Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 27, 1899, p. 2

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boris hiuuiniiotuah ou sunday july istb to mr aud mia a utgbitibotbani s dfcuftbter ukkhbi in esquoilnr on mondey july urd to mr and mm j n heuy daughter ciiowh in toronto on friday joly fllst to mr and mra thou b chown s sou pptbub at qlovorivllle n y on thursday uolh july to mr and mrs j j poters a son 20 mills on th dollar finance minister clarke brines down the bud are t and the rate l struok neighborhood news rockwood died morisii at knatchbul on saturday hand july mrs maria molaab in ber fliuotb year wnitkiit lu clinton on monday july 17tb w t wbltely oollootor of customs aged 6a yoava and 6 luontb rtpen on friday july diet at 1b0 oaroltno btroet boutb hamilton jobn soott storms infant son of jobn horaoo and elisabeth pypor aged a months and 11 dayi i ttatt jtu tas thursday jvhy 27 1890 notes and comment8 friday sept 8 baa been appointed at the day for the trial of the north waterloo provincial election petition arftlnit the return of mr breitbaapt and of tbq orots- polition against dr laokuer since 1800 opened tbq faruamont of canada bas lost by death seven rnemberi alt of whom in one way or the other were men of more than srdinary oapaolty senator adarob was followed by senator sutherland and senator sutherland by senator bonltou and senator boulton by senator san ford the house of commons lost first mr j f wood then mr ives then mr geoffrion it is reported that the british naval manoeovera this jeer arill be oondaoted npou a scale of rasrnifioenoe whioh bas never before been equalled by british or auy foreign navy more than a hundred vessels battleships cruiser torpedo boats etc will participate thereto the aromir- atty certainly cannot be acoased of failing to grasp the necessities of the situation rornarks the london empire a rather interesting example to those who are not interested of how the pro ceeds of an i a solvent estate or firm are divided was recently given in ottawa w e brown fc go of that city failed a couple of jean ao with liabilities of 915000 their assets amounted to 96324 over 40 cents on the dollar after the law era inspectors and smi dees fees etc had been paid the oredltora realised the handaomesam of 0 cents on the dollar the lawyers alone got 3095 in a speech of an honr and a half in the house of commons laat thursday d henderson m p for this oonoty quoted the customs duties under the preferential tsxriff enacted by the present government and compared them with tbe duties nnder the tariff of th it late government in an effort to show that the governments preference to british goods in canadian markets was of no advantage to tbe people of tbe country his speech was listened to with interest and pleased the members of the opposition georqbtown and we are to have another new medioal man dr bradley has bang oat his sbidgle in moores block civic holiday is a current topic of con venation mr fred w barber baa thirty men employed on tbe van home farm in tbe north west dr frank williams will look after the practice of dr forster acton daring the litters vocation miaa martha lealio took flnolui honors in junior rudiments at the toronto conservatory of mosia the buffalo moth is creating something of a sensation in town there are fsw carpets that have not been attacked and unless promptly destroyed they soon do great damage when the carpet in the high sofaool boardroom wsi taken up yesterday tbey were found there in large numbers fftratf examinations at milton the successful candidates at the entrance and leaving- exam inations the following candidates passed the recent public school leaving examina tions at milton albert king 879 mina homo 801 archie freeman 858 mamie m soott 882 annie mophedran 827 thomas d elliott 818 home carrie 774 margaret yoaog 772 harvey nixon 771 leila gartwright 741 alterd bastedo 784 william moffat 784 russell clements 725 harry bews 724 ltnra soott 722 minnie niokell 711 arnold galbrsltb 708 arthur nixon 707 william molhn 70s john simpson 702 carlisle taylor 701 william d donaldson 605 arthur border 685 hazel lalng 671 cbtlver bastedo 071 jobn fox 71 clmrles barber 688 emily in man 665 elisabeth baynton 058 william altkfn g56 bltea- bitta simpson 651 bertha shields 610 vidtor a noxon 688 harry bold 688 oresta blakely 684 maansell scan ion 684 caroline dow 681 the following were the snoeetsfa pupils wbo wrote on tbs entrance papers edmund pogslsy 781 violet lavery 781 charles newell 710 jennie shields 70s nellie brooks 707 annie mcoowao 608 george dolby 602 roy field 685 allele msnsan 689 arobie monab 670 bertha bennington 076 maggie askln 664 bart- lelt mullen 671 bertha watson 667 lisle campbell 660 bella mclennan 658 jstbel stephens 040 annie henderson 640 annie brain 688 jessie pomp bell 681 rob little 680 stanley neablt 629 ueom jsarr 628 stnsrt turnbull 625 jennie maxwell 611 lily smith 608 william atkinson 603 flossie rnddsli 600 jane miller 607 kathleen panlon j97 8berwood conlson 505 edgar alexander 505 spencer early 588 andrew brooks 581 mary frndnam 580 til he hartley 576 matthew clements 560 edna laiog 568 ksther brooks 667 grace berry 568 beatrice bod bam 550 mary hcpbsdran naj3ibft moon 550 cora oook 565 minnie bobbins 651 msggle moewan 600 nongthesaoo candidates in the leaving examinations wen tbs following pnpils of george midgsly teacher of school no 4 nasssgawaya annla mophedran john simpson elisabeth simpson and mauuiell scan ion and for entrance mary mophedran all of mr midgsly parlli wbo wrote wsrt soooessfnl william and bartlstt molten poplls of mr fred nixon boblln also passed tbs former tbs leaving and tbe latter tbs entrance herrybid popll of mr j b mcgreg or of no 8 nasssgaweys waa successful jn the leaving examination miss tena carries popll arnotd gal- brail h of no 9 ssenrsd 708 marks year of all around prooress what is regarded by the mombere of any municipal aounoil se the moot important meeting of the year was held by our town fathers on monday evening when tho estimates of receipts and expenditures for the current year wero presented the year has been an eventful one improve ments have have been of a character permanent and valuable the improve ments effected and in ooorae of construction have had that careful and experienced supervision which means economical expenditure of public fonda tbe installation of tbe munloipil electric lighting system bas been an important undertaking which has proved in every reipeot satisfactory and has done more to give aoton her wellearned pouition as a manufacturing town of progress and devslopment than any other improvement tbe counoil ever effeoted tbe completion of the plant hse naturally required con siderable extra expenditure and the pay- ment of a site and water privilege of greater cost than was oontemptated when the matter was first under consideration has necessitated an inoreased outlay for the year the rate has consequently been fixed at 20 mills still twentyfive per oent below tbat of tbe city of goelph and nnder tbe annual rates of the majority of municipalities of aetons size and improve menta in tbe province bat the rate is not all otargeable to the counails operations during the year it his ooonrred colnci dent with the improvements of tbe year that tbe board of public school trustees foood it necessary to go to the expense of fitting up a fifth department and employing an additional teacher tfais rendered an inoreased requisition upon the counoil necessary and of course aided considerably in increasing the rate for tbe current year tbe permanent improvements mentioned are noi all tbat are included in this years lists and that will be paid for out of the 20 mills to be levied in addition there is another block of permanent pave ment already contracted for and expected to be laid in a week or so and the new tile sewers put in esrlier in ihs reason as well as a number of pieces of new smewalka and stone crossings both tbe council and the school board have observed economy in the management of their affairs this year otherwise the result of tbe present seasons work oonld never have been accomplished aoton is in an exoeptionably favorablo floanoial position and nearly all our public improvements are revenue producing it bas been demonstrated after less lhan six months operations that tbe elcotrln light ing plant will not only be eventually aelf- sustaining but will rive na the splendidly lighted streets we have free of cost in two years more the last debenture in payment of the town ball will be met tbe town hall this year gives revenue of 150 while fairview cemetery yields an equal amount the publio park while yielding but a small revenue is one of the finest properties we have while the fire department pronounced by inspector howe last week in first- ol ass condition and cur publio sohoola are a credit to the municipality council met on monday evening all the members were present reeve pearson in the chair the committee on finance presented their fifteenth report recommending pay ment of the follow dg acoounte i frances expenses to guelph 1 35 a oook gravel 70 g molaoghlat work on streets and power house 00 d mills teaming ac 08 60 37 09 moved by i francis seconded by j a murray that the fifteenth report of the committee on finance just read be adopted carried oommunlcations were road fromt tbe pablio bobool and free library boards tbs former ssklng for 81800 and the latter for 880 for their maintainanoe during tbe year the amount in eaoh case being exclusive of the legislative grants the estimates for the oorrent year were presented as follows bxoxrpti kate of so mills on assessment of 385406 less exemptions of v104a0 u sm03 10 bate of 7jj7 mills on 40700 79 3 licensee 330 00 poll tax 00 00 dog tax moo town ball 160 00 cemetery 150 00 pablio park 10 00 electric llgbt 1060 00 7m1 53 bxpkkditobx robllo schools 1800 00 town hall debenture and interest 483 40 publio park sinking fund o 311 00 cemetery do do 100 00 bleetrlotilgbt do and lot 710 00 publio school do 357 50 fire protection linking fond interest and lot 001 s3 streets and walks 500 00 county bate iso as salaries 1300 00 dam and power house 300 00 fool for bleetrio light 400 00 free library 80 00 contingencies bob 89 a ftftrden party under the auepioon of tbe presbyterian church u in be held at mr jus raoibays of hden mills on thursday evening 27th mat a good programme will be given after tho serving of touch ou frlduy oveniug july 28th rev w r boytone of evcrton will give a tooturo entitled lifes studler a numbor of eketobee of mr soylonos personal experi ence art a iioldier and elnoo his ordination as a minister tho lecture will bo given in the town hall admission 15 cents barber cunningham has returned from st josephs hospital guelph after an attack of diphtheria milton thursday august 8rd has been pro claimed giio holiday an oddfellows exrartionto niagara falls is the days attraotion fare 05 cents a lawn soaial will be held at the metbo- dut parsonage tp morrow evei pr it oobts the town 8570 for olectrlo light on the streete an average of 10 nights per month john ftmtberaton and patterson bros made shipments of block from the o p r yards last week the former shipping 250 hogp and the latter 05 hoge 3 fat tut tip 10 calves and 10 lambs wbjle aegiting j h puucook iu loading cream at the creamery the other day jack henderson slipped on the wet steps and fell bis face striking au iron tap cutting a deep gash under his left eje among the successful candidates at tho recent examinations held at the toronto oonspryatory of music is the name of miss mary hollmrnko wbo gassed with lit alass honors nas the presbyterians will bold a garden party at the residence of mr jas ramsey this evening the aoton cornet band will be io attuudttuce and addresses will be glveu by rev messrs cranstou and balden of rockwood glassford guelph j bmullan fergus blair ajassakaweys and seytone eertou musio will be given by the missed iogle eden mr stracban bockwoodsnd tbe choir of the choroh nud recitations by mies j mitobell mr john r hiikell pontruotor has built a fine n aw bridge over ike irr on tbe knatobbull line the fall wheat is all out in this vlointy some fields are fair and borne are very poor mrs maria molsflh of knatobbull tbe daughter of mrs wm langrill died on saturday 22nd iobi aged 40 years snd 0 months her death was caused by dropsy the funeral took plape on monday at 10 oclock a m from her mflthera resi dence to the e ben titer gemot cry tbe rev dr suanlan ber pastor oondaoted tbe burial service and preaohed the fuueral sermon tbe pallbearers were messrs jobo marshall james lind franklin ramshaw edward darby david cox and william agnew a largo concourse of relatives and friends followed the remains to ila last resting place the bereaved family have the sympathy of tbe commuor from the griswold man leader we learn that mr robert somervllle eon of mr fyfe somervllle was successful at the annual farmers institute plowing matches held at oak lake in wlunlng the first prize for ploughing with a sulky plow the prize money waa 120 oaah crewsons corners 7541 oa moved- by j a murray seconded by l francis that tbs statement of tbe finance committee- showing tbe estimated receipts f mi nellie and master willie forbes and expenditures for the year 1809 au read be accepted carried cod noil lor murray applied for leave of absence for two mouths to permit him to go east on a boslosss trip mo vcdby jammci ar kooadedbyi aollon is the word of ood j thought alone u botlflsihsdow tbey who disjoin luvitoi action seek to divide doty and avoytbe eternal unity mssxlnl franois that the application of councillor murray for two months leave of absenoe bo granted to date from july 25th carried moved by john curke second by j a murray that leave be granted to introduce a bflaw to provide for tho expanses of the village qf aoton and tbe support of aoton pablio school and tbat said bylaw be now read a firet time carried bylaw read a first time moved by james clark seconded by i franois tbat bylaw no to provide for the expenses of tbevillegeofaotonard the support of aoton publio sob col be now nad a second and third time and passed and tbat tbe counoil now go into a committee of the whole for raid purpose and tbat rule no 19 be suspended carried blaw read and passed the rats being fixed at 20 mills snd mads up as follows pablio schools 081 mills general expanses 0 s3 hleetrle llgbt debastaras 3oj town ball do 1 09 fire protection do ttlw do 13s do jsa do m the fine rain of tuesday though in tbe midst of the wheat harvest was muob appreciated while driving throngh here on sunday evening mr a rambay of eden mills bad a narrow escape from having a rooa- way bis horse became unmanageable and had not mr ram bay plucklly held on o the reins there would no doubt hae been a serious acoideot as it was tbe cart which was a new one and tbe har ness were badly broken the garden party under the nuspioes of tbe methodist church held on mr crew- sons lawn on wednesday evening last was in every way a grand success tbe evening was all that could be expeated consequently tbe attendance was very large at 8 80 ren mr holden took the chair and a programme oo mposd of musio by the aoton cornet band which- played at its best elhgiog by the misses gaon violin duetla by mr g anderson and miss baldio of ospringe addresses by revs w r seytone of ever ton and h a macpherson aoton graroaphone aeleo tlons and comic cingirg by mr b jeanr aoton everything passed off very suc cessfully and the happy gathering broke up at about 11 80 special mention it doe messra geo cnnwm bripps jas moore jr ond cliba gamble who hart charge of ihe evenings eliterislnmeitt tho pro ceeds amounted to over sixty four dollars and will be ot hissed in the repairing of the church rev w b bey touu will deliver one of bis popular icotnres entitled life studies iu the method i bt church here on wednes day evening aug 2nd a tho rev gentleman is a very fluent and entertain log speaker tho atteudance will no doubt be largo some observations u i occasionally in the publio pilots are noticed references to diecusaiona being oarried on as to when tho twentieth century begins whether january 1000 or january 1031 i noticed recently in a high oibbs periodical a reference to ono of the mammoth conventions to be hold this month that its being held in the last- bilf of the last jear of this century gave it a groat prebtige oto even in well informed acton these diecudaions are vigorously oarriol on if our arith metic is any good it beems to us that it 100 years constitute a contury the eolation is easy if not it may be difficult among the matterd uf history to bo handed down to coming generations of tbe new century will bo the lare tbauba- givjng offering in consideration of tho great benefits conferred elnae 1800 pro bably dot less than three million dollars are contemplated to be thus taised by canadian oburahea alone what a mighty impetus for the betterment qf existing conditions acton wit probably be heard from in lurso measqre the hopes entertained during tho last twenty five years of having the traffic wound up by 1001 seem to be fading it is now almost impossible iu 1b74 be premier raid the people are not eufnoietilty educated three premiers have since passed away who mid that or leefl tbe premier pow eaa the country as a whole is nut ready but thousands bay tbat outside of one provinco the country fb read and the percldtont education of tbe past quarter century may yet result in tho death struggle if not the funeral knell outhideof quebec when eomo of its fruits are such bacch analian orgies ss bavo on several recent occasions taken pace in aoton by persons the mention of whose names in uuoh con nection would biug both surprise and shame to many surely tho death knell cannot come too soon publio interest and excitement ia run ning high regard inghe event of next sat urday in the park weltwibhera and gyropaihfgeri with qur boyn whija hof jog for viitory are alio anxiins that they will maintain their record fur good oloan plaiug and on un account be ioduccd into tit fur tut t not io hurrah for the he qroounte in 1870 dr bere of montre an enthusiastic lover of our national game went to england with two lac roe eo teems one of oaughnawaga indians and ono of white men and made a tour of the old lani giving an exhibition game in nearly all the lea ling places taking the country by storm and paying onoe before her majesty queen viatoria the queen honored eaoh plajer with personally pre renting her photograph io cacb one oiroumbtanoe i recollect reading the queen lacked one of tbe oorrect number and it being for one of the indians ore of tbe whites drbetr i think quickly and quietly passed his along the queen howsver noticed and remarked i will not forget and neither she did we have no recollection of reading of any alugging in any of these magnificent games payed onsenvpn suicide at georgetown h hall a young farmer from palbxave died by his own hand laat friday a week ago last sabbth evening her man hall a prosperous young farmer residing near palgrare attended church with his sister upon returning borne he banged his salt and then suddenly dis appeared from the bouse taking a small amount of money and from that time bis relatious were unable to secure any traoe of him after his disappearance bis friends made search for letters or papers that would in some roanuer throw light on the a flair which was so shrouded in mystery and they bucoeded in discovering a document dated tbe 24th of may in which he bequeathed hia property exclu sively to his mother which consisted of a good 100 acres of land but gave no further light on his strange proceeding or future intentions tbe disappearance is explained by the following despatch from georgetown but the oauie of tho terrible deed is still a mystery georgetown joly 21 this morning about 8 80 the body of a young man was found on mr c barnes farm near georgetown with a terrible gun wound in his head the empty gun lying aoross his body a small memorandum book found io his pooket contained hia name j h hall palgrave and albo a number of messages to bis mother and otber members of tho family the case ia evidently one of deliberate snioide ss a small stick was found nearhim with which be is supposed to have discharged ths gun the coroner has deoidod tbat an inquest is unnecessary canadas oreat show thlu grtat agriculluittl nud lio stock exhibition the western fair will bo held at london 7th to kith september it goeb without sajiiii that this will be tho btgtedt and most sticcuiiaful yot thoro being no tuch thing uu biamlitig still with this big show it id expeotod that the gtnernof general and ludy minto will gracu the exhibition with their presence as is usually tho cubq at this lime applications are rapidly coming in and presout ludioutioub poiut to the certainty of even larger throuus of visitors than heretofore thus insuring the buoob9 of the great and only western tho additional buildmgi and alterations will materially add tn tho comfort of both exhibitor unci visitor the rearrangement of the buildings now in prareb the now staudd and entrances to name together with the greater conveniences at maiu entrance and elsewhere on tbe grounds will all oontribato to the thorough enjoy ment of the many thoueauda who will visit the exhibition intending exhibitors desiring to eccuro choioe positions should umke their entoriea early the enterics close on sept 0th aud apace and stabling will bo allotted in the order entoriea are received secretary j a nellca will furniah information prizo lists programme eto in the atlrac ions there will bo nb falling off better than iny provioun year is assured great hippodrome interoating chariot ricee roman standing races champion sword gonteate eto imperial japs carl dam maun troupe dunham family bros ilermuneui six sennettp bandolf john j uorlj lily bleteoe mabel howard as well ue speed contest tbe grand pyrott clinic dibpluy each oven- tog will fcurpusi un thing of the kind ever given in loudon before tll rcahatio representation of the rritinh and aroeri- q ins in samoa will bo a eight worth seeing together with all the stage and ring performances under brilliant illumldation special txourbliu trains are being arrang ed for to leavo london after the flreuorkh this will enable everyone to eeo the show from start to onthh and return home the binib night doing things by halves hoffmans headache powders are indispensable in my house x have glvon them to my friends and they all want tq get them send me a hnudoxen boxes v l lauhoet coos iei4emr montour falls n y tloffmans headache powders jsftersucha seasons trade in dress goods as we have had there are bound to be remnants and ends of dress goods linings and silks left our dress goods staff have been busy going through our stock and have culled from it short ends and remnants these have been placed on tables and although it is our motto never do things by halves we are going to transgress it this time and sell these remnants at exactly half the original price there are all sizes and conditions of remnants here from half a yard to five yards and a half if you want a cheap skirt or waist now is the time to get it and save money come early and get first choice the frank dowler c- cuelphs greatest store agents v rav want to make 9 go and expenses dally lie ml i o tho light of llfo thu ultadluyaaltltutson co wmitod urnntfordont general help wanted aaoodrooornt help for a few neolts from tho flnit of auuit apply at oiico to mllb ii p moonc aoton wanted g loe makers apply to john chandler lamanclicblerdklkb mellnda 8t toronto valuable residence and lot in acton forsale i will euro any kind of boadnclio q in 80 minutes without cmmim x j e tiie iiorman duio co 0 nridkcbnrv ot a 3 any dlsanreeabto after effect i they areaoldby nil dniggutm in loo envelopes and 25c boxen it ia proper to leave abundance of mod esty rather than gold to children plato msmarcks iron nerve waa the result of his splendid health indomitablo will and tremendous energy are uot found where stomach liver kidneys and bowels are out of order if you want these qualities and the success they brim use dr kings new life pills they develop every power of brain and and body only 25a at j d mokeea drug eto re spent sunday with friends in bsllinfad messrs o a and j raoosbaw of low vllle spent sunday here quitos number from here attended the anniversary services in oburchill on sunday pablio school pablio park csmetary 9000 the ooanoll adjourned about tfiioutook an innocent bean is a brittle thin and on wednesday 12th ohfuly one of tbe prettiest weddings seen here in joars waa auspiciously solmenlzed tbo contracting parties wero mr robert crip pa and miss mofttffs anderson daughter of mr wm anderson all of this place the weddiog took ptaoe at mr andersons residence rev h a macpherson of aoton per formed the ceremony at 2b0 p m the bride entered tbe purlor whioh was beauti fully decorated for tbs occasion on the arm of ber father the bride was gowned in whits organdie trimmed with white silk ribbonssmd laooandoarrledasbower bouquet of white roses sod maiden hair fern miss aggie anderson sister of tbe bride acted as bridesmaid she was gowned in white polka dotted muslin over pink trimmed with pink satin ribbons and white lac she also oarried pink roses and maiden hair fern mr jobn cole man eoaein of the groom was best man after ths ceremony the oompauy adjourned to the dioing room wbere a sumptuous wsddiog dinner was served the guests wbo n umber e i about fifty were the immed iate relatives of tbs bride and groom ths presents were doth ootlyand numsr- on ami ahow the etteem in which ihe bridtt w hem by iter rtiaiiy frienth here mr a mn cripps immediately toot up thslr rsldenoe here where they will re side in the future we join whh their many frlenb la wuhintf soooess sod happiness in life advice is seldom welcome and those wbo want it tbe most always like it tho least lord chesterfield the cut is after an old paint nr of a man gambling with death with his life as a stake behind the man stands his good angel striving to save him this game with life as the ntnke is the everyday game of men and women behind the player ftndrtt he good- angel nature triv- ing to preserve the life fiveri when the game in almost in dcathn hands the man who turns to nature nnd lets her help him may yet save himself mcilicnl science known this and itn highist authori ties affirm tbat the utmost medical rtkill can do is to help nature the rrent nucccn of dr pierces golden medical dincovcry in curing wasted bodies wenk iuiirh and obstinate and lingering coughs la bnaed on the recognition of thii fundamental ncicntiftc truth golden medical discovery supplies nature with body building umuc repairing muscle making materials in condensed rind con ccntratiid fotni wuhtblalielpnnt u re supplies the strength to throw off dicasca of the lungs hcnl the sick momnch re- estsbllnh the digestive and mitritivi orgniih in sound health purify and enrich the blood and nourish the nerves if your denier offer something jum as food it s probably better or him it pnys better but you arc thinking of the cure not the profit so tlieren nothing just as good for you say so in a letter received from a d tvctlcr rm t of peniuicoln incninbla co pin box m lie stntea i hnvr uliiee recch ing your flfngnonln of my ck nn stotnnch trouble nnd liver com plaint tnken eight tmttlch or tbe ooldcu mull- cal dlmovcry nnd nnint nay that i am trnim- lt july 27th the right house established 1843 all men are liable to error and most men aro in many points by passion or intereat under temptation to it looko volcanic eruptions aregrand but skin eruptions rob life of joy ockenb arnica salve cures them also old running and fever sores i ice re boils felons gorna warts outs broiscb burns baalrir cbappod hands chilblains best pile cure on earth drivoaout pdln and aches only 25 ota a box cure guaranteed siju by j d mckce drujufst hamiltons tavorite shopping place clearing sale continues no dull times rt this store midwinter or midsummer theres never jrny lack of business at the right house nowadays things are moving along briskly here as a result of our making lowness of price ihe motue power lowness of price on just the sort of goods you want ot just tho time you want them is our preveruatixe for decreased business during sum mer time a few hints wiilta cjairi two very special lines of white quilts in a largo variety of good fiattern s thoroughly well made inlshod at both ends extra value size aj x z yards for 125 size 2 x 2j yards for 90c mens shirts reduced mens silk front shirts in arious fancy patterns all sizes the 81 35 wnd for only 95c the i 50 kind foronly 81 15 the jjr88 kind for only 9150 print shirts with soft fronts fancy striped patterns separate collar cuffs attached wero 75c reduced to 1 50 print shirlti with laundried fronts various patterns and shades separate cuffs open front wero 1 reduced to 65c veilings reduced fancy russian veilings in brown and white navy and white and navy and black were 35c now 10c brown veilings some plain and some spotted were 25 to 35c now 10c fancy white silk bordered veilings formerly 80c now 50c white veilings with small black dots also suitable for millinery trimming formerly 32c now 15c the nev scarf veil two yards long made of the finest gauze in white and in black were 125 now 60c were go now 50c bargains in remnants of wash dress goods stuff dress goods and silks are now to be had here lengths suitable for skirts waists and childrens blouses are marked at about half rice gloves reduced 4button black silk gloves sizes 0 and 6 were 40c now 25c colored taffeta gloves various shades were 25c now 15c silk gloves in light evening shades were t now 125c ladies wits ladles black lace mits were 32 and 40c now 15c white and cream lace mits were 30 to 40c now 25c for children small sizes in childrens colored taffeta and lisle gloves were 25c now 5c black lace mits wero 25c per pair now 15c 100 blouseb for 50o stylish cambric blouses of a good quality of cambric large variety of fashionable designs checks and plaids bias and cross stripes all the leading colors and black and white full range of sizes worth 75 90c and i each selling at tbe very special price of 50 cents the undersigned offer for salo the fluo property cm tbo cornor of main and itivur streets acton belodrinr to tbo eatato of tbo latokobert koce on tho property is a well built brick bouse story ond a balf soven rooms kitchen pantry etc tbo bouse is iu good repair lias soft water tbero aro a number of fruit trees a good sardon and a largo stable tbo property la situated iu a desirablo part of too town for terms and particulars apply to joalab itojce evcrton george- tough urand vftlloy or william hembtdeet acton feour jfarcels ot valuable property in acton for sale the following property bolonglno to mr patrick kelijy row of buffalo in offered for salo at low prices and cany terms pabcbl 1 tbat flno brick realdcnco and two iota on tbo corner of church nnd ouolph street gontales 8 rooms bard and soft water splendid orchard ond good harden pnoel 2 good building lot g6 x 133 on guolph street next to alox itamshaws new realdeneo upon which is a young orchard paiicbl 3 tho atore aud dwelling on mill street occupied by uurncy llros who carry ou a general business is in splendid location central and convenient panceii 4 three good building lots at the corner of young and mill htroota a splendid sltofora manufacturing establishment owing to its proximity too tit dopot for terms and particulars onquiroatthoofuce ot w it denny youur st acton mall orders receive prompt attention wo prepay the freight or express to any railway station in ontario on all orders amounting to is or over address all letters to department s thomas c watkins ejrssuyrkt hamilton notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of john allan the elder late of the township of erin in the county of wellington gentleman deceased notice is hereby rtvon pursuant to chapter 139 it b o j8u7 tbat all creditors and othor ponoun bavlnu any claim agalnat tho estate of- the said john allan decoasod who died on or aboat the thirteenth day of judo a d 1800 at tbe said townbblp of erin are breby required to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to hh prfnble brampton solicitor for tne executors of the will of tho aid deceased 00 or before tbo twentyseoond day of july a d 1899 a statement in writing of their names addresses and description togetherwltb full particulars of their claim or claims duly verified by btatutary declarations and tbo naturo of tbe security or securities if any held by tnom and notice is hereby further riven that after the said twentysecond day of joly a d 1809 the said exooators will proceed to distribute tho assets of tbe said estate among tho persons entitled thereto bavins regard only to the claims of which notleo shall nave been received by them and wilt not be liable for tho assota or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim or claims they shall not then have received notloo it h pltlndle brampton bolicltor for exooutora james bharpo itooksldep o duncan campbell cheltenham p o exoautors dated at brampton this fourth day of july 1890 mau waa made for love he lives by love and the measure of his life is the largenens and liberty of hie bvo chann ing remarknble rescue mrs michael curtain plafnfleld iii makes the statement that ahe caught cold whioh settled on her lungs the was treated for a month by her family physician bnt grew worse be told her she was a hopeless viotlm of oonsumption and that no medicine eould euro her her druggist suggested dr kings new discovery for consumption she bought a bottle and to her delight foond herself benefitted from first dose bhe continued tts rise bndaffet taking six bottles found herself sound and well now does ber own housework and is as well as eho ever was freo trial bottles of this great diioovery at j d mokees drug store only 60 cents and 9100 every bottle guaranteed when two people compliment each other with the choice of anything each of them generally gets that whioh he likea least pope the premeditation o death la iliqpra v in w any ami air who mifler as i did fonr mouth njro i did not think to lie l jffiff l0 u samuel in cam of hoatllltlcn but thanks to you i am now ready for the dons drplerces common sense medical ad- viser in plain english or medicine sim plified 1008 ptures over 700 il lustrations paperbound sent for 31 onecent utampii jo cover cost of customs and mailing only clothbound 50 stamps address dr ft v fierce jmffaio n v meditation of liberty j he who has learned to die has forgotten to berve montaigne fitory of a hiave to be bound band and foot for years by tbe ohalns ot disease is the worst form of slavery george b williams of man chester mich tella how such a slave was made frco lie says my wife has been so hulplosb for five jears that tho could not turu over iu bed alone after using two bottles ol 11 lea trio bit era she ie wonder fully improved aud ablo to do her owu work this supreme remedy for female diseases qoiobly cures nervousness sleeplessness melancholy headache fainting baoksohe and dlssy rpell this miracle working medicine fa a godsend to weak sickly run down people kvery bottlo guaranteed only oo cents bold by j d mokte druggist what it represents when you sit for a photograph you want the likeness to repiesent you properly when you sit to us we want the work to represent us properly our imprint is seen on none but the best photo- graphs and for our sake as well n yours we are sure to give you lifelike satisfac tory photographs t h rhotshksitf photo khtist kcton files and human bolngs robert nobles flour feed store plymouth binder twine agency silver sheaf is purist is stjtoxfosst jsbvtfjcst is lonqxst best and moat xaonomloml ijooaquajtty count with you large stock on hand at tiik btors mail and business practice la the moat intermtiaa and prac tical ooara of atod7 ln booklteopinr and acoonntlns for boys and slrl leaving pablio and high boboola 8hortband and trpawrltlnbi ipeo- lal raouitlc individual tuition no olaaaea formod parent aro invited to invostlsate fall tarm will com- monoo monday ang s3 ousiph i business college and shorthand institute jjqirp prinolpal i imwoi oomimqi oomihoi t p smith mllktino eye specialist imduic ner york philadelphia and toronto optical collcgu call early and avail yourself of his valuable services as this is a rare opportunity- to have your eyes propcr- ly tested free of charge no guess work but a scientific certainty bifri cult cases accurately fitted all woltk guahantued ffxiotrwoalt alartvaao hm i will be at agnew8 hotel acton oxk day only thursday 3rd ausrust w hdaniels are two distinct families and cannot the happily together pit your windows and doors with screens from synions and enjoy ilfo alone groceries tomatoes 7c corn 8c salmon 10c best red 4 pkg corn starch 25c dcst amciican coal oil 18c kcadymixcd taints and paris green a sywon bros cobmimambihsts kcton heros a utile nut to crack jutt a grain o corn i the principle upon which palnam paluleaa cam eitraator ol l entirely new ii reraora the corn layer by layer without any pain whatever it never fails either try 11 of toronto has purchased the wardering busi ness of t8 ward acton and will be pleased to receive aconttn- uance of the- patronage vlth which mr ward was favored ana a fair share of the business of the community generally shaving halrcuttlng and all barborworlcrdono fn first class 8tyle satisfaction is assured to every customer firstclass uptodate work in alt depart ments mr daniels is the originator and manu facturer of daniels hair grower a marvellous discovery for curing bald ness hair falling out and all eruptions or irrilallons of the scalp the only remedy ever known to produce a new growth of hair on a bald hoad a few wellknown cltltens of acton are using this remedy and have succeeded in gelling a good growth of hair their name and references may be hadat this shop remedy will also pro duce a strong moustache in from twelve to fifteen weeks ten treatments of remedy for trial will be mailed tomny address on receipt of 13 els w h daniels mill st aoton grand trunk the tourist ron of mca tho modern vestibule coaches pulman andwnlrig car service are uptodate vestlbnlo trains dally between hamtllnn viz s iso a ronta to stuwa jbsw c portland bto a meat n h 8 holmes agent aoton modiokson diet passr agfc toronto seasonable articles obtainable at browns drug i store pure paris green mlies well with waler white hellebore persiatic plant spray instant louse killer kills insects on roso bushes cucumber vines etc tanglefoot insect powder moth camphor helpepper crudecarbolic acid creolin a t brown mill street acton

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