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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 13, 1899, p. 1

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oltjmexxiv no 41 aoton ontabiq thuksday 3 3 apbil 1899 price three oems ib puombiixi evertf thubsdat morning at tffb free frosasteamrrintlnfcomce uiiilbtrbht aoton ont tsbmb or sonaoniption ono dollar per year trlotlyin dvanoo all subscriptions discon tinued when the time for which they havo boon pud baa expired the data to which every subsoription it paid u denoted on the addreie label advfttuxha iuteb tratiiloht advertise mants 10 cents por nonpareil line for first in ertlon a mdu por lino for eaob subieuuont insertion oomtilaot rites tho folloiflag table show our rates for the insertion of advortlbomonta for specified poriods sraos itb 1 8 o s no imo o lushes 10 inches oluohes i ltaoh v 8000 8300 9000 eoo 3300 9000 mod 860 so00 1s0o 700 s00 hoo 800 160 100 advertiasuaorita without speolflo directions will be inserted till forbid ana charged accord ingly txanelont advertisements muit be paid in advance advertlsomenta will bo ohanged once each month u deilred for changes oftener than enoe a month the oompoiltlon must be paid fox at regali ratm gbanejesforoontraotadvbrtfsqmonts mmt be in tho office by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly h p moore editor and proprietor mttfiitugfi flirextdrp tohn m macdonald m d c m successor to j i urkn m d o m pretty parlor papers perfect combinations hall dining room bedroom wlth bobdebs and oeimnob to match opr nloe new papera are at suoh ion prices as will astonish you- see the big value at days book store quelph days sells cheap thb- traders bank of canada capital authorized 1 000000 capital paid up 700000 fjaelrs cuelph branch we erenow leaning money orders payablo at par at any branch of chartered bank in canada oxooptlng tno yalton dlatrtot at the following rates under 10 8 oentt 10 to 20 10 cents saoto eao lacents 930 to sao u cents v speight brady manufacturers of dynamos xlfctsio motors water motors oasdlnne amd oas xifamxsbiiassnioir castwos to order repairing promptly done georgetown ont offloe and resldanoe corner mil 1 frederick btroets acton offlco hourj to 1030 im 1 to a pm and vtopm j r fjrorster bdcoxbsoit to dr a a elliott iiate resident phvatoian and sargoon to vic toria hoipltal for filak obudren toronto omok hill street lately occupied by dr milott tr dryden etge nobis molean block donglaa st near p o auelfb orviox hovzu 10 am to x pm and 3 to 0 pm bt7hhatbl0ani to 1pm l bennett ld8 dentist qs0bobtown ohtabio jcoghlan dpsxds dentist woracabmtcllyiwjnb pxuoks modkbatb ofpioe orbb bbowms dbdo btobb hours evxbt day pbom 9 to 6 jm beiil dds iidb dbntibt bpooxvnxk bouob ghaddat op tohohto tjttxtbbbitr workmtadabatiafaotpry prices moderate viaitxita ditb monday afternoon camp- balltille tueaday aoton offlce olarka hotel friday bookwood lxoal m olean mclean barrlauui solieitora notaries oonreyanoera jto prirsite funds to loan offloe town hall aoton wx a motjiah jno a moziun j jiackinnon z ri soxijaoitvcoktg on lckaiill street in matthowe block upitalrs jb mczieod bamuaniii bouoiton oontbtakoeb main street georgetown money fcoloan at lowest current rates el j monabb clerk fourth division oqnrt oonnty of hal- onoonjanoer agent fireandliifeajbburanoo beal eitswte agent money toloan etc oririob perrymana block aotoh vf ont ff kitsctcttahso vs eney qbist ottiwi ounci souoltorotfaicnu farlnyontlod oto preparaa applleatlons forlbo caaadlao amor- leaoandbaropean fatsdtolnoi and for uie batffltrallod ol trad harks sand for pam- potafe tblrferriro tsara aiverienea ltjieioifi ntinah bookbindbb wyndnamai v t anojph ontario orsr wllliamibtoro aooonn books of all kinds mads to orfstr fsrlodloalsoiarartdssorlptlonoanfnllybonnd wtunvnw promptlrdpno tjeiaob iiioensbb vv h pmoobb l issmrj oymaaaitns lyicinsas pilaio onoa nowitneiws rsgolrad isaaed t rmlasomw ui stsnlnji pnspnasoaos aoton hbistjtbet liioansad ationomiaa the oillss of wallnlgton and ballon dhuralsl the pasm pasif omooaoton or i itmyrssmanos in aoton wul is promptly at- svwxl6hjiaitaijib wioroonayito ioanbn ihs moaixatorabla umlvand t tho lomat ratasol lntersst in omiorsmooadd pwarila bobsotibp8 tieweutlnotqn mutual fihb in8ubanoe opmf any if h bstabuansdilsov haadofllob irropiliifh out imai p ioommaiiiauoiis forwards to my addretoj sbls or ulspbods m wul bs promptly nsia w barbem bros paper makees georqetownt ont ushkgouttiro machine flnsh8fl book papers nigb giiadk weekly news highest ouiuient itatel oplntehebt ald on inm deposited of 1 and upwards iterect allowed from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and paid or componndod half yearly advances made to responsible- farm ere on their own names at tbo lowoet current ratos no oharfie mado for oolloatlns ealos notes if payable in guelpb a general bahklus bubinoss transaotod a f jt jones manager john m bond co linoleum and matting depaitment we have just received another large shipment of those popular japanese mattings good variety of patterns this is a clean tidy healthy floor covering when you are in guelph call and see them teepaperaaeov in this journal la from the above nulla to basber a bhos acton- livery bus line the undersigned respectfully loiiolta tbepatron age of the publio and informs them that well equipped and stylish rigs can al ways be seourod athlsstables a oomfortable bus meets trains between b am and 818 pm careful attentlongitentoeteryorder the wants of commercial travel lersfallyniqt jokn williams hockkbod at a t h station hlffhebt cash prloa for wheat oata peaa barley byo buok- rr for theoonvsmlsiues of farmers i will keep the following kdndaorsoodsoo band which i will sell at rook bottom oat oatlpbprleesj feed corn bbl and aaek baltv land sals dairy and table salt everton and goldlea floor oatmeal cornmesl beans pot barley flax and meal oilcake glover and timothy seed bulphur salts bsltpetro etc geo j thorp quslpb ml rocitwood stoves tjnwarer eavetroughing the latest designs in coal and wood llsatlng and cook btovoa kasy to manage easy on faol tinware in prof uslon of best quail at low prices orders taken for efttetrouhhlngto be put op when doslred call and rs prloeo ueneral jobbing promptly done j a pannabecker mrs seoords blook aoton two kinds of men there are tyyo kinds of men to be t6und everywhere r those whoareobligeiii to dress rougiily while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire forthe laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good kriockabouta and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear o john mbond cvco- hardware qvkhpb forget ts- us not if you want artists goods wau paper mouldings pictures frames waters bros wyndham street new store quelph liiingr eeds rjress and ulban direct from the osowsrs i carry the largest stock and am tho only direct importer of all kinds of 8ekd in guelpb others not in it theee large warehouses besides retail btore srbioh is tho largest ouuideof toronto call andseeonr stock of red doves afaminocit clover alsixo clover it no erne clover reclened timothy orchard grass red top qrsss etc seed omts seed perns t seedbmrley seed rye seed wheat etc wo bay the best and sell at very olosepriees mangel seed only three woeks out from france also bngar beeu white carrot fto oarsknand tlqwbr sxsds of all kinds at ont prices geo j thorp tns only eraouoal saodimsn in ouolph majtkxtsq and macdonitxxl st jakins thetailor8 vue are jgoing to make suits up at a big reduc tion during this month in order to make room for our spring stock so if you need a suit or overcoat- npw is your opportunity during this month ft r and inspect pur stock rrices will be right and all work guaranteed first- class and up to date uyun ca o canada thy regal boad lift higher to the skies pride with humility be wed doep in thy tender eyes stand forth to avniorelionorod place proud though thy past has been btaud forth and vlndlcato tby raoo thou daughter of a queen is venus from the opean inltiqs beauty sprang and stood withonteinption whilst heaven with plaudlta rang bo thou my own dear land arose far on the weetern sea in graces all adorned for those long slghlngto befree thou art ahope the toller hides within his hoarta star that many a weary foot still guides from hill and vale afar i on plains to which the stresme flow down in forest and by sea they live anew in hopes that crown thlsland of liberty think what tby storied past batb been thy guarded ancient lore the deeds thy former years havo iioeu remembered evermore i for thee a babo of nations the best of blood was split and firmly thy foundations on heroes bones were built o canada unworthy of thorn thou shalt nobo all noble alms to further tbeoonsisntoaradf theo tih fn the van a loader oalied of foremost power thoaltitand r a peoples faith like d y wailed safe in thy honored baud liatlttrine l mqcpjierton montreal 4tb prise montreal witness competition ektl family iuaoihg aq cjltirtjaturr and we woutevtr ttnishoar new oaatla now maysio said ted die doleful i call it a mean aha roe i orlad majsle most you ro tcddie did your mamma say yon werejq obl to j toddle nodded and hli blaoeyoiwdre wiatfal jpsi obliged to voa see maysie we arc poor ik is beoaaie my papa died manimaaays and that in why we have to do wltboqi a great many tbiagtt that wo want mamma was so aiok this snmmer that dr jamoa said aba mait come to tho seashore to get well and so we oame and now wa havonl any more money and so wa are just obliged to go back- mayeie losaed op her bead welll jnat wouldnt why dont you stamp yonr feel and soresro thats tha way i do wben i want aometbidr and sally nearly always lots me havo ill there was a little alienee tddie sighed wietfully and maysie sat wllbberobin in her httlo brown band andbar dark tyea fixed thoughtfully on the sea she waa thinking hard suddenly she sat upright and her eheoks flamed excitedly vlil jut tellyoa what teddie she orled f tbourhtota splendid plan you havent any pips and i havent any mamma now my papa is rlob yoo know ever ao riob and ho can do anything hi iikasi ill jaat aak him to adopt yon and yporjaamma then yon will be my brother yon know and we will each have a mamma and a want them to live with as and stay with as always now papa do say yes bat my dear little girl that can not be done dont you know that it is aa muoh as i can do to manage you without having another youngster on my hands how ever we will go and see them now and then deuide what is to be done wise little meytia said no more she felt sore that whim her pspa saw ted dies pretty mamma he would saooorob at oaoe when they readhed the tiny cottaga he waa a little orprfaedand thlnkiog that toddles mother wan perhaps a aetvant tliere was about to go to the baok door but msysie declared that they lived here and knocked oulcply at ihe frontdoor it waa opened by teddy himself at aubtot whomjfdr the little boy bowed with the prettiest manner in the world mr gar land waa still more aetonished this iv teddie papa bam mayaie and this is teddys raammi upon whiah the little people withdrow to the front doorstep todieoass matters of impor tance including the rapidly progressing osstte and ibe latest news from the bed side of a slok kitten mayeie had decided that t bey could safely leave tbalr parents to gtt acquainted a fairhmrcd little woman gowned in blsok rose to meet mr garland and for a moment they gazed at each other in mate woudar tben he took a step forward kathleen i he dried bbe held out her bind then and emtled sadly yea it is i have i obaneoj bo muoh you have not changed at all jtok yoa look juat the same yon have obanged bat to find you here you have been til kathleen what is this i hear about your troubles the childish voice aeemed to ring in bis ears agaio ted dies mimma cries about it and suddenly he bent over her and took her hand in his strong tender rp- the brave little womair had battled with ths world in silence bat now at the first touch of sympathy abe gave way a bob rose id her throat two teara rolled down jl audio amomfiiitjiothead was oa hia arm kathleen my kathleen he whiapered passion ateiy let as forget one fooliah quarrel i know you loved me in the old dayi and i have loved you always let us begin over again again we will not let our youthful folly stand between us yon will not throw away your happineaa and mine the children returned some time later mr garland lifted the blueeyed boy in his arms and led maysie to the aofa there dear he aahl kibb yohr mamma it la all settled i have adopted both of them oh i knew you would asid the matteroffact mayaie and now teddie well go and finish the castle a incident papa v here mayaie was struck by a possible flaw in beraplsodid plan ara tnammaa nice she oaked bat teddie dispelled ber fears instantly deed they are he cried entbaslaitio- ally they are jast aa nioe as nloel why mayaie yon would jast love my mamma bhe is so pretty and aha can fling aa soft and sweet as birds and she can tell snob beautiful stories all about fairlea and things cab shot mavsioa eyes sparkled why that is splendid and then we can stay here and finish our beautiful oaotle i will not have to go home thenisid teddie maysie you do think of apleudid things yon thought of the castle and the sand cave and everything teddie gad at bar admiringly ob thats nothing she said with fine indifference i always think of things now ill go and ask papa all right said teddie and i wont tell mamma till yon come ao we oan spriee her fll ro home now goodbye maysie goodbye mayaie pd eorcea the aandv and amid to herself a la sally my jaoky stars wbep she saw her papa oomlog toward her along the shore a big brown bearded man with merry eyes hello pa si what is the nevra yob look important be aald tnmbliog ber carls over her head r well i goesa it 1st important aald mayaie i have ast settled about having a brother and a main ma such a uice boy too you wont mind bavlog a little boy will yoa papa you eee went on maysis the little boya name is teddie and ive played with him every day alnoe we cslme w a building a beautital oaatle now such a grand one with rooms and rooms bat- if teddie goes away we cant ever finish it they are so poor yon know papa that they osnt stay hereatiy l9ger addao i told hjlni that t would just ask you to adopt bim and hie mamma we are riob arent we papa and yoa know ppa yon often say if only i had a mother lb manage ra e and aomuaih i get so lonely w auyous l p w teddy is lonely loo apd when be gow home he wouu have any thing to w bat breadjust only bread bspa drat roe 1 said hst papa when did you pick np this little ragamuffin maysie- why papa i cried mayaie indignant ly he isnt a ragamnfnn at all sally says ho is more laylike ihan trfm r pd i can run fastsr than he oan an4 b wm afraid of the water at first 1 hayele sniffed contemptuously and berrmpaj langhed oatright maysie oonilier thea good sign and she took hiibaodmngiy papa how woald yoa like to sleep in a bed with the ralo all isauog doifb on and only bread lo tdjlv mamma brles kbooi scfaik iiuls toic natured msmi v9ptoh wpqld glts ownppofilvj binmmti oii yfxiitwi pull into thb water tank a san francisco gentfeman was viaiting a building owned by him aaya the poet and went apon the roof to inspeot the big watertank beetng a dead sparrow float ing on the water he bent over to takeit out and by some unaccountable means lost hla balance and fell into the tank he thus describes the adventure the water osme np to myobio and the t e f a bead the water waa running inoonetant- ly and i could see that it was nanally afoot higher than at present unless i got oat soon or turned off the water i should be drowned i shouted for help till x was boirae bat oonld make no one hear and to get oat without help was an imposbiblllcy i held my hand over the pipe whore the water ran in but it was tedious work and td spite of my beat efforts the water continued to rise not a drop seemed to be drawn off below finally i drew oat my pooketknife and went to work to cot a hole in the side of the tank as low down aa i could reach and still keep my head above water it was alow work outling through that thick watersoaked pine and when at last i was standing on tiptoe with just my nose out of water a rid every blade in ray knife broken i was safe from drowning for a while for the water soon ran off level with the hole i had made b uneven now if i was to get out of the- tank i must have help sol proceeded to raise asigoal i pulled off my shirt tore it into strings tied my readpencil to my knife audi both to the toe of one of my shoes add then pntlidr ray nnderabirt on the penoll waved it slowly and laboriously over the top of the tank 1 waved for hoars and stilt nobody came then iiocoorred to me to dive down and stop np the pipe leading from the tank and ao aitraot attention it wasnt half an boar before people oame up to see why the water would not rdn and i was helped ont after 1 hd been standing in the old water over six hours their wayrbatroter andr bet ter for r ayi ng met almost every ohrlstian ntin or wonan has at heart the wish to heal the hurt of life fur othsre but few have the delicate taot which can touch a wound without giving pain an acquaintance of the late mrs aator whose charities were aa secret qb they were wide apoke onoe of her habit of of sending her oarrisge but with friends who were ill or not able to afford the luxury of a drive she did not oend the carriage quickly remarked a friend 8be went in ft the drive was not an alms it was a pleasure to herself which the invalid made pleasant er by sharing a oopper farthing says the irish proverb given with a kind hand is fairy gold and blesses as it goes their destruction givea beggar ahoraeand ho wilt ride to ibe devil is boi a proverb of solorion bat the same troth is represented in the words the prosperity of fools shall destroythemitiakoa amauwiih a gool head to stand suooeas they make good neighbors decent oltieeba aad faitbfal hnsbajidb until thsy gel on in the world ant- then the dsvll himself oan hardly atabd them of all the pitiable objects in a traveller in swrsjerland last iqoimer in writing of his experiences in that country gives the following inoident the window of a little shop in an old srcadein berne was filled one day with orobtss and hearts intended for the decoration of graves and among them were several slabs of marble with the insnrlptions vio memory of my sister to the best of husbands and the like as we were in the shop three or four idle tourists had halted to laugh at the uncultivated taste shown in these cheap votive offerings apart an4qnile uncon- bolpus ot thom stood a pope swiss maid servant her eyes were fall of eager longing and ibe tears slowly ran down ber oheeks the slab which she coveted was thecheapesfe and ugliest of the lot a black slab whitelettered bat the inscription- was to my dear mother she stops every morning to look at that wiapetcd the shopkeeper but she wont have enough money to buy i in years tell her she oitn have it said ono of the tourists a welldreabed man in a loud voice ill pay for it monsieur is very generou answered the shopkeeper but i doubt she is no beggar while they were speaking a oaug amendau girl who with sympatky expressed in ber face had been watching the woman drew her aide 1 urn a etranger she said i have been very happy in berne z ana going away to morrow never to corae bick again i should like to think somebody here woald remember me kindly will you let me give you that littlp slab to lay on your mothers grave the womans face was filled with amaze ment and then with delight the tears rained down her cheeks she held the girls hand in both of ber own you too have lost you mother yea then yon can understand 1 i thank yon gracious lady that was all but two women went on p pleasant for hahkin precocity grandpa how old are yoa i am eightyseven years old my little dear then yoa were born eighty years before i was yes my lrtle girl what a long time you had alone waiting for me georgie im glad to aee that yon are polite and offer alitor the oranges first yesm ceose tben she has to be polite ntabethjtlle one lu mother examining the proof of her small sons photograph johnny why didnt you srolle johnny aged six years with an injured air i did mother but the rnan didnt put it down in a western sohool not so very long ago a little fellow was called up to read for the county superintendent who waa paying the school a visit the boy was a good reader id all respeols bat one be gave absolutelyno heed to panotaailbu marks when be had finished tjae euperihteodent asked willie where era your pauses willie dropped his book and held op both hands here they are air he said a little fellow some four or five years old and who had never seen a negro was greatly perplexed when one came by where he and bis father were the youngster eyed the stranger soipioloaaly till he had passed and then asked hie father pa who painted that man all black so god did my boo replied the father well said the little one atill looking after the negro i shouldnt have thought bedbave held still teaober angrily- why dont yon answer my question bobby hf brother tommy answering for him please sir hes got a peppermint in hla speech doq fanciers are deaf it is peculiar fact said edwin w vike of mount vernon n y who is ohe of tbe bestknown dbg f anolorw espeolally in the spaniel line in tbe oountry that almost invariably a man who is a dog fancier and follows benoh shows wth any degree of regoiarlty is deaf the bestknown dog men in the oountry have their hearing more or leas affeoted it is caused by tho incessant barking and howling which one okn always find at a bsnob show a oontlnaoui noiae of itself woald not neeeisarlly oaaia demf- hessvas men- lb rolling mills and factories bays to stand noise ofmaohgteater volume and ot a mors ahooklag najkare than yoa find in a dog show fiat the barking and howling of a dog seems to baye a strange and uuexplainable tffebt npon the ear drum of oonrse to affect harkln la one of those genial eonls who like to be polite to everybody and tho other day when be sat down by a gentle manly looking old man in the street oar harkinsaidc pleasant day innt it hey responded the old man with his hand to hla ear i said it waa a pleasant day what say v i eimply said it was apleabant day please speak a little lonrder im a trifle hard p hearin pleasant day 1 roared the redfaced harkln annoyed by the giggles of some girls oppoiite him these horrid trams make eo muob noise i cn hurdly bear stall if youll be so kind as to apeak a little louder- its of no consequence soreeohed harkln hey nothing nothing at all air i what is it what did ye ask for oh nothing muoh of anything howled harkln where upon the old gentleman took a codpie of coppers from hia pocket and offering them o harkln said well i dout often give an u looki to me aa if a welldressed heal thy loo king man like you ought to be above bggin but porhapa youvu been unfortinit an here iaaooupteo pence for yon htrkiq got off suddenly grinding his teeth while the geera and howling laughter of the other p teaeogera pounded in his burniug ears tlie folks that pines for tbe brighter side dont jook whar tbo daisies grow why thcty novor slgb uko wo folks nig hod avbon theyre chilled by thb winter snow tboy know us jost what the winteru bring an they say well bloom again next spring tho folks that pinoa for the brighter sldo dont oren atop to tblulc that tho ralu that falls on tha world so wldo pivos tho otttlo droits to drink but tbo ottlo know ou tho hlllaad plain an theyre mighty glad o tho rain tho rain i a tlanta coiutitution the double face one of tbe moat contemptible ppaoimuuj of humanity found in the category is the fellow who oan weep with ono eye and wink with the other he can take cock tails at the dab or water at the love feast he oan sing tho little brown jng or nearer my god to thee apparently with equal gnato like a- piano he oau vibrate in oeleatial harmony to holy angela or reverberate to the touch of tho devira trill ha runs with the aheap dtavqoal ryrhblmerwhiri uewptf paok he aubaorlbea handsomely to church funds and makes up the expenditure by gambling in wheat or giving light weight or shoddy goods an indiarubber ooneoienoe is a mighty handy thing for some people it is like the sunday rohool boye script oral delinition of a he an abomination unto the lord and a very present help in time of trouble the astonishing faot iq connec tion with these arrant humbugs is that some of thetn appear to persuade them selves thst their uvea are cot off the square a downright crook is a prince to these moral chameleons that alter their color to suit tbeir cirenmatanoea go and take a jimmle and make a living lifting other peoples baok windows and yoa will be respectable oomrared with the oleagl noua aooondrel who auifllea psalm a and chisels hia neighbor be one thing or the other an honest man or a thug kxchantfi tberifurutliu iu victory of temperance while muoh might be aald an to the pro priety or impropriety of men engaging in a sixday bioycle race it is interesting to note in conneotlon with snob an event recently held in new york city the habits of the raoers and their relative powers of endurance a more severe teetor pnyai cal strength can hardly be conceived it is one wbtoh requires every nerve and mobcie to be in perfect oondition and the general constitution to bp almett flawless tbe race was won by charles w miller of ohloago who rodo 2007 miles in six days and nights having in that time but jlttle over nine hours of sleep miller is a total kbstalber does not ubs tpbacoo and daring the race aobaisted ohio fly upon fruit grains milk and beof extract meat and vegetables being tabooed fife oame ont of the reoe in excellent oondition while the man whom he had considered his strongest opponent a swiss rider who drank wine frequently dropped oat at the end of tbe fourth day waller who took second place ia also an abitainer a more forcible dernonstratlon of the value of plaib living ai a tiiue qua nop for physi cal endurance as well aa for buh think ing and the utter futility of olooliolio btlmbtanls to brace a man op will hardly be heeded by the athletlo fraternity or any ody elae unoiti signal mr wan n advice tomklns good morning mrwanua- maker i have called to see if yoo can give me a position in your establishment i can torn ray band to almost anything mr w no we are fall in evsry derjartment and yon are the twentieth man i have refused to day why dont yob take np a line in which there ia leas competition and better pay tomklns id only be too thankful if you can put me on track of enoh a posi tion mr w when i was twenty years of age i was a etranger in a at range land with neither work nor money when a friend of mine a lawyer advised me to take book agency saying he bad eduosted himself by oanvaeblng j like drowning men grasp at straws i took his advloe and in five years saved 5000 and with this saro started m present business it it just fifty yoarf ago today that mr bradley the founder of the present firm of the bradleygarret son company limited ol toronto sent me my first book prospectus a to his beantlfnl letters and good ibuaineaa ottlms borncr add to the qoi3t of goods the i travelling exponaiee freight packing etc should bo calculated in the selling prtoo of all gooda the percentage this bears to tha coat may be detorrafped by multiplying tho amounts of such by 100 and dividing the remainder by the coat of the goods bxample find the percentage of expenses and ohargea amounting to 91000 on a bill of gooda amounting to 8100000 11000 multiplied by 100 equals 100000 100000 divuud by ftlooo 00 equals 1 amount to bs ajdf d warninq against acetylene tho r purtue miner rniny lake journal qnolea us follows from the bodton herald ejwarj atkinson president of tbo b oi- to n manufacturers mutual fire oompany iti view of recent renewed efforts to iulrodnce calcium carbide and acetylene gas iuto oommorioal and man- nfaoturlog establish mtntp has pnblished a oautionaryalroufar in whioh bo says the purpose of this caution is to call upon eaub nd all of our members not to make u83 either of oaloium or acetylene gae without full adviaemeut and conaultatlon at ibe time tbo proposed application ia to bo roadej it may happen that tha uso of theso mtteiiilti may ba mado safe at present they are not deemed so without tho consent of the underwriter woald mako an alteration in the condition of the risk nob contemplated in the original oomraot it is therefore suggested that no new method of lighting ehall be permitted even for experiment without conaultatlou mr lincolns promise whilo drinking whisky was tho fashion all about him abraham lincoln- never forgot hij dead motberd rrquost to close his lips against iqtoxf cants onoe when he was a member of ocngresb a friend orltiolsed him for his seeming rudeneaa in declining to test the rare wines provided by their boat urging as reproof is certainly no danger of a man of your years and habits becoming addicted to its nse i raeabt no disrespect john answered mr lincoln bat i promised my precious mother only a few days before she died that t would never use any thing intoxicat ing as a beverage and i consider that prnmlee as binding today aa tbe day i gave it there ia a great difference- between a child surrounded by a rough class of drink ers and a man in a home of refinement inatalnh ft runrl jqut a promise ie a promise forever john and when made to a mother it is bindiorv replied mr lincoln selected experience in england diamond dyes have first place in the old land a hamilton lady says diamond dye3 are par above au others mrit j u niirton uuniiitou oot sxys wlntu iivintl in england i had oossldsc- abie expeneiicd in homo dyeinq work nod never htmt prfiul fuuces there till i uned the diktniiiitl dyta wheu 1 oame to oauada i viljl ueod tho diamood dyes and am oalnij them now and i will never have auy olhtrr kind to do my work piaioond dyeu aro far above ail otbera mabel do you think tlid uae of blanflby a yoani nnoian oould ever lead to profan ity abel it might ou the part of the man wbb heard ber pepsin in pineapple instead oy animal pepsin the wholesome fruit pepsin of the pineapple is the effootlve prin ciple of dr von stans pineapple tablets the vital joioe of the ripe ioeapple yielda the wortderful remedy whioh oorredts indigeatiou and ourcs dyipeptlo diabrder of every kind the aotion ot the fraitprpiln la ir von stan pineapple tabletais wholesome natural and dslifht- folly prompt and ths tablets are deliolons to the teats sixty ip a box add only 86 oebts a boi at all dragiu oniptknti 1 beheld tbsrttbaed beauty ot tbe ripe plnaapple a its roorb horny hulk hplda tbo pnlpy rohrvblr of wondroui balm fordrapeptlea prom th rloh iploe ot tho frnlt tha ib ml ui attandad to john taytiob iient oualpb cooper akin8 main st acton machine and eepair shops othbtabrndell proprietor is now coming in and em braces goods sure to pleasfe pur customers as to styje quality and prices oaii andjbsib our njw llfobb bring your cuatom iogs in home i with ybiiy s3tyls lam sanojftromptly ciiiij w ian lb always liiiiliiigs ujh ijm pbpate bsirlnsir uathodaaud praollos arataoibttboroufhlyattb t flminesalicolie and atcbliig done lo the best ol iuliipreeivery heap and made to sdhlhe customers pocket i h i p satyersi tha world lbs pin headed ape that lias by soravairangsfprtap reads a little napnsy lslhemoal harrowing he prooeeda to impress bis imporunoe neon eterybody wlthllj range wllb a dlligsnoe that is appalling he wriiss lawysra letters to hla plghbors abool snoroaoblng fenoss or savstronbs lit uaaty to those who have lb mil bim goods and walks down the aisle aiobnrob with a itmp ofl the grass air that would make a mule smils in fly time ooa banday morning reosntly on of these individuals who bsppsoa to bs an uihsr lo a looal bhoroh was alrttuing aboot and esolud the amotion ol siyory mall boy- whoaysd him forsome llms in a sufjs wniipsf ths lad ssked his parse v who aat nut blnj 8tpiji uiraodsh onw byv thalsuohwlhs riirpyw fswmlijatttas in qoisllon loots 1 as though he bwned ths itlvoirpevson is bsrdsr to n the hearing it takss a long tirqe ao that only men who are old in tbs bnsiptaa ars affeoted you uk lb prlnolpal owner ol dogs eibiblted here and yon will flod my statement verified bcchangr david harum the 9o0k of t hou a new booit which baa sprpng into imnwdlate popularity and wtdeipread demand is davfd hararn by edward noyss wettookr it is intensely inteiaat- leg from opsnlpg io aula is true to ills sa so wellknown lo nw england with oooielonal gllmpss ololty life ans oontl- nsnlai travslnd polays in rsmarkably ivld wr4 piptnrst ths szpsrknbst of the tbrlrjoywand sorrowi tbalr failures and snpotswfirllh relatllnrtty flmsrpi h 10 thantlfokohnd sollsv i owe maobof my preeent eoooesa yes ybnng naaiiiih yon have anything in joo there is jnat as good a ohanoe for jou today with this old etlabllafaed hbnss as thsrs waa for ms write them and see wbatftfley haws to offer tomklns i have aeen the advarlln- mrnts of this flrni for agenu for year baok and haws often thought ol writing them bnt have nsver dons ao i will write bday and i am very thankful to yoo mr wannarnakar for yonr good advloe a co mat the doctor and wife aeam lo be well mated think nor yes peupls oall him a qoaok and ba calls ber duoky fsopls say hoods saraaparilia oures ytimiitljfiiiik py good and jon rpnnorlskin glvloglla f 0n1riji9pmsf once year o snflsllmoliymsdiihs obeery clllssn pplttmysar htttn fraltkmpain la extraeud iraltimpai tbia prmlona extract la the vital prldolpla la dr vba bun pineapple tableca wbloh onre dpapspala and indigea- tlon lo very form 6 in boles bt teatpodketalte eaoh box ooutalaingetity toblsw tbla boon to dya- pepala may ua bad at all druggists for 33 oeots t 6 how qalokly ths dyipeptlo ayatem rasponds to ths rhth anre p 7tbsfirsttablt enootirsges yon to eat what you itke and eorreots baartbnrn aour atomaeb andjril tbe dlstraslug dlaordora ot indlgssttoar 8 and quit freauantly permanont ourea areer7eotedwlthtbealxtyublflu lu aalngle boswblqballdrxigalbtaselltors5 omh boldbyatbrownaetoa tmismii tbo largeat sondial in the world ia hayoa hofoo a large promonotory ex tending 8000 feet above the jsgean sea as the snnawings around- tho abadow of tbia rhonntalu lttouohea one by ops a olrola of islands whioh act as hoar marks ap ayisdo ds surs that yonr blood is purs yonr appetite kood yonr dlgastlon perfect to nitrify yonr blood and build np yonr health take hoods bsralpirille wbioh will- tasks yoa well by purifying and sorlohlng your blood giving yoa an appatite and nervs mental and 4gsstlvs strength

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