the bank of hamilton charter granted 1872 head office hamilton ont capital all paid up reserve fund total assets t 1494000 1000000 13163000 j tukni3ull cashier the government returns show that depositors in this hank have oer i lie dill savings department one dollar or more received interest paid it best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in n written jrder with too pass book security returns show ink have oe million dollars of surplus security farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc tarmers sale notes collected promptly and ndvancos made on account of same at a low rale of interest security courtesy fair rates every banking facility afforded which can be obtained in tbe city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch estadliiiiud ovkb twenty tbaus j p bell agent the news at home montly of a local character and every item interesting jt qxtan jvet frss thtjksday july 27 1809 little local brieflets which catiffht the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week next tuesday is emancipation day summer u waning august next tuea- day gall v aoton the parksaturday afternoon aoton cornet band attended three gtr- den parties last week miltons civlo holiday haa been fixed for thursday aug 3rd at ojtkville they hub the lawni for pardon parties by electricity drover holmes continues to ship a oar ofstook web week from aotoo what about aoton cltio holiday when would yon like it to be held h you are interested in athletics go to tbe park saturday afternoon at three oclock the masons are expeoted to commence work nn the foundations of the new baptist ohuroh tomorrow quelph oivio holiday will be held next monday the citizens will go to toronto and niagara falls mayor nelson has issued his proclama tion making monday the 81st instant onelpb oivio holiday rtaeidyd rain interfered somewhat with the wheat harvest but was beneficial to tbe roots apd past a re i it is hinted that if the council desires to sell the eleotno light plant and franohile now it oan get 18000 cash for it intheabsenoeof rev mr maophereon last babbath rev j g ohoyne occupied lbs pulpit of knoxcharch very acceptably tbe building operations and improve ments at the aaton tanning co give tbe premises a busy aipeot outside as well as in these days tbe lacrosse matoh announced fur aotoo and qleowilhami last baturday afternoon failed to take place the olen boys being no able to get here ii you need speotaclee or your eyes r troubling yon in any way oall on t p smith tbe eye specialist at agnens hotel on thursday 3rd august mr watson of toronto leaves next week for the yukog district in the interest otmeian w h storey a son ha will umte a line of klondike sloven moccasins rmiss go von look representing the can gvi co toronto will address the ladles otoq in hills hall tbqrsday joly b780 p tn subject womans infla- all ladies cordially invited to attend complaints ore made that a number oton rookwoodandetertoo lads have misbehaving themiolvea at several garden parlies there ii talk of king an examplo of the offenders in the frrls a little threey earold girlla from tor- o who is visiting on frederick street laimsd to her mother tbe olhar evening scow with a bell was driven past ob nma come and see the cow thats play- on so organ j smith eye specialist will be in otoh on tharsday august 3rd one day oulj rooms at agnews hotel if you have ny defeot in your eyesight it will pay to all and see biro examination fit oall fcorly or yon may make appointment at t browns drag ptore through tbe handsome series of flvertlsing literature that the grand trunk railwiy have leaned daring the present relation to the bluskdfca lakes f district and other regions in the highlands frof ontario many applications are being received by tbe representative of this pro- i gresaira railway for farther information i and copies of the pabllcationi a letter i from a lady in milan italy state that the desires to know more of the beautiful ooun- itry of canada with a view to paying tbe dominion a visit to tom p a rich lady cored of her deafness ao a noises in tbe juead by dr f nloholeons artifloal bar drams has sent 1000 to bis inatltale so that deaf people enable to procure tbe ear drams may have them free apply to department k b the iostituto longoott qonners- oory ijondon w england a provinc rep hamiltons marble works guelph is the da of very active operations at present is will ship shortly monument for reotlon at 8rnl7 bidgetown london rllu hamilton stratford oall and other point no better indication of the apsftost work and material supplied by thie old sad reliable establishment than she pdsojwted orders from a dletsnoe hjob oou 19 mr x h hamilton the rfetet a flap shipment of swsedlsh eb gnmibas jast besn received jtoladrt a qtynhtr of attractive new tho inspector says first class labpeotor uowo ot tbo uudorwritera abooiation ioapeoted the fire apparatus last friday io a test ot the bteam fire ongino engineer qrlndell had steam up and tbrowiug a stream in 7 minutes chiof harvey is qui to proud ot tola test the first conducted by tbo inbpeotor since he assum ed office a violation of the lords day acta a farmer on tho fourth hoe reports that last sunday morning aa tbe family were sitting down to breakfaac their attention wbb caled to a uian paaaln with a team andhayraok an hour or bo afterwards he returned with a load of hay and tnrned at bannockburn sohool toward aoton there oan be no excuse for this sabbath desecration and iho lawabiding observers of the tqurth commandment in this vi cinity do not reliah auch a spectacle on the lords day and will not permit it with out protest power souse improvements both exterior and interior ot the power house have been transformed in appear anoe the past woek or so in tbe interior the celling and floors have been painted and the walls oiled and varnished euatside the front btone coping has been built op aud a btone tablet inserted in the centra bearing the inscription in large gothic letters power honae 1800 the masons are engaged in bnildiog a stone ooal hoare and oil room addition to the rear they will point op all the atone work when thitj new building is completed the newspaper by a bright boy a little boy was required to write an essay the other day tbe newspaper was tbe subject and here ia tbe reeolt i dont know bow newspapers oame into tbe world and dout think ood does for he hasnt got nothing to eay about them and editors in tbe bible i think the editor is one of the missing links we bear about and stayed in tbe bush till after the flood then oame out wrote tbe whole thing np and has been hero ever sinoe i dons think he ever dies x never saw a dead one and never beard of one being lioked oar paper is a mighty poor an the editor goes without underclothes all winter and dont wear any bocks and paw hasot paid bis aubaoriptiou in five years saturdays great lacrosse match the championship laorosbe match of the royal diatrtot whioh will create the greatest interest and enthusiasm among the lovers of this lively game so far as aoton is concerned will be played in tbe park here on saturday afternoon between gait and aoton gait la at tbe head of the list in tbe district and will make a strennoan effort to win this match both teams have been materially strengthened since they last met in contest and both are practising hard for this event it will no doubt be the moat exciting matoh ever played in aoton gait team it la reported will- bring down aeveral hundred of ita aupportera and a brass band with them on saturday the match ia called for 8 oclock sharp ad jbajoyable picntc the baptist sanday sohool and their friends held their annaal plonio in mr john warrens grovs last wednesday afternoon the time was spent in playing the childrens favorite games swinging etc till tea time when an hour or more waa given to dispensing tho many good ihinge prepared after innoh the children were seated about on the rustic seats and sang cbqreee and hymns oocompalned by the organ and fioitar at v mr moalpine assisted by his guitar delighted the audience with baored solos and a num ber or scotch selections short addresses were also given by the pastor and others the free and easy programme was brought to a close by singleg god be with you till we meet again tbe day was all that could be desired and everybody enjoyed them selves thoroughly twentieth ceotory thanksgiving fund tbe proposed twentieth century thanks giving funds are engrossing the attention of tba members of the methodist and presbyterian obnrohes throughout canada and there are excellent prospeots for the achievement of euocessful results in both these great oommaolons tbe matter has been taken hold of with considerable interest by the methodist gbaroh here and several meetings of tbe joint oulolat and trustee board have been considering the question in its various phases in order to give the congregation f nil information aa to tba reoommsndatione of general confer ence and derisions of the joint committee a platform meeting will be held next bonday evening at which the pastor and officials will make brief presentations of tho thanksgiving fund sod ita objects tbe choir will intersperse the meeting with a song service st josephs garden party most successful event of the season in this locality notwithstanding tho heav ruin which fell in the morning end the oloudy and fickle weather in the afternoon thursday evening brought joyous hopes to tbe young ladies and gentlemen of st josephs chqrob who bad in conjunction with rev father teeny worked earnoatly for beveral weeks to aaaure buocobb their hopes were realized beyond all expsotatioob over 400 oltizeua of acton aud vicinity entered mr jab birryti spaaioua grounds which were urtibtiaally decorated aud brilliantly lighted with ture in rape and chinese lantern they enjoyed a e pi en did lnnoh at the tables aud deliaioua refresh ments at the booth at muooolook bov father feeoy took the chair and after a few wellohoaen worda welcomed iho large gathering and than proceeded with a oboico musical aud literary programme by the following artiste mr jj oneil o quit who has a fine nob teuor voice sang the girl i loved in tennessee aud for encore sweet may movey his solos were much enjoyed mr j gallagher of guelph the wellknown comia vooaliat received an ovation hia eeleotions were im looking for mr whata hia name tho only girl we had the letter edged with black and as many euoorea the numbers given by mr uharloa bdwarda of gnefph were aleo much appreciated his ia a cultivated voice and hia selections were choice he aaug the priceless gift le nora and bailer than gold mr 1rank lee of guelph possesses a fine baritone voice and his rendition of the holy city and he died for his country were encored misa pearl mcgrail ot troy n y recited the united slates veraion of the llej white and bine in a very pleasing and artiatio style her manuer ia graceful and attractive aaton cornet band in fitting compliment immediately followed with the english version of tbe ait tho red white and blue with tine t fleet mibb mcgralla rendering of the the smithy was equally well received acton cornet band enlivened tbe pro ceedings with frequent numbers while prof black of toronto with the bagpipes and aoton jubilee orchestra added their quota to the appreciation ot tbe large gathering rev father feeuy invoked all for their presenoe complimented tbe boys upon their excellent behavior and called upon revi h a macpberaon to address the company after wbiob tbe band played god sive the queen and the company dispersed ananimoue in the opinion that this waa tbe best event ot ita obaraoter in this seotion tbe prebent season the proceeds wero 978 coming and going visitors to and from aoton an varlousother personal notes tho fnaa fnasa invites all its readers to oon tribute to this oolumu if you or your friends are going away on a holiday trip or if you hav friend visiting yon drop a card to the fasa pubis mr alex mand and family removed to guelph this week mrs noble of georgetown visited aoton relatives this week mies carrie smith returned home from sarijia on monday mrs r home and two soos are guests of the misses nelson the misseb dale of toronto are guests of mrs jennie smith mia a maggio mcginnie of hespeler is the guest ot aoton friends f mr john mcoarten of erin ems been visiting aoton relatives ha week mrs james kennedy of georgetown visited aoton friends on monday mr david allan ot portland ortgon is a guest ibis week at corey hall mr walter barns of toronto was a gueat at fafrvlew place this week mr z a hall of penetangaisben left this week on a trip to tbe old country rev and mrs h a meopheraon were holidaying at hamilton this week misb maggie kenney ot nantiooke ia viaitiog at the home of mr george dills miss ruby clark la siending a few weeks with friends at peoetangutshene mue dyson of guelph haa been the gnesc ot the mfeaea fyfe the past week or from june 15th till july 15th j o 7vke hcton makes the following big cut on the fine wallpaper samples of c l nelles guelph 5c papers nou 4jc 6c 5 78 cc ioc 8c izjc ioc 15c i2jc 20c i5c 2jc 20c 35c 25c 40c 30c for one month only fife fife il fire salvage sale at the noted tea store china palace to morjrow motutwg at 0 oclock we will orrerrorsale 50 doz nappies regular price 60c dozen sale price 30c doz 5 doz large niplpes on stand regular price 40c sale price 20c 5 doz low preserve dishes regular price 30c sale price 15c 5 doz low preserve dishes regular price 20c sale price 10c 10 gross china egg cups regular price 200 per dozen sole price xoc 3 gross peppers and salts regular price 5c each sale price 2o tumblers goblets pitchers at same rate pays to buy at bollerts it 5 id buy at bollerts slightly different tactics j a mccrea guelph- churchill the free library its readbr take out hundreds of book even in hot weather tbe moqlhljr meeting of tho 1ree library board m bald n tba library on moqcuy evening member pretent j b franco chair man john cameron thoa t moore and h p moore the report of tbe librarian for jane ahowed thai 336 book bad been leaned in the following claeaee bialorjr 62 biography 5 royagea and travela 16 aoienoe t literature 21 poetry 2 fiotlon 80 religiona 4 miaoellaneona 6 the oaab receipts for tbe month were oataloruea and card b0o flnea 80o hfdtedby john cameron seoonded by tr- moore ibat tbe librarian report be carried awjfet c tm trei ttiraai re troaaorer reported ibat the net required for the maintedanpe ot tsat library lor tbe onrrant year in addition to the legialaio grant would be 8000 hoted by h v moore aaoopded by john cameron ibat tba ooanoil of the mnniolpality be reqoeeted to provide tbe am of 6ho00 for the mtinlananoe of the free library in addit to ibe leguilauva grant carried tbe board then adjonrned charming weather favored the auniver- aary eervioea in tbe congregational church at cborobill on sunday last when a fall congregation in tbe morning and an over flowing one in tbe evening greeted tbe bov h e maaon from georgetown the hospitality of the friends on tbe hill waa pot to a eevere teat in order to provide for all gaeata who wiahed to sfay to both aervioea who came in anch large nnmbors not only from aoton and anrronndlng diatrlota bat even from oalodon and alton many ezpreeqlone wero heard of the enjoyment tbe day e lovely acenerv and pure air bad given and alao the benefit and pleaanre the eervioea and friendly enter tainment gave them likewise the bev gentlemans daoourae8 were highly reliabed aa waa also ibe elnging ordioary and apeaial ae led by mr harry glbbona with reinforcements of young vooahsta from the congregation tbe aobjeota of dieoonrao were for the morning spiritual ambition from epheaiane 4 13 of whioh the preaoher aaid tbo life of faith oalla na to be equal to all possibilities of life and borvioe for christ in hia name by his meroy and for the good of the world wherein the true perfection of manhood ie realized tbe evening diaoonrae waa from 1 cor 15 12 which furnished the aubjeov of greatsat foot and greatest fallaoy tbe ohief points he endeavored to abnw were that while the greatest proof of christs divln ity ia hia reaorreotion and wbicb alone anawera for tbe preeent ancoess of chris tianity yet men treat it as a fallaoy in refnalog to live up to tbe goepel privileges oertified thereby and alao by proorbtina- tlng their decision for christ and hia caoae an earnest plea waa made on tbe base of tbeae asaertiona that men would act with tbe earno eagerneaa and vivaoliy as tba atookbrokor scientist or farmer when the faots of finance or nature are put before tbem in every way the services have given aatiafaotion to all ooncerned canada at paris over 2o0 applications for space from ontario alone toboxto july 28 j o jardina in supplementing bis first statement regard ing canadian eibibila at the pans imposi tion saya ha bas notwithstanding tba pressors upon menafaotnrers kept apwith order every inob of space allotted to canadian indostry will b oeouplel applioationa for opaoe from ontario alone already exoeed two hundred dan man 18 pr of the new company formed to work the north star silver mips moktnru july 91 a new oompany haa been formed to work tba north blar silver mint al fort steele b c owned by mann maokenale and other cana dians tba latter will raisin a large inters in tba oompany and the balanos of tbs atock will be taken np by tbe leading canadian capitalists mr mann will be the president of lbs new oompany tbe work of danjopement will be poabed vlgorooaly aeasba ajfoek plaoed neon a dividendpaylngwaala jv 1 every held la kmgsaj open book vary painted flower njukaystasan written on its leave mr bajtmu vwluvtm otired lrtheo uttio puis they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per fact remedy for diciinets nausea drowsi ness badtsitelnthe mouth coated tongas fttalmhe side torpid liver they regulate the bowel rhirery vegetable small ms small pom small prloe substitution tho fraud of tho day see you get cartels ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills mrb h bamsbaw and children went to gleowilliama on tneeday to spend a few dayo mr and mrs john h mattbewa and daughter spent a few da a this week at erin mies millls bell of toronto has been a guest at the home of councillor clark dur ing tbe week misses leila sud zella ebbage of toronto are spending holidays at tbeir grandparents mr john williams mls lillian and master fred want to dundalk on saturday to visit friend there misj eva perryman went to preston on on saturday where she will spend a oouple ot weeka with friends mrs james firstbrook and master artbnr left last friday to spend a week with relatives at liatowel miss annis henderson visited at her odoios david henderson m p aoton last week milton champion mr j f allen brotherinlaw of mr geo stovel wheeled to town from toronto and stayed a few day with him here mr george friok and mitt friok of newark n 7 werogaesta ot tbeir brother mr w d frlck for a oonpla ot weeks miss powell ot toronto accompanied bar friend mias williams ot georgetown to town monday sawent tba day bare ltev w m kannawtbtb a was ordain ed and indnotsd into the pastorate of the omeme presbyterian gbaroh last thurs day bev bj ron lting and mr arthur have boon at tbe old borne tbe past week mr byron baa not been home before for two years mrs kelly who baa been vslting her daughter mrs h bamshaw bower ave the past two months went to malton on tneeday mrs w h mofhail and children of rochester n y and misa sarah mophail bl new york are goeata of mrs mopbail willow street mr john milhaoaon ot the g t b depot left yesterday on a well earned three weeks vacation ha will spend part ot the lime at bis home in elmwood bev and mr jams harris of gaslpb were guesta othr george leslie a day or ao this week they than went jo toronto and grmieby to spend a waekor ao mr j j oconnor of chioaap ia spend ing a week or ao with aoton friends and relatlvea he is one of aotons sons and ia alwaya welcomed when be visits here mr w t whltely collector of cus toms the first editor ot the clinton atw record died at his home in clinton on monday 17th lost after a brief illness mrs seiver of lexington miob and mrs james bothwtll and two daughter of obioago were gaeata at the home of edward nloklin eeq bower ave thia week mr and mrs alrx beoord went to watertord on saturday to apend a few daya with friends there mrs beoord will alao spend a week or so al hamilton and uakville mr a byan ot preston oalled at the offloo of tbe fuss pnasa he la on bis way to torouto to represent a nonpanotnr- able bloyoler tire samples will be on eshibition at toronto industrial tbe latest news from bar j k qodden m a is that bs is now gaining rapidly mr godden whose health haa lately been oonaiderably nndsrmided will join him at clifton spring sanittrnim nast weak mr dan mann the wellknown railway oontraotor left montreal on tuesday for vanoonver whsnos he will sail for shanghai mr matin ia going to china on a verv important railway mlaalon whioh may mean a big ihiog for canadian oapitaliats henderson co i millinbex at half price we- are oleujng out tie balance ot our trimmed stock comprising indies hats and bonnets at hnlt orlglnnl prices and in some esses less flowees at half price shirt waists at half price 60c waists at 35c to clear 7 be waists at 40c to clear both darjc mad light colors come early before the aires are brohen we are selling a good washable blouse with separate collar and a good at for sac we are offering special outs in muslins qinghama etc flannelettes and wrapperettes we hsve an advance shipment ot these goods tor tall trade and ws are ottering speoial inducements to make tbem more early a regu lar 7c flannelette tor be while they last we are headquarters for gem jars almost all the stores send their buyers to europe these dnys nnd ho rush his been to get there as soon as possible and gel new goods hero well in advance of tho season were planning things slightly different for fall mr bollert arrhed in europe only last week with tho deliberate intention of gelling into the market late nnd getting many later styles than anyone else also clearing lines at greatly reduced prices in the meantime we re busying ourselves with a clearancl sale of 825 000 worth of new and desirable gbods enough 10 keep us more than busy until tho fall season opens the mere mention of that fact won i crowd the store but the emphasis of such values as wo are offering will bring you here in spite of yourself 35c organdies for 20c 25c 18c 20c ujc 25c grass linen for 20c 15c fancy grass linens for 712 18c dimities for 12 12 15c 7 12 25c swlsc muslins for 20c 25c inncy stripe piques for 20c 20c fancy piques very nobby for 15c 25c all wool delaines for 15c 15c fancy sateens for 10c 15c percal prints for 100 special line of 36 in zephr cambrics worth 15c for 10c extra heavy english prints worth 12 12 for ioc special line of dress denims wonh 25c and 18c for 10c fancy cotton crepons regular 15c goods lor 712 a lot of 12 12c prims for 712 10c prims for 5c special line of scotch ginghams wonh 15c for loc 8c ginghams for 5c all taney parasols to bo cleared out at a discount of 20 r 00 while shirts tor 75c best uoiaundered shirts at 48c silk front shirts worth si 25 and si 50 for 9 1 00 mens regatta shirts 8t 25 fbr 8100 90c for 75 65c for 50c also a large variety men s nnd boys soft front shirts at reduced prices special value in night robes ibig range of summer underwear at 25c 35c 75 i 5 men s and boys sweaters at cut prices mens fine cashmere socks at 25c and 35c grey and fawn wool socks worth 30c for 2jc bicycle hose a special line worth 75c or 40c 65c for 50c elastic and leather belts cheitp fine white handkerchiefs at 5c 8 linen cuff at 203 per pair latest style collars 2 for 250 250 and 350 silk tics for 1511 500 ties for 350 all men s and boys hats at oost price to 15 linen and straw the above list is only a sprinkling of the many bargiins we aie giving e k bollert co 25 aud 27 wyndham st guelph pringles special mens strong watches no 1 waltham model lh 111 1 i ill btrone scrow dustproof caaos 8 00 no 2 do do 10 00 no 8 rockford model in screw dustproof caaos 14 00 no 4 do do 16 00 no 5 do do 18 00 no 6 do do 20 00 wo keep all grades of american watches at from 500 up but the above are our best they are made alter our own design and are guaranteed perfect from every fault possible to guard against q d pringl6 j emie lb r gublph july opportunities beginning with today july 26th our var ious departments will devote attention to a clehrinc up of all summer goods preparatory to the semi annual stocktaking on august 10th importhnt reductions in price will offer unusual opportunities to all who are fortunate enough to take advantage of them d e macdonald 8c bro golden lion gtxelph trunks for 150 a coolheaded man is he who puts on a light nnd comfort able straw hat in warm weather you have a large variety of styles to choose from in our wellselected stock of chic and jaunty rough braids and plain straws trimmed with the best silk bands in navy black and fancy colors at prices lower than you can match anywhere from 500 to si 50 our new silk shirts are uptodate see them club bags leather 125 gladstone bags shawl straps trunk straps steamer trunks canvas bound brass mounted 375 to 550 nbasellaaslj the shoe man guelph 8 stores one price only xw e inelson and mens rarnlaher guelph board op education request an inorstassi of 20o in the municipal orant f 1 80s a fneeting of lbs poblio sohool board waa bsld on monday arsnlng al tbe publlo sohool members present george hynd eobl holmes bobl wallace add w b kenney mr wallace was morad to the ohalr the finance committee presented th estimates for tba onrrant year as follow asosirm balance from law se7 87 legislative dram 17s 00 oountytreasarrforfablle sohool loavlng lulled by municipal taxation fatmkmtfl salaries fuel repairs and improvements interest insurance contingencies carried to neit year io00 ifloooo 8300 97 1715 00 10o00 10oo0 moo sere sail 90000 szuoot moved by george ilynda aeoonded by bobt holmes tba tbe secretary bs intimated to task a requisition upon tbs mnnioipal gonooll for lbs eorn of i18o0 in addition to tba lagielative grant for tbs eipenaes ot iba hoard for lb oarreot year carried to board tban adjourned hot weather goods ladies hot weather underwear were prepared as never before to meet the demands of the season extra value in ixadtebsownb ladies shtrls ladies shirt waist e hot weather garsels new past blach hester special value in wash goods the uptodate store for gents fnrnishings gurnet co mill st acton ffst store closes monday tuesday and thursday evening at 6 oclock wedding gifts savage co fine watchmakers cuelph silverware we will have a nice stock of silverware which we will sell at the low price of 2 for each article we expect them in on the 15th july when we hope our store will be refitted and in good shape to do business watchmakers jewelers opticians jlorecrogkeb a number of dinner setts 97 pieces from 500 to 800 bedroom setts 6 and 10 pieces from 200 to 400 blue plates fancy jugs fancy bowls egg cups pickle dishes and a lot of fancy china come and see them c f goodeve co mill street aoton aobntb wantbdfor the life and achievement of admiral dewey the world greatest naval ben by moras balatead tba lass mesa and admirer ofjba nations idol aateea beat bosk i over joo pagea slabt by uejminmsteloojasbmjudfleo lltmlra- ioalr sjjso awmoea demand hig mtadoni ootdtb onanoe of a ills- tjma write qulek tbe dominion oompany ant floor caston blag obieago solid gold jaw best gold fill 1 5 yrs gold fill best glasses wegiarentee norfeet satisraetlor globe optical 93 yonro street toront