Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 17, 1899, p. 3

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the bank of hamilton cuarteh granted 1872 utcad office hamilton out capital all paid up reserve fund total assets si 404000 si 000000 13163000 j tuknbull cashier savings department one dollar or more received interest paid at best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented any sum may bo withdrawn by simply sending in a written order with the pass book the news at home security the government relurns show that depositors in this bank have over five million dollars of surplus security farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money joaned to feed cattle etc farmers sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account af name at a low rate of interest security courtesy fair bates every banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch estauluued ovutt twentt ybabs j p bell agent mortly of a local character and everv item interesting civic ilolltlny at the requestor a urgoly higotd potition reove poardon baa procl timed thusuy2ih ioat civio holiday aoton will play feryus or quit the final uorostia match in watorloo that day an excursion ia being arranged nt ion ratea for that day ordered a similar electric pjaut the repoit of the oomraitto of qodorloh town gounoil and oleotrioal anineer wsh considered last week uud the teat of act in kbe ctojt jfriifc f reas thursday august 17 1899 little local brieflets which aught the eyes or ears of free press reportora thla week mihoaaruto thla ear ia 17 mill aoton civio holiday next thursday toront j exhibition a week from mon day civio holiday next thursday 24th august the loop summer vacation ia all rod a but two weeds the long drought seems to have been effectually broken the new pavement is now in ass and mo oh enjoyed by pedestrians the disciple sunday bohocl eojoyed their annual picnio yesterday georgetowns rata has been f truck at 20 mills the same as latt year aoton never bad more visitors in town than during the present summer georgetown olvio holiday la being thold today they excurt to the falls the stajuer sun which was vanily im proved laulyentared upon its twentythird year let week a very enjoy able mothers meeting and social entortalment was given by tbe junior league last friday evening miltous ourfew offioer has been getting into trout le by marching tbe sona of visitors off the streets at nine oolook p m a minster in hagersville writes tbe fui ptoxsfli x am more than delighted with the cards you have j rat printed for me the windstorm onlriday blow in two windows at the town hall and the floor of the auditorium was subsequently flooded the ratepayers of almbnta wiil vets on a bylaw on september 25th next tj raise 180000 for tbe etublistmeut of an electric light plant after the storm list friday dr j m maodpnald was observed in the 0 lads ton- ian act of chopping a tree which had blown over on the lawn at bluzenplsoe mrajanes brown entertained the members of tbe womans missionary bosiety of the mtthoditt cburoh to tea at ttbe close of the monthly meeting hill latt thursday tbe foundations of the baptlu church will be well on towards completion this week thero wfll be no public ceremony in connection with tbe laying of the corner etone tbe rain storm on friday afternoon was a coo mp allied by a pretty lively tornado whioh blew down tress fences oto no serious damage was done about here however intonating reports of the christian eodeavor convention at detroit and the kpworln iegae at indianapolis were given at the epworth league meeting tuesday evening at noon today cbaa lowry son of dr lowry and another rider collided under allans bridge and mr lowry had g atlph advocate- both wese thrown bis knee injured rev w 8 moalpine b a is away on a short vacation his pulpit will be supplied next sunday afternoon by rev j a holaobun m a and the following san day by key h a macpberson mayor nelsops feeling address to the meibbdlsk bnnday bohool on sunday after noon was mnoh appreciated his worship nu baperiokendsnl of this bohool biok in tbfl slgbties wbo resident of acton the date for the opening of the sohools i the 1st of september whion falla on friday ths following monday is labor dsy o bhst tbe fall term will hardly commence la earnest before tuesday 5th aejaber frost baa 1 ready done serious dasaege to tome parti ot ths north west a utter to mr john harvey from his brother at indian head says tbst bis entire crop has been destroyed and his loss will amount to about 10000 two bondred carrier pigeons were sent ap to mr b 8 holmes agent g t r on bastard ay morning by the york club and ii a mcmillan toronto to be liberated he baskets were opened at 1024 and after five or tan urinates in circling over the town tbe pretty and intelligent birds beaded for toronto to nwdiur a rioh lady onredof her pfnomatrln3li9i in ths- head by br nicholsons arlifloal ear proms has sens 1000 to ble institute so that deaf people unabls o prooors the bar drams may hsve bemfree apply to department k- 0 tbein loogoott gunners- dory london w england r twenty p cen bblow iffi j ib hamilton of the old reliable iinatble nnd granite works guelph announces that be will continue to pi see hs beet classss of granite and marble lonaments lotnbf etc at prices gnar- ptetd to be twenty per cent below othere s to nmive commission t as allowed to end from goslph to hsveer the uuitjd ekotrio co toronto ojt which ilr w a johnson is the manager a score goaa to rainy river twenty young raeu of enterprise and rauaolo left aoton ou thursday morning under engagement with mann moeenzie on the ontario rainy river railroad the following u the list henry bauer henry waller lome moore melvin mann edwin mann joa t gibbons wesley moore howard masai as duuoan mcintosh joseph robeiti james hall george alitobdt roderiob moleod john molood jaoob e swaokhamer frank 9 wfcok burner s j hall joseph lynn they w be employed under mr it a mann who will no doubt look after their interests the beat wishes of their many friends for their success in new ontario fellow the company tie ft for manitoba ou tuesday morning twoof our en seme 6 young men messrs thomas j edmiston and jaraeb ooleman left for the northwest their destination is ohater near brandon where they have engaged to work in tbe harvest it is their intention to sstlle permanently in the north west mcbsra edmistoti and coleman are young men of irreproachable character have been worthy oitizona and active christian workers the former especially has made himself useful in tbe mttbodist cburoh and his removal will be keenly felt for two yean he wbb president of the epwortb league wit b much acceptance and for a year and a half has fulfilled the duties of secret ary of the sunday school with greatest satisfaction to the officiary of tbe school tbe best wiehea of a wide circle of friends follow them in their new rela tionships a pretty some wedding the home of thomas statbam esq church street waa tbe scene yesterday afternoon at 1 oclock of a very happy event being the anion in holy wedlock of hie fourth dangbter minnie to mr george edwards of flint mich son of thomas edwards esq of cannnington the ceremony was performed by rev j k godden m a in the presence of the immediate friends of the contracting parties the bride who was attired in a very pretty costume was attended by miss jdaedwarde of cannington sitter of the groom while mr will btatham brother pf the bride soppoited the groom mr edwards was a resident of acton for a year several years ago wbenbe occupied a position with messrs w h storey son the popularity of the young people woe amply attested by the large variety of handsome bridal glfti bestowed mr and mrbi edwards left by the evening trsln to visit friends at toronto and cannington after whjch they will proceed to their future home at flint eighty years a resident death blaimed on sunday morning one of our citizens who was for over eighty years a resident of aoton and vicinity thomas cook was born in the north of ireland in 1818 and when six weeks old was brought to canada by bis parents tbe ihtf christopher cook and wife they eel fed on the seventh line eequesing below the present village of stewaritown he was married 45 years ago and subse quently settled on lotsl town line esqaes- ing about three miles below aoton where he lived until 18 years ago when he came to aoton for the past five years mr cook baa been in poor health and for ia year or two has gone down rapidly both physical ly and mentally in his earlier years be took an aotive interest in tbe ohurob and was a strong temperanoe sup port ir eight sons and a daughter were born to him and his partner in life who survives him seven sons are living william in indian territory christopher in dakota wesley in grand rapids- mich thomas in brampton david in wisconsin and rlobard and horace who reside at the borne on lake avenue the fnneral on tuesday af ternoon was oon- dnctedby rev j a molaohlan m a assisted by revs dryers and cook a ter estiva xeeroaso notes the crescents went to glenwlllumi last friday to play a match wish the credits of that place who by superior playing have won he championship of the junior series in tbe royal dutrlot tbls season the credits are naturally proud of their anocess and began to imagine that they oonld defeat klmoiimmybsnnrithlnnreiu on friday lasted only forty minutes when the score stood 4 too in favor of tbe cres- oentithe game between fergus and gal tlait friday resulted in a rignal vlo- tory for tbe gentlemanly players of the former town tbe score was 68 this puts aoton fergus and gait on an equal footing and the tug for victory is yet to come it will undoubtedly be between acton and fergus aod of course it is hoped that when the final games are played that acton will bring home the championship at the meeting in guelph on tuesday to arrange for the final- matches for tho championship aoton woo the toss gait and fe will play at goslph tomorrow kuox churclt harvest home tbe fourth anniversary ibe induction of tbe rjv 11 a mdtfpliermin ths popukr pmtor of knox ohurob win bu marked by special harvest homo service- on bun- iay 8d september rev mr maopherson will preach eermonn appropriate to the oooaslon tmij on tlio following monday tveninn a hirvcst fobtival nnd lecture by a promiuent divine will bo uiveu a sad mchbitgo latt week mrs wu speight learned from her fatherd family in gloversvule n y that ber brother jobu 1erkinb jr wan veriounly ill with typhoid fever on mumluy u tuiegrani wtm receive 1 mating that tburq wati no hope fur his recovery plaut was regarded so satisfactory that dynamo of the sums tyle was ordeijebronh- and mra slight lift yebtorday morn ingfor gloveraville the s id nature of the event is iuteneiued when it ia known that mr ferkinu waa married jnjt two months ago ami hid youri wifo i imlurally distracted wiih grief in the pre neat t-orrow- ful circumstaucem uupptly ivctlded at wahgate tbe friends of mias januio lambert now of liihghte will read ihn following from the monitor wjth uniah ii trot a quiet wedding tok place at the residence of tbobridbh pa rents mr lmbeitu ut 7 p ro wednesday evening the ooutraot- king parties being mr geo kcnzlji and miss jennie second daughter of the home the ceremony waa performed by rev t t george mttbodltt minister mr robert liimbeit brother and misa mabel lam bert sister of tho bride acted aa bride groom and bridesmaid a large number of usefnl and cobtly present were received coming and going visitors to arid from aoton ana varlousother poreonal notes tlio fiibr iiie8h invitdtll tta ruaders to con trlbuto to thla column if you or your rleuda aro going away on a holiday trip or if you have frioniuvliiudgyotr drop a card to tbo pnbh iltksi i a question for the chairman of the fire committee editor fnuz passs dear sir will you pleaso pulliah in this weeks fuke fness the following snd oblige a sriiflcriimn to tub citallluan of flub committee as a person somewhat interested in the business transantiona of our town and a ratepayer having learned a few days ago of the ohange made to the offloe of engineer of the fire company and having been asked by different people the mason for such change and not being able to answer i ask of the chairman of the fire committee to make a tttternent regarding ht reasons for suob change and oblige an intunxsted ratxrxven aoton august olb 1800 their golden wedding mr and mre wm smyth formerly of thlo violnlty celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary snd aoton will play the winners st waterloo next thursday 24th hut acton civio holiday jfine monument la fmlrrlcw ccmctey a visitor loved ooeaat rest in falrview oemeuty wmaji while fialtiog falrvlew tbe other dayapon the numeroas fine monii- mentt whioh have been erected there even in the new eorvey opened two years ago among tbe many magnlfloent monuments recently set up there i one for r agnew esq of tbei dominion hotel placed on his family plot 7 tbe monument is of a rloh brown jtranlte elth large granltabseee tbe name vagnsw being on fonr sides of ons of them the grave and plot markers are grsnlte also end tbe whole of the work is done in a manner reflecting great oredlt on the manufacturer mr j h hamilton- of gaelpb to whom credit must be given for the manner in whioh bo completed tto work to hlmfalrtlew oeowterylei largely indebted for the repnution it bm tbrooghoneibo west of j being one of ibe finest oemeterlss in the ooontry uti hamilton has msnofaotortd and platted nearly all the work there and judging from the blgb olstes of work the honorable way in whioh be treats ble ooetomars and tbe fact that his pricee are alwayi satlstactcry be will oontinue to lead he is now patting in foaodalious and plsolng bases for a large saroophsgps to tbe menory of the late archibald campbell on monday of labt week tho aona and daughter with their wlvep bnabauds and the grandobildreo gathered together at the home of the above aged and in neb respected couple at eogle lake muskoka to take part in the celebration or their golden wedding the fatted oalt had been slaughtered for the occasion and when ell had assembled aroand tho festive board there were in the neighborhood of forty participants a few of tbe grand obildren and one soninlaw being tho only absentees the old couple are lookidg hale and hearty considering they are cjose npon tho four score years in life and mr smyth started the ball rolling with a song ill hang my harp on tbe willow tree which be banc with almost his usual vigor the family joining in the chorus after whioh sooga and recitations were indulged in by members of tho family well into the afternoon toward evening tbe photo grapher arrived from bnndridge and the whole company assembled in front of the i homo for a group phcti a phot was also taken of mr and mrs stapells island whioh stands out in the iske in front of tbe house the boats lying in the buy filled with members of the family while others stood in view along ths water front mr and mrs smyth were the recipients of a purse of gold together with numerous other presents altogether the day was a most enjoyable one though many sad recollections were reviewed mr smyth was born atfinmere oxford co england on april 4lb 1821 and at thef age of twentyeight was married to rebecca feunell at frank ton warwick co eugland by rev percy william powlett on june 19th 1867 with their family of one daughter and three bons they set sail for this country arriving at qnebeoon july 81st they first settled nearelora in pilkingtoo township and in 1807 osme to erin township two miles from aoton where they resided for fifteen years in october 1881 they removed to their present borne at the heed of eagle lake one of the prettiest spots in muskoka mr smyth was elected to the first gounoil in maohar township end was appointed postmaster of mid ford p o when it waa opened and whioh position he still retains eight eons and three daughters bare been born to them njne of whom ere still living married and settled in life it is eighteen years since the family were-au-at-home-togsthevon- whioh occasion they assembled at tbe studio of our old friend charlie hill at aoton for a group photograph co u georgetown civio holiday today oar citizens hope for good weather the excursion to tbe falls will tike many in that direction train leaves at 850 u m and arrives back at 10 p m fare is only 100 the band concert from tbe new band stand last friday evening was muoh enjoyed eight popular numbers and the national anthem were dlscouraed editor warren his son ernest and mr howard goodeoow tojoyed atrip to- cleveland and detroit during the week misses daley and hszel barber returned hams from kingston yesterday and have io the 28th for europe where they iatind from toronto who has departs l nr at rest in falriew oernete m mai0n a in buffalo on holidays erin the potato orop in erin township promises to be an unnsually good ons tble season last week while mr gilbert moarthur wee hauling lit wheat he had the mlsfor- tons to upset bla load and received a fall that will confine him to the honse for a month or more hs tore tbe liamenti that hold tho ankle bones together and otherwlss bruised hie foot mr hugh mcmillan of erin oelebratcd bnibath birthday lut week mr mcmil lan is one of she oldest and most highly respected reswenu of the connty and le in tbe enjoyment of good health with all bis facflltiee onimpilred daring tbe afternoon and evening over 100 friends and neighbors called to congratulate him mr and urn d 8 mo mill so of the 10th line left last week for the north west for choice aogaroured hams and bacon go to rolslons botober 8hop next to kenneys shoe store mies etltil footer ot mtlon i vibitlnaj frieuditliere misa kilnivtrr of port riwud id ylit- friends here mihs beitte smith ia bpenoitil her vaca tion in toronto mida guauio ryan of ilmu i jii id a guest at vlnnore mr a t brown visited rtondrt in toroit thla wefk miss mary ltmbert i ejntttiuti her holiduubt qighgate mrs jarnea a mclaohlun aittnhd the fergus reunion last week mr hurry noble of toronto id ppend- inii a week with frieuds here tho mihuea bell nf toronto mtk uuettiat the homo of council ir curk mlnti armn of toronto is holidaying at the homo of mr tbumub cimeron mrs j fariah of st pul miuu was a guett at sunderland v ii jat wtek miss edna thurston of wooidtock left last week aftir spending a week her misn calvert of cdrwhln whs the guest of the misses turten during the week revfw hqlhnrakebaof wabbing- tonvibitd acton friends litt friday miesxaing of 8yraouse y ia viriltlog visiting ber coppice af the miss laings mrb john w bews of milton is spendr lug tbe week with friends in the old home misses nellie and winnie molaohlan went to arthur on friday to visit relatives there misu jessie nickliu left on fiiday to spend a coople of weeks with fiieuda at grimsby master charles caropbt i returuedfroin a pleasant outtog at hoot hanipton on saturday mr w h lowry jr snd mies lowry of gnelph have beengueetiof aoton friends tbia week misb emma holmes of goderich has been tbegueatof her brother h s holmes tho pait week miss kathleen niehaus of toronto hss been visiting her aunt mrs john cameron during the week mrs edward nloklin and mia edith went 40 mount forest latt week to visit relatives there mr jameb q hill and master james jr of toledo ohio aregsesta at the home of c t hill etq rev jk godden m a osme up from oakvilleyebterday for a day he is look ing exceedingly will councillor and mrs clirk and son have been rusticating on lake joseph muskoka the pat t week or two misa mary mogoloch and miaa clara max will of grand vulluy are viaitiug at mr 11 1 grahams mr d henderson m p arrived boms last friday his sessional duties at ottawa having been oomplttpd- miss bel tie mapn re turn id homo tuesday evening after visiting friends at hamilton and vicinity mr a j mokinnon barrister returned on monday after spending a weeks vacation at orangeville mr and mrs edmund coleman of brantford wheeled to aoton labt week and spent a few days with friends here rev w 8 mutavisb and three sons of deseront returned home ubi friday after visiting relatives in aolou and vicinity mr and mre silas coleman audobiljreo of london have been guettd during the week of mr joseph coleman and other friends mrs john matthews and 5 u 68 maggie returned homo last tbutsday after spend log a couple of months with relatives in brantford mies curk of ayr and mr homer adam b of preaton are guests of thtir cousins at the home of connoilbr clark fredariok street mayor and mrs r e nehon miss rttti and master el ford spent a few days during the week with acton friends their visit was much enjoyed mrs john laverly mouoky who under went a critical surgical operation at tbe bomeof her father mr a f smith a couple of weeks ago is rapidly recovering mr robert campbell of southampton was in town on a visit this week he ie doing well there and likes tbe lakeside town very well there are about 500 summer visitors there at present mrs a e wsllaos snd son guy st thomas mrs b h turner and three ohillreni little current miss grant and miss jean grant aoton mrs w p brown and miss brown toronto sre spending this week with mrs irving hillcliff it is a long time since the grant family of whioh mrs irving ia a member have met and desiring to spend a visit to gether they oboae gore bay as tbe pret tiest place and the residence of mrs irving st hillollff- to be the tnot convenient conservator gore bey rosltlvoly oiira a tiy these little pillev they also relieve distress from dytpepsh indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedy lor dlxxtness nausea drowsi ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue fain in the side torpid liver they regulate the bowels pwdy vegetable mall pill small dot small prlo substitution tho fraud of tho day sec you get cartels ask for carter irisj and demand carters little liver pills ii ilium- r ill i 1 from june 15th till july 15th j o 7vck hcton makes the following big cut on the fine wallpapur samples of c l nelles guelph jc papers now c 78 60 ioc 8c i2jc ioc ijc ujc aod 15c j aoo 35 25c 40c 30c 8nps for one month onlyy fire file fire salvge sale at the noted tea store china palace tomorrow morning at 0 oclock we will orrsr for sale 50 doz nappies regular price 60c doccn snlo price 30c doz 5 doz large n a pi pes on stnrtd repulnr price 40c sale price 20c 5 doz low preserve dishes regular price 30c sale price 15c 5 doz low preserve dishes regular price 20c sale price 16c 10 gross china egg cups regular price adu per dqien pale price too 3 gross peppers and salts regular price c each sale price 2 tumbjers goblets pitchers at same raje pays to buy at jloilcrfs ft pays to buy at boiler u ust activity j amccrea j ouelph- m -w-s-w- augttst is the greatest bargain month of the year at least it is so at the lion in everydepartment of our business prices have touched rock bottom but the goods in which this is most apparent are the kinds you want for warm weather jn fact for just now d e vcacdonald cfe bro golden lion guelph we do not intend that this shall be tlio dull month that usually greets the dry goods merchant but one full of life brimming with activity because of the values that loan your way and as time rolls on we become more anxious to clean out the summer goods as we want t o 1 1 such things while the styles are fashionable and the good- in demand now if we cantmake a profit we can at least make a good adver tisement out of them and that is what wu ure aiming at now and if you call and inspect our prices you will readily see hat we mean to do a big trade this month the snaps will be such goods as summer silks fancy drss costumes delaines organdies grass linens dimmitics swiss muslins sateens percale prints zephyr cambrics dress den ims ginghams fancy skirting sheetings white and grey cottons towels table linens hosiery gloves parasols corsets blouses wrappers millinery carpets lace curtains mens and boys readytovear clothing straw and canvas hats regatta shirts silk front shirts sweaters bicycle hose and belts washing ties collars and cuffs and a host of other things that space will not permit us to mention this time e r bollert fe 25 and 27 wyndham st guelph co gurney co p0r new english flannellettes large stock newesl terns and colors redugtiqfi in hesiery pat- savage and co ej when you come to juelph step in and sec the improvements we have made in on i store watchmakers jewelers cuelph d opticians for negligee and dress occasions wo liavo n eiicrb lino of nicnn neck wear in elegaut designs colors ard stylo qontlo- 111011 who arc fustidiousiii niattors of ilrcsst uumxit nil to bo ilcneed with our new ami exquisite display in summer neckweur ladies- cotton hose regular prioe 20o aug ust pnioe 15o rew novelties beauty pins belt buck les and belt ribbons headquarters fer gfteige grecertes gurnet joo mill st acton 1 storccjoses monday tuesday and thu rsday evenings at 6 oclock m6st6rnfhir london september 7th to 16th 1899 entries close september 6th space allotted on receipt of entry exhibits will be unsurpassed attractions better than ever hippodrome chariot races champion sword contests imperial japs famous lady riders world renown ed gymnasts and aerial artists galore fireworks each evening the british and americans in samoa and all ring and platform attractions special excursion trains will leave london each evening after the fireworks grounds willbe beautifully illuminated send for prire lists and programmes ltcol w m 6art8h0re j a nelles president secretary p wf wswws ww ww w ww ww ww ww ww ww wwv ww v henderson co i a a a- a a a a a a a a- a aaaaajlaa maasaassasssssasi ww w wvwsvw ww ww w ww vw vp w w w w w wv w millinery at half price we mre clearing out the balance ot our trimmed atoojr comprising ladlea sata and bonnets at halt original prices and in some cases lees flowjers at jbcalf price shirt waists at half price boc waists at 85c to clear 7ffo welsts at 40c to clear both darm and tight colors coma early before the sises are btoken we are selling a good washable blouse with separate collar and a good tit for 80 c we ar ottering special cuts in muslins qlngbams xtc flannelettes and wrapperettes w jkv u mdrtuiob mhipmmt ot tamvfood for fmll md mud vro m ottjftat tpmial tnduoimau to xpjr tflm more emrly aretu- itr 70i rimtmlttt for be wjua ttrw we are headqua rters for gem jars just to linnd the very tics from 25c upwariu specinls for the week in liitost uptoilnte nock shirts collars arid cuffs one price only renelson guelph merchant tailor and mens furnisher opened friday- a fresh lt of ribbons edgings insertions hair pins buckles laces embroideries combs beauty pins etc also a large stock of fancy and staple dry goods c f goodeve y co mill street acton pringles special mens strong watches m-m-m-m-h-t- no 1 wnltham modal strong screw duslproof cases no 2 do do no 3 hockiord mod 61 in screw ditstprouf cases no 4 do do no 5 do do no 6 do do 8 10 14 16 00 00 00 00 18 00 20 00 we kcop nil grades of american watches at from 500 up but the above are our best thoy are made niter our own design and are guaranteed perfect from overy fault possible to guard against g d pr1ngl6 jp3flleelbrv cublph mkm a0bht8 wantbd for th latm ui aoblmmuu ot adrolnl dwr ih world raitau nrl bn br uwta nutu the ufaloni mud ud tmlnr ottta nttlooa id biomi nd bt book or am hum lib tr un inonm narir loo pacm hulioa ihtntn- uon poly lju bponnoai dimmud big oomralwlotn ontflkm ohmo of llr ilna wriuqulolt to dominion 0ompn7 8rd floor ouiton bldg oblotgo 5ofidgod284 best gold fill 160 oyraclpldfill 100 bestolonwm 100 wglurmtm porfoot batlsfactlon globe optical c 3 yongo street toionto-

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