wtall i t qfbw yxjwwh 11 tvt i v momanaiun-hiutimi- atbt joseph s church acton on thursday niorufng otb november byltov j j peony p p mr pelix mamaua uinii to katie keating botb ot melanothon relief o gen white is evidently a en era i butlers first intent ontranaporta arriving at cape town sent on to durban henderson macleod the canadian contingent heard prom notes and comments two of haltona boat known and esteemed families united in wedlock mr 1 u litohford tlio new coin- raitmioner of publto works for ontario was tltoted in soath renfrew on tuesday by a rood majority cable wad rocoivod latt week from tbe imperial authorities ttatlng that no further troops would bo required from canada the offer of a becoud contingent baa there fore not been accepted 1 ho dtlverca of wheat in the nortb- webt giuoe tbe barvuat have been large tbe btook at fori william fort arthur keowatin winnipeg and interior country points befog now 7320000 bubhels against 3550000 a year ago tle six nations indiana have ahowo tneir loyalty very manifestly at their council on monday by paaatntf a resolatiod offering to send three hundred volunteers to the transvaal tbey also passed a resolution to be forwarded to their brethren on tbe st kegra reraerve asking them to live as peaceably as possible lord aberdeen in spreading at soarboro tbe other evening referred to canada as the bright ett jewel in tbe british crown destined to take a still higher part in the imperial government and prophesied an increase in tke brotherhood not only between canada and great britain but al40 between canada and the united states a copy has reaohed ns of tbe first number of the young peoples paper published by t j shanks co at kingston ontario this journal is intended to be to tbe yonng folks of canada what tbe touots compauum is to tbe united states so far as the maob lower pnoe half a dollar a year will permit it is a very creditable periodical the letter of rev j k godden iu an other column is somewhat nominating in a town enjoying aotona good reputation however the way to maintain good order and gentlemanly conduct on the streets i to promptly punish offenders and lot it b known that no disorderly couduot will be permitted and tbia we are confident the authorities will do their attention being called to the matter as resultof lobtruotfensfrom the german emperor a military order has been issued to the commanders of die trio ts in which his majesty expressed his wish that no prussian officers be granted leave to go to soath africa tbo order adds that everything is to be done to prevent former prussian officers from taking part in the conflict in south africa his par pose being to avoid every appearance of violation on tbe part of germany of the strict neutrality which tbe emperor eaya should be observed lju ctou jfm firm thursday november 10 1890 tho war news bag contained liltle of an exoltlor obaraoter daring tbe past wok tbe transport are arrivioit daily wilb troops at cape town and a number o them havo bean aent on to durban by gen era bullnr witb tbe evident intention of mahldrliadybmltb tbe first point or action and tbua relieving general wbite tbe relieving column oonoentrating ut durban la assuming ltrfle proportions tbo bombardment of ladysniitb kftn- berley and mafeklno ia condoned daily thoboer kanaere doing very little rinmsco and tho garrisons are obcorful and e x press oonudenga ia their ability to hold out it is asserted tbst tbe transvaal author ities have threatened to ehoot six british officer unless a boer spy arrested at ldysmith is given ap wajl 01 ice has no ffans lomion nov 15tb tbo bilenoo main tained respecting ladyamttb has oaaed eoroe surprise bnt little serious comment and there is no anxiety among tbe author ities of the war office over tbe position of general whites foroee but rather a con fident belief that tbn boer bombardment ifl ineffective and intermittent and that the garrison has nothing to do but vemsm julet within the lines of defenoe antil the relief oolamn is ready to advanoo ubnbrlb uuienb rlanh some military writers aaggoatetl tlitt general whites position may be regarded more aeriouely at capo town than it ia in london since general bailer is not adher ing strictly to tbe original scheme of organization but ia sending battalions to durban wbiob are outside the first division tbey ussnmo tbat it was bis intention to despatoh only 10000 men to tbe relief of ladysmith whereas some of the beat experts have held tbat he will not take any risks bat will have 20000 men in the column including tbe 4000 troops and marine in lower natal when reinforce ments begin to arrive he oan oertalnly bo depended apoa to send forward the first oavalry tbat arrived without regard to red tape or to tbe sobeme of organization on paper conditions of fkacb discussed there is a genersl disposition on tbe part of publio men and newspapers to dlsouss tbe oonditiona ot peaoe premature ly instead of waiting antil the war is brought to an end it is noticeable that neither lord salisbury nor any other minister has made any pledge outside of the line of equality of treatment for tbe wbite men of every raoe tbe beat evi dence that when settlement comes it will be thorough and uncompromising is the magnitude of tbe military preparations and the enormous hill of coats wbioh will beosrried by the taxpayers no balfway compromise will be tolerated ribex acbobs a rbencii btea11er lorenzo faiiqtjx7 delaqo bay nov 0 tbe french steamer cordoba has arrived here wban seven miles out ehe was signalled by tbe british thirdclass eruiser manlciciite and as tbe cordoba did not obey a blank shot was fired aoroas ber bows after her manifest had been examined ehe was allowed to proceed canadian contingent london november 18 the allan hue bteamer sardinian from quebec with tbe oanadian contingent for south africa arrived at st vincent gape verde islands on sunday tbe distance from quebeo to cape town is computed to be about 7015 miles the sardinian has now ran 8447 miles of her long journey there remsins 8508 miles to cover or twentyone miles more than half tbe wbole diitance tbe sardinian was out just thirteen days at five oclock yesterday this would make a daily speed of 265 miles or 18 knots an boar the ship will oomplete tbe journey in another thirteen or fourteen days the nicholson nee subbendeb lorutkzo mahquez delaoo bat nov 0 father matthews who has arrived here says with reference to the surrender of the irish fmiliers and tbe gloucestershire troops at nicholson nek that after the moles stampeded the foroe would have held out bnt some subordinate without instructions hoisted a flag of truce on his own nsponslblity nothing then remained bat to surrender we were sent out says father matthew to oconpy a position witb the object of preventing two boer forces from joining we started at 880 oclock on sunday evening marched ten miles and got to ths hill about one oolock on monday morning the fint mishap was that the mountain battery stimpeded and scattered the whole lot of moles we formed np again and gained the top of thehlll the guns were gone but not all tbe ammunition i do not know what stampeded tho males they knocked me down ii was pltob dark we had one boars sleep the firing began just after daybreak being somewhat slack for a time but finally the boers crept round then the firing became far- ions oar men made a breastwork of stones soon after twelve oclock there was a general ory of oeaee fire but our fellows would not stop firing major adya came np and unarmed the order and then the bogle sounded oeasa are in our looalily there was a rnmour tbat a white flag was raised by a young offloer who thought his batch of ten man were the sole survivors bat ws were 000 alive having started witb perhaps 1000 i think many of tbe battery men escaped our offioers and men were furious at tbe surrender the boars did not seem to be in great numbers on ths spot but i heard that lbs main body had galloped off oar men had to give np their arms and tbe officers were sent to oommaodant steenekamp the officers were taken away from the men and sent to general jonbert the same day travelling la mala waggons and sleep ing thai night in soma store on tbe way tbe neit mornitut tbey look a train at wasohbak for pretoria they are very well treated and ao i jbave beard are tbe meo tbe surrender in my judgment was a great blander eeaaed by a misunderstand ing major adya was maob pal oat ths white flan was not hoisted by tbt irish forlllers it ib estimated that tbe amount saved to the people of the northwest in reduoed freight rates seoured by the governments barpain with the o p- it in the crows nest pass deal will pay the entire subsidy in five years not only that bat the opening of that territory has given a great impetaoua to settlement lumbering coal mining and gold and silver mining and provided a considerable market for the goods of the dominion tbat was money spent to the countrys benefit hamilton timtt oustic the catholic record of london givea an interesting report of the recent visit of his lordship bishop dowliog to oastie one of ibe ohnrohes in the parish in charge of rev father feeny aoton his lordships visit wets especially to administer tbe sao- rament of confirmation and to perform another pleasing ceremony tbat of blessing tbe bell recently donated to tbe nhuroh by mr biohard synott a member of the con gregation bishop dowllng was accom panied from guelpb by k father devlin s j and bev dr walter after tbe confirmation of tbe class of twentyone they listened to a very impressive and appropriate sermon an important event in tbe oeremony was wben his lordship called upon all tbe boys to stand np and solemly promise to abstain from the use of liquor nntil twentyone years of sge al wbiob period be expected they would re new the pledge for another twentyone years and thus pass through life sober selfrespeoting industrious and virtuous men- the beautiful oeremony of blessing the bell wss afterward wilneased by a large assemblage of people at the oon- olnslon of the services hia lordship took ooeaslon to refer in very oompllmentary remarks to rev father feeny for the thoroughness with wbioh be hsd grounded tbe children in christian doctrines lastwednesday 8th inst very bev father keoogh vicar general who was delegated by rl rev t j dowllng d d blsbop of hamilton came to ooailo to bless tbe b 0 cemetery a large oou- gregatlon was present in st peters church al 000 oclock when high mass was sang by bev father feeny vioar general keoagh preached an eloquent and impres sive sermon after wbioh he attended by ber father feeny followed by the entire congregation want to tbe cemetery and and proceeded with tbe blessing prescribed by tbe ehnrob the oeremony was very impressive the rev fatbera keougb and feeny afterwards dined with mr john o connor bramoea ballinafad tho fhee pbkbb lust weok gavo particu lars ot tba marriage on weduerday 8th lost at 8 80 oolooh iu i ho presbyterian oburob georgetown of miss jebaio hope macleod tho daughter of mr william macleod tx warden of halton and mr horbert brydcn henderson postmaster son oi mr d henderson m p and has pleasure now in giving further dt tails the oeremony tomb conduotod by hov lous perrin b a tbo pat tor of the bridal pair tbe obnrch had been tastily adorned witb white carnations chrys anthemums aud emilsx for tho oooaeion and thore were about bixly quests the immediate nlttivee aud frienria of the lirido and preom and ul on inryo number uf inlerobled friends wire praafnt the groomsman was mr c o iioudoraou ot acton brother of tho groom aud the bridos sister miss eleanor s macleod wile bridesmaid tho bride was given away by her futuev tke bride was very beautiful in a dress of wbito duohesso bstin en train with mourseline do eoio and olnftoii laco bridal veil aud orango i lissome and bbe also wqre a bupburst of pearl- tho gift of the bridegroom and oarried a bouquet ot bride roacu the bridesmaid bad on a pretty gown of white orgaudio over blue silk with lace yoko and alcoves she woro a large velvet picture hat and a pio of pearls presented by t bridegroom and oarried a bourjutt of pink bridesmaid robos the uaberb woro mr t r uarnge mr j b macleod mr ii m welborald and mr p b qoodwiljte mibs hosie of brampton placed tho wedding march from lohengrin upon tho culry of the bride and mendelssohns wedding maroh upon the return of the bridal patty after the ceremony at idlewylde tbe family residence a reception was held before the departure of mr and mrs hendereon for a two weekb tour to new york and through the eastern states among the presents werp a piano from the father of the bride a very handsome french obina dinner bet from mr john r barber m p p uncle of the bride and a oomplete set of sterling bllver spoons of looib xiv style from the membors aud adherent ot knox ohurob whore tho bride bad been organist for eleven years among the guests present were mr d henderson m p and mrb henderson of aoton mr william maolood and mrs maoleod mr jolip b barber m p p rev louis perrin and mrs perrin hfr joseph barber and mrs barber misa barber mra wm barber of georgetown mr henry barber and mrs barber dr w c barber and mrs barber toronto mr d d christie and mrs chrutie of guelpb colond u s goodwillie mibs yonng mibs goodwillie dr wj roo and mrs boo misht s prlngle georgetown dr mukeague and mrs moeeague mr john a honderson add mre hendereon mrs 0- b smith acfon mr jus barber and mrs barber toronto t mrs hamil ton ballinafad mr john green aud mrs green toronto mr john o hntton and mra hutton miss chibholm brampton mr w h oroib and mra cross mr r b barber and mrs barber mr j p bell and mrs bell of georgetown miao h pearce berlin mies l buchan toronto mr c o hendereon acton mr c h barber of cornwall mr rone r barber montreal and others a tryin exp a nova scotia parmer suf fered for fifeteen years consulted four dootora but the only relief they oave him wna through injeotlona of morphine dr williams pink pills re stored him to health and ac tivity from all over canadcorneletterb telling us of tbe great benefits derived from tbe use of the d tfe x menthol plaritora id oases of neuralgia rheumatism lame baok eto davis lawrence go lid manqfuo- tnrera you have no doubt observed that it is only after you havo made a mibtabe tbat people begio to tell bow it coatd have been avoided the d l kmdision of cod livkb oil may be taken with moat beneficial reiinlta by those who are run down or buffering from after effeets of la grippe made by davis fr iiwreuoe co ltd parents who tench their children tbat money is tbo chief aim in life need not be surprised it their teaching bears praotlcal fruit in dishonesty new books he viva services have been in progress in in tbe hethodlst ohurob for several weeks tba womans foreign msiiooery so ciety of the pretbvterlan ohurob held their thankoffer log meeting last week mrs fowlie of erin add reseat the meeting upon tbe topic she hatb don what sheoould bobble short who waa badly bitten by a pig a week or so ago is slowly improving the wound required nips itlobes hiss maggie thompson lies been visiting friends in toronto daring the week policeman joe short ot london was borne imi week for a few days rest the manse and mr setts house are dergplog improvements n itt spoons and couw are ell py nypeotoral it lessens readily lured bytba jalukfller tbetwomiisjeffreys by david lyall author of tbn land o tbe leal paper 50 ota oloth 00 published by tbe oopp olark company limited toronto the ministers study tbe doators ooa- salting room the lawyers private room ia these the veil is lifted from human motive and life these lines in the authors pre lude give the olua to the contents of a volume in every way worthy of the author of tbe land o tbe leal while a elerk in an old law firm whose members were noted throughout old edinburgh for their dignity integrity and honorable practice david lyall was introduced to many a strange bit of hnman experlenoe there is a qniet charm about his writing wbiob makes it very pleasant reading it has a purity and dignity of stylo which is not common among modern novelists while there is a genuine ring and a depth to the pathos in it which stamps it at onoe as coming from tbe heart rather than the head iroui tho novtb truro n 8 mr robert wrifht of aton coclioater co n 8 is now ouo ot the hardiest and hardest working farmers iu thitr flection but mr wright was not always blessed with perfect health as a mnitor of fact for some fifteen years be waa a martyr to what up pea red to bo an mcurablo trouble in conversation litely with a neica re- potter he baid i am indeed grateful that tho trouble which botlu r mo for ao many jeurn iu gouo and i nm quite willing to rive tba particulars for publioutiou it ia a good many jonre bioco my troube began slight at first but iutemly bevere pains in the back usually the pains altioked me when working or hftiug but often when not at work at all willi every attack the paiuo seemed to grow worse until finally 1 wai con fl nod to tho house and there for fivo long months wan bedndden and much of be time could not movo without help my wife required to be with mo constant ly and became nearly exhausted during tho time i was suffering thus i waft attended by four differott doctors borne of them pronounced my trouble lumbago others sciatica but they did oot euro mo nor did they gue me uny relief aftvu by the injectlou of morphine for years i suffered thus sometimes oon fined to my bed at other hint s able to go about and work but hwas suffering from tbe puin until about three years ego when i received a uew lease on life aud a freedom from the pains that had so hng tortured me it was at this time that pr williams pink pills for pale people were brought to my attention and i got two boxes the effect seemed marvellous and i got six boxes more and before they were all need 1 was again a healthy man and free from pain it is about three years stnoo x was cured and during that ime i have never bad an attiok of the old trouble and i can therefore strongly testi fy to the bterllng quality of dr wiuiarob pink pills since tbey did euoh good vyork for me i have recommended them to several people for orioub ailments and tbe pills have always been aaooeaafol pr williamb pjnk pills cure by going to the root of tho disease tbey renew and build up tbe blood aud etrengthen the nerves thus driving disease from tbe system avoid imifctiona by meeting that every box you purchase in enclosed in a wrapper bearing the full trade mark dr williams pink pilla for palo people preojoqs boyonri price are good roaola- tlono valual u beyond prloe are gocd feelings hawei- pnvesoucattirrli if you are troubled with catarrh aud want to be oared uie cutarrhozine which js a guaranteed cure for this distressing dlaeaso thero 1b no mjatery about catarrhozone though iti effect 1b magical ointments and snuffd cannot reach the diaeueed pattaand have thus proved ueeless but catarrhozone ib oirried by the air you breafihe direct y to the diseased pat 3 where it voutilizes killing tbo germ life and healing the eore spot- it oures by inhala- tton no danger no rink soil by all druggist 1 or by ran price qq for trial outfit send 10o in stamps to k 0 poison co box coo kingston ont nassagaweva mr roty winon eden mnu had a group of tbe family taken by burgess a son last week the family conaiate of aix sods and five daughterp namely mrs david boll 8 mrs james bolls nasaaga- weya 1 mrs john jjume toronto mra adam anderson guelpb mrs george mitchell eden mill- measre david and george nasssgaweya cornelias guelph robert eden mils and john and benjamin at borne after the group was taken they went o exroajor hewers store and weighed tbe men weighed 1810 pounds and the women 070 making a total of 2280 pretty healthy family this is who oan beat it to nasaagaweya mercury oood thin0s to eat the condition of the eater what they are depends moitly on the nitanlly and lioate oold manulae- of ferry davie the grown of life by george giasing author of the whirlpool the tjn- olassed tbe town traveller etc tble ie a present day story of english life and mr gluing has made a radios i de parture in dropping maob of the oynlolsm that marks hie early works his story deals with people of tbe better class bt english sooisty the hero ie piers otway a young man studying for the civil service who meet and fa in in love with irene derwent a young lady pf beauty and oalture and to bi mind hopelessly above him on the social scale in a fit of de spondency be abandons his atndy and goes to bushia where he engages in tbe wool trade and is aoooeiful beyond all expecta tion and beeomei a man of businosa and social prominence the otaarm of tbe storv id its strong human interest it is by all oddd the moat important work mr qisslog has written paper 00 cents cloth 100 w j gage co toronto it is e deplorable faot that idle onrlosity keeps a ot of people bosv brat dsooonrr in the land rells paio- eiller the beet liniment for sprains and braises the beet remedy for 0 ramps and oollo arold so be litotes ibsres bat one palokilltr perry davie 9oo and 60a the mldd that much rlevated and ineolent with prosperity and out down witb advtriujr is generally abject and most anything in good to eat if a man la properly healthily hungry every man is properly hungry at more or lein distinct interval if he is healthy corned beef and cabbage tamc better to a healthy hun gry mnn than terrapin mid fiae de oi gras to the jnded appetite of a dyript- ntic the enjoy ment of rating depends on flip potiditiort of tlio uto 111- nch liver bomeu ana kidneys if these do not do their work broperly there accuntulntch in them tm- gertca fermenting putrid blood poison ing matter the appphp patmot be lu nlthy till this la removed a mnchiitc will not run if it is all clogged up with dirt the stomach cannot appropriate food unleoh it is clean and so healthy hunger ennnot come the ntomnch cannot be clean if the liver and bowel h do not dinpone of the food passed along to them if poihonmtn effete matter in allowed to accumulate and con at the liver nnd bo we in more or lmn of it ft into c bipod nnd in carried nil oer q body l it any wpildcf llrt it nnkpa you sick f dr pierces golden medical discovery la designed to correct nil disorders of the dtgentlvc and blood ninkltiflr fmm nnd to drive all impurities out of the blood itself it restored lost appetite nnd vitality builds healthy flenh nnd nwrtclc clinnges sickness to health minery to linppineas john a cnllowoy haq of no aih atftlt street wf tn l9 g writer i lmd cntnrrh for four ww wort nnt might nm rijrrprw inltimna nil over nnd when left jl akin plpd tiff my eyea were sunken nnd i had pimpif nnd brown boot on my face tfow thene are n frolic and x believe i am entirely weld i have good appetite but before i commenced talcing your golden mcdlcot ihiwovery i had no appetite at all kow x am like a child ready to eat at anr time of the dav or nhrht we guarantee that these plasters will relieve i pain quicker than any other put up only in 25c ha boxes and 100 yard roll the latter allows you to cut the i plaster any slxc every family should have one ready for rn emer gency davtt lawrence co limited moiitieal beware of imltitlons earn an orchard 00 niantlard applo trut l nnimnlly boo uolil iolnrn uml tint a fotrcnlh nmrnift your 11 llil or loiiio frco w rile for ull iiui uo il t tl alontronl qua llucli i i n at it again iuw s cos i0otreesszo0 boron nnrt nil inioou atyc nnrooilptof 8200 your ninncy 1 k ifli f arbnrlno hut to an il 4h ii r til nrlik 1 r it lomrt iron r l 1 1 it rplllir ir ntor t it 1kh al the eyes of every child should be examined yearly says the philadelphia inquirer in the public schools of baltimore the eyes of 53067 pupils were officially examined the results showed 53 of tbe children did not enjoy normal vision while 20 were found to be in no condition to do school work at all this li a timely warning to parents ignorance ceases to excuse neglect is criminal examination free pringle the jeweller practical optician guelph we start again this week to make alterations and enlargements in our boot department we are anx ious to have many lines cleared out and in order to do so have put prices right down there are ladies shoes at half and some lines at less than half price where there are not all sizes childrens shoes in many lines are down 15 to 25 per cent misses overshoes best quality in size no 1 for 75c per pair worth 125 mens rub bers in large sizes for c per pair mens alaska j rubbers size 1 worth 1 for 50c mens dongola laced boots worth 225 for 135 and many other lines at such prices will be offered j a slcixi jvuvvrtismtrnis b0y wanted one nccuntomed to borica and willing to mako himself generally uboiui apply to dr mokeague acton property for sale anumilelt of forma and villaea liroporty for bale on caay toiuib apply to wm nnmstitcnt aoton notice pio in pound larro ulilto pig owner can have buuio by proving property and palii ft os it d qhaiiam pound li coper for sale rpwo doublu brltk cottuen on out mn x acton nlth all coiivouit ncca a go invcbtinout au thoj bring ia a mouth j h blatthfews 01 jab fibbtbllook acton wanted farmeltb aoni or other induatrloub person of fair education to whom q 00 a month would bo an inducement i could also ougago a few ladles at tbeir own homes t u lihscott brant ford a th frank dowler coj cuelphs greatest store twas not xiiick but twas tact judgement and nerve that secured to us 697 yards halifax and fancy tweeds at a wonderfully low cost we have them in browns fawns greys and blues 9c duc and 00 c a yard will give you the best value you ever bought in xweeds that is if you come to the lion for them d e macdonald bro golden lion guelph the right house ehtadlished hamiltons tavor1te shopping place specials in our flannel department we liae always prided ourselves in the values we offer in this department but just now we are offering values that are most unusually good even for this store wc give some particulars below ue sure and see these goods when in town or if you cannot come to hamilton send your order by mail and we guarantee that ft will be satisfactorily filled just in new lino of writing tablets large and small note ruled and plain heavy and light weikhls smooth and rough finish tho latest styles in papelries invitation nele papers etc something new in crinkled jfiebue papers watered 8ilk effects suitable for making chrlatmis novelties a t browjs druggist and stationer leave your orders now for christmas papers flanneldttua good reliable flannelettes 22 inches wide splendid raugo of fancy striped patterns special value at a better quality 33 inches wide excellent make various neat striped designs special value at 7c english riannelettes 35 inches wide good assortment of neat striped patterns worth i2c for 10c shirting flannel english union shirting flannels 28 apd 32 inches wide vanous neat striped patterns formerly 45 nnd joc now 35c english union shirting i lannels 3a inches wide variety of plaid de signs formerly 38 and 40c now 32c striped ceylon tlannels for shirts good designs splendid qualities 32 inches two lines the 320 kind now 25c the 25c kind now 19c dress goods reduoed suitlncs in a variety of small checks and fancy tweeds various shades 54 inches wide formerly 75c now 50c tweed suitings in blue and fawn shadings 54 inches wide regular value 1 25 now 75c cameline suitings in various colors 44 inches wide very stylish regular 1 25 reduced to 75c rancy tweeds in red and black and green and black shadings 44 inches wide regular value 9i 00 now 75c laces keduoed a large lot of oriental laces widths from ij to 8 inches in white cream and butter shades suitable for dress trimmings neckwear fancy work etc 45 pieces were 8j to 13c now 5c 28 pieces were 10 to 18c now 7c 65 pieces were 15 to 35c now 10c 30 pieces were 20 to 32c now x2c 7 pieces were 30 to 35c now 15c carpets- we can save you money if you need anything in the way of carpets and homefurnlshings youll be convinced of this if you will come and see what we have or if you cannot come write for samples some hints brussels carpets immense variety of new patterns and colorings suit able for any style of room ranging from tho very best quality at i 35 down to a good serviceable make at 80c tapestry carpets splendid assort ment handsome designs ranging from a very desirable make at 90c down to a good line at 40c union carpets large variety of color ings and designs reversible rang ing from an excellent line ae 50c down to 27c send for samples we are always glad to send samples and prices on application and we pre pay the charges to any railway station in ontario on all mail orders amounting to 85 or oer thomas c istatkins km st east hamilton cor hughson 8t john mcqueen aoton agent for mosta woods jblndors mowrars eto aoold sbaplby a kvzrs windmills and qnln qrindera and a complete line of tarm implement and all kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t elliott whe resides on the property will attend fo trje vfliuta qt customers warerooms john st john mcqueen r e nelson merchant tailor and gents furnisher gu9lph correct evening attire means that your garments should not only be cut in the very latest and most fashionable styles but that they should be perfect in thelrfjt and tailoring generally none but an artistic and first class tailor can give yon swell st le and exquisite fit and finish and our reputation in this line is unquestion able our prices are reasonable onr fab rics exclusive and our tailoring superb the very newest and uptodate hats shirts glove and neckwer twenty rkr oent bblqw 3 b hamilton of the od reliable marble spd granite works gnetph announoea thai ha will continue to place be best oleases oi hranlts and marble monuments tomb etc at prices guar anteed to be twenty par osnt below othars no agsnt to receive commissions expense allowed o spd fron- qnelph to purchasers the man who aneoeeds never o tones op with bis ambition before plaoing your order foe ao oit- ide weshly you abool i see a copy of the sun ol toronto i you send your address to ths sun office saturday night building torouto a apeolmen copy will be sent you moreover ou can get the wuneu ivully olobe aud family herald on paitloululy favorabli tsrros by tihlng advantage of the sun 1 clubbing criers xbe sun and this paper to end ot 1000 for 1140 7vyens rubbersolid shoes ciub thb7w r tr1rl you 3nirl likb them we are closing out a line at half price 250 regular price 500 color dark tan leather lined goodyear welt w a marsh maker also a line of mens black enamel lace shoes good year welts heavy sole a good shoe for wet weather it sheds the water price 200 w a marsh maker rubbqhs rubb9rs we have a heavy stock our ladies special light weight rubber 40c imblllaa the shoe man guelph 8 stores what it represents when you alt for a photograph you want the likeness to represent you properly when you sit to us we want the work to represent u properly our imprint la seen on none but the beat photo- seraphs and for our sake as well ai yours w are sure to give you lifelike satisfac tory photographs h r7c7tshr3fl fhoto khtist rcton grand trunkit the great transcontinental routs to chicago st lonli omthi denver tiot angelt ban diego baa franelco and points in cull for nin arizona niw mexico c lorado and other paclflo coast pointa xf you ars contemplating a trip for flaallh plcuuro or duiloeai to tbo land ot bunihlne frolt and itiowcn through tlohatt to all foreign point for dmerlptlto unldna time tablet eto apply to aganuot it bytem h s holmes agent acton m o diokson dut paesr agt toronto n at b qiwfl jmf twbiigy- tiea havwaold tlma nautaeismootit cnpind wa will tend ran free your choir of tfctm 114 otu shell rlags as atnwn in on ion being m vwry luuvrljoimly engraved band ringihaotlmr jwtotw gtm ring amirtlng off two atuiriaa dtemundi and a brilliant fraud radkuby tbbptrftuauthabauvrptoctd f btfon um public it detroya all obnoxious j odor and gives the breath that fragrant and i dilidous sweetntsa only obtnlnabla by map j wa an making this offer tot the parpoaa of ht i traducing our gpodi to tba public it bting a j purely builneai uantactloo and not prompted by 1 any phlbuiuiropic spirit on our part universal perfume co agents diunilfe the prloonor of doila isiamj tull story of tlio uioatrcmarkablo military trial and ucundal of tlio ao lilg boob well illubtratcd sella on algbt hnap for canvassors uhaulcy gamtbtfeon co limltod brant ford please norice ab ibavo sold out my businoss and am loav ins aoton all accounts must bo sottlod by tbo flrac of docombei any not paid ac tbot rjato will bo placed in other bands lor collection acton nov 4tb 1609 j h matthews agents i r ight ot life l two boo tbo now testament ox by all d orgy m ou mu taking ordora endoraod by bonanza for canvassers affi from tli re o fourtlia calls mado if you want t buaroin tbla gold mine bustle bltadlbygabugtsok co limited brantford wanted bright men anfl womou who aro not too prond to work and would hko to mako omo money during tbo next tbreo mod tba band ling tbe wondorful light of life daysuro some mako twice tbat capital unnecessary 3 00a expetionco bradley- q abrktson co llmitod brantford residence for sale bower ave aoton owing to myromoval from acton i desire to soil my nonso and lot on bower avenue it la a sbeetod iiloelv pi cellar and is situated in ono of tbe moat desirable rcsl dential bgomods in acton for tortus and par- ucnlars apply at onco to j h matthews acton boven roocoed frame boctso newly id neatly painted in exoellent repair paporeo soft water cistern flrstclasa aodgardon witb apfundld fruit trees it agents ouit obritmai books are roady from fifty coots np fonr books explained lu one prospootns one la famous men and great events of tbo nineteenth century great battles great men great inventions and dla- coverles progress of nations every great event of tbo century if yon have a slow selling book or engaged id other agency business you lose money to continue horo la tbe best oppor tunity for making money yon ever bad big profit easy time now plan get our offer euro uradleygaiutetbon co limited brantford ontario farm for sale in e the uqdorsigped offers for bale his farm lot oon 5 esqneslng comprising 150 acres more or loss on tbe farm is a good stone boose barns and outbuildings hunnlng stream and exoellent spring water convoyed by pipes to house and barn orchard about lw acres under oduvatlou and so acres of mixed timber feneea in good oondltlon and tbo wbole in good state of onltlvatlon less than a tulle from linaohouso post offlae and less than tbree miles from aoton for further particulars enquire of win hemstreut acton or on tbq premises from thomas somervillr proprietor jftrar parcels ot valuable property in acton f sal the following property belonging to mr patrick kelly row of buffalo 1 offered for sale at low prices and easy terms pabosl 1 that fl aie brick residence and two lota on tbe corner o oburob and guelph streets contains 8 rooms bard and soft water splendid orchard ood good garden plbclti 8 good building lot g6 x 133 on gnelph street next to alex ramsbaws new residence upon wbiob is a young orchard psvnori 3 the store rud dwelling on mill street occupied by uurnev bros who carry on a general baalness is in splendid location central and convenient panosir 4 three good building lota at the corner ot yonng and mill streets a splendid alto for a man mac taring establishment owing to its proximity to g tb dopot for terms and particulars enquire at tho office w h denny young st acton thorps elevator c t r station rockwood now open for he season highest prices paid for oats peas barley wheat rye eto also on hand for sale flour feed flaxseed ouoake oatmeal cornmeal sulphur cattle salts eto horse and cattle hides sheepskins otc wonted ceo j thorp ou82ph xtmira tutd soomwood jast received a nice lot of childrens slippers all sizes from 20c up also cmldrens slippers with a picture of santa claus on tliem something newo mens rubbers and socks from 125 up mens fine rubbers at us ual prices long boots ready made and made to order mr stovel is very busy but still able to attend to all orders ty- repairing a special- geo stovel mi aoton solid oold 2 85 best oold fill 150 bynqold fill 100 bestaiosscs 100 weiuanntm perfect aauafaouoo globe optical co s3 yonge strsmt toionto- the reason some man gat a flsare la baoause their tailor oat their clothe oo oredlt