Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1899, p. 1

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voiitritu xxivsro 46 actont ontario thtjb8day j 8 may i8- price three cunts it publisher eveby thubsda1 morning free preftb steam printing office wlbli btbbet aotos ont tanmh or bddboqiption ono dollar per year strlotlyln advance all subscriptions disoon- tinaea whoa the time for wbioh they have been paid bu expired the date to which every subscription lspatd is denoted on tbe addross label aovpntisma ritntrranaient advertise meats lu otfnta per nonpareil line for first in- eertlonis caqtiper hno for eaoh subsequent loaortion oohtiuot baths the following table shows our ra tea f jr the insertion of advertisements for speoined periods dill 1 ie 6 ho 8 110 1 1x0 eoinohos 10 inches sldchoi llnoh 6000 8500 8000 oo 3500 9000 1800 8j50 2000 1900 j0o 900 700 800 950 100 aoreruaements wltbodt specific direction- mil be inserted till forbid and charged aeoord- nglyv transient advertisements mast be paid q ad advertisements will be changed onee each month if desired for change of toner than snoe month tbe oompoeltlop most be paid for atroflulai rates r chances for oon tract advertisements mast be n the office by noon on tuesdays account payable monthly l hpmoobe hdltorand proprietor smwiubs sirofarrp medical john m macdonald m d c m aucosbbob to jfurmnmjjo m office and resldonoo corner mill froderlok treoteaotoo offlee hours 6 to 1080 am 1 to 9 pm and toopon d r 1 j rforster buccehsob to sb a s elliott new combinations in- f wall papers side walls ceilings and borders to match the rievesrand latest colorings and tones 5c 8 and 1q a roll some special lato new york papers the newest goodsin the market low prices seethem tis well to remember that day baa the best stock of fine new papers and he leads in big value thb traders bank of canada capital authorized 1 000000 capital paid up t 700000 days book store quelph days sella cheap cuelph branch wo are now lasaln money orders payable tt par at anr branch of cnartojtod dank in canada exoeptlng the yukon district at tbe following rates under 910 boonts 10 to 630 10 cents 690 to 030 ia cents 80 to 960 14 cents hiqhbbt current it ate of intbitest paid on sums depositod of 1- and upward interet tallowed from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and paid or compounded bait yearly advances made to responsible farmers on their own names at the lowest current rates lstoohargo made for collecting aales notes if payable in quelph a general bapklng buelnoss transacted a f h jone9 manager fjgiirg everton and eden mills the place to go for the best flour late resident physician and bargoon to vic toria hospital for fllok children toronto otnom mill btroetlately ooaqpled by dr elliott d r dryden em eub tnnoat and nosh uoeieane block douglas st near p o guelpn qrnam eouna 10 am to l pm and 3 to 6 pm sdndatb 10 am to 1 prn ll bennett lds dewtist oxoboktowh ortabjo jcoghlan d d sl d s dentist woiw oatlkruiat dome pniokb moderate owicx ovanbnowha dana btohb houhseykbt dit took 0 to 6 jmbeli dds ldi3 dkntibt bnooxrixla hokob aniduatajpf tobonto univbbsztx work made satisfactory prices moderate visitxkq dats monday afternoon camp- bellville vnesday aoton office clarks hotel friday bockwood m diean a mclean barrfaura solicitors notaries conveyancers o private founds to loan offloe town hall aoton wm a mobkah jho a molxah a j mwklnnon babjiibtkb bohoxtodv convbtahcxbu oraxckum btroot in matthews block upstairs b moiieod i banaurnth bolioirom oohvxtakcezi main street georgetown money tbloan at lowest cdrrent rates r j monabb olerkfoarth dwlslon court coantr of hal- on oonvayaqoer agsnt fire and life aunranoe baal batato agent money to loan etc orvlob perrymanibloolr aoton ont mscxllajixous sbnrttgbibt omn cauda bolloltor of fatanta for invention eto fracaraa applications for the canadian amar- loan andbaropean patent offtoaa and for tne bitratlon of trade laaxka sand for paxa- phut tnlrtttwo tears expezienoe lrjiaakoib npnan bookbindbb an f wei jnsr etrougliihg aeoonni books of all kindle made to order periodicals ol every description carefully bound rojlnrne promptly done 1ft abria0e lioenbeb hpmoobb i mrm ojrjmum tni lainwias prltateooioe nowltneaaearecinlred iasoed at twldenfetnina btenlng fraopree otrtee aoton sr- m hemstbeet licitpnaootipkma jinjbcinniiaa of weulaaton and hal ton ordanufittharvupanisai offlea aoton or tnirraaldenoa in aoton irlll be promptly at- andedto peea radaoad to vv alici iooiiarto loanton hi mostfarorabla samnnd aithelowost rata ol intereat in inn of sooand pward i gubbottldud s c usflop the wbtunaton jimf wkt pinb 1n8uhancb company bsttdllhlia40iw head offloe r omt tn8dbanob onoatb and kntnal plan any oommanleatlons forwarilwt to my addraas vboims or taleynoiie 58 will na promptly attnddto johktatrlbn qnelpb apton machine and llipair shops jmottqb a bawilainlppad with all aba inaehlnerr a sawtwnallrpaiiwniaoljln wm avnd rromptly bran middlltiks chop feed c for sale chopping every day at everlon mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheal no credit henry hortop forget usmot if you want armsts goods wall paper mouldings pictures frames waters bros wyitdham sthbet new- store quelph sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont autnortred cpitl b0000000o tenyear maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for x20 months when payments cease fooo paid in maturity value fl 10000 money to loan at 5 straight loano repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton spring has come and perhaps ypu want to replace your milk gans with new ones of bright new heavy stock made to order and to your satisfaction iweiean give joujrist- what you want at veryiiow prices come in and see samples and let me quote you prices for eavetroughing lor either your house or barn i- out work has been highly apbken of by our many customers rxpairs promptly attended to c a pannabecker mill street aoton main gtreat john cameroinr archlteot and contraotor lfannfaetnrar of saahooora fraunea atonldln s inahitlaa drsssnro tcv matcnma aadt mouldlhcr toorderonahottiiotlea wall aasortacl ttoek on band at price total fthatlmaf john caiwewon u uptojat8 j v bailnewifatnoaa andpraetfea aretaogbtuiorcjitilyattbe bicycles for2500 cash ladies and oents equal to many highpriced wheels this is right we mean what we say call or write and get particulars this issomething very special and when you see them or know about them you j will agree with what we say john m bond co- axncttpb seed corn wholesale and retail for silo and elsiiage yellow horse too th 50o a bushel mam south whiteboo red cob ensilage 65o early learning 70c alio mammoth cuban wis early whitedent salzars north dakota clouds early yellow comptons early early butler and 20 other kinds we carry largest stock in city also buckwheat rape seed turnips etc garden seeds 3c pkt fo for 25c- geo j thorp cuelph cooper akins irhv artistic tailors geg to announce to their friends and the public generally that they are now completefn surhmer goods consisting of the latest novelties from the best looms of the world and styles that are shown in new york and london see our latest fashion plates to show our goods is a pleasure call and see us fit and workmafiship guar anteed sole agents in acton for the celebrated bellwarp serge which does not fade or change its color in two years wear or money refunded cooper akin8 main st acton r- acton- livery bus line tha ondenlgnad reapeetfallv solicits tbe patron age of the pnblto and lnforma tbem that well eqnippaxl and btylljh jllja oan 1 athlnublu a eomfbrtabie boa meeu trains between t amand 818 pm oarefolattentlonsltentoevorjrorder the want of commercial tratbl- folly mot pabtioiton bajfcberbros vptiraab3bbs ssitv skjpjtviv vyi- ial nioll oram wkkkly rbwb the paper uad in thil joorsal la from the above mllla wm babbib bro elv5sra 1 by tlle oortrnmnl a canttlrsthf bong kony in the isis inanss forfmsots 1 tasbt bofsvn noffoiat var books thb morto we nobded tbe motier so whore was tbe harm weknowed weooutd carry the debt wedrawed up tbe papors an mortgage 1 the farm an bought wbat we wanted to gat an it isnt the money the enterprise oost j whose memory rankles an stings but the brains tbat were out and tbe timo that wo lost over debits an credit n thlngsf we agrsedtbat eoononay was oar main obanoe bo we opened with ardour intense a book tb was ruled off to show at a glanoe booh item of gain arexpttnse w mlgiithate learnt fdanoln or graniniar or qroelr or to play on the mandolin strings in the time we kep flfmterln week after week over debits an oredjtaran tblhgir these business transactions theyre alcnple at first but theyre never jes what yon intend an theres no ono seems able to tell yon the wont or when youll arrive at tbe end its no use to kick though it does seem a shame whose remembrance resentfully cllugej to pay half a dollar f ur slgnln your name to debits an credits svn things my friend you kin bet when we git out o debt we will never got in any more but the future has comforts its pleasant to let c our thoughts seek tbat beautiful shoro where theres gold in tbe street an what makes it oompleto is tbe fact tbat your wanderln wings wherever they lead yon wont cause you to meet with debits an credits an things rwathington star ehtt fanfiiv uamng i an roposes klloooame covlu when my little liter shyly lold me a fow weeka ago that ihe wai anrlgad to mr oloott i langhed bhe wasnt offandtd bnt herlont blaa eyea- opened wldain anrprlae i with you every- happlneu dear 1 aid but its suoh a joke loo what will annt kate say i am glad that yoa like it i eartd nellyba know anne every one thought at first that george and yoq hash dear george has done just right though when i think of aont eataa wrath i could shriek and i did laugh loud and long and jjouiie joined me ae we safe with our arma around eaoh other in trne school girl fashion though i am 26 andloniso ii so beraelf do yon think anne that there will be a row 1 j well yes at first doar bat von will get yoor trosioin all rlxbl i anawered consolingly of course aont kate will bo awf oily provoked think of the loves and gonna ehe hasiahowflred on me all for the aake ol osorge oloott and i bellevb she will juet spank yon thai idea of your becoming engaged to the aber- minded wolltodo george before yoor first season when there is no telling what yon might have acoomplisbed yon with yoor beaaty and youth i am so slok of my beauty and yonth that i wish i might never hear the words sgain aunt kate talks of nothing else to me i believe the reaabn- 1 first liked george was beoaaae be talked sensibly and never once alluded to my appearance yon most admit at least a few admir ing glances i remarked and my sister colored beobmiogly iboogh aba dlarlalnsd answering the next morniur george catoe over from the hokel to play tannia and we held a oonocll on the abady aide of the edart george was anxioasto tell aont ksiteai oboe i advised delay apd that aurrant ooward louae aolually suggested that i break the news yon know anne aha- will be fnrions i dont want her to insult george what about me i aaked ob yon jonre used to it replied my later coolly and the ditoosslon finally end ed by oonaentlhg to try when opportunity sbonld present to pave the way for george interview girls aunt kato called aa we pansed after george bad worsted na at two eeta of tennia i have a letter to read to yon we strolled over to the porob and george began to make hie adum dont go mr oloott yon are quite one ot na now she continued with eooh an ingratiating mile that i eouldnt help winkiog at louiaer who- retpondsd with a very unladylike kick my eukuwaay bine for two daya george rolled complacent ly he didnt fathom the dear lady how ooold be guess the determination thai ilea beneath aunts placid features bhe read tha nowatbat the son of one of fathers old friends was oomlng to vlall us we will have to postpone onr trip to the seashore butjwe are quite oomfof labia hsre aontaoonniryplaoe baatttifnl- and the la no end pr6od of it da stay here all summer eald lioolte with enthusiasm 1 oonidered a trifle dangerous wellwe will aee replied aunt kate with an indulgent smile and a oaretaing pat of her long elenjierhanirbn libiti sunny head then i knew that howard maaweli mnstbe riob and eligible a tl am sore ybo eonld and no plaios as asutlul as this ihe weeka i have been here hava simply flown george looked at loo tenderly aa he spoke aod i irem- bled lest ion t kate should inuropl the glanoe in a couple of days howard haxwell came he was an entire stranger to ns aunt kate beraelf had not aasn him sinoa he was a ohlld i ooold aee tha minute he met xioolsa that be was greatly taken by bar yonth and beauty i am so glad yon have come abe said to the tail goodlooking man j now are can play double mr oloott has a ragol- ar walkovers tennis agaluat auoe and me both y i am not a very good playar bat i will try to do what is demanded of me bow ard replied and i thbaghl be wslabghlng a little v the aeoood morulof after his arrival i was reading in lbs baromook on the aide porob where qaorga leaving tbagrovp on lho lawn joined ma ilhoohfi bow pleased aunt ktte would be at ibis seam ing deyotlon si look vary ohaerfnl i rirjtdlvjjvcvptvvui 1 oanl say 1feel hllarlbna i want to tell mrs kldgiieyabd vsrjf iodai that iioalae add i are engaged i dliappioveot ihla dillydallying george looks almoat bandcome when be i angry toameaa you disapprove of it ainoe howard name well yea perhaps that la what i mem how lougia he going to stay i detest boye oftbat age boy iudeed i do yon realize that he is a year older than i am by gebrgei he always swears by himself is ho really well girls usnally seem older for their age than men i beg your pardob anne i dont think yqu are old a man aa near to at i am ought to consider anyone a baby who is yet in ihe twenties the faut is i m rattled t scarcely know what i am ey ing ft jnakesine wild to see that fellow- haoglnx around louise sbe raves over bia tennis bays be plays the strongest game the ever saw and is so modest about it thais a bit at ma becauas i foolishly bowed my pleasure in beating yon girle she wont let me tell mrs klngsley tbat we are engaged and i dont know what to 4 poor old george 1 felt sorry for him he looked so forlorn and helpless we were very gay in a quiet way daring howards visit we rode played teunls and ploknioked to our hearts content aunt kate waa graoionsness and hospitsl- ily personified sbe ordered new gowns for loo and me and never onooreproaob- ed either of ue for my long yonnglsdybopd a sore sabjeot with her asnally and one for whioh we both suffered i being held np aa a fearful warnlpg to my sister may i sit by yon anne there doesnt appear to be room for me anywhere else aaid george in an injured tone one afternoon under those painful clronmataucea i oanl refuse i responded making room forhltnnheiteambragn-whioh-i-wis- aested we had drlvep a few miles from home and bad lunohed by a dear noisy utile brook howard had swung a baib- jnook for himself and don under some low bending lindens aont kate was lounging aneatof aaebions-aod-rwaa- lot nuvel anne you take everything differ- sot from my meaning georgsoompialned its some qbmfort to know yon dont mean all the uncomplimentary things you sty i was really getting tired of george be looked so dnmpy all the time mo wonder dbiae contlnned her flirtation with howard george- bad lost the art of conversation aaoldiog being bis only medium of communication bbs must have been a little ashamed of herself bow- ever for abe avoided being alone with me gneeslng no doubt that i would taks her to itaaardt the flratoppprtanity and i did feel sorry for george though he did behave so stupidly here she is now aaid aunt kte one morning aa i paasud the library door oome hero anne mr ojoott and i have jastbeen talking about you i obierved a look of oonsternttibn come over georges fsce bnt my aunt oontinned be bis done you the honor to ask for your hand in marriage and i have given my consent bat annt kate 1 gasped he doeant- mean me then i began to ory for very vexation and when i saw how blank george looked i laughed in the midst of my tearx why i never saw ypu hyaterloal before yon see mr oloott ahe is quite overcome she ia highly organized so sensitive 1 had been laughing moat uncontrollably but aa ahhtkate smiled with insinuating sweetness and aa ebe aalled from the room said i will leave her to yoar tender care i suddenly realized that it was not exaotly a joke and i started wildly to follow ber abne stay here george oorbmanded i me and strangely enongh t obeyed ia me that ypa have been placed in this nnplesaant position to leave the explanations to me now go to yoor room little woman and daahsorbe oold water jatoyohrsyeay onr- hair too needs arranging though j rather like ita present disorder better than yoar asual trim style georges tsot in relieving the situation y this commonplace talk was a gralefol ear- prise to me my aunts misunderstanding him i half believed it waa wilful bad otrtainly put mo in the extremely nnoom- fortable light of being forced upon him 8ome time later when i oame downstairs i met george in the hall ive been waiting for yoq anno i wish to show you something wo walked along the wide verandah nutll we otme to the racees where my favorite hammock swings in ii with their baoka to oe at howard and loalae his arm was undoubtedly around her waiat and aant kate was oomplaoeotly embroidering in a rooker nearby i was ddmfoaaded i tarned to george who was remarkably balm anne called my annt as she caogbt eight of ns oome join ns yes do chimed in that graceless douise i want to tell you of my happiness aant bas told ua of yours lonlss i cried what do you meanj that howard and i are engaged ahe answered defiantly and tbe young man beside ber kissed her in a shockingly om- batbed manner anne and i both wish yob every happi ness and trust yon feel as kindly toward ns said george and i looked al him in amasemept but george louise what does all this mean i managed io ask lion glared at me threateningly and motioned wildly toward aunt kate while george took me gently by the arm and whispered dontrnake a soene dear it is yon i ibva after all cant yon wont you 1st i suppose ii waa not very seltrespeoting or high spirited ot me to accede but aa i looked into georges eyee i was furoed to abknbwledge to him what i bad never admitted to myself thai i loved him we are going to be married immediately when i oomplaln that i never had any wooing george says that he really lowed ma all the lima thoogb be waa atlraoted by lous youlh snd beauty but it was really my wit good sense and lovability that kept him dangling aronnd book qxtk 01 bourse i lake all this wllhoot a grain of salt and never permit myaolf to speon- lata on what might have hsppsned it howard maxwell had not appearad npon the aierie probably ann kate would bats ajijikwimmmi bas the provbklngly aatlafaotory demeanor of onewho has gained a wiblory agtlost all jfrorn an aolort standpoint anenoors indlcjiteh thrt ona good turn deservas a ho tb how a wreo pathor in a moment of confldenoe robbed his own son a atbry fe told of one of how yorks prominsnt merchants who bed aboy whom he had endeavored to brlog up in the way theson of a wealthy merohant ought to go dut like other aonsof great men the boy begged leave to differ from hie- father in many thins the father was always wisely eoonoml- oai the sonoftenwastetuly extravagant the father bought with tbe glorious possibility of doubling on his investment the boy didnt oare a rip for the invest ment he bonght f or hla own persoosl pleasure there were other points of difference between tbe father and ison but those will serve the pnrpose of the telling of this tale jacob we will call the young maoe name this becanbe it was something else oamebomeone night with a new overcoat on for wbioh be had just paid a fashion able tailor 00 thata a beantlfnl overcoat exolaimed the father jumping np and olosely examin ing tbe costly artiole how mboh did yon pay for it fifteen dollars and fiftyseven oents anbwered the son of bis father fifteen doilaravand fiftyseven- cents that was a rreat bargain i my eon for so beantlfnl an overcoat replied the pleased parent where did yon buy u at gohene was the answer cohens well i go to cohens to morrow and bay me a oonl why i paid 91820 for tbis ooat and years is many- dollars better you go with ma and introduoe me to cohen- and tbe old man returned to bis newspsper pleased with the unexpected butineaa sagaolty his son had displayed early the next mordlng jaoob hurried to cohena and oonvinoedthe proprietor that it would be for bia interest not to ask his father more than f us7 for anything he might wish to bay the remainder of the bill whatever it might be waa to be sent to jacob y after his visit to cobebs tbe old man was more thin ever oonvlnoed of the remarkable nolo his son had tor hunting oat bargains and soon much to the astonishment of his atioolatea tbe econom ical old merobant became one of the flnest- dreaaed men on tbe streot for he now bonght ali hie olothes at great bargains of cohen not long after this jaoob who had a fondneeifor fast horsei bonght an exoeed- ingly speedy one for whfob he paid 92500 the next sunday after his purchase hi took bis father riding in this park the old man waa delighted with the borae with its beauty andils speed delighlfol 1 delightful i exhilarating 1 be exolaimed as he was whirled awiftly along the beautiful driveways bnt jaoob how mooh did ypo pay for this fine horse ninetyseven and onehalf dollars waa the son reply well i gneis hes worth il said the father leaning back in the carriage to en joy tbe awift ride at bit ease abbot thla time it happened tbat the old merchant wished to send a man to turkey to buy oriental goods he thonsfht of his ona nose for bargains and determined to send him jacob was glad of a chance to aeesomethlnib of the world ha was gone six months when he returned nle father met him at the gangplank glad to see you myboytaid the old man shaking him warmly by the hand i am just a little dltappoinled in ybnr turkey bargains but and here his face beamed all over i have made a tremen dous bargain for yon i have sold yoor 10760 horse for tsoot a profit of over 800 per cent en the original investment my eon we will have to go into the horse babineei qrunts and orunters ignorance is tbe mother of impndenoe whenyou hear a man finding fault with everything that is pot before bim ats hotel table you oab pot it dovro that hi was brought np in a sbaok and was glad onoe to get bit meals off a packing box the man who paradea bis jmporlanoe and insists upon being wailed npon band and foot is usually a bog trotter who has not to go very far back to ran up against a piok or a buokuaw we meet these people everywhere on the street oars railway trains in hotel corridors and in etores who act theftroe until it make one regret that the fool siller haa qnlt the job a very pompons alderman in a olty not a hundred miles from toronto who was noted for the money be bad and the he badntj was a striking eautmpleoi i this obaracteris- tlo ha nndettook to interfere nnnebes- sarily with a corporation foreroao one day and the latter anubbed him do you know who i am sir he aaked swelling himself out hkei a bull paddy and glaring at the man of foatlan yea replied the other quietly with a twinkle- while the other employee leaned on their pioka to hear the sequel you are jimmle h and i helped to carry all you owned on ay back np from the wharf when yon landed in this ooqntry the wealthy alderman atrolted off with dire thrrata of vengeance bat be kept away from tbe job afterwards when the host oami do anything alas it ban grnbt and soma folks hato no other way of insplrlog folks wilh their sin dont graft people who do business with yon will justly pat you down for a pig treat people clvily when a man oome in to sell yoa goods doul grunt when a firm wrlted yon about your acoocot donl grunt wban your wife or children approach yon dout grunt whed the preaober loaches op yoar failings donl grant pigs grant canadian baker washino bank bills ii is not generally known aaid a local bank teller but bills can be washed and ironed as easily as a pocket handkerchief a wealthy woman of my aoqnainlanoe hat ali her money laundered before ahe uses it she turns ihe notes over to her maid who washes them thoroughly in hot water with ordibary soapsuds and spreads thsm on a table to dry than she dampens them allghllyahdpreeae them with a medium hot smoothing ironi if tbe bill it not f rayed tfila prooeas will make la aa bright and brlspaswhen itflrstlbrt tbetreasnrj it la attoolsbiohpwdlrly tbe money gett if one opnia ess the water io whioh a to smw tfpw v anbthar lttiiraa a carrotty pow- john wilson known to fame aa cbriatophor north holds among scots the same emioent position in the two gentle aolenoea of angling and literature that old ink walton holds in england be waa indsed a flsbermau of ingenious ways and wondrous prowess if he did not aurpasa the worldreuowoed engliuhman iu ekill be oatdid biai in the physibal feats aocompaoyiugtbe eport diaplayed the dexterity of the canny nation in getting aroupd unexpected obstacles john wilionanrt solitary fishing trip was shade at the early age of three when with a willow wand and a beni piu be succeeded in eluding the bareof hia elders and lipping away alone to tbe brook aide where he spent the day contentedly returning with trophies of success notwith standing his primitive equipment in after years a man grown he was wont to accomplish astonishing feats of tramping wading anaswimming in pnrsnit of his favorite amusement once be obvered seventy miles between the dawn of one day and the next often he entered the water in pursuit of bis game and brought it ssbore in bia arms his friend james hogg the etlrlok shepherd described bia mode of flatting inlboh awe in he used to gang out out out and ever ate far out t ra tbe point o a promontory sinking aye further and further down first to waistband o his breeks then up to the middle button o hia waistobat then to tbe verra breast then to tbe oxters then to tbe neck and then to tbe verra chin of him toyoo wondered bow be could fling the flies till liat of a he would plump rloht oat of sight till the highlander bo ban ornaoban thongbt him drooned not bffndeed aae he takes to theswinamin and strikes awa wi one arm for the tlther bad hold 0 the rod a doligetful tradition of bis resonroe- falnees first printed in a late intereiting artiole in tbe 1all stall magazine relatea bow one day where he perceived at onoe tbat the treat were abundant and rising freely he captured front ihe aurfaoe of tbe waters specimen of tbqiuseol open- which they eoemed tobefeaating j bnt on stroll ing hie flshiogbook he foand nothing with wbioh he oonld make up a oast after that particular pattern ah odd kind of red pider and for a moment it seemed aa if ha wore fated to disappointment suddenly he darted away al speed and entering a utile village near by went boldly up to the first native he met and inquired if anybody lived there who had a carrotty pow i the man was naturally astonished but after a brief reflection informed him tht certain mysie the ministers hired lass owned the best prop ot red hair lo the whole pariah nfylo was immediately sought and found and althongh the matter must have been somewhat delicate as ills only of late years that the beauty of red hair bas oome to be appreciated he msnaged so well that either for love or money she waa induced to part with a tress back then went the enterprielnit fishermen lo ttos barn supplied hie book with a wisp of fiery blr twisted into an excellent imita tion ot a sprawling spider and with this anlque bait succeeded in deluding the hungry trout and filling hla basket to the brim had enovoii i mod to kind o think id eort o like to aotto down an mobbo quit tbli farmln an odjoy a house in town an clean furglt tboatnooxbota o worry and o toll that sooma to sotflo round you when yonre illlluo tuouoll ive tried it an im satlsflod im goin booio agin compared to all tbem sooivdrlftsl oountry mud is allok and thin awbon fuols bbttlog low twill do my foollus itood tokuow tbeaxols handy fcr to obop a loocko- wood im golu borne aelnont wiion tboro isnt any in to keep a man from elttlu down ati waltlu fur a thaw lutodto think twas hard to siido the ground but i dunno itv easier dlggln garden than it is to shovel snow im sola book to wboretbo pantrys alius fall o pie antbe bebooofrom the rafter is abaogln not too high yynero all yonve got to do is t3 lift your rations from the peg an tbo bene dont want a nickel overy time tboy lay anogg irnsainfffon star jbusirusa jtchs omfr the 8tr0nqest timber a committee of the amerloan amocia- tion of hallway soparintendenta baa recently investigated the strength of timbers and made a report which in some ways upaet eld ideas for instance the bomtnlttee avers that contrary to at wide spread opinion knots even when sound and tight are one of the moat detrimental features of timber for either beams or struts they also report that except in top logs and very small and young timber tbe heartwood at a rule is not 4a strong as the wood farther from the heart ol the tr b bound are stronger ban top logs plucked hootoh parish sohoolmasters are on their appointmentb examined aa to their literary qualifications out of the fraternity being called by bis examiner to transitu horaces ode beginning eaegl rnonatnentum oere perennuisomoaeboed aa follows exegl monumenom i have eaten a mountaiu ab aaid one of the examiners ye needna proceed any farther i for after eatln tic a dinner this parish wad be s pnir mbbthfu t ye ye mana try some wider sphere twat a the pastor good morning brb boberti what makes yon look sad thla morning bro 11 i have oome to aay goodbye mr brown fori am ont of employment and must go back to england- the pastor go back tp england to get employment what nonaeoael lean get iota if work for a young man like you in this oounlry bro it well i have bunted high and low and can gel nothing so what ann i to do thepaator i tell you what you oan do biro roberts take an agency for a good book for there is money in oavnvauis- iog bro it do yoa think i would stoop to book oaovasilng the- pastor scmswhat warmly stoop to banvalsing i better men than yon have canvassed i put myttlf tbrongu oollego with a book prospsotut and i know many aucoesatnl men who got their start in life as canvassers my youngest on ii oanvaailng now and he makes enoogb ait the business to pay hla way atlheuoivoraltj i indooed a roan who failed in business to take op oanvaiialng and he made enough money to aurt bnalnesa again i stave the tame advice toa ybobg mebhanio who was cat bt employment end he u now a prosperous publisher why some of the uggeal men in history have been book agents i stoop to oanvaaslng yon are very lortdnate tbat ypu pan stoop np to it i advise you to writs to the bradleyqarretaon oo llmlted toronto on for thla qrm pnhllshea fast selling booke aud i know many who are doing wellln itiemploy brob am sorry for jstunlas i did tor i will writs ihe bradleygartbtaon corbpany and see wb1 thy have to ofler and will post pone my dfepatinre in ihe mestitime -i- 554hii- i how barprllllf p4lpe- jtmiajr ftamafbrpbrasn4jir laiied wood ath perfect oonfldshop thai it wllloore cloth weight thh weight of oloth ie staled in ouuoes to the yard the weight ot any cloth oan bo deter mined by weighing a small sample in grains 437 grains to one ounce and com puting the yard weight from the area of the eamplo weighed example to find the weight of a yard of olotb from a sample of 2 in across the piece weighing 0722 20 grains 0722 20 divided by 2 equalb 4h02 18 grains perinob 4801 io multiplied by so equals 1750 grains per yard 1750 divided by 4976 equals 4 or i bzs to tbe yard a hint if the brickwork on your new shop or houso front ahows a nasty white appear- anoe it ia really an essence of anlphate of magnesia yon can get rid ot it by waah ing tbe bujfaoo wilh a eoluliou of marletio acid applied with a sponge thb wasp a3 an engineer several naembera of the united states corps were interested witnebaee of a feat of inseut engineering near the road on whlob tbey were worklog oneof their namber found a blue ground wasp dragging along the gronnd a dead swamp spider bne- quarter the else of a full grown tarantnla whether the wasp killed the spider or found it dead ia a question beyond eolutiou he was haviugabard time dragging bia prey albng and presently left it to szo prospeoting for hia abode the discoverer of tbe wasp oalled his oonapauious and one of ihem coming atepped upon the warps ground bole crushing down sorne blades ot dried grass aoroasit this pause1 no little trpnble to the inasot who upon loaatlng l lie hole nipped away at tbe obstruoting atnlks with his etrong man dibles until lie bad cleared a passage thsn be went back and- sized up tbe spider walking around the hig body and surveying it from ali bides hes reckoning that tbo hole isnt big enough said one of tbo engineers that all right hell iii it said another aa the lnseot went biok aad oommenoed vigorously wijeuiug tbo bntrance to hia doinidilo again be returned to tbe upldef ejized it iand dragged it to within a foot ot tbo priqoe to the apeotatore it was evident tbat more work would have to be done before tbe apider could be- dragged s in tblbatraok the wasp too for again be ran aroubd the body examining it barefnlty and returned to the hole to take measnre- meuts he went to digging a aeopnd time having dng for tttu minatesbe brongbt his prey np to tho edge of the bole nipped out a piece of dirt here out away a grass stem there and after fifteen minutes of hard and akllllul labor disappeared underground dragging ihe apider with bim dobbtleas to form the piece de resistence in a winter storehouse tbe engineers then resumed their work bxohaoging oommentsof admiration chicago interocean paoqv9 revenqe a goodlooking irishman stopping at an hotel to wsrm- himself inquired of the landlord whats the jnewa the landlord disposed to run at bim replied they say the dlvil ia dead thats newa indade shortly after he went to the bar laid down eome poppers and resumed his seat the landlord always ready for a austomer asked him what be would take nothing at ali says pat then why did yon put down this money 1 an sore sir its the bostom in iny boanlry when a ohap loses his daddy to give him a few ooppora to help pay for the wake for nse in discharging puncture dosing pomponndsinto bloyole tires a naw receptaple is filled wllb a eliding bottom which is pushed in after the nozxle is attached to the valve thus foralng the heavy liquid into the tire a new mousetrap i mads from a porncob having a hole drilled through the center into which a ball holder extends to drop a spring bale over the entrance and patch tbe rodent aa soou as he entera and touches the bait in a simple nnt lock recently patented a spring steel poll is slipped over the end of the ooll overlapping the opposite end and cauilog it to grip the ibraada ot tbe bolt to hold it in place bpeotaolea oao be fitted wilh a new attachment lo enable the wearer to aee what is behind without turning around a reflector being plaoed on the outer edge of eaoh lens wlthnnt adjustable damps whioh allow them to be set at any tingle a very little boy had daring hla papas severe illueta beard a great deal aaid about nervous prostration feeling iii one day ho threw himself upon tbe aofa exclaiming ob dear im fraid im olng to have nervous prosptcts i mrs mlddleton wray writes from 8ohnmberg onl dr fowlers exlrantof wild strawberry is the beat remedy i knowof forummor complain and bowel dlseaatsot ohlldreu i hate need it fpr savonioen years rw ai smm mmismi

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