Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 14, 1899, p. 2

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cuckiiunn at view bank form fualldcli on thursday doc 7tb co mr and mrs john a cookburu uou died gaiii iikirlu erlu ou tadyth daosmbar marlon uo of matoolm campbell god oura l llu woolnlch gt ouelnli ou ihurtrla ihc 7ili infant sou of mr and mrs araos lovoll i iiasu in trafalgar on monday not 87tli of lioart disease mrs john cramp in tha uotli 1 oar of ltor net cahmikwiii erin lllsge on tuesday doc itti marlon jlofeo wlf of mr malcolm campbell agod b7 years moukiiiiottin oakvllle on tuesday de acinber otli of oornnlloatod diseases wm e modorinott lu tbe und year of tali ace 1ilken at bar realdenoe lowvllle suddenly saturday morning december mb annie catborino relict of tlio late thomas b 1lckett in bor uotu year bt ct0it tzt nss thursday december- u 1890 flic financial acwa in an artiole on cclonial government borrls says that tbe credit of tbe government of tha dominion of canada lunds higher than either the australian or south african british suffer reverse jon oataera advanced on storm bars was mat by oooo en- trenohad boara and ra- traatsd loalntr 600 mart taken prle- onara canadians are at the front helton coonnll has enacted that here after clerks of the county municipalities will not be required to file copies of their assessment rolls with the oonnty olerk oftener than onoo in three rears the trade flgores of the dominion show a moat gratifying expansion for the past yoar the total imports amounted to 8103704000 being an inorease of 33a00- 000 for the year the exports decreased from 8101152000 to 1 1c8800000 for tha year gutlph board of education haa by a small majority voted tbe me of tha colleciato institute gymnasioo for a dance ou the 28th december in opposition to a potitlon against it signed by the majority of tbe city ministers both tha mercury and iicratd oonderan the aotion of tha board several exchanges including tha milton champion and aoton fbek press ara agitating for their respective towns an evening domination meeting this year inet3ad of as heretofore in the morning this is a sensible idea aa it would increase tbo interest in tha meetings and admit of many heing present that would otherwise be detained oakvllle star jndglpg from the remarka of tha mem bers of the municipal oounoil last monday evening at tha close of tha proceedings none of the present members are anxious for reelection it looks at present aa if tho honorable positions so often saoghl after with test in tbe past may go a- begging at the nomination on the mod intt farmer in ontario ara not marketing their grain freely just now the ohief reason is the prices quoted they seem to be of the opinion that tha markets will im prove later and are holding tbeir grain in the expectation of getting batter prioaa for it frioea at ontario points at present compare very oloeely with those of last year at this date canadian horses suitable for artillery and oavalry aervloe are being quietly picked np throughout ontario by dealers who see in tbe present condition of tha english market a ohanoa for ready aalaa end good profit this will send tbe prioe of horaea np at a rate equal to the pre vailing high prices for oatlle and will givs tbe industrious farmer still another ohanoa to better his situation and to fee he la being enriched both by prosperous peace at home and all conditions abroad owing to tba action of tha government in calling for a larger reeerva on all boat nose dons by tha several ufa insurance companiea of canada it haa been deotdad y all tba oompaniea in question that on and after january 1st neat they will increase their ralsa on all new btuinees written this will in no way affect the inauranoe now in foroe tba inoraasa will be three to aiz per cent on all premiums written after this year this solum of too government in demanding a larger resents will doubtleaa meat with hearty endorse- tion of the canadian people as by this means additional protection ia given to the policy holders tbe attention of the department of inland bevenne has been oalled to tba f requenoy with wbloh illness attributed to tbe rue of tinned foods is notloed in lbs newspaper press as the nee of snob goods is on tbe increase it ia thought lo be desirable that lbs facts as to this matter shoo id bs mads known to that steps may be taken to safeguard the health of cousnmsrr and a olroolar has bean issued to all medical man in canada asking for information on the snbjeot the medical profession is asked to stats tvbetber any oases of illness apparently attributable to this eon roe has ooms under tbeir notice in recent years whether tbe cases bad terminated fatally whether the symptoms pointed to matelfo or to ptomaine poisoning if tba latter lbs ptofeaslon ia requested to state whether tbe defrot wae owing to imperfect sealing of the nana or to alight change or decom position in the contents on aocoont of age the profession la aaked to make sogge hone with a view to bettering existing ccudttlona aa regards tinned foodstuffs new books a double thread by ellen thorney- croft fowler anthor of conoernlng isabel oirnaby paper 7oo cloth 1184 william brlggs toronto mitt thorneyorofl fow ler has made a diatinol advanoe seen upon her last book methodist readers moil always regard isabel camaby with pjcnllar interest and we shall not be sor- prlaed if they enamoured by the oharm of tint famous story refuse to admit thai the now etory is batter than the old we will not quarrel with them bat candour com pels us to aay that in plot and tbougbt and even in the power of its godliness a double thread is mies fowlers best piece of literary work the uelaodut recorder federal bveblbctions ottawa deo 19 ii is probable that tba write for tba federal byeeleouons will be issued ao thai the polling no take pleas oarly in january the lists far tba vacanoles have been received and art being printed thrsb mmgrorbill ottawa wo aekenators are id to be sfllireswrn1syto be able to lakt their mats again vbuj bant- tora qowan of gait bnlllvan of kingston and sir frank smith of toronto another very eventful week baa piaed during the past seven daje the british foroee met with reverses at one or two points hut have won victory at otbero notably the eortle from lmdysmitu by general white great battles may be ex ported within a few days now at both eastern and western points it ia believed that notwithstanding gen bullets stub born silence be is about ready to ilrike a blow whlob will mean diaastrous defeat to the boers gen mathuens foroes are now reinforced and a great battle ia looked for at magerafontein very snorily the boyal canadian regiment has reaobed tbe front and ia now with gen fdttbueua troops takams at tilt rnont ottawa deo 18 there is now good reason to believe tbsl tbe canadian special aervloe battalion is intart onoe more a telegram from col otter wbioh reaobed the militia department today states that the regiment baa reached belmont ah well it appears tbat a b o and d oompaniea were sent on first but the phraseology of col otters message implies that the other oompaniee have now gone forward voiro milks yikmi the knl31y belmont deo 11 in consonance with tbe plan of campaign of sending es many ralnforoemente to lord methuen aa possible and at the eame time retaining oomplete oontrol of the lines of oommuni- oaticn the canadian beglment hat been divided for the present at leatt the right halt of the battalion that is com paniea a b o and d were yesterday aent forward to tbe aoene of lord methuens tint vlotory over the enemy the left halt comprising oompaniea e f g and h were left behind at orange river we hear that the enemy ie within foor miles of thla place and ao the proapeol is that wc ahall soon be in the midst of tbe irsy ah are well tbe oompaniea at belmont are those of british colombia and manitoba loudon toronto ottawa and kingston the oompaniea left at orange river according to mr smiths despatch ara those of montreel quebec new bruna- wick and p island and nova scotia bad hkvebsx at btonunkuo moltxno cape colony deo 10 gen gatacra left putters kraal by train for molteuo and then proceeded by forced maroh 13 miles toward stoeajhavg he had 3000 men including the northumber land fusiliers tha royal irish rifles and two batteries of field artillery tbe british were unmolested by the boere nntil the boer position waa reaobed when a hot fire waa unexpectedly opened npon the advanc ing oolumn the engagement began at 415 a m at 7 a m after a sharp artillery dual tha british retired tbey are now marching towards molteuo general gataora found the enemys posi tion impregnable it waa impossible for tha british infantry to get at tbe boers gataora reports deeply regret to in form you tbat i met with a serious reveres in the attaok on stormberg i waa misled aa to tbe enetnve positipn by the guides and found impracticable ground loss two men men killed eeventeen wounded and about 600 taken prisoners later detaile regarding gan gataores reverse at stormbery ahow tbat had it not been for the splendid work of the british artillery the disaster would have been greater tbe artillery covered the british retreat tbe loea of the two regiments was almost a counterpart of the affair at nicholsons nek- accurate details ara being kept back narnsb losses to datx ills just two months sinoo the trans vaal ultimation was delivered nino engagements have been fought and tbe british have lost ss6 killed 3037 wounded and 1077 missing or prisoners it now asms oertaln that tha seventh division which ie being mobilised at aldertbot will also bs aent to south africa a private at- ladyamith gives a remarkable acoount of tbe boere method of conoeallng their losses he save tbey were burning their dead in a ooal pit the other day ao that we ahall not know tba number nanrmo aoatm at uoddkr biyeb moddxb rrvzx capo colony sunday erasing deo 10 the naval 47inoh gun again took np a position north of tbe camp ibis afternoon while the howitzer battery was posted southeast on tha left of tbe boers both opened a hot fire with lyddite shells and shrapnel to which the boere sharply replied with a doasn guns thua unmasking tbeir position which was tbe object of lbs british mauoeover after an boots fining tbe boer gnus were silenced lbs howitlsers sssrehed the trenches and than threw shells npon the hills tbe explo sion of tbe lyddite oauaing tha whole ground over an extensive area to rise in the air in denes brown clouds a boer long gun was dismantled it now appears tbat tba boers intend that lbs next engage ment shall take plana at magerafontein apparently spyfonteln is not defended or tba boers are unwilling to unmaak tbeir position there as the replies to ths british artillery wars all from the gone at magera fontein soockssroi aoarna raoh xaotsmith the new york herald in it speclel despatches from sooth afrioa under date of saturday bae ibe following regarding tba brilliant aorlle from iiadyamlih last weak the gallant utile foroe isfi ths town before 10 oclock laat nlgbt and took np a position near the fool of lombards hop at about 3 oclock ibis friday morning tba advanoe began the troops got past ths boer ploket in the darkness and were ebargtng several hundred yards np tbe hill when the picket awoke and a sentry balled wie gaat dear who goes there j getting no reply he find a rifle and then ran off snouting wlllem i han i marteens i fly i tba rooloeke are upon you the boers round the guns fired sevsral volleys at ibe advanolng troops and then fled dlamayed down tbe opposite aide of tbe bill our men seised ths guns without opposition tben our engineers blew np the ths heavy guna with gunootton and oarrled off tbe maalmnordeufeldl the boers bad built a splendid smpaos- snent on the top of tba hill but tbey boiled before oar men like rebbilv leaving everything area ibe private letters behind them ons of these eplsilee said that they had bombarded ladysmlth for a month and nine days bat tbat ibe rooineks were going about udoonoernedly and it tbe town was to be taken tbe boars must do it at a terrible lose of life our troops brought away tha breeches of long tom together with tba rammer sponges alible motion tubes and other fittings of tba weapons tba whole operation ooanling front the moment at wbloh the order to oharga was glvtn waa oarrled out in three- quarters of an hoar with a loee on our aide of seven men wounded ytatt unitilith general gataores incvemout to surprise the boers at stormberg is considered good military taotiol by iimu export who say that his fsllore shows the neoecsity for more oavalry for scouting the war offloo has uuuouucod that tbe first batillon of the sixth division will ssil for sonth afrioa on saturday the boers sro eoppoeed to havo blown up tbo stone plera of the colouso bridge the cable between san thomas and leouda on the west coaat of africa has been interrupted and the only means of communication lt between zanzibar and ahen on the can coast tbo roport that commandant cronje has oaptured 50 of general methuene men lacks confirmation fron the english elds ths sltustton st kimberley was nn- altered up to deo 7th and at mafeking np 1 1 novotnber 80h boers captured at graspsn say that the the burghers arc greatly in need ot stores for men and horses the horses osp- turel by tho britsh were in vory poor condition stormberg is described ab a stronger position than lang nek ooteiiburg ia alio said to be impregnable great delight was expressed in brussels over general gataorea defeat there are a great many boer prisoners a ladysmlth and every sortie adds more to tho number the latest nsws from mafeking shows tbat col badsnpowell has been forced to reduce the rationa of tbe garrison and in habitant water ia plentiful however the dominion parliament ottawa deoember i parliament baa been formally prorogued until january 22 thle disposes of tho tslk about an excep tionally early sssaion and is taken by many to indicate tbat there ia still a possibility of a dissolution before parliament meets pride 1b inoroased by iguoranoe those assume the mott who know tbe least stbes sonk from a couou is a warning not to be lightly treated pynypeotoral oures with absolute certainty all recent coughs and raids take it in time manufactured by the proprietors ot perry davis palnklllor adversity borrowa itb sharpest etlngs from our impatlenoe giiilimen will go sleiodino they return covered with enow half a teas- poonfnl of paiokiller iu hot water will prevent ill efforts avoid subatltutes theres but one painkiller perry davia 25c and 50o sloth makes all things difficult but indnstry all things easy a boon to catarrh victims we offer to the readers of this paper a never failing remedy for catarrh bron- ohltis irritable throat and kindred affections in catarrhozono there i8 no mystery about ft but the effect is msgiosl ointments washes and snuffe havo proved woree than nselssb because thsy cannot reaoh tbe seat of disease but catarrh- ozone is carried by the only vehiole the air you breathe natnre allowa to enter into the longs or bronchial tubee directly to tbe seat of tbo dieeaee where it kills the germ lifq that causes catarrh st tbe same time heals all the affected parts it cures by inhalation and is both pleasant and aafe to use for asle at all drugglals or by mail prloo 100 for trjal outfit send 10c in stamps to n c poison ot co box boo kingston out the d l emulsion benefits most those having lung troubles with tendency to hemorrhages a few boll lea taken regularly make a wonderful improvement made by davis lawrence co limited humility is the solid foundation of all tho virtue tin jua du ii they supplied us with the menthol contained lu that wonder ful d d l menthol plaster wbioh relieves instantly baukaahs headache nouralgla rheumatism and soiatlca manufactured by tbe davis lawrence co limited do eyeglasses injure some peppb think glasses injure because when once worn a ptrson becomes dependent upon them the truth is because a glass gives relief by removing- the existing strain upon the eye no time should be lost in affording this relief consultation free satisfaction guaranteed prin6le the jeweller practical optician guelph jast received i a nice lot of childrens slippers all sizes from 20c up also childrens slippers with a picture of santa claus on them something new mens eubbers and socks from 125 up mens fine rubbers at us ual prices long boots ready made and made to order mr stovel is very busy but still able to attend to all orders repairing a special ty- ceo stovel mill st aoton he travels sate and not onpleasantly who ia guarded by poverty and guided by love twenty pur cent below j b hamilton of the old reliable marble and granite works goelpb announces that he will continue to plaoa he best olasses of granite and marble monuments tombs eto at prloee guar anteed to be twenty per cent below others no agent to receive commissions expenses allowed o and fron ouelpb to purchasers but any man may make a mistake none but a fool will continue it to th08k about to marry yonng men or old men who intend to marry will be pleaeed to learn that tbe new marriage aot isroado quite simple by applying to h f moore issuer of marriage licenses at the fmr press ofboe call a few daya before he ceremony and have the matter explained private office all business slriatly private and confidential at residence in evenioge always speak the truth bnt do not alwaya tell it accidentally killed mr rlohard hawltt of puallnoh killed by his runaway taam laat wednesday evening mr ltlohard hawltt of potlinob oaroo lo bis death by being thrown from hie buggy while driving home on watsrloo ave ouelpb tbe horeee rao away and he waa thrown out and death wae caused by tbe fell from hla rig an inqueat waa held at ouelpb orbenwa oo cjone hush john modonald will hava a majority in manitoba wixniiko do 12 latest returns from tbe manitoba election held lt thursday indicate- the certain defeat of the orson way government the opposition now have twenlyooe seats tbe figures now eland opposition 91 government 10 inde pendent 1 elections to be held 1 both flections to bs held are expected to return liberals tbe result shows a majority ot five for tbe conaervstlves a majority wbloh may be increased or rednoed by tbe elections in two constituencies wbiob ara yet to take plaoa it seema probable that mr hugh john macdonsld will be able to form a government with a working majority with out a further general appeal aa small majorities have a tendenoy 1 0 grow evi dently mr maodonald ie popular and a great many goodnatnred people of no strong political blaa will be pleaeed ibet be ehouu have a obanoe to ahow what he oan do and some conservatives are already hailing him as future leader of ibe do minion parly mr vacdonsll seems to bava bad a very popular plank in bla platform name ly that ot government ownership of railways there can be no doubt the lime has ooms whan the people of tbe dominion no longer view with epproval the con struction of rallwaja with public money and tbe bantling them over ti private corporations wbloh is what tha subsidy eyelcra has hitherto meant it is understood that mr greenway will shortly resign as there is no poslble ohsnoeof polling through wehavs to accept the world aa it ia what it represents when you sit for a photograph you want the likeness to repiesent you properly when you sit to ns wo want the work to represent us properly our imprint is seen on none but the best photo graphs and for our sake as well as yours we are sure to give you lifelike satisfac tory photographs photo rrtist kcton two and two hon john drydan mr t h praston mr brower and mr modlarmld eleotad the result of tbe four byeeleotlona on tuesday givea taro seate to the liberals and two t the conservatives hon john drydeu was elected io hie om oonstllnanoy by a majority ot over 850 mr t h preston of the brentford expositor waa electsd in south brant aa anooessor to expremier hardy by a majority of 481 in east elgin mr brown conservative waa eleoted over molntyre jltberal by a majority ot about 60 in west elgin mr modlarrold con servative was elected his majority was only about 30 this reanlt effects the governments majority in tbe house by ons seel twas not liticfc but twas tact judgement and nerve that secured to us 697 yards of halifax and fancy tweeds at a wonderfully low cost we have them in browns fawns greys and blues 25c 30c 35 c and due a yard will give you the best value you ever bought in tweeds that is if vou come to the lion for them d e macdonald bro golden lion guelph acton bakery 1 j c matthews prop christmas confeotlonery fruits our took of obrutmaaooafeotloaory oto 1b uow being opened customers will baa it embraces a tory fine wortmoat of tbe choicest good oysters fresh oysters always od band flour best biands of flour bread wostous popular bread iu varlut cakes pastry cbolca ajsortmont of oakos an j ptatry tart shells jelly holla ao now eustomers dulriug our dollvory rig to call will ploue loavo word at tbo atoro or bail our driver j c matthews opposite browns drug store another great grocery week at the frank dowler cos when we went into the grocery business we did not do so from any wish to injure or interfere with the grocery trade but we could see an opening for a modern grocery business where those who wished to be economical could save money by buying for spot cash and getting their goods as only a spot cash concern can give them that we were correct in our judgment is proved by the trade we have done and it is actually doubling last year now such has been its success that others advertised they were selling for cash but are they we are and you who are paying large prices for the necessities of life would it not pay you to just save and get what would buy just one months groceries ahead and then buy from us for spot cash be independent and save money and to those who do pay cash and are paying a portion of the bad debts of others we would say we can save you money on the modern plan every other department oi our large business is ready for the christmas trade and we allow no one to sell cheaper or do better for the people than the frank dowler co cuelphs greatest store solid gold si 85 best gold fill 150 byre gold fill 100 best glussca 100 we guarantee perfect sousfacuon globe optical co 93 yonge street toionto xmas gifts- if all young women could have the fight sort of motherly advice much of the unhappiness of the world would be avoided there are two troubles in the way the girls hesitate to consult the mothers and the mothera really know only a little more than the girls coun sel of the beat sort ia at the command of ev ery woman and if she will promptly avail herself of it she will soon be re lieved of her troubles thousands of women every year write to dr r v pierce telling their symptoms and asking his advice which is freely given without cost for over thirty years dr pierce haa been and ia today chief consulting phy- sicisn of the great invalids hotel and surgical institute at buffalo n y he ia a specialist in the diseases of women and his favorite prescription haa liad the greatest aale of all medicines ever devised for the cure of the troubles peculiarly feminine every letter addressed to dr pierce ia held sacredly confidential and has tha most careful attention no testimonial letter is ever published nntil the written consent of its author has been given mrs mary b tewls of tanner llllnier co w va writes for fifteen years i snltered nn- tom misery 1 had given up all hope or ever til our lines thib year arc better than ever a few of which are mentioned below perfumery american english and french makers floods in handsome boxes kogcr gal eas ed pinauds atkinsons bibles and hymn books bettor valuo and larger assortment than ever before oflcrcd american and eng lish selections poets different styles and bizes see our pock et edition xmas cards and booklets the latest designs see our 1900 calen dars novelties celluloid goods fancy stationery hair brushes purses etc these are a lew of the useful and elegant goods we have secur ed for our customers call and see them we will be pleased tc show you anything of interest to you dhc mtii the right house established 1843 hamiltons favorite shopping place come and see our christmas decorations t his big store 13 all in holiday attire come and see ihc beautiful christ mas decorations we aecr hod so many things for christmas gifts as this year and theyre all good sensible glf is uselul things in reliable qual ities this is by far the best christmas shopping place within your reach corns and see the advantages of buying your christmas presents at this store will more than repay you for your time and expense coming and going a t brown mill st acton carman orchard yut sowinf ia the m mtpmh mhtalif i flmlldsmrd amptp tram on two mm will mm aonuhj ttee ti nsltwra ind to t mm noihldf nttarwrajs uiioncivtirntbxk illtutmtstlotvu tomo frm wriu ftv adl mruoaltn lvhi bbm co hoattml ja roohumr my ct thickfo hi ivl v lll vw for fifteen year i mfferea on- wd klveti up all hope of crer loonld not lie down to 1cp and wenrtliltyr i tc would 1mort emmp me to death wm twy ncrvow md conld timidly watk ftculaml ewyliw acrom the room only wijtttd ninety dounda when i commenced faltlnff iheaft raeatctaea i now welch one hundred and forty ponttda and ara havioff better health than erer before x have taken the fawrittt riwriptfoa the golden medical dfacomy and the felleu i take treat pleararela rccomraetidlnjr yoar medldtfe to tneatck fee know that frit had sot been tor them iwcjnld not hare been urtmg lootreesttoo aomnof uibbin arb fine grottttu 100 tmj fnmnltblu osucnrpliun bonrtv aod all itubchav atyoaraurre orswatpottimij onraodptoftttoa ywr motmy wrk if it fall arhttrlw htitjt jdoomeu hew flannelettes largo shipment of new flannelettes just received from the manufac turers in england we were for tunate in getting ia these at the prices which prevailed before the advance and they are therefore ery special value choice lot ol 1 neat striped designs 32 inches wide special at 8j o 12 and 15c new wrapperettes 20 pieces new wrapperettes in the very newest designs plaids stripes and checks for childrens wear waists and wrappers special at 13c 46o flannels for 30o a few choice patterns in trench flannels plaid spot and stripe designs regular 45c selling at 30c warm shawls single wool shawls reversible full size in oxford grey and seal brown ti75 very heavy single wool shawls in oxford grey and seal brown with check borders reversible 325 double wool shawls very heavy and warm in grey and black ranging from 300 up to foo for coats and capes splendid assortment of fur jackets in astrachan guaranteed qualities 30 and 36 inches long lined with good quilted satin or farmers satin at 3300 up to 1360 black astrachan capes 25 and 37 inches long lined with good blaclo satin at 92200 up to 92800 40o dress goods at 26c fancy dress materials 42 inches wide in shades of garnet brown purple green cardinal and blue in spot designs blister effects and repps regularly worth 40c reduced to 25c umbrellas- bargains 18 only mens black umbrellas withj various shaped handles formerly 50 to 75c each reduced to 35c ladles underwear ladies cotton vests fleece lined three qualities medium weight at 35c heavier at 50c very neavy at 85c shopping by mall we are always glad to send samples and prices on application and we pre pay the charges to any railway station in ontario on all mall orders amounting to 95 or oer thomas c watfcins king st east cor hughson st hamilton ol gents americans lace shoes in 5 widths a b c d e about 90 pairs to be sold at 260 they are goodyear welts box calf uppers neatly finished all new goods you oan see them in our window im ava i la au a the shoe man guelph 8 stores a jlehi jvbiurtisemcnts property for sale nlmukh ot farms nod vlllaso liroiiurly for sale on easy tonus apply to wm hembtltkbt aotou wanted a hustling uaii or firm to roiiroaeut tlio berlin mutual hro iniurauco co capital t600000iu aotoa add rem the makageil uerllu out agents ouk book ou fioutb africa and tbo uritlnh lioer war la a regular booauta for nguutu uloouomp book bolls ou alsbt outat free tmadleyaaitltlitbon co limited dram ford agents dreyfus i tho frliotior of devils ibihuu full itory of tba most remark ablo military trial and acaudal of tbo ago dig book wofl uluatratod aalla on light snap for canvaasors uilarleyoaimetson co limited iirantford wanted d0 rek day aura gentleman or lady ipccial b work position pormaneut roll ablo firm with beat raferancaa oxporiouco unnecessary addrcia b m fky field manager hamlltou palace barber shop h pur 11 of mr ii h wordeu i dealro to bolicit a continuance of tbo favori of all who bare lu tbo past riven use ahop their patronage i havto bad exporlenoo in tbs tonaorlal art and am prepared to give every natron aatlafao tlon wm dunfiel tenders wanted wanted tender for ctopploa 1000 cord a pf wood iu buab known aa kiuualrda iwamp lot iu 3rd hue eaquealog tendon may be for fall amount or not lota tbau 100 oorda terms caub when wood ii meaanred lu yardat limobouse or georgetown apply to wm newton llmobouie agents chiutttlan eodearor enwortb loaguo nud ii y v v vembara tight of lilt is a traaaara bouse of information we need clirls- uau man and women and others wbo desire to do good and make money to circulate this wondtrful book buadleygabuetbon colimltod brautfonl caretaker wanted applications for tbe position of carotakor of tba uettiodift church will be received by tbe secretary up to tuesday 20th december list of duties required to bo performed may bo eon at tbe vniik pbesh office applicants will stata salary desired for tbeir services tbo lowest or any applicant not nocauarily ac cepted thob t moobe secretary hoard of truateos dtry dec 6tb 1609 wanted agents in every district on tlio coutiuaut to take orders for high grade canadian crown xnraary stock and satods largoat and moat com pleta atssortment in tha trade laat aalliof epecialtiea superb samples furniaued bra oosrreapoiidaooa in any language those poaauona ara money makers and territory should bo aacored at onea for the aeaaon by all hustlers looartng for a good thing our salary or com- rnawnfi offet loterest to anyone not earning tuoo 00 par year utt in communication with oar naareat offlo an opportunity to reprcaeu t a wail establtabaiwl bouse ability more impor taut than aperisuco luke bbotheb8 company internationaluraerloa chicago iil montreal que boon eater n y executoh sale of valuable house and lots in acton ptjitbuant to tho instructions of tho exocu- tors of tbe awtate of the late samuel donny there will baaold by wm hematreet auction ear by public auction on saturday 10th dec on the premises at s oclock that very desirable residence on tho corner of mill and wellington streets in tho tturlriug tillage of aotou tbe groperty oomprlaea iota 4b and i9 in yon una array upon lot 49 la erected a comfortable elgbtroomiramo house of modem design hard and soft water good cellar good stablo a number of fruit trees tbe property is wott fenced and in or respect desirable for a flrat- olaaa realdenoe terms of sale made known upon application to tbo undersigned and will be announced od tbo day of aale lawbekoe ikuntelt executors actou deoember tb 1890 four parcels ot valuable property in acton for sale tbe following property belonging to mr patrick kellyr now of buffalo i offered for aale at low prices and easy terms pabouii tbaunne driek realdenoe and two iota oo tbe corner ot ohnrob and guelph streotu contains 8 roomobard and aolt water splondld orcbard ond good garden pabcex a good bolldlng lot 60x133 ou ouelpb street next to alex ramshaws new reeldenoa npon which is a young orchard pabcbu 8 tho store and dwelling on mill tract occupied by unruey bros who carry on a general business ia in spleudld location central and convenient pabosz 4 three apod building iota at tbe corner of young and hill btroets a splondld alto for a mannfautnrlug establishment owiug to its proximity to a t jfc depot for terms and particulars enquiro at tlio office w h denny young st actou notice to creditors of the estate of mrs eliza beth ismond late of the village of acton in the county of halton wife of william ismond erj deceased r grr op amllfariiaa f bars sold utaa ratirm us oar monty 190 and a agents ouk christmas books an roaav from aft oanu up vmir books axplajaad lu tamos also and isbmi owlort ttauias grass man orsal lavsouons an of ma mospsottu on is fsmoo also sad qi hvanss ol tba mloataaaui owlnr sovsrlss rngrass of nations avtry anas avani ofthmntorv if sou bava a alos asiliaa book or aataiaa la olbr asaoor bnslaaas vou loss msaav to soattana uses is tbs bast oppor tunity for making mow yon starjiad bl profit sasv tuns aa plan sat oar sfrsf sora iibadlbyaabbbtson oo urnltsd brnnttofd oatarl corn just arrived ist december for robert noble flour feed store we also keep always on hand korval flour pun manitoba all kinds of mill jteed and chop- pod grains bollsd oats split pews tins com meal qrttnam itour oraoksd wheat bto frank harris manager thorp selevator c t r station rockwood no open for the season highest prices paid for oat 8 peas barley wheat rye eto also on hand for sale flour feed flaxseed ouoake oatmeal corameid sulphur cattle balu eto horse and oatua hides bhsspeklns eto wanted coo j thorp oatlph jumira and jtoaktrooir grand trunk v prov fat stock and dairy 8how london ont deo uth to 15th inolulve beturn tickets at single firstclass fare will be laanod on 11th and ltth december 18 from all stations in ontario kingston and wast and on uth hth and utb deoom- lor from stations in ontario toronto weas and north tieketr valid retnrnlnf from ifoodon on or before dsoember 1mb low g for judges and exhibitors return tickets will ba issued at sin art e flrstclass fare for round trip on deoember tui to ljkhinolaate on surrender of certificate aimed by mr f w bodadon valid to return on or before 19th deor 1809 ticket and all information from arenta of grand trunk railway sretera h s bolmes agent aoton modiokson dirt passr- agt toronto pursuant to tbe statue lu tbat boualf notloe la bejmby given tbat all psraous having any claim against the estate of tlio said mrs hlisaneth iawuond who died ou or about the autb day of jane a d ibm are required to send by post prepaid or to otherwise deliver to jaa ii warren ot the aaid village of aotou executor of the aid estate on or before tbe twentyfirst day of decotnber a d 1809 a stato ment oontainlna tho name address and par tic ulars of their claima and ot the soourltios if any bold by them duly verified by atatutorj declaration and tajte notloe tbat after tbo jut mentioned data tbe aald exooutora will procood to distribute tho aeaeta of tho said decoasod among those entitled thereto bavlog regard only to tbe olalme of wbiob notloe shall baro bean reoelved as above required and that tlio executors will not be liable for tba said assets or any part tfaereol oo dlatrlbuted to any poraon or persons of whose claim thoy shall not theu havo bad notice j ii warken ubobgh havill executors dated the 90th day of november a d 1893 8pelght fc brady manufacturers of dthamos mubotbio motors wjltmmmotok8 oas xtfanm tintsi mox casrnrasto onvbt repairing promptly done oeoracetown ont iaewaf auction sale of tim ber berths dbfartment of crown lanus woods and forests branch toronto nov lit 1399 xfotice la hereby given that under xi authority of order in council timber berths as hereunder mentioned in the algoma mipissing and rainy river districts vlr the townships of bowell foy harty lumbden ryan and part of moncribfp in tha district of alooha the township ol norman part of cafrhol berth mo davis and ihonorlh part of the township of widdifibld all in the district of nifissino and certain small anas in the district of rainy riven will be offered for sale by public auction at tho department of crown lands toronto at ths hour of one oclock p ra on wed nesday the twentieth day of december nexl sheets containing conditions and terms of sale with information as to areas lois and concessions comprised to each berth will be furnished on application personally or by letter to tho department of crown lands or to the crown timber offices at ottawa and rat postage e j davis ftmmitiioser c cream land n b no unauthorised publication of this advertisement will be paid for

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