Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 21, 1899, p. 4

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ml old she looks poor clothco cannot make you look old even pale cheeks wont do it your household cores msr bo bcevy and disappoint ments nay bo deep but they csnnet nsoke you look old ono thins does it and novcr alls tt b iciposslblo to look young with the color or seventy years la your hair 8 permanently poctpones the telltale clgns of age used according to directions it gradually brings back the color of youth at fifty your hair may look ns it did it fifteen it thickens the hair also stops it from falling out and cleanses the scalp from dandruff shall we cend you our book on the hair and its diseases fits jfp t ti ylnr wliu tti doctor about it probably ther iomt dlocnltr with toot kmrl yttm wtitcb bmet aowtom fmmm it you d not obtain til tl baa flta jrott axpaotad tram tha um tha ylkpr wxiu tha doctor about if probably ther aomo dlfltenir wit ttan jfm floss thursday september 21 1809 do it thero m 10016 lolki who aro forever on the tergo of modff wiuttblng they make euborato prfpnruon waratheir friinili brftoa tamielyss for an effort arid end with aomo 6bby let of hopelwa med- looruy that dugaiti overybody they mean wall but their moothi are larger than tbclr heade and thalr ldeaa than their capaoity for etrrjlng them out thik tplt wonld be amulo u u wero not eo annoying bat the man with groat expao- tatiooihaa the knaok of getting everything and overybody around him 10 a atate of reatletineaa and worritneol that fa moat exaaparatiog at times a man who fosses will never do anything troly great the genldbs a man of depth and thoro is no depth where there it noise and foam greatness la almoat invariably assoolatsd with anoonaoloasneii an oonoe of doing is worth a ton of tilk iboat what we expect to do it aomo men woold quit talking about what they are going to do and get down to patting into each day some finish ed task or some effort laid upon a solid foundation of pmpoaefal thought we would be nearer the bnalneai as well aa the relig ions milleniam it makes one si ok to see a man roll op his sleevoa spit on his handa take op the shovel and after two or three feeble throats sit down beside it do not bo eternally hunting op some big job slm ply to walk around it fat an effort in the task that ilea before yon do what yon have found to do with your might but not with your mouth the search for truth in the searoh for troth no aid is so effective aa tbe ever ready spirit of aativity he who postpones putting what be knows into pra ctice nnttl be knows more will find bis journey a long and dlaoouraging one oftrlyle wellsajs conviction were it never so exoellent is worthless till it converts itaau into oondact nay properly oonvlotlon is not possible till then inasmuch as all speculation is by natnre endless and formless host true is it as a wise man teaohes as that doubt of any sort cannot be removed except by action on which ground too let him who gropes painfully in darkness or un certain light and prays vehemently that the dawn may ripen into day lay this other precept well to heart which to me wai of invaluable service do the daty whioh ilea nearest to the which toon knoweat to he ft duty the second duty will already have become dearer tjjj 0utt0 sfolfts my y ay ma 9 tbe wind comes whispering to mo of the country green and cool of redwing blackbird chattering beside a reedy pool it brings me boottalog fanelea of the homestead on tbe bill and i hear tbe tbnh s evening song and the robin a morning trill bo t fall to thinking tenderly of those i used to know where tbe aaasatras snakeroot and clieoker- berrioagrow what baa become of bare mars who lived on baker a bill and whats become of noble pratt whose father kept tbe mill and whata become of utile oram and anaataala snell and of boxle boot who tended aohool in boston for a spelt tbey were the boys and tbey the girls who bared my youthful play tbey do not answer to my call i bfy playmates where are tbey what baa become of levi and bis little brother joe who lived noxt door to where we lived some forty years ago id like to bob the mswton boys and qnlnoy adams brown and repay hall and xslisa oowles who rpelled tho whole sehool down i and grade smith the cutler boys louder snow and all who i am ore would aniwor could tbey only hear my call i id like to sea bill warner and the conkey boya again and talk about the time we used to wish that wo ware men 1 and one i shall not name bar could i see her gentle face and hear her glrllah troble in this distant lone ly place i the flowers and hopos of springtime tbey perished long ago and the garden where they blossomed is white with winter anow 0 cottage neath the maples have yon scan thoae girls and boys tbat bat a little while ago made oh i inch pleasant noise o trees and hills and brooks and lanes and meadows do you know where shall i find my little friends of forty yeara ago yon see yza old and weary and ive travelled long and far 1 am looking for my playmates i wonder where they are i eugene field the good work quickly and sure ly begun is paines celery compound is always victorious over the host stubborn diseases 8hbwas very foolish soma tlma ago a woman died at dender- monde near ghent leaving tbe whole of her property lo her neloe boealie v tho latter was constantly worried by the other member of the family who had been ex cluded from tbe inheritance rsoently the yodng woman reeeired ths amount of the legacy consisting ot 26 1000 frano notes 15000 and tbe deeds of a house in the afternoon the dlsappoint- relative again visited her and worried her to saoh an extent that losing all self- oonlrol over herself aha pioked up the whole o the bank notes and threw them into the are in a few minutes nothing remained of tbe little fortune bat a few ashes some medioines require weeks of nie before sufferers oan realize any promising result and tbe greit majority of patents are worthless and in rainy oases positively dangerona to use when weak broken down slok and diseased men and women ham need paines celery compound for a alngle day their doubts vanish hope fills tbe heart and they are added to the tans of thousands that gratefully sound the praises of a medicine that truly possesses lifegiving virtues it your life is id peril from snob stubborn and desperate dieeasei as rheumatism neuralgia liver complaint brighta disease diabetes nervous prostration or ailments resulting from impure blood and have not yet fried tbe medicine tbat has oured others do not hesltsta another honr paines celery compound will assuredly do for yon what it has dona so well for yonr frlendi and neighbors it will olsanse the blood drive out lingering rheumatism and neuralgia banish kidney trouble and liver oomplaint build op the exhausted nervoua syiten clear tbe com plexion give good dlgeition healthy sleep and perfect vitality one bottle promptly begins tbe good work with the saoes i while tbe money is hoped for and for a ehort time after it ban been roceived ha who lends it is a friend or a betfefsotor by tbe time tbe money is spent and tbe evii hour of reokoning is oome the bene- faotor is found to have ohenged hie nature and to bave pnt on the tyrant and tho oppressor it is an oppreaeion for a man totealalm his own money it is none to keep it from him defenoe of usury be road tuo books that all tbo wise moo writ ho sesrebod tbo world for kuowlodgo not for pelf he thought no mau uokuown en koen hla wit but onoo ho mot a atraogor twos hluisolf maurloe franolfl kgan preserve the right of thy pwoe but ttir not questions of jurisdiction and ratber than voioe it with otaima and challenges preserve likewise the rights of inferior plaoesand thinkit moire boqor to direct in objef than to he busy in all xbsooo he who in tbe world oan live on hok a loaf and shelter blnutlt in any nest be who ie neither the master nor tbe slavo of any man bim his lot is sweat and tran quil and he shoull liye content therein babaiyat the everyday oarea and duties which men oil drudgery are the weights and oounterpoiaes of the olook of limn giving its pendulum a duo vibration and its hsnds a regular motion feongftjlow a fruit 8hop ijaigh hunt thus deioribed tbe beauties of a fruit shop there is great bosuty as well as other agreeableneesea in a wtll diepoaed fruit erers window here sro tbe ronod piled op oranges deepening almost into red and heavy with juioe the apple with its brown red obeek as if it had slept in the sun tbe pear swelling downward and provoca tlve ot a bugs bite ip the side thronging grapes like so many little baga of wine the peaob whose handsome leather post atrlpa off so finely tho pearly or mbylike ourranta heaped in light long baskets j the red utile moutbfals of strawberries ditto the larger purple onea of plums oberriea whose old comparison with lips is better tban anything now mulberries dark and riob with juice fit to grow over what homer oalled the deep blaokwatered fountains the swelling pomp of melons the rough inexorable looking aoooanut milky at heart tbe elaborate eleganee of walnuts the quaint oashoonut almonds figs raieins tamarinds green leaves in abort ss milton bays whatever earth all bearing motbor yields in india bast or weat or middle ahore in fontua or tbe funio coaat or wbero aloinous roigned lrult of all kluda in coat bough or smooth rind or bearded huak on shell my friend despair baby beauty yon always think oj a pretty baby ks plump and chubby botlseuiouion gives just that plumpoeaa not loo fat jutt enough for the dimples to oome babies like it too faehlou and deoenoy should be always on good terms livor troubles biliousueas asllir com plexlon yellow eyes jaundice tto yield to tbe curative powers of lus liver pills they aro snre to oure a man is frequently known by the oom pany be keepe out of cramps and colic always relieved promptly by dr fowlers ext of wild strawberry la grippe and nervous prostration had brought captain coop near to deathsouth american ner vine was tha life saver i was ailing for nearly roar yeara wilb nervoua prostration i tried many re me diet and was treated by physicians witboat any permanent benefit a year ago i took la grippe whioh greatly aggravated my trouble my frienda deipaired of my recovery i was induced to try south amerioan nervine and was rejoioed to get almost in i ian t relief i bave need four bottle and feel myself completely oared i believe iti the beat remedy known for the nervea and blood wo m copp new castle n b sold by a t brown when you nro seized with an attack of cjnxmps or doubud up with colic you want remedy j ou aro aitre will give you relief and give it quickly too you don t want an untried something thit mxyhetn you you want dr fowlers pxtracf pf wild strawberry winch every ape kjitwtrwl positively cure cramps and r colic quckly just a dose pr wq qnc yqu have case put povv ft word qf proof to back up thoao assertions and wo have it from mr john hawko coldwatcr ont who writes dr towlcrs extract of wild strawberry is a wonderful euro for diarrhoea cramps and pains in the atomnch i was a groat sufferer until i gave it a trial but now i bave perfect comfprt d- a dyspepsia cure ever reliable and welcomed by tho moot belloato stomach is dr von tstana plneapplo 1ablete let tbe wortt dyepeptio eat a pioeappja a day for six raonthb and so greatly would his health improvo ho would look and feel like a new per a on tbe reanon fs plain tho pineapple holda a genernue bap ply of vegetable pepsin whioh noxt to the juleea of the atomaoh ia the greatest digestive now known to man very few people oan obtiin tbe dally pineapple but everyone oan get pr von staatt pineapple tablets whioh are mainly composed of thin precious fruit jaioo they are eaten as candy are an harmless as ripo fruit and always dive satisfaction they ouro all digestive troubles box of go ttiblita 35 oonta bol by a t brown both aro equally abanrd he thit will barn bia taper while the bud ahineb ud be that will go to bed in the dark to save tbe expeuso of light mr t j hame culurobub ohio writes i have been bfllioted for aomo time with kidney and liver complaints and hud farmeleoti fills the best medicine for these dlaeaeoa those fiiib do not cause pain or griping and should be need when a oathrtip is required they are gelatine coated and rolled in tho tlour of lioorioe to preserve their purity and give tbe no a pleasant agreeable tte however great some mens abilities are their liabilities are always greater couq and kidney difficulty mr j v wilder j p lifargevllle n v writes 1 1 am subject to severe attacks of col to and kidney difficulty and find parmelees pills afford me great relief whilo all other remedies have failed tbey aro tbe best medicine i have ever used in fact so great is the power of this medicine to oleanbe and purify that diseases ot almost every name and nature are drien from the body no man erer ytt minded hie own babi nesa who didnt get mto trouble toronto testimony catarrhs victim for yeara an unsolicited story of a wonderful cure by or aarnews catarral powders i am bo well pleased with dr agnewb catarrhal powders and the good results derived from them that i hardly know how to express myeelf fjor yeara i have been troubled with catarrh in tbe head and there ib nothldg troly valuable whioh oan be purchased without pains or labor nothing equal to lows mrs j bnelung underwood ont says that she has used pr lows worm syrup id her family for tbe past eight years and that she knows of nothing so good for children who suffer from worms the art op being disagree able tbil is an art whioh tome people acquire rnaoh more rsadilv than other if any one of oar readers is aiming at that end we have a little advioe which we offer free of all charge let him lay ft down aa a fixed rale that he will not allow himself to bestow even modsrate praise on the good deeds that are done a odor his observation let htm be equally resolute to criticise with saoh sharpness of ipeeoh as he 1b able all ths faults and shortcomings of his friends and companions inasmuch as he knowj thai he himself ib never controlled by lofty or magnanimous motives isl fam take ii for grantsd that everybody 1m is in ths lame condition list him exact with a misers oare all the service tbat oan possibly bo construed as belonging to him receiving it always as v matter of right and aerer as a matter of ooartssy or kindness betwixt and between mrs oaiey and mrimarpbot met in a street oar and wero disoussiog family affairs and how many ohlldran havs yon mrs mdrphy folic two livin two dead and wan la phiudslphy lost flesh lately does your brain tire losing control over your nerves are your muscles becom ing exhausted you certainly know the remeay it is nothing new just the same remedy that has been curing these cases of thinness and paleness for twentyfive years scotts emulsion the codliver oil in it is the food that makes thcjlestt and the jiyi pophosphjtcs give tone to the nerves a slight mistake a picas old lady of marblehead had a has- band who was a seaman he was about to start on a long voyage and as his wife was anxions aa to bar husbands welfare she sent the following notice to ths village preacher mr blank who is going to sea his wife desires the prayers of tbe oongngatlon as thbolfrlody was quits illiterate ths misliter read ths following to ths congre gation from ths slip banded him mr blank who fa going to see his wire dsslrtt tbe prayers of tho congregation nature may always be trnbted for natural laws are divine methods let ns pat our hand in hers aad thus hasten to gain her wholesome ministrations there is not a more dangerous class of disorders than those whioh effect the breathing organs nullify this danger with br thomas eoleotria oil a pul monlo of acknowledged efflcaay it cures lameness and soreness when applied externally as wall as swelled neck and crick in tbe baok and as an inward speoffio ponedch most substantial clilras to pubho oonfidenoe the vanquished have no friends people who have weak longs or aro subject to ooaghs colds or sore throat should ttke a few bottles of dr wood s norway pino syrup whioh would heal and strengthen their laogs wonderfully and tbroat rrrfed different remedies bat found no relief until i began using pr agnews words cannot express my gratl tude for the good it has done me i highly recommend it mrs m greenwood 204 adelaide street west toronto sold by a tbrown dont lose sight of an honourable enemy hell make a good friend free to bvery sufferer those who are affitcted with bhenma tiem sciatica lumbago neuralgia or qout oan have a fall sized box of mtlbarnt rheumatic pius free of ohargo by sending their name and full statement of their case to t milbnrn go toronto ont honesty is the best policy because it ib the only policy which insures against loss of oharaoter whatever tonohes life with upward ten dency is education hagjards yellow oil ia a usotul remedy to bave in any house it n pood for man or beast relieves pain reduoes awelliog alliys inflammation cures out burns bruisoe nprains stiff joioti quinsy sore tbroat kidney compltuot tit price 25 cants there is nqtllng tqalfea t maq aqjpeot rnqoh mote than i know little worms oannot exist either in children or adults when dr lowa worm syrnp is usod 2jo all denlars there is a remedy for every wrong and a sattsf action for every soul a terrible time a port hope lady undergoes m trying experlenoe from which he us at lost freed by the use of mllburna heart and nerve pills mr f j armstrong one of tort hopes best known citizens speaks as follows my wife has had a terrible time with her heart for the last fifteen months tho pains were intense and she had a smothering feelingtogetherith shortness o and g medicine seemed to do her no good and w0 had about given up trying when biio started to take milburn a heart and nervo pills they hae toned her up wonder fully she 23 stronger today than she has been for months thanks to muburns heart and nerve pills i am euro there can ba no better remedy from their remarkable effects in mrs armstrongs case laxolivor pills o u p e constipation slok hssdaohe and dyspepsia proportion thy expenses to wht thon hast in possession not to thy expectancies otherwise be that feeds on wind must needs be griped with the colto at last mr john it smith like stream kent co n b bays from personal experi ence i willingly testify to tbe good effects of jjaxaiiiver fills for blok headaoho and constipation to oommanloate oneself is nature to receive a communication as it is given ib onlture sprained back sprains strains and injuries of tht back often cause kidney trouble mais k1dhby pills the here la tbe proof cube a few dontb for this bb- dont dodga work wbateer oomas yonr wsy wraalls with li dont oome down lsts in tha morning dont qalt too sharp la ths avsnlng dont tak overtime at msal hours dont gossip abovs srj thing dont forget that a nun oan aarn asrn mind yon anywhers from 16 to 100 par weak dont forget thai yon want to get loto the latter elaas bnt will be satisfied if yon only gsl half way 5ocndfi oo ill dnigsuts ftcott bowne clwmuu toronto retribution she do you think there is any anoh thing ss rstributive jostles upon this earth t hs oh yes im sars of it a aan sibo onoe ebdeatorwl to kick roe cot ofbjiofnos fttejmkivg bio to 1st me have his daughter struok the door oaalng broke blsknrtoapandhasbisn a cripple ever inos whats mors his daughter ib gat- ting to be an old mala mrs 8 homing glasgow street guelph ont sayht doans kidney pills are grand i have not been ill since takiner them whicfi uas over a year ago last winter snd can give them my warmest praise j for they restored no to health after 35 years of suffering twentybve years ago i sprained my back severely ana ever since mykldneys have been in a very bad state the doctors told me that my left kidney especially was in a very bad con dition a terrible burning pain was always e resent and i suffered terribly from lum ago and pnin in the small of my back together with other painful and distressing s mptoms common in kidney complaints i could not sleep and suffered much from salt rheum 41 when i first cdmmrnced taking doans kidney pills i had liltloornofaithtln them but i thought i would try tlicmi and it rroicd the best experiment i ever made had only taken twoboxcs when tho pain left my back entirely three boxes more or five in all mads a complete euro after 2 yenrsof sufierlng from kidney disease i am now loalthy and strongagaln and will 1 bettleaved to substantiate wnat i hae said ahoufcl anyone wish to enquire didnt date eat meat what djspeptics need is not arti- cial d gestnnts but something that ul pu fieir stomach right so it ill m inulucturc its own digestive ornicnl fur twenty ears now burdock rlood balers h is been permanently ruring severe cises of dyspepsia and indigestion that other remedies were powerless to re uli mr james g keirstead colli na kings co nb says i suitered with dyspepsia for jeara and tried ever thing- i heard of butjpot no relief until i took burdock blood bitters i only used three bottles and well andean eatsneat vnch i dnrcd not touch bffore without being in pre it distress i always recommend b b bw as be 1 tip the best remedy for all stomach disorders and aa family medietas the soaring haws has no ear for tnoiio and rates the ory of the partridge above the song of the nightingale obolera and all summer complaint are so quick in their action that the oold band of death is upon ths viotima before they are aware tbat danger is near it attacked do not delay in gottlng tbe proper medicine try a dose of dr 7 d kelloggs dysentery cordial and you will get immediate relief tt acts with wonjetful rapidity and never fails to effect our man has his will but woman has her way there never was and never will ba a unhversal panacea in one remedy for all ills to whioh flesh la heir the very nature of many ouratlveh being such that were the germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the system of the patient what wonld relievo one ill in tarn would aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a bound unadulterated state a remedy for many snd grievous ills by its gradual judloioua use the frailest bvbtems are led into con valescenoe and strength by the influence whioh quinine exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chrooio state of morbid despondent and laok of interest fn life is a disease and by tranquilizing the nerves diapoboa to bonnd and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood whioh being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy snlmal functions of tbe system thereby making activity a necessary result strengthening the frame and giving life to the digestive organs whioh naturally demand inoreasod substance result im proved appetite northrop ft lyman of toronto have given to the public their quinine wine at the usual rate and goaged by tho opinion of soientiats this wine approaches nearest perfection of any ths market altdrugglsts sell it llfen aro never so good or bad aa their opinions english spavin liniment removes s hard soft or calloused lumps and blem lihss from horses blood spavin garbs sphnis jting bone sweeny stlfleb sprains bore and swollen tbroat ooaghs etc save 50 by the use of one bottle warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known sold by a t brown dons call a spade a spade when it is shovel lixallvop pills aro the most perfect rcmod known for tho cure of con stipation dyspepsia biliousness and sick headache they work without a gripe or pain do not sicken or weaken or leave any bad after effects the man who believes in ghost b may be a better oitisen than the one who does not believe in his fellowo rest ores liver complaint for tbe past year i havs suffered more or less with liver complaints bat by nsiog three bottles of burdock blood bitters i was completely oured w p wood bevelstoke station b c if yon wish to be happy keep bnsy idleness is harder work than ploughing a good deal there is more fan in sweating an boor than in yawning a century for internal or external usa hagyards yellow oil oannot be excelled a pain relieving and soothing remedy for all pain castorlflr for infants and childie nfw- tiutu it si iwt vnspsa what ks ciihtorliv ia for infants and children castorla is n harmless substitute for castor oh paregoric drops and soothing syrups it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance it is pleasant its guarantee is thirty years use by millions of blotlieis castorla destroys worms and allays fovcrlsh- ncss castorla cures diarrhoea and wind colic castorla ylleves teething troubles cures constipation and flatulency castorla assimilates tho food regulates tho stomach and dowels of infants and children giving healthy and natural sleep castorla is the childrens panacea the mothers friend castoria cnatorla ts an excellent medicine for children mathers have repeatedly told ntc of us bood tflcct upon their children ik g c osgood lowell man castoria castorla la fio well mluptcd to children that i iccammciiit it an superior to any pre- acriptlon 1tidvru to me ii a akchrx m d brooklyn v v the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper henderson co i clascow house 3 fall dress goods we have just placed in stock a large range of the new est fabrics for fall wear including bl1st8r chbpons un bnd pbncy popuns sbrcbs boxcloths stc for suitings also j silks and satins in all the staple and fancy shades we make a specialty of blouse silks and satins an advance shipment of the new rough rider felt shapes for ladies wear during autumn t b we ask aa a bpeolal favor in your own interest as well as ours tbat you look through our range of dress shifts so that you oan intelligently compare prices and btyles with anything else you may see tan st acton henderson co- maple leaf grain grinders 10hn mcqdeen agent for the above has changed his wire rooms to building on w smiths property john street where may be seen frost a wood binders and mowxrs two sizes t- ror any power no i has io inch rever sible burrs 8 inch single bnrrs both hhve ball bea r 1 ng burr p 1 a t ea relief springs i and shake feed grind fine and fast with least power always iruaranteed a trial given hundreds in use goold shapely ccmuir co limited brantford ont and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs tji my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqucem cu and tutlnkv it a 1 iway noma wfbt aoima kakt mail 10 ttja m exyrobfi 0 3c o tr exprojb 2 j n m fxproub 10 co a m mall 7 16nm mall g 14pm i mixed 10 0j i id sunday trains doing wont 10 02 a m qoiiigeoat 0 ki a in 0 14 t m tiul ov clohinil usylltl going went 0 io a in and 0 co p in doing bast 10 25 a in and b 50 p m this limo talilo wcut into effect on gondii june 20th 1809 speight brady manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors oasolxne and a as engines brass a iron castings to order repairing promptly dono ooorketowrts ont welland vale bicycles jc klll aglnt acton call and seo the new welland valc bicycles it tho bicycle livery the per feci garden cltyv and dominion are the leading grides while tho perfect chainless has merits which will be appreciated by all wheelmen it is an un disputed fact that tho welhnd valo wheels cost less for repairs than any other wheel ihe single piece cranks are the best attachment ever adopted the new de parture automatic brake gives tho rider complete control prices right for purchasers who mean business j c hill evsrton and eden mills the place to go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed c for sale chopping every day at evcrton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop main street planing mills acton ont john cameronr architect and contractor mannfaoturor oisasb doors framos moulding in all styles dressing matching snd moulding to order on short notico tvill assorted atook on band at prlcob to sn tho times john cameron proprietor tijkiisjofjwieri there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire forthe laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices oalii and seb ottb hew lines w williams mill bt no man is soooontablo for the mistakes of bis friends deceived to death insidious to the last desroe kidney troubles stealthily work hnvoosouth amerioan kidney cure a potent healer most of wbst seems oolddess of hears is in reality only dnjlnesa of mind the boalthy glow disappearing from tba ohdek and moaning and restlessness at night are sure symptons of worms in oblld ran do not fail to et a boltle of mother graves worm exterminator it is an effeotua medicine to on who sala i do not believe there is an honest nan ia tha world another replied it is impossible thai one man should know all tha world bat it is quite possible that ons mar know himself muburns bterunn hsadaoha powders are easy to take harmless in sctidn and sars to ouro any headaoho in from41 to 20 minutss this caption could bo truthfully written on many a boria oerooato and in num bers that woad appall brights disease diabetes gravel and atona in be bladder inflammation of the bladder dropsy any or sll may be indaoed by oanses least saspeoted perhaps tba least thought of and yek most dangerous ia ths baokaohe symptom dont dally with kldnoy pains bontb amerioan kldnoy oure is a quiok relisver and a powerful boaler cleanses and oares sold by a t brown experienced undertakers oddities and singularities of behavior may attend genius whsn tbey do iheyare its mlsfortanss and its blemishes the man of trae genius will be ashamed of thsra at least he will never afleot to dla tlngnlsb blmaslf by wblmeiosl peoullsritles itapatehtomd mm the patent ricohd bsluawrs sis money by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we onljy charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other funcra supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered j a speight co hcton jwyte for oof lnterosuntt books invent oris help and how vou nrarswlndlod scnduaareufbslktoti or model of your invention or improvement and ivo will toll ton rkm our opinion as to bother it is probably patentable v o ninko a specialty o appooatlons roleotod in othor hands hifhoetrororonoes fumlshod m kabion vavitnr soliarroits bzpkrts ssl jisssjaalesl pnolncrrm onutnetm of tha rolruebnlo betiool nf knclnroilnir urchaloi in 1j botsncei laral lliilvcnlty 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