Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 21, 1899, p. 2

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marm1ed gout sawyeju- at tbe residence of tue brides jrontf briti on tuowbyatb september by lev kdwardwbltwortb frank oole to uary diugbtor of juim bewyere brio butobn hooih at bl bmui church tor outo on wonder bept lltbjjtylter fetber brenner 0 s u mr jotarmilger of george- town to mlee kellie hogen of toronto inonb dailahttkji at toronto on sept 7th by rev mr pttenoo or oooki tjburch jmet oberlee ironi of pefferlew to harriet third daughter of mr john balmotyne of georgetown dinruuon unjfltrie 183 sbuter street toronto on wednesday bept otb by the bev wro pattereon a t damogb eldett aon of dauejbter ofitr mdurttj r xilndaay ztlxd m naaiajjawaya on smtardayrbept stb vurgsirot daughter of arabia moolbbon aged 18 yoari lb 2tatl jtm firm thuesday september 31 1890 notes and comments dominion superintendent of immigra tion pedley bat scored a record year in bie department of work the number of immigrant to canada tbla year will be about 37000 looks m l war the powerful and th terrible warahlp ordered to africa with many m boers preparinq to advance a oouvention of the reformer of south wellington is sailed in the city hall gatipb on november lit to nominate oandidate for the dominion parliament at the neat general election there ia an epidemio of typhoid in ontario acoordinfi to the report of the provincial board of health and for the lait month forty deatba have been report- ed tbla iaabove twioe as many as ever before and above tbree time a many ai last month toe lumber campa daring the com ing winter bid fair to display mnoh of tba oldtime activity hen are aoaro6 and wages are high an ottawa letter etate that operation in the georgian bay diatnot will be very aotive and that good men will command high wage tfae prioe now being paid ia f 25 month a month a compared with 918 last year it i itatsd that a very remarkable development of temperance work la taking place at vienna as if well known total abstinenoe ia comparatively unknown on the continent tba very idea of each a thing creating a emlle bat in vienna three abataining medio men have bean giving lector on the subject and ibongh they have delivered nrne thirty time th demand for them ia becoming tremendoa and th meeting are moat onthusiaetlo london sept 90 it wa announced laat evening that the brlliab flretolaaa pro tected ornlaeri powerful and terrible bae been ordered t the cape they have relief on board oapable of forming a uaal brigade of a thonaand men summonses were leaued late in the after noon for a cabinet council wblob it ia understood will be held on friday thia ia regarded aa the reealt of the vilt of the premier lord salisbury to london whence be came in the afternoon remain ing at the foreign office from 4 80 to 6 80 p m mr joseph obsmberlain the secretary of state for the colonies was present in the balldlng at the line time and a a private doorway oonneota the offioee it i presumed that the anmmonaes were the result of their joint deliberation the lack of sll exollement in offioial circle bear evidence of tbe deliberate manner in which the highest official ars handling the oriels nor is it by any mean c that the cabinet conncil the large amount of wheat liarveated in manitoba this year ha inspired tba trade in that part of tbe country with great confidence in the futnre the fact that the grain i now all stacked and threshing in active operation favorable weather having prevailed ha bad a stinv nlatlnff inflnfr nn r l o tw tbe fall and winter trade is expected to be tbe best the provlnoe ever had bradttrau a atatement of the ravenae and expendi ture of the dominion for tba financial year ending jane 80 last has been pre- pared by tbe finance department it shows tbe surplus on ordinary account to be over five million dollars mr fielding estimated tbe snrplos at m000000 bat it ha exceeded hi expectation compared with tbe previous year the revenue increased by 0600000 while tba expend iture increased by about three million dollars the political economists ideal ia a per fect balanoe of outgoing and inoomlng trade of all ooantriee france comes nearest to tbis commercial utopia her experts amount to 144000000 starling and her imports to 158000000 a differ ence of only 14000000 uncle sam sells nearly tbree times aa maoh as be buys germany boys over 50000000 worth more every year than she sells while great britain laat year actually bought twice as maoh as aba sold will adopt extreme measures in spit of the unoompromisiog nature of tbe soer reply this deliberation on tbe part of he government is interpreted not only in london bnt in other european oapltsls as a desire on tbe part of great britain to gate lime while the transports are harry ing to cape colony tbe dally telegraphs pretoria oorrea- pondent says thst tbe transvaal and orange free state officials are urging tbe british residents to leave aa thsy fear that tbe young afrikanders may get oat of hand the dally jvyim claims to have the highest authority for atatlng ibtt arrange mentshave been completed for sending a fall army corps to south africa tb johannesburg correspondent of th morning pott says that a consignment of 1600000 cartridges was sent from pretoria to bloemfontein last thursday it is stated here that president kroger through dr leyds minister of the trans vaal at berlin has onofflcielly approached tbree european powers asking for their good offices in the dispute with great britain it is also stated that the nether lands is privately tryingto arrange a peaoefol solution of ths difficulties neighborhood news bjmunafad oivlo holiday pn tuesday was not remarkable for fine weather but the orowd that gathered was up to the expec tations tbe eports of tbe afternoon were ranch enjoyed the procession oapped the cli max and excelled former efforts tbe concoit in tbeovening was a great sneoese the hall was orowded teacher graham preeided with dignity tbe talent from a distanoe included mils matbeson elocutionist hamilton mr fred deacon baritone aololat milton mr smith bari tone brampton aotou s s orohestra a sextette of oake wslbere from george towr and onr looal oelebrltlee mlea thompson miss brown and mr harry sbortill oombloed to give an entertain ment of a highly meritorious obaracter milton nas8agawhva erin th townahip connoil voted 131 0 for vaccine polnta to dr gibson at lb laat meeting an enjoyable harvest horn festival wa hsld in tbe methodist chnroh on monday evening biobard baokns of hillsbarg ha par- obaetd b w looks interest in the boyal hotel sbelbnrne and will take possession stonos jas gold of guelph ha leased the near elevator and mr goodall has been placed in oharajs bishop damonlin of hamilton con duoted confirmation rvloes in all saint ohoroh last friday evening mia laura e wilson of darby vlll is visiting rslative in detroit mrs wo dredge and daughter left on tuasday for a visit to dr and mrs h h wilton of armada mich mr geo o monalr of arkell will preach in tbe ebeneaer chnroh next sunday morning bar dr bcanlan will preach in the waterdown methodist ohnrcb next son- day mr and mrs geo looker and family of acton apent sunday with relatives in natsagaweya mr and mrs jas locker of koatohboll spent sunday with frianda in acton bev mr flagg preached on thenassatu- weya circuit last sunday for the bev dr bcanlan hla sermons were maoh sppre- clated by all who heard bim mr flagg was once stationed on the naseagawaya olreuit some years sgo as assistant paator with the late bev john hongb con sequently be wa renewing old acquaint ance as well a preaobing mr and mrs edward darby of knatob- bull visited relative in tbe townahip of pilklogton last week the farmer in tbla vicinity have all finished tbelr fall seeding some fields are quite green now tbe banting season i here again and once more we bear tba bowling of the sportsmens hounds and the report of their guns mr and mrs aroliie mcgibbon have tbe sympathy of tbelr friends in the loss of their fourteenyear old daughter ou sunday of last week from appendicitis the opera tion on saturday proving of no avail anniversary services in connection with si davids church oampbellville will be held on oct 8tb when bev john heal b a of toronto will preach both ing and evening geo lmiog the honey man aeoured about 00 in prises at tbe toronto exhibi tion bev george richardson who baa been ill for several weeks has taken a trip down tbe st lawrence lo search of good bealtb bev7tuuwfti7oromegbtwiirspieer preach in the mi tbodttt oburob on sunday morning and the rev mr tougb of hornby in tbe evening theannoal jdpworth league convention of tbe milton district methodist church was held at waterdown ou tueaday milton league was well repreeeuted a grand oonoert under the auspice of the ladies aid of kuox church will be held in the town hall milton an friday evening sept 20th eecond night of tbe count fair prof ohae kelly and bis daughter of gaelph lately returned from new york aril giye a varied programme of vocal and instrumental mueig mrs brothers widow of the late w d brothers of berkely cal and formerly of mlfton ia spending a week or ao with frienda in town glie ws aocompained by two of her children the v f church at mansewood baa extended an informal call to the bev a d gillespie of pennsylvania mr gillespie has aooepted the oatl and expects to take obargo on tbe 0th qcl or possibly a week earlier a farmers victory rheumatlarrthaoffastaned ite farias upon him for year and caused him bridles misery telle how he found a cur from tbe aoadlan wolfvllla m b among the meny in this vioinity who firmly btlleve iu tbe ffficaoy of dr williams pink pills aa a aore for rheame tlsm is mr john stewart of honontlllle to a representative of the acadian who recently interviewed bim mr stewart said be bad been a victim to tbe pangs of rbeuniatiem for upwarda of twenty years two jeare ago mr stewart was thrown from a load of hay and was injursd so seven ly that be was ollged to take to his bed while in this oondltion his eld enemy rheumatism again faatened itself upon him the pains radiating to almost every joint in hla body making life almoct a burden he bad read frequently in the acadian of the oures effected through the aae of dr williams fink pills and decided lo give tben a trial after the use of a few boxeo tbe pains began to diminish and bia general health began to improve mr stewart aoninoed taking the pill until be bad used eight boxes when the pains had entirely over disease hsd been won by this peerless medicine the acadian can add that mr stewatt is worthy of every credence as be is a man of intelligence and steiling dualities whose word la anheaitatlngly acoepted by all who know him the pablio is cautioned against nuraerour pink colored imitations of these famona pill- ths genuine are bold only in boxes the wrapper around wblob bears the worda dr williams piok pills for pale people if your dealer does not have them they will be sent postpaid at 50 oents a box or six boxss for 2 50 by addressing the dr williams medioiao co brookville ont kobbed the orate georgetown churchill tb sleotrto light question is a live on two public meeting have already bsan brld ibis month toronto city hall opkned with mualo and harmony over 30000 citizen vlilted th orat pile tomkto sept 90 monday after many years of expectation th pablio of toronto were enabled to view for tbe tint urn itv u tbelr completed stale the magnificent nmr balldlng whsre tbe city will henceforth make it official bom th thronging thousand admired tb noble proportions and the beautiful interior of the pile wblob at night wa ablate with illuminations beautified with foliage and resonant with harmony it was a happy thought of hi worship mayor shaw to dignify lb inauguration of the city hall with fdgholu mueio and in doing ao be was following the most alastlo traditions and taking historical example for hi aids the total ooat of the new building will be about 12500000 very aaootwf al service were held of a harveat horn obaracter on bnnday laat th preacher wa bev a f pollock of speedsids excellent sermons referring to oar dependeno on god kindly provi- dsno and the debt of gratitude ws owe no only for these bat for tbe higher spiritual blsulng granted whereby h crowns tb year with hi goo were spoken wltb eloaoenos and earnestness mr p mr edward hagyard tenant of the carter farm on tbe york bead was sued last week in the georgetown division court by an implement agent of that village for tbe prioe of some implments mr hagyard produced an agreement for delivery wblob released bim if the goods were not delivered in april tbe sgent swore that tbe agreement was a forgery daring bis crossexamination attention was oalled to a misspelt word lo the agreement and the ipelllng of the agent wa tested on tbl word wltb fatal eflect tbe judge declared tbe agents story e a dismi t u w c i norval methodists will have a harvest horns festival on next monday 25tb hop picking over for ibis aeaseo tbe band keep up the weekly open air concerts and tbe aitirens appreciate them tbe misses godfrey are leaving town to take charge of a fanoy goods and millinery bnainees thsy have pnrohssed at palmeraton some gentlemen from dpwn east contem plate atarting a furnitore faotory in georgetown negotiations are in progress but notblng definite will be deoided for a few day those in obarg of tbe work at the 0 t b bridge over the credit ara gutting along satisfactorily the weat abutment will be entirely renewed wbloh means a large amoont of tearing down and skilful re building in tb meantime be road is kept secure for ell traffic and tbe work will be completed as soon aa possible herald it it a great slo to expreb a harsh eall- mata of your brotbera conduct until you kuov all tlje piraaautnoea in which it originated a thousand tongues gould not express the rapture of annie e springer of 1125 howard st philadelphia pa vhep sb found that dr king new discovery for coosuniptlod bad oom lately cured her of a hscklog oougb tbat for many years bad made life a burden alt remediea and doctors coold give her no help but she say of ibis royal cure it soon removed tb pain in my pbt and i oan now leep soundly something i can soaroily remember doing before i feel like sonndlog it prslses tbrongboal the universe 80 will every one who tries pr king new discovery for any trouble of he throat ohpil at bqnga price 60c and tloo trial bctte free at j v mckeea dreg store every bottle guaranteed a srarlling inoident of which mr john olive of philadelphia waa the suhjeot is narrated by him aa fotlowe i waa in a mott dreadful condition my skin was al- mott yellow eye aunked tongoe coated paiu oontlnnully in back and sides no appetite gradually crowing weaker day by day tbree pbyeiciana had given me up fortunately a friend sdviaed trying cleotric bitters and to my great joy and aurprise the first bottle made a deoided improvement i oontiuued their nee for tbree weeks and am now a will roan i know they sated my life and robbed tbe grave of another victim no one should fail to try ibem only 50o guaranteed st j d mokeee drng store customs duties 43383 creed and obaraoter reaot upon each other character is moulded h creed ttnd creed b oclorod by character a frightful blunder will often aauie v horrlbl burn scald outorbrniie bucklera arnicasalfe the beet id the world will bill the pain and promptly bail it cures old sores fever sores uloerr boils i ions ooroa ft 11 skin eruptions best file cure on earth only 200 a box care guaranteed bolorby7t3rmakeflreruffglbti- the value of a munb faith i mcaaared not by the number of thingr that he be lieves but by the iutenslt with whiob he behoves them canadas golden herltntfe does not consist in mines stone fat mans painless corn extractor is a boon ik goes right to tho root of the troublo and acts quiokly and painlessly beware of substitutes repent log a story to the diicredit of your neifhbor without bnovtlog it to be true ia almost bb bad as giving qorrenoy to a known falsehood we have handed to the making at total of 91449 chiefly ot customs the above amount this shipment is composed dress goods silks millinery goods irish tabling and other linens with tweeds for the man n- tactnre of clothing our fair see our exhibit on the grounds we believe in deeds to help it out and hope every citizen and every farmer will be patriotic in this particular and not only talk it up but build it up tee5 go cuelphs greatest store our store is decorated for the fair see it property for sale anumbeil of farms snd village property for sale on easy teim apply to wu healbtbebt acton heieeb astray two ealt old gray heifer strayed on tbe prtmiliei of tlie undmlgned lot 1 con 4 brio about two weeks ago owiisr may bare animal by proving property and payiog j b dxhkt agents dn ou vr till nk of bindllng our lateit ho wght of life ifnot now li s300 a day sure loom eiperleoca or capital a good time to atarc make twice tbat tinneceuary tbe buadlby gahhetbon co limlld brantford ontario valuable property for sale undersli property i tains ic the undersigned offers for sale that desirable property in tbe thriving village of acton comprising two lota bounded by ulli and jobn streets and bower a tonne on tb e of ac tot ii and jobn bimti and nower a tonne on tbe property u a comfortable frame dwelling large oarn bard and soft water ao tbe property will be aolii either- en bloe or tbe lots separately snd with or without tbe barn terms made known upon applioaupnjto school shoes xbcreia about political plutforms evbrton teal of laitug for boys and gfcirls suitable for town or country made by underhill sissman of markham this is a new factory their object is to make a better grade of boys and girls school shoes at popular prices their long boots for men is a credit for shoemaking and are sold at 250 and 300 neil l the shoe man guelph 8 stores e bi1ith ltockwood b j mcnarb acton auction sale farmers and otbsrs who may decide to bold an auction tale are invited to call at the ftaut pbksb office for sample posters and prlcos we rito special attention to the execution at bale bllli and as a result tbey are always in favor wltb auctioneer and tbe public generally fncs paass bala bills will b found neat attractive well displayed aod printed on superior paper frloes are reasonable and tho convenience of tbe euitomer la always studied in tbe matter of promptness in the execution ot tbe bills auctioneer can bo arranged for at tbls offlco fml pbksu office h p moore acton editor publisher wanted agents in every district on the continent to take orders for high grade canadian grown nursery stock and feeds largest and mostoompieteslssoattniadt in tb trade fait selling specialties saparb samples furnished free correspondence in any language then positions are money makers and territory should be aeeared at one for ths season by all buatun looking for a good tblng our salary or com mission offers interest to anyone sot earn in lootun per year oet lo communication with onr nearest offlee an opportunity to represent a wauoetabljabad boose ability mora impor tant than fxpsriaoec lukb bbotbebs company international nurseries chicago bl montreal que boobeater n y m abaotifiilbsild cldskeliauaar itux wedoe we randfett acenttn advance jua us 1 r will send you a sample packages of our ponton thir trial in progtae title week at cobourg he again piaadan amity cobootm spt 90 tb third trial of william hamilton ponton for having on anr 37 1897 robbsd tbe napanee braneb of tb dominion bank of 118000 oom- menosd rsaterdar aitesnooti at tbree oolook before sir jobn boyd ebaoealloc of the high court tbe grown ooonarl stated tbat tb trial will probably last until salnraa night anil tbe presiding joatlos haarrdd tbat th ttlnff of tb court ball b from 980 m to 1 p m and from s to t p m of eaoh day tb eounat in tb ease tnslnoa meear b b osier q 0 john jennings of toronto i and w 8 hrrlogtsn naoao for tba crown and messrs b go porter w b northrop 4 0 and mont- col ponton of buai for tb aoooasd at ibras otloo tba prisoner pooloo wa mrnajoad and in i arm cee pleaded not thl when the indmmeot et be muxf jaryof lennox and addlogton wa read to him bslng an able vooaliat a well a prneber illaatrated hi rabjhta by saorsd song tb morning aodlsno waa good and tba the nnlng orowdad liberal oollaotiona war taken at both artiee tbe honda night entertainment af tar is lunrtboa nonpar wa a complete snocesa in pile of tbe threatening oondltion of the weather a abort devotional serrioe wuoondnoted by the oaator who tben inirodaned tba th essoins mr jams jurkwood tf p tbls office be inlflllad to tbe satlafacllon of all tb item of tb programme ware aa follow after a piece by tbe aoton presbyterian eholr who were at their teoal beat hiss mora danny a little child lltlarally leading gar a recitation then followed a solo by b a s pollock aod then a recitation by his basel gibbon followed by a stlrrlog and humorous speech by b h a haephsrson i tben a qnaxtatte by msmbers of tb obolr mr fred hilt followed with a darkiaa sermon and br w s moalpine wth a aolo aosompanylng himaall on tb gnitar afias kaesu bennett followed with a jnnali ptso ot bnmor and bar a v pollook nave an axoellant spaeob on bbsldon aa tba personal object of intanast al detroit oonvmlion tb oholr gar another estaaurat piece and mies gerly bwaokbamsr aroaasd tb andleno to foil xlrat of interest in eblldish bnmor a very praottoal and rnt paob wa given by w b m oalpin quit in keeping wltb formn psakers hies hbhoroby greally dahghsavi tb andleno in ton and gesture tritb her btntinwntal recitation and mother of mr pouoek aolo followed wbjdiwannooddbyllasbaaamn a serlocomlo sketch ot ooogregsl chnroh basin tben boosoh solo by j bev w b ifsalpin prsoeded tbe wind ing np of the main programme by tb exllnl rendering of tb doxology in variation by the eholr dr hokeagne wa oalled on to move a vol of tbaak to al oooosrned in the eooialntertsjomeotof timayanlnir which wa noonded by mr jobn a beodaraop tbesadleoe umnjoloed fo a vera of the matleoaj antnem and tb prodoanolng or tb bsasdta broogbt a most enjoyable vening40 eojsel crbwson8 corners qnito a noenber from here attended the harvest home aertioe and festival at gbaroblll on sunday and monday evening bev h brand of eratnosa delivered an etoqneot sermon in the methodist ohnrob here on saudsy morning next sabbath ths bev mr hooter of gotlpb will oooopy be pnlpit mr robert gibbons baa jn his possession a record smashing sonlover it is 8 feet 3j inob in olroamfereno and 18 inohes in diameter it wa grown in mr gibbons garden at tba corner last sunday morning wbll driving to aoton mr and mr j murray mat wltb a somewhat serious accident while near mr obaa davidsons farm and while passing some bioycllsts wbo were sittiog by ths roadelde th horse took fright at their wheel and boiled to th aid of the road throwing mr and mrs murray on some large stone mr murray waa severely bruised and shaken up and la still oonflned to hi bad mrhurrayhtd her arm evenly bruised had it not been for the prompt action of the bioycllsts lo holding th hone tbe accident wonld have no doubt been fatal as tb road i very dangerous bring severed with large boulders the boggy whiob le a raw on wa badly masbed tb methodist chnroh bare wa the scene of a pretty wedding on wednesday afternoon september istb when mis initio oann eldest daughter of mr geo genn wa married to mr ellas plnmmer of edan mill while tb wedding march wa being played by mlse mary kamsbaw lb brijs anlered tbe oburob esooitsd by her father she looked lovely in a gown of cream orepon trimmed with oblfion and cream satin and won a whit oblffon bat trimmed with whit rote and ribbon sb carried in bar band a bouquet of wblf roses and maiden hair ferns her brides maid was hsr alater mis ethel gann who looked pretty in white pique trimmed with pink ilk she carried a bouquet of pink oarnatlons the groomsman wa mr aburrowe ot edan mill th osremony wa performed by rev s w holden pastor of tba methodist oburob lo the presenoe of aevenlyflve of tbe relatives and intimate friend of tb brld and groom after tb oaremooy tbe oompanyadjornad tolbe rwldeooe of tb bride father where a sumptuous repeat wa aersed tba brld wa tb recipient of many beantlf nl present mr and mr plammer want north whsr they will pond a weak wltb friends after whiob they will tab up tbelr residence in edso mill mr and mr plsmmsra many friend f tepi to them their hearty oougralola- ttona wa tlh them a long and bappy lit tbe garden copptrt at reeve tatota was not very tvell att on aoceont of the very ool i night the place la a very suitable one and was beaotifnlly decorated for tbe ocoasion th band from guelph plaed well tbe singing of the joliffe bros ktokwoori scoompaned by miss toten waa excellent tba progtamme throughout was good sud enjoyed by el proceeds over wo bev h brand chair man mr earneet rnddell preaohed an excellent aermon sunday morning in tbe metbodls chnroh here he had a beauti ful subject the queen of bbeba pomiog to prove solomon well arranged and gave it in such a fine spirit ws pradlot for bim a prosperous and nsefol futnre in tbe ministry among visitors noticed last week were mies m khgonr of oinolnnati ohio mr a a wi nh of oronbrdok b o who haa come to ttke bis family to calgary to make their home mies g mccraig of oollingwood mr and mrs s mooutobeon and albert banbrldge of quelnli si- thp pah f list of that asrleuitural exhibitions which interest free proms raadere halton milton sept 28 39 bsqueslng georgetown oct canada central ottawa sept u- sontbero brantford bept 1631 central guelpb sept 1031 north oxford woodstock sept 3138 north brant paris sept 86 do north waterloo berlin sept so ot vllklngton elora sept 30 37 centre brace paisley bept 36 37 peel brampton bept 90 37 feejjjraj snap wv oj4 iniini rettrm tcnrumb- i ilkvasoh ibem return nsowr uioiwy m one being a very nandoroely uigraved band j ring i ba other a 3tono gem nng coniiiuog of two austrun cwmonds and abruhmnt french red ruby tola perfume la the beat evtrplaccd before the public it destroy all obnoxious ww hir3 gvet hp br pfwslsl delluous iatnm flply puuilnab hi qna1 we are making tha otter far lo purpose of fb troducing our goodi to the nabllct it being a taction and not prompled by ifltonourpart r mnvtnem tbla msh i rsar tba mxgnm aemt aui woif dium ud uu rx walck co rente can kwkss m salid ciqi4ati best gold pill 180 kywfloidful 100 best olnssai 100 we guarantee perfect satisfaction globe optical co 03 yongo street toionto sept xith the right house established 1843 hamiltons tavohite shopping place for our fri6nds the men most oi our daily and semiweekly announcements are of interest particularly lo the ladles bnt were going to devote the most prominent part of this adver tisement to news about our mens furnishing department in order to assure those of ths sterner sax that their requirements are not overlooked by any means a a matter of fact we make mens furnishings a very important feature of our business and those who are acquainted with this department know that its best place to buy shirts underwear ties collars and everything thats necessary to a gentlemans toilet here are a few items of interest to the men we want you to call and see us the next lime you are in tho city it will certainly pay you well 0 wellington fergus sens 37 w wellington harritton sept 87 88 south waterloo gall bept 38 30 north perth stratford ool 8 4 puellnob aberfoyi ool 0 bramoaa bookwpod oct p 11 world pair bookton oot 10 11 erin erin oot 10 80 saoh i fashions flurry that a oon aa a seems becoming tt is going manitobas big wheal crop la now on ths move deliveries are general all along the snaln line of the o p b and rll over ilia southwestern portion of tbe provlnoe moat of lb erop grades mo 1 hard tbe judgment day will bring unnoro- fcered aarnrlms in the saltation of many whom the world has supposed to be lost and in tbe condemnation of many that tb world supposed tobesaved consumption the germ of consumption are every where you may breathe them in wltb the air drink them with water eat them with your food they are not dangerous if you are in per- ft health hut f you have a slight cold or cough or if yon have inher ited weak lungs or if you are weak nd rundown gen- tjallyssjgok i lion get a strong foothold it i c most impossible to lodge it the time to cure it is at ths beginning or before it starts if you ore ran down build yourself up make every tissue ao strong and well that con sumption germs cannot find a foothold fill your body with rich red blood build up strong healthy flesh put your aigeklva swtem in perfect order dont drag along hair dfaftr vou may he well a well a not tbe following letter from mr jennie dingman of van buren kakakaco mich will tell you how to do it sm says before i took dr pierces golden medical piscovery i wa hardly able to da mv meik at all had pain in my left aide and scfif m had headache all th time i tried your medicine and it helped me laat spring i bad a bad cough got so bad i had to be in bed alt the time my husband thought i had consumption we thought we would try dr pierce golden medical discovery anil before i had taken one bottle the cough stopped ave since had no signs of ita cr and trunk katctf annual mbst6rn t9 pt huron betiolt grand rapids bay city saginaw cleveland columbus cincinatl chlpngo st paul minneapolis and return thursday friday and saturday sep tember 28th 29th 30th 1899 good to return leaving destination until monday october 16th 1899 for descriptive guides time tables otc apply to agents g t b- system h 8 holmfi agent aoton m o dickson dist paaar agt toronto shirts reduced mens negliges shirts of sukette with or without collars were 75c reduced 0 30c silketto neglige shirts collar attach ed cream ground with fancy striped designs were 9i 35 re duced to 75c print shirts collar and cuffs attach ed in pink and white and blue and white stripes were 50c re duced to 35c print shirts soft froots separate cuffs variety of patterns were i 35 reduced to 85c oxford shirts soft fronts cuffs attached fancy check and stripe patterns erelj 73 nowi 00 black sateen shirts mat color with collar extra quality special at 50a our special unlaundsred white shirt good quality cotton linen bosoms all aires joe boys underwear boys white gauze merino shirts and drawers all sires long or short sleeves were o and 50c naw 150 91agers rednoed mens and boys english flannel blaior coats in yellow and black and bine and black stripes were tijoand ii8j now ir 30 carriage doatera carriage dusters of momle cloth with fancy embroidered centers were 75c now 53c were f 1 now 73c men and boya ties farm foe 3500 ttq caii wni barafpieodidfalnneodiiatlai ftiiiluv of 100ereaof weatbajfof lot no 10 4tb con lo tba townablp of brin wellington county tbla farm laaltaated about five miles from acton and two mllea from otprloge tbere are aboat 63 eoree noder eolttratlod and is acres of good bardwood baab tbe balldldga eompriae log boose good frame tmxn and aliedi tbere la a oererlliiior apiinr creek rnnolna tbrodgb the corner of farm if not aold it will be rented for farther pertfcolare pply to h tiwackhallukb cniprlose or to j o johnson 70 braoswlck avenue toronto quite a ian hand ties 1 lot of silk four-in- ln both light mnd dark shades were 50c now two for 25c ohlldrent dresses childrens print and gingham presses in a variety of neat patterns various shadlngi wore fi35 it and 85c now 50c childrens print and gingham dresses in various pretty patterns and colors nicely trimmed were 135 now 65c levdiei wbttewear plain white cotton corset covers withhigbneck 13c while cotton corset covers trira- mod with embroidery 350 ladies white drawers with yoke and cluster of tucks deep em broidery frill very wide special 50c hour rarcels ot valuable propertyarictjm f sal the following property belonging to mr fatbiok kkljsi row of buffalo la offered for aale at low prlcee and easy termi fabomx 1 tbat flnctbrloli realdence and twe lota on tba ooroer of obnron and oaalpb itrmtti oonna6rootnabard and aof t watsr aplondld orebard oad good garden paboxxs 9 oood balldlng lot 86x133 on gnelnb street next to alex itamsbawi new realdenee npon wblch ia a young orobard fabomii s tba etore and dwelling on mill atreei ooeopted by onrnev broi wbo carry on a general bnainees is in splendid location central and convenient paboxx 4 tbree pod balldlng lots at tbe oomerof toung and afill streeta a apleodld its for a mantuaotating eetabltabment owiog to its proximity to o tb depot of for terms and particulars enquire at tbe offlee w h denny young 8t acton mall orders receive prompt attention we prepay the freight or xpr n nny railwsy ulallnn in rtnlarln on all orden amountlngtof5ot over address all letters to department s thomas c watkins king et cast hamilton cor hughson st imjmoi t t mmt miamrw m irwuanrr ssuluate new york philadelphia and torofila opiml colkaw call early and avail yourself of his valuable services a this is a run opportunity to have your eye proper ly tested free of charge no guc work but a scientific certainty diffi cult cases accurately fitted au wokk guaranteed oc i aarar mil a srlvat 1mm will bb at agnews hotel acton on otx oxrr thuesday october 6th dont fril to sbb geo stoveps stofjl of and shoes sultablo for all classes prices reasonable stovel has a splendid una of school childrens shoes ladles street shoes misses waljchjg shoes mens working bdiblif mens press shoes monssools and leggings for tail nery wear full line of rubbers for tall wear all excellent vuua stovel does all kinds of custom work and guar antees his own work rjhe most popular brand of family- flourand roller oats for sale at robert nobles flour dt peed store at acton also mill feed and chop ped grain of all kinds for school reopening new choice and artistic cover desingns for exercises and scribblers and all the necessary text books and school requisites fancy stationery- makes n ayjhaliy of repairing stovel has a line of boy strong moot which he la clearing out af 50c per pair at aonawa old stand next to mbivins bardbr snor mill st acton a lasflb assqrtmenf of he latest writing tablets of artistic design good quality and popular prices all the newest shades in writing pap ers with envelopes to match a t mill street actoti brown wantbd sarwal brlglitaad bonsstmrson to rsprsmnt us aa afaoacars in tbts ana slos brdoanttes salary w a ywt aod aipsasas htralkht bonaflda no mora no lass aaurr pobltlon permanent onr nfsrenom any bank rflfaranoastsny in any sowst it li maieiy offlea srork oondustsd parmananl jwn it if malalr at noma bsfaranss bnsloaa ssltaa atampd ntslop dpt9 ohloago th dbrolnton company we want delivered at acton graineries large quantities of grain for which we will pay the highest market price in cash r noble what it represents when yon sit for a photograph yon want tb likeness to re you properly when yon alt to us we want tbe work lo rep ns properly our imprint is seen on none but the best photo raphs t and for onr aake a well at yours we are sure to glva you lifelike satisfac tory photographs h rjoettshhlnl photo krtist 7toton cu9lph cenmf1 sept 192021 opens to the public tues day evening sept 19 at 6 p m attractive programme en wednesday anc thuredy afternoqns concerts tuesday and wednesday evenings con certs will be held inside 48th highlanders band wednesday afternoon and evening sept 20 the regular train east will be held at gnalph rdtll te close of the ranpetl on wednesday evening aa tbl is the first lime this arrangement ha been maae visitors from rockwood acton george town and points east should appereciale it au information from acbutf president- w laidlaw bos 479 see

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