Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1899, p. 2

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a uiiowniq hramoea on pvidayftth hay to mr and mrs o h urowumon mittkn in aoton od bunday utli may to mr olid mrs john mitten a daughter imininat rvortop qu yvedneaday may 10th to mr aud mrs georgo persia daughtor died nickhn in lilklnstod on wednesday mtiynbarloanioklluiged6lyeara roycktu acton on tuesday avenli may blisfti widow of the late robert ogod 65 yaara ind 0 montha dc iflth itjoyoe new gra walk court of bvlldntta tuaad ap may thb 8tbbbtb and walks com- mitt re oonnoll met on monday evening in regular bimonthly union the member were ell prtfeni reeve pearson iu the oheir tbe moating was on of importsuoo matthews in aoton on bunds evening 14th may i owls a arattbowsbn ot jtmeo i im e tba prolirolury report or the uattuowa poaluuteraged 87 yaars thubsday mat 18 1800 n the queen i ooo btess her qutbn victoria will celtbrata the 80th anniversary of her tjirlh next wednesday the 84th ot tlii monlli and the fate piutts v join with th people of lbs etnpirt in wiihiug her many happy nlattn ot the dar god save the quean news nawl ltfri supplied by cor res pondanta and exohanses rockwood j notes a co a now computation of too population ot the globe haa recently been rondo byths french etetietieian- and rattnl p dbnifreville ho figured out a total of about lj80o0o0o0 distributed ea follows aim with 825951000 europe with 357379000 africa with 163083000 america with 131718000 ooeanioa nd the polar regions with 7500400 australia with 3230000 or i grand total of 1479730000 boala 30 00 90 on 10 00 10 00 dramming 1 andoabtoly iho greateat evil connected with- the pablio school system and utah with theatre laid upon examination a a test of merit baa dona mnoli to reduce popular ednoatlon to con ditions resembling thoto in vogne in china it tffeot npon toeohera ii a etuntlngas it is benumbing on pupils it transforms what ahanld be a free and bracing eiercise of the intellect into a mill borae grinding monotony and instead ot bailors for the attainment of knowledge wo bare median ioal effort to pass ezamlnationia montreal ttitntu tbe london ttmu rofered a day or two go to the aobisot of tbe angloamerican negoiatibna in a soodtoropered almost optinistip article but oonietees that the function of the brlllahqpvernirienl adviaorybindribaloaimi bo dealt with primarily and impsrial interests secondarily the obvious mean ing is that washington innit settle with otttwarathor than london in other portion ot the empire the brltleb foreign office exercuee aupreme inflaence and retaina complete dinolibn of dlplomatlo qbeitfodi bat canada ii the polled obild of the family and ronal hare aral place on the plea that the know her own ioternts and that tbe imperial government cannot folly nndertland thero aebipps time a quebec farmer supfered for nea te yttabb had the boot of modloatl treatment and triad hot sprlnaca without rooelvlne benefit dr wlllhma pink pills cured h mr john storey of maryland fonfiae co qae it well kuown to all the reei- deota of that teotiod and hit onre from an nnnaqally eevere attaok of rhoamatum by tbenieof skwuiiaroa pink pllia after all other romediea had failad bat if poaalble added to the popolarity of tbia favorite medioine mr storey ritm tba followiok alatetnerii ot bia aotterlng an qore ho aay borne un yeare ago i waa engaged in railroadltjr on tbe lkm saperlor aeotion of tbe o p b i waa expoiedto all klndi of wtubar and iia a reanlt anitalnad amftraattaok of rbtoma- tlarn which all bat orlpplm me- and boa which i offered mdoh agony i tpant more than a hundred dollara oii doetora and lor medicine bolwagradnallygaint woraeand finally bad to ojo- worfc at tbia jqnatnrp the dooior tojdiijna tthttvoa did not think medtolne coold otm and advlied me to goto mom hot arrlnga 1 took hie adf ice and went to- tba harrimott holbpripgfnbrimabommii- 1 remained for eiglil wastii iitktor oatv of the bonee pbyriolaoitrateipaahteoaa bentflt i tbeb wentotatetawbna artct took a ponrae at tba orm bit hot bpringf but with no better ritdlcoln plotely- aiteoriraged i tetartasd toniy bonui inqoeboand wenltofarriilngvbnltb ilenmatlim bolhertdma abmoob nrd-eosroalyqotnywoiltvl- pink pilla wer remmmended to toe jisaeti i dtoldod to rive tbehi a trial taking a few boxes fodnd tby wore belrhjig tna and i contianed their nao urit1 jha4uiran utnlwoywblohimi 300 soo sco 103 00 strteta and walka committee illtah eatlmatea of improvemenu and repair for tbe eeaaon waa preaented and the goanclla approbation given to iho txpenditore ot fly hqndred dollar tor this pnrpoao the report of ibia committee waa a tollows wa yoof cornmlttee bn8lreei and walk hatetaktn in oonalderallon for your approtal tba following irnprovementa etc perruanwt paveinant oumll atraet fromltlaln to frtdarlok street 00 00 sewer on ohnroh htroet tin feat 00 00 bridge enaatag atireatn on ohnrob btreet walk in ft by in main street dlokn burret sewer op ull btreat between wilbur and duelpb walk jm ft by- win from tv v campbells property on oburob btreat westward walkmttbttftonobojahbtreet opposite w p cktawjje lou drain onwiuow btreet totkw walk r6nnga bunrey 197 ft by 90 loobea ji boadway kdala street t jamee browneooteiing atone walk joba street 63 ft by 80 in oppoaite boman cttbbhb paraoriege deanlngbnt drain end of frederick stmt liabor on brook btreet bill walk 28 ft by as in on oburob btreoi- from frederlok street weatward bepalra to roadlaaad walk b0o00 all ot which ie reepeottnlly aubmltted il conb tbu preliminary report met with the approbation df the oonncil and was adopted opon tbe following reaoiotlbn moved by jamee clark aeoondod by john clark that tbe anm of flvahnndred iweulij paiiati blook of granollthlo javement from eirio lofrederlckbtreet on mill btreet alap for bonding new plank walka repairing all other walka pottfng in aewere etc aa per aatlmatea anbmllted by the streeta and lee tbia amoont t fee final for the year carried the tenth report ot tbe committee on jipanoewaa preaented and reoominwnded paymant of tho followiog inma dat41ateamungforrlajnandbtroet8 ais bo grabam work on dam 14 69 w smith do t harray frelgbt and teaming its j bpeejreon expenses to toronto fl00 b cook work 100 the minstrel above will beitlven on tbi evenlug of tueaday may 38rd a g programme will begfven and a iargeorowt rhould ktiind on wediivaday evening of laat week tneetingof the salvation army merobel waa heid in tho towu hall here preaidt over by tho officers of the qoelph barraoki the epworth league of tbe meihodti chuah had a special meellniton thursday eveulng 11th inat iu whloh a programme waa given by the member to a large andience moved by j a murray aeoonded by 1 franoia that the tenth report of tbe finance cornmilloe jnst read be adopted carried moved by jama clark aeooodedby jobnclarke that the mnnlolpal officer be empowered to seir tbe old itreet lamps at from lieo to 1300 and the poate at mo each carried moved by john clarke aeoonded by j a murray that the court of eevlaion be trtld on toeaday 80tb may at eight ooloekp m in the coonoll chamber bd a that aam bo advertised in tba aoton faia paacarrle6i the connoli then adjourned be boajbd hdu improvarnante propoaad to effeoted during vaoatlon the board at trnateaiiof anion poblio bohool met on tuaadayottninb at tba ball metpbara preaenl h bwaokbamer obalrman cteorge hynd robert holmet a al raobandvv b kenney tbe ihlrd report of ho committee on flnjtpbe reoooimendjed tbe payment ol aoooonie aa follow wladow oloeet repairing wall eto 4 179 ol the trouble whfo bad jiuufiiahiia ooa me so iixitbosiy htd dtaappaarod it is nostf irnbvtjiui yeartiaa half ajnee i dliintwtba ate of the rdlla and duringuaiham -nol- baathe lighlvayttiplrttspfvth tronbvwbfphvl elderniethitiietoriirp dwuiums pldkllltiaraga aptbino fprall dlieaaeaaitlog fiotaaampqvw bed rondltipn of liable condltlonof thenarfine foivsuob at bliyitrjavaasewivixiiia matlim pkralyisoatio the a6tttttol dlrueaobronlotryrirlajjsrolalao tbeyiira alto prtld1ttrtn bltroublaa potllawr tvr irregnlarltiet nwwinwjiba ittmiaf female wkaidbpb tumn mrtv mwuipajaoew anar blood and reitorfng ttlftw of i healthw ponaaliboisibwsof men ibey fleet iisijslsattiissa nra th folljrlinebrlilh nof hayibttwtollnlepa addriliig0fernfamk tba ootnoittea fortber rooommended tt ttt3ftodu ba t w81 for 88 feel lpiiggtvj axttwbi wall aa oertifle4 by the tttttntuoclbaboarda uwaotwibewtoferunirinaitrn wanibjfo0tbjj aeoonded by alttrleooaxi that the rerwrt of the t3baittaituw oa finanot jaat read be 8pey8ide conaiderable of the fall wheat i aeotion was injured by tbe winter frost a number of the farmer are ploughing under pomionb of heirvrop there is aomo talk of the organization of a sunday bcbooj here if a convenient place can be tebnrett in whloh to bold it it it aurely doe to the rialng jeneratlon that aomeorganlaatlon be made for the noeellng together on babbatb to utudy the word of odd several prrsona here are willing oaiafet in the work bpeyalde will be repreaentrd at tbe sunday school convention at mnoocwood ttmerrow tbp pobliq aohool will be albaed and otioara aud parento ffjll attend tbe frost on saturday and sunday nights wa protty heavy but notmnoh damage it reported to have been done tbe bloyoliota are generally ready to takoa reatal speyaide when eprpate from milton to aoton orae men have so their work idelr nil torts of mutual mid ad verse circjunt- rtaticca uint are juat aa trying upon their and pfiyalcnl contll- aotf they were aomlers tg and niarcuitik day igl- in a hard cam- when the condu under which a man work are abnormal tinltenlluy he needs to take 3 wcial precati- ons to build himself up to tritlintand the errastrain in lm f mrti uhjratttixhlnna i win ed brlv aayt mr jo i isth st oolnntlas3toi letter tobrry pierce orbiilrnlo n v or ais all overond when ihckelell peeled brt aayt mr john a collowsy ith in o recent nas8a0aweya meaara ardow bros bavo oloaed down the knatohbnh chopper for this season they have had eteady work all winter mr john b anderson it patting up a fine new barn tbia spring fe raised the mudkllla and laid the sleepen on wedneadiy last and- intends raising the tyamt tbis week partioulara iof wbloh shall appear peat week m m orewaon of orawaons corners rjallt the foundation batnrday and sunday evenings there were pretty bard frost farmer ere preparing the ground for their root crops 8pring aeedinjj la thing of- the past for thl year mr and mr thoa wilson of everton ient sunday laat at their old home at knatchbull applet are not going to be so plentiful aa they were laat year had catarrh for lour year and nlap llveraud kld ney trouble when it would couinlence troubling mei would hve a alls ncwnr a little lielo thechetti uted nionyllnaaot medicine hilt received no benefit my eyeawtraaiinken rind my thea waa pale i jjilvple on my face and there waa brnvfli knot on my face jstow iheu are all gone i look ii bottleaof br pjcrcet oolden medical placovery arid two or pr rlercea pelleta they are the beat medicines lever lined lnmy life aud i do ticlieve that i am entirely well i have a good appetite but before loom menced tfcntrntbtt had liu appftfleat all mow amlko a oblldreily lo cat at any time of iny or night hut year i weighed one hundred and thirtyfour pounds sud now i welsh oh hundred and forty- ave pleaae accept jny thank inm glad i ibnad the right kind of medlcineist- golden medical dlacovery 1 free front alcohol it is pure mediciiu and noth ing else unlike tbe tocalled tonics and extracui which tend to create an appetite for atimttlanta tho bltcovcry ereatei only a healthy natural letnperana appetite for good food which nourishes and afrengthens tho medicine dealer who says hehaa something juat as ttood knows that he falsibes if he urges an in ferior substitute ir is to gain a few pennies greater profit no matter how aisconr- aeedyou may be write 10 dr pierce for jsvtpiwhljjli he will trhfret lawd which if followed fo bound w floyon good another darino bery bank rob 911 ooo in cash taken from the standard bank bowmranvllla botrtwimut may 18 a daring bank robbery waa perpetrated early tbia morn ing wben th bttndard bank was robbed of oyer filooo there were six oraeven men in the gang who thoroughly under- atood the bnilneai ol aalo oraoklng the building it a brick etruoture built in 1811 and irrquippedwhh the latest and most improved burglar proof appliances tbe btirglara first went to- the pollpe lha night matohman henry metcalfe after blindfolding and gagging him they took a polrof handonlt and pat them on him and told him what they were going to do and told bim to keep qulolor they would abootblm they then escorted him over to the bank whiob la only aoroti the corner and aaocoeded 13 tbelr designs the probabllltet are thtt yoar temper will imprpve and yon will enjoy walking and abating in real sarneat one that aore oqrn ia removed putbame patniaas corn eitraator never faila gives no pain and will relieve you in twentyfour boars givo putnam corn exfraptora trial and be bappy thingt would strike an avorige if dadea were oompelled to marry bloomer girls burraark8 iron erve j was the neolt of fcls splendid health iudornitablewlil aud treroendouii energy aro not fonpf wipre stotnaobf- liver kidneys and bowels are outof order if yon went tbese qualities and the aoooeta ibey bring nao dr kings kow life pills beyevelorrtvbryowet-xf-iirtdtraner- body only 25 benta at si d mokess drag btore the mosquito ia unpopular btnaaeebeia ubh a bore o nreseotlog bit billa jftbebuufibwiva it la a algqal that the train it ooming and if you dout get off the track will run over and kill you when yoaooogbi it iaa ignalthat oonaamptoblt coming apd yon bad hotter look oat the way to atop oodbamptfoni to stop- the cough- the way to stop the ooagh ia to ike gtlllolla oongh and oouanmptlvo flurs b5 atl 50ots and 1100 a bottle money refunded ii it folio to cure the man who talka big in the saloon always sioga email to bis wlfa at home hbrtrnnnt if you take bbflftnant llcoli-c-u- powders tbe tlrst powder mllmi falmtertbe second nerer- forniiy unitl oritsadabhe frouv any cninc ii uvelybannlabtr dlaasreetible tirs never follow tbo aurett qtilckcj1 bwtlita4aoboomakly prepared jsmlvrdraasmstrywgfre tha uobwta drag iik rrf betting on itralrtit tlpt ciubos tomb oonfldeotial olerh to go crooked in svllo rjyoaoiige hyndt aeoonded by jtw3n tbs boarf aa a oom- rtdttaebltbafitlil thetehm ivlaw to aioatfayn the probable oott arid tettltlon forvio tolftaaooiij iiipf nwrsadi for tbe aulf idibgitbbgronddb and blber improta iitai4ropmiidbria thsboardtban adjonrntd women aatbha the and often oaptura man with powder alone volc rnp are grand but tdn eruptions rob life pf yoybucitni aroioaflalve oo ret them aiaoi 6idtrubiiipjgia ftveiscvraeriotrt wl fttons pcirris tfuttii onta brnltat bflra icwda llhtlaerjraonhirt iaehei- 6nljr wota aiiitcara gntranlted bold by j p moeee v hlti g jetllly ifilannibal mb lately 1 bad wodderf ol bvtsranee from a frightful daatb in lingil it bt stystiwaa taken with phpid ji ltjr longa beoamt bardhrf j was to w tlftt jtsr2eaasrantr co dftthf oohturepitod wban i has ret ol dr ajraatlef looodnaed luoa and am lwirtiltsnlueb liawmttrkmrsaieiiia if slid obily djwpk ttlipp tia wbathlraly tbers woqld fce pa diriper4a poittgstlraftnibeaa itewmajavmjvttn fac form boot 6c shoe defartmmt whatever you neod in shoes is here ladies fiuo oxfords in the newest stylefl at tho closebt prices mens tan and caioico- jate shoes moat approved stylos meris and bbys bicycle shootf right qualities ohildrens shoes for school or chuwsh ihtaulisltlto i8 oiise may i8tii i8og hamiltons favoritb shopping place thisistlto timo when tho housewifes mind turns to thoughts of housecleaning and housecleanlng brings up thoughts of newcarpets dnd draperies arid carpets and draperies suggest to knowing ones the right house hamiw ton because its here that requirements in this line can be the best filled many people may not know that our stock rf these lines is one of the iafgest and finest in canada actually the case wo make carpels and homrfurnlshlngs a very in fact of bur devoting onethird of our entire soiling space to these two but thlsis rtant feature of our business as is shown by the twothings about our stocks v7e want to emphasize strongly first that in these deoartments we insist on our re must be absolutely dependable secondour he manufacturers on a spot cash basis ensures high standard of quality being maintained m everything thatenters here must be absolutely dependable secondour values are rlghtthefactof our buying in large quantities direct from the our prices being the lowest possible it will pay you to come jo hamilton and see our goods you will more than save your railway fare by so doing but ifyou are quite unable to do so you may still get the bene6t of our immense assortment and our superior values by making uso of our mail order department all enquiries and orders by post receive prompt and careful attention and we prepay thechargesto any railway station in ontario on all mail orders amounting to s500 or over we guarantee to give you satisfaction otherwise write try us ko order is too smau to receive our best attention come to hamilton if you can we give below just a few hints of what we can do for you in tbe way of carpets and homefurnishlngs we cannot give anythlngfike a fulliist here but if what you wantisnt included in this announcement write its about it 7n exceulentt stock ol chftpbts at pat oar gl js au bitty tor vxm1kbtbb-a- low pat axmtnaterbkooddeslajna varloua ahadoa ineludb wiiton1 s quality ti cbb-ia- fa teral ngblu is beat i- from era to alaea for ordinary alaed rooms and nrinsn uiwriea at about naif the regular value dso oftbocarpei ttorna of bur 135 blao tbeao are bargains brtjbsbrf best qnallty jsobllah brnaaola hall oarpeta with btadr carpota to matob large enbi anatll neat patterns dark rich oolnrinsn aro aarki greena and terras for 9110 wilton oarpeta laat years lattorni avarloty of dark rloh oolorinst- ii it x oft oftxllfto is ft 1 oft 10ft xaft3 11111111 18 it x 8 ft a 10ftoxhft is ot 8qnares a srand- ci per yard tor h ooebtnnamy ra oarpets reversible patterns various oolor gualluea for dining rooms bedrooma eto ity very pnltrlgbt shadas plnktjuo j m a toa and prioet bteenandsnldb01neb as75 braes tarrae and gropna with bordera to rnatohormerlytls clearing ataij0 talbstnyb about 800 yarda ot our laat years tapeatrya beat quality variety of sod petterha in kruaeels effects dark all wool bug3 adea regularly 90o for 700 new kenalngton oarpat xsnatfiadi analiuot for dining rooma tere ue aoma of tbe altoa otnornnliuasto70anaeoc bbtjbbbiis beat quality new bruaaels oarpeta a very large variety of new shad- lnsni andpattorns anltable for any room wuhrjordera and nail and stair oarpeta to matob ai85 bbtj88bl8 quality in varloua newdealgnaand eolor bluoa greena and tenaa with borden and nal andtair oarpeta to match ai00 otberqaallclaaotbrntaelt at ooo s11c and begular ii 00 91 00 meo 31 00 28 35 sb 50 97 00 for a 11 00 19 75 18 00 10 79 19 99 18 90 99 79 rpaelal velno per aqnare yardsp and 390 coverings frenobtepeatry covaorlngt ali detlgnt- and abadingsi good olotna 00 in wide very mueb lar valuea worth ls par yard for worth 1js per yard for worth s17b per vard fotlg0 worth bi 00 par yard forsjio worth mjo worth ajjopjiyard foasoo ktlnbooh 90 irfohaa wlda laiga variety 0 new colorings ana detdgnt coo sstln 0n rttrppt 00 ineb in 1 in greens browns and yard lor lentofatwjpatt llndlin rods worth terse r rth to 9 x 3 yarda sxsyarda 3 x 8 yarda sxtyarda si a f yards ii it jarda txsyarda 10 00 10 00 13 99 19 00 10 00 m 00 iiaoe qortttlauh in our ttookof law 1 lety enoufh to nlt b haw brnaaelinait atmt 1 aretbown in great na there yar- iiwsinr it mtkn wo bare apaneao rugs a urae bpeolb1 imp lar auttinaxpenilte jrutfoq o tbetfl ngt in vaiioai ofred blue and greet pretty oriental abdtdyw6brdr hall and a fair rafos v i x 19 ft 19 00 10 1 14 ft is 00 9x 0 ft 8 so aissiiar yard velvetsrbost english volvot oarpeta 1 very good wearing quality varloua design and ahadoa with bordora hall and atai oarnetato matob ai99 instance s 0 ft 6 00 wiltonsboat quality wilton oarpeta in 5- s hi aelfoolorod patterua with handaomo bmplrebardorstomatchavortblgbelasb oarpot 104 tapestnvbra foil ranco of rollalilo qual ities tnttpoatvya new effoeta sorao with bordora to matob a numbor of different credos at 40 60 00 7so and 00c made tjp carpets we havb a number of bruaaolb velvot popu- imshmmt in s iarge ttrlrty of ahad- patterns varloua alaea from as js to inebet new and iiflooa bfiubbbls mbt vary eboloe asaartmaht mata up for of now stylos all sites at s3 to t94 per pair speolal 100 pairs white notuna am ourtalnt good llnoleumb and olloloths bnsllsh rjlnoleuma- in a eomplete aatort mentotnew floral block and conventional dealonatwo yards wlda extra value at par square yard to and 49o bnollah oil clotbt good varloty- of new effects and oolorlnga two yarda wide attorne altee00 lhehat by at yards apse- valne 1t9 wltbplalo lvalue worth su5 per pair for worth suw per pair for beavy broatols sat cnrtalnt wi pll- euutrebordsr and insertion very enolee 99 inobotwldo y uutreb new styles for by a yarda long extra v and nsasjoasoo 27k v- r king and hughson sts hat pwfe- aqtimts in every dlatriot on the contlnsot totakoorderaforblrb grade canadian grown nursery stock and bdeda largeat and mobtnobmpleteaatortment in the trade faat- aalllng apeelaltloa anperb aamplet furnished free oorroapondenoo in any language these kiltlona areniodayniakersandurrltoryabould aeeured at onaaibrabe aeason byall boatlora looking for a good thing our salary or com- mission ohora interottio anyone mot earnlirg aioooa par year uot inoommoolcauon fjltb nrrxearestotnoe an opportunltytttrepreaont a wauettabllabsd honse ability more impor- tauit than experuuoe- lijkhbbothbks company international nurseries culcago iii afontreau que boobsster n y isv4isbwft v-yj- ft every line that is broken is being cleaned out somo one pair of a kind some two pairs the best qualities are here and if you get your size which yon are sura to in some of tho makes yoir draw aprize come in look through these basketa and bargain tables and see the prices you are anre of a big saving in whatever iiqe yon invest last weok wob a recordbreaker wo look tor still better tbigweek ft i3 ff wm rockwood woollen mills eatabllshed 32 years time bringsits changes the composition of this firm has undergone some changes during its long and successful history now reaching out to the end of fourtbdobndo but the principles that guided its founders and have been demon- stated all through these years are th priiiciples on which the business is conducted fn these closisigyears of the nineteetb century v est transac- bring us your woo olip and the best market price will be allowed for it with fall height and fair inspection in exchange foryonr wool we give you choice of tbe beat values in homespuns flannels blanlcete she yttfaisi9 p msmbfactnre can bettor stocks be fonn jbpyvibboifah 0 sltlrtingis ciiatle towamitflseilytinvwooli we want to sell you goods from onr shelveb in exohaoge a fairaquare deal is i one i10rsje waggon for sale alight oiohoruo wakon in good repair lor btilo at ovbftroain auply to 1iiomab hamilton cor mill aud freaotlckbtrofitb fishing preserves notice iaboreljy jlvou tbat dab leg and booting on the atrcnm running tbrotiab tbo out part of lota 89 0 ai and iho west par of tot a i in tbe 7tb ood nnbbbaweyt aro jiro biblttad trapau0ra will bo jiroacouted under tbe ontario samo lawa w staik for lessee b aoton may 8tb 1899 wanted mtjnicipah5pf 0 agton court vision nptloa la faevebr v given tbkt tbeooort of bavlalob tor ib village of aetonviu ba bld on j- tuesday 30th bay of mat 1s99 attbtoirahallat8oolook all parttaa intereated will pleaaa govern themselves arcoordlngly t tmoobb clerk acton may 10th 1w mve parcels ot valuable prbpeiyty iu acton f sal the following property belonging to ur pat3i0k kbllty row of boffalo u itare4fqvultffetlowpnotxandaurtnat paboaiil thatllnatjriok realdenoe and twe lota on t eo of cbo nd opclpb atrae otobatrd ond good garden benta at from to mpotmontb fasobit 9 tlta brick homo and lot on ohnroh btreol baa asven rooma soft iratar good table paboxi good building lot ct5 x 132 on gnalph btreet nest to alo ramshawa new reildenee rfasobz 4 the atorojind dwelling on uill toelvoooupieabilfii a ganaraj bailmu ia oentralandocntenlenl paspbz ff tnrae geod bqlldlntf mots at tbe bomer orxoang aooalull streeta a aplendld ite for af mnafaotnrmgfatablitbmant owing to lta proximity to o ttt flepot for terms and partioulara efiqaireatthoqffloa i r toqngstjloton into ththi qrandtk1 mating nacw is now xapia1ymiiilni ilimpoi bltaatedaait la in tba heart of ngsroanda of mttmkoka it is w aohad railwat btstkm rtrttnar point to huntsville ranoabyatewttiaretaurtbebeantlfol waters of itatryaadpenlriinlacjjake to arsaamers where everyfsoillry earlsts for reaohinadlffsrent parts of the lakaa byxneans of thalakvof bays ntr- co angler will and this a verltabla paradue- andeau safely be pnoolsaa- sn svbundanoeot aptolded trout as tba remit of chair afforta bxoabent hotelaand boarding- bouaeifwiu b found here bates l and np- wtrdaperday tlekets all inforrbatlon from o vb agenta or write h s bolmes agent aoton io dlst eavaat agttcirbiito wellandvale bicycles j c hill agent v acton call and see tho new weljfand vale bicycles at the bicycle tlvery the per- feet garden cltyand domlnidn are the leading grades while the perfect cbainless has merits which wilt be- appreciated by all wheelmen it is an un disputed fact that the wellandvalowheels cost less for repairs than anyother wheel the single piece crariksjiib the best atlachment over adopted- tjijfjnew do- partnre automatic brake gives tile jider corhplotocontrbl prices right for purchasers who mean business mitt itr mm 3oitn j-v- mammbtb southern sweet xliotisnt -afcrlyijaafalbg- aatanimtltoolan wltoontlri jjhlti dont cjlouaastlyyollowdont white cap tallow jwni afattbdoaytlloirdent angalot auanlaht- karlybotlar tspnipteiasitarry trftlgftllpyf balteranorth dakota thorori4broilwhitwlntoto our atooit la of aioaltent quauly call and s laandget prlba vi f yiwvjih w l it u wj vhimk is v- f

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