Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 17, 1899, p. 4

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doctor costly vulta sickness in the family is hard enough to bear under the best of condi tions it ahhobt al ways cuts off part of the regular income and when on top of that it mills un reasonably to the expense it seems almost too great a burden for any fam ily in moderate cir cumstances to endure but there is a way to avoid most of these unnecessary expenses besides preventing a great deal of the sickness itself doctor vinits come high uya mrs n1n f howard ac gten kllen sonoma co col 1 linvebcea in thltt place sixteen yenni and have oulyhnda doctor once lit my family sincetlint time thriiilca to dr plcrccn common medical adviser mid his medicine thk saves doctors visits i cannot do without the house i have hod two copies but cnl keep them enclosed i scud onecent itnmnn for another copy another lady mrs jemflr warren of clifton graham co arizona says with pleasure i wile to you again to let you know that i feel ns well niidstroup n 1 ever did with your kind and pood advice and dr pierce i favorite prescription i hnve tccn entirely cured i thank you n thousand times for your pood nd- vice x think thatjf every person who is sick in any way will write to you for advice and will take the medicine you prescribe according to directions no other doctors services will be needed- the great thousandpage medical ad viser wilt be sent free paperbound for 31 onecent stamps to pay the cost of customs and mailing only or in cloth- binding 50 stamps address r v pierce m d buffalo n y he will send professional advice in a plain i sealed envelope free of charge all t letters are considered in sacred privacy v and never published except by the writers permission the girl babys birthday according to an old astrological predic tion ila girl i shorn in jftnnnary aha will be a prudont housewife melancholy bub rood teraperod in febarary an affectionate wife and tender mother iu march a frivioub chatterbox bome- what riven to quarreling in april inconsistent not intelligent but rood look in in may handsome and likely to bo happy in june impetuous frivoloue and will marry early in july passably bandiome but sulky in august amiable and pradtioal likely to marry rioh in september diaoreet affable and liked in october pretty and coquettish and unhappy la november liberal kind of a mild disposition in december wellmade fond of novelty aud extravagant tourists bills thursday august 17 1699 ij j0muj joiits the fajsm 01 whero could ufo bo bajf so sweet bo froo from care and barm bo independent and cbmploto as on a wolllcept farm the- city dwellers fondly droam and seek with costly core for fresh egflb fowl and fruits and cream tho farmers dally faro if they would toko a oarrlago ride a fortune small thoy pay tho farmer in his humblo pride can take ono soy day ob bappy farm whore quiet reigns birthplace of heroes great of men and women too qf brains tby powor must neer abate pretty qood fishing a sportsman known to fortat and stream was ooce on the beach at the outlet ol a orcek in new york state looking for shore birds when ho saw a colored boy who wu tithing for perch lay down bis pole at tho oall of his mother to do soma errand the sportaman put his gun aside and took the cane poll and fished adding a dozen perch to ihs boy a string and then sneaked off presently a second sportsman happening that way asked the boy the usual question ana received this answer yesar deye good fishing beah wen i stop to ran to de a to fotoget soma cawnmeal to mam da peroh day come oaten de orlak and jet stringea deytelvea awn my string i don onstan it bat heys jea aa good fo breakfas if dey waa ouohed awn a hook indignant tourist to the hotel manager who has just presented his bill see here you have charged me for wrltiog paper and yoaknow very well that you have not famished me a scrap bat modaieur it is the paper on whioh yonr bill is made out ifccjvxnge the above calls to mind an experience common to tourists who paaalng a night at the oieabaok falls hotel switzerland on leaving in the morning disc a as the items of their bills with the manager ia this wise tourist what are those three items aboct unlit manager 55s first ia zo bougies oaodlei mlt in your room t ze eeoond ib zo lamenashnn of ze falls 20 third ae heneral lamenashun tourut will you please explain the last manager ssrtaine deed zee not zee von gran lomenashum of ze grounds the tourist reoalliog some siokly oil lamps 00 top of polls seen at intervals along the broad walks settles the bill with out farther parley good cheer courage yet i do not consider your case incurable paines celery compound works marvellous cures every day penny wedding the scotland pennyweddings were so on hod although the gaeata contributed shillings and oeoailonally balfcrowna toward the wedding feast the penny wedding of germany is on a different basis the bride receives ber guests with a basin before her in which everybody deposits a iewel a silver spoon or piece of money in some parts of germany the expense ot a marriage is met by caofa goes paying for what he eata and drinks and moreover at a very high rate 00 that the young con pie thereby obtain a snm sufficient to start thm nicely in life aa many aa three hundred guests often assemble in poland n irl is not eligible for marriage until she h i4 not only made her own trousseau bat tlio garments for the friends that will ft company the bridegroom to the altar poor but rich once in england says a writer in the outlook i was driving with an old farmer and someof the men of the neighborhood o- mo nnder oritloism speaking of a prominent man in the village i asked i le is ia man of mean a well sir the farmer replied he aint it much money butbe is mighty rioh he has a great deal of land then i h ked no air he aint got raaob land neither tit still he is mighty rioh the old farmer with m pleased smile oerved my puzzled look for a moment tl then exclaimed yop see he aint got mnch money and i aint cot much laud bnt still he is rich close ho never woit to bed owing a man cent in all his life he uvea aa well as tie wants to live add he pays aa he goes im doesnt owe anything and he aint raid af anybody he telle every man the 1 uth and does his doty by himself bis family and his neighbor bu word is aa iood as bia bond and every man woman and ohlld towajookanp to him -and- respeots him no sir be aint got rouoh land bnt atill ho is a mighty rich man because hes got all be wants i asiented to the old farmers deductions for i thought ill era entirely correct when a man has all he needs and all he wants he ia ceitifnly rioh and when he lacks theaa things he is certainly poor ocean orovc record sk your doctor how many preparations of cod- liver oil there are he will answer hun dreds of them ask him which is the best he will reply scotts emulsion then see that this is the one you obtain it contains the purest codliver oil free from unpleasant odor and taste you also get the hy- pophosphites and glycerine all three are blended into one grand healing and nour ishing remedy though yon have readied the brltloal time of a hot summer so diseased and broken down in health that your case is considered incurable we say slot brothers and bisters be of good cheer i have courage yet i paine celery compound is a great phyiiotanv prescription for the cure of chronic and complicated eaaea of disease that have baffled the skill of the ordinary physloian we positively assert that nine ont of every ten whom the doctors cannot help will gain health vigor and new life by the use of paioes celery compound the work of faines celery compound in the homes of onr country has been noted with wonder admiration and joy by all olaaias of men and woman in thousands of cases it has saved life after all other means had failed to the thousands deep in disease and suffering from blood troubles kidney and liver complaints rheumatism neuralgia dyspepsia and nervous prostration we honestly point them to the only source of health that the world oan offer faines celery compound this great banish er of disease is not in the experimental stage like- the vast majority of advertised remedies it is a true saver of life a care for the troubles that now make yonr existence miserable tommys triumph mamma what wonld yoa do if that big vase in the parlor should get broken said tommy i should spank whoever done it said mrabaoks gazing severely at her little son well then youd better begin to get up your ma sole said tommy gleefully cos papas broken it harpers bazar chrooio derangements of the stomach liver and blood are speedily removed by the active principle of tbeiogredienta enter ing into the composition of par melees vege table fills these pills aot specifically on the deranged organs stimulating to action tbe dormant enegerles of the system there by removing disease and renewing life and vitality to tbe afflicted iu tbii lies tbe great secret of the popularity of parmelees vegetable pills where he was brought up the intricacies of tho eugllhb language had an tlluatration n uliort limu ttco in tho royal viotorlahoapal ta6 men in ad joining belti were overheard rotating toons another tho experience through which they bad passed when ono of them asked wero you brought up in tho ambulance to whioh the other a fronohman replied no 1 wan brought up twenty miles from quebec 1 association of ideas im looking for u manthute in business along tb id street said a perploxod stranger aud ive forgotten bis namei had it at my topgqpn pnd five minutes tfgo bay whats the no mo of that suburb this side of evanston v buena park t bazirdcd tho poliooman whom he bab stopped to quefction no that isnt it isnt there ancther ono eegewster edgewster thats right 1 delightfully ejcilmttd tbe ttrangtr got it now the name of the man im trying p find is banks know hfm cbicsgo tribune two unwelcome admirers a youuglsh widow acaorapanlod by a woman frlenq q ghmti not long ago and has related this experience to bome home friends the widow being attractive and her friend none the los su hid tho misfortune to excite the admiration of two very well dreasd rnen in the dining room of tbe hotel where they were staying of course no notioo wis given by either woman both being unoomfortably aware of tbe unflittering attention when tho ladles arosn thoy observed ono of the men questioning tho waiter pre sumably about themstlvep uud u moment attir reaching their room 4 were surprided by the knock of a bell boy bairitig two cards on his aelvor the widow pioked up the cards and read uiud mr whether and mr wilson without a moments pause she turned t the boy tu tho gentlemen i am not in need of any sowing machine new qiltttns timesdemocrat a terrible tiq1e k port hope lady undergoos a trylnj experience from whicli ho 3 ctjsst freed ty the uso of imiiburns heart and norvo pills- mr f j armstrong onenfport hopes bent known ciizcns speaks a follow my wife i aa had a terrible time with hep heart or the last fifteen months tim jriins were intense and she had a smotiicrii jf t cling togi- 1 her with shortness of breailr weakness and goncrnl debility medicine s emed to do her no good and wo had about piven up tryinp when hhq started to take mitbuni s heart and nervo pills they have toned her up wonder fully she is stronger today than she has been for months thanks to milburns heart and nervo pills i nm sure there can bo no better remedy from their remarkable effects in mrs armstrongs case laxallver pills oure constipation slok headaohe and dyvpspsja a doctor detained in court aa witness complained to the judge that if he waa kept from his patients thoy might recover in hji absence gained 50 pounds m have used burdock blood bitters for dyspepoia and sick headache before i started taking it i waa thin and ron down in health two bottles have completely cared me and einoe then i have gained about fifty pounds in weight mrs ellen vanghan moulton station ont a great thought lodged in the mind and heart of a man will be a saving force in his life unuritv jir novelty tat tislngsjttalks it plays can be heard a child can on pfflge boxefiwm operate jtyqme pord j2s9 n extra rbcoro ceinpwamteo 35- in iviiiiy town and villaoe aoofieslantalkihejwflirieco that the facsimile signature s is on the wrappek of eviei bottle dr castoria oastorls is put up in oaasli e bottlos only it is sot sold i bulk dont allow acyeno to- sail yoa anything elso on the ploa or promise that it is just sa good and will answor every pur pose mr gee that yon get cawqria a binnle foul imtgiuuliou cboriahoi in the mind may poison and pollute tho whole nature there never was aud never will bi a unliversal panacea in one remedy for all ills to whioh flesh is heir the very nature of miny curative telnu suuh that were the norms of other anl differently seated diboanes rooted iu the system of tho patient what would relievo one 111 in turn would aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a souud unadulterated stuto a remedy for nuoy and grinyouti ills by its gradual judicious use the frailest systems are led into con valescence and strcuuth by tho influence which quiuine exerts on natures own restoratives it relievos the drooping bpirits of those with whom a chronic elate of morbid despondent and lack of interest in life is a dideaao and hy tranquillzing the nerves dispose to sound and refresh ing sleep impartb vigor to the action of the blood which being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of tho system thereby making activity a necessary resqlt strengthening the frame and giving life to the digestive organs which naturally demand inareaueu subbtanob result im proved appetite northrop lyman of toronto have given to the public their quinine wine at the ueqal rate and gusgod by tho opinion of scientists this wine approaches naarcbt perfection of any tho market all druggists sell it it is said that a watch dog is not so large in the morning as at night beoause he is let outat night and taken in in the morning toledo onj mr lewis johnson of this place was taken down with bheumatibm had two doctors in attendance was getting no better three days after he started started taking milburns rheumatic pills jrf he was ont of bed and in ono woek was well and able to go about patrick said an old gentleman to bis servant we are all creatures of fate well if it wasnt for fate how the divil coald we walk sure hagyards yellow oil cures all pain in man or beast for bprainp cote brnisos callous lumps swelling inflammation rheuraatiem and neuralgia it ii a bpcoiflo the mercy of god id without eud or limit but a man may uin away his capacity to pro hi by it didnt dare gjtgtj fia what dyspeptics need is not arti ficial digestants but something that will put tlieir stomach right so it will manufacture its own digestive ferments for twenty years now burdock blood bitters has been permanently curing severe cases of dyspepsia and indigestion that other remedies were powerless to reach mr jaines g keirstead collina kings co nb says i suffered with dyspepsia for years and tried everything 1 heard of butrotno relief until i look burdock blood bitters i only used three bottles and now i am well and can cat meat which 1 dared not touch before without being in great distress i always recommend b b b as being the best remedy for nil stomach disorders and n a family mediano howover the world may look at tbe mat ter it ia nevertheless troo that in gods sight goodness is the only true greatness anxious mothers find dr lows worm byrup tbe best medioino 1o expel worms children like it worms dont lax thinking as a usual thing ends in lax oooduot castoria tot infanta and cbildreil xltfe- sualli s4jamnit cm4 nk when the lord makes up his jewels do yoa really think that you will bo one of them coughs that stick to you that other remedies teem powerlets t relieve are promptly ourcd by pr woods norway fine byrup try it and youll be con vinced by being cured dot vss a bright poy of isaaov yah his father asked him vqald be become a politician or a roinesler vat said he dot be vould ratber become a bankrupt worms cant slay when dr lows pleasant worm syrup is used th remed la d tnlh worms does not barm the oblld and is nice to take contains hi own cathartic price 28 cents religious joy is a great so ore of strength in the performance of the active duties of life regular action of the bowels is necessary to health laxalivtr fiils are the best occasional cathartic for any family or general use frioe 35 cents any drug gist two mothers bibles william wake up theres somebody pounding ou the back door dwc be soared saean i ordered cur new stepladder delivered at midnight so tho molghbors wouldnt tind out we had ono chicago fteoord sprained back sprains strains and injuries of ttaa back often oansokktaeyttqiime dojuts k1diet pills the curb here b the proof 5jc nd 9ioo all tlruffgists scott a downli chemists toronte late the other eveulug a tolerably well dressed vonog man entered a jankshop with sn eirjalsitely boanj volume the dealer gve him in return for the book ten cents lie had sold his mothers bible for a drink a few minutes later another man strolled in this iuds pi see and bongbl that very bible it was worth something more than 92 my mother he explained gave me jut suoh sf book twoysars sgo and this one look to have been used considerably whan she atss it shell think ive been readlnif it that why i want to bay it kooxvills sentinel mrs s homing glnsgow street gnolph ont say doans kidney iill arc frand 1 havo not been ill since taking them which vas over n year ago ixit winter and can rive them my warmest praise for they rcsloicd nic to health after 25 years of sultering- twentyfive vears ago 1 sprained my buck severely and ever since my kidneys hnve been in n very bad state the doctors told me that my left kidney especially was in a very bad con dition a terrible btirningrpnin was always nresont nnd i suffered terribly from lum bao nnd pnin in the smalt of my back together with other painful and distressing ttyiiiptonis coninu 11 in kidney complaints i could not sleep and sultercd much from salt rbeum when i first commenced taking doans kitney fills i lid liuor nofailhin them but i tliougtit i witiui try tbcmj and it r roved the liest cnperiutent i ever made had only taken two bxes when the pain left my back entirely three boxes more or five in rll mide a cnmplcle cure after j yearu of snlierin frnut kidney ill give that girl a pieoo of my mind said a young fellow epeabing of ono who had jilted him i wouldnt replied a by- stauder youve nono to spare ai parnieleed vegetable pills con tula mandraho and puntfeljon thoy cure liver and kidnoy complaints with unerruig certainty they aluo ooutain uootg and herbs which have specific vhtacs truly wonderful in their aotlon on tbe stomach and bowels mr e a oslrnorosa tihake- spear wrflcb i consider parmelees pills an excellent remedy for bilionsuebs aud derangements of the ljver navjng used them myself for some time it is nota sin to bo learned nor a virtue to be ignorant misb bessie nasou clover flill n- s- says i gladly recommond lixaliver pills ay they oured mo completely of constipation baforo i hud fiuhhed tbo third box life la too short to bo consumed in the pursuit of seifish or petty aims cramps and colic always relieved promptly by dr fowlers ext of wild strawberry- 0b why why am i not married to bomo one eleo baidshoha he walked into the room in sections and abhentmindedly sat down in tbe slop pail madam said he that hi- only limv iu two ycard we deav- orcd to sofvo uny problem kuglish spavin luiment removes ad hard bofi or oallousod lumna and blflm- fehes from hoes qloo4 spavin oorb splj ii king bono sweeny stiflob bpruins burn aud swollen throal coughs etc save 50 by the uso of one bofio wairirotcdihetnotlwoirderrul ijlomfah oure ever known sold by a t browp- a man may successfully deaefve hs neighbors or himself but be cannot deceive god how thin you look a medicine obsstia the name appro priately applied to hegvards yellow oil ii can be used extern ally or taken internal- ly carrs eot baraf brnlstsj oontroted oirdu stiff jinti painful swelling quinsy sra throat pain in the stomach kidney oomplalul etc price 35 osnta disease i am now lcnlthy and strong ngsdnv and will bo pleased to substantiate wrntt t have said should anyone wish to enquire lnxallvcp pills nrc tho meat perfect remedy known for the cure of con- stipation dyspepsia biliousness and sick headache they work without a gripe or pain dp not sicken or weaken c leave any bad after eflvrrs do you like to hear it if not take scotts emulsion twill all out your sunken eyis hollow oheekk and your thin handfl why not have a plump figure dont let disease it ml a march on you when you nrj retzed wilh nn attack of cramps or doubldup with colic you want u remedy jou nrg sure will give you rclif nnd give it quickly too you dont want an untried something that mayhclp you you want dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry which every one knows will positively euro cramps and colic quickly just a dose or two and you have ease but now a word qf proof to back upthcse assertions and we have it from mr john hawtfp coldwiitcf pntyjvijpvvntes-r- tdr rpwlcpq isxtracj r5rf0wlen ext-rof- wiltj j my charaotor said a statesman who had cleared himself from a obarge of rob bery my oharaoter blr is libe my boots- all the brighter for blacking always ou hand mr thomts h porter lower ireland p q writes my bdu 18 mouths old had croup so bad that nothing gave him relief uptil a neighbor brought iuu somo ol dr tho man eolcotrlu ou which 1 gave him aud in six hour bo was oured it ii the but i uvor udtd and i wuud io b without a bnttlu of ii in my house why does father call mother honoy asked a boy of his elder brother cant think except its eanne sho wears a largo 03mb in ber head there oan be a difference of opinion on maitaubjclf hot there u only one opinion hs to the rrlisbiliiy uf mother graves worm exterminator it is safe sure and tfjfeolusj pf vild strawberry js a wonderful euro for hlarrhuqa crumps and pains iii tho stomach i was a great sufferer until i grnvb it a trial hut now i have perfect comfort mb if you will ive me an apple i will bo good no my child you mmt not bo good lor py you niml bo good fbr nothing if attitckd with cholera or sum me complain of any kind bend at oncb for a bottle of dr 3 d kcllougs dyseutory cjrdi d and use it accorrfuw to directions it acta with wonderful rapl llty in subduing that drosdful disrate hint weakens tho strongest unit and dehtroys thu young and delicate tliono who havo mbpij the oholcra medioino fuy it nots promptly nm never falls to effect u thorough bun nfmtfwwttfitfwwfwitftrwwwwmwwww th red brdbest today and good for yea 3 the istilson cliaiii t when bicyclo nianufucturcra and riders the world over 5 were having trouble with their bicycle chains which in spite of all thoy could do would wear and stretch il was a 13 y canadian who found a way out of the difficulty the wilson chain with which bed birds are fitted this canadian was mr wm wilson one of the experts paid by this company to bring tho red bird nearer a state of absolute perfection this invention consisted of a patent whereby the centre part of the pin was hardened giving tho hardened steel pin so wel was this received that the lajgest chain manufactur ing establishment in the world purchased the amejican right to produce it since then there have been many imi- ations but as is always thexase with imitations none are so good as the genuine article such as red birds are- fitted with today the goold bicycle co limited j p mckee agent iiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiiiiililiiuiuiuluiuiuiuiuiululuelill experienced undertakers by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keepa firstclass hearse and stock of all other funeral supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered j a speight co ifcton best 8tee1 wise woven wire fehcino wirc rope sblvaqe tub ontario wire femcinq coi pijin ontario the best is the cheapest mcmuliens poultry nettings are unequalled in quality and their fencings are the best prices lom nani tin k uaimva7 uoew wkht 00u0 kabt kiil 10 02 u in i express fibbsir kxiiroib j ur ii m express 10 fiosm mall 7 irpm mull e hpm mixed 10 08iini- kuudtiy trniim goiw wont 10 0j a ul going emit 0 30 a in t ii il mi timr 01 vlohinil ma1lh qotnu wopt 9 40 nm and i q prfii going east 10 25 am and fl 50 pm this tlmo talilo wcul into c fleet ou bundoj juno sflth 1899 speight brady manufacturers of jjyjfitjfos electric motors water motors oasoline anv oas enoznes brass jblroti castings to order repairing promptly ejono georgetown ont w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont uake a specialty of machine finished book papers ann high okadkwkkklynewnf the paper used in this journa ia from the above mills wm barber ft bro everton and eden mills the place to go for the best flour ran middlings chop feed c for sate chopping every day at everton mills arid every tuesday thursday nnd saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont authorised capital 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 month9 when payments cease 8g000 aid in maturity value 9ioooo money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent acton farmers wants are many but i can supply all in my line i have in stock extra heavy creamer cans strainer pails extra heavy fine milk pails galvanized pails seamless pressed milk pans and countless other dairy articles outdoorwork roofr ingetc- a specialty call fpr quotations before placing orders for this class of work hardware merchants sell those goods and can supply you if they fall you yriio iho manufacturers at ficton thej greening wire co kqbnt8 jvfonthbrl sold also by canadian hardware jobbers g a pannabecker mill streat aotbn p s all the wants of people in town will also receivejbest attention do nn liultevc hit mmt tho duutl utor walk itfttr tlfiuli no doult of it madom i havu huurd iliti deal march in saul that hohiiift lit a- 1 uitu ho inntautlv fo- lieved by ittkintj ono of milburns sterling headaohe powdere 1 powder fio 8 pow- des 10 a 10 for 25a do wfcat kood yoa oan in the world and bo careful to do it when you oan ii to patent bood urn ifs nur b mourod by nur b mourod by ov d addraw thh pattnt rkfiora btnlmorak m1 maple leaf if it ain qmnqejts two sizes tor anv powbr lo i has lo inch rever l burra 8loch single bam both have ballbearing jborr plates reliel springs and shake feed grlntt fine and last with irast power always sujramced a trial given hundreds in use coold shapoly mulr co limited ont bnuitford 10hn mcqueen agent for the nbove tios changed hia ware ooms to building on w e smiths property john street where may be seen rrost a wood binders andmowjcrs and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs n my absence mr john t elliott whe reaidm on the property will attend to the wants of customers johnm3uli2 holp and how v 1 rm nvtaslmi fwi oitor0 xpkbts iti2j worts ittvi amoolatlon niw knlr il rj qbnimon arrti nmi booletjdtclvil jimlu imu bjispspj ncntru turn utimtio jdiia vtinotoh cu mx tnawt mark duicm- copvhiorr c scientific tv rjiiii iiti

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