y m gray i j mv hair was rhlwgwrtrnn i turnlnc rrny very fast but your reatoredtho natural color mrs i e zi benomme conoe rt i its impossible for you not to look oldwith the color of seventy years in your hair perhaps you are seventy and you like your gray hair it not use ayers hair vigor in less than a month your may hair will have all the lark rich color of youth llm a mll all inas i honkbtv is the bbot policy tho offlco cat was dead caught in 1 the net of devouring thu head clorkh lunch it came in contact with hm i hoot mid tiled suddenly tho ueiuuiuyejailyluneconld it he i buried in tho heait of the ity alia si5 i aa bottle t vtffissffsijsss f fivonng jfolka who would bury itv- bob the officii hoy olteietl to get lid of it for ii consideration and pro ceeded to commit a fiieml of his tit a neighboilng hotel i after the office closed bob took ills seat on the outside of an omnibus carefully tarrying a paicel containing tho cat from which protruded the hail feathers of a pheasant alio parcel wb covirfully labelled hut bob left it under the seat when he got oil the bum boys meforgetfull soon another passenger noticed ttio paicel and gradually shifted his seat until ho was able to lift the parcel when he very speedily took his depart ure taking it with hiin boh got rid of it but to this day no one ill that office knows who hurled the eat london paper it leads and saves paines celery compound- dr phblpa wonderworjunb med ian prescription silenced followed a young gentleman took liisl sisur with htm while cnlllng thoj evuning at a houno where br tegular visitor tho little gb hersulf ivulte at homo mid j giuat fondness forone of th llldioh how miy iittectioimte4 said the lady of the house yph so like her brother oil tho young lady vmthinjj pnterfanillias looked i over the topso mwotl daughter the young gentll i m1 ami the lest wie silenj ciosponc jngly sternly ea at hl fcn blush thbs clouds in sunlioht- a cloud in biinlight sent to trace aciosa the bkys cemlcan face a thought to true for rigid too subtle sweet for night and stomi a sued for poems yet unsung to gardens of tho fancy flung aliimner oer the sea outblown tho pilots signal to his own serone tho wavering image gleams across tho poets lake of dreams until a breath of fancy wakes and then a thousand shapes it takes it glows it changes now tis gone but still its glory lingers on for rapt i heard tho poet cry sweet cloud 1 thy beauty shall not diol cucumbers an fruit to many pc thftt the least indu by attacks of cholera dysentei ing c these persons are not t that they can indulge to their hr content if they have on hand a bol of dr j d kelloggs dysent jordial a medicine that will glv imiiiediuto iclief and is a sure cure for all summer complaints lota of men have gone to the bad thiough their efforts to be known as good fellows i bicklos anticonsumptive hyrup stands at the head of the list for all diseases of the thioat and lungs it acts like magic in breaking up a cold acough is soon sulmlnodtigutnesof tho chest is leheved even tho worst enw of consumption is lolieved while in the recent cases it may lie said never to fail it is a medicine prepar ed from the active principles orvirtueji lilden litutod llowed ip- tree to4sljpredwirjihjbstb- usro- wfy4tfeoftl jd in tho ordinary viatttii as there a single bottle oi f hood slirsa- 11a the latter exists ioo tho mrwell that depends how did yorirs cost lout year f dlssttrsuparillft -wfieslies-hn- thed blood sharpens the flulled opotitjf restores the lost courage aiw seedy l vvho sows wjklfiits i hfffigymvh yellow vil is pompt to ujlevo and sine to ctu coughs cul c sore thioat puin in the chest bourn ness iuinsy etc pi ice 25c tss5 tree speech doesnt uivuyh ionsistof giving advice children pry for castqr taihus celery compound- is the worlds great leading medicine and lifo saver it has no equal for feeding exhausted nerves it stands first as a builder of tho weak and shatteml norvous system paines celery compound has long of 8 1ilc heros and can be ngopioved its power as a bunisher of dipemu upon for all pulmonmy com- w abash railroad special excursiontto denver color- lnga puelilo glenwood springs salt lake city ogden utah ngs and deodwood south ftnudii to the almrrt- m epn sale june 1 to 21 and june hclusive dyspepsia iheumatlsm neuralgia kldnoy disease liver complaint and as a purifier of the blood thousands of men and women tired out sleop- less nervous morose and despondent have been given perfect health strength and buoyancy of spirits through the welladvised use ot paines celery compound it has given a now and happy life to a vast number of people who once were tired of life and suffering if your health is impaired if you are burdened with any weakening or painful malady use paines celery compound today t it is specially adapted for your case it will make you well and strong mr h ball df sly ill i was obliged rczt so seriously 1 to take to my bed where i laid for i w im nnim u i plaints what is true is not always pi obable sleoplcssness lsduetonervousexcite- mont the delicately constituted the financier the business man and those whoso occupation necessitates great mental strain or worry all suffer less or more from it sleep is tho great restorer of a worried brain and to get sleep cleanse- the stomach from all impurities with a few doses of pnrme- lees vegetable pills gulatino coated containing no niercmy and are guaranteed to givo satisfaction or the money will be refunded a guest ami a fish after three tas polhoii ertsy to lovoyoi- enemies after vo gotten tho lutter of them wants uld like to nfc through the ij p lf tnnl ln columnbgia used qieens august person vsbftbe cure n indigestion flower fbftljvor trnul that has dyspeps4 also mean not bcon- curaorjhag hour stomach their results sucbuijjiial costlve- fermentation offom3e ness nervoiib dybpj despondent feelinbd with the fact any trouble corrbri stomach or livor this n all civill been sold for many yeara edcountnos and we wli pond with you nnum son one of our books free of k if you nevei tried august fovyti try one bottle first we have ni known of its failing if so hoiia mou serious is the matter witn yml g by win erskine to whom you toll yom snrrendeitour freedom children cr casto secret you a 1ml volieijfa i willi ail an ok tllvlth lm nlong narrow valley my niounf -innler-who80-bnly- seemeil lo 1h to bite aii8 ho encountered i do ndfc what he was a more dangerdtivtaf niped than any of tho wild aolifl in the mattoogi osso on either sid3 of the load rose tho loxest the branches of the ttees met here and theie overhead so that the thoro- fiue looked nioie likea verdant tuiuiol than a lountty road suddenly my mule stopped hopped his ears and tinned his homl about thinking that this was evidence of a desne on his pint to bite my leg i was about to whip hii uhen i noticed that he was slmoiingull over in an ague i looked up and down tho toad and then i hlmoied not more than sixty feet away a lingo snake half- coiled ntuuud a bough which project ed ovei the load lay swinging and looking at me v ith a glare that was not at all assuring 1 had left my rifle behind on a luggage- mule and had nothing with which to fight save a hunting knife i diew this prompt ly fiom tho scahhaul and with coinage noi thy of a bettor cause used jl us a spurupoiliuy lucklessstoed which tinned and galloped for dear life in the opposite duration reached my piuty got tho idle f men golloped back to nd wtmiiifrictn t secure the coh iud and i must have had tliei f t of bnn cry ho had droppwlfcgg 0 bough and vanished m the recp the jungle fa icparallonroras- itbetaodandregula- aondbowelsof a purely veffotablo corn cure putnanis coi n and wart extractor contains no acids but isentiiely vege table in composition putnams i er stings or causes discomfort it cvues quickly painlessly peimnnently hci gies tw ieo who g in a tiltu m iin noorn in toronto said my trouble was special excursion ad180n d of the kidneys and cheap excuimons x w nver w si all t eke s novomller 002 all tickets it and over tho true route to nndest oppoitunity of this country country of grand at a low rate pull from any railroad agent bichardson district fassen- northeost corner king and streets toronto yr n t quito different in some parts of canodaltis custom ary to call the justice of the peace or local magistrate squire one of these worthies a very estimable man who always enjoyed a good story even at his own expense used to bo fond of relating an oxpeiienco ho once had with an uneducated english fanner after transacting some business the tho squire and the englishman sat down to enjoy a smoke together when they had liglitod their pipes tho stolid britisher started the conversa tion by remarking i notlco as ow voiks calls you the squire thats because i am a jnstice of the peace replied the canadian things are so different at ome indeed in england a squirl wy r tra squire es a genl- ndontitbits special excursion lilatks via the chicago and north western railway to denver coloiodo springs a pnoblo salt lake hot springs and tpeadwood soutmoakota during june v vacation trip several fine trains via the norlhwcstom lino daoy full formation and illustrated pamphlets in be obtained from b h bennett meral agent 2 king st east tor onto ont i commenced to ubo paines celery compoud after hav ing used a number of bottles i was en abled to attend to business and felt likea new man i can ofhira with confidence that paines celery com pound saved my life m july and august tunlty is offered a splendid oppor- for an enjoyable his blunder jii say i she cried suddenly as tho bnahlul young man backed into the klkearest chair you must think youre fj blra beg pardon ho stammered i plont understand what ixbureon my hat i she shrieked philadelphia press kx it m a fillow feel cheap to imi i that every man has his price hnmer underwear is on and theres oiri in cough syrup pn neuralgia we suggest curing a pain in the face by taking scotts emulsion into the stomach usual way of treating neural gia is to rub liniment on the outside thats only a make shift scotts emulsion is nerve food scotts emulsion feeds aqdtrengthens for an obstinate neuralgia for nervousness for nerve weakness take scotts eli sion its nerve food and nerve strength well kiul jcoit yoluualo j 1 you ilk a woman never blames a mirror for casting reflections on her asthma can be cured thousandsoftestimonialaconcluslvo- ly prove thatastlima can be poinaji- ently cured by inhaling catarrhozono a vegetable antiseptic that destroys at once tho germs causing tho diseases catarrhozono gives immediate relief to the distressing cough and suffocat ing sensations makes breathing easy and regular and insures undisturbed sleep catarrhozono cures asthma that doctors arc unable even to relievo and can cure you tho catarrhozono inhaler is made of hard rubber fits into the vest pocket can lie used at work in church in tho street in bed any place at any time two months treatment guaranteed price 100 trial size 23c druggists or n c poison it co kingston ont sold by a t brown the sun shines for all the world instant relief guaranteed by using mlllnuns sterling headache pqwrters no depressingafteraffect caution this is not a gentle word bnt when you think how liable you aio not to purchase for 75c the only remedy uni versally known and a remedy that baa had the largest sale of any medicine in tho world sinco 1808 for tho euro and treatment of consumption and throat and lung troubles without losing its greot popularity all these years you will be thankful we called your atten tion to boschees german syrup- there are so many ordinary cough remedies made by druggists and others that are cheap and good for light colds perhaps but for severe coughs bronchitis croup and espec ially for consumption where there is difficult expectoration and coughing during the nightsand mornings there is nothing like german syrup sold by wmrerskine not what she wears hut how she wears it gives a woman individuality british troop oil liniment is good for man or benat relievos pain re duces swelling allays inflammation cures cuts burns bruises sprains stiff joint bites of inscots lheumn- tism etc a large liottle for 60 cts oneof tho best ways ofsolf-improvc- uient is being of service to others who need help mllburns heart and nerve pills cure anaemia nervourntsssleeples8- ness weakness palpitation throbbing faint spells dizziness or any condition arising from impoverished blood dis ordered nerves or weak heart man is are woman is tow and the devil comes and blows they never fall mr s m lang- ton writes for about two years i was troubled with inward piles hut by using parmeleos pills i wns coni pletoly cured and although four yeiirs have elapsed since then they lmvo not returned parmeleos pills are anti- bilious and a specific for the ciue of liver andkidnoy complaints dyspepsia costiveness headache piles etc and will mgulate tho secretions and re move all bilious niattei lots of people who aro dciul iuimih shoes will illld fit sick headache however uct distiessing is posillvel laxaliver pills they ai take and never gripe alting for ley dont innoying j jured jy easy to associate with mnbeono ofyffcni 2t gocxl mil you constipation ddes your headache pain bai k of your eyes bad tafte in your mouth its yyjr liver ayers pills are ii r pills they cure consti pation headache dyspepsia 23c all drujglftl buckinghams dyem5 kctm00wwt qr p hu co m h many a womans head has lice turned by flattery but a new hat another woman will make it turn moi quickly children are often attacked sudden ly with painful and dangerous colic cramrls diarrhoea dysentery cholera morbus cholera infantum etc dr fowleisextract of wlldstrawberiy is a sure and prompt cure which should always bo kept in the house f marriages are written in heaven walls have ears milhurns luxalivor pills regulate the bowels cure constipation dyspe- sia billiousncss sick heiidacho and all affectiousofthcoxgaus ofdigestioa when a treeisfalling everyone ciies down withftr pleasant to take that children hut its death to all kind worm syrup pi ice 25c lawyers houses wo built of fools heads valuablo advlee tin rheumatlos eat meat spnriuglyaand take very little sugar avoid intoxicants keep away from dampnessa dlink water abundantly and always voly on ner- vllino as a quick reliever of rheumatic pains being five times stronger than ordinary remedies nervuliuvsnower over pain is simply beyond licliei it cures also sciatica lumbago neuralgia and all pain whether internal or ex ternal largo bottles price 23c sold by a t brown tho girl who will spend half a day on the links wielding golf sticks wont touch a broom for fear it will harden her hands attent in the world of hoinco- grent talkers are not great doers a nod hot seaaon during the hot season tho blood gets overheated the drain bif the system is severe and the appetite la often inst burdock blood hitters purifies and invigorates the blood tones up tlje system and restores tlio lost nppetite marry your son when you please your daughter when you can path medicine has been it very source of progress as in politics and religion the difficulties of opinions and the individuality of men have been parent to the disagreement by which the standard of these bodies have been elevated so with most of our pre parations foremoht in illustration of which truth stands the worldfamous remedy to general debility and langour quinine wine and whicn when obtainable in its genuine strength is a miraculous creator of appetite vitality and stimulant to the general fertility of tho system quinine wine and its improvement has from the first discovery of the great virtues of quinine as a medical agent been one of the most thoroughly discussed remedies ever offered to the public it is ono of the great tonics and nut nral lifegiving stimulants which the medi cal profession have lioen compelled to reeegnij and preserilie messrs northrop a lyman of toronto have given to ttit preparation of tllell pure quinine wine the great enro due to its importance and the standard excel lence of the article which they oiler to the public conies into tho market purged of all the defects which skilled observation and scientific opinions are pointed out in tho less perfect prepare tlon of tho latter to him who is doteiuilncditioinalns pnly to act x backache swelling of feet and tnklcs puffing under tho oyes fre quent thirst scanty cloudy highly colored urine and all unnmy troubles lead to brights disease dropsy dia betes etc doans kidney pills aro a sure euro 3yclist deserves unlop tires want the best tires dunlop tires or do you want to pay just as much for the second best dunlop tlrcn for cnrrfaffofl nnd autoh nolltl rubber uuu pnou- dunlop tiheco umitkn toronto he who laughb ovenimch may have an acking heart it is only noctssnry to road thw testi- monulb to be convinced that hoho- wayn corn cure in uncqimllcd for the removal of corns warth etc it is a co i n pui to extinguisher omo men are of volcanic oiighi hut they ure not tho onefl who flhoot olt their mouths invtnt- jndudri bendiisa nttcb ktcte ornodel of your lu- ventlon orlmprovcmni nej we will tell you trem our opinion n to whether it li probably patentable rejected mppllcvtlonahaveoften been aucccnpfully pttuweiited by us we conduct fully equipmrt ofb in montreal n tlilhqmllficiustopro pate ipromptly 5eci i write for our inlerertjnsc booki or mlp nnd how you are vwlodud andwanhliikton lydlbpatcp work una quickly ftsbroadar tlie invention highest refertncea furntihed patents procurdl ttircugii marion ft ma rion recti vai spmtanotlcawithout chart in over too newspaperfc distributed througbont the dominion- spacultyifatent tnrcrs anct bntinecrs marion patant cxpcru 0 atlantic but mlneii of unnufac- ion selloltars riw lutktondc solid gold jibh boht gold pill 160 5 j rs gold fill 100 fbbk bust glnssos i0o wo fftlarantao porffict satisfaction globe optical co 83 yongo street toronto is ok the wftapperi of eveey bottxje ob ni hi who sweiiva ii a liar if you nro troubled with imy kind of kidney complaint use doiuih kid ney piiih ho wholiah money to thiow away let him employ woikmen and not htaml by sick hoadaohe biliousness dys pepsia coated tonijue foul breath heart burn water brash or any dtscaso of the stomach liver or bowels laxnliver pills are purely vegetable neither gripe weaken nor sicken are easy to take nnd prompt lo act who bowm ill reaps ill excellent llemiona kxit why drh at 8150 a pair thomas electile oil nhould be used by imithoiih trouhled wltliaffectiollinifthcr throat mid lungs sores upon the skin rheumatic pain corns ininions or ex ternal injuries the reasons are that it is speedy pure and unobjectionable whether taken internally or applied outwardly owniibt rain 800b panada air atand a strain whanootlm or bent flr and remain 7iaoapandtonknow para tartar arauwam th pna wlra fnm ca limit wallnnrllla cnl tenoea are 4 j renelson 73 jbjyndhhm st cublph new neckwear new fancy sox new colored shifts new colored hats new straw hats all the latest novelties uptodate goods i goods marked in plain figures one price to all r e nelson cvjlblph mbrchsnt tkilor tkno mbhs purniqh8r you see what you want when you come here if you dont we can make you see by fitting you with glasses as only an expert can well test your eyes we make no charge for that- then well fit you with glasses that you can see with well leave the rest to you prices according to style really good glasses s keprotty auq crashed fruits the bestpf exj give special attention to i which mean so much in givii faction drop in any time freshing drink fresh candies of all too we can please yd there are not manyl baking that cannot m cheaply as they can bl a loaf we leave ther best qui right prices bran mid sale i cash fora chopping fine watch repairers quelph she who is born a beimty is liorn betrothed bo years experience tradc marko oraians covnkht ac- anyona aandlaa a ikateh and domtlptlnn may qulaklr aioartaln mr opinion frao whathor an invamlon iaprabablrpmantabia commnnlom- uonaitrlotlroonlldontlr mnt froa cmdeit noano patanu taken tfiron ntttnt nrllft iripp- scientific american a hriidumolr hlortttt1 wkr- iftrimit dr- tmlaikin of snr roleiittoq joarnt terroi 13 a roar i four roontiia l sold byill nwm6lem munn r co new york unmet oitloe oft v su wutalmtton d c tlio envious will die but envy never pimples blotohes and- skin erup tions how unsightly sonietiineh even tlis- kuhtlng and certjiihly vaiy moitify- inpf to tho sufferer thoy aro merely nn evidence of impmv pofhoiiedhlood and lowered vitality of the elementary organs which can he quickly changed by taking forrozoiu after nienla pernone eleanseh the blood of all poihoiiu and ernptioiih imikea it rich hi red coi useles thut maiiifeht theiu- flelvch in a healthy inddy complexion to have it pure soft akin nnd good coinpleifiu simply uhc foiioimercgu- laily ivice 50c per lxx n h ihjxih for 210 nt tlrukgists sold by a t brown a woman ought to show the mime desire for her huhlmiulh appiovalaftm hho is nuiriied as i w fore ohirdren cry for castor i a ikaan m trvellers travelling from place to placejj of bowel complaint on accg diet and temperature dr wild is a sure cure fd cramps pains in t cholera mtqrbus plaint and all adults itseif it relic does not leaved pleai most