mm itiyabjasawiwft s r- iiornino krqfflce 6 abeooueol ubl shows ljibtoaj- ttiebiiqaatscs irawn f ennis rackeils and j balis all fresh new goods thb traders ihk of cahaoa mssj mm iaoeew in paid riiiii y mm3 ft km d 0 t iltolnmaal strofgin prices very low capital authorized capital paid up 91000000 70o0oo cuelph branch wo ero now issuing honey ordors payable at par at any branob eohaitsreabankln oenaha excepting tboytlton dlstrlot at toe following underfill 8 oonta 1 aiotosio i 890 to x u conta ano to 0 oonta days book store duelph day soils cheap jwters bros pictures waters bros watibpps i goods j- biaabstoobbemt bate of interest naldon aama depoaited of el and upwarfla fntorwt allowed from data of derioelt to datetor withdrawal and paid or compounded half yaazly adranoos made to responsible farmon- on their own namoa at the lowoat ourront ratea noeuargo made for oollootlngaalbanotoa if payable in qnelpb a general banking luelnesa transacted a v n jones manlier 0 rs bros about this time oi the year so many people are getting married that the question comes what would be most suitable for a present we have a variety of articles in which you cant help finding something that will please hsure we have starling sijjer ware amawaaamaaakm srfltxjl jfatrtile juaing tbe spolltrr a worn in ttaina waa and alio wrote for the preu as fcou or might do she told how 10 cat and fit a dteae and bow to ww many aaavotynaoaa but and nerval bad done it hanolf i guew which non of bbr readora knew o tbo iour wo apent and tbo floor w ipeot and tya aujtar we waatea like eancj at tboboit oa woman who never bad cooked andjn wwevnow tbat abo never eoutd oebk and d not understand a won- n there wata and abe wrote rtajht air aav iiorlj might do how a 1 of a barrel to make a chair to bi covered with cblnti and atoffed witb hair twoul adorn any parlor and give it an air and b tboorbt the tale waa true o tbo di yp we worked and tbo waya wo worked to h omer and saw and back in mak ig i chair in wblob no one would alt a phati q which no ono ooold poealbly- alt w1b it a orlok in bla back a wob 1 there wan and abo bad hr fan bet than yoa or i she w e out receipt andnever tried one bhe t to about obildrenof oourae ahe bad none bhe 1 1 us to do what aba never bad done am ever intended to try audi inttototoilandltlan toapolj tna tlinatbeoupof dlagrabo ita tof uow a woman who dont know beana awpn n who never had cooked nybeaua but jote and waa paid to fill apaoo congrtgatlomtlut ki sttubbt new store quel ph bpekbros y r pfer makies soboetown ont from the silverpla for all lb bebt makorb eci ware gnaraotei d qdadrnple plated cutl apy 1 different aeea car fers tm mun 1 bwtibt klrxbarrr htoderati fftfh s ji txhepaper iuied in tblb joorna in from ihs albive mlui wmbaebek btto paid for produce onions poultry iprk etc lies wanted r ilii 1h md produce co i paksons manager itoinsta- acton inlle clarks hotel has come mpa you want to replaco your mwi ttowmbjf tboudtoro mmm w ans 1th pew ones of bright new heavy slock 9 19 order and to your satisfaction inglvynnvjnst what yon want at low prices we in and see samples and let me i jyon prices for eavetroughlng for rfyour house or barn wprkjuubeen highly spoken ofby poy enstomera r promptly attsitdxd to wlthajii ihn m wjuck without oases ondco quxlpa kzsyat lo nt john clmeron archlteot andcontractor mannfaoturor of sash do inallatyl riftxssnro toorderonaht wflhaaaortod atoek on hi the tlmei john ca itrainofl moulding id uouldijfo notiop ia at prleos to an ieron iproprletbr you aware that this is private property i ooold haraiyima8lne it was pobllo mldhvyt sbo flatbed angrily you are trespassing bhe continued and aro liable to be prosecuted and persooated it ihe nbtico bosrd lies hot he added the nolloo board does lie borne tour ist abe began impetuously thoolsoppoaolam not treopaffllnilv heqaeried you will aee 1 said she uorcely but sorely a treapais without damage is as harmless aa a threat that oannot be oarrltdont t be asked tho game she started to etay ilt remarkable for its absence ho oon- tio ti respassing there are two k rids of meri to be found evej y where rj- those who are oblig ed to dregs roughly while at 1 work and it val a delikhtlul hot afternoon and undert le trees elysium itself the path rantlr ugh a tnnoel of foliage between whfcci impses of the river parallel were evetyi iw and then betrayed by natural vistas it you happen to know the road to looon before the path to aehnesi bridge forks a infaot the delightful stretoh thai i iesj at rakes foot you will have a scene liki to i ns two peae are to one another bulfor derwentwater yon must of oootse enttitiiute the bhallow rapid shingling bairagb the road waa inobes deep in dust and that it the whiteat tbe boots and stockings of tbe knickered norfolk jaqk- eted trtveller ooold soaroe be distinguished mm a- tijliiliaibfy itself he looked yhatderleathiriybody tos as though hefloated in tbe air bereft of feet and ankloa now half way down the road the trav eller who waa young and fairly good looking though perhaps not endowed wltb thai facial atrsngtb of character whioh is the dear delight of authors who are femi nine happened opon a stile spanning the grayslone and mosy wall that separated the wood beyond from ihe road it was a famous stile somewhat like a pair of atepladders with three range by whioh to asoend from the road and two to ascend into the wood on the other aide of the wall the traveller aioended aud parched upon the happily placed platform at tbe sumrni of the stepiadder and pondered tome tnd while he- pondered he mopped his br w and gazedopon his boota besides givini ihe lie to those who say that one canno do things at bibs ibje for one wbol s refnsadtdotoi itbejrlpprat my bshes and i in a draft moat thorough then e struolt a match to light aolgarette i k iw it ought to have been a pipe bat itwai a cigarette and drawing it along on ad icen piat saw for the first lime a otflo thereon it read a pnnabecker mm street aoton thos whose occu m vplves-no-difference-in- attire fbrthe laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business- rnaa comfprtable sensible shoes fdrthchpys and girls good knockabout and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our spring stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please pur customers as to style quality and prices oali and she ottr hew l1kis any person fotlmp tbebpabsing on eluded the the bhe was at a loss i picked thia olump of mountain asb he suggested kindly ah injuring tbe ireei 1 you oan be imprisoned for that she replied with satisfaction sorely a fine he began oar bench is landed property said he and we loathe er tourists oh 1 be murmured disconoerted only the other day my father who is ohairman waa moat severe on one who carved bis name upon a tree and yoa have broken a branch a twig be ventured to oorreot ihe asms thing raid she defiantly misa smith he a id in tones ruoit imploring dont address me as miaa smith sir andshespoke in tqnss most haughty suohfamiiiariiw r well edith if you command it be murmured abashed how dare yoa she oried i dared dot till yoa commanded he aaid and yonr name brooch enpplied the inforniation there was a moments sileuoe yoa masl give me your name and address sbe oommanded for yoa to issue a warrant for my apprehension no the prieonor refuses to give his address hs replied it waa an awkward position for a girl who only did her faihrre dnty wita moat ungenerous of you she ex- olaimed juet because yonre a man and happened to be atrongor than i am you will evade justice never be answered firmly yoa wil ran away and i impeded by skirts am helpless to oatoh you she continued you could lift why dont yon make good yonr escape and run away she interpolated with haste am i hot yonr prisoner be asked do you mean to say that you will oome quietly to the lodge and hoe n father abe inquired as quiet as any lamb be asserted well its ihis way said ahe it is customary to grip tbe prisoner by tbe arm he suggested she paid bim ho atteution and in bilenoe tbey strolled toward ths lodge ifyou will excuse me for a minute i will see if my father oan attend to yoa now she said when arriving at their dealinatioo abe had led him to tbe draw ing room pleaae ail down surely prisoner had never been treated with anoti consideration ina minate or twoshe returned some what ooofuued my father will return soon ahe said then i mast wait he replied ob dont fpu mind bhe oeemed relieved not in the least said he she rang a bell do yoa oare for tea or would yoa pre who la that ugly deva on your vlfea escritoire and i yourwlf havent you beard ill tell you all abont it ob it waa quite a romance its a beast of a photograph donl you think so miss smith v temple bar a curious will te barby estate e corn whilvialo- and retail ftr silo and ensilage swiow horsetooth 6bo a bushel lvmun south white boo jikd cob enailagoa5o trly tesiliig ttoo i v- amo jmammotucuban i wis early white deni ri1 saltars north dakota jj clouda eariy- yellow j t comptona early j t 5arly butler and o other kinds wo carry largest stock in city j 1 also i bttajkwhnti n g ijqtt8md m i tomlpti el lpittrrioibrajc tcton- ordrthofi with bim hlfeemwproaiirt nttentlon h m thp kmlfiufiyjiisaai6ljiii lir e fe ani wk9bxssmkmm wm fe- wj williams mill st thlaword is our oopyrlabted guarantee for purity and strength whan aeon on our goods itmsua ttaaad the standard lor their several pcrposs aadlttjprssano proteow von rron lmllatlotta and lnfsrlor gooda ook for it fagiuofluifc spray eofitalna no mineral pouonrraliortribrn sure doatlto all inmet ufa funfff ete barmleaa to vegeu- uontknadaa only rellabje apray 8hieep dip ieislatle sheep dip la a pnparaupn for the cure ci sklb dfsaaaas aaatha eradteation of vsrmln in sheep and eattla ii i highly madl- elnal anoldoea its work with no drastlo or inrttatltafwreeti endorsed by laadlag abaep horse wash j prautlo ben wash la a spaelallr pnpalsd msdleattanr for ws ear ol akin dumm pmullar to boraas and lor ridding them qflall insiwt neate ind vermin i f a snrpasslattty rawbtmrsffori 5rfflbkllwnpt sndpntethe aklln thorowtly haaltby ofndluon pfto jljloptoseaii matsdmrthon aaoarally keepeth jttyfcndlllinandauaarm a healthy and poultry j powder itual bouse boray inllar to tba ffowfs 9r in ahada acta sstwe id pqoltiir afaatbaavil aa a dlli abts offlue wijl be pb8e0oted by order j 8hito very orilipary nolloe but- ono which been thtf snbjeot of much merriment a bapk when arryyoajuggiaa eliminated the harmlase o and ioter- ed the direful e for the amusement of hiionsoonni and oonfreres le effect it bait opon onr traveller was nolthat which henoelbrward for all i are may be described aa faclsnaia ri ho bad no deaira to drop in not len the will and the be neither did ange peraon into peer but ha did his feei wblob had been resting on two of the roadside ladder to change position to rung one of the woodside iff he el n ii lisher mter the tint step the way waa eaay i appearid to be the graaa pkth which landered amongtba trees in curves mtslnuoual a path that looked ail all 1hihhn path look aedu and mote ally they prsvtnt trooi from ycor dealer m t germs and pnrlffinjuw jmout fortbemr w invite oorrra pickhart renfrew co limited stouffvllle ont l want ho cor ilis ufa jjad lnvol admiral da way 16 wpkfij b3l5ero vnnbstmasgdm inaind admirer atlbe astlin w tt mfstoiaaataiai pi by far the moat delightful in the ula district onr traveller looked at b atclt at the np and down of the road d not a soul waa in sight to deter him e ellpmd to the ground and in a brief ipace wka in aba tbloket onanuon he preaae1 till the blacking waa resfcred to the boot by tbe dust ban ishing iraase agenoy the oigarette emoted put- was replaced by a eeoond and thed he tanse to a halt at the brlok of a ouniilijlltjla treemirrored iree orroand- cd hkt whose oinar waters invited nay alinoai uoinnaanded lmmersuin witn the ihelnjometac taxed to it utmost beat roobniicg limits blrls were singing the lakelet rippled and 4lh the deliolous splashing a watar- tbrew itself in dalloloua abandonr lotd ihe embrace of the all absorbing ioioue apot for bathing but a spot wase3tj6aawat7brti was one who gasad at our traveller tba loubosr wth eyee beautiful and proiokad one attired la kerohlst of lawn bodice and aklr j of print and in other dainty things a iretty girl i said be mentally awretibedtonrith she reflaoted tto path was winding ilk to a mass battlrel masellko it led to an evsnioal goal i it uold do no barm to art tba uajjuw rneanderad on and found himself in aspioi bat three or four feet from my hileea o was off said b will you kiodly tail ma if tbu palhfns out anywhere near afsrley in lally at the village itaair abs v- mv tec aba aaked tea plaaso- aaid the prisoner- and tea was bronghl i think i saw a plotnre of thia honse in this years academy said the prisoner lea and foaat in baud did you really notice it t abe said with pleased surprise i painted it and mr barry bought it mr barry owns all this proporty indeed i he ronsi aooounti himself moat fortunate to have ao zealous a guar dian aa yoaraett thankyoo half aoup then they talked of many things of booka of paintings ol poeta aoags till the sun lost some of its youthful vigor and then tba conversation was of other things more human than that of books or paint ings bul none the less pleasant and at laat they happened on a mutual enthnalaim and ihey enthnaed until the sun dropped behind lofty oraigavar and a sadden ohlll fell upon the jailer and aba oried my father will be hack in a few mlnn- tea now hadnt you belter esoape and we were getting on so wall too m ih frlinmr wlli halfa alflh it is told of two bachelor brothers old settlers in the huron diatrlot of canada that when they and their faithfulhouse keeper began notioeably to sgo rtaey decided it would be only rfght to make some- sure provision for her future by marrying her which ahonld du it waa the qnestlod they tbsieda penny and abode by lis yerdiot the brother who wab left a baohelor outlived the one who married the housekeeper when his laat days approaohed he made a will whlob a companion eorreepohdent baa copied from tba huron registry ii proves that the family trait of eooentrlolty had not exhausted luelf witb the names chang ed and with one or two omissions it is as follows in the name of god amen i william parrisb ot botberhithe in the township of damcoy in the oqunty and diatrlot of huron western canada esquire being in sound health of body and my mind just as usual whioh my friends wbo flatter me say is no great abakea at ihe beat of timet do make thlsmy last will and testament as follows revoking of course all former wllla aieavethe property jf botheihltba and all other landed property i may die possessed of to my sisters helen and elizabeth the former becanse ahe la married to a minister whom sod help bim shebenpecka ihe latter becanse she ia married to nobody nor is she likely to be and i also leave to them and their helre my ahare of the stook and implementson the farm i leave to my alateriulaw tioniaa all my abare of the honsehold furniture aud snob traps with the exceptions hereinafter mentioned i leave my stiver tankard to the eldest aon ot old john aa ths representative ot tbe family i would have left it to old john himself but be would molt it down to make temperance medals and that would be sacrilege however i leave my big horn snuffbox to bim he oan only make temperance horn spoona of that i leave my atster jennie my bible the property formerly of my greatgreatgrand mother and when abe knows as mnoh o the spirit of ft as abe does of the letter she will be another guise christian than she i also leave my late- brothera watch to my brother sandy exhorting him at the aame time to give up whlggery radical ism end all other sins that do easily betel bim i leave my brother allah my big silver annffbox asl am informed he la rather a decent christian with a jolly face i leave parson duval helens bnaband the anaffbox i got from the barnl militia aa a email token of my gratitude for tba aervioe he baa done the family in taking a sister that no man of taste would have taken i leave john beynolda a silver teapot to the end that he may drink tea therefrom to comfort bim under the affliction of a slatternly wife i leave my books to my brother andrew because he has been so long a jungly- wallah that he may learn to read with thorn and i give my silver cup with a sovereign in it to my aialer janet and also my grandmas sunff mull as it- looks deodnt to see old women taking snuff youths companion he 8 a young man wbo baa tts bo and 1ixufii7airihntowps4is town began to proparo for nollfa ani decided that after ms oollege eoutsebe would go to ihe feclbo states and begin life in the spirit of a pioneer during bia two yeare of preparation fur oollege be was the most active member f his own church which was declining iu numbers owing to lbs removal of many families to the city anil of the village improvement sooiely whioh has become a sooial featuro ot the town through his efforts the church waa repaired aud lte lawn and ohnrohyad beautlflel- ho markedhisloiiealplaoes on the old roads aud asl up new gnidenoata b seoured a driokingfonntaln for ths publlo square gve entertainments in the poorhouse and sat oatan orohard on the old home farm an old farmer with crumbling building- and sinking walls met the young mao ooe day under the oool village alms aud said to bim they tell me that yoa are going to oollege j hope to go and theniat west yes thm is my parpose v then if yon are going to leave- ua all what makes yoa take ao muoh interest in these affaire of- the old town what you are doin will never do yoa any good and well ail be gone if you should ever come back again i think that wa ought to be of some aerjrimjntaooniaduyjnwbioh live aaid the young man all ptsicea are endeared to at where we have tried to do goad tbey make pleasant memories i am sure iti have done anything for the befiifll of the old town i shall not regret this young man graduated well and went to the paciflo albpe he inopeeded in life with bla good asnse and eager ooselqih spirit it opuld hardly be other- wlae ho became mayor of a young oity waa sent to cougreal and did muoh for the tfcveloptnent of blsowu stite ii was auoceea orgauialng in hie sool that prompted himtoseonre thel fountain for square in the old elmshaded new england town seeingwbat ought to be done and then doing it is the way that snooesa begins mors than thia it is those who think m things ontaide of their own little lives wbp are most likely to auoooed snob people make the world better and impreaa pleasant memories upon the mind that the bomlng yeareoannot effaoe v ih i i uwer my ahardsd doorwayl cwttjtltlalunwnwlnfftf1 hlrda ilaveelioaee tofaatalon tbetr dwaiilns and oiler tbelrlovlng worda j alldaytpimjndoouilni on errands iwjuaukandflijl u and iijwmpi swestaswlit0ir tholroeoawbbangafiuaudahjaoav tbtre anaalldaylcgthwvltma9vi aattartnalranaodslena jaut andieatheitiand graaaep andhallforgetuogtoeat yet nererfaiitsgtjfwarble sweetest avaateweet o tweet i i scatter erunsbsrovwsdobimitsp audoungrusmi6msfloay4hnads tneyfoariaeejy gather wiooupty and tumup s ana chatter and dahoaaunnttar and scrape with their tiny ifeat tuilnbmeovor bweetmlsweel sweet o-sweetr- what ii tbe aky la clouded t what ilf the rain oome dcuvnf theyanalldreeaedtoiaeatlt in waterproof iqlfa of brbwa tbnevermbpenor langalab nor munnurat storm or beat but aeyirb the weathert v- v sweeteat aweel aweet o bwaett m vife crii bdoklbahninp otsty ii is said to be a true story of au english olergyman that bu bis appointment to a ooontry living ho went about from time to time to the bohses asking why he good wives did not go to oboroh on sunday afternoons milking ihb oowa waa the universal autwer- on sunday morning therefore he apoke his mind i havei been roood lbs parish ha said aud find you all make this same sxonae now i have only one thing to request and that 1s that yoa milk your oowa the last thing on saturday night and ths first thing on monday morning i who oould hearken to a man in the pulpit or ool of it after that said one oldoouulrynian bul then yon see he is a booklarnt man i another bookiardl man waa standing by- one day when ionnlry parson was looking at his bows poor oldiady 1 aajd the ooontry pari aorj apoatrophlelng one quietly pbewing her ond rmatraid wornatt part ooini pany wnt why 1 exclaimed the other familv qover it ia not all in the dhlld vf means with the majority of ohlovmtn thsre is natural tmpnlse towaralsal form of intlependenca which bringartlia- ichild into conflict witb the parenul dlaeip- line no doubt but it is vary largslylsieir manner in whioh this discipline is aaar oiled which determines whether ihs palfij of thitehlldfs tobelhvrentnmterof tbijj sitatioo in one boras the word of tbsvv mqtharexpreasedwttb kindness but flrmiv- neu the accepted and respected law or- thsohlld in another few are the mom- entsisrbteh paaa anpanotnatnd by reproof s threats of saoidlngtlti none of whioh bss love or dignity a share the threats fall on oalious ears for long experience haa shown the child that they are mere words as is well said by a recent vrrfur bvary- thlng ha been sld at a matter of ouatom wltbont any intentidn of carrying ool the threat a instead the ohlld bat reoelvsd eqdless sermons npou hisdlsobeaisnosi and obstinaoy the feorimlnalioos the reproaches last so long that ihe small offender gets irritated wilh ths sverlaating sooldlngs and the parents on their aide loievhat tittle authority thayhava in continual naggltntand fanliflndti boon other inementa present themselvaatlo be followed by fresh disnbedlsnoas and a still longer discourse there la nerar a moment of reapjte for anybody ab if the child does not become enraged it is hsoahaa he is thrnkingot eomelhlng qjulla different when one ia finding fault wllbhlm oood housekeeping sm ala v5vj3 i3 i yaaf vji3 a cortslallnvitatipn didnt pay b4ked her and witt stensrsisj yea i mean i thick yon have been imprisoned jong enough ahe murmured oh no i replied the prisoner gallantly yon have indeed yon nave please pleaae go my father might adjourn or something terrible and yon with nobody ta bail yon ont would have to go to prls obi lam sote mrs jones the oonalables wife would never make you oomtorlable do go i do goi ahe pleaded with handa olaapedin pity- bat how about your dpty to mr barry be aaked bother mr barry i tbe exclaimed than with gravel flying and the sound of much crucoblng ot small atones osme major bmitb ths agtnt of the barry estate and he teeing them palled up bla ponies with great anddenneis and leaping to ths ra5romdidbpedrcrylnrr fellow here you arel im delighted to welcome you to yonr own house after so long an abseooe twenl urthrstatlonto meet yon and foupd your luggage only if ws donl count a meisage tdthe effect thai yoa had got oat at aberavar and wars walking bhoald have baeo back long ago if that oonfounded raaci raven hadnt slopped ma to aak pr a rednolloo of itsnt said hla roof wasf ailing in so i want to sss it apd found aa usual it was all non sense edith baa been amusing yon i hops i mat miss bmitb in lbs wood and explained tbe traveller she knew yon from your photograph major bmllh auggeited i uui bmith blushed jitm thsabotogtaphls lbs original ebs piommibv bolld i bollo 1 bollol come here if i neil wailed while the big dig camel boucding to bim then they fan off the terraoe together apd leaped in and put of the watetlogtrongh yoo tee ihere was no water in ii of nourae papa- kept the plug in to keep bank the water while the big trough sweetened in the snn what fun it was though who would have thought eo but a small boy anda big dog in and out ihey bopped till they had to stop for breath then it waa that miacfalef crept into nells brain ill play a joke on bollo be thopght hes dreadful fraid of waisr he stole down the bank and palled ont the plug when ths trough was partly fall fas palled to hollo again but this lima he took care to fun down sldswise ast so ihe lilao bnshes hid the trough most of the way and nell diddl jump in thia time oh no indeed i poor unsnspeot- lug hull did t an ep aa a parrot pan say only what- bar xmui been laoght his apeeobea spurnss beoomovery ampsing when he is away from the place whore those stadled speechee are appropriate a- queer instance of this kind waa developed in the caee of a parrot that berongedto a esjtalfc travelling showmao thia bifd was aconstomed to imitate fffijjt fmia vplce of the mououbsyhnn- addressing the ordwda m0tffiym4fr alwaye created moon amtisihisbl jsjibuig so idrwrix in the ooufse of the mannd theblrds wanderingsi thej panja to anirmlng nptetl op ooontry and here one- dayabe parfott escaped and took to tttw the ahowman brganiasd a psioffmai and iboya and want in pujreullvlils fqgitivo l jl tfcy f t trioped of most of his fsalhan again disgusted nnd dripping he looked reproachfally at nell and walked away and not once again that day oould nell ooax him to raoe and play i cant trnat yon any more hollos big grieved eyea said and his big tall spelt out tbe worda one by one on the iloor in alow solemn thumps i cant trust you a n d to go to the butchere to ths botobsrsjf why i always thooghl oowa died a natural death and that we only ate oxen i dawkins tbe oountryman of the prsvlods talc was on the other side of the hedge grunting emphatically at interyls the ooontry parson looked across at bim witb a iwlnwe in his syei what do you think of that dawklne aakedbe wherever has be hid hlsaelf all these daya aakad dawkins in- irrepressible soprn hht then awlnkllog haoktat his mester hes aaohplard alnt he he never ate oo basf h tbt compa at home the nsoeasiiy otan oooulonal visitor io ibe home to share our edibles and exohangs views npon pnrrenl toplos or mattsrsof mutual interest hiould not be undsri eatlmated the gnat barrier to aooh friendly oocursnoee is ihe foolish dread of expense or a vain desire to shiosjajsyona ones means we oftentlmss live ijrti i suu of lonllnees and isolauon f rom people fe v ivs what to do with the boy a conversation was held a short lima sgo between husband and wife oohoernlng the fntnre welfare of their only son the mother waa for giving him a profession hat the father thought the profeealons were orowded and auggeatad starting tba boy in mercantile life tnernhirrfesonforbelnsnnpossd-to- fab son entering professional jlfe was that he had a brother who while very deter had nothing to sbowfpf hla yearbof labor bat a mere living and a good big aooount on ths habit aids the money spent in eduoatlng himself ths father although not having tba education at bis brother had some jrears ago engaged with the breajsyqamlaon co limited ot brentford ont first as oanvasslng agent being promoted from time to lime nntll now he waa in the iftry front rank with this oompany and making lots of money he bu also sssn a jdjjjl tba world having been ssnt to auatfbht seutb afrloa england and tha a btatas rwas tlijjt whom we desire or it would be our advantage to ooltlvate becanse a dress aa well as ihey do or cannot sebsvoh a nice table or procure for their deleotatlop the loxorlout edibles and dellnaoissr iq which hay are aoooalomed this on lbs whole le sheer folly beoauee no peraonol common sense oan expect a llmiled pufnj to vie with those of the -weallbyther- fore it yonr guest ia of good bfeeouog and judgmsnt sven u above you soolallyor flnanolally he or abs will never stoop to orltloisa or make yoo feel by word or set your lack ot what it is their bstler fortune to postisi enpburage air ihs adljylhit and enjoyable oompany you can and in time you will disobver tharebyths use of frisndahlftaataftofoomfflttto lean upon throngh mtntvwssthpnranntsh 1ook anirt ntjraial to the pploott rf tjnisffls on one oeuswuj7by whom hs was oomplalnlng hsm tbbpofblf a iliad with aaanfanuwowrinipqtwm ovtbsaripfjtahlitrtapnatlovato l oflpen who oudlked him tt in tawwia4smw fwm mt la b a fl orf e otrows wgg who-wefs- pecking awdvoljiwlbwivat mertllebsly ahfl iritba mldsl of it all-tjiaf- xm pattoiiirvasoalilngoii- l 1 a- lime gtnllemeol dpip crush- iopleaiel taks yeoe ftwisiv- tberewblenly of ropinl tke josajgr- time v-a- jcj it is needlsmsifmruia poor birtt reeouers thon merto iitlollned to stop and laugh a mooajsoi brfore delivered him from hla torfnsntsrs i a chtt bnhhg7ihir in there muethavo been many initaw heroism displayed and pbelo ptrtleeji desorlbed io dark days of ohlui waatotd to ihs author by the father ofk narbinei i iopa aveniogat 6 oclock dnrlni abeemea my daughter was writing istswsfp me awa table bnddenlyj haxoraab of broken glass folli a lobd at lbs end of tl and thsra had bep so muoh bomb ate that insnapuvely she guessed hadjjappened aufboiaitiy toruahto the door a boiabsivhnhwwmna rolled alar nfiaipfomsnlally without axi tbliabsiplnlted np and threw fn wo4wlfiso the ooort below seeltfgsttbat shms brown paper j ahllfrthr w half open box oartiifiasheqolokly daehed a la olsbtsj- vv kbthls time the servants had ri in fend ewoseded in exllngoiehlnf the art whioh bad caught the ourj an fmfcajnvi i bat my hrare daughter rsmemb that i nasobe oo unarmed tool revolvsr andatarted ont alone to meal on my way home and it waa no nnjl had been provided wlltijhe weapo u lj vri sberroldeat had happened t i parphaasdeotits olfdt worm bptaiyllltie m sdaudgavwbvillberaadiolnsas a nvwh p4ifll- v davsed rrttli