Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 20, 1899, p. 3

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this bank of hamilton charter granted 1872 head pffioe hamilton ont capital all paid up reserve fund total assets 9i4s4oo0 1000000 13163000 j 1uknbull cashilr savings department one dollar or more recolvod interest paid it best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a written arder with the pass book security tho government returns show that depositors in this bank hac over iive million dollars of surplus security farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to feedcattle etc farmers sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate of interest security courtesy fair bates every banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited the news at home ceorcetown branch bbtahllsnb 0vhu tkabb j p bell agent thursday july 20 1899 little local brieflets which caught the eyea or eara of free preaa reporters thla week tho wheat harvebt 1b now iu operation well i will bo hanged bald tbe bammook warm weather gives tho bnttor a ohenoe to spread itself interesting oorrespondenoe from orew- sona corners ia orowded oat this week across tbe wheat fields waving yellow sea olond shadows oome and go rev father feeny ia having a driving bhed added to liis barn on agnes street mr blaok the hirhlaud piper is engaged for the garden party tbia evening the bonders aro having a busy summer with their oontraots in town and ont bov 1 ii forbes will occupy the congregational ohnrob polpit qeorgetown next sunday the baptist sunday school had a very eojovable pic nic jeaterday afternoon in warrens trove mlbsjfiarl moqrail ot trovjj y will give reoitations at st josephs garden parly this evening the halton fall aaaizea will be held lo milton on monday oct oth jndge ferguson will preside aoontraot for leather anppliea to tbe kingston penitentiary has been awarded to messrs beardmoro co knox churob of quelpb has extended a oall to rev mr rsbs of qlsncoe to sueceed bev w a j martin tho big return rattoh with gait on the- 29th tnat is already tbe topio of conversation among the laoro3aists the exeavatioob are completed and the atono is on the ground ready for the boildera at tho new baptist cburob bite major w x appelehy has been dasetted in tbe brevet rank of lieut- colonel in the 20th battalion lorne rifles the band of the 20ih lome rifles will play at the millitary tattoo at hanlano point on tbe eveninga of tbe 27lh and 28th teat bantorton is likely to be lighted by electricity shortly either tbe rad ial go or tbe cataraot powor co to supply tbe power u fred b elliott lata of the miltoxr standaru baa purchased the cobden sun and has excellent prospeota for auooeas in that eastern towo eloraisarraoglngforagrandgaladay ha 1st august a big list of attractions nnonnoed including bhe48ih highland- band of toronto they believe in marrying and giving in riage in hamilton the bev t rt moore of that city has oqlolated ine weddinga in leaa than a month prnter the garden party at the home of mr as barry this evening under the pioee ot the young people of st joiepha drob will no donbt attraot a large psny a icrob team of laorosee players went olenwilllame saturday afternoon and e defeated by obe goal to nil owing tbe rain the game lasted only a ar of sin hour mrobaa taylor son inlaw of mr pro grant formerly of georgtown and wall known tore was killed by akiok from ahorse at his horns near si marys a ooople of weeks ago at the meeting ot guelph presbytery on tuesday bav b j m glaaaford waa elected moderator and bev h a mao- nvener of the yoong peopl jboolotlts committee a cflizen led the fnaa pans tbe other day whin those near elaotrfo poles are to be painted he was referred to tbe blectrio light committee the qooetion was to bard for us to answer while bsv father feeny was in tbe retreat witb the olergy last week at berlin the ladisa of st josephs parish prepared i very agreeable surpriss for their pastor by placing a floe carpet in bis parlor to ma pair a rich lady cured of bar deafness and niln 1 in lh head by dr holaona artifloal bar drams has sent 1000 to bll inetltuteraolrrat deaf people unable to nrooure tho bar drums may bays them free apply to department k b the iostilnte longoott gunners- oory london w england a delaware farmer reoenlly purchased a a horse which bad bean in tbe spanlah- amarlcaa war and on being dipped vera sbota were found inbedded in its ssb to those about to marry yondg men or old mon who iutsnd to arry will be pleassd to learn ibst the w marriage aot is roado qoita simple by lying to h p moore issuer of marriage aas at lbs fug turn offioe 011 a ajra before the ceremony and heroine plained private office all triotly private and ooobdential in evenings moatly of a looal character etnd evorv item interesting- key sir monnlr at oakvillo bsv j monair the now pastor of oakvillo presbyterian church will oocnpy tho pulpit next sunday and preaoli bis initial serrnona sb pastor lie ivab vory aordially received by tho congregation at the induction service hold last tueiday prior to their departure for oakvillo mr georco davidson on behalf of the ooogre- uation read an adtirebs exprebive ot the deep attachment and high appreciation of the congregation for mr and mrs mcnair which was accompanied by a wellflllod purse of gold tiieancf of the jrlbluti sun a mnoh interested audience assembled at the dieoiptea ohnroh on saturday evening to hear mr xetaro simoaicin apeak ot the habita and oastondd ot the japanese people and obrtain featurea of missionary work in the land of the bising sun hia leotnre waa illustrated by lime light viewbof many iutereatiuiapoints in bis nauve laud mr simosita has attended college in america for bix years and in jnne graduated with the a b degree from hiram college ohio it is his intention to apbnd a oonple of years in tho eastom universities ere ha returns to work among hie own people mr simoaita preaahed very aaoeptably ou sunday moruiog in tbe aamo place another sneeeiwmi r social 8 11 1 68 9 11 8 00 h77 a large company gathered on the spaoious grounds of mr hugh maun on monday evening to eujoy a social evening together at the invitation of the ladieb aid society of knox cburcli the evening wsa pieaaant and tbe proceedings enjoyable from early evening mnaio filled tbe air and it was of a oharaoter to inspire every nationality mr george douglas dlsooura ed scottish aira ou tbe bag pipes acton cornot band played a number of selections arthurs string baud gave several of their popular numbera aodeoloe and doeta were rendered by rev j g cbeyne and mra macpharaon rev mr cbeyne alao gave an interesting address bev h a maopher boo the pastor was master ot ceremonies the gathering was in all respects a saooess knox sunday softool jicnio the exoareion and pia nio held by tho sunday sohool of knox ohnrob in howltts grove guelph last friday was very enjoyable rev s a nlaopbarson the pastor and the ofbcers and teaohers exerted themselves to give tbe sobolare a thoroughly happy outing a trip over tbe street railway was much enjoyed and fall justice done the oontentrof the baskets nt the grove the g t b gave tbe excar- sioniblb two special oars one hundred and fifty fonr adults and one hundred and eighteen children participated in tbs days pleasures the kind attentions of mayor nelsoc both at the park and in escorting tbe picniokers around the city on tbe electric oars was mnoh appreciated by all it gavo evidence thatrbls kindly feelings for his old boms are still cordial and vigorous a sportsmanlike game throuihout tbe return laorosee matoh with fergaa was played last friday aoton went jo guelph by train and drove tbenoe to fergus wlihlhe admirers who accompanied them tbe gams this time was with forgot in a score ot 8 goals to i a fergaa dispatch sayr ths game thronghont was fait and entirely free from rough plajv tbe referee was mr john dowhng of or- angeville hia only duties were to plsoe tbs ball between tbe sticks tbe first part of the matoh was very exciting and with 8 to 2 in their favor the aoton boys looked like winners the thistles however at this slags made their supporters jubilant by scoring tbs next five goals aoton still kept op a determined struggle and one goal more was scored on esoh side tbe acton players played very sportsmanlike game all tbrongh and it will have a good effect in making the people onoe more taste deigbt in our national game and help them to forget the faroioal exhibition given here at the gaitfergus game a ballon editor wedded a very pretty wedding ceremofrjt took place at three oclock on wednesday afternoon 12th lost at the reaidenoe ot tbe brides parents when susie second daughter of francis benson ersmosa waa n n in matrimony to john r lon editor snd publisher of tbe burlington oauttt tbe asremony was performed by the rev henry brand of eramosa in tbe presence of aome sixty guests tbs bride was charmingly attired in a dress ot mousaelindn sols trimmed with satin and ahiffon and oarried a shower bouquet of white roaes tbe bridesmaid mist lottie long alster of the groom was atlirsd in organdie over pink roses mr william benson brother of the bride acted as groomsman the happy yonng couple left for toronto and eastern points guests were present from drayton hamilton mount forest barliogtoo toronto guelph grand yalloy bookwood and evertoc the bride was the recipient of many handsome aod valuable presents the municipal council 1 minutes and proceedings of the rearular meeting held last week members present j 13 pearaon reeve james clark john clarke and j a murray the committee ou rinanoe proaoutod their fourteenth report and recommended pajment of the following accounts i mllla logiuing at power bouao and on streets em jo w broltu work at cemetery olid poiror houso o wordoo work at comotory and power houio qooree havlu auudrlos synioullros nails it w ohlsbolm co coal moved by j a murray eecouded by james clark that the report of the fi nance committee just read bo adopted oarried in behalf of tbe building committee of tbe new baptist chuaoh mr james molntosh rnudn application for a permit to erect a obornh edidco of stone and brick with shingles laid in mortar on the corner of mill and elgin streets moved byjamea clark seconded by j a murray that henry grlndoll he and ia hereby appointed engineer for tbe fire department at a salary of 9s0o0 per annum payable quarterly duties com menced 1st of july 1899 enbjeot to rules and regulations formulated june 20th 1890 one months nolioe kiven by mr coming and going visitors to and from aoton and various other personal notes tho fubb pnsa invites all its readers to con tribute to this oolumn if you or your friends aro going away on a holiday trip or it you have friends visiting you drop a card to tbe paxn lnkss mr p 0 maddook left ou tuesday for winnipeg bev mr cbeyne is a guest at knox church manse mr james mills of bracebride is visit- fog aotou relatives grindell or the lire and light committee to terminate conlraot oarried moved by john clarke seconded by jbb clarke that the application of the building committee of the baptist church to ereot a new ohuroh on the corner of mill and elgin streets be granted on oondition that the provisions of the fire by law be complied with carried the oounoil then sdjonrned the successful students list of those who passed a entrance and leaving examinations erin mrs moleao widow of tbe lato donald molcitn lot 8 oon 1 erin nssr oapringe died on tuesday morning with her hutbaud she settled in erin nearly fifty years ago mr molean died soms seven years ago deceased was a member ot tbe presbyterian obnrcb osprlnge for many years tbe funeral will be bsld today the interment being made at fair- view cemetery aoton tbe garden party at mr george lealies was a great suooesi the large crowd preaentcdjayech snd ths pro- gramms was very creditable miaa hannah stafford is visiting aoton friends this week visitors are numerous in ths section at prsasnt everton mibs j m mitchell of meaford is visit ing at mrs abbotts sjid among other relatives here j johnnie swallborn wheeled to mlnlo on tbe 1st and returned saturday morning he enjoyed the visit and mode quick travel ing with bis wheel ernmlbjmfcjoijbjejphjajsnijwayjil last week at tbs home of mr and mra james black 0 oclfriends initiated anolbsr can didate at their lost meeting friend b joatln gets the gold pin foe bringing in the most new members tbs raspberries seam to be plentiful in some places judging from tbe fall palls coming from the busb mr john blaoks son edward now of buchanan mlobpraobed in the disciples church sunday evening miss joan weathereton takes the lubjeot at tbs e l meeting this week jean has given papers there before and they were excellent ones so we eipeot to have a good meeting i it ia not wealth nor apoestry bat honorable oouduot aod noble disposition that makes nan grtsc- the following is tbe result of tbe high sohool eotranoo and publio school leav ing examinations held in georgetown on june 2mb 20th and 80th fortj three candidates presented themselves at tbe bntranoo and fifteen at the publio sohool leaving examinations twenty eight of tbe former and eight ot tbe latter were sacaebbfal the following is a hat of the suooesbful candidates with the marks they obtained entrance marks obtainable 1100 herbert jaobson 809 jessie farquhar- sor 786 bertha garbult 780 jas hender son 747 eruobt vanoe 742 mary hunter 734 nellie long 712 allen sinclair 096 john hunter 072 leonard mulr 060 gertie oneil 0g5 cecil cooper 658 bessie mokay 050 jennie mocoll c32 ralston brown 620 joseph lake 621 may langan 618 liuie mooowall 612 leslie evans 610 peroy atkinson 608 jessie norton 608 may goodwillie 601 mary marohment 607 annie campbell 582 mabel haines 501 may mooonnell 553- peroy litstor 660 fieda roy 550 pobllo sohool leaving marks obtain able 1250 myrtle watson 872 bertha speight 824 edith hicklin 761 bessie yemen 686 alberta mcdonald 080 john lstlle 0g6 willis webster 082 oscar bracken 642 the following oandldates for p s l tboogb unsuooesstol were granted en trance standing mabel graham maggie moore robert son mccoll herbert jaskaon who beads the list for the entrance is from norval and myrtle watson who makes an extrsordinary reoord in tbe leaving examination is from bannookbarn no 18 etquseiog herald rev father dovlin is expsoto 1 to visit old friends here to day miss flynn was borne from berlin a week ago for a brlof vibii miss olive somers of guelph is the guest of tbs misses wallace mjbs may pasmore ot rookwood visited friends here this wsek mr john lalug of burksfalla spent a we9k or eo with bid sister here misa anuie mcginuee of hoppeler ia visiting at mr b d grahams mrs john c nelson and children of guelph are vibiting at tbe parental home here dr j r nixon of aabgrove has com- menced praatioe at malvern county of york tbe mlases hodson ot guelph wore ths from june 15th till july 15th j d m hcton makes the following big cut on the fine wallpaper samples of c l nelles guelph noted tba btore amp china palace sc papers now 4c 6c 5c 78 6c ioc 00 121c 10c i5c i2jc 20c 150 23c ace 35c 25c 40c 30c just received a lurgo consignment of fresh turnip scod all variation 15c por pound or 8 lbs for 9100 broad loafed essex sowing itupe 1c lbs for lo0 pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bollerts visit our china paluco socoud floor special bargaiub in din ner setts toilet setts and tea setts l 8naps for one month only fresh fish received daily j a mccrea guelph churchill the new barn of mr chmtopher swaokbttmer raised ust week ia ono ot tba finest on tbe hill it is oommodloai and convenient and gives this fine farm m flnbhed appearance anniversary services will bo held in tba congregational ohnroh next sunday bev h e mason the popular new ptbtor of the congregational ohnrob georgetown will preach at 11 a m and 7 the fall wheat harvest is in fall operation hereabout tbs crop ib fairly good on most far roe rockwood a reception was tendered rov mr oramton and hia bride on their arrival at tbe manse on thursday evening a short programme was given in tbe cburob after lnoch had been been nerved the sunday sohool ot the r o ohuroh bod a pionlo at bernards woods on monday when a very oojoyable time was spent by young and old miss pjnkerton of kboxville tenn and mr and mrs wis hamilton of toronto are violting in tbe village mrs anson smith and son of aoton are guests of friendb here georgetown tbe lawn social at tbe congregational ohuroh on toenday evening was a highly enjoyable affair rev h u mason will prouh anniver sary sermons at churchill on snnday the property ot the late ohas ryan will be sold by auotiou on the 5th august a grand trunk engineer has been looking over the ground with a view to tbe building of a spur line to the paper mills a water guage has boon placed in tbe connoll chamber whtoli tells the- amount of water in the reservoir a valuable and desirable convenience after spending six months very pleasantly with friends in braoe county miss laid law returned home last week tbeivrafti says rev john saunders m a tbe new pastor ot the methodist churob it being very cordially received by tbe people milton dre stuart and anderson have dissolved partnership the hethodit an dtreabyterjan sunday schools bold their annual excursion and pionlo to burlington beaoh on tuesday the day mm fine tbe attendance good and all who participated apparently enjoyed tbemmlves the milton bloycle clab will hold their bext meet at he driving park on tuesday night july 25th the new teats have been placed in the court room aft itta ooauty buildings and the place now presents a comfortable modern uptodate appearance mission work in iqdla was discussed in knox ohuroh on banday evening by the rev t wilkie m a mleionary ot the presbyterian cburob now home on fur lough mr wilkie bs labored ibre for twsnty years and is now principal of the presbyterian colleg indoro ceutral india gnebtb of mr thomas easton during the week mr ct hill is in very poor health and has been oon fined to bis room for several weeks mr job h weavers of stratford is a guest of mr geo mulholland and other friends v miss bertie ross of toronto is spending her holidays at tbe home of mr james moijam mrs i francis has been spending a couple of weeks witb friends in toronto and grimsby mr robdrt ebboge who is running a laundry in ingeraoll was home for a brief vlbt this week mr george stoddard ot hampton was in town this week renewing acquaintances of former years mr john s moore of the fhek phhss took a plenaant wheeling trip to toronto during the week mrs g w cook and master newman of grand rapids mich are making rela tives bere a short visit master john feeny of ottawa la spending his vacation at tbe home of hia anole rev father feeny mrs hugh cameron of barnts is here to spend a month wftb her sisters mrs stephonson and mrs molam mrs t m gamble and children of aoton spent a few days last week with mrs t ramshaw georgetown herald rev dr to veil of toronto wheeled through acton last week to spend a few days at bis boyhoods home at everton mies jennie lambert who has been visiting friends bere the past two months leaves for her home la hlgbgate this week mrs w h daniels and three daughters arrived last week from toronto tbe family is now getting oomfortabiy settled mrs h t lepage and misses bessie and lily of toronto arrived yesterday at moorearoft to spend a few weeks with rela tives dr and mrs mokeague and family returned from grimsby park yesterday after spending a couple of weeks there very pleasantly rev w r beytone has resigned the charge ot the disciples ohuroh at evertoo and will shortly leave for manitoba to go into missionary work there dr j a bell denlut of lirookvllle who spends tuesday of each week lo acton has gone east with mrs bell on a holiday trip he will resume bis visits here early in august messrs john a gordon and john m warren left on tuesday morning for tbe northwest they will first visit drydeo in new ontario and then proceed to calgary n vf t thepjueapngishas pleasure ln-oongra- talating mlases bertha speight edith nloklin and myrtle watson upon their marked success at the recent publio sohool leaving examinations at georgetown mr and mra j h ashdown and two daughters of winnipeg were gueete of mrs c f goodeve mr ashdowns slater lost week the family are en route home after a five months tour of great britain and the continent mrs allan mann and mrs arch mofherson were called to toronto on monday throagb tbs sadden death of their mother mrs george tacblngham tbe old lady was well known and muoh esteem ed bere she lived for many years with her late husband at llmehouie hot weather goods liatkeshotweetherhjnderwea were prepared as never before to meetthe demands of the season extra value in ladies gtwrts ladies skirts ladies shirt vaist6 hot weather corsets rev fast black hosier special value in wash goods the uptodate store for gents fnrnishings bargain dajrs qur big summer sale continues with unabated vigor every day is bargain day with us the summer is passing and in a short time we will be thinking of fall goods as mr bollert am is at present in ehsnapa making extensive pur chases for our fall and winter trade and in the meantime we must close out all summer goods with a rush but its almost impossible by way of an advertisement to give you a proper idea of the values we are giving and everybody doesnt know yet the money to be saved by buying at our big slashing summer sale here are a few baits blouse silks in all the newosi shades at 15 20 25 and 35c per yard special line of navy green find black serges at 19c per yard p fancy dress costumes nt 581 well worth 9i 25 special line of ery fine nlack henriettas at 55c per yard well worth 75c all- wool delaines to be cleared at 15c per yard be cleared at great reduction 25c a big range ofhighclass organdies lo fancy grass linen at 7jc worth 15c skirt linens at 10 15 and 20c new denims at joe worth 15c 36 in zephyrs at 10c worth 15c a lot of i2jc prints for 7 fast color 10c prints for 5c special line of ginghams nt 5 very fine scotch ginghams at 10c worth 15c extra large and heavy linen towels at 25c per piir 15c turkish bath towels at 10c each i ine glass linen towelling nt 5c per yard 65c parasols for 50c si 00 parasols for 73c 1 25 parasol 3 for 98c and 20 off ill fancy parnsolb extra value in blouses and wrappers all summer millinery at a big reduction you will find bargains all over the store e r bollert fe co 25 and 27 wyndham st guelph qxjrney cfe co mill st acton store doses monday tuesday and thursday evenings at 6 oclock at special sale neills big shoe store positively cnrcdtqrthmb ijttleplus they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedy for dullness nausea drowsu ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue fain in the side torpid liver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small pin small doae small prloe substitution tho fraud of the day sec you get cartels ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver tills that throbbing healiacue would qclokly leave you it you used dr kings nsw liu pills thousands of offerers hate proved ihalr matoblssa merit fur slok and nervous headaobea they make pure blood and stroni nerves and build op yoor health easy to take try them ooly 35 oents money book if not oared bold by j d mokee druggist will sell exactly what we advertise a jobbers closing out sale 00 pair ladles dongola button boots 75c 60 pair ladies chocolate lace cloth top bicycle fioo 75 pair ladies block oxfords 50c 60 pair boys lace boots 75c a pleasure to sell them nothing short of going bare footed will save you the money we can in footwear neill the shoe man guelph 8 stores dont tou find it a matter of some difficulty to get anything like a good choice of the wanted kinds of dress fabrics silks blouse waists ribbons gloves etc etc at this season of the year stocks as a rule are greatly impoverished ours is an exception youll surely find with us at this season just the kinds of material that fashion and good sense demands yes and at easytopay prices d e macdonald bro golden lion grttelph pringles special mens strong watches hhhrrrr no 1 waltham model strong screw dustproof cnaes 8 oq no 2 do do 10 0 no 8 rockford model in screw dristprouf cuses 14 oq no 4 do do 16 0 no 5 do do 18 0 no 6 do do 20 00 0 we keep all grades of american watches at from 500 up but the above aro our best they are piade otter our own design and are guaranteed perfect irom every fault possible to guard against g p pringl6 more crockery a number of dinner setts 97 pieces from 500 to 800 bedroom setts 6 and 10 pieces from 200 to 400 blue plates fancy j4igs fancy bowls egg cups pickle dishes and a lot of fancy china come and see them c f- goodeve co mill street acton wedding gifts savage co fine watchmakers cuelph a clothing talk the well dressed have a decid ed advantage over the slovenly notice the reception given a man who is careful of his appearance he is preferred in business offices in social life and every place where men do congregate our cheap suits fit a well as our best oneb because they are all shqreys ready tailored make the cloth is thoroughly shrunk in the cheapest as well as the best and the same ouaranljee card accompanies all we sell this make of goods because experience teaches us that nothing ij too good for the customers we serve and it pays to yive value h6ndersqn co kill st acton silverware we will have a nice stock of silverware which wc will sell at the low price of 2 for each article we expect them in on the 15th july when we hope our store will be refitted andin good shape to do business watchmakers jewellers opticians the best is the cheapest 8jt tmohtiutiowjmjnsjioim 001 1 are unequalled in quality and their fencings abe the best prices losivf hardware merchants sell these goods and can supply you if they fail you write tho manufacturers at picton the b greening sltflre co gonbrkl hgbints hrmilton hnd hontfibrl sold also by canadian hardware jobbers

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