Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 7, 1899, p. 4

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m with out help a bald spot never grows smaller it keeps 5p0t5 inguntil at last your friends say how bald he is getting not easy to cure an old baldness but easyto sjpp the first thinning easy to check the first railing out used in time bald ness is made impos- sible with it stops falling promotes growth and takes out all dandruff it always restores color to faded or gray hair all the dark rich color of early life you may depend upon it every time it brings health to the hair 1 00 bottle all drjjut 41 1 have used out hair vicar and am greatly pleased with it 1 have only need ono bottle of it and yet my hair hat mopped falling out and lias started to crow again nicely julius witt march 28 1 canova 8 dak vrmm tkm omotor too do not obtain all tb bsnsfltfl ton ozpaoted from um na of lb vigor wrtt toe doctor about it ds j c at kb lowell w t juton jfm ftes thursday december 7 169d flujc igoung jolks wherexittycatshanqinarow thoro are trees where the kitty cats grow they htng by their tails in row if they happen to fall tboy dont mind it at all p they land on their feet as yon know tho fish iwlra around in the sky with pollywogs wogghng by while frogs hop around on the olonds to the sound of tho lobsters devouring mince plo tho birdies all swim in the sea and tho wasp and the bnnglelug bee if you dangle a worm with a wlggly squirm yon might catch a ohickadoodeo its strange bat the apples and pears live in houses with carpets and chairs they go rolling around with a rollicking sound and come bumping and thumping down stairs albert w smith in tltc november ladies home journal love the parent pathy of sym- it ia not neonaarily poverty or trouble which makes people sympathetic often it makes them quite the opposite i think it ii jnat love the person who loves moat understands moat and forgive moat though yon have not had troubles of any kind yet down deep in your nature i know yon are capabla of great love i think it la because your life has been so toll of it love like that broadens and strengthens one o aanahlne strengthens flowers it is better to have than wealth or bine blood- the autobiography of a girl in the de cember ladies home journal his opportunity an operation for appendicitis the largeon assured the sufferer is rather a erions thing of coarse bat it is not necesuarily an alarming one and it will demonstrate moreover jnst bow much fortitude yon have yes replied the patient i suppose it will show jnst what is in me go ahead hagyarda yellow oil ia good for man or beast i can be applied externally or taken internally onres braises bnrns frost bites oats croup qatosy stiff joints sore muioes pain in the abest eto will not tain the akin or soil the olotbes price is 25 oente oae of the saddest things about human nature ia that man may guide others ia the path of life without walking io it him self that ho may be a pilot and yet a castaway dr lows worm syrup is death to tbe worms every time safe for the child and pleasant to take insist on getting dr dows and accept no snb- ititate price 25a a danger i wish said tbe filipino that people woold quit referring to that general as a oomlc opera warrior axe yon afraid bia feelings will be hnrt not a bit i once travelled with a how and i know something about human nature if he ever gets the idea that be is a flret olaas comedian hell be sure to want bis salary quadrupled inside of three months sk your doctor how many preparations of cod- liver oil there are he will answer hun dreds of them ask him which is the best he will reply scotts emulsion then see that this is the one you obtain it contains the purest codliver oil free from unpleasant odor and taste you also get the hy- pophosphitcs and glycerine all three are blended into one grand healing and nour ishing remedy 50b mid all drtifgkt scott a downs chamlsu toronto the passing qf alcohol in the medlaal world the amount of liquor kwm u dny is not it ib declared one tenth of that prescribed forty yosrn ago in privets and hospital pruciee its ne u steadily deollotntf life insurance com panics look aakanoe t the moderate drlubor and either rofueo outright to accept tho rink or tako it with certain qunliflotitionb railway oompauie turn ool i shoulder nn nil applicants for pomtiona when the faintat munition of wlukuy l dftettad knowing to their borrow ilitt von a modert- iuduuonoo in sloolul alouda the brain and places a loudoii bund upon muaouwr power numerous churches whtoh formerly used wiue at the com munion service now ue tho uufeimehted juice of tho ftrape public and state ceremonies are often orlibrated without liquors of ny kind the inangaara- tlon of the prasidet t of the united butoi and the govcrnon of states once utile more thau bacchanalian rev el do e are now dignified oooaetooa inspiring reapect and patriotism 0ogll gatherings of all kinds are frequently bill without wine ohampegne orother intoxi cant- alcohol o liquors as a beverage have never been so unpopular so disreputa ble as to day and no one roau or woman oan habitually indulgo in them without losing business or sooial caste it is a source of some encouragement tttao to know that at their reoent meeting in oinoinnatl the brewers of tha country determined to cease the practice of them selves owning and running saloon a paying the ttxes and protecting the aalooulstb they determined that the keeper of a saloon should himself furnish tbe aapltal and should take upon himself tbe renpone- ibility of the retail business the result is going to be a diminution in tbe number of saloon whether a decrease in the number of drinkers or iu tbe smoont of beer sold or not exchange progression retrogression the eader of a german orchestra bad considerable trouble with one of his instra- mentalists who persisted in coming late for rehearsals finally he said to him die will not do no moro dia vas a puai ners pandt you come lade borne more vodoe und i pounce you quick hoffman was on band earlier tbe next night still earlier tbe following night and kept on improving bis conduct in this way until at the end of a week he was the first man to report to the leader the leader was greatly pleased die vas pedder hoff man said he yon was pehlndt pefore aber you vas early of lade und now yon vas flerat and last alretty plunged to his death insidious disease lurks every where a bright yonog man in grey county ont thoughtlessly plunged into tbe lake at a summer resort when the blood waa above the normal heat tho shook b topped the kidney work poisons which should have been carried off were circulated through the sybtom dropsy waa the result and one bright autumn the mourn ing badge was on the door and a promising young life was snuffed out he trusted himself to skilled physicians but they failed to do what bonth american kidney cure would have done it clears heals and puts and keeps tbe kidneys in perfect action a speoino for all kidney ailments sold by a t brown possibly the inhabitants of tho milky way think themselves the oream of the universe crimes sometimes shook os too muob vices almost always too little good times coming under the nas of bootts emulsion all tbe organs and tissues take on new life tbe mind aots with more vigor tbe heart beats stronger and the blood is greatly enriched the errors of the good are often difficult to eradicate from being founded on mis taken views of duty mrs maggie bevin obarleatown f e x has this to say about laxallver pills for some time i was greatly troubled with sick headache and constipation i used laxallver pills and found they helped me more than any other remedy the praises of others may be of use in teaching us not what we are but what we ought to be tbe demon dyspepsia in olden lima it was a popular belief that demons moved invisibly tbrongh the ambient air seeking to enter into men and trouble them at the present day tbe demon dyspepsia is at large in the same way seeking habitation in those who by oareuss or unwise llviog invite him and onoe he enters a man it is dlfnoult to dislodge him he that finds himself so possessed should know that a valiant friend to do battle for him with the unseen foe is par m elses vegetable pills which are ever ready for the trial the ceremony of the hat tho ceremony oc iho hat ia nnmewhae more punctilious thai fonnnji writes mrs bur tiu luiftilrtnd t go id form for am occasions m ihu nrvimibur ladkn flume journal a nmu tiwaitu tbe ltrtya recognition before lo raise hie hat to her ho alito raises hb hat when presented to a woman ithyn meeting and taking leave of lur vihui about lo address htr or wheu thu firt peakn to him for wliateier rouou if he pausoit her on tho stairway or in front of her in public convojaucn theatre or 1 1tewheie indued whenever the least apology would ho in order when he offers his eerviaca in any way oven tioitly or bhowa her eomo trifling oourtsay and he biioui 1 ulwajb mi bo his bat when aoknonle igtng hur think a mnu shouli nay the namo mannerly tribute to bor six when a woman enters an t levator aud re main uncovered during her ttny tin re lie ehoul 1 also raleliii hiil uion rcaognlzing an aoqusiujtupj who hud a udy with him k the friud with ihn he raiy bo bowd ti a udj bo tjhoull bhow the bme couiteby although hhe biiouj 1 bo unknown to him should a lady bo wuh him and recofltii a friend he should lft his hut pointers on cellars the oelur well draiued und utred must be kept free from rubbish and ebpeoially from decaying vegetable apil othor foods frequent cleaning out tbe cornora aud sweeping the walls are essential all kinds qi fopd inoluding vegetable bhould be kept from the huht jtj w and canned fruits oqgbt to bo stored m dark cupboards windows enough to air the oelter and soreenb for all of them are essentia if the baaheb are opened at euneot and remain bo inul the next days heat then cloaed to keep in tbe frith sir it wil be much cooler than if left open ell day but to remain oloaed continually ia to breed foul- 11508 and dtsoaae lttno ecatierid in the corners will oonduoe to keep a celjer free from mould a damp basement is a disorderbreeding bpot evening utdcosiim vegetable preparation for as similating ihctoodandrcgula- tiiglhestomansail bowels of promotes digcslionchcctful- ness and restcon tains neither opimmorphinc nor mineral nevkareotic aperfcotnemedy fopeoasllpa- tion sour slomach diarrhoea vbrms convulsions feverish- iicss and lossof sleep topiimi infltrepf new yohk j3dossjc see that the facsimile signature of is on the wrappbk ot eveet bottle oh castoria txact copy or wrappeb w oastorla u put up in oneaiie bottles only it is not sold la bulk dont allow anyeno to coll in anything elao oa p or pouilu that it justai good and will onswer every per 9bce that you got oabt0 eia i jwi8 tchitao- tuaua stgutnrti rorr vrappir smothering sensation a kingston ladys experience with milburns hoart and nerve pills in relieving- this distressing con dition i hae buffered for somo yoars with a bmothorinp bonation onusod by hoart dlaeaso tho soventy of tho pains in my hoart caused mo much suftorinfr i vha also very nervous nnd my wholo system was run down nnd debilitated hearing that milburns hoart and norvo pills woro ft npeclfio for theso troublos i thought i would try thorn nnd got a box at moleods drug store they afforded mo groat relief having toned up rfly system and romood the distressing symptoms from which i suffered i oan heartily rooommend those wonderful pills to all suffererb from heart trouble signed mes a w irish kingston ont laxa lrvrit pills euro blllousneaa conatipatlon and biok hcadaoho the poor man may be juet ab honest as the rich one but bo has fewer opportunities to prove it no suffering in camp from dread catarrh dr agnewa catarrhal powder kills the dis ease qerms and cures the distressed parts relieves in ten minutes alf leblano of st jeromo quebec says he need dr agnewa catarrhal powder for an acnte csbo of catarrh in the head and it onrod him he had 125 men working under him in the lumbering camps and what ib has done for him it has done for many of them hcbuya it for oamp ubb and pins hia faith to it as tho quickest reliever for colds in the head and surest cure for oatarrh sold by a x browu the moro bnccebf ul some people arc the more cause they bave for being ashamed of it just when jou have grown absolutely attached to the dog be either rans away or dies only natural cure for all disorders of the digestive funotlons is dr von stans pineapple tablets most medical men know that tbe pine apple contains a quantity of vegetable pepsin this product is invaluable be cause it exerts a wonderful power in tbe digestion of all kinds of food science has now consolidated thin grand essence into tablets and thos witliln reach of everyone la a vertiablo panacea for all stomach ills dr von stans pineapple tablets are the tuoet important advance for tho pre vention and cure or sickness in tbe last tboueaud yeara a good digestion is tbe basis of health and all may bave it by the faithful use of these marvellous ttblet box of ito tablets for ho aente sold by a t brown there is generally a noticeable lack of rhetorio in malediction anxious mothers find dr lows worm syrup the bebt modiolno to expel worms children libo it worms dont beware of piokpockets in the big stores and if you suspect ono call an officer at onoe ooooo aquickcure g for coughs and golds pyny pectoral tbe canadian remedy or h throat and lung affections large bottles 25 cents davis ft lawrence co limited props fszt dsrls pain kuler new york montreal thkk i ho kind op mid 0 asks ihteriial or external bo whst too this is tbo flrtt step toward beoomlog batter than yon are a terrible disease i bav been troubled wltb salt rheum for six yeara and ooald get nothing to oure me until 1 took bnrjook blood bitten it only required five bottles to make a oom- nlela oure mrs jas drlzlll high bluff man salfdepreoiatiod is not motility thong often mistaken for it its sonroe is of tener mortified pride mr fred pult 12 prankish ave toronto saya he suffered over two yeara from soiatioa the pain wonld shoot down the back of bis leg luto bis hesl three boxes of milborns ithsomatlo pun have remoted tbe pain and made him as limber as a boy tbe greatest irnthb are the nimjlest and so are the greatest men hagyarda yellow oil ourej all pain in man or boaat for sprains outs bruises oalloqb lumpf swelllngd inflammation rheumatism and neural w it is a specitia the nraviag for sympathy ib tha oommon boundary line btlneop joy and sorrow womens ailments bah 1 s t victim bo your neok pains you said the physician ye terribly 1 wailed the patient sorry air but i cant help yoa im not a speoijliut in robber detroit free prtu six oils the most oonolosive testimony repeatedly laid before tbe publlo in the oolnmni of the dally press proves that or thomas eolentrio oil an absolutely pure combination of six of tbe fineel rsmedial oil in exiltedoe remedies rbeumallo pain radioatea affections of the throat and long and oures piles wonnds eoree lameness tumors burns and injuries of hofsa i and cattle womon tiro com ing to understand tliut tho bnckoches bondnchob tired ffulingh end week 8pellh from which tiny suffer are due to wrong action of tho kidneys tho poiflons that ought to bo carried off are sent baok into the blood taking with them a mul titude of peine and aohos doans kidney pills drive awny pains nnd riches mave women lion 1 thy and happy ablo to enjoy lifo mrs g h gulesplo 204 britain streot st john nb says bomo tlmo ago i had a violent attack of la grlppo from this severe kidney trouhlo nrobo for which i doctored with n nnnihor of tho bent physicians in st toliii but received httlo relief hearing doniitt kldnoy pnls highly spoken of i began their usa and in a uhort tlmo found thorn to bo n perfect euro boforo taking theso pills i sultorod snah torture that i could not turn over in bod without assist- unco do ruia kidney pills have rescued mo from this torrlblo condition and have removed eve borne men speak their minds and some women speak a lot moro there never was snd never will be a unliversal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flebh is heir the very nataro of many ouiativeh being suoh that were the germs of other aod differently seated diseases rooted in tho system of the patient what wonld relieve one ill in torn would aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judioious u the frailest systems are led into con valescence and strength by the influence whioh quinine exorta on natures own restorative b it relieves tho drooping bpirlta of those with whom a chronio elate of morbid debpondonp and laok of interest in life is a dlrieime an ft by tranquitizing the nerves dipposan to bound and refresh idk sleep imparls vigor to the action of the blood whioh being stimulated oonrbos throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal fonotions of the system thereby making aotlvity a necessary result strengthening the frame and giving life to tbe digestive organ a whioh naturally demand inoreauod substance result im proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto have riven to the pubho their qululne wine at tho nsual rate and guaged by tbe opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection of auy the market all drusgists sell it what man hus done man oan do but the trouble is he wount do it itching burn 40 creeping crawling work while you bleep wluwmwwhptt r pnlnj efirink dyspepsia pfekgeeowia nd const ipftt ion nnd nhypftfejbtt skin diseases relieved in a few minutes by dr agnewa oiutment dr agnews ointment relieves instantly and auras tetter suit rlieutn boald head eczema ulcere blotches and all eruptions of the bkin it is soothing and quietiog and aots like magic in all baby humors irritation of the seslp or baahoa during tho teething time 35 cents soil by a t browu bury suicides are persons who cant troubl- without burying themselves a magio pill dyspepsia is a foe with which men aro oonitantly grappling but cannot exterminate subdued and to all appearanoss vaoquiibed in one it makes us appearance in another direction in many the digestive apparatus is as delioate as the mechanism of a watuh or scientific initrumont in whiob even a breath of air will nuke a variation with suoh per eons dliordera of the stomach ensue from the most trivial canaos snd cause much suffer ing to these parmoteea vegetable fills are recommended at mild and sure a selfwilled girl seldom has enough strength or mind to wear her glovo over a new solitaire diamond ring la tho morning pries 25o 11 to patent bood idm may be securad by cmr aid address the patent record esltjow m4 a groat talker ought to be affable cleo how can lie look to find otberb so yet his besetting vmptution le to apeak rather than to hear leg a solid sope when it comes to healing up old running soes of long- standing there is no remedy equal to burdock blood bitterb bathe the sore with the bbb that rehees the local irritation take the b ii b internally that clears the blood of all impurities on which sores thrive miss d melissa burke grind stone magdalen islands pq says it is with pleasure i speak in favor of b bb which cured mc oi a running- sare on my leg i consulted thice doctors nnd they gae me sihe to put on but it did no good pimlly mv leg became a solid running sore in fict for nearly a month i could not put ni foot to tho floor i was aduscd to use b bb and dtd so three bottles healed up my leg en tirely so that i hive never been troubled with it hinee nothing is further than earth from heaven nothing ia nearer than heaven to earth cramps and ildiis mr john hawke coldwatcr out writeb dr fowlera extract of wild strawberry is a wonderful cure for cramps and paioa in the stomach i was a great sufferer until i gave it a trial but now i have perfect comfort time la money but most people and it a oarreooy that is decidedly tluouating the d l emulsion the d l emulsion ii tho best nnd most palatable preparation of cod lweroll agreeing wllh tha mostdclicto ttomaebs the d l emulsion ib prescribed by iho leading physicians af canada tho d l emulsion la a marvellous flesh producer and will rjwa you an appetite fioe 91 per bottle deaurorougetl davis ft lawrence tbo genuine co limited montreal iid easy to wuh for a thing but its another thing to get whit you wish for that aohlog head oan bo instantly relieved by taking one of milburna ster ling headaohe fowdera 1 powder go 8 for 10o 10 for 20 j when crank moots crank then com en an argument why will yon allow a cough to isolate your throat or qnga and rnn tho ritik of filling a consumptive d grave when by timoly nee of biokloh auti consumptive syrup tbe pain can be allajcd and the danger avoided this eyrup is pleasant to tha tate and uosurpaaied for relioviug healing and ouridg all affections of the throat and lungs couglib bronchitis eto feeding tho poor ia lecturing them bogular action of tho bowel ia neooaiary to health lax a liver fills are tho bebt occasional cathartic for family uno or general uae frioo 35 cents any drug- rat few pttrnona bavo courage to appear aa good aa they really arc leaving rcton auwc hao been risked so uficri to wait for a few diys we htive decided to extend ihu time to ist di cctiiljlr lut there shall bo dcclrledly no lurthor allowance all accounts niti i he piul before tint date or put up with the consequences croc6ri6s iioiily drip syrup 30c gnl worth 70c 5 lbs jincr snaps 25c very best american coal oil 20c gal cranulatcd sugir 20 lbs for 81 00 g bars iory sonp for 25c boots 7nd shoes children b stockings and rubbers combined 50c worth 1 00 lidic s stockings and rubbers combined 1 5 worth fti 75 1 itlic s low shoes sizes 3 to 4 81 00 worth 81 75 lidic s 1 ine kid button shoes sizes 3 and 35 81 00 worth l 75 2 pra ladie s imported kid size 3 9i 75 worth 83 00 men s 1 ine lace boots j d king s box calf 82 50 worth 84 00 men 3 long boots 82 25 worth 88 00 men s gaite s dongoh 81 75 worfh 8- 75 a first class heavy hone 6 year old for sale cheap suitable for road or firming will fo at a srcnfice is we are leaving 4u1m tltumt uauhay i01no wlkt 10in0 laht mai 10 03 a in hxpmth 2 tui p in 7 jfi p in icxpruth mall cop symon bros mill and main sts acton agents wanted for unrepresented districts good pay to good me n- secu re your j3istrict tor tbe comino season now freight and express paid the peliiah nurseuy co growing a complete line of nursery stock includ ing many new varieties of hardy rosea ornamental shrubs and trees all stock guaranteed free from san jose scale we hold government certifi cate of inspection covering onr stock write for catalogue pelham nursery co toronto experienced undertakers by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other f uncra supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered j a speight co hcton rxirjbh fi a ir i xprtitm 10 w m mull fi hl in mixed 10 ojiui buuilay tralim ioiuji wbt 10 oh a 111 going i abt 0 1 a 111 g 11 p in rilrfl op clohtni mail gollik wuft u 10 a in uinl fi m p in uullif j ant 10 ik in unil 6 5 p in tijib tlmo tnblo uuiit into fitu on buiiilii jutiu julh wjh main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor mauutacturor of saab doora rramca moulding in all qtylua dressing matcb1no and movldino to order on bbort notlco won aaaortod atock on hand at prlcoa toeu tbo timoa john cameron proorletor oxford oxford stoves and ranges oxford base burner oxford furnaces the imperial oxford raago is tho lead- ins cools stove may be seen at any tlmo at fannabeclcers mill st tho otxord base surnor is tho leading co alstcxo pipes scuttles shovels stove furniture at low prices c a pannabecker mill street acton 1831 sovontleth year i90o country gentleman the only agricultural newspaper and aduiteoly the leading agricultural jour nal of the world every donor ttn ont written by apedalibta tbo blghoat butborluos la tbolr roapoctivo linos ho other paper pretends to compote with it in quallflcattodb or editorial ataff qvea tbo agricultural news with a dogrco of fttllnobb and complotonoaa not ovon attoaiittod by others beat reviews of the oropa boat market heporle best accounts of meetlnga best everything about stationery are you out of invoices letter heads enve lopes or the like we require what time and prices are consistent with the best workmanship and often require less of both than the most care less printer tub hcton psbb phbss h p moore proprietor all indispensable to country residents who wish to keep up to the times single subscription 62 two subscriptions s3 50 four subsorlptlona 6 to special inducements raisers of larger oxubs 13- wrlto tor particulars on tbla polut olub agonta wanted overywhoro four months trial trip for bo coats bpeoimen copies will bo msllod froe on rcquost it will pay any body lnterostod in any way in country life to send for thorn addroaa the publishers luther tuckjer 80n albany ny patents guaranteed pur ice returned if we fall any one sendinc sketch and description of any invention will firomptly receive our opinion free conccrnine lie patentability of same bow to obtain n patent sent upon request patents necured through us ndcrticd far sale at our expense patents taken out throuch us receive ipccial notice without charge in tuc patrnt record an iltustrated and widely circulated journal consulted by manufacturers nnd investors beixl for sample copy free address victor j evans a 00 patent attorneys evans building washington d c patsilnts i promptly seguren 1 ou intrat- orsholp and how jon rro swindled 8onduiiarourhlcoloh m mod lot your invention or lmprp cine nl nml wo will tell 5j55k p o nml onanoolnlty 55 pphontions rcloctoil in othor hands highest roforoncoo f m nixlicd maiom 1c masion patknt solicitors experts ffl r ornitules of tho v hulnrntiw nucheletiln appllm 1 sclrnrv un tnlmrilly members patent uw aaorlnllnu nirtlrau waterworks ahoolstlon nw kn hnnl wnwt ork aoo pq buivryort aamrl tton aisoo ucmber cttk society of civil fiiiik re offiou i imrnu out latiaktja ulltw sbinotom do bo years experibnob ate nts timoc markb dlwonb cofrrohts c a poworfnl lung holding remedy that cures tbo worst kinds of oonfilm and ooldl of younf or old more prnmplly anil elliiot iially tlian any other wcilcinc prioa u5o tmxailvar phi ours conatlpa on and dysdopala do not stpim tlon and dyapopakw ptlos zoo scientific m lllortratjdi io far at wi

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