Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 24, 1899, p. 1

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volume xxv no 8 acton ontario thursday auuust 154 1899 piuc15 three cent s ib pwousbkd- evury thursday morning jlt the krco riesbstefini lrintluirolliec uilii htltect aoton ont tkiimh ov 0uu8ouiptioh ono dollarppr year ttriotly iu advauoo ail subscriptions discon tinued whon the tiuio for wbich thoy bavo been paid boa oxplrod tho data to wliloh ovory subscription la paid 1b donated on the addrosa label advbhtiaino it atkb transient advortlbo in onto 10 cents pur nonpareil una for first in sertion u cents pur lino for oaoh subsoquout luaurtlon o0ntiu0t ratkb tho following table shows our ratob for tbo nsortlou of advertisements for apeatfleil periods bpaoc tl 1 0 mo i 3 mo i 1 aoinoboa too 00 35 00 3100 too 10 iqouos 35 00 90 00 1900 a 00 6 inoboa aooo hoo 700 9 00 linoli 600 aw 900 100 advertisements without bpociflo directions will be inserted till forbid and chargod acoord- ngly transient advertisements muit be paid n advanco advertisements will bo changed onco each tnontb if desired for changes oflener than snoe a niontn tbo composition most bo paid for at regalai rates ohangos for oontraot advertisements mm no n tbo offlbo by noon on taesdays accounts payable monthly h r moore editor and proprietor wuhiiubb wixtttaty nim books captain stromalong shaw 1 ho span o life mclennin through battle to promotion wood what dooley snya dooley hugh gyeth marie dix i david harum west cot t a duet wuh an occisional chorus- doyle s a pauper millionaire fryers the cruise of the cacholot bullen d ross m erri m an the towlcr harraden the minister of statesteuart m s bradford special gunter the voyage oi tho pulo way dawc the isle of the virgins royal the market place frederick dwellers la gotham dale 1 he rogues march horning double thread- fowler gentleman playerstephens face 10 face with napoleon the above and other new books on sale at days bookstore guelph day sells cheap john m macdonald m d c m auccesbor to j furkn md o m offlco aud reoldonoo corner mill frederick reotaaoton pmco hours 6 to 10 33 a in 1 to 2 p m and to9 p 01 jtr r j r forster buccehson to dkab elliott lato rosldout physician and burgeon to vic toria nospltal for sick children toronto office mill stroot lately occupied by dr blllott d r dryden eyb ban tunoat and nohe uoiion b block douglas bt near p o guelph offick hours 10 in tolpm and a to c p m sundays 10 am to 1 p m dental ll bennett lds dentist oboboktown ontario jcoghlan d d sl ds dentist woiuc cauefully done plhobb m0de11ate officii oven dhown s dnua borons houns evbuy day pbok 9 to 6 j mbell dds l d 8 dentist dfloonvitxb honob graduate of touonto univbiuuty work made satisfactory p rleea moderate visiting days monday afternoon camp- bollvlllq tuesday acton otace clarks hotel friday kockwood legal m olean mclean barrlstora solicitors notaries oonvoyancers ka irwatofundatoioaa offleo town hojl aotdo wm a mclkak jo a molxun a j mackinnon baiuustcb soiaciton conveyanckb ovsiik mill stroot in matthews block upstairs jb mcleod lunmstsn boliciron conveiinokn main stroot qoorgotown monoytoloanatlowostourrcntratos r j monabb olerk fourth division court county of hal- on oonvoyanooragentjfarondlilfoaiauranoo ileal estate agent monoy toloaucto offiok ferryman sulock aoton ont afzsckllatfko us m iss williams of gkolloktown music bucooaaor to miss lldtaw la prepared to give thorough instruction in maafo piano or organ in theory and practice for terms apply to mia wiiuamaatmr jan matthew srosdenoe on tuesday evening of eaob week henry grist ottawa canada solicitor of patents for invention etc prepare applications for tbo canadian amer ican and europoan iatont otucos and for the uegutratlon of trade marks bend for pam phlet thirty two years experience tc1ran0ib nunan bookbindbb quelpb ontario store wyndham st over william account books oi all kinds mate to otfer erlodlcalsof overydeaeriptionoarof ally bound auntrneatlvsnil promptltdone m ajiniaqb licenses h p mooiie ipanrb or mumuaa ligehass frlvatooolos nowitnolalriiinltodlmaod at roildonne in tbo ovoninb froa freai oihoo aoion rm hem8tbbbt lioinbid auonomici for tba coontloa oi wellington ani halton ordara loft at tba fn pba offlm a rarroatdoikiolij aotanjll ba promptly at- eaded to tariua lttiaaoiihblo alto monoj to loaa on the moat avorable umaajid at tbo lowoat ratal oi intoroat in iumlooana pwarda buosoriuud btook capital ia3000 the weluitjoton mutual fire insurance company eatabuflhod 1840 bsadofflooc ooelph ont thsukance on oaab and mutual plan any x oommuuloatlona foifrardad to my addraaa uos 89i or tolouboo so will ba promptly attaaato j0nn taylor asant qaalpb aoton machine and bpaii shops benrv cibindbiiti froprlotor abb wall oqulppod with all th maoblnorv neooaaary to oxouuto all repairs to maoblu- trv andabrlouuuralluiplombntaaudto do all klnda of ataamntuni boraaabmlng and ganaral blaokamltbln woodwork ropalr parlprmod in aaatiataotory mannar waiaa rapulr any maablna or implamant of any make haw a fuming and nllnrt done acton saw mills and wood yards jkjmsbs brown lunnraotuaaa akd naataa it lumber jiafn ah logic b wood ro all klnda of wood in itook and promptly delwarart lo any part of tbo town at raaaouablo prlcaa hardwood aad alaba cat atovo lencjtb alwayl wiiii bmd 1 j tolapbona oommunldatlon waters bros pictures waters bros frames waters bros artists goods waters bros wthdeam street new store guelph acton livery bus line tho undersigned robpeotfnlly solioits thepatron ago of tho public and inform a them tnat well equipped and stylish bigs oan al ways bo seooxed athisbtarblob a oomfortable bna meets tralna botwoen 9 am and b18 p m oarefnl attention given toerveryoraor tho wants of commercial travel lers f ally met john williams speight brady manufacturers of dykamos electric motors water motors ojlsolore anu oas enonncsbjtassirojr castwos to order repairing promptly pone georgetown ont alma lkdies cgllece opens lor nineteenth year september 7th parents are reminded lht the best con dilions or the menial moral and socia raining of their dughters are to be found in a residential school like aima college st thomas ont for full information addroaa rev ri warner prin st thomasont w barber bros paper ktakxbb georgetown ont m1xi k bpioiaiti of machine finished book papers ihgil grade weekly news the paper used in this jonrna is from the above mills wit barber bho everton and eden mills tho place to go for tho trbestelour -thb- traders bank of canada capital authorized capital paid up 000000 700000 guelph branch wo are pow issuing money orders payablo at par at any branch of chartered bank in canada excepting tbo yukon dlbtrlct at tho following ratoa under 10 scents 810 to 820 10 cents 890 to j0 13 cents 30 to 60 14 coil to otry fjctsacts from time writings of the zatb speaker tho late sir james edgar was favorably known as a poet loue of bis writings being particularly ploaalng the followlug poems of bla may bo of interest as showing bta style canadian catlplno song highest current rate op interebt raid on sums deposited of 81 and upwards nturctt allowed from date or deposit to dato of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly ad van oca tnado to rospotielblo farmers on their owu names at tho lowest current ratoa no charge inado for col loo ting flaloa notes if payablo in guelph a general banking hulnobs transacted a f jt jones manager 300 300 for bicyclists the victor acet1lenegas bicycle lamp is the proper lamp for a dark night is the most pop ular lamp for the purpose on the market today carbide enough for eighty hours light for 25c the lamp itself sells for 300 cut of lamp ent on application s300 john m bond co- hardware ouelpb welland vale bicycles j c hill agent acton call and sec the new welland vale bicycles at the bicycle livery tho per fect garden city and dominion are the leading grades while the perfect chainless his merits which will be appreciated by all wheelmen it is an un disputed fact that the welland vale wheels cost less for repairs than any other wheel the single piece cranks are tho best attachment ever adopted the new de parture automatic brake gives the rider complete control prices right for purchasers who mean business j c hill sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont authorimod capital s000000 00 ten year maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease tj6o 00 aid in maturity value jioo 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent acton robert noble8 flour feed store bran middlings chop feed ac for sale chopping every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at idea mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop g-wj4b-4m-u-4m-jll-4t- mail and buslneiw praotioe u the molt intaraatuu and prac tical conrae of aunty in dookkaeplnl and accounting for boya and glrla learlaa public and blfta bonooli bhortuand aad typawrltlna ipee- ial faollltlea indlylanal tuition do olaaaaa fennad parantaara invitad to lavaatlgata fall tarn will 00m menoe monday aag sb qublph business college and shorthand institute i 8habp principal aqbntb wanted for tha ufa and aoblaremanla of admiral dawey tha wovlda ftraataat naval harp by marat balataad the ufalodg friend aod admirer of tha natlona idal olgqeat and boat book over 600 pafaa algbt by tan inchae ntarly 100 pwaa halftone lllaatra- tlona only tla bnormona demand illg oommlaalona outfit fraa ohanoa of a uta- tiroa wrltaqulok tbi dominion oompany 3rd floor oaxton bldg obloaco plymouth binder twine agency silver sheaf isvorxst is stronojcst jsbrsltbst xs losqzst btst and most economical dooaquajlty count with you large stock on hand attlltt ktouk farmers wants are many bat i oan bnpply all in my line 1 have in stock extra heavy creamer cans strainer pails extra heavy fine milk pails galvanized pails seamless pressed milk pans and countless other dairy articles outdoorwokk roof ing etc a specialty call for quotations before placing orders for this class ol work a wlilto tout pltobed by a fjlassy lako woll undor a shady tree or by rippling rills from tbo grand old bills la tbo summer borne for me i fear no blase of tbo noontide raja for tbo woodland glades are mino tbo frs grant air and tbat perfume rare tbe odot of of forest pine a cooling plungo at tbe break of day a paddle a row or tall with always a flsh for a midday dlab and plenty of adams ale with rod or imn or in bammook swung wo glldo through tbe plenant days when darkness folds our canvas walls wo kindle the oampflres bliae from out tbo gloom sails tbe illvry moon o er forests dark and still now far now near ever sad and clear comes tbe plaint of whippoorwill witb song and laagb and wltb kindly cbttff wo startlo tbe birds above then rest tlrod heads on oureodar beds and dream of tbe ones we love tbe canadi son sparrow from tbe loafy maple ridges from tbo thickets of tbe cedar from tbe alders by the riven from tbo bending willow branches from tbe hollows and the hillsides through tho lono canadian forest comes tho melancholy muslo oft ropeated never changing all is vanltyyanlty vanity where tbo farmer ploughs his furrow boning seed wltb hope of barrest in tbo orchard wblt wit blossoms comes tbo little brownohutblngor flitting in and out of bushes hiding woll beblnd tbo fences piping forth bis bpngtsfaddeas- poorhn manlty inanity manity sctot sfamilu reading courting by pyotfy now c a 1 til n diok whats this about your not taking jour leave the hpeker was a lovely woman ot 30 rather above the average height and admir ably moulded warm hearted and generous to a fault and like all healthy minded young women fond of amusement which her fine phy- bique enabled her thoroughly to enjoy no wonder that on her arrival in the hinjal- ayas a bride of three mootae mary diana martland speedily took poueeaion of every maleheait in the hill quarter and that even tbe women could find no fault in her in her impulsiveness and desire to endear herqcu to her huebanda frienda this bright young oreatnre had qnwitttugly made havoo of one mans heart efiok richards the eole other ooonpant of the room charlie martlanda closest friend was hopeteuly in love with ber lawn tennis had been going on and all the gaeile except the devoted captain richards had taken their depasture the lady wae lounging baofc in a canvas bam- boo framed chair fanning herself with a broad brimmed straw hat and looking in the opinion of dick absolutely adorable oh tho matter is simple enough i dont oare about leaving at present and i know howard would like to see his people ao i shall give up my turn to him i never felt better fa my life the olimate suits me and after all one owes a duty to onee country and theres tha extra pay you know and pray sbo said how long have yon held these ultra patriotic and at the bame time mot praiseworthy oommeroit viewfl 7 for about two mouths he replied meaningly ah 1 iho said since they are of euih recent date they cannot yet be very deely rootsd probably they wilt disap pear as quiokly as they oame if by that yon mean that i shall change my mind and go to eogland you are wrong i was never so happy in my life c a pannabecker miu street aoton p s all the wnts of people in town will also receive best attention woman like myself it wo aid not be impos sible for you to transfer your homage t you play with mo it is a oruel jest you know that i think the world does not oontaiu your equal but if it does i would marry her to morrow aiwsjb provided that i oould win her of course but why talk thus t i oholl never meet the woman that can take your place two queens cannot occupy one throne dethrone vabhu then and set up esther in her place this ih not fooling dick i like you too wtll for ilmt mow linten i want to make jou hppj and i think i can i have a sister ao like me that we can scarcely be t d upart now why not go to eogland aitd marry her ah yes and be your brother he said in a tone of bitterness this in the old etory brought up to data all very proper and patuio out not good enough for me it is not for me to atempt to force my sinter on any map indeed she does not need it and would be forious at tbo mere idea forgtt what i have said we will talk aboqt something else give me yotfr opinion on my new photo will yon bring me that album lying on tbo piano taking from it cabinet portrait that lay loose within the cover bhe placed it in his hands wbat do you think of it v she inquired her faoe lighting up with a smile that bad the least touch of wioked- ness for several seconds diok richards regarded it wltb rapt attention then he raised his eyea to hie companion then reverted to the portrait well said mrs mar 1 land does it do me justloe wonderful oharmiug eiquialte i mur mured diok really the photographer is to be complimented it is perfect ob jou ailly fa low i cans you gaeaa thats my sister whose hand you just now declined so cavalierly fortunate ly for ber you are not tbe only man in the world he threw himself into a chair and with bis handkerchief removed the perspiration that had gathered on his brow you feel better now launhed mrs martland upon ray word yon looked bo savage just now that it quite frightened me boyou wont have me for a sister wont i you see if i dont but is your sister free so far as i know bhe was when i left england there is only one thing about your ba tor i regret i wish ber name werediana when i hear charlie call you dl it seems as though no other name would fit you aud your enter is your double even in this respect aleo i think yon may be happy her name as well aa mine is diana i am mary diana and ehe is diana mary a whim of our father he said the twins should start fair bo gave us tbe same names but in different order really what a sensible man your father must bet i thall oetttinly oall ber di i hate every other name arent you making the pace rather too hot at starting captain diok besides yon must own your wife before you oan name her i shall ttirt fqr england tomorrow but consider tbe duty you owe to your country captain dick oh thats tommyrot 1 what and then tbe extra pay you will sacrifice ob bother the pay i i don t oare a red cent it i lose it all i as 1 ktmiow and here are yon ao happy let mo speak frankly captain diok you aetm to me to be very restless and unsettled now tke my advice go over ti england and seek a wife oat of the many nice girli yon will meet there we will welcome her with open arms your advioe is well meant mrs mart- land said diok in a gloomy tone but i shall never marry is the picture of onr married life so very uninviting then aa to have turned yon into a misogynist now charlie aud i had been flattering ourselves that we were snob patterns ot conjugal felicity that yon would rush off to england and at the first opportunity follow onr exam ple thats just it its your doing well of all the paradoxical unreason able because yon see all tbe happiness of tbe married state yon have made op your mind to keep single do you mean to say that of all tbe women la the world you have never seen one that yon would oare to marry v i did not say that mrs martland tbire iaonajtomftnjn tbe world i would but loo gladly make my wife but she is as nnattainable as though she did not exist nothing bnt the occurence of an incident which may god forbid would render suoh a consummation possible i never meant to say this to you mrs martland bat having gone so far i will go still farther you are tho only woman in tbo world to me 1 until x taw you i never gave a girl a second thought bnl since i have seen and known yon there is no place in my heart for any other how dare yon captain richards aha exolairoed ob i an bitterly disappoint ed in yon 1 and i have looked npon yon aa my dearest friend i will bear no more nay i moat jpeak bear wltb me for a moment and then if you will banish me forever even were yon tbe wife of my bitterest foe instead of my dearest friend x should knew better than to pursue yon with a passion as hopeless aa ll would be base yon whom i regard as the incarna tion of parity honor and wifely lova and doty i shall not ssnd yon away cap win rioharde was bar gentle reply bit dowu and listen to me now ha dropped lot a obalr and aha con tinued yon said juit now that i am tha only woman id the world to you did you mean that in all sincerity i never in my ftfeepok a truer word mbui x suppose if yon ooald meet with a one morning three months after cap tain richards departure charlie and diana martland were seated at breakfast when the servant entered with letters jast received from england three for you di 1 eiol aimed charlie handing them across to his wife and one i see from mary my darling di read mrs martland snah news youll never dream whats oomlng im going tq be muried and to the dearest fellow in tbe world i al ways thought your charlie one of the best buthearnota patch on my dick for thats bis name well im sore grunted charlie are yon going to stand that di yes dick richards aud i fanoy in charlies regiment isnt that strange resumed mrs martland by jove he baa kept himself dark 1 interposed the oaptaln well captain rlobarda oame down for the hunting and met father hearing he had bnt recently left india father ask ed him whether he knew you aud charlie he said be had bad the pleasure of meet ing you occasionally and that he believed yon were well mrs martland paused in her reading what do yon think of that for oool audac ity she said why the raacal wae always in our bungalow master dick you shall hear of this however lets see what she says next he made himself so pleasant to father tbat dad brought him to tbe house after tbls he oame here or we met elsewhere every day several times with the hounds- he oan ride di and hes good enough to say i nan do yon know he proposed after only a weeks acquaintanceship of course t though tlsistl i etbptecipltate-and- told- him ao though i had qttsrly loat my heart to him but he bora down all my argomenta with hia impetuosity knocking mybalfheaitd objections into atoms and would net be denied of course i had to give way 1 was utterly won before he asked me he aeeras to divine wbat i like and what i dislike what i oan do well wbat moderately and what not at all brings me the songs that just salt my vofoe and atyle and in every was antici pates my wishes isnt it wonderful v not at all interposed dl i oould explain it oh i am a luoky girl 1 and then he pays me the most charming compliments j says that to him there is no other girl in tbe world jest what he said to me from di the scamp he did i from her husband that until be mat me he had never given a single thought to any ghl said the earns thing t me from di did he indeed 1 from charlie that had he not ratt me be would have remained single alt bis life well ot all the double toagned creatures 00 two legs exolalmrd mrs marl hod this is really too maoh i have some slight reoolleotlon of listening to words to tbe same e fleet oh faithless wretoh 1 dojou mean to say madam asked ohailie that be bad tbe impndenoe it tlktoyoa like that well yes dear ho bad but it was a aort of deapairing wail whan i urged him to marry the fact was 1 was drawing him 1 1 was all for marys sake i want ed to and out how far she was hi style well theres no barm done at any rate fire away is there any more yes where was i ob remained single all hia life i wasnt it nice of him well id no booner consented to marry him than he wanted it to bo at once aid he must get baok to india jost like on and charlie over again we shall spend about two months in england then aee a litih of tha continent wheooe we shall make onr way to india when i shall meet my dt once more writing your name reminds me that we diaousaed what he should call mo i fld him tlat my first name being diana be could oall me di if he liked he said tbat he would rather oall me mary the sweetest and best of al womens names tbat he had always thought diana a bit of a prude whioh i certainly was not mrs martland put down the letter dear mary sbo said nothing oool 1 have pleased me belt so mnoh as this x was bure if ahe and diok nut they would make a match of it bat oh hat perjured villain dick i thinks diana waa a bit of a prude and that tho namo is verv suitable to me does he at that moment the aervaut entered with at telegram oaptian martland tore it open hollo be said its ail over 1 lieteu to this from dick diana mary hilton is no more r and d m rlobarda send love to charlie and diana ilarmsworthg magazine he knew what he wanted id like ti get a pair of shoes all riuht sir what kiud ob any kind im not a bit pur lie ult gw1ne back home ae we waited in the ln depot at naahville for the train aome one began crying and an excitement was raised among the passengers a brief investigation prov ed tbat it was an old colored man who was giving way to his grief three or four people remarked on the ctrangeoeas of it but for some time no one said apj thing to him then a depot policeman oame forward and took him by the arm and shook him roughly and said see here old man yoo waut to quit that 1 yon are drunk and if you make any more disturbance ill look you npl deed bnt i haint drunk replied the old man as he moved his tearstained handkerchief ize loet my ticket an money an dats whats de matter bosh i yon never had any money to lose 1 yon dry up or away you go 1 whats tbe matter yore queried a man as ho came forward the old man recognized the dialect ot the southerner in an instant and repressing hia emotions with a great effort be answer ed say mara jack ize bin robbed my name is white well then mars whito somebody has dono robbed mo of tiokqt an money where were you going gwinodown loto kaintuck whar i was bon an raised wheres tbat t nigh to bowlin green bab an when de wab dun sot me free i cum up this way haint bin borne eence eah and yon bad a ticket yes sab an ober 920 in oasb bin savin np fur ten yars eah what do yon want to go baok for to see de hills an de fields de tobacco an de con mars pretton and de good ole missus why mars white ize dan bin prayin fur it fo twenty yars sometime de ion gin has cum till i could hardly hold myaelf its too bad deole woman is bnried down dar mara white de ole woman an free cbillen i kin member the spot same as if i seed it yisterday yon go ont halfway to de fust tobaoker house an den yon tarn todeleft an go down to de branoh wbar de wimmen used to wash dars fo trees on de odder bank an right under emja whar dey ia al bnried i kin see it i kin lead you right to de spot i and wbat will yon do when 300 get there asked thescranger go np tu do big bouse an ax mars preston to let me lib ont all de rest of my days right dar ize ole an all alone an i want to be nigh my dead sorter com pany fur me when my heart aches where were yon robbed ont doabs dar i reckon in de orowd bee de pocket is all out ize dreamed an pondered i za bad die journey in my mind fer yars an yars an now ize dun bin robbed an cant go he fell to crying and the policeman oame forward in an officious manner stand back sir commanded tbe stranger now gentlemen you have beard the story im golog to help the old man baok to die on the old plantation and be bnried alongside of his dead bo am ii oat led twenty men in oboros and within five minntes we bad raised enough to buy him a ticket and leave 960 to spare and when be realized bla good look the old snowhat rod black fell npon hia knees in that orowd and prayed lord izs bin a believer in you all my days an now i dun axes jou to watch ober deae yere whlcft folksrdatrhaabelievedin me au helped we to go baok to do ole home and i do bellove that ntnetouths of that orowd had tears in their eyea aa tbe gate men called out he train for louisville pew men original a pair waa brouuht forward by the chesterfieldian snlesmau ttiuy tit tad perfectly and there appeared to be 110 reason why the trausartion should not end with an immediate purchase da you know raid tho customer mj fett are very peculiar theyre as bfim live u a magnolia blossom ttiu ah e i a dea i ringer for the one i imd a oupe of years ago it has the fame uoivy tii now you umy not believe me but it 1- a fact that on my fott that ahoo fell liko as if there was a weight o tho te ami made me trip every lime i rums to a curb stone havent you got a pair with lighter tipa nothing dauiittf the bttleamau produced a variation that he hoped would be satis factory i mono of them fellers that it aint hard to sun exptaiued the aiidtamur as he tied on the second pair how do you like that abked tbe satemau firfltrtoi jut about tbo thing- only the hat pair 1 bad like thobo aouflvd up pretty bad when they got hit with a stick you see i know aboes when i eee them it dont take me lone ta p ck out what i want heres a pair of geuuminbox calf tbe fineit on the market we guarantee thai and will return you your money if they dont wear welland give every eatid- f act ion tho deuoe you will well 5011 must have considerable faith in them by jove they are a fine looking sut of wearables i shouldnt wonder bnt wbat they were just tbe thing for some people my feet are too tender for aaoh heavy goods well heres a nice pair of patent leathers yes thats a pretty shoe do yon know i always liked patent leathers so dressy dont you know and ao convenient some people say they dont wear well why i never had a bad pair of them in my life only v too thats cheap the only objeotion ive got to patent leather is that my friends have tba insane idea tbat only dndes and millionaires bhould wear them and it makes them think im extravagant ia my tastes a plain blnnt straightforward fellow like me hates to be misunderstood and bo i give np patent leathers for tbe sake of my frienda we all have to make sacrifices dont you know look at tbe icores of people that you have to wait on most of em dont know what they want and it takes them moat of au afternoon t pick oot a pair look at the sacrifices yoo have to make to humor them oh yet but we get used to that we size up our customers as 30u do your frlendb and bomumes have a peculiar method for eaoh oue now in the present instance yoo know what you waut there oau be no doubt ot tbat but you see im anoh a blookbead that i oaut flju re it out now there are two windows full ot shoes of alt kinds the pnoco are marked on tbem suppose you go there aud ptok out tbe pair that iu ti you tbe customer sized up tbe window diaplay- here it is ho said aa ho drow a sample alios from its place give mo a pair of no 7a like this the salesman smiled as we atl smile when our bur mines are found to be oorrect tbe prioe mark told tbe publio that that pair could be bought for 91 25 cincinnati enquirer tests op automobiles france leads tho van in the construction of pleasure motors eogland is oharacter fstloally ahead in adaptiug the new vehicle to business purposes a abort time ago tho self propelled traffla assoc in t on had an elaborato aeries of publio teste at liverpool of motir waggon e six different types of englishmade waggous competed carrying loads of from two to three and a talttons np steep tsigzag stone paved gradients with smooth iron tires whioh tho government by uwa prescribe as an element of safety oo the itepeat gnuliet t one in nine tbe motors stopped half way to tsit their power of restarting in the middle of the hill and five out of six aaooeeded the wagon built by tbe thornyorofts baildera of the shamrock achieving the feat with the least apparent tronble tbe other test iuoluded a thirtyfive mile ride through the thick traffic of the hilly liverpool atreets along many roagb heavy roads and over many high graded railway bridges all the waggons acquitted them solves satisfactorily these tests were made at an average speed ot sixteen and onehalf miles an hour l the liverpool corporation has recently introduced motor dost waggons it is said at a saving of 60 per cent on he cost of hanlage all the great english engineering firms are now devoting their energies to the production of improved motor waggons and this branoh of manufacture la believed to have a great lot ore nutio wlim you blo 11 mat lit wou walk btilht up aud say hullo i httyiiullol ami how a jo dot lows tho world boon using you f slap tho follow ou lila baok hiing your hand dowu with a whack walts straight up aud dont ro slow shake bla baud and say hullo i is ho olothoj in raa i ob ho i walk buaitfht up and bay hullo itags am but a cotton roll juet for wrapping up a soul and a soul la worth a truo halo and hearty how dyo do dont wait for tho crowd to go walk straight up and say hullo i when jir veanulamoet thoy say 1 hey ealuto and bail away just tho same as you and 1110 lonuly bill lis upon the sua eaoh oiia sallluu his own jos for a port boy o rid tho fog lot your spoakiiir trumpet blow lift your horn and cr hullo bay hullo i aud now dyo do othor folks are gpod u you whon you leave your house of clay waudorlnr in tho far away whon you travel through tho strango country far boond tbo range tltcujho soule jou vo oboorod will know bo j ou bo and bay hullo i new york weekly odd offers ofmarr1age did yon ever notice how few people are original in things they aay and do for instance one man makes a fortune ont of a aimple thing immedlbtey others try is this is human nature while it is gratifying to be the first man to bring oat an idea the great mass must be oontcnted to follow their leaders there la one line that is alwaya original hdwever aud that u the bualness of brad ley- gar retson co li mi tad of branlford ont because they oohtinually bring out publications to anit the times and seasons thos their agents are kept steadily at it aud make big money in fact no other 00c 0 pat ion is more honorable heauhful inoretlveor offers half aa many opportuni ties for promotion it is a life school many men and women in canada today testify to the irulhf oloess of his claim in foot it la conceded on all handa that one yeata experience with this firm is worth more to any young man or woman thau two or three jeare at college from ao educational point of view and financially it ia all that can be desired then is more method porhap than modesty in tbo rtroent proposal to tbo world mi lare or a japanese lady who advertises i am k beautiful woman with oloodliko hair flowery faoe willow like waist apd creeoeut eyebrow i have enough property to walk through life band iu band gating at tbe flowers in the day and tbo moon at night it there is a gentleman who is clever learned hand some and of flood tatto i will jolu with himfor lift and share tbe pleasure of being bnried iujhe en me grave ooe of the moat unconventional and bttrtling propomla ou record was that of lorenzo dow an eloquent and popular methodist minister mr dow says the fhiladilphia tunes bad mourned his first wife for a 3 ear and thought it waa high time to replace her ooe day at tbe clise ot the sermon hu eleot rifled bis congregation by announcing i am a candidate for matrimony and if any woman in this congregation would oare to take me let her rise after a modest intsrval two indies rose from their beits one at the foot ot the pulpit apd the other at the baok of the church the reverend gentlemen inspoctd them for a moment and then said as the obe nearett to me was the flrtt to rise i will make ber my wife and now wewill aing hymn no suoh an audacious proposal deserved he happy onion whioh followed if and mr dow waa not the less contented with bis choice becaaee she was amply supplied with this worlds gooda in btnklok contrast t this olerical proposal wae ono ot whuh a rochester police court was recently the scone a widow mrs maofarel wau charged with utempting to commit suicide it waa clear from tha evidence that iho woman hud made a bravo airuitglo aaiuat mis fortune and that bhu was a wood woman and an excellent mother quo of ihe spectators of tho trial was so maoh im pressed that ho made her an offer or mainage in pen court whereupon the magistral diamianul her wuh cordial good wish en for liur future mumed life ouly a few wetkd ngo it wan recorded that a famous performer on tho trtpeze proposed tobia wife when thoy wore swinging in midair from the same bar and in a recent shipwreck an auttaliau named hamien was much atruck by the courage and heiuty of a young governess who escaped iu tbe same boat aa himself that before they were rescued he had aeoured her promise to be bis wife one of tbe most ingenious devices ever resorted to by a bashful swain scoured a oharming wife for prtuco afterwards czar nicholas ot russia tbe young prince was bq umitten by the beauty of princess charlotte daughter of his hou frederick william 111 of pruseia that he dttr mined to lose uo timo iu making ber his wife during a court dinner he was soatcd next to hib prospective bride he took a ring from his finger and burying it in a pieoe of bread passed it to ber unseen the hidden messenger cupid did its work well for when the oung princess rose from tho table she was wearing tbe ring which pledged her t the future gzir there have been few quainter proposals than tbat of the lata bishop ot oisory who after pulling tho wishing bone wltb a young lady who had won his heart laid down his part of tbe broken bdoe and whispered to her will you lay your bones with my bones t a story like this if not now la worth the retelling until youve paid identification identification is one of the necessary point 1 of all fraternities more than one impostor has bat in secret meeting and has witnessed the secret workings of initiation lie wae probably identified by stolen knowlodgsor by stolen papers china although it la considered to be a heathen country baa a positive way to tndentify a person if any traveller reoeivea a passport he initead of writing hia signature gives an impression of ihe lines upon his thumb as no two thumbs are exaotly alike tho identifica tion must be positive france as wall as a few other ooudtrles use this method to identify orlmluals but china takes the lead in naing this poaltlvo a stem npon official papers ex a demonstration tba health inspector called aroand and frightened everybody in the neighborhood by retailing the precaution necessary in the use of water milk and other liquids he also left circulars telling bow water ahoeld be boiled and filtered and besides enumerating the noon ber aud awf oloess of tbe diseases likely to follow from neglect of tbe precautions then by way of practi cally demonstrating the lesson he had inonloatad ha weuft to the nearest borse- troogb bnried his faoe to tbe ears aud drank heartily of the verger of a north country parish nburcb in england who ia a fine old obaraoter there are borne capital stories told one of the best specimens ol his ready wit is perhaps the following on a certain occasion a bridegroom discovered after tho nuptial ceremony was concluded that ho had do money with whioh to pay the fees i knowod rent well vicar said old s afterwards that he had tho brass so tho verger approached the brido in hiamqhtuallantjm an aakodh w she had over soeu tho blactfajbldj weve a raro lot of em in this ere voitry not having tho aiutoat notion of what a black bible waa u10 lady permitted her self to be lured into the innor precincts thcere tbo bibles mam said old 8 pointing to a numbor ot books looked up in a bookcase wait hero t ll i come back then be turned the key of the vestry upon her and going to tbo bridegroom baid- lass 1 all reet but youll no havo ber until youve paid 1 tbe brass was at ouoe forthcoming paid i scents to hug his wife the mad deal man in pit tte county li veaat humphreys lie attended a social and during the evening the ladies inaugurated a hugging bee tbo proceeds t go to the sunday school prices were graded according to tho person hugged for instance for bugging a young inexperienc ed girl tbe bidder had to give up tea cents married women brought 15 oents and widows a quarter well the man waa blindfolded and gave up 15 osnls he said be would take a married woman after he had hugged is oontt worth tho bandag was removed from his eyes and i beheld he had been hugging his o then be kioked and wanted his back

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