a partner until he actually fouud oue jtnd went on tho elelghride in floestle some years after this ocooronco bildad came late to an engagement to do a jtjb of work and waa asked tbo reason for his tardiness hub 1 he answered with aemirk ive beengettinlmirriedthirtjnnrniul married i you bildad i why you cauc support yoarsulf 1 well said bildad i on purty near support myself and i tbink ahe ought to help some i lips rs susilulik t1ub sounwubrjs when fall tbowlntvy hakes of frost its eum- njor tluieaouiowbcra viplou lu tbo valley bird roii in tho air ibeohljly winds tbey only blow tbo lllys apart its eummor in tbe wnrlj iny uear when its summer iu tlio heart whongasy tbo sklus aregloenilng its summer lu tbo dells in tbo merry sons ot reaiiera in tbo tinkling of tho bolls tbe atroet south skies are tirlithtenlog aa wltb apf iogtlmijs maglo art but thoaweotoat soaaou uearoat la tbo auuimer in tbobeart still aull tbeblrda an tlugliib and b till tbo groveaarosreou and mill tbo roaos redden and tlio lovely lilies lean ikito fadeanbt with tbo season when slimmer daysdepart- its summer atlll my dearest in tbo edon of the beiurt ibusttmbs ftt otntt trade discounts to find the uet cojof good eutjeut to speoial discounts when the dieooout and prioes are given aublract each rate of discount from 8100 and multiply the prodnot of these results by the list price example find the net oos of goods supposing the list prico is 85o0osbbject to dlsoounte of 25 20 aud 10 100 uilnna 25 equals 73 100 minus 20 equals 80 100 minus equals 00 75 multiplied by 80 multiplied by 00 equals 84 m multiplied by 50 iquuls s27o0 net cost to find a hat pi ice to mark goodiy so that a given per oeut may be deducted and loave a tjiven per cent profit add the actnal profit to coot price and divide by tlooieub tbo per cent of disoounr example find the price at which good muat be marked that oust 68 co in order tbat after diduoliug 20 a profit of 23 is made 0pluh3fm0tqoais10i0 a doctors donts shouthd and oot it surprisino weakness in aamslltown about eight milbb from boston tbsre lives an old gentleman who it bale and htartyatthesge of eightyone and whose erept otrrlage woald pal many a younger man to sbame within the last year noterthelerl hehta found that his favorite txerclae walking while atlll giving blm mabb pleaiure raabt be pursued with more oautipn tbso former ly not long ago ha h a vis from ap llldsolioolrriend a row years fuls janior who exolatmed at the old gentrerjnans strength and asefurappearauoe iinay look fairly yodng for my age ws tbe reply made witk some aadnoea bat im not what 1 waa why last week i made one of rpy monthly trips to boston tod i had to take the oar oomlng home take the oars oomlna home i repeated lllfrleudbf long agot yon dont ineib to say that you are in tho habit ot walking any aoch distance wliy man alive im only eighty one pried the old man testily of co ive always walked lo boston and back and i oan tell you air that a i to k those cars to come home i said to myaelf if ibis thing oes ou martin foster you might just ae well take ict your bed and done with it 1 tuatsvhs way ifeitsiri only sightyone and obliged lo take the cera home from boston i consoled ii is poaible to dud oaeaalon for thank- fnllusas uuder the raoal adverse oirooai- llances ths church tina tells 61 au old organblower whb was dying the oarate waa tiitlng him wuold yon mind sir asrlng our organ lit lo play lbs bead march over me aked the slok man certainly i will jonoe said the cur ate thankee slrt uone of that ere iweedle dum beethoveu you know sir only handels i am sure he will do it responded the oarate the old man laid placidly for awhile and then exclaimed with fervor- tbofl thsnkfo i be that i sbtu t have to blow for him when be playa lbs lend put at the end foreigners say that americans are remarkable for suffering without protest the ruin of sbolal tyrants landlords oar- pondaotorfl waiters and other pabllo tenants few americans would have done what sir frahola johnson once did he was chief justice ot the superior court of the province of qaebro end on one of bis circuits in the eastern townships during the winter put np at a country hotel the night was very oold and the hotel proprietor was not extriavsgapt in his fuel supply or lo the weight of his blankets the judge put over hla bedcorerings his heavy coat and other clothes but still found il impossible to sleep it was after midnight and no one around to make a fire the judge arose and patting on his slippers end dressinggown went into the passage and shouted with all hla power plrel firel fire in a few seconds the whole hotel was aroniedand the proprietor pantingand soared ran to the judge and soreamed where is the flref where is ilt the judge with a twinkle in his eye replied s thata ivhat i am trying tobnd a good ore was mado in the hall and the rest of tbe night was patted in ooro- fort it 1b not po muoh wbat to do as what not to do is the maxiio in the title page of a doctors dontb poblinhedby g w dillingham new york below are a few of tbe donts onlted froiu the volumb 1 djui ask a drnggist to proscribe for you a secret of the book trade a bookseller opinion ot a book may bo as lnitrnotlve as a oritios though the point of view i different and a latter which literature published i by harper a brothers baa received from a obrraspon- dent throws a certain amount of light upon ibis branob of lbs subjept i for reaapns vrhiph ooncern no one bat myself writes the correspondent i recent- ly decided to get rid of a certain number of modern books and a bookseller daly arrived to look at ibemand make an offer wharl ptnioularly want bo alol aa he tamed them over is red books what sort of books i asked red books that la lo say book lo red oovsrs he replied and he proceeded to explain of course there are a few people who kuow aboot books and insist on having the book tbey want withot reference to the color or bind log bnl the great mas of our oualomert judge by appearance drab books and gray books and brown books they wont have anything to do with green book will pass blue books sell a shade better but red books always find a market you can haw no idea unless youre in lbs trade what a difference ii makes to a book to be boaod iu red a pious politician jj papa being a member at congress ths child grew- firm iu lbs faith tbat nothing good could be forjod ootalds the republican fold miss ulauk a friend of ber slater and a political hsrelio la bar eyes was visiting iu lbs family late one eveulng the ohlld seatohiug for her sister wandered into tbe guete room where she found him blank lu tbe midst of bar devotions ii stand at bar iu openeyed aitorjttbtnani aud tbe young lady aros trotxi llr knees xolalmed jvhy miitijiik daiyou say your prayerat itbouguvjou were a dernocratlnew york lyiaiuie 3 dont torture the body- wilh hoavy olothing in biimmer s dont forget that moral defects aro as often the cnueo ait they are the cffeols of phyeloal faults 4 dont read medical hook exoept those that leaoh the intelligent avoidance of dfaease 5 dont direct speoial nieutut or physi cal euergies to more than- eight hours work eaobday 8 dout allow your servants to put meat aud vegetables into the tame com partment in the refrigerator 7 dont endeavorto rest the mind by a 1s i seek ji r in work in other channela and thus rest the tired part of the brain 8 dont neglect to constitute yourself a poblio benefactor by thrusting into the gatter every bsasna or orange peel yon may enooanter on the sidewalk oldont negleot any opportunity to insurs a variety of food 10 dont pamper the sppetite wilh suuh variety of food tbat may lead to excess 11- dout sleep in a room provided with stationary waabstandb yi dont negleot to have your- dentist examine your teeth at least once every three months ib dont eat or driok hot and oold things immediately in boocession 1 dont pibk the teeth with pins or any other bard aubstanoe 15 dont wear pointed shoes whioh have a tendenoy to dislocate the second toe upwards and to prodnoe uloerallpn sometimes eo severe tbat they demand ampntatidn 10 dont wear a shoo the sole ot which is not broader than tbe outline ot yoar sole when pressed by your fall weisht an sv pleoe ot paper and markidwlth a penoil mr wannamakers advice tomkina good morning mr wanua- maker i bavo called to see if you oan give me a position ia yoar establishment i pan turn my hand to aimoat anything mr w vno wa sre full in every department and yon are- the twentieth map i haye refused today why dont you take up a line in whioh there is less oonypetillon and better pay 7 tomklub id only be too thankful if you can put me on track of ruoh a posi tion mr w when i was twenty years of age i was a stranger in a strauge land with neither work nor money when a friend of mine a lawyer advised me to take a book ogehoy saying heiiad oduoaled hlrhaelf by canvaaalng like drowning men grasp at atraws i took his advioe and in five years saved 15000 and with this sum started my pressnt business it is just rfllityearaijoodaywthklrt bradleyr- tbo founder of the present firm of tbe bradlsyqarreison company llmiled of toronto aent me my aral book prospectus attd totila beaulllol letters and good advioe i owe much ol my present success yes young man ii you have anything in you tbsre is just as good a olibnoe fpr you today wilh thit nld etlabtiebed borne as there wee for me write them aud bee what they have to offer tomklns i have seen the advertise ments of this firm tor agents for years baok and have often thought of writing them but have never dune so i will write today and i am very thankful to you mr trvannamakar for yoar good advice 1000 divided by 80 tquals 81360 marked price to find tbe rate of disoouut to allow in order to heonre cost of goods when oobt and selling prico are known eubtract the cost from selliog prloe multiply the remainder by 100 and divide by- selling prico example find what diboouut must be allowed to net ooat ou goods which cost 9120 and are marked 9150 j1s0 miuuu 9120 equals 30 30 multiplied by 100 equals ciidoo j8qjjyiij byslli0 equals 20whloh is rate required jostforfon mi a jubpliiuo kiplinc the eldest child of rudyard ripping was whipped for tell ing a fib and went to bed sobbing rebel- lionsly i think its real mean so there my pa writes big whoppers and everybody think theyre lovely while i told a tiny etory and gets whipped and sent to bed 1 leave me now lobelia said mr ma- swat passing hip bund utrvously aorosa his forehead vi wish to be alone for an hour or two what is the matter billi- ger inquired mrs moswat with some ae u gu tu uuusu a isl guide groaned tbe unhappy man when you nteppud on tint gentlemans foot tommy 1 hopo you apologised ob yea indeed i did said tommy and he gave me sixpenoe for being suoh a ood hoy did he and what did you do then sopped on the utlier and apolo gized but it didnt work mr brlggp i ahould like to ask you for aamall rise in my wage i have just been marriedtosaid hie workman very eorry my good manfad the employer but i oant help you for accidents which happen to workmen outaide tho fao- tory tho oompniiy la not responsible magnificent results at jsmall cost diamond dyes guarantee success about a league distant from tha town ot tandll stands a famous rooking atone weighing 370 tons so nicely polled that it rooks lu ihe wind and may be made to crank a waluat pltnplti boils sad humors show that tba blood is impure hood a barsaptrilla i tbs best blood purifier tha money oan buy distnpnd dyes are without exception ihe grandest nemo agents for money saving many a woman with one or two encent paokagesofthe8odyc6 hoi dyed her old dress a beautiful and fushipnable ooorao sts to save the oxpeuse of a now one old olothing oan be mado over for the liltle one and by dyeing it with diamond dyes no ooo would recognize that the dresses and suits were not now- diamond dyes are a guarantee of perfcot work and latisfaolion when llib simple directions are followed ineial upon getting diamond dyes ovory time you bay as inferior and adulterated dyes are bold by borne dealer days of despair the tormenting- tortures of dys pepsia and indigestion are pts- slpated llke mlats before the rising sun with dr von stans pineapple tablets the first tablet encourages yon to eat what vou like a single tablet relieve the mobtaouto distress aud there are sixty taliluts in a box veetporket sise sold st all droggisls for 85 centa cltaptkit i ful the daye of tbe dyeueptio are aorrow- belah 2 in lbs rosy flush ot ths early morn wben all creation is stirred with tbe thrill of refreshened life 8 tbs dyrpeptio awaketh sadeyed anddalledwilti the dread of impendiug distress 4 he knoweth that the hot grip of dyspepsia ib waiting to strangle tho keen relish of his famished budy for strengthen- inafood ii he lams from the delights of the table as tbe wioked turn from tbe joys of ths pure in heart ho yearns for the things of whioh ho oannot partake 0 thejaioes of his life are dried up wltb suffering as a drought dries the ssp in a stalk of grain 7 but like rich dew to parched vcrdnro so dr von stans piueepple tablets will realoro ihp dyspeptlo to a lovona ooudllion of good health 8 the first tablet corrects and cures aro often tffeoted wilh but a single box only bfi osnta at all druggists uagyards yellow oil cures all pain in rata or mast i tor sprains outs bruises ths aohlng bead oau be instantly rellsvsd b uklug dn of miiburus inflmmalipo

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