Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 27, 1899, p. 4

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tr vrf he ever see a snow storm in sumner wo never did but wo bavo seen tho clothing at this time of the veer so covered with dandruff that it looked ra if it had been out in n regular snow storm no need of this snowstorm as tho cummer sun would melt the filling snow so will ayers hair vigor melt these flakeo of dandruff in tho scalp it goes further iban this itpreventsthclrformalloi it has still other properties it will restore color to gray hair in just ten times out ct every ten cases and it does even more it feeds and nourishes the roots of the hair thin hair becomes thick hair and short hair be comes long hair wo have a book on the hair and scalp it is yours for the asking if too do not obtain all ilia tongas von ospactod from tho nio of lha lffor wrlto tus doctor nbont it rropabljr tbero it lomi dlraonltj with yoarssn ami ayatam which xnay 1 oealtj rr noraa jkddrwo w dr j 0 atjsb lovell ilau wit toit jtm t8 thtjbbday july 27 1889 ttlje f rang joins streams by qjjikt ways on streams that slide by qdlet ways far from the citys noise hera oft tbe angler spenda bu days and truant playing boya hore too tbe beron oomee and feeds king nsbera baunt each pool uoud call tbefroge among tbe reeds in maimer evenings eool and rippling softly on yoar way beyond life s wbirl and din yoo sing and travel day by day the fields end woods wlthtn a barbor for tbe wild dnok hero is found by moasy brink where oft of old tbs timid deer and indians came to drink tbe reapers from tbe harvest fields of t rest bete through tbe noon to eat their quiet midday meal and quaff thy priceless boon home of the trout in sbady nooks wbere mossy stones abonnd bunpliaa by rains and xaonntain brooks wbiie seasons go their round yonr needful help tbe miller owns that moves tbe wheel at will with foamy force and roaring tones in byways calm and atin o streams now on wltb sounds of mirth a joy to beast and man sins in tbe future atlll your wortb as slnoe the world began yonr friend is tbe man whom yon ean abuse withoat ezpeotldg him to take offense one laia liver fill every night for thirty dsya makes a oomplete oore of biliousness atod constipation tbat ir joit 26 cents to be oared ffi wbenryau do a man a favor behind his bsok let him know of it immediately whsd man think too deeply of thalr wrongs they destroy themselves a strange revenge to take i after all it seems to bo an nnxplained idtultivo knowledge of brjmen nature in general whiob bringa suooess tbe really great man feels bis insig- ulfloanoa most when be ia awsy from his fellow meo few men like a master when yoa make yonrself so usefal to yoar employer that he cannot do withoat yon be seldom is satisfied to remain your alave tbe good influenoe of a man often uvea long after him provided be dies sooo enough one half of mans nature islalways ready to fight the other half alwaya ready to ootnpromieo it yon want anything done do it yonr self then yoar failure gives maob pleasure to others t a orowd never oolleota about two men saying pleasant things to each other education oftan whets a mans appetite beyond tbe means at hand to aatfify it one merchants experience to those about to marry yornrofineiror old men who lotend to marry will be pleased to learn that tbe new marriage aol is made quite simple by applying to 17 p moore issuer of marriege lloenien at the fbss pbxus offloe call a few days before tbe oeremony and have tbe matter explained private offloe all lraainesa strictly private and confidential at residence in evenings a group of business men were dlsoauloa mattere of general interest at the waldroff hotel a few evenings paet the writer was present on this oooasiop finally the subject turned or advertising and tbie is what ons of the eldeat men in the group said daring my eleven yeere eaporienoe advertising retail business i have learned tbat it does not psy half as well to adver tise any other way es it does to put yoar mouey in newepspor span some of joo have spent your advertising appropriations in programmes menu cards schedules timetables guides botel register indus trial books wall bangers wall ohaits and tbe like and i will tell yoa frankly that you are next door to throwing yonr money away when you are susceptib to ihebland ishments in promoting patronage for each sobemes clot eff these leaks put yonr foot down firmly that opt aootber dollar shall be diverted from the nesrspiper tbat goes into homos bristling with interest and intelligence i have spent oootdsys study ing means melbuds and media essential to profitable advertising and i am eon vinoed tbe very bett way ia in ihe newa paper pin jour faltb to it firmly it yoa bave anything to sell that tbe people want everybody who on read reads the nowe paper and yoa oannot reach ao many people so cheaply by advertising in any other way a novel way of boiling eqos bishop paret of baltimore some time ago was tbe goes of an eplsoopal family in west virginia learning from the biabep tbat he liked hardboiled eggs for breakfast his hostess went to tbe kitchen to boil them herself wblle so engaged she began to sing tbe first verse of tbe wellknown hymn rook of ages then as she sang the second verse tbe bishop who was in the dlnning- room joined in when it was finished there was silenoe the lady herself came into the room a few minutes later carry ing the eggs and the bishop remarked why not sing the third verse the third verse she replied oh thats not necessary i dont understand replied bishop parol why yon aee bishop she replied when i am oooking eggs i always alng one verse for soft boiled and two for hard- boiled she was saved palnes celery compound restores an ontario lady to perfect health after years of failure with other medicines mo other remedy can ao effec tually meet the needs of debilitated weak and nervous women one of the grandest and noblest of rnedioal triumphs ever given to suffering women ia palnes celery compound medicine that has saved thoosands of daughters wives and mothers of onr dominion in oasea of debility weakness nervous ness irregularities look of nerve foroe impoverlahsd or impure blood oonstipatlon and stomach troubles palnes oelery com pound is the only reliable true end oertain agent for tbe banishment of disease and the establishment of permanent health mrs hopper of thornhill out one of the many thousands of women who slog the praises of palnes oelery compound aa a blessing to women says with very great pleasure and satiafac- tion i wish to add my testimony to what has already been said in favor of palnes oelery compound i determined to give it a trial and i am happy to say it has done for me more good than i oaa expreaa for ten yeara i dootored with other medi clnes wilbont any good results bot after using palnes oelery compound i em perfeetly restored to health can eat well digestion is good and my aieep is aweet and sound altogether i am a new woman i alwaya recommend paines oelery compoand to my friends a man will walk a thousand miles for a ohanoe to dig gold who ia too lazy at borne to dig the kitohen garden keep tbe head oool and the bowels open ia sensible advloe to follow this warm weather if ihe bowels do not move regularly take laia liver pills they are email in sise easy to take and do not gripe weaken or stoken most men like to compare- notes on suc- oeasaa afthaihn itui absolute novelty jtin6sjt talks it plays can k nemo ort a cmiud can opcjsxtcit bige r wmsrwurr rravm and viuaok a aboflkscaktaliflrrsmacfllntai london ont swor giving the w o command jack ht i fimuouanoriiughrfntbincfl sportsman at one time commanded a com piny of the nottingham militia now bis men ilka ramy othera of their olaee were nob what in military pirianoe is called steady and wheu advancing with fixed bayonet it was no unoommnn thing for some of them anticipating the word flust to mop in the middle of iheir charge one day jack loit his torn par woefully do il attain he roared ttud rinut htop till i hive the word or command oj on for ever till i bay hah and keep your line to b09 how they obeyed him ho placed himself a few yard- in advuuoe faoiutf the men and trusting in ida running nowora to get oat of their way charge i be thuu- dertd an tbey charge m still faiogthem retreated at a sharp trot quite forgetful that behind him waa a quickset brarobly hedge shielding a ditch umil he felt the buokthorn bujoneta prodjiuk be hind him the troop oarae swiftly on and in the anxitty of the moment laos forgot tho proper word though ba shouted stop determined not to be scolded again for want of implicit obedience and malicious ly eujoyiug their captain ludicrous dl lemma the men bore bolidly down upon him forcing bim through ihe brambles and an bo fell splash into tbe mud with the bayonets within an inohof bin noee ho at lael shouted halt haiti when he waa palled oat presenting a most jutiittfte ftaffiewnoe however be oonld cot help joining in tbe laughter be had evoked or acknowledging tbat tbe men bid only aoted in obedience to orders turned the machine on him itaorowded here of coarse laura said mr ferguson aa they bqoeezed their way pant the box office toward tho door of tbe ooncert hall bat how can yoa oom plain with any sort of reason tbat it giveb you a atitob in tbe aide beoaaso i am hemmed in 1 gasped mrs fergason glaring at bim chicago trtb- hardworking farmers longhoursofhnrdnccr ending work makes kidney trouble a common coin plaint on the farm pain fill weak or lama back nnd unmry disorders ar too frequent doans kidney pills help a farmer to work nnd keep his health tauo the ache and pmn out of his bach and giva him strength nnd vigor mr ninth willnmt a retired farmer living- at 138 elizabah st barne ont said i have been n sufferer with kidney trouble and iiain in tbe small of my bnck ana in both nldch i nlso had n frreat dealof neuntlklnpaia in mv temples nnd vat subject to dlny hpilla i felt tired and worn out most of tliotiino since taklnir donn a kidney pills i hye had no pain cither in my back or sides 1 hey lm e removed the neuralgia pain from my head also tlie tired feeling i feel at lenat ten yearn younger and can only say that doan s kidney pills are the most remarkable kidney cure and la addition an the beat tonic i ever took tiaxoltlver pllla euro oonstipatlon if yoa intend to kill a man with a olab it doesnt matter haw many knoba there are on it bat it yoa with to soothe a man to sleep play very low bweet masia dr low worm syrup is a safe sore and reliable worm ex poller acta equally well oq children or adults be ear yoa get lows tbe things that go without saying are the ones that are most often said dyspepsia and indigestion c w snow co syracuse n y writes plea bo send as ten gross of pills we are eel ling more of par melees pills than any other pill wo keep they have a great reputation for tbe cure of dyspepsia and liver com plaint mr obas a smith lmdaay writes parmolees pilla are excellent medioloo my sister baa been troubled with severe headache bat these pills have en red her when a poker gets too hot we drop it not so however in the case of argument dr woods norway pine syrup was the first and original pine preparation for ooagbs and colds all others having the name pine are simply imitations some of them worthies it is good not to believe everything yon hear even when yoa say it yooreelf castoria for infants and chllireu stfuttm few men and women are individnal personalities to ns moat of whom we olass as frhnds are never more tban fragmente of great classes cucumbers and melous are forbidden fruit to many persona ao constituted that the least indulgence is followed by attacks of ebolera dysentery rripiiik these persona sre not aware that they oan indulge to thalr hearts oontant if they liave on hand a bottle of dt j d kellogga djsen- tery oordlal a medicine that will give immediate relief andjaasare ears for all bummer complaints if there is a history of weak lungs in your family take scotts emulsion itnourishesandjnvigor ates it enables you to resist the disease even if your lungs are already affected and if besides the cough you have fever and emaciation there is still a strong probability of a cure the oil in the emulsion feeds the hypophosphites give power to the nerves and the glycerine soothes and heals 50c and lltns cott 4 uowh cjiamkils toronto many men who make failures of all their undertsklngs still remalnssncoesses them selves stiff links and joints miss a edwards fordwlch oat writes last fall ray little slstsr eight years old was laid up with stiff limb and joints evsn her doners and toes were stiff lnds1ie suffered greatly alfer nstngr hasjarda yellow for a time she got perfectly well end in going to school again tho man who follows the experience of others usually makes a failure so alio 00 times out of 100 does the man who onta out a new path for himself save the babies thousands of them die every sum mer who could be saved by the timely use of dr fowlers ext of wild strawberry the man who ltteltates loo long al the oroaproada is bnnnri to be overtaken by darkness and is then guile sore to loie bis way wblobevrr road he uke tba thought fnost htily pat on paper is usually the one wbloh bas bean long in tbs mind permanent cures the great number of oasas published lately showing how bordock blood flitters cores permanently snoh rertou dfisaaea boaner rheum erysipelas rnnnln ore sin has ahumsully proved ibsl when b b b cure joare oared to slay eared there ia not a mother who loves her infant but should keep on hand dur ing the hot weather a bottle of dr fowlers extract of wild straw berry there is no remedy so afe and so effective for the diarrhoea of infants and none has the endor- saliou or ao many cana dian mothm who liavo proved its perils nnd therefore speak with confldstnee one or these is mrs peter jones warkworth ont who says i i can give dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry great praise for it saved my bubys life she was culling her teeth and was ink en whh diarrhoea very bad my sinler advised me to gt dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry i get a bottle and it cured the baby almost at once what castoria ciihtoiliv is fur itifiuita nml children cnstorla is ji llliriulcsh btibstltuto for crtstor oh paregoric drops mill soothing syrups it contains neither opium lumphlno nor oilier jsarcotln biibstnule it is pleasant its guarantee is tlilrty j cars use by millions of mothers castotliv destroys woruui and allajs rceisli- jichh castoria cures diarrhoea aiul wind colic cnstorla yllntett toothing trouulch cures constlrmtlon and lilrtulcncj cnstorla assimilates tho rood retriilntcs the stoinnch and bowels oliufants and children frit lug- healthy nnd natural bleep ctvstorla is the childrens panacea the mothers friend 1 castoria matorla is on excellent medicine for children mctlicrs lmc repeatedly told uic or us good effect upou their children dr g c osoood lmuelt man castorn fcnstorja n m well ml ipu i in clilldtcil that i i icomiiiciul it n aujuri r lo any pre scription known lo ttic ha auc11ku m i hiwkhtt v y the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper victory she was an elderly lady and b abe seated horbelf on one of the b tool a in wnllaohs store and asked to be shown some cahker she remarked tbat when she was a gal bho thought she was powerful lacky it she got sixteen yards in a dress and thought it a elnlul waste of staff to put more bat bhe had juet heard tbat mrs x was agoin to bev fotty two yards in her new oaliker an bhe hoped tbat there might be a cloud burst in seventeen minutes it that air woman would btare round at ber in cburoh and make remarks about her clothes von kin jiat cut me oil forty three yards and 111 have it made pin back faahnd with a over dresb an a eqaare mainsail an a flyin jlp an a back action then i jiat like to see that stuokop mrs x put on airs over me what is good 7 what is the real good i atiked in musing mood order fluid tbe law court knowledge said tbo school itratb bald tbe wise man 1 pleasure said the fool love bald the maiden beauty said the page freedom said the dreamer home bttu the bage fame said tbe soldier equity the seer spake my heart fall sadly tbe answers not here then within my boaom softly this i heard leaoh heart holds tbo secret kindness is the word johh 1101 le o iliklli mrs james constable seaforth ont wrltei t ever since i can remember f have suffered from we ik action of the ht art tor come tm c pa t it grew constantly worse i frequcn ly hud sharp pains under my heart tl at i w s fearful if i drew a lo if breath it would cause d nth in going upstairs i hud to sit p to rest nnd regain breath when my children m idaa nnsowhilo playing i vcu d b- o overcome with nervousness and venkne sthnt i could not do anything and hud to t don to refyam comnostiro tyy limbs were unnaturally cod nnd i was suhjutto nlrouuheadauies and dizziness my memory becumo uncertain and sleep decrted mc i have been taking milbums heart and nr c p and as a result am very much better i hao improved in he iuh and strong ii r tly the blessing- of sleep is restored to me my licirt is m t h stroriger anj tlu n- rrs ivc sensation has vanished i cin row ro uistajrs without stopping cud 1 t o frreatest of ease and i no longcr tsuffr from dizziness or hindachc it cc- to 1110 tho circulation of my blood has become normal thereby rcmovmsf tho cole u s fnun r limbs i can truly say that milbums heart nnd nervapilj av t- awuiil tfgood uucauver pills 0u3e csokjo c3kstio ad cvspepsia a soft answer may tarn away wrath bat not after the bret blow bas been struck in tbe fltfht milbarns sterling headache powders oore the worst headaohe lo from five to tweuty minutes and leave no bad aftereffect b one powder 5c 3 powders loo 10 powders 25c most of us content ourselves with wishing we were as great ao we would like to be mr t j homes culurabob ohio writes i have been sfflioted for some time with kidney and liver complaials and find parmelees pills the belt medicine for tbeee diseases those pills do not oause pain or griping and aboald be ased when a oathartlo ia required they are gelatine coated and rolled in tbe flour of llcorico to preserve their parity and rive them a pleasant agreeable taste many a man has been shot in the book in battle while brarely trylog to save a fallen comrade worms these peats of childhood are readily ei polled by the tt dr lows pleasant worm syrup itls simple aafet effeoinal and oontaina its own cathartic prloe 25q when wo speak of littlo brats we always refer to other peoples ohtldren promotion of general happiness ia seoured by nervlliue tho great norvo pain cure the highly penetrating properties of nervillne make it never falling in all oasas of rheumatism neuralgia cramps pains in the baok aud side lumbago ao we heartily commend it itts bolter for netbat we shbultf k u o w oar weaknesses rather than oar strength that is it is better to koow what to avoid doing than what to do where can i get aome of holloways corn oure i was entirely cured of my oorni by this remedy and i wish some more of it for my friends so writes mr j w brown ohloigo humanity grows better through suffer ing often the groans of one generation are transformed iuto shouts of joy of the next irltirla hit r bur out- mr joseph ourrler a rerpeoted citizen of this plaot wss mo had with rheumatism that be ooold not attend to his work two boxm of milbums ithoamatio pills have affeoted a complete ears business letter to a friend i write to say i cannot keep tbat verbal promise 1 made you yesterday there never was and never will bs a anliversal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh is heir the very nature of many cmattveh being such that were the germs of other and differently beated diseases rooted in the ejatem of the patient whai would relieve one ill in tarn would aggravate tbe other we have however in quinine wine wben obtained in a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grinvous ills by its gradual judioious use the frailest systems aro led into con valescence and strength by the influence whiob quiulne exerts on natnroa own restoratives it relieves the d coping spirits of those with whom a chroulo state of morbid despondence and laok of interest in life is a disease and by tranquillzlng the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood which being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of the syatem thereby making activity a necessary result strengthening therramerandtfiviiig life-to- the digestive organs whioh naturally demand inoresbod bubstanco result im proved appetite northrop lvmao or toronto have ulven lo tho public their quinine wine at the usual rate and gnaged by the opinion of scientists this wine approach oi nearest perfection of any the market all druggists sell it the sort of confession wliloh does the soul most good is of the sine of others hag yards yellow oil ourea sprains bruises sores wounds cots frostbites obllblainp stings of insects borne scalds contusions eto price 2so a man bas a very poor memory who can not remember the things his wife ought to do tho horse noblest of the brate ores tion wben suffering from a out nbraelon or sore derives as rauuh bepflt as its master in a like predicament from tbe healing soothing aotion of dr thoinss eoleotrio oil linienoin swelling of tbe neok stiffness of the joints ihrotit and inngu are relieved by it tba blind oannot see the beauties of the worlds creatures lluw to 4jt itlrb we rfor to the richness of yoar blood if joa are pale and thin joa are poor in strength and nerve power bootts emul slon drives away thinness and pallor aud brings rich red blodd aud nerve power th red bird- beat today and cood for year 3 jfc 5ji the tstilson chain when bicycle manufcclurcrs and riders the world oer ej were ha ing trouble with their bicycle chains which in s sjt spite of all they could do would wear ind stretch it wis a j canadian who found a way out of the difficulty the wilson chain 3 3 with which 3 3 1 bed 3 3 birds 3 3 are fitted 3 3 this canadian was mr wm wilson one of the experts paid by this company to bring the red bird nearer a stale of absolute perfection this invention consisted of a patent whereby the centre part of the pin was hardened giving the hardened steel pin so well was this received that the laigest chain manufactur ing establishment in the world purchased tho american right to produce it since then there bave been many iml- ations but as is always the case with imitations none are so good as the genuine article such ns red birds are fitted with to day the goold bicycle co limited s j d mckee agent you can get it 3 3 3 3 3 3 a parlor suite a sideooa a bedroom set an extension table a lounge a stand a mattress and springs or any other article in furniture requirements at a living profit only all ooods delivered undertaking in all its branches calls day or night attended coffins delivered prices to suit every ones needs j a speigcht co acton maple leaf grain gbinders two sizes for anv power no i has zo inch rever sible burrs 8 inch single burrs both have ball bearing burr p i a t es relief springs and shake feed grind fine and last with least power always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use coold shapely fcmulrco limited brantford ont 10hn jlcvjoefgn agent for the above has changed his wire ooms to building on w e smiths properly john street where mny be seen rnosr a wood binders and mo wsiis and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs n my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to tho wants of customers john w3ulem the best la the cheapest oteet woveh wire fencing men sblvaob mcmullens poultry nettings are unequalled in quality and their fencin6s are the best prices low hardware merchants sell these goods and can supply you if they fall you write the manufacturers at picton tmi ontario vir3 fencing oo i f picton ortlov the b grebning wire co c9nbskl hr7uciiton khd kgents montrbbl sold also by canndian hardware jobbers uiv tltlvk klixway wall 10 02uni lxiiru b j 2ti i in mtt11 7 ir p ui 10jno kast express iis cxprobs 10 m s ni moll j mlxoi 10 03 v m bunclftl irullm olno uobt 10 03 w going 1 ast0 i u j u j ui llomso malta goiliu wmtj 0 a in ami r co in going hoatlo ji a in umh rn i n t hi n sunday o u1jo jutu lcji w barber bros paper makers qeorqetown ont hike a spkoulty of machine finished book papers high grade wkekly new r tho paper used in thin journa is from tho above mills wm eaebzr bho cash paid tor farm produce butter onions eggs poultry pork etc apples wanted aikenhead produce co a parsons manager cor mill and main sta acton opposite clark s hotel main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor vanafaoturor of sash doors fraxnoa moulding in all styles dsessnra matcnma nnd moulding to order on short ootlco cviu asaortod stock on band at prlcoa urau tbs tlmo john cameron proprietor there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire for the laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our spring stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices oaix and bee otjb new lines w williams mill st era itopatentbood idsm may be aeenred bj oar aid address the patent record y ifttsoi waij i oodengravihc v jptloto ehgp j li- toronk patents tnollof your intoritlon or linprovomont nnd wo will toll j2sjsv yiv i whothor it is fstjsesm j other ttanaa blkbeatrotoronoes furnlalioil st a mabjon falwhy r0ucxtob8 xxveb tsmlhypsv 1 aroonatm of bis sl 5 knolhfiliiir jlacholors in appllad scltnooa iaral li krrilly ltaii izs tis oyiloii aninloan water work asapoutloti hw enulariil mr woilia alaoo nmou i w voaic lin bioo uoimrai oml 00 years experience zst f p0pvfhoht ao anrona anjlljla a akotrh and dsaorlptlon a iiloklr uoaruiin onr opinion fro ivbaiba qiilokl tnventi llflim ttrlotlr w sent t rs tortw ihuents uka qwjol inlesa iunu imtn uiroacn uann axrb maah wtol fwtfes without ooanwk in tba scktitlflc hiciicaii rr four

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