do not think for a single moment that consumption i win ever strike you a sudden blow jt does not come that way it creeps its way along first you think it is a llttlo cold nothing but a little hack ing cough then a little loss in weight then a harder cough then the fever and the night sweats the suddenness comes when you have a hemorrhage better stop the diseaso while it is yet creeping i you can do it with cherry j pectoral you first notice that you cough less the pressure on the chest is lifted that feeling of suffocation is removed a cure is hastened byplaclngone of dr ayers cherry pectoral plaster over the chest a boole frco it is on the diseases of the throat and lungs wrlta m frly if tea hare any complaint whatever nnd aelrfl tb bit medical sdvlc yoa can poitlblj recelte wrlto the doctnr j freely you will recetreapromptieplr without coae adilreit db j o aien loweii maw t tttm fvtt thursday november 68 1899 ffilj annq folks origin o veq fotatoos camo from far virginia parsloy was eont us from bardlnla fronch beans low growing on tho oar lb to distant india trace their birth bat eoarlet runnon gay and tall that climb upon onr garden wall a oh aerial sight to all aroand in booth america were found the onion travelled hero from spain the look from switzerland wo gain garllo from sicily obtains spinach in far syria grows when lmnabeth was reigning hero peas camo from holland and woro dear the south of europe lays its claim to boons but some from egypt camo from die philadelphia press two happy thoughts from faraway ceylon come- a fanny little story a tea planter who bad a rlaat eye was deairioab of going away for a days bbootidr with a friend bat be knew that as soon as tbe natives wbo were at work on tbe plantation beard that he wai going they would not do a stroke of work how wai he to get off that waa the question after mnoh thought an idea struck him going up to the men he addressed them thai although i myself will be absent yet i shall leave one ot my eyes to see that yon do yonr work and mnoh to the surprise and bewilderment of tbe natives he took out tbe glass eye and placed it on the stomp of a tree and left for some time the men labored industriously but at last one of them seizing bis tin in whioh he carried his food approached the tree and gently placed it over tbe eye this done they all lay down and slept sweetly until sunset waverly magazvie a carefully prepared pill much time and attention were expended in the experi mentlng with tbe ingredients that enter into tbe oompoaitioto of parmelees vegetable pills before they were brought to the state in whioh they were first offered to the publio whatever other pills may bs parmeleos vegetable pills aro the remit of mnoh expert study and all persona suffering from dyspepsia or disordered liver and kidneys may confidently acospl them as being what tbey are represented to be a girl is a good deal quicker than a boy to bear folks say she is to get married no gripe or pain when yon use those gentle acting little laxaiilver pills tbey onre constipation biliousness sick headaohe and dyspepsia and produce no weakening or siokemng effects what is the difference between a belle and bnrglar the belle oarries false looks and tbe bnrglar false keys milbnrns sterling headache powdera onre tbe worst headache in from five to twenty minutes and leave no bad after effects ono powder go 9 powders 10o 10 powders 25o most people wbo follow their own bent go broke my utile girl 7 yaars old used to grind her teeth at night with pain inberitomaoh i gave ber dr lows pleasant worm syrup and it aoted promptly and with good effect mrs joe doty fort gilbert n b advice is aheap ooontf following it is what if there is a history of weak lungs in your family take scotts emulsion it nourishes and invigor ates it enables you to resist the disease even if your lungs are already affected and if besides the cough you have fever and emaciation there is still a strong probability of h ttture the oil in the emulsion ggtb the hypophosphites power to the nerves ifithe glycerine soothes and 50c and loo all dmgguu 1 1 gbw a downs chtmliu toronto the schoolboys postscript i when dr temple now archbishop of cuntrbim wk m w nintr r kngby a buy fnmu up btfort him for b mw breuchot dleoipllno it nd tho fittiu neniutl bo aktinetthe uttihitt lit tvum immumia dtbuer ot buinu expelled he had a defence but being n uhor clear ho uded uor fluent in tho prerlttuu uf the head fembfer he could not mukeit tlmr he therefore wrote home to hi- father detailing at length hi pultloii and 11 explanation his father very wisely thought the bert thing ho oould do was to send tin boys letter as it stood to dr tempi merely asking him to overlook any familiarity of expression apparently the father had not turned over the pae and seen his sons postscript for there dr temple found the following words if i could explain it would bo all riht for though temple u a baast he is a just beatt the bishop in telling this story is accustomed to say that ft was one of tbe greatest oompliments he has ever received in bis life war terrors pale into inaltrnlflcanoo to the man who is tormented with piles dr aenewa ointment will euro them of all llhh nil mum t t io mm t librtrmi u ia in i en limit unlit l in hint or uurr atint iiud ihu remedy mint will uvo ihu quickest rtlif nnd burevl euro h dr aguew b oiutmont it he ha a phenomenal record aa a ctrlain pllo cure and the words raliovrtl like roajjq havo been heralded round the fllobe and arc but the olaoa o tbo iibtlonr telling uf it curstne powers it cures oil skh diiouss eciiin eatt rheum scul 1 head aio srld b a t brown national schools it la said that a small gathoha edoia tionslist monthly in ottawa has suspended publication for the reason that it advooated adopting the rnlo that all cathollo teaobers should ponce b regular certificates from tbe different provincial depaitments of educa tion the cburoh has of ooarao a rirbt to do as it sees fit in tbe matter but a move of the kind suggested by the uofortuntto monthly would certainly decrease protes tant opposition to separate school j but even all protestant in this oouotry are not content with tho public schools of today a few days ago some anglican a id the city of toronto imt together and de cided that a well regulated system of voluntary soboou in affiliation with tbs ontario public school system is desirable truly this separate or voluntary eohool system will not down tbe defenders of and believers in national nonsectarian publio schools had better look to their weapons 8 efficient light has apparently not yet been let in and some more of tbe anderbrosh will require to be cut away- canadian magazine the d l emulsion the dl emulsion la tfao belt and most palatable preparation of cod liver oil agrwjjig with the most delicate stomach the d l emulsion is prescribed by tha leading pbystclaas f ctmd i tho d c emulsion la a marralloua flesh producer and will ftvo you an appeute oe a 1 per bottle baiureyotitet i davis lawrbncb tba genuine co limited montreal maaai rti no man can do bis beat work till he forgets himself and thinks only of dlioharg ing his obligations to his fellow men free to rheumatic suffers tboee who are afflloted with rheum atism sciatica lumbago neuralgia or qont wbo have never tried milburns jtbenmatio pills can have a full regular eised box free of charge by enoloaing four oenta in stamps for packing and postage t milbnrn oo toronto ont bay 1 said the city yoatb to the modest countryman got the hayseeds ont f your hair yet wall was the deliberate reply i jedge not from the nay the oalves rnn arter me bakers bad backs wo little know tho toll and hardship that those who make the stnff of life undergo long hours in superheated and poorly ventilated work rooms is hard on tho s stem give tho kidneys more work than thoy can proporly do throws poison into tho system that should be carried off by theso delicate filters then the back gots bad not much use applying liniments nnd plasters you must reach the kidneys to cure tho book doan5 kidney pills euro all kinds of bad backs by restoring the kidnoya to healthy action mr walter buchanan who has con ducted a bakery in samla ont for tho post 15 years says for a number of jsn prerloan to taking dflnna kidnpy pills i suffared a groat denl from mate pains heron the small of my back pnlnn in the uwlc of my head diulneai weary foeltiur and general debility prom the finit few dnii of joans kldnoy pills t commenced to improve and i hare continued until i am today a well man i have not got a pain or aeh about me my head is elenr tbe urinary dinicnlues all gone my sleep la refreshing and my health u hotter now than for rears when a man has reached tbe point at which be no longer relishes a hi tie retl re cnent from the world he is in a most perilous condition a permanent cure of suob serioas diseases as sorofola old sores eczema ring worm ulcere and all malignant diseases having their origin la bad blood can only be obtained through tbe nse of bnrdook blood bitters why do honest ducks dip their beads noder water to liquidate their little bills a sucoesiful medicine everyone wishes to be successful in any undertaking in which he may engage it ia therefore extremely ratifying to the proprietors of par melees vegetable pills to koow that their efforts to oom pound a medlolne which would prove a blessing to mankind have boen anooeisful beyond their expectations the endorsatlon of these fills by the public is a guarantee that a pill has been produced which will fulfil everything claimed for it when a man gets himself into a snug plaoe on a remunerative salary and then begins to write about the spirit of avarice ia hfs brethren we are tempted to amile catarrh of lons standing relieved in a few hours it is not alone tbe people of onr own country and prominent citizens like urban llppe m p of jollotte que and other members of parliament who having used dr aguews catarrhal powder pronouooe it tbe moat effective remedy they have ever known bat people everywhere are express ing their gratification at the effectiveness of this medlolne o o araber of brewer maine says have bad oatarrh for several years water would rnn from my eyes and nose day at a time about four months ago i was induced to try dr agoews catarrhal powder and alnoe neing tbe wondsrful remedy i have not had an attack i would not be without it it relieves in ten ml no tee sold by a t brown important statement from a postmaster one ouht to time dtttia at ones linkers end ueeintt they grow upon the palm dollars fop doctors but mrs douglas derived little benollt till she used bbb ffoof after proof we have been furnishing how bbb makes bad blood pure blood and cures cases that even the doc tors failed to benefit heres the case of mrs john douglas fuller ont an ac count of which she gives i huc used b b j for impure blood pimples on the face and sick headache i tried a great many cmcdlchandhpelltdojln medicine but derhcu llttlo benefit i then started using b bb and only took four bottles when my skin became clean and free from all erup tions my other roubles disappeared also and i am now in pericat hcnjfh a handsome oath hems cjocatioaed by a rather btjlieh lady ao to bis occupation replied that he wib an adjuster of move able alphabets ho wasbimply a printer rqre fett mra e j neill npw armagh p q writes for nearly aix months i was troubled with burning aptaej and pains in my feat to such an extent that i could not sleep at night and as my feet were badly swollen i oould not wear my boots for weeks at last i got a bottle of dr thomas colectrlo oil and resolved to try it and to my astonishment i got almost instant relief and the onp bpftle accomplished a perfeot cure blessed be pod for those bikb strong eouls whom no threats can frightep and np opposition can daunt mlint docnit3iejin it means rich blood strong nerves and aound digeatlon it means prosperity and growth to tho yonng it means good color peoa vigor thats what bcotts emul ion means if you want your children to be true ohristains you must set them a worthy example in jour own life castoria for infants and children tbe men wbo are too anxious to fight before tho battle opens are often con veniently absent when the firing begins one laia liver fill every night for thirty daya makea a complete ouro of biliousness and constipation that is juat 25 cents to be on red beyond comparison there is not hi riff in tho world to compare in curative value with dr von stan a pine apple tablets for dys pepsia vegetable pepsin ia the moat valuabla oonbtituent in the pleoapple barring the dlgesttvo juioes of the human system no other article or product has the power to digest all kinds of food exoept vegetable pepsin ones general health wonld be amazingly improved if he could eat a plno- applo a day bat hardly one person in a thousand conld do bo beoaueo of tho trouble and exponse of getting them when out ot season 49- dr von stans hneapple tablets have all tbe virtues of tho ripe fruit they aro largely made up of the prealaus pineapple acid tbey cure dyspopaia and all atomaoh tronbles box of 0 tablets for 85 cents sold by a x brown the presumption in that a fellow wearing a little hat knows little hagyarde yellow oil cures sprains bruises sore wounds cots frostbites ohllblains stinga of insects burns boalds contusions eto frioe 25o some people wbo are stylish have wonderfully homely children tobacco heart have you been smoking a good denl lately and feci nn occasional twlngo of pain round your hoar t aro you short of breath norvon unhlugod sensa tion of pins and noedles going through your ormi nnd fingorsf bettor tako n box or two of milburn a heart and nervo pills and got cured bofore things bo- corno too sorlous horos what mr john jamos of caledonia out aiviilburnsp nerve paines celry compound saved his life years ago has not been ill a single day since he was cured if there arc doubters who in tho put havo questioned the efficacy of pttiubti ot lry compound in saving lifu thoy tnuut after oarefuly reading mr kilbrides second letter come to tho conclusion that tho great medicine iti worthy o closer thought and attention than they were dispoqod to give it weeks or months ago mr v j kilbhdejroetmaft of iuver ness p t i in no idle theorist or opeoulator neither lies hm importai t testimony been unduly obuined tina second letter vouohing for a pcrmauodt and labting cure i allowed to bo made pnblio for the alvont ige aud weul of thousands of eufferera wbo aro anxiously looking for now lift lud freedqm from the power of disease mr kilbride bay a i nearly mx ycara ago painen ctlary com pound cured me id fact ancd my lift at ihu tinio 1 am atu ft tlm will and havo not been ill a unfile day hiiicu 1 uberi your famous c impound i trulv uwo my present health unci htrcngth io pmno s celery compound it ancd mu from m sanity aud tho gruve i hhtll never forget tho awful etto i vua in before i used jour grand life restorer now i can ilrp and cat wull fur whioh i thank god and vour wondrous curing medicine i have answered over two liuudred and fifty letterd written ti mo bj itlicr fluff ercre aftir m tlrt tjsiimonitil letter v tin pub lnhed thpao lit ra htvro oome from all parts of tho united smtoa and canudu amef rffffiwlltwiew the necessary ma6azine the best informed men and women in the world use the american monthly review of reviews to keep well informed and call it the necessary and indispensable magazine in the busy rush of today ambi men and women must know about the important questions of the month nnd not only this they want to know about them at the right time when the whole country is puzzled over the elnttc cqnblnatign of trusts a wellinformed article is printed in the ambrioan monthly giving the facts and ft adltor dibpussea the theory when the dreyf affair is ia everyones mouth tho beat story of dreyfus and the great case comes out in this magazine every month in the progress of the world dr albert shaw gives a comprehensive picture of the worlds history during the pre vious thirty days in the dspartments ths valuable articles and books that neve been published during the past month are reviewed and quoted from so that the redden of the american monthly can get tfttf gist of them in every issue nearly a hundred pictures are printed including t portraits fij t- hipp en v rre makln the history o month to bs thoroughly wel informed helps any man or woman in his or jier work a subscription to the american monthly review of reviews ropcos an investment for the best kind of profit as well 4 nt aft airmen one subscriber has just written count me a ufa subscriber and whn you smd rni a number beyond the hmit pf my subscription and tje- u- rtt fi f cm ro ns r u tt notice of my death price aj cants per number a 50 a j car a sample copy will bo cent oj rcc pt of ten cena in stamps the review of reviews company 13 astqr plac few vork why is coa the most contradictory article known to commerce because when purchased it goea to the collar lifes spring is poisoned if the kidneys do not carry off its blood impurltleosouth ameri can kidney cure keepa these orormns healthy prevents dia betes brlgrtta disease and bladdee difficulties every drop of blood in tbe body goes through the kidneys for the removal of its impurities every three minutes night and day while life last tho kidneys are the filter and it tanda t reason that if tho filter is out of order the impure matter in tbe blood goes to overy part o tbe body at every heart beat when tho first indi cations of kidney disorder present them selves resort at once to south amorlcan kidney cure ho tried tectsd and proved specific for brigbta disease djabetes and bladder complications it never fails sold by a t drown thero are as many binds of lypowritara as bicycles oooc i saw an excellent thing in yoar pamph let said pontel 0 count 1 to a young writer lh what sir was tbo eager reply a penny bnn my friend always keep oh hand unvkilkr thimi 18 ii9 kind op pih or abhi imtmiiai ok cxtemml tht pairkilicr will mot rk licc look out for imitations and 8ub- etitutes jhb 9pnin bottlb bbah thl nam perry davis son doooo a quick cure for coughs and colds pyny pectoral the cuudiaa remedy for til throat and iung affections large bottles 25 cents pavis ft i awrence co limited prop s parry davis pais killer montreal ooooc so far so good ae tho boy said when he finished the first pot of his mothers jam the groat demand for a pleaient safe and reliable antidote for all affect ion a ot tho throat and lunga is folly met with in bioklea anti consumptive syrup it is a pnrely vegetable compound and acts promptly and magically in hubduing all oougbs and colds bronchitis inflammation at be lungs eta it is so palatable that a ohlldwill notrofuso it and is put at a prico that will not exclude the poor from its beoefitb has to eny about thorn i have rorioua heart troublo for four ycara onusod by excessive nee of tobneoo at tlmei my honrt would boat very rapidly and then boo mod to atop beating only to oommonoo again with uunnttirnl rnpldlty this unhealthy notion of my hoart caused shortness of hroath woaknoba and debility i tried mntiy modloincs and spent a groat deal of monoy but oould not get niiy help loat novombor howevor i road of a man afflicted like myself being on rod by milburns heart and nervo pills i wont to ropers dniff ptoro nnd bought n box when i had finished taking it i was so much but tor i bought another box and this oomph tod tbo euro my honrt has not bothered mo alnco nnd i strongly recom mend nil sufferers from heart and nerve trouble cansod by oxoosslvo use of to bneoo to give milburns heart and nerve pilla a fnlr nnd faithful trial milbnrntihcnrtniid nervo pills are 60or s bnx or t for 1 2f at all drugglgu t mjlburn co toronto why do people talk about feeling doubts in their own mind where else could they be oxpeotad to feel them f i have used hagyarda yellow oil for burns aoalda frost bitsa sprains bruises soro throat and pains ia the atomaob i always say it ia a regnur raediaine cheat it oan be used in so many differeut ways mrs dr williams gooderham p o out there in ono detroit man wbo doesnt pat on the gloves any more for oxevoise tbe doctors are feeling tbe back of his bead id hopes to find hii nose a wordofwnraiig there are so many substitutes most of them dangeroue being foisted on tbe publio hat we would advise every one to seo that the foil namo dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry ia on every botllo you bay what does an honest grocer do with his goods ho glvoa them away a weight thoro rover was and nevor will ba a tmlirprsal papapeft in opo remedy for all ills to which flesh is holr tho very nataro of many cuiativoh being auoh that wore the gorms of other and differently seated diseases rooted lu the eyetora of tho patient what would relieve one ul in tarn would aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a bound unadulterated btato a remedy for many and grlnvoua ills by its gradual judioiona u t the frailest s stems are led into con valescence and strength by tho influenco which quinine exortb on nituroe own t it relieves tho drooping spirits of thogo with whom a chronlo state of morbid despondence and lack of interest in life la a diseaso and by tranqullizing the nerves disposes to bound and rofreah- ing sleep impartb vigor to the aotion of tbe blood which being stimulated courses throoghout the veino strengthening the healthy animal fnbotloua of the system thereby making aotivity a necessary result strengthening the frame and giving life to the digestive organs whioh naturally demand inoreauod substance result im proved appetite northrop a lyman ot toronto have given to tho pqbtjq their quinine wine at tho usual rato and go aged by tho opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection of any tho market all druggists soil it consolation for old maids misfortunes never oome singly hard and soft corns caunob withstand hollowaysoorn cnro it is cffoctual overy time get a botllo at 01100 and bo happy thebaalnohb that goes altogether on tlok telegraph log considerate father yon should oat graham bread my son it makes bone responsive yooth hm im bont all bonea now to patent bud mm may b awmred by thk patirr record baltlnm md ds woods norway pine syftur cures coughs aud colos mrs alonzo ii thurher frcoport n s iiaya i had a bovoro uttaok of grippe and a bad cough with grcit difnmilty 111 broathlng after taking two bottles of dr woods norway pino gymp i was com plotoly cured laxaliver pills- work while you sleep without i grip or gripe cm ing sick headache dyspepsia and constipation and make you feel better in the morning xx xu nelson merchant tailor anii gents furnisher gu9lph correct evening attire means that your garments should not only be iut in tho very latest and most fashionable styles but that thoy should be perfect in theirfit and tailoring generally none but an artlailo and first class tailor can give you swell stle and exquisite fit and finish and our reoutation in this line is unquestion able our prices arc reasonable our fab rics exclusive and our tailoring superb the very newest and up to date hats shirts glovei and neckwer 7vens rubbersolid shoes eiub thb7ui 7k th1kl you 3nili likb thew we are closing out a line at half price 250 regular price 500 color dark tan leather lined goodyear welt w a marsh maker also a line of mens black enamel lace shoes good year welts heavy sole a good shoe for wet weather it sheds the water price 200 w a marsh maker rubb6rs hubb9rs we have a heavy stock our ladies special light weight rubber 40c neill the shoe man guelph 8 stores agents y wanted for unrepresented dletriota good fay to good men securk your district for the coming season now freight and express paid the peliiam nukseuy co growing a complete line of nursery slock includ ing many new varieties of hardy roses ornamental shrubs and trees all stock guaranteed free from san jose scale we hold government certifi cate of inspection covering onr stook write for catalogue pelh am nursery co toronto experienced undertakers by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other funcra supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered i j j a speight c xx hcton about stationery arc you out of invoices letter heads enve lopes or the like we require what time and prices arc consistent with the best workmanship and often require less of both than the most care less printer thb kcton frbb prbss h p moore proprietor fittmk lltl mt ltllvay uoiml l hi vail rxiiro mall huml 11 y 1 rami qoiuu liibt 0 u ooino labt 10 n 111 j i xprt bb 3 u5 a n 2 ji p 111 1 xpiihti 10 h a hi 7 is it 111 rial g i4i m 1 rllxnl 10 0j i ill imhih golm wthl 1ugj 0 ui lip in ii r tim ov clobinil ii al qoliif woft u 10 iv in and 50 11 in qoliib kaht 10 ju in unci 5 p 11 thin timo tiililo junoebtb ibm into tllcct on bundf speight brady manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors gasoline and oas engines brass ir oa castings to order repairing promptly done geo rgetown ont everton and eden mills tho place to go for tho best flour bran middlings chop feed flee for sale chopping every day at lverton mills and every tuesday thursday ind saturday at eden mills alvi ays buying wheat no credit henry hortop main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer otsasu doora rramos moulding in all btyloa dressing matching and moulding r to ordor on bhort notlco vu asaortod stock on hand at prloea tosa tbo tlmoe john cameron proprietor tvjinsjofjwien there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire for the laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices call and see our new lings w williams mill st patents guaranteed sketch and description of any invention will firotnptly receive our opinion free concerning he pttcntnbillty of some how to obtain a patent scut upon request patents necured through us advertised for sale at our expense mteuts taken out throush us receive tpecfal nolicitwtlioiitchnrge in tub patent record an illustrated and widely circulntcd journal consulted y manufacturers and inventori send for sample copy free address victor j evans co patent attorneys evans building washington d c food engraving fp photo ehgrav1nc half tones patents i promptly secureoi write for our lntoroatlng boou im cnt nra holp and how jou rro flwlmlleu sond ua a rongh bketoli 01 tncdcl of j our invention or lmproomcnt and wo wllucli you free our opinion as to vlicilior it fa probably patentable o ninko n xpi rlulijr of nppllcatlonfl rojoctcd in other liuwu hifihoat roforencoa furnished kaxuon a mabxon patxnt solicitors ft experts olvll 4 mmhanloal fnclnccrt orailuotci of tha folytoohnlo hchool of ruuliirpiliii llnttielin in applied flcleneri itmit thilvrnlty jlrmturi patent law avtoclnttnn am ilcsn water worm asaoclsllod ww eiwlnncl wntrr works a p q buivnyora asnrliilton alloc jlcmkr lao boclcty of tltli kinjlnci ri hkw york life 01 0 0 mohtrtal oak crtiota atiamti0 djildihr wshthgton 0 c so years experience trade marks designs copyright ao anron wndlni a sketob and description msr qnloklr asoortaln ojr opinion fnnwin inrontlon 1 tlnnsstrlotl snittfroo intanta is probatilr pntantamn cnmmnnlai llrnmndontfal ilsiinbook on pstonta ul1cit annoy for sctiriiirpatntam lakon thmnah mnnu co nootv tpeetat notlm without cnargo in ttio scientific american a ltnndsnrnrlr lllnilrntvt wreklr tnrnnt lr- milatlimi of nnr itrlaiiiinn imiriinl termsm a jonn four monih- 1 howbynll newsdealers bisfsifsssw 7 fv