Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 10, 1899, p. 3

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14j this bank of hamilton cllaktuk cllanllid 187a hrad orrioa hamilton ont capital all paid up reserve fund total assets 1 404000 1000000 l3te3000 rurnuull cashier savings department one dollar or more received interest paid at best current rates and padded to principal without wailing for pass hook to be presented any sum may bo withdrawn by simply sending in a written order with the pass book security the government returns show that depositors in this bank have over five million dollars of surplus security farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc farmers sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate of interest security courtesy fair rates every banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited- georgetown branch ktauliflubd ovrb twkntt yluub j p bell agent iijb jutim jfm f reaa thursday august 10 1899 the news at home little local brieflets which caufiht the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week farmer ttrebwy threading oraugevillet ruts of taxation this year a 2s mills weve had foar wee in of very dry weather now mr geo snuuriers haa been appointed postmaster of eriu tho orescent liorodae club will play a match at gleawilliaroa tomorrow the sixes are das in two instalments 2nd september and 4th november baainead men get yonr invoice and letter heads printed at the fbek pbkss office mr johu agoew haa improved the front ol his atore and residence ou main street glen will in in a baa won the janior ohdmpionshsp in the royal district cl a monday was toronto civic holiday and a number of her citizens spent the day in aoton harvest excursions to the northwest for 10 are annoanoed for the 22 ad and 24th inst the opea air concert by aoton cornet bnd on tuesday evening was enjoyed by oor oitfeena everybody bat you apd i are either oat of town going oat of- town or just gotupg baokir dr be dentist baa returned from hia trip and will now continue hia weekly usits to aoton dating he exceedingly dry weather of the past month the street sprinkler hap bsen a boon indeed if were to have a civic holiday its bare ly time the date was being annoanoed and tho proclamation issued messrs grswson bros of grewsons corners are drilling a deep well for mr x stephenson on river street the individual who said onehalf the world doesnt know how tbs other half lives never resided in a small town the power house presents a wonder fully improved appearance since tbs took pointing of the exterior walls was com plete if yon wish for a pretty photo to birashawa stndio go hell make yon so nice yonmi call on him twioe and say that his work ia not slow the gnelph electric light and power go announce a redaction iu thi price of olooiric lighting that on residence light ing i exceptionally largo while going home batnrdsy evening with a load of chopped staff mr john denny was delayed for an hoar or so on mill street with a broken axle the new siding and a witch for beardmore a go at the g- t it ia completed agent holmes says he has accommodation in the yard now for 1 ho oats yon dont know what a good thing yon re musing if you omit- reading the fbkk fasas weekly story the one this week is especially good every iaine has a complete story improvements at the power house ootufnno a till drain now snrroanda the gliding a cement floor has been pat in the boiler room and a sidewalk willow street is on the tapis one day last week while master george btroaaer was at stephen sons blacksmith shop a horse stepped oo hii barefoot inflict ing palofnl idjorles several stltohes were necessary in dressing tbs wound i a n ambe of miltonla the qalt- r aoton lacrosse match at aoton las bator- day they say it was ons of the fastest they ever witnessed and they pronoun oe aotona team a great on champion toronto piokpookets were evidently ont with the crowd to spend olvio holiday a womans pocket waa picked at guelph and two women lost there purees hers asthsy wars getting on the toronto train monday evening if a spool si of eight cars of fergus old cjboys passed through from toronto on donday morning to attend the celebration sa fergas tbs train waa gaily decorated fji soore or so of oar citizens joined the excursionists here we glean the following very timely advios to correspondents from an ex change bond la yoar items while they are fresh we dont like to publish blrtu after the child is weaned a marriage after the honeymoon la over or a hos- banda death after the widow has married again a dry goods establishment in chicago v paid laat year to a single dally newspaper 1q that city 07601 or advertising m three dry goods bouses in hew york eaoh jpald last yeartoasidglisw york dally paper over 1100000 and the admission is l roads by all the dry goods bosses that they wilt exceed these figures this year for choice a a gar co red hams and jfjjpaoon go to rolstons batohor shop next ksantyi shoo store mostly of a looal character and every item jpterestlhir the exhibition gamo at fergus tho crcbceuta wont to fergas on monday to play auame with fergus in oouneotlon with tbie old boya demonstration it wsb a lively exhibition game wejl puyed by bolhteams and won in a keen contest by the home team in a score of 6 to 8 foreman clnrk in charge again twentyfour yeira ago contractor ilioh tird olark wua foreman of the bricklayers who built the methodist ghuroh that fall he ii again foreman of the masons and bricklayers who aro encaged in the erection of the now baptist church joat 200 feet east of the other- the foundations are rapidly ribing and tho corner atooo will shoitly be laid antidote for the kissing hug reports of tho painful effects of the tjite of the liisiug bug are current in many sections of the country if you aro bitten by the kissing bug aud yoar lip swells up dont get frightened and think you are going to die prompt application of or dinary household ammonia will reliove the pain and obviate all bad effects mr l o howard government entomologist at washington says so and he ahontd know an import nat appointment a letter from miss jennie m steele riven the interesting information that at the annual meeting of the board of direc tion on thursday last miss stiele of acton ont waa appointed superintendent of the girls training school at cleveland ohio miaa sleelo ia well qualified for this position having been matron of a homo at tacoma wash for a number of years her acton friends congratulate her upon appointment tbe new pavement this v section of new pavement was completed on tuesday by the gnelph pavement co it ib a very hoe piece of work superior if possible in some respect ti the splendid walk laid laat summer the raemberh of the counoilwere inolined to hftvo the wuk coutinaed attavatlhd g t it crossing but finally decided to defer that aebtion until next season oar biti- j zens generully are so well pleased with tbo permanent pavement thevttbey woul glad to see it replace the plank walks more rapidly another wuyto get more pavement a young lady in tiwn who is interested in public improvements and who thinks the layiog of permanent pavements is being proceeded with very blowly said to the fhik press the other day she thongbt some looal organizition might be formed to advanoe the work especially on the side streets if the orokinolo glub could raise about 9400 for a piano inone season she aald what is to hinder a aimilar olnb from raisiog a like amount for several years for permanent pavements a loyal proposal certainly a family re- union there was a very happy family reunion last friday t the home of the misses laing agnes street mr adam laing the father of the family and mrs laing were up from brampton and all the sons and daughters were home again there were mr and mrs john laing and master clarence from burks falls bev byron and messrs albert and arthur who have been travelling through the united- states for several years and misses allio and puemio who reside here it is some fonr yoars since the family were all together last io for rid la a on the sidewalk miss greer a wellknown society yoang woman residing on dofferin avenue bramford was at the police court the other day fined 910 for riding a bicycle on the sidewalk miss greer and several other ladies were served with summonses last week the others called and settled the fine of 91 eaoh miss greer ik appears wrote a letter to a looal newspaper id which abo said that the police commission ers consisting of the mayor judge hardy and the police magistrate levied these flues for the purpose of raising money to go on holidays in fining the yoang woman 910 the magistrals referred ia severe terms to tho charges of the letter the local churches knox cburob congregation welcomed back their pastor rev h a macpberson last sunday vigorous sermons were preached rev father feeny ministered to a large congregation in st josephs a numbers of visitors were noticed in the congregation the daoramental services in the methodist oh n rob on sunday were largely attended rev mr mblaohlans sermons wore very appropriate to the occasion the baptist congregation was manifestly happy on sunday gratitude that their new place of worship was commenced was fell in many hearts the services in stalbaus churoh were conducted by mr mroaasiand the news of the pastors improved health was received with genuine interest bev e i crawford was in his place in the disciples ohurob and bev trforbes preached an effective sermon in the gong regat ion al cbaroh one rbonsand jtfen wnnted quite a furore has been oreated here during the past week throuflb the presence of a representative of the new ontario t rainy river railroad mr m o banyan the superintendent of employ ment is auxlods to engage one thousand men at 175 per day of ten boors and to guarantee oontinuoas work for eighteen months to good msa the transportation ticket which costs 910 will be advanced to all who engage to go ont to the works and spend at least a month there if three tnonthsitpnt in this anm will berefandad how galtdidn t do it an opon letter to the gait reform or and its sportlnpr editor to lim reifoiutu it is an accopted buying in ull sporting ciroles that gait him never bein able to accept defeat iu any ooutedt graoefully anl vorily if we are tu judo from your report of the recent cliampionubip ladrosso match here the saying is a true one yoa emphatically disgraced yourself by permitting the publication of a report whioh not only tailed thu fnuts but grossly misrepresented aoton uorouio olub and libelled thia wellbohuvod mid lnw- abiding town and its worthy oitizons your billingspats includes the following choice epithets and lying phrases an aoton mob 1500 hoodlums aoton crowd terrorizud the visitors they carried clubs and bludgeons the mob howled hang him kill him kuoob his blook off oxterminato hirp open hostiltvof jthe aotoniana blows were aimadft the players as they approached therspeotutars they were threatened with words strong and unmistakable illustrated by waving oubs aoton mast be an irish settlement every mothers son of them had a ebillelati and they brandishedthem in the air iu a way quite alarming to see liy hia bead opau brutal attackp to ao in the name of all thats fair and sportsmanlike we protebt against ouch untruthful unwarranted nnd malicious a obaraoterization of our laorosae players and cltizenb as you iu bold headlines and leaded matter indulge in the game refcred to was an excellent exhibition of clean bklllful wellplayed laoroue aud spectators who witnessed both garaea freely asserted it waa markedly freer from rough play than our boys were treated to in tho game at gait in faot there was little if any rough play and none of the players reoeived an injury more thitn akin deep whatever feeling the aoton players may have had against gilt for the treatment they had received in- the game in that town there was oertiiuly no dcmoiiblratiou of it on tbe field during tho game on the 20th inet here if ever a club wa courteously teated in o face of the uubpurtaiuatilike and de- teoted attempt to smugklfl in a brilliant outside player grovob from seaforth gait was oi thii ooohbion all players know that the referee could have refused permission to put auolher player in hia plaoe thus illrgalty forfeited but aoton geueroubly allowed a substitute to tako the plaoe of tho imported registered under an assumed name your contemptible lies about spectators fntortering and mob threatening and olnbs andshillelahs and bludgeons were without the remotest bemblanceot truth the faot of the matter ie that gait was outplayed but could not bear defeat two of the players of the team did howover admit to a member of actons managing committee before they left town that they were fairly defeated- iu a well played gamo and aimilar admissions wore made to friends upon their arrival home if gait wants to obnliune 1 3 play la crosse in any district in the proviaoe they will require to adopt different tiotlos and yoa mr- ittformer will need to retire they fresh young man now in charge of yoar sporting columns from a profession whioh he has besmirched and dishonored yours respectfully tns mahaoiho comuinbk obescent licnosse clvii act6n coming and going visitors to and from aoton and vartousotherporaonal notea tho fakb pqiu invltw 11 it ruatlnr to coo trlbuco to till column you or your frleud aro bolqb nwy ou bolldmy trip or if you uve rlouda vlaltlug you drop card to tuefnzs pns miss hall of beriiu is visiting rclstives here taxes in three vveeks mr banyan sjs tho board supplied to tba msa is flrtous wbolewms and plentilol sod ddlike tbo eiporifooo of tbs msa on the grpws nest pssfl tbe cootraotors do aft in tbeir power to m ike the men oom- forlablo mr banyan expresses bis wilhuknees to send alt tbe men from this vtolniiy to that portion of iba rosd wbiob is under tba obsrae bl mr ai b mann a brother of dans and one of the most popalar oonlraotor in tba west a meet ing of those interested was held in uatthsvshall on taesdsy evening when hr bnuiyan gave detailed information and answered qnestiona relating to tbe work and oonvlnoed those present that mann dr mokenaie had no oootraeta on tbe orowa neat pass it is probable that a consider able number of men in aoton and vlolnitjr will engsge for the work required a provincial reputation baroiltona marble works ooelpb la tba scene of very aotive operation at present he will ship shortly monuments for areotion at barnis bidgetown london berlin hamilton stratford gall and other points no better indication of tbe superior work and material supplied by this old and reliable establishment than the unsolicited orders from a dlelanoe wbiob eome to mr j- h hamilton tbe proprietor a large shipment of bweadlab nd bootoh granite baa joat been reoeived and lnbladea a nnmber of attractive new designs twolnstalmenta 2nd september and 4th november ooqooitmet in regnlar seaalob monday evening beeve pearson in tbe ohairand membera all present exoept coudoillors clarke and murray the committee on finance presented their sixteenth report recommending the payment of the following aooonntn kenqeybroarnubor boot 36 00 d mills starel stone oto for power bouse hi 65 h f moore printing etc st 00 meooll bros oil 97 01 metal sbinglo co preston shingles 23 u0 fahn darr workat powor houao 22 80 6 ueljaoblan do 11 00 j painting at power bouio 8 63 canadian genoral kloctrlo co aoppllos 8 90 w obeyne labor at power bono 6 62 canadian bubber co supplies u 71 symon bros nalla u 50 john harvey freight and expresa u 32 wcbeyno work at powor boueo 13 hamilton bower pipe co aowor plpo 2 37 o turner labor at powor bouao 1 as fredpeavoy do 63 b bingham do c3 m 68 moved by i francis seconded by james clark tbat the sixteenth report of the committee on flnsnoe as read bo adopted carried moved by i franols seconded by james clark that tbe first instalment of taxes for 180 beoome dne and payable on saturday 2nd september and the seoond instalment on saturday 4lh november cerriod a oommnnioatlon from mr w t bmyth requested the exchange of lot 28 block a in fairview cemetery for removal of remains of mrs 0 kslkner to his own plot moved by james clark seconded by i francis tbat opmmonioation from w t smyth re removal of tho remains of mr falkner be granted upon transfer of dead being completed satisfactory to gonocil carried the connoll than adjodrned posltttcly cored by tlieso little puis they also relieve distress from dyipepsla indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedy for dlulness nausea drowsi ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid liver they regulate tho bowel j purely vegetable small pill 8mall dose smallprlcei substitution tho fraud of tho day sec you get cartels ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills mr aud raw ford of durham wis in town on monday mr and mrs l orsy of toronto sre guests at mooreorpft mr john moffat of gsu n home for a dtty or so last woek mr roberston of toronto vlnitcdfl the old home on monday miss aitgie qlover 1 visiting friends ia erin and octnifioville dr m forster of prtlmerston iilod his son here yesterday de drydeo of guelnb spent a couple of days in town this week dr pry den of guelph spent a couple of days in town ill is week mr frank lse of rook wood spent eeveral days in town thfc week mr holland ferryman of toronto was home for a day or two this week mr jbrynrof hitlsbtirg wan the guest of mr h h word en over sondny mrs john williams is raakintt a vldit of a week or so at wiarton and hope bay miss ida monabb of toronto general hospital is home for a three weeks rest mrs harry stroner and children of waterloo are guests at mr t statfaime mr anson smith 8r of ulan ford is the guest of his daughter at sunderland villa miss nettle noble of toronto returned home on monday after a pleasant two weeks visil miss mcleod of hamilton has been the guest of the misses btephenson tbe past week mr frank priest of toronto spent monday with bis slater mrs rev wru bryers mrs john kennedy and miss dorotby of guelph were gueuts at mooreoroft on monday mr ninfan lindsay of georgetown spent monday with bis son mr n f lindsay mr laird of hamilton was tbegneat of bis slbter mrs macpberson at tho manse this week miss katy moogk has returned from freeport ohio and is at htr home in waterloo dr ernest hall of toronto late of viotoria b 0 was a guest al mooreoroft on thursday mr william auld and two sons of toronto came op on saturday to spend a few days here rev j w pedley of london has accept ed a call to the western congregational chorcbl toronto mr ilas milne of toronto was a guest at the home of mr t ferryman for son- day and monday mr asa hal returned last wee it from berlin after spending a ooaple of weeks with friends there mr matheson of guelph was in town on tuesday visiting bis friend exwarden warren sndotbers miss ada franols and mr edwin spent their holidays at thsboms of their father counoillpr frmnole mr george blair who now occupies a good position in new york spent a day or so lattweek with his sisters hers their many friends ip aoton were pleased to meet mr and mrs robert eannawlo of shelbnrne last week messrs wot edmlniton 8r thos j wra and albert attended the old boya re onion at tbeir old borne at fergas monday rev h n masalas who has bean in dowaglao mfoh has been called to richmond mioh he janow 300 miles nearer home mr alexander mann sr has recovered tnuoh of his former strength since his recent illness he was able to drive jo to town on tuesday mr james martin postmaster of speyslde who was con fined to the house with typhlod fever for six or eight weeks is able tobe abont again mr gbarles mccann of toronto spent aooupleof days this week at bis homo here charlie has a good position on tbe world bdip is doing well mr and mrs thos gowdy and miss nettle left yesterday afternoon for their annual summer vacation at gnelph bay magnetewan mercury mr william williams went to toronto yesterday morning to attend the annaal session of tbe grand lodge 1 o 0 f as representative of aopirljqdga no 304 mr lewis brnlley s spent a day or so last wseki gosst of reeve pearson bank in the seventies he was a partner of mr pearson ia the old firm of milbarn bentley and pearson toronto mrs rev r b cook rt turned homo on monday from visiting her sou at hamilton she went to the ambitions oily with ber gran daughter miss may cook who had been spending a few weska here rev j k godden m a writes the free pniafl tbat be and mrs godden sro now comfortably settled on the lake bore at oakfllls mr godden says he feels slmostcqmpletelykstoredjoboahbjgalo and hopes to resume bis work on tbs 1st september to beautify ottawa ottawa aag 8 the house of com mons his passed tbs bill granting ottawa fo 0000 a year to be expended in bsaotlfy- ing the oity mr fielding inserted a olaose giving the aaditorqensral author ity over all expend are from this land to tux dxai a rich lady cured of her djitoeu and noise in the head by dr nicholsons artlfloal ear drams has sent 1000 to hia institute so that deaf people no able to procure tbe ear drams may have them free apply to- department k b the institute longoott gunners- dory ijondon w- england sad a contemporary says a child was run over in the street by a wsggon three years old with pant let a on which never spoke afterwards to those about to marry yoqnff men or old men who intend to marry will be plsssed to learn that lbs nsw marriage aot is made cjolts simple by applying to h p moore issner of marriage licenses at tbs faix paxsa office 011 a few days before the otremony and have tbe matter explained private ottos all bnsiuess strlolly private and confidential at residence in evenings from june 15th till july 15th j ex 7vyke hct0n makes the following big cut on the fine wallpaper samples of c l nelles guelph 5c papers now rjc 6c 5c 7 8 oc ioc 8c i2jjc ioc i r24c 20c 15c 25c 2tc 35c 25c oc 30c fire file fire salvage sale at the noted tea store china palace tqmorrow morning at 0 oclock we will orrr tor sale 0 do nappies regular price 60c dozen sale price 3ocdoz 5 doz large nnpipes on stand regular price 40c sale price 26c 5 doz low trcserve dishes regular price 30c sale price 15c 1 5 doz low preserve dishes regular price 20c sale price ioc 10 gross china egg cups regular price 20c per dozen sale price ioc 3 gross peppers antisalts regular price 5c each sale price 20- tumbicrs goblets pitchers nt same rate it pays to buy at bollcrts it pays to buy at boierts ust activity 8naps for one month only j a mccrea guelph hot weater goods ladies hot weather underwear were prepared as never before to meet the demands of the season extra value in ladies gowns ladies skirls ladies shirl waisle hoi weather corsets rew pasl black hosiery special value in wash goods the uptodate store for gents fnrnishings gxtrnetcfe go mill st acton storacloses monday tuesday andfhursday evenings at 6 oclock pwwr jwsssjlss w sijwrmmjjffsbsf lsais augtttst is the greatest bargain month of the year at least it is so at the lion in every department of our business prices have touched rock bottom but the goods in which this is most apparent are the kinds you want for warm weather in fact for just now d e macdoiiald golden lion guelph 1 the london september 7th to 16th 1899 entries close september 6th space nllottcc on receipt of entry exhibits will be unsurpassed attractions better thap ever- hippodrome chariot races champion sword contests imperial japs famous lady riders world renown ed gymnasts and aerial artists galore fireworks each evening the british and americans in samoa and all ring and platform attractions special excursion trains will leave london each evening after the fireworks grounds will be beantifully illuminated send for prize lists dnd programmes ltcol w m gart8h0re president janelles secretary henderson co iaasutaai aaaaaaa slasslaaststsaiai ssssaaa ssaasalsss millinbby at half price we re clearing out the baltmoe of our trimmed stock comprising ladiea hats and bonnets at half original prices and in some cases leas flowebs at half price shirt waists at half price 60o waists at 85c to clear 7o waists at aoc to elear both dark and light colors come early before the sixes are broken we are selling a good washable blouse with separate collar and a good tit for 8bc we are ottering special cuts in muslins qlnghama xtc flannelettes and wrapperettes w hy ax atfrano sthipjaeat of aaae goods for ail tracf asttf wo a oltanng apootml induoomtatw to snajr teem snore earij a rsa-u- 7ai 7c txojatltto tor ba while thoy jasr we are headquarters for gem jars we do not intend that this shall bethc dull month that usually greets the dry goods merchant but one full of life brimming with activity because of the values that lean your way and as time rolls on we become more anxious to clean out the summer goods as we want to sell such things while the styles are fashionable and the goods in demand now if we cant make a profit we can at least make a good adver tisement out of them and that is what we are aiming at now and if you call and inspect our prices you will readily see hat we mean to do a big trade this month the snaps will be such goods as summer silks fancy dress costumes delaines organdies grass linens dimmities swiss muslins sateens percale prints zephyr cambrics dress den ims ginghams fancy skirting sheetings white and grey cottons towels table linens hosiery gloves parasols corsets blouses wrappers millinery carpets lace curtains mens and boys readytowear clothing traw and canvas hats regatta shirts silk front shirts sweaters bicycle hose and belts washing ties collars and cuffs and a host of other things that space will not permit us to mention this timev e r bollert co 25 and 27 wyndham st juelph for negligee and dress occasions we have a superb lino of mcnti neck wear in elegant designs colors arid styles gentle men who are fustidioub in mattors of doss cannot fail to be pleased with our now and exquisite display in summer neckwear just to hand the very latest uptodato neck ties from 25c upwards specials for the week in shirts collars and cuffs one price only rtj ivtzkl ti merohant tailor hi xn wxulxj and mens parnli guelph famish er pringles special mens strong watclies h-i-w-h-m-w- no 1 no 2 no 8 no 4 no 5 no 6 waltbam uodel strong do rockford model in screw do do do screw dustproof cases do dustprouf cases do do do 8 00 10 00 14 00 16 00 18 00 20 00 wo keep nil grades of american wutches at from 5x0 up but the above are our beat they are made niter our own design and are guaranteed perfect from every fault possible to guard against jekler guelph m v aif opened fridky afreshlu of x ribbons edgings insertions hair pins buckles laces embroideries combs beauty pins etc also a large stock of fancy and staple dry goods c f goodeve fc co- mill street acton when you come to gnelph step hi and sec the improvements we have made in our store watchmakers jewelers opticians 4r guelph aqbntft wantbdfor xh tilts nd aehlevsmenu ot admlrsj dewey tbs worlds- arastokt usvsl liswo by mnrst bsjstssd tbs vlfsiodg irlsnd sad sdmlrsr fit the nsttoasldnl blwssfe ud bsst book ovr tffi pmn sllbt by tsn ldobss i nsstljr 100 pssss hsjftoo llhiitn tlbns only tljso bnonnons asmsud dig oommlsslods outfit tree obtnoe of s hf- tlius writs qulok tbs dominion oompsuy 8r4 noo outon bldg ohloo soudf3old2b5 best gold fill 150 5 yrs gold fill 100 bestgussotj 100 we guarantee porfoot satlsfavouon gloibe optical co 03 yonga street toronto

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